Home Engine Homemade injector washing machine. How to rinse the injector nozzles with your own hands. Work of dirty nozzles

Homemade injector washing machine. How to rinse the injector nozzles with your own hands. Work of dirty nozzles

Most car owners with injector engines Start worried if the machine behaves suspiciously. The first alarming bells - the motor strategly shakes on idling. Cotton is heard, the tachometer arrow can arbitrarily twitch up and down. Then it is felt that when moving the car is no longer so sharply accelerated, and fuel from the tank as if it disappears. Many continue to ride and put up with the unsatisfactory condition of the car. Worse when the engine shakes so that the vibrations go through the car body. Such a malfunction is difficult not to notice. But experienced motorists Know - Washing the injector would quickly eliminate the problem and led the motor into a healthy state.
The cause of violations in the operation of the motor is pollution of the fuel supply system. Dust, sand, water that fall into the tank is easily delayed fuel filter. But after its replacement, the situation may not change. Then confidently diagnose the pollution of the injectors and the intake manifold.

When the injector is needed

How contaminants appear. At first, the resins are seen on the details of the motor, it is not burnt fuel and impurities. Then the precipitate is oxidized and becomes a solid layer on the details. If you refuse to clean the injection, then problems in the operation of the motor will only increase: high wear mechanisms will appear, the enhanced formation of coke and nagar will appear, the catalyst will experience an excessive load, fails, etc.
Even the thin varnish layer of 0.005 mm reduces the effectiveness of the injectors by 20% or more. The nature of the torch is changing: its shape and size. Sprayers lose hermeticity, from which injection control starts working with failures. From this we see the failures on idling and increased flow Fuel.
The quality of fuel, extreme weather conditions, long-term downtime in traffic jams make the process of forming contaminants with lightning times.
You should know, there are other possible problems: fuel filter, pump, fuel grid. These contaminated parts interfere with the normal operation of the engine. Prevention must be carried out every 20-30 thousand km.
Clear the engine can be independently. To do this, you will need special equipment and liquid for washing the injector nozzles. Choose a suitable means is easy. Today funds are popular in the market russian manufacturer LAVR and European funds. Before you choose a drug, see the video than the compositions are different.

How to rinse the injector with your own hands

The tools for washing the nozzles qualitatively delete deposits in the system. To carry out a procedure, a special pneumatic station is necessary. Such equipment can be freely bought in Russia. Today there are pneumatic stations of domestic and Chinese production. If there is no need to constantly apply such equipment, wash the injector can be carried out in car services that offer a service. The price of it will be from 1500 to 4000 rubles, depending on the car and the region of residence.
You can try to assemble the station yourself. At the same time you need to know that washing with homemade stations is dangerous. Washing fluids flammable easier than fuel. Therefore, avoid leakage of fluid. Once on the exhaust collector of the heated engine, the liquid will instantly ignore. Such a procedure can cost you not only a car, but life and health.

Required injector washing kit:

  • fuel conductive hose (1.5 m);
  • clamps (2 pieces);
  • cylinder with pressure gauge 1 l;
  • hook for hanging a cylinder;
  • hose bunkering hose (in order to drown in reverse highway);
  • adapters for connecting to fuel ramp;
  • compressor;
  • 1 l liquid on a capacity of up to 2 liters.

When the station is connected, the system looks like a hospital dropper. Washing nozzles does not require greater experience. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions for connecting and washing. Here is a list of actions how to mount the station to work.

Installation of washing station

Menten oil and spark plugs after using the LAVR injection washing fluid is not necessary. Therefore, immediately start the engine and make a test check in. In the first kilometers, the way to improve the operation of the motor will be felt.

How to choose flushing lavr

LAVR offers two flushing for petrol engines And one for diesel.

In order not to wait for the appearance of the symptoms of the engine malfunction, plan the prevention every 20-30,000 km of mileage. We recommend doing flushing before winter season - For confident launch in frost, or in the spring - for lifting power and speakers.

On the majority modern cars Injector is installed as an injection system. The fuel system itself contains a series in its composition. various devices. In particular, the injectors correspond to the fuel in the cylinders. In fact, it is an element transmitting a fuel mixture, it has a small hole and a needle valve. Various impurities that are contained in automotive fuel, with time form a kind of tax, which subsequently leads to clogging of the fuel system.

