Home Generator VAZ 2106 Karbühr How to set ignition. Proper ignition setting on the "six": instruction for owners. Setting up the ignition on stroboscope

VAZ 2106 Karbühr How to set ignition. Proper ignition setting on the "six": instruction for owners. Setting up the ignition on stroboscope

As you know, correctly adjusted ignition VAZ 2106. - This is not only, but also serious fuel economy. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is recommended to make the diagnostics of the entire system with subsequent adjustment. The signs will be described below, as well as ways to configure it.

Signs of irregular installation of the angle of the ignition of the VAZ 2106

  1. During movement, the car does not develop maximum turns
  2. Increased
  3. Interruptions in work on idling
  4. Engine overheating
  5. Motor detonation after stopping it
  6. Finger knuckles with a sharp press of gas pedal while driving a car.

How to adjust the ignition VAZ 2106

The whole process comes down to three stages:

  1. Change the angle of the closed state of contacts (UZK)
  2. Angle Angle Angle (UAZ)
  3. Checking the ignition adjustment during the movement of the car

Adjust the angle of the closed state of contacts (UZK)

We produce this adjustment if you have a classic or.
  1. Remove the lid of the traver. For classical ignition before adjusting with the help of the appliance, we clean the contacts in the rubble and check the density of their adjacent to each other. If necessary, gently press fixed contact.
  2. With the help of a special key, we turn the crankshaft until the distance between the contacts is maximum (if there is no such key, then we turn on the fourth gear and slowly push the car)
  3. Turn the screw that fixes the contact group on the bearing plate
  4. Using the probe 0.4 mm, adjust the contact group so that the probe passed the prompt with the contacts
  5. Tighten the screw and thus fix the position of the contact group.
  6. Check the gap with the help of the probe 0.35 mm and 0.45 mm. At the same time, a more subtle probe should move freely between the contacts, and the one that thicker should not pass between them.

In the process of this adjustment we received required gap Trambling contacts. But in fact, the angle of the closed state of contacts (UZB) is critical. As a rule, the exact angle is present only in new races, when there is no work out in contacts. Therefore, after adjusting the gap, it is recommended to check the angle, it should be 55 ° ± 3 °.

How to determine the angle of a closed state of contacts (UZK)

To check, you will need an electronic tachometer, which has a measurement function of the UZK or another such device with the same function.

Ignition Guide Adjustment With Light Bulb

For execution ignition adjustments VAZ 2106 With this method, you will need a 12 volt light bulb and the key to rotate the crankshaft.
  1. The key turn the crankshaft until the labels coincide, thus, as shown in the figure, and at the same time the traver runner stood on the high-voltage wire of the first cylinder.
  2. Connect one contact light bulb to the wire that goes on ignition Coil VAZ 2106, and the second to the mass.
  3. We take out the central wire from the traver and lean to the mass of the car
  4. Weaken the bolt fixing the trimbler case and.
  5. We turn the rubber clockwise until the light goes out, which indicates the opening of the contacts.
  6. Then slowly rotate in reverse side. Contacts must be closed, and the bulb will go out.
  7. Now slowly rotate, the chassis of the traver clockwise while the light bulb will not light up again.
  8. Fix this position with a screw.

In cases where a transistor or thyristor ignition system is used in the car, then with this adjustment you will need a voltmeter or diode probe, as the voltage may not be enough for burning light bulb.

Checking Ignition Adjustments VAZ 2106 during the movement of the car

  1. Warm the engine to the optimum temperature
  2. On a flat section of the road turn up the car to a speed of 40-50 km / h. And by turning on the 4th gear, sharply click on the gas pedal. At the same time, the engine should be brought within 1-2 seconds of characteristic detonation knobs, and the car must dial the speed. If this does not happen, then check the rubber on one division located on the scale at its base, counterclockwise.
  3. If on the contrary, detonation is present for a longer period of time, turn VAZ 2106. On one division clockwise.

If during these adjustments the position of the TRAMBLER has changed significantly compared with the position found at the second stage, this is a sign of a malfunction in the work of the traver, or substantially from the nominal.

The Ignition Adjustment of the VAZ 2106 begins with the adjustment of the angle of the closed state of the contacts. Adjusting Uzb is necessary if you use a classic or transistor ignition system. If a thyristor system is installed, the value of the Uzb is not critical. To start adjustment, remove the lid of the traver.

Ignition adjustment on VAZ 2106.

If on the car installed classic system Ignition, then before starting the adjustment, it is advisable to clean the contacts of the traver of the Nadfil. After stripping, check the condition of the contacts - you need to make sure that the contacts come into contact with each other with the entire plane.

