Home Locks Removal of the ERG Ford valve. EFR valve effect on engine operation How to understand that the valve is faulty

Removal of the ERG Ford valve. EFR valve effect on engine operation How to understand that the valve is faulty

Programmatically plugged EMP Ford Transit Connect 1.8 TDCI. Release car 2010. Diesel engine 1.8 liters, with a capacity of 110 hp The diagnostics has shown one error in the P0409 engine - exhaust recycling (EGR) - a malfunction of the electrical circuit.

Reading and editing firmware

For Ford Transit Connect 1.8 TDCI Installed engine control Siemens SID 206, read and write firmware through diagnostic connector CMD Flash licensed flashaker. The feature of the Siemens control blocks is the complexity of disabling errors in the USR and so that during diagnostics in the future there is no "zero" malfunction code P0000 or P167F.
We met cars with the disabled EGR and the "hanging" error P0000, while the machine was in emergency mode. Or another case, when the engine errors did not appear at all in any malfunctions.
Difficulty when editing Siemens files occurs due to lack of error masks location logic. To find the necessary, it is necessary to disassemble the firmware that we have done using Ida Pro. Only in this case it is possible to remove the errors and turn off the emergency mode of operation of the engine only when the USR is malfunction, while the P0000 and P167F will never appear. In addition, we closed the valve at the program level, although in the absence of nutrition, the USR is always closed with a return spring.

The result of the disconnection of the USR

Fix physically valve required, because Initially, it does not depend in the open position, which is due to a large amount of soot in the intake manifold or malfunction of the EGR mechanism (for example, the gears are checked). The engine has come out of the emergency mode of operation, errors valve Erg. not. About the pros and cons of disconnecting valve EGR. You can read on our website.

The performance of the work took 1 hour.

Caring for the environment is constantly gaining popularity with the trend among automakers and, of course, Ford could not stay aside. For reducing toxicity exhaust gases This car corresponds to a specially designed system for recycling exhaust gases, and its main element is the EGR valve.

How does it work and when is the replacement of the EGR valve for Ford transit?

The main task of the recirculation system is to reduce the combustion temperature of fuel, which has a very positive effect on the level of toxicity of exhaust gases, significantly reducing it.

The principle of operation of the system consists of the following - exhaust gases from the exhaust manifold partially submitted not to exhaust pipeand directly in the intake. Especially their number increases if the engine works on small revolutions. As their number increases, the valve gradually reduces the supply of exhaust gases into the intake manifold.

Finding into the collector, the exhaust gases are mixed with oxygen, reducing the content of the latter in the mixture incoming in the engine - thus the combustion temperature is determined significantly reduced.

The second function of this element is the neutralization of nitrogen oxides, which without it constitute a substantial part of the gas circulating. Holding down microparticles, the valve also reduces the content of soot in the exhaust gases. This is especially important for cars with diesel engineswhere in a similar way it is possible to reduce this indicator at once by 10%.

Types of EGR valves on Ford Transit

On the this car Use two types of data elements. They can be:

  • electropneumatic;
  • electronic.

From what exactly the type of valve is used in the recirculation system on your transit depends on what european Standard It will correspond to the exhaust of your car. In the first case, it will be Euro-2 and Euro-3, and in the second - Euro-4 and Euro-5.

For both species, the service life declared by the manufacturer is from 60 to 100,000 mileage kilometers, but the realities of our country make substantial adjustments.

Pindly fuel clogs the valve of the soot much faster than the specified period and, accordingly, it completely ceases to perform its functions.

How to understand that the valve is faulty?

There is a fairly wide range of signs about possible problems in the work of this element:

  • motor begins to work unstable at idle;
  • when the car accelerates, the smoothness disappears, the movement is carried out by jerks;
  • the engine is hard to start;
  • fuel consumption with other unchanging parameters increases.

Of course, any of the above features can talk about a fairly broad spectrum of engine troubleshooting and fuel systemTherefore, the malfunction of the recirculation system can only be detected from the field of careful diagnosis.

The indication to its conduct often served on dashboard control lamp. Another symptom, with the appearance of which it costs to hurry with diagnostic work - the appearance size smoke From the exhaust pipe, which is clearly talking about problems in the recycling of transit gases.

Valve EGR on Ford Transit: change or jerk?

When the diagnostics reveals that this element has failed, the question arises before the car owner, to drain or replace the USR valve. It is important to understand that the plug is, of course possible, but the optimal parameters of the work can be achieved only when the valve is replaced and correctly adjusted. If the car's fuel system will be dried, but many of the necessary indicators will fall significantly.

Other important moment - For the health of the valve, the USR must monitor and replace it in a timely manner. An incorrectly working valve inflicts your car and environment much greater damage than muffled.

How to replace the valve EGR in the car service?

The cost of this element on Ford transit is quite high, and it is easy to damage it in the installation process, so it is better to trust this procedure to professionals.

After replacing the valve, the fuel system operating settings must be monitored and adjustable if necessary.

If this operation is ignored, what that is why it is not possible to replace the USR valve independently without special equipment - it is necessary to contact the service and carefully select the wizards you will trigger the execution of this task.

