Home Salon Homemade garage fixtures, to store tools in the garage. Homemade devices for a home workshop. Car repair tools Homemade fixtures for car

Homemade garage fixtures, to store tools in the garage. Homemade devices for a home workshop. Car repair tools Homemade fixtures for car

This device is desirable to have in the garage, and on some trips and in the car trunk. It will help and secure you when repairing a car.
As a material, we use two pipes with a thickness of 57 and 48 mm. Steel plate. The master took a thickness of 8 mm. Cut from each pipe on a piece of 23 cm long. You can apply the trick for the pipe markup using a sheet of paper. By 57 at a distance of 3 cm from one end we drill a hole (both walls of the pipe)
under the bolt.

We take a 6 mm drill. Complete a stepped drill. We make a reference corner at the end of a thinner pipe. Drills holes in the pipe at a distance of each other 2 cm.

It turned out a compact mobile retainer with telescopic design. This is a safety rack installed when repair workah under the car. It acts as an additional retainer when lifting the car on the jack. The device copes with its task.


Very necessary tool! Make yourself such necessarily! My familiar husband pressed when the jack flew, and he was at that time under the car ...

Nothing unreal. The usual dangerous collective farm rack, although made qualitatively. The soft bolt will cut and the telescope will eat in the deadlound time - when the operator will be under the car and there will be no one. About turning, too, do not forget. You can only use when working next to the car or as an additional insurance of a racking hydraulic jack (there is a rigging insurance). I have 2 similar in the garage, but the threaded - it will never be eaten for sure. Made sometime by father in the factory. But under the car, suspended on them, still not climb, for this there is a pit.

vladimir Yerokhin
3 month ago
A new well-forgotten old ... Ten years ago, they also did such racks, but a little different configuration .. But the principle is the same ... I use pleasure, very comfortable and safely ... And under the car on the rack, the bucked panel, and the body does not scratch. If something can be provided with something.

Citizen Igrek
3 month ago
In my opinion, one of the most useful and simple devices, for if there is no lift, and your hands from the right place, such a rack is needed. Well, as always, done neatly, beautiful ...

In terms of practice and experience independent repair Car, safer (and cheaper) than a stand in the form of a pyramid from 7 * 50 mm bars I can not imagine. It is for passenger cars. Again, do I stand from a metal that then my dog \u200b\u200bwill gnaw?))) Modify and reinforce the bottoms, I understand that the metal is thick, once a year the stick still shoots and if the support starts the bend, then cracking the car on the side do not stop!

Alex Siberian.
3 month ago
Absolutely useless device. Uyma movements. I raise the jack at once the floor of the car and I change two wheels ... Immediately, you will have to raise one wheel, to substitute (support), omit (jack) again (jack) on the second wheel, then substitute (jack) to the first wheel, again Raise (jack), remove the support and only then give the jack ... If this device itself could give the car ...

Konstantin Morozov
3 month ago
There were still holes perpendicular to those who have already drilled, but 1 cm below or higher from drilled holes. Thus, the adjustment step will not be 2 cm, and 1, it will be better to adjust the height of the raised car, and it will be better to adjust different species roads: asphalt, soil, etc.

Carefully made harmful thing. Filming thresholds, namely, they are required to rise in the car here they do not work until the ends of the corner do not bode the threshold and the bottom connector. The stubborn area must be made with T-shaped propyl, this will ensure the absence of these deformations and the side offset. Well, the metal itself (in this case Corner) is not the best solution for contact with the body, it is better a thick wooden bar with a propyl, and ideally a thick rubber bar with a slot (I have it).

serg Serg.
3 month ago
In that place where you put it, you can get a ledge. Since it is not enhanced. And for this it is not intended. In addition, with such a jack as you, on a good flat plane, like you, such a small chair, how can you raise this point completely hanging down and change the wheels. if it is not clear just above to raise jack and rear wheel It will also be posted.

Alexander Chicherin
3 month ago
Everything is good. But! It is necessary to make brazers or side stops. This type of stop is well used when the surface under it is smooth. If someone else does, then it is better to do the track. And also, instead of the pipe, apply the profile pipe, because It does not turn around and the holes for fixation do not go into the side (more convenient).