If there is a need, contacts will have to be adjusted. Now turn the crankshaft to such a position at which the distance between the contacts will be maximum. Turn the screw to which the contact group is recorded on the bearing plate,

now I introduce the dipstick - it thickness should be approximately 0.4 mm between contacts,

after the position of the contact group is selected.in which property will move with a little effortThis position must be fixed.

We check the magnitude of the gap with two senses, the thick dipstick will not be able to go into the gap between the contacts, and the thin will move without any effort. In order to rotate the crankshaft, it is advisable to use a special key.

If not, then put the fourth gear and carefully push the car. The starter will not work, because it is almost impossible to get the desired angle of rotation. Gapderived from the traver's contacts, gives the required value of UZK, Do not forget that critical angle, not a gap! That's it because of this, you need to check the adjustment, measuring the angle that is approximately equal to 55 ± 3 °.

The easiest option is to use the electronic tachometer, which has a measurement function of Uzb. To use this device, you need to collect a rubber and start the engine. Tachometer needs to be translated into the Uzsk measurement mode.

In the event that the Uzb will go beyond the limits recommended by the manufacturer, the clearage adjustment will have to be repeated. There is another way, while you need to measure the angle. The first thing we do is pull out the central BB wire from the cover and cling to the mass of the car, the wire can not be pulled out, but then there will be a risk of breakdown in a coil to the wireHaving come from the traver to the ignition coil, you will need to connect a 12 volt light bulb.

The light bulb will light up if the ignition is turned on, and the contacts of the traver are open, and when they are closed. If a car is installed thyristor or transistor systemT. the light bulb will not burn with open contactsDue to the fact that there is a current limiter. Then the light bulb will have to be replaced with a voltmeter; In the position of open contacts, it shows 12 V, and on the closed - 0.

Scroll the crankshaft clockwise, it is necessary to turn it until until the contacts are closed. This position runner remember, It is advisable to celebrate his rubble. The crankshaft must be rotated before the contacts do not open up.

I remember this position of the runner, after the angle between these two positions is measured. This is done like this: on the trimmer body, we measure the length of the circumference of the circumference, after the expect angle in degrees by the formula:

(360pd) / L in which:

  • p \u003d 3.14 - the number of Pythagora;
  • d \u003d 70 mm - the diameter of the housing of the traver;
  • l, mm - measured arc length on the hull of the traver between the marks.

If the Uzb is exhibited correctly, the arc length will be 33 ± 2 mm.

Now proceed to the second stage. It consists in the product of the advance angle adjustment.

For engine engines VAZ-2103, VAZ-2106 the moment of blurring contacts Interrupter distributor, which corresponds to the spark of the 1st cylinder, It is ahead of the upper dead point of the first cylinder piston by 0 ± 1 °. Below is described several ways of adjustment.

Strobe adjustment

We draw a stroboscope to the car network. From the traver you need to remove and drown out the hose of the vacuum corrector. Now the engine needs to be launched and warm up to a temperature at which it steadily will keep speeds at idle. After you need to weaken the bolt that fixes the housing of the traver. The strobe light should be sent to the pulley, which is located on the crankshaft.

Now starting turn timber, until, while label, applied to pulley, not it will rise regarding the labels on the lid of the gas distribution mechanism. In this position, the housing of the trambling is fixed.

Adjustment "Light Bulb"

This method is considered classic, as it can be found in the entire automotive literature. We take a light bulb at 12 V and attach two wiring. When the light is prepared, you can start. The crankshaft must be turned so that the pulley label is located in a given way, with respect to the labels on the lid of the gas distribution mechanism, the traver runner must stand opposite the wire of the 1st cylinder wire.

I repeat, if there is no special key, then turn on the fourth gear and push cars. One of the wiring of the light bulb connects to the wire that goes from the traver to the ignition coil, second wiring you need to attach to the mass of the machine. From the cover of the traver, the central wire is removed, we attach it to the mass. The bolt that locks the rubber must be loosen.

Now turn on the ignition. The hull of the traver must be rotated along the clockwise arrow, you need to rotate until while the light will not go out. Then you need to neatly rotate in the other side, as soon as the light lights up, stop turning - it is in this position that the rubber must be fixed.

Spread adjustment

We put the crankshaft to the desired position, pull out the central wire from the lid of the traver, and the attitudes at a distance of about 5 mm from the mass.

Weaken the bolt that is recorded by the trimmer case, after the ignition is turned on. The case of the traver need to turn clockwise by 10-20 degrees. Then need sprinkle, until, do not break the sparkAfter fixing the chassis of the traver.