Signs of pollution of the injector

With the problem of a polluted injector, every car owner is faced sooner or later. After all, despite the fact that the nodule itself is quite reliable, there is nothing eternal, and exploitation as practice shows, far from ideal laboratory conditions. Therefore, the system contamination is a natural process that depends on a large number of factors. In particular, this is:

  • Natural pollution process. Even if the system will work exclusively on pure and high-quality fuel, deposits will not be avoided, because the composition of gasoline contains many chemicals and including heavy components that settle on the walls of the elements.
  • Poor-quality fuel. In low quality gasoline, impurities are made at times more, sometimes water can even be present, small sand, rust flakes, etc. Not everything is chipped by a fuel filter, and as a consequence, much settles on the walls of the nozzles, reducing their bandwidth.
  • Other factors. The age of the car can have a serious effect on the fuel system, and in particular, mud deposits affect the fuel tank. A negative role is played by short-term trips on an immentable engine or long-term operation of a motor at idle. This significantly speeds up the process of sediment.

Determine that nozzles require cleaning possible by the following features:

  • Increased fuel consumption. It is not possible to notice this. The deposits arise gradually, and accordingly, the flow will also increase far away.
  • There are problems with the start of the engine, it may be especially noticeable in cold weather.
  • At idle, the engine begins to work unstable, "Troit", float turns even on a heated motor.
  • When the car moves, the failures are manifested, especially this is noticeable with intensive driving and sharply pressing the gas pedal.
  • Reducing the speed of overclocking, power loss, detonation can appear in the engine and characteristic cotton in the exhaust system.
  • Pollution in nozzles affects the state oxygen sensors And provokes their premature failure.
  • Pass appear when the mixture is ignited in the cylinders, which subsequently provokes a breakdown of spark plugs, high-voltage wires, coils, etc.

How to clean the nozzles?

Producing nozzles possible as a specialized station maintenanceAnd do it yourself. However, in the second case, some preparation and a basic set of special tools will be required. Consider the process of cleaning the nozzles in more detail.

Preparations for washing

Naturally, specialized auto chemicals are actively produced to implement this procedure, which can be divided into the following categories:

  • Means that are designed to clean the nozzles by direct contact. To use such liquids, the nozzle will be removed from the engine.
  • The so-called additives that are added to the fuel are much easier to apply such mixtures, because you actually do not need to remove the nozzles, cleaning will be done directly during the operation of the car.

Thanks to application special Tools It may be possible to achieve the following results:

  • All nozzle channels can be cleaned, and removes deposits accumulated in the cavities.
  • Significantly reduced fuel consumption and the engine power rises.

Equipment for self-cleaning

In specialized workshops for cleaning nozzles, a special stand is used. By itself, acquire professional equipment For garage use is not appropriate. Therefore, motorists

Tools for washing

machine equipment for washing nozzles from undergraduates. In particular, the following will be needed:

  • Plastic two-liter bottle
  • Rubber hose for about two meters
  • Two nipples from tubeless rubber
  • Clamps for fastening hoses, terminals and other little things
  • Pump for fluid with pressure gauge

Of course, the finished system is quite simple and even primitive, but in some cases it is not inferior to professional equipment.

Step-by-step instruction independent washing

There are somewhat very effective ways Cleaning nozzles, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider every wash method in more detail.


Fuel system - one of the most important elements The car, and for the trouble-free operation of the vehicle, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the state of the system and produce periodic prophylactic cleaning.

- The key to reliable and economical engine operation. The most serious consequences (up to the impossibility of running the motor) may occur from clogging intojectors. For emergency situations, as well as in order not to spend money in car services, it is worth knowing how to clean the nozzles with your own hands.

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It is no secret that most of the modern drivers still at the stage of the driving school pay too little time to study the general principles of the work of the components and aggregates of the car or generally ignore this part of the training course. In this regard, for many there will be an urgent topic of this article.

So, the nozzle, or as it is also called is part of the injection system injector gasoline and diesel engines. The device's task is sprayed fuel to form a fuel and air mixture in the intake manifold or combustion chamber. According to injection methods, four types of nozzles differ: mechanical, electromagnetic, piezoelectric, hydraulic. but general principles work I. fundamental device For all species remains the same.