Danil Kharitonov
3 month ago
I would still think about the fact that: the place where the car was on the rack to do with the ability to change the angle of the support part of the rack in the place of contact with the car, so that if you need the need to hang the car for example, only the front part and in order to immediately 2 wheels in the air then with a higher raising and installing a car on the rack data, there will be no complete fit of the car to the rack itself, thereby risk that the car will fall from the racks!

Grigory Krinitsky

3 month ago
1) Check the hole slightly higher / below, but on the other side (turning 90 degrees)
2) for reliability - welded to base not only directly, but also by a metal cut in the form of a rectangle triangle (from 3-4 sides) for greater reliability)
3) Somewhere on the body, welcome the eye and attach a rod / chain of the hairpin - so as not to lose. There was also an idea of \u200b\u200ba collapsible safety rack, but then reliability and safety falls.

John Doe.
3 month ago
Be sure to make rigidity ribs - triangles weld according to 4 sides. Regarding the safety of racks, a lot of disputes on car forums are not such a simple homemade, as it seems at first glance.

Do not throw away the old jack from "Zhiguli". Idea for auto master

Good day, dear readers. Jack from Zhiguli, such a popular thing that found him even in his garage. After interviewing the neighbors on the garage, I found 4 more, despite the fact that half of the floor was held and looked at 9 open boxes on Saturday evening. Photo of the old jack from the zhiguli.

I remember how at the beginning of not such and distant eighties, helped the father of picking in the garage, then still moderately new "Zhiguli" compiled the foundations of a mighty Russian language and developed a direct hand. However, I will not more detain the reader's attention to the memories, and let's go to the point. The sodel is quite simple, and at the same time very useful for those who repair their car independently, or earns auto repair. For her, we will need a jack itself, a steel plate, a segment of the profile pipe for 25, Bulgarian, a welding machine. We begin the process, and first demolish the Bulgarian base (Piglet) below. Cut from a 25 profile pipe a piece of the length of centimeters 30 and weldings to the jack, thereby increasing it. The basis, now, we embrace the tube.
Refinement of the frame. We go to the neighbors and find the old flywheel. To his center we weld up the patch of the jack. As a result, high soot with a solid and sustainable base is obtained.
Increase stability. After that, we cut off from the jack of its native hook, the one that is inserted into the groove under the threshold of the car.
We cut down more than the same pipe with the same pipe, and fix it perpendicular to the welding to the moving part of the mechanism. Such a moving plug will succeed.
Emphasis number one. Sold from the metal plate, a flat plug, as shown in the figure below, and weld it to the top of our device.
Employment number two. Nash The most powerful puller springs of the depreciation rack is ready.
Sketchy image of the puller. With the rack between the forks, we turn the jack on the rise, and with minimal effort, while pretty safely, we disassemble the rack and remove the spring.
Picture practical application Devices.

Do not throw out the old shock absorber if you have no reverse hammer. Useful homemade

From the old shock absorber rack, it may turn out a very useful thing, so you should not throw it when replaced. Today I will tell you how to make another homemade, which is able to alleviate the loss of the car owner in terms of repairing it vehicle. Namely, how to make a reverse hammer.
With it, it is very convenient to disassemble parts, remove bearings, shruches, or pressing. Even a dent is not difficult to pull out, but if a powerful magnet will also be attached to such a hammer.

Disassembly of the rack of the shock absorber.

So you can make a useful thing from the rack you need to disassemble it correctly. Best of all, the VAZ rack is suitable for this purpose. It is useful to the upper part and the rod itself. Pulling the rack into the locksmiths, the grinder you need to gently sprinkle the tube to the plate, where the spring is worth. Saw carefully, not forgetting that inside there is oil! Therefore, it is better to substitute the ass. From the rack you need to remove all the elements, disassemble and leave one rod and the upper cover (drove out the gland and sleeve from it).
Production of reverse hammer.

To make a complete reverse hammer, it is necessary to attach a pen, a movable weight and nozzles to the shock absorber.

How to make a handle.

It is the most convenient to attach the handles clamp from a drill or a perforator, but if there is no such, then attach any clamp that would resemble a handle. The main thing is to be comfortable to hold.
This clamp must be fixed on the part of the rod where there is a threaded connection. To do this, put two nuts - they will be as sleeves. Then you need to privar them well. Then to those nuts to privar the top cover of the rod. For the accuracy of the view, you can drip the grinder extra drops remaining from welding. After that, you can fasten the handle (clamp).

