Home Salon What is better to Santa Fe x Trail. Powerful Hyundai Santa Fe or Available Nissan X-Trail: Which crossover is better? Opportunities of power aggregates

What is better to Santa Fe x Trail. Powerful Hyundai Santa Fe or Available Nissan X-Trail: Which crossover is better? Opportunities of power aggregates

The eternal opposition of Japanese and Korean cars found its continuation in the 21st century. In recent years, this mostly applies to crossovers who, withdrawing European spectrum from the market, began to compete with each other.

Today we compare Hyundai Santa Fe and Nissan X-Trail - cars that at the moment occupy leading position in their class.

Santa Fe, named after the eponymous American city, was the first to be represented by Universal Review in 2000, and several months later, sales were started in the US market. It is worth noting that the company's plans were not the point, according to which the crossover will be supplied to Europe, but a great demand for the model, forced Koreans to change their position. An interesting feature of the model is that it is practically annually by a small change, and this is undoubtedly like fans of the company.

In the spring of 2006, the first Santa Fai-generation fell came out from the conveyor. The novelty in all aspects surpassed its predecessor, and very quickly broke into sales leaders. After 6 years, within the framework of the New York Motor Show, a third generation crossover debut took place. It is worth noting that the developers for the first time offered the 7-seater salon configuration. In 2012, the car was recognized as the most secure in class.

Both today's rivals can be considered to be peers, as X-Trail was also presented in 2000. The Japanese gathered a novelty on the basis of the Nissan FF-S branded module, and this undoubtedly played them on the arm, since the debut version of the crossover began to diverge the market in huge quantities. In 2007, in Geneva, the presentation of the "Japanese" of the second generation took place. The designers applied the new body platform previously used in Kashkai, and again did not lose. According to many experts, the new X-trail was the strongest crossover of that time.

Since 2012, the production of third generation cars is underway. It can already be safely to declare that the creators decided to go in the footsteps of Casca, since both cars have a lot in common, including even a modular platform. It is worth noting that since 2014, a novelty is going at the St. Petersburg enterprise.

Since the career of both cars started in the same year, and the years of updates to easily coincide, award in this point.


The exterior of the first generation model of Korean crossovers, many consider ridiculous and tasteless. It is difficult to disagree with this, since the motorists expected more than asymmetric elements of the body and fresh "front". However, the Americans did not consider it such a great disadvantage, and began to actively buy a car. For the development of the design of the crossover of the second generation, the Best World Specialists were invited to the company, and it brought their fruits. The exterior of the novelty has improved noticeably, and was decorated according to all fashionable trends of that time. The third generation model has become more embossed and dynamic. Designers made the main focus on car aggressiveness and sportiness.

Due to the fact that the designers of the Japanese company, when developing the design of the X-trail, there were many interesting moments from the legendary SUV patrol, the new crossover received a somewhat angular and strict appearance. However, this practicality fell to the taste of motorists, especially domestic. The model of the second generation retained all the main features of the predecessor, and, on top of whether it became more solid and stylish. In H-Trail 3, the exterior of the crossover lost its former practicality, as the developers made the main bid on a bright and dynamic appearance. It is worth noting that because of this decision, the model received a part of new fans.

To the question, what is better - exterior of the X-Trail or Santa Fe, the answer will be in favor of the Japanese crossover.


Interestingly, Korean developers, in the interior of their crossover, made the main focus on the technological and stylish elements, which is a big rarity for Hyndai cars. But the salon X-trail is already more strict. At the first acquaintance, it may be the impression that each element takes its place, and there is absolutely nothing superfluous.

From the point of view of the quality of finishing materials, the cabin of a Japanese car looks stronger.

But the size of the trunk is more at the Korean crossover, 585 l against 497.


As for the motors, here is an explicit advantage of Santa Fe. Judge for yourself - it is equipped with motors with a volume of 2.0 to 3.3 liters, while X-trail uses the aggregates of up to 2.5 liters.

If you compare the models of 2017, then both manufacturers are approximately one volume: Santa Fe 2.2, 2.4, H-trail 1.6, 2.0, 2.5. In terms of power, the size of the fuel tank, as well as overclocking up to 100 km and the maximum speed - the "Korean" leads, but the "Japanese" is more economical and higher (2.5 cm clearance).