In the upper part of the nozzle under certain pressure comes fuel. It passes through the inner channel and then when opening the valve is sprayed through the outlet. The better the spray, the more uniform and better the fuel and air mixture is obtained. In the process of operation, the hole gradually overcomes with various resinous sediments, as a result of which the spraying occurs worse.

Instead of fog, trickles are obtained, which are very poorly mixed with air. As a result, the engine begins to work with interruptions. To resume the normal operation of the nozzles, you need to return the outlet of their initial bandwidth. In particularly launched cases to remove deposits that can completely overlap the outlet, the injectors ultrasound cleaning. This procedure is possible in the presence of special equipment and is quite expensive. Therefore, even in car services offered washing nozzles and other methods of cleaning them, which are quite accessible in home-garage conditions.

How to determine that nozzles need to be cleaned

In general, experts advise this operation every 30,000 mileage kilometers. Especially with the quality of fuel in domestic gas stations. Here are the main signs that the nozzles clogged:

  • it is difficult to start the engine;
  • After starting the motor;
  • the engine power is lost, the pickup is worse;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • motor problems during overclocking;

Such symptoms do not appear immediately, progress gradually and distinctly noticeable when middle Mileage It has already begun to reach about 100,000 kilometers. However, the worse fuel quality and the overall condition of the system, the earlier it happens.

How to clean the nozzles yourself

In different drivers, the technique of self-cleaning nozzles at home can be somewhat different. It all depends on technical capabilities and free time. However, in any case, there are some identical moments. First, it will take a special fluid that can chemically remove resinous sediments. Secondly, the nozzles will have to be removed and then put back. And finally, thirdly, the compulsory trigger will be required. electromagnetic valve inside the device.

  1. The first method (very common). Support keys (to dismantle nozzles), two wires with terminals at the ends and cleaning fluid. To begin with, as already mentioned, nozzles need to be removed. Typically, drivers remove the fuel ramp, and then remove the nozzles from it. The degree of contamination of each of them can be evaluated by the naked eye. One of the wires is connected one of the ends to car battery, and the other (with the terminal) to the contact on the nozzle. The second wire is connected only to the nozzle. It is connected to a cleaner cylinder through the inlet. Often they do directly, but some drivers prefer to do it through a piece of fuel hose. Next, holding the nozzle with one hand, you need to push the cylinder sprayer so that the liquid for cleaning the nozzles began to be injected into the inside. At the same time, it is necessary to close the second wiring on the battery, leading to the electromagnetic mechanism of the valve. Some wizards make it directly, while others perform the procedure, for example, through a light bulb (to reduce the voltage supplied to the nozzle). Opening the valve should be 2-3 seconds. The procedure is carried out until good fluid spraying is achieved.
  2. The second method reminds the procedure in the car service. For him, you will have to collect the booth to clean the nozzles from the remedies. There are many options on the Internet. The main difference between them is the materials used. In any case, his work will be similar to the work of the factory setting. The principle and the main advantage is that all four nozzles are simultaneously processed at once. In addition, it is possible to compare sputtering and achieve the same torch.
  3. The third method is to restore normal work Nozzles without their removal. That is, right on the engine. This will require a flushing cylinder that is easy to make yourself from a two-liter plastic bottle. From the side of the Punchka drills a hole under the nipple. A air compressor with a pressure gauge will be connected here. From the cover side, the hose is mounted for connecting to the fuel ramp. To clean the nozzle without removing the engine, you need to fill a special fluid to clean the nozzles in the flushing cylinder. Then connect the cylinder to the system, disconnecting the pre-fuel pump. After you need to start the engine and turn on the fluid feed compressor. And when it fully produces, collect everything back. The minus of this procedure lies in the impossibility of visually evaluating the degree of contamination of nozzles, nor the degree of their purification, nor the quality of spraying of fuel.
  4. The fourth method is very effective, but also the most difficult. It is used in the most launched cases of contamination of the nozzle. We are talking about ultrasound. It will require an ultrasonic bath for cleaning nozzles that can be assembled independently. Find the assembly scheme on the Internet will not be difficult. The minus lies in the fact that knowledge of physics, experience and skills are required.
  5. The fifth way should be considered only preventive. It lies in the fill of special fluids in fuel tankThrough what is cleaning both the entire system and nozzles. This cleaning is carried out directly during the engine operation. However, it should be remembered that in this case the mechanical pollution of the injectors filters is possible.