How to make a moving girc.

To make a movable weight, a cut-off top of the rack is useful, and it is also necessary to choose the pipe of the desired diameter. So that it entered the pipe part of the rack and remains a place for the bay of lead. After all, such a design will be easy, and the girling should weigh at least a kilogram.
Clean the surface, center the nuts and connecting the bases of the two cylinders, can be welded at the bottom. After welding, you also need to clean it (for aesthetic species). In the free space, to increase weight, pour lead (I think the old battery is lying). How to melt a teach of anyone I will not, for sure everyone has such an experience, because at least once in childhood melted lead plates from the battery in the tin can.
Since all the guys have already matured, instead of cans you can use the case from the old oil filter, And in order not to breed a fire, take the burner. Carefully bay lead in the available space, let him cool, and then you can clean the resulting garry with a grinder. It should be a fairly beautiful thing. Now you can install a rod.
So that such a hammer can be used to maximize various purposes, make nozzles that would have screwed. It can be like bolts with bolts, for removal of bearings and nozzle under the head. As a result, it will be possible to shoot bearings, to press them with sharpening the screen and break the generator. Therefore, instead of throwing out the old rack, it is better to make such a needed device.

Less free space remains under the hood modern car. The manufacturer strives to use each square centimeter of space around the engine. For an autoslemer, these are additional problems, as you get to dismantle some detail becomes more difficult, more and more becoming hard to reach places.

Here, picked up a very interesting list of 19 special professional tools and devices that can help solve this problem.
Of course, some kind of tool may seem very exotic, and a little used in work, but some positions would wanted to have in your garage every car, who do not care professional repair cars.

So, let's in order.

Comfortable bright light

LED lamp made in the "Police Dubinki" format with magnetic fasteners.
It is very convenient to use when working under the bottom of the car or under the hood. Strong magnets without any problems will keep the lantern on the spot, and the tube, turning along its axis by 200 degrees, can be rotated exactly where you need a bright light. Can work like from on-board networkand from its battery.

Ability to switch brightness more / less and your own accumulator battery Give a lamp in autonomy to 8 hours. And as a bonus, it is excellent option Garage lighting when the electricity is disconnected.

Curlons for hard-to-reach places

Working under the hood in motor compartmentSometimes you have to deal with a problem, unscrew-spin bolt, especially if it is in a hard-to-reach place and is delayed with a decent moment.
And here it can be useful here is such a special gate operating in a ratchet mode.

Tool for removal of metal coatings and stripping

Very interesting manual pneumatic tools, you can say the drummer ... I reminded me of sand blasting, only everything is much easier.
By connecting it to the compressor without much effort, you can knock off rust, scale after welding or old paint.

The principle of operation is simple - steel needles (options from 12 to 19 needles) at a speed of 4000- 4600 shots per minute (depends on the model) will be corrosive to pure iron. It is especially convenient when used in hard-to-reach places where you can not get a pin.

When working with this tool, use funds individual protection: Tight gloves, glasses and headphones.

Vicer of Gaek

With the help of this special tool (I call it, you can break any nut, if it is impossible to unscrew it.
Surely any of you came across the nailed nuts, especially when bulkheads running, tearing off the slots and a cloth.
Now everything is simple: threw the ring, led the tempered "tooth" to the nut and twist until it just breaks the nut. The big plus of such a tool is that the carving on the bolt or the hairpin is not damaged, it will only be left to throw off the broken nut and drive a new thread with the maslice.

Pliers "Kiwi"

In your arsenal instruments, there are certainly a lot of pliers, but there are no such such!
Did you pay attention to that when you try to capture a small detail in an uncomfortable pliers, then your hand prevents seeing the process, sunbathing it?
Pliers "Kiwi", called so for some similarity with this New Zealand bird, will solve this problem - it will be more convenient to work.

Set of movable heads for hard-to-reach places

Having such a set where every head has its own cordant you get additional features When working in hard-to-reach places of the car. These heads have a much shorter case than usual when they are used with a regular cardan from the set.
Minus one, such a set is not cheap.