ModelHyundai Santa Fe 2017Nissan X-Trail 2017
Engines2.2, 2.4 1.6, 2.0, 2.5
A typegasoline, dieselgasoline, diesel
Power, hp200/171 130/144/171
Fuel tank, l64 60
Transmissionmechanics, variatormechanics, variator
Acceleration up to 100 km, with9.6-11.0 10.5-12.1
Maximum speed190-203 180-190
Fuel consumption
City / Route / Mixed
13.7/7.0/9.5 11.2/6.6/8.3
Wheel base, mm2700 2705
Road clearance, mm185 210
Gabarites, mm.
Length x Width x Height
4700 x 1880 x 16754640 x 1820 x 1710
Mass, kg.1773-2040 1445-1637


The minimum cost of Santa Fe is 1,794,000 rubles, and the Japanese crossover is 1,264,000 rubles. Based only from the logic of numbers, the second option looks more attractive.

Good day. The time has come and the ability to write about the next my car. After the accident and selling Nissanx-Trail, almost biennial use of Opel Vectrac (reviews here on the drome), there was an opportunity to change the car on more fresher.

Very positive memories of the exploitation X-trail and positive experience in using a diesel oily, identified the selection criteria: a crossover, preferably Diesel, 2007-2008, normal. condition, preferably automatic, decent complex, and price up to 800 tr. Based on these parameters, applicants immediately determined: Well, first of all, the X-Trail, then Antara and other options on this topic, Freelander, Patfaander, Well, Hundai Santafe, Ford Cuga. Owning announcements in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, Rostov and Volgograd regions showed that the choice is very small. X-Trail Diesel found only one option. Pafiki did not fit in the year of release, Antar Diesel was not at all, one version of the diesel cavity, and about five options for Cuga and Freilender, and a couple of Santa Fe. I really wanted discovery3. I was ready to come down the year of release and many others. Well, so here is Blaz. Heard and about buggy electronics, and about a capricious pneuma, and a blocking motor lock and much more. Well, he likes me and everything here. The wife categorically opposed, had to take into account her opinion, although the options were. As an option called about a dozen gasoline x-trail, but they are all on the variator. Different conversations go about him, in the sense of the variator ... someone says that there are no problems with him, someone hate .... But I decided to ourselves - the variator as an extreme option. Talked with familiar users of Diesel Friel and gasoline Santa Fe. I did not hear anything bad about them. But for myself I made conclusions: 2.7 gasoline Santa is not mine. Getting used to two years, which is called to forget when refueling, with its consumption of 16-17 in the city - not mine. He heard only positive about Frile, so he began to consider it as one of the preferred embodiments on a par with a trail.

And now, telephone conversations began with potential sellers. Considering that Opel was still on hand, preference was given to warrants with exchange. If the car I really liked it - I was ready to post the whole amount.


  • Big, fairly unfastened, comfortable, relatively economical. As far as I am aware of the car was designed for America, respectively, this "American" spirit is much felt in it

Weak sides:

  • Annoying savings on finishing materials

Feedback Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2 CRDI VGT 4WD (Hyundai Santa Fe) 2008

Good day to you, Lord car enthusiasts!

I would like to leave your feedback on the next typewriter to help at least those who doubt the choice of this car, well, add a couple of rows in defense of the Korean car industry.

About how I chose writing anything will not, because I almost didn't choose, and rollback without problems for two years and 55,000 km on Touxone 2.7, I realized that I would like Hyundai, only more and more sophisticated. Yes, there was no particular choice, because According to the old good tradition, I bought B.U. Machines at your old friend who sells all cars after 2-3 years of ownership, having hung over the car and drinking it with all sorts of snacks.


What did you like:

1. Fuel, the climate never turned off, there is no difference because of diesel.

9-10 liters are a calm driving style, in a mixed cycle. 10 -12 liters - aggressive style, in a mixed cycle. 7.8 - 8.5 liters - calm driving style, track.

8.5 - 9.0 liters - Aggressive driving style, track.

In winter, a liter is added in the city due to autorun.

2. A roomy salon and trunk, Schmurdyaka can be carried simply unmerced.

3. Spear cost of spare parts and consumables.

4.Merkal, they are just huge, visibility at height.

5. Appearance, an amateur of course, but I like it.

6. Well, diesel, it is generally a song, he is generally on the drum, how many people are sitting in the cabin and what they are all weights. Preta equally cheerful, plus a often taist trailer, always at the head of the column, friends on gasoline constantly lagging behind, have to wait.