That in the end

In all cases, cleaning the nozzles with their engine removal in car services strongly recommend replacing filters thin cleaning and all sealing gum. Practice shows that filters in some cases can not be changed, and the gum will sufficiently lubricate with silicone lubricant.

As can be seen, with regular caring for the car, it is possible to clean the nozzles in the conditions of its own garage. You can do this in several ways, and in all of them, in addition to ultrasound, a means for cleaning the nozzles of a gasoline or diesel engine will be required.

The composition is usually purchased in stores selling fuel and lubricants. Note that the cleansing agents of the specified type are rather aggressive and flammable, so it is recommended to work in protective gloves, as well as take care of the eye.

Read also

Signs of malfunction and checking injector nozzles without dismantling. Diagnostics of power supply nozzles, performance analysis. Tips and recommendations.

  • Why and when you need to wash the engine power system. How to wash the engine fuel system yourself: gasoline and diesel engine.
  • Many drivers, especially beginners, are wondering if it is possible effective flushing Injector with your own hands or you need to contact the service station, that is, to knowing specialists. The answer to this question depends on many factors, but in most cases independent cleaning the nozzles is not a special problem.

    For independent work There is some preparation. It is necessary to know your car well enough so as not to make fatal errors.

    You also need to be stocking appropriate devices, tools and chemicals, to get advice from specialists, carefully examine the instructions, both in the car and to the washing liquid. After that, you can already start cleaning.

    It should be noted that the cleaning of nozzles with their own hands is quite popular. The main stimulus of the demand of such a way of self-care for its own vehicle is a fairly high cost of work.

    The justified desire to save leads to the search for other ways to solve the problem, rather than contacting the maintenance station.

    But here you need to pay attention to the other side of the question. Incorrect cleaning can pour out the need to buy a new set of nozzles, which can cost tens of thousands of rubles.

    When is it necessary to clean the nozzles?

    The injector is a fuel injection system. This is a rather complicated unit. Depending on the case, it includes a control system, pressure regulators, as well as a set, in its composition, in addition to electric gas station. different sensors To measure the parameters of fuel, inlet air and other objects.

    A significant disadvantage of the injector is that when using poor-quality fuel, it is quickly clogged and works inefficiently. Then the question arises about the cleaning of the injector.

    Depending on the characteristics of the injection system and the fuel used, its cleaning is recommended or after each 20 thousand kilometers Run, or more.

    But there are a number of signs that indicate that the injector cleaning is already necessary. These are these signs:

    • fuel consumption has become more;
    • the engine fails to reach full power;
    • from the muffler goes down the air;
    • engine operation at idle is uneven;
    • engine starts harder than usual;
    • candles are dirty.

    Of course, the reasons for the deterioration of the engine can be quite a lot. If there are doubts, it is natural that it is better to refer to the specialists, to the maintenance station.

    Preparations for washing the injector

    Fluid for washing nozzles should be chosen carefully and unmistakably. If the choice is incorrect, then, as mentioned above, you will have to buy new nozzles, and all attempts to save on the cost of work will be in vain.

    The most commonly used injection washing liquid is Wynn's. . The means that is called Vince in everyday life is considered potent.

    It is most suitable for cases when the injector pollution is very large, and the nagar was formed on the flaps and combustion chambers. Experts recommend using this preparation for enough old cars.

    For new cars, Vince is undesirable, and in many cases may not be just harmful, it may cause large unplanned costs. In any case, the candles will have to change exactly.

    A drug Liqui Moly. On the contrary, the candles will save, they do not have to change them. But this liquid for cleaning the nozzles is absolutely not suitable in order to remove the net from the valves.

    What is good in Liqui Moly. - This is the versatility of its use. It is not terrible for nozzles.

    Washing fluid Lavr in the nature of the impact on the injection system resembles Wynn's.. But its main drawback is the cost. Due to the high price, both professionals and lovers are rarely used by the laurel.

    The market offers a huge amount of brands of washing liquids for injection systems. It should be remembered that their careful choice is especially important.

    Equipment for self-purification of the injector

    To use most reasonable stand for washing nozzles. It is difficult to say whether it makes sense to buy factory production equipment. It costs it quite expensive, for periodic work this acquisition is hardly justified.