Set of hooks

When disassembling the car under repair, it is often necessary to disconnect various electrical connectors.
In the latest models of cars, they are often combined with plastic fasteners and disconnecting, without having a special tool, they can easily damage.
With this set of hooks, almost any connector can be conveniently separated, without breaking it.

Pliers for spark plugs

If you try to pull the candle cap with ordinary pliers, you can easily damage the rubber cap or the wire itself. So invented such an interesting gadget - special ticks for removing high-voltage wires with a candle terminal.

Double-point jack

There are cases when, when performing repair work, two places should be subdominated at once.
This problem can be solved using a hound for a jack with two independent (adjustable) saddles. This adaptation is installed instead of a regular saddle. It is possible to lengthen the shoulder to the desired size, as well as rotate the crossbar around the central axis of the jack.

Tightening torque with digital accuracy

Tightening bolts without a special dynamometric key, without taking into account the recommended torque moments, you can cause serious damage to the car.
As a rule, the professional auto author of a respectable client in a workshop has several different dynamometric keys for different tasks. Now, this amount can be replaced by purchasing one electronic digital adapter and use it with a ratchet key or other key having a half-wing adapter. The digital display will show the tightening torque at the moment and will communicate with the audio signal when it will be achieved.

Magnetic Blyhach

How much time to spend time in search of just a rejected detail: "That's somewhere here I just put it ..." Bolt, a wrench and such ever losing little things.
A very interesting solution is a magnetic blah on the belt. Just stick to it a revealed screw (nut) and you do not have to search when the item will need again.

Tools for hard-to-reach places

Here are another six interesting mini sets of special tools for working in hard-to-reach places when disassembling assembly. Here, in principle, everything is clear where and how they can be used.

  1. A set of four short screwdrivers.
  2. Set of ratchet and bits with various curly tips: asterisks, hexagon, squares.
  3. Flexible extension with a magnetic tip in which you can insert various bits or heads.
  4. Miniature rotating cardan with ¼ inch adapter.
  5. A set of three special cracks.
  6. A set of scraper screwdriver capable of working under 90 degrees and nozzles to it.


An interesting adaptation, I do not even know how to call it.
The playground is attached right on the wheel, has several adjustments, both in width and height. Very convenient when you are engaged in the repair of a high jeep or minibus. Of course you can use for example, a box to get up higher, but it is inconvenient to stand on the box, and you can easily drive away from the wheel, and all you have to - brake face about the hood ... probably everyone is familiar?

Mirror and magnets for inaccessible places

The mirror on the telescopic handle and two magnets included (one swivel).
Such a set should be each auto repair.
Imagine the situation that unscrewing the nut, you did not hold it, and it fell somewhere on the engine or gearbox. How to find it and get it?
And then, the mirror and a magnet will come to the rescue.

Get the maximum effort in a hard-to-reach place

Looking at this set of special keys, it is immediately clear for what it is intended.
With the help of an extension and ratchet from a standard dialing of heads, you can tighten almost any "uncomfortable" nut in the engine compartment. Perfectly suitable for disassembling the steering mechanism or brake system.

Achievement of the perfect torque

This special dynamometric Key It will not give you a chance to thwart the threads in modern aluminum engines. If you did not decide to purchase electronic device To control the moment of tightening, about which was slightly higher, then this very inexpensive key will be quite accurate and the thing is that the doctor prescribed.
Two models of this tool (practically full coverage of all values) will become undoubtedly a good acquisition for your garage.

How to unscrew the bolt if a nod is broken?

Undoubtedly, everyone came across this "nightmare" - when twisting the pruring old bolt, it breaks down (shaved) his hat and everything ...
Dancing begins with a tambourine, drill, restoring a treadmill, etc.

With this set, in the photo below, you decide the whole problem at once in the complex. It has everything, for neat accurate drilling and extracting that it remains from a bolt with a diameter of 5 mm to 16 mm from the case.

Digital safe tester

If you still use analog tester to check the electrical circuits, then probability is very high, spoil on-board computer car.
The digital tester is safe, since the ground cable does not use. You just stick it into the nest for checking or piercing the isolation of the wire (the tip of the stainless steel is sharp enough), and the other hand is touching any metal part of the car to close the chain.
Works check from 3 to 24 volts direct current. It is possible to set a beep or turning on the LED to signal the presence of a voltage.