7. Clearance, immediately installed wheels higher than 255 \\ 60R18 Summer and 235 \\ 65R18 Winter, increasing, and not so small clearance up to 23-24 cm. Now the PRU where I want !!!

8. Stove - warm in the car in the car. I do not know who anyone like, maybe in Tyumen somewhere and lacking the stoves, I had no problems.

10 min on autorun in the frost -25, I sit down - the air is already blowing warm, after 3-5 minutes it is already comfortable. It seems to me the problem in diesel machines that the owners do not turn the motor to turns above average, well, you can cool it up to 2500-3000 and it will be warm for you.

I have a dirty friend, so it's cold in a gasoline in the winter, he does not twist the engine, so he comes warm after 30-40 minutes ...

Regarding bad brakes on Santa, first everything was fine, but then the brakes began to become wadded, and what the longest is worse.

The reason for the fingers of the calipers, which begin to twisted closer to 90-100 thousands of mileage. Constantly when replacing the pads, lubricate the guide caliper. Special attention should be paid to the front calipers, there are guides on the end the rubber ring (I did not understand why) so during operation there everything is clogged with mud and rust and rubber band there all clinically, and it is possible to turn the guide only in the tessets. Because of this, the front brake practically does not slow down, and only the rear brakes do all the work, and they do not cope and they also warm.

Therefore, when replacing the pads, do not be lazy - to fool the guides.

Weak sides:

What did not like:

  • Well, there is nothing to say, probably not enough xenon, halogen light on Santa - Normal
  • Well, probably the suspension does not really have an active ride, although it is probably all parquets, although initially the suspension is tuned hard, "such as for the drive" but neither the engine, nor the box can, unfortunately, give any drive like x5 for example on 3.0 Dizilka, for this it was necessary to count the list of IX55

Feedback Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2 CRDI VGT 4WD (Hyundai Santa Fe), 2008 Part 3

So, the year of ownership of Santa is nearing, we can sum up, and for this it is worth remembering for what purpose the car was purchased, what tasks were put in front of it (see 1 part of the review). It is safe to say that Santa Fe acquitted hope. The machine is operated in everyday mode, mileage per day from30 km And above, several trips to the Volgograd region (2500 km on the circle). For the year it has already rolled more than 30 t.km. What was done for the year:

Firstly rubber: Kumho was purchased for the winter (he Marshal) 235/60 / R18, Velcro. In principle, the rubber is not bad, however, when driving on wet asphalt makes an unpleasant screech. With any other condition, the coating is rather quiet, the road holds like a snow porridge and ice. For the summer bought gislaved the same dimension. The road keeps amazingly, insensitive to the beacon, but noisy. Prior to that, there were 235/55 / \u200b\u200bR18, in my opinion, not quite harmoniously such a rubber looks at the car (poor), and by 60 higher, plus to the road clearance, which is quite good.

Despite the rapid drop in sales this year, SUVs still remain in favorites and occupy high positions in the rating list in the consumer market. However, this class is not a budget. But, despite all the fluctuations and difficulties of the market, new models of third-generation SUVs are debuted - Nissan X-Trail and Hyundai Santa Fe.

The modern model of Nissan X-TRAIL outwardly transformed. In the image there were cardinal changes, smooth circuits came to replace clear and stringent forms. Now the fetal headlights have a LED framing, the radiator grille is decorated with a chrome-plated molding. The SUV pronounced the front wings and profiling sidewalls. There is a spoiler on the roof of the body, the fifth door is decorated with a metal insert, and the bumper is recycled with a wide air intake.

SUV HYUNDAI SANTA FE is characterized by a profile with arcooked roof and short bodies, and the window frame has smooth proportions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear windows. Wheel arches have become a bulk, and the muscles of the SUV gives the relief of the hood and side wings. Panoramic rear window is equipped with a spoiler.

Nissan X-Trail is more compact in size to its competitor Hyundai Santa Fe, but not looking at the length of less, but the distance between the axes and the salon height is greater. The front and rear armchairs at the X-TRAIL have horizontal adjustment, in addition to Santa Fe competitor, a comfortable heated seats are integrated. Santa Fe enabarits are much heavier than his competing "comrade". Inside the salon, it is very concise and restrained, the salon is decorated with leather trim and metal inserts under the "aluminum", and the dial-up disk with a fairly pleasant blue backlight is recessed into the gutter.