    But the equipment for washing the injector without removing the nozzles can be made and independently, mostly in fact from the primary materials. To do this, you will need:

    Of course, the installation of such components will be too simple, but it works, in some cases no less efficient than industrial equipment.

    You can purchase a ready-made system, or lend it from familiar. After you managed to determine how to rinse the injector nozzles at home, it is necessary to start the cleaning process.

    Washing nozzles with your own hands, video:

    Chemical cleaning of the injector

    To methods of chemical injection cleaning, not only the use of the liquids described above can be attributed. Exist, for example, special fuel additiveswhich to some extent clean the nozzles and remove the nagar from the valves. But it is rather a prophylactic agent, with severe pollution it is not very effective.

    Flushing nozzles without removal from the engine consists of a certain number of steps.

    Specialists argue that high-quality flushing The injector allows to significantly reduce fuel consumption. Probably, the creation of fuel consumption will be more correct. Anyway, the possibility of substantial savings of gasoline or diesel fuel Available.

    Independent flushing of diesel nozzles is carried out in an absolutely the same method as washing gasoline. Completely described above home-made installation, and the work algorithm too. Of course, cleaning diesel nozzles requires a thorough selection of washing fluid and a certain accuracy in operation.

    Alone the nozzles can also be washed, removing them from the engine. To do this, there is a special spray, and the cleaning unit differs from the above described.

    In this way, rinse the injector with your own hands, and quite efficiently, but it is a longer, and more complex process.

    Self cleaning nozzles, video:

    Cleaning nozzles in ultrasonic baths

    The ultrasonic bath for cleaning nozzles is quite expensive equipment, they use only at maintenance stations.

    The nozzles must be removed from the engine and put in such a bath. There they are cleaned using cavitation effect. The process of cleaning multistage. After the first stage, the quality of the cut and the level of performance is checked on a special stand.

    Then another washing, followed by another check, and so before reaching the desired result. One of the readiness criteria for nozzles to further operation is a small difference in their performance. It should be no more than one or three percent.

    After the washing in the ultrasonic bath is successfully completed, the sealing filters and rings are to be replaced if there is a need.

    Like all processes, washing the injectors ultrasound has its pros and cons.

    One of the main advantages of this method of cleaning the injector is the ability to remove very strong contaminants. Where liquid flushing simply does not help, ultrasound may well cope.

    But this method is far from all. It happens that nozzles are not washed. Especially often it happens if water fell into the fuel tank or the car has not been operated for a long time. At the maintenance station, in this case, will be offered checking nozzles on the stand to determine, you can still use them, or should be replaced.

    Often reviews about cleaning nozzles ultrasound are negative. The grounds for this are available when the maintenance stations officers incorrectly determined the method of cleaning the injector. It may well be that flushing in an ultrasonic bath nozzles from a sufficiently released car can be effective.

    At the same time, the use of such a potent means to relatively new products can lead to sad results. Nozzles can simply fall apart.

    The quality of ultrasonic cleaning nozzles depends on the set of factors. This is the selection of equipment than it is modern, the better. It is also a selection of fluid, which is filled with ultrasound baths.

    But the main thing is still it remains human factor. Qualification of technical service station staff, as well as their conscientious work and will determine the quality of cleaning the injector ultrasound.

    To disassemble how to rinse nozzles at the proper level and with due quality, not so difficult, if it comes to the technical side of the issue. Selection of materials for installation, assembly of the installation itself and its use is usually not called questions. They are fully held, especially for those who know how to use conventional tools from the driver's kit.

    When there is a need for cleaning the injector, it is also necessary to determine its method. Experienced specialists recommend applying liquid ( chemical) Cleaning when there are no particular problems with the operation of the engine. That is, there is no failures at idle, the level of cloghood is not so big.

    Washing fluid with a little pollution will easily cope, and will also benefit the engine, removing the nagar from the valves. In general, liquid flushing can be considered rather prevention than effective cleaning. Moreover, it is possible to determine the results of such a cleaning only by indirect features.

    If the problems of the car are quite complicated, the level of pollution is high, the engine works out of hand badly - it is necessary to start with diagnostics. Here, most likely, it's about independent cleaning The injector does not go.