Saw hoses

Very useful tool for removing the toosol hoses. After several years of operation, anti-tightening hoses in places of tightening clamps finish dragging to the pipe. If you do not want to cut the hose when dismantling and save it for a subsequent installation, then this special tool in the form of a hook what you need.
Simply insert a pointed end under the hose and stretch it around the pipe.
This cool tool will help you save a lot of money.

You can buy these and other kits on the largest Amazon.com portal, just follow, some keys can be both in the metric system and in inches.
To buy such a tool in Russia is not so simple, except to search in online stores.

Many car owners use their garage as a workshop, filling it with gradually practical devices that facilitate repair and maintenance of the car. Many of them can be made independently using the recommendations presented in this article.

Many devices for the garage workshop can be made independently, the video below, demonstrates some of them.

Garage homemakes - devices that substantially facilitating the garage life, and they do not work worse than factory machines. Having equipped your workshop with such devices, you can independently make the necessary parts for cars, as well as various crafts for home or cottage.

Video home-made tools and garage fixtures

It is difficult to predict forever what devices may be needed when repairing a car, however, there are some homemakes, some are used most often. Some of them can be viewed on the video below.

Drawings of homemade fixtures

Pipe bender - useful in household A device that allows you to use the metal or polymer tube under a certain degree. Bottled pipes are often used with the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses, installation of heating and other needs. Taking advantage of the drawing presented, manual pipe bending can be made independently.

Visits - a practical device used in the performance of fitter work. With it, it is possible to securely fix the item requires the detail in a specific position.

This device consists of several parts:

  • reference plate;
  • 2 lips - mobile and non-moving;
  • lever;
  • screw chassis.

With the help of small-sized plumbing vice, the drawing of which is presented above, it is convenient to sharpen and other handling of small parts.

The presence of a CNC milling machine in the domestic workshop allows you to perform a number of works on the mechanical processing of the tree.

The homemade milling machine consists of several nodes and parts:

  • stanina;
  • calipers intended for moving cutters;
  • guide calipers;
  • spindle with a mounted cutter;
  • microcontroller or circuit board with microcircuits providing automation of the machine;
  • electric motor with power supply;
  • drivers responsible for transferring commands from the controller to the electric motor;
  • the vacuum cleaner for assembling the sawdust machine formed as a result of the operation.

CNC milling machine made with their own hands allows you to perform engraving and milling work.

Homemade car repair devices

The filler remover of the wiper is a special tool that facilitates the process of shooting leashes of janitors. It is possible to make it yourself from a piece of fittings, a sheller of six and a bolt dozens. To do this, using a boring machine to perform holes for 14 and weld 2 nuts on both sides of the hole and the knob from the reinforcement, screw the bolt into the workpiece and, putting it with a heat shrink, screw the threaded rivet. Tool ready.
Another version of the device for shooting leashes of the wiper is presented in the photo below.

Another useful homemade device, with which you can manually manually move the wheels. Another option of this device can be seen in the photo below.

When carrying out a serious repair of the car without a lift, as a rule, do not do. The device made in the factory conditions is expensive, and it is not necessary so often, therefore it may well be replaced with a device made at home.

Homemade garage and garage fixtures

Making a device for tire and balancing, you can independently perform work data, significantly saving funds to maintain a car. In addition, such devices will come to revenue, if there is no possibility to come to a specialized tireage.

In its garage workshop, you can equip a universal machine for tires using branded materials - metal pipes and hub.

Performing various crafts for the house, often the need to drill a smooth hole. It is difficult to perform a regular drill, but if you make a rack for a drill, such as the one that is depicted in the photo, then drilling without distortion will be much simpler. You can perform such a design from different materials. For example:

  • from metal;

  • from wood.

Taking advantage of the scheme shown below, you can independently make a drilling machine from a drill.

The use of a homemade press will allow in the garage workshop to produce products by pressing. It is possible to make a similar device from a hydraulic jack, fixed at the top of the bed, in turn, cooked from undergraduate materials. The pressure in this case is directed down.

Another version of the self-made press, the design of which implies the jack attachment at the base of the bed. In this case, the pressure process is performed up.