The timely and correct replacement of the EGR valves provides the optimal mode of operation of the engine and the fuel system and allows the machine to meet the adopted exhaust gas cleaning standards even after many years that have passed since its purchase, which is especially important if you make foreign trips on it.

Ford Transit Connect. LWB, 1.8 TDCI, 110 hp \u003e Logbook\u003e Valve Erg Ford Tornoo Connect. (part 1)

Winged me with a used collector for tests with a valve EGR. What happened to this node and why it was dismantled, it is not clear. Tipo Valve jammed, but the donor was not sure here.
Outside the node is a whole, without damage.

In any holes there are dense impositions of washes and a little frosted soot, places width over 2mm. Terrible growths, as on some photos on the web, no.

The Valve Erp is starting to disassemble from the plastic electronic part with a chip. First unscrew the 4 screws on the lid. Everything was unscrewed and the lid was completely disconnected. Sntrut everything is unrepressed as new, rubber gasket whole. Any violations have not been identified.

Now I take off the iron electro-mechanical part. Also 4 screws. Unscrewed and disconnected the node unhindered. In the photo it is clear that in this part there is an electric motor who scrolls the gear to the gear, and that again opens differently it closes himself valve EGR installed non-removable in the collector housing. No visible defects here node also not found.

Note valve EGR and intake tract Ford Connect 1,8TD

Error P0489. We restore performance valve Egrr. (USR) on Ford Connect. 1.8 turbo diesel. Via.

Ford Transit Connect Great Valve Erg.

The process of eliminating the accounting system of exhaust gases EGR.

The rod in the valve strolls suddenly simply, and no jail. Why someone once considered it faulty, I have no idea.
However, since I partly dismantled him, I will bring it to the logical end - to remove the span valve, clean the collector, etc. But it will be tomorrow-day after tomorrow, this fact will be written as follows.

Ford Transit Connect. 2008, Diesel engine 1.8 l., 110 liters. s., Front drive, mechanical transmission gear - repair on your own


And where is the next reason part?

There is no 2-part yet, since I have not graduated from this epopeus. Lies half-welded, expects when I have time to appear. I will do - I will certainly share information. And in general, there is not particularly cleaning, it is not easy, of course in the network about this information.

Muck and samovar threw. The flow fell to the norm, the smoke disappeared. Check does not flame, because The servo of the USR was not a bedridden and the grounds for the appearance of the mistake of the brain, he does not give. Even on theoretical level, the USR can have an impact on consumption only negatively when it is incorrect. As the secondary distillation of waste can be favorably affected by consumption - as. However, get a portion of the soot back into the cylinders and the mud to the inlet, this engine helps perfectly. On the UAZ, I also muffled again. And purely in the collector, and there are no failures in the works.