    Specialists at maintenance stations must check all systems, determine the causes of faults and determine how to eliminate them, among which or ultrasonic, or chemical cleaning of the injector can be proposed.

    Most modern cars are equipped with an injection fuel injection system by means of nozzles. The principle of operation of such a fuel system is very simple, but vulnerable to different fuel pollution. Therefore, periodically there is a need for flushing nozzles and all the fuel line.

    This system works through constant pressure maintenance by means fuel pumpwhich is about three atmospheres. And the nozzles are electric valves with a rapid triggering and spray fine grid. When the voltage is applied to the nozzle, the electroclap is triggered and the fuel is accessed into the engine cylinder, and the metal grid creates a special flavor torch for maximum spraying and improving mixing with oxygen. Therefore, the contaminated mesh becomes the cause of the deterioration of the car characteristics.

    Causes of Injector Pollution

    It is worth noting that the reason for the raid on the grid of the nozzle and on the needle of the valve is not only pollution in fuel, but also substances included in gasoline or diesel fuel. These are all possible tar, olefins, wax and other components. These substances are settled with time not only on the inner surface of the injectors, but in all fuel system.

    Subsequently, the nozzle loses its reference indicators, which leads to improper mixing of the fuel mixture, and later, to failures in operation power aggregate. The fact is that the nozzle, due to the plaque, may not hermetically close the valve, thereby constantly passing the fuel, from which the consumption increases and worsen fuel mixture Due to incorrect proportions and defective mixing.

    Also, the form of the torch of sprayed fuel can change, which can lead to a decrease in the resulting volume, and in some cases, due to poor spraying, the fuel does not completely burn. This significantly reduces the power of the motor, causes interruptions and failures in its work.

    Note that any computer diagnostics The car should be carried out only after cleaning the injector. This will eliminate the effect of the fuel system for the operation of the motor, and will save from false mistakes in the computer.

    How to clean the nozzles

    Two methods for cleaning nozzles can be distinguished, it is cleaning with ultrasound and cleaning with special cleaning liquids.

    Each of the methods has its own positive and negative sides. For example, the ultrasound cleaning is carried out only on the nozzles removed and only if there are no ceramic elements in the design of the electroclap. Removed nozzle immerse yourself in an ultrasonic bath, filled special fluidand under the influence of sound exposure, all sediment particles fly from the body of the part. But the fact is that under the same effect, all ceramic elements are destroyed to the state of dust, and such a nozzle is no longer subject to recovery.

    But methods for cleaning nozzles with liquid cleaners - much more, and can be used both on the engine running and on the removed. But the fluid used should be able to dissolve all sediment elements, so it is necessary to use proven means.

    It is worth noting that at home, it is impossible to conduct ultrasound cleaning without the presence of special baths. In that case. If you have this one, then most likely you know how to use it, and the instructions for removing the nozzles from the car can be found on the Internet.

    Therefore, we turn to a detailed consideration of cleaning nozzles with the use of liquids.

    Purification of the injector on the engine running

    At some stations technical inspection, there is a special stand that connects to the supply of fuel on the nozzles and reverse. This device independently creates pressure in the system and uses gasoline to start the motor. After the preparatory activities, the car starts with an "artificial apparatus fuel nutrition", At the same time, nozzles operate in the usual mode under control electronic system Car control. But the stand regulates the fuel supply and at the right moment switches to the supply of cleansing fluid.

    Another way, the easiest and less cost time. For this method, special additives are used for fuel, and the car is used in the usual mode. At the same time, the additive is diluted in the necessary proportion with fuel, effectively cleans the entire flask in the fuel system, including in the nozzles. It also needs to use exceptionally proven brands and specific means to achieve maximum benefit from this action.

    The main disadvantage of the method of cleaning the injector with additives is that this additive will dissolve not only dirt in hoses and nozzles, but also lifting all the dirt in the gas tank, which is very much there. In principle, there is nothing terrible in this, but you have to replace the fuel filter after cleaning.

    Disadvantages and positive cleansing moments when running engine

    At least this method is the easiest, and is not deprived of efficiency. But the real situation is such that the cleaning process absolutely uncontrollable. Consequently, the car owner cannot see the real state of nozzles and the quality of their work. In some situations, pollution can be so much strong that the nozzle is subject to replacement, but it is not possible to understand and see it.