With the help of a homemade press, you can perform a straightening, bend the sheets of metal, compress cardboard, copp individual elements. The video below demonstrates how to make such a desired device yourself.

Tool storage devices in the garage

The presence of order is the key to the comfortable use of workplaces in the garage. Provide this order in the workplace is designed by special organizers, allowing convenient to store and easily find required tools. You can make such devices on your own using the remedies.

Simple I. affordable way Store a hand tool is a wall organizer made of tin cans attached to a plywood sheet. In addition to it, you can nail a few hooks or nails to comfortably cheat the measuring and electrical instrument. In the absence of tin cans, the PVC pipes of various diameters chopped into segments and screws are screwed to the sheet plywood or chubs can be used as holders.

It is even easier to make a special storage device for storing screwdrivers. To do this, you need to take a wooden bar and drill holes in it of the desired size. Finished holder fix on the wall. On the same holder you can organize the storage system and chisel. Enough in a wooden billet cut the special holes. In the same way, you can make the holder for power tools, drinking the corresponding holes in a wooden shelf.

An interesting way to store tools is proposed in the photo above. Its principle is built on the use of magnetic tapes attached to metal straps. With this system, it is convenient to store drills, keys and other metal tools.
Convenient and practical organizers for storing screws, bolts, nails and other small things can be made with their own hands from transparent plastic cans with covers. So that they do not occupy the place, you should attach them to the lid below the shelf. This and other ways to store instruments allow you to rationally use the place in the garage and everything you need at hand.

The video below demonstrates how to equip in the workshop or garage is a simple and convenient tool storage system.

Homemade Tree Fixtures for Homemade Workshop

Milling machines made at home can perform one or more operations. Preference, of course, is given to multifunctional devices, allowing to save space in the garage workshop. With their help, you can:
perform deepening a certain form;
Drill holes
make groats;
Problem blanks.
The simplest milling machine can be made on the basis of a drill. To do this, it is fixed on a steel profile or a plywood case, and a rotating clamp is placed opposite it. The processing of parts is performed using special cutters held by hand.

Homemade lathe

Creation with your own hands the lathe allows you to make dishes from wooden blanks, interior decor and furniture. Such a device will become an affordable alternative to industrial melders, and will help implement your creative potential. Homemade lathe can be made from separate nodes And the details:

  • electromotor used as an electric drive machine;
  • front grandmother, which can perform electrical out;
  • the back grandmother made of drill;
  • stop for cutters;
  • transverse guides;
  • stannes made of metal products or beams.

The front and backstarts of the lathe are the main working elements, between which there is a wooden billet. The rotating movement from the electric traffic is transmitted to the workpiece through the front headwalk, the rear remains static, responding to the hold of the workpiece. If you equip a homemade lathe with additional fixtures - a balasine, a trident, a copier and others, then its functionality will increase significantly.

The video below demonstrates, to make a lathe with their own hands.

If necessary, drill the exact holes in metal, plastic or wooden parts, experienced masters recommend using a drilling machine. Unlike a drill, which strongly vibrates in the process of operation, such a device provides a qualitative result, regardless of the material and thickness of the workpiece. You can make a simple drilling machine, using the same home drill, but installing it in a vertical position on the bed of the furniture plate and attaching to the metal rack. If necessary, such a machine can be equipped with an asynchronous engine.

As a rule, homemade craftsmen do not stop at the manufacture of the sweatshirts. Very often they work on the improvement of the already existing equipment.

The video below demonstrates the useful devices for the lathe, expanding its functionality.

Homemade Metal Devices for Homemade Workshop

These devices made by their own hands are designed to facilitate the metalworking process. They are usually made from healthy materials and tools.

Among the most sought-after devices should be allocated:

  • pipe bending;
  • presses;
  • vice;
  • milling, plumbing, turning, drilling and reissimula;
  • fixtures for sharpening drills, knives and other tools.

With their help, the homemade craftsman can make practical devices for giving, garage, as well as equip a comfortable house. Examples of machinery and devices useful in the farm can be seen in the photo below.

Homemade Metal Cutting Machine

How to make some useful in the farm device demonstrates video.

Taking into service the presented recommendations and drawings, any domestic master can make useful garage and machine tools for their workshop, arrange an ergonomic space in it, to realize their creative abilities.