Between them is an on-board computer. Modular in the form of the console is inclined into which the color monitor is integrated. The steering column is adjustable in several planes, and the climate system is easy to control. The driver's seat is equipped with an electric drive. The front seats are comfortable, but the lack of side support slightly overshadows. Hyundai Santa Fe has a spacious luggage compartment.

In principle, we analyze equal SUVs, which have the equipment of the stabilization system, the electric drive of the side mirrors, additionally, the Nissan X-Trail has a lighting and rain sensor, cruise control. But in Hyundai Santa Fe, an access system is provided without a key, and the Nissan X-TRAIL is equipped with a navigation system and an electric 5th door, but is equipped with only six airbags. Against this background, Nissan X-Trail stands out, which has seven airbags.

These SUVs are equipped with a gasoline four-cylindered engine, but Santa Fe remains the most powerful and high-speed right. In the average range, the engine manifests itself stable, at high speed running smoothly and almost silently. Equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission, which allows you to type fast speed. More economical is Santa Fe with Turbodiesel.

The inter-axis differential can be blocked by these two SUVs. On the off-road Nissan X-Trail behaves much better, although this model is not calculated for serious obstacles. SANTA FE competitor is endowed with an elastic suspension, unlike Nissan whose suspension is designed for a soft ride.

If you summarize, it turns out that Nissan attracts a rich inner decoration and equipped, and Santa Fe is a spacious luggage compartment, a comfortable lounge and an ideal course stability.

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No category of cars is so often compared as modern crossovers, and the opposition of the Japanese and Koreans is considered to be familiar. They love them and buy, forgetting about most European parquets. Often, choosing the most optimal vehicle, the future bus owner doubts what is better: Hyundai Santa Fe or Nissan X-Trail. As practice shows, both cars have a huge multitude of advantages, they began to compare with each other almost since the appearance on the Russian market. These machines occupy leading positions in their class.

Comparison Hyundai Santa Fe and Nissan X-Trail.

general information

Hyundai Santa Fe.

Initially, when the developers just started to work on the creation of Santa Fe, they, calling the car as well as one of the American cities, did not even think that this attractive crossover would ever get into the hands of the European Consumer. The car issued in 2000 began to sell in the US markets. When Koreans realized how large the demand for this model and how interesting the European average consumer is interested in it, they changed their concept sharply by starting work on the supply of cars to Russia. The advantage of Santa Fe can be called its ability to transformation, the developers annually modernize the model, innovations, as a rule, do not leave indifferent fans of the brand.

Almost 12 years ago, the first Santa Fe belonging to the second generation of the model was created. The effect of transformation was obvious, the modified car was completely out of the previous model, it was also rated and loved. In a short period of time, the car has become. Only 6 years ago, visitors to one New York car dealership were for the first time to consider Santa Fe third generation. A feature of the presented car was the possibility of executing a model with a 7-seater interior configuration. In 2012, the car was recognized as the safest in his class.

Nissan X-Trail

Interestingly, at the time of the development of Santa Fe, the Japanese worked on their unique crossover Nissan X-Trail. The Japanese car was presented to the world in the same 2000. The new auto industry model was based on the Nissan FF-S branded module. Apparently, it played the main role, the car began to win the hearts, sales were simply colossal. 2007 Gave the vehicle to the second generation to motorists. The changes that Nissan X-Trail underwent was a huge amount. The X-TRAIL received a new body platform, which has already been tested on the Cascaj model. This time, the Japanese again smiled at luck, the model became the most powerful crossover, which existed at that time.

In 2012, when the creation of a third generation machine began, it became clear that the novelty would have a lot in common with Casca. These vehicles have an identical modular platform. For more than three years, the car is collected at one of the St. Petersburg enterprises. Due to the fact that the career growth of these vehicles began to increase in the same year, the planned modernization of cars practically coincided, which can speak of equality of models relative to this indicator.

Appearance Hyundai Santa Fe and Nissan X-Trail

If you compare Hyundai Santa Fe and Nissan X-Trail, the Korean first generation car can be called relatively ridiculous and tasteless. The opinion of experts was reduced to such due to the presence of asymmetric elements and too simple "transition". True, for Americans, this essential drawback was deprived of any meaning, the car was actively bought. For the second upgraded version of the machine to have a big aesthetics, the very best specialists invited the plant from around the world. It is worth saying that for Santa Fe, the second generation has played an important role, the appearance became more pleasant and presentable, the elements at that time appeared on the bodies. As for the third generation machine, this is a vehicle that has gained a relief and dynamic exterior. In design, the main emphasis is placed on aggressiveness and sportiness machine.