    But there is a positive moment in such a method. It lies in the fact that in the process of cleaning the nozzles, there is an intensive cleaning of valves and cylinders. Since, additives include all the necessary elements that are well dissolving any contamination from oil products.

    Wash nozzles with removal from the car

    This method has several differences that significantly increase the efficiency of the entire procedure. But most importantly, this is a complete control over the process and a visual result of cleaning.

    The fact is that having received visual access to the nozzles, we can fully assess the state of the mechanism and the number of deposits. And also decide on the feasibility of cleaning or replacing the new one. Since there are so many strong contaminants that are not cleaned, and are subject to mandatory replacement to new ones.

    Another positive point is the possibility of visual observation of the correct form of the torch of sprayed fuel. This parameter is also important for the normal operation of the motor. And provided good opportunity To test all the nozzles on the uniform fuel consumption.

    Washing the injector on the stand

    This type of cleaning is very often used at maintenance stations. For this, a special, but structurally simple stand is applied. Allowsing to rely on the cleaning of all the nozzles, observe the torch form and check the uniformity of the fuel dosing by all the nozzles.

    The design itself can be seen in the photo. It represents several flasks in the upper part of which nozzles are inserted. At the same time, the same nozzle is supplied to the same cleansing fluid and a one-time signal to the opening of the valve.

    This allows you to visually compare the shape of the jet of sprayed fuel, the tightness of the nozzles and compare the fuel consumption, which should not exceed the difference of 5%. If the fuel consumption of one of the nozzle is more than on permissible norm In a large or smaller side, it is subject to replacement. Naturally, all comparisons are subject to perform after cleaning.

    The cleaning itself is carried out on the same booth using special cleaning products.

    How to wash the nozzles yourself

    For self-cleaning of the injector, there are many on the Internet homemade devices. They differ in difficulty from the most primitive, to professional aggregates with the automation of the process. In this article, we will look at several simple ways self-washing nozzles that do not require special cash costs and are performed in garage conditions.

    For all proposed designs. You can use the connection scheme to the power source below. It is perfect for the procedure at home.

    Note, when washing the injector, flammable substances are used, which are sprayed with a nozzle. Therefore, it is categorically recommended to comply with all fire safety measures and are concerned about your own health. The procedure is best carried out in the open air, while locating in such a way that the wind blends from you relative to the nozzle. Also, any interactions with combustible substances should be carried out away from open flame, hot surfaces or sparkling electrical contacts.

    The first method of washing the injector

    For this method, we need to use the old but working fuel pump, fuel hoses and a suitable liquid container.

    Before connecting electricity, the whole design is assembled, or rather, the nozzle is connected to the outlet of the fuel pump by means of a fuel hose. Then, the pump is immersed in the liquid and turns on a short period of time. This will create pressure in the hose. After, the voltage is fed to the nozzle, and the cleaning fluid escapes from the nozzle, by means of the pressure in the fuel hose.

    This procedure is carried out until complete cleaning of the nozzle and the normalization of the form of the sprayed torch.

    The second method of washing the injector

    In the second way, it is possible to use in the absence of a spare fuel pump. For this method. It is necessary to use the compressor or pump, modified by a plastic bottle and fuel hose.

    To obtain the right design, you will have to spend time on the refinement of the plastic receiver, which will contain a portion of the cleansing fluid, and the pressure is created by injection. For this. We need a bottle itself, two nipples for tubeless wheels, and a sealant for high-quality closure of the plug and fixing the nipples.

    After filling the bottle washing fluid Approximately a quarter, the fuel hose with a nozzle is connected to one nippel, and the air is injected to two or three atmospheres. The design itself is presented below in the photo, for a more detailed understanding of the design.

    Third method of washing the injector

    The largest way is the fastest and simple, it is to use the aerosol can with a cleaner for the carburetor. The fact is that it contains all the necessary cleaning elements that can cope with any pollution from oil products.

    The idea itself is to combine the nozzle with the sprayer through the hose, and blow the aerosol fluid for cleaning the carburetor through the nozzle, in which case, the whole dirt will be departed in the first seconds. With this method, the cleaning process is perfectly monitored and the form of the torch of the sprayed fluid is well noticeable.

    Cooking Dmitry, 2017

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