The factory instruments are undoubtedly necessary, but sometimes the device for repairing cars with their own hands and care is not inferior to the factory.

Two types of repair are required: fast and long. The first species implies a certain replacement of spare parts - most often, it is necessary to replace only one. The second one, the species implies partial or full job on repairing the car.

There are the following subspecies of the car repair:

  1. Actual. Implies the replacement of individual parts only with its complete failure, for example, repair brake system.
  2. Repair by plan. It is made according to the schedule. Most often, it is used when repairing public or special transport.
  3. Full repair. It is necessary in case of failure of several divisions of the car at once, which requires its complete disassembly and a bulkhead of all parts.

Thus, based on the varieties of repair, the following methods can be distinguished:

  1. Individually to every detail. He assumes the remuneration of individual parts, repair and return. This is the longest type of repair - full. With this type, you have to wait for quite a long time.
  2. Fast way. In this case, the defective parts are first removed, and then workers are immediately inserted. This type of repair is called actual. It takes about an hour during which it happens full replacement Separated spare parts.
  3. DIY repair. It assumes the implementation of independent repair actions in relation to its car. It can combine all types of repair at once - depending on the severity of the repair.

With this form of repair, the main rule is to prepare timely and constantly carry with you tools and fixtures for car repair.

They can be located in one of two options: in a special box or a special cassette. It is a piece of foam in which the hole is cut.

All other parts are attached at the bottom of the car.

These containers will include the following types of tools:

  • Screwdrivers. You must have at least two pieces. Wherein. The best option There will be universal devices in which you can constantly change the nozzles. They, too, must be at least two in order to make the most fully repaid in several parts of the car at the same time. Need, for example, for installation of the trunk.
  • Jack. It must have a hydraulic in order to be able to install the desired height to replace the wheel or minor repairs. In addition, there are three more varieties: screw - it is designed to replace the wheel by twisting the jack on the height; Rack and pneumatic. It is best to have one of these species. The most popular is the screw - it has a small size and ease of transportation.
  • Adjustable key. It is necessary for several types of work. Despite its imperfection when capturing the head of the bolt, it is able to replace the passage or nippers.
  • Face keys. They have hexagonal or twinnitentifical shapes, which are excellent when unscrewing the end heads. In a suitcase, it is best to keep two types of such keys at once.
  • Wheel keys. They are a variety of species, but they are all extremely necessary when repairing a car or installation of a number accessories . That is why you should have them as much as possible. This is especially true of the key to 13 the size that is most often necessary.
  • Set of hammers. They are light, medium and heavy. The first form is intended for easy repair for knocking out nuts, bolts. The second type assumes work with heavier objects. Heavy hammers are needed when repairing doors, replace wheels and other hard work.
  • Passatia and nippers. The first is necessary for unscrewing the wire and other flexible materials, and the plumbings are snacking.
  • Tow rope. It is required for transportation and evacuation of the machine. It should be strong, absolutely whole and not slide.

This is the entire tool for repairing cars with your own hands.

About repair of cars of all brands read. Is it possible to repair bumper with your own hands? See B. this article.

Protective devices

As for the devices manufactured by the personnel, then the following items can be noted here:

  • Rags. They should be wide and dense tissue. The best choice There will be a rag or canvas fabric. They are less located to the energous and longer serve, without forming holes. They can wipe the excess oil, hands either wipe the glass. Should be remembered an important rule: If the oil appears on the rag, it should be getting rid of it, because it can lead to ignition.
  • Spare parts. In the case of replacing contacts or other parts of the car, parts that are less worn, can be used again for pre-repair with the possibility of arrival at the repairs.
  • Additional details. These include the radiator lid, gasoline pump, fuses and additional belts. All of them have a property failure in time. When they are presented, this situation is easy to correct.
  • Extra wheel. If it is located on the deserted plot only it will help in the case of a punched old wheel.
  • Cigaretteer. It is necessary for charging the battery from another machine.
  • A first-aid kit It should keep all the necessary medicines and first aid tools.
  • Gloves. They should be woolen with the ability to perform such dirty and complex work in them, like pulling the car from the swamp or replacing the dirty wheel.

Such homemade fixtures for repairing cars will help you cope with the repair of the car in difficult conditions.

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