What is EGR?
EGR - exhaust gas recirculation system. From the name it is clear that with its work this system returns part of the exhaust gases from the exhaust in the intake manifold. The main task of the system is to reduce the exhaust toxicity in the warm-up modes and the sharp acceleration of the engine, which works on these modes on the enriched fuel mixes. In general, nothing complicated, but for some reason this system complicates the life of many engaged in the repair of cars so much.
First of all, consider the composition of the system:
1) The main part is the EGR valve. Provides gases from the exhaust to the intake manifold. Due to permanent contact with grilled gases - the least living part of the system. The main, it is the most important malfunction - leakage. IN different modifications EGR systems can be controlled as electrically (most of the GM cars) and pneumatically (the bulk of cars).
2) EGR solenoid. Used in valve pneumatic systems. The main fault is the same as for the valve - a leaky and at work of the engine affects the same way as as a result we also get an EGR open valve.
3) EGR valve valve stem position sensor / EGR valve discovery sensor. It happens that it breaks, but besides the tanned engine malfunction lamp, no unpleasant consequences are observed.
4) Engine control unit.
Different systems can have a different set of components, but the total is the EGR valve. Consider how its faults are affected by the engine. I already wrote that the main malfunction is leakage and it provides additional air seats in the intake manifold.
As a result, we have:
In engines with air flow meter (MAF-sensor) - depletion of the fuel mixture caused by the presence of an unrecorded air maf.
In engines with pressure sensor (MAP sensor) - enrichment of the fuel mixture caused by an increase in pressure in the intake manifold.
In the engines using both methods of control over the amount of air (due to the significant error of the MAF sensor with a low flow through the sensor), we have idle proceedings and a sharp depletion in transient modes (Japanese cars are the brightest examples).
And in all cases due to reducing the amount of oxygen in the air entering into the engine, the combustion of the fuel mixture in the engine cylinders is disturbed. In general, the dependence is very complicated and for this malfunction of the EGR system on different models cars showed in different ways. The number of exhaust gases arriving in the intake manifold (i.e., the opening of the EGR valve), the overall state of the engine (wear of the spark plugs, problems fuel pump or accuracy fuel injectors, Rotation frequency and engine load. Are you curious as the state of the fuel system affects the symptoms of the nonsense? The fact is that any engine control unit has a program on which it seeks to stabilize the frequency of revolutions idle move and the composition of the fuel mixture. And the magnitude of the degree of discovery / closing executive mechanism idling speed control systems and injection time duration have completely intuitive limits. When the control unit is able to stabilize the idle course, in transient modes, it will not cope with the necessary correction of the composition of the mixture, so as pressing the accelerator pedal will lead to an increase in pressure in the graduation range and increase the amount of exhaust gas applicants that do not contain the necessary combustion oxygen. At this stage, all this will worsen the accelerated dynamics of the car, the appearance of failures and jerks when moving. But then the picture of the fault will be changed. The fact is that the split gases interacting with the oil mist in the intake manifold (if you forget where it comes from there, I will remind you about the crankcase ventilation system, the PCV valve will lead to the enhancement of nagarization on the internal parts of the collector, nagar deposits on intake valves, increased contamination of the exterior The parts of the fuel injector sprayers and the appearance of the soot on the insulators of the spark plugs. All this will affect the starting characteristics of the engine and unstable idle speed, and it is possible both jamming and ignition passing and swinging. With a sharp pressing of gas, it is possible to appear flashes in the intake manifold. If at this stage, do not pay attention to the car, then very soon idle breaks at all, or its value will exceed all the permissible limits. And on machines with automatic transmission, the high size of the idle course will lead to a breakdown of the box.
What to do with it? In any manuals for repair and maintenance it is written that the EGR system has a limited resource. Ideally, it is necessary to replace all components of the system when running 70-100 thousand kilometers, however, this is true with quite high-quality fuel. FROM Russian gasoline I could recommend that you replace all components when running 50,000 kilometers. Although in the conditions of the crisis for many it is unrealistic.
What to do to those who cannot afford the acquisition of expensive components, or does not have the ability to purchase the necessary parts. Council One - timely service of the system will extend its service life. What can you have in it and need to serve?
First of all the EGR valve itself. It is necessary to clean the saddle and the valve stem to ensure the tight closure and freedom of the valve stroke. To do this, it is very convenient to use a liquid for cleaning the carburetor in the aerosol packaging. However, we are attentive to enter the fluid on the diaphragm may cause its destruction, since the substances included in the aerosol decompose the rubber.
Secondly, the EGR solenoid (if available). As a rule, contains a small filter to protect the vacuum system from falling into it. It is this filter that needs to be cleaned.
Well, that's the whole list of elements in need of periodic maintenance. By the way, this service is capable of returning many systems to life. Many - but not all.
Is it possible to turn off the system and normalize the engine operation? It is possible, it is enough to cut out of a thin fuster gasket under the EGR valve without cutting holes for the passage of gases. Carefully look at the valve if the rod protrudes for the planting plane, do the hole below it. That's all, but I immediately want to upset the owners of many Fords - the EGR health control system will definitely lit MIL. So you have to put up with a burning light bulb on the dashboard. Chrysler and GM owners are easier - with such a disconnection, the lamp does not light up

Cars Ford, like the rest of the European, American machines, from the conveyor are equipped with a system of additional purification of exhaust gases. To do this, the EGR valve is installed under the hood of the car. This is due to the international requirements of the ECO commissions.

However, after 5 years of operation vehicleThe Valve EGR comes into disrepair. The cleaning system is clogged with soot and triggers the opposite effect. The exhaust valve EGR, scored by the soot, the system no longer cleans the exhaust gases, but on the contrary throws into the atmosphere through the machine exhaust pipe even more "dirt". Due to the spoiled valve, the USR exhaust becomes black, which is why pollution occurs ambient, And the car loses its potential properties - the speed is dropped, the engine is clogged, it is nervously held turns, a number of systems can turn off at all, and the "Check" error light lights up on the driver's dashboard.

It is possible to solve this problem in the Ford machines only by competent removal of the USR valve, a small system adjustment, as well as a special firmware of the electronic control unit.

Removing EGR, flashing ECU on Ford

On the vehicles of the Ford (as in many other foreign cars), the removal of the USR valve must be accompanied by reprogramming the electronic engine control unit (ECU). This is explained by the fact that all electronic elements under the hood so or other intersect with the ECU, the electrical panel is closed, and the program installed by manufacturers directly interact with each sensor or device, and the EGR valve is not an exception.

Thus, if you just find the EPR valve under the hood, cut it and then connect the exhaust system directly, the engine of this "will not understand." According to the installed program, the ECU will still contact valve Egrr., look for information about its condition, read data from an oxygen sensor, etc. Accordingly, the error will not disappear anywhere, the engine and exhaust system Anyway will work incorrectly. And the absence of an EGR valve with a non-remote error in the ECU can lead to more disastrous consequences and deterioration of the engine!

Professional Removal of Valve ERG

Masters of car service Hepesty in Ramenskoye (near Moscow, Lyuberts, Zhukovsky) are professionally engaged in reprogramming electronic components. In the service center, experts competently remove the USR valve for Ford, and then reflash the electronic unit Control. From the memory of the Ford computer simply deletes information about EGR and the sensors associated with it, and the system is electronically adjusted so that the exhaust gases will no longer be sent through system EGRAnd they will go directly to the exhaust through the subsequent filters.

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