If we talk about the X-Trail, then even the first generation machine had a more pretty design, the Japanese gave a car a few interesting elements that were inherent in the SUV patrol. Because of this, the crossover, which came down from the conveyor of the Japanese car industry, gained a very angular exterior with strict appearance. This approach was especially loved by domestic motorists. As for the upgraded version, it largely repeated the external features of the predecessor, while having pleased buyers with their stomitics and solidity.

Speaking about the exterior of the X-Trail of the Third Generation, it is worth noting the loss of the former practicality, the focus of the latter model came to the brightness and dynamism of the interior, which made it possible to gain a lot of new fans. According to experts, internally more, as for Korean, it is focusing on the technologicality and stylish decorative details.

Features related to specifications

Comparing the pretty X-Trail and Santa Fe relative to the installed power units, it is worth noting the Santa Fe engine. This car can be equipped with a motor volume of 2.0 liters. And the most powerful device with a volume of 3.3 liters. At the same time, the X-trail boasts only a 2.5 liter engine.

As for models produced in 2017, both vehicles have almost identical volume. Santa Fe 2017 is equipped with a power unit with a volume of 2.2 and 2.4 liters, and Nissan X-Trail 2017 is 1.6, 2.0 and 2.5 liters. As the studies conducted, power, the capacity of the fuel tank and the speed of overclocking are up to 100 km. - The prerogative of Korean, however, it is impossible to go around the economy and clearance of the "Japanese".

Hyundai Santa Fe and Nissan X-TRAIL last release are equipped with mechanical variator transmissions.

Speaking about the size of vehicles, it is worth noting their similarity, the length of Santa Fe is more than 60 mm. (4700 mm. Against 4640 mm.), At the same time, the width of the first car exceeded the second on an identical amount (1880 mm. And 1820 mm. Respectively). Only in height Korean lost to the Japanese (1675 and 1710 mm.).

Many, when buying such as a crossover, is interested in its volume and weight, if you compare X-trail and Santa Fe, it will become clear that the weight of the second car is an order of magnitude more (varies in the range of 1773 - 2040 kg.), The first machine weighs somewhat less ( from 1445 to 1637 kg.).

Service cost

Before talking about the cost of servicing vehicles, it is worth noting them. The most simple Santa Fe will cost the buyer at 1856,000 rubles, you can pay at least 500 thousand less, the basic option costs 1294,000 rubles. If we talk only about numbers, the purchase of X-trail looks more appropriate.

Opportunities of power aggregates

To say unequivocally, what is better: Santa Fe or X-Trail relative to the engines, not easy. If the motorist wants to ride a more powerful vehicle, it is worth paying attention to only the Korean, he and the volume of force aggregates and, accordingly, the return of more. However, at the same time, this car will have to give 500 thousand more. If such a difference in the price hits the budget, then there is nothing terrible, you can buy a Japanese, whose motors are not much inferior to the opponent. Of course, they are not so productive, but also capable of pleaseing their owners speed.

Weak places and typical problems

Among the disadvantages of vehicles, it is worth noting the heating of the windshield stove in Nissan X-trail, too tangible noise and screens in the salon at high speeds. Some motorists standard armrest seems short and inconvenient. If you choose between Santa Fe and X-Trail, it is worth noting the shortcomings of Korean, of course, with its price of minuses, it is extremely few, however, experts mark the small size of the rear seats.

Advantages and advantages of models

X-Trail 3 generations can be called an excellent parquet, which has a huge number of spuns of an SUV. The car is convenient in control, resistant on the road. The car has a big trunk, the rear seats are spacious, with convenience three passengers are placed. Among the main advantages should be noted the excellent dynamics. Hyundai Santa Fe 3 generation is notable for a large capacity of the cabin, excellent handling, as well as moderate fuel consumption. Comparison of the Santa Fe and X-Trail and X-Trail made it to understand that a more expensive car and is better equipped, and look to the cooler.


If the motorist is fundamental to the price of the vehicle, attention should be stopped on a Japanese car. True, with a practical comparison of two crossovers, the Korean car surpasses his opponent. On the side of Santa Fe will be not only a unique interior, excellent controllability and power of the power unit, but also the overall uniqueness of the car.

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