Adjusting "for rumor"

There is still a way to adjust, "on the rumor", but this is an inaccurate way - you will get a significant mistake, but you can get to settlement. Such adjustment is done like this: run the engine, weakening the bolt, fixing the trimmer body. Turning the housing, we find such a position in which the engine turnover will be maximal, now turn on several degrees clockwise, after you fix the rubber.

Checking the results adjustment

Go to the last step, we need to check the results obtained. The results are checked on the behavior of the car on the road. The engine is necessary to warm up, go to the smooth section of the road to dial the speed of 40-50 km / h, include the fourth gear and press the gas pedal sharply. Within 1-2 seconds, characteristic stuffs will be heard similar to the Cocan, and the car will immediately begin to confidently dial the speed.

If no sounds can be heard, then you need to turn the rubber against the time of the clockwise on one division, this procedure must be repeated until the sound is heard.

Remember that detonation should be no longer 2 seconds. In the event that during the check too much I had to change the position of the traver, then you have problems.

The cause of problems can still be in the deviation of the composition of fuel from the nominal, as well as in the improper operation of the track systems.

I must say "how to set ignition on the VAZ 2106" is a fairly common question. How to do this, and what is needed for this in the article.

The content of the article:

Let's start with the fact that an ignition is simply impossible on the injector. This system has an engine control unit, which, judging by the indicators from the phase sensor and position sensor crankshaft Submits voltage to the ignition system. Therefore, adjust the ignition on the injector is impossible. Not at all.

How to understand what to put ignition

There are several indirect signs that you should look at. Of course, if the engine does not start, then Ignition is the first thing that comes to mind, if of course the candles are wet. Consider the main symptoms that indicate but the need to install the ignition.

Signs that the ignition installation is required:

  • Increased fuel consumption. Of course, this may be due to improper adjustment of the carburetor, but sometimes it happens. For example, at a late ignition, the car dynamics drops, to achieve the former overclocking, a larger amount of combustible mixture is required.
  • Loss of speakers. With a late ignition, the explosion goes "after" the piston, which has already gone down under the inertia of the flywheel.
  • Shots in the muffler. When the explosion occurs in the time, the expansion of gases takes out some time. If the piston has already reached the bottom of the dead point, then the failure is followed. And then part of the fuel explosion will be transferred to exhaust system, From here and cotton.
  • Increased engineering engineering. Installation of ignition on the VAZ 2106 will be required if the engine has begun noticeably "taural" and shake. In this case, the piston is still going up, and the explosion is already going to meet him. This makes his work very tough, unpleasant for rumor, immediately noticeable.

How to set ignition on VAZ 2106 - Procedure

To begin with, you will need to install the ignition mark. The crankshaft can be rotated either for the ratchet, or a special nut. On the windshield cover of the engine and on the crankshaft pulley there are salons and notches, the combination of which corresponds to the different corner of the ignition advance:
  • The first label in the course of the movement is ahead of the ignition angle by 10 degrees. Angle advance is an adjustment of fuel combustion rate. So, 10 degrees are a label for 72 gasoline.
  • Next comes the average label - ahead of 5 degrees. It for 80 gasoline.
  • The latter, short label is ahead of 0 degrees. This means that the mixture will be lit in exactly at the moment, then the piston is in the upper dead point.

After setting the ignition label is complete, you need to immediately install the necessary clearance in contacts, naturally, where they are. To do this, remove the distributor slider and unscrew the locking screw of the interrupter.

Before installing a gap, preferably sandpaper (600-800) Clean the contacts

The gap between the interrupter contacts in the open state should be 0.35-0.40 mm. For this, a flat probe will be needed.

Well, now we go directly to the Ignition Installation of the VAZ 2106. We unscrew the fastening of the distributor (Nut at 13), then pull it out of the housing.

Now you need to insert a rubber into place, given a few mandatory moments:

  • We set up the top dead tact of compression in the first cylinder, respectively, at this moment the spark should appear in it. In order to catch this moment, we put the lid on the rubber and mark the place where the armored car was included from the candle of the first cylinder. Now you need to remove the cover to set the external contact of the runner exactly opposite the label. That is, at the moment when the piston is in the upper dead point, the spark is served from the central wire of the distributor through the contacts of the runner on the armored barrier from the first cylinder.
  • Next, to set the ignition at 2106, it is necessary to conduct an imaginary line between the roof latches and install the rubber in place so that this line is parallel to the engine block. Immediately it is worth saying that the actuation of the drive will not work the first time, you will have to twist the case for a couple of millimeters. It is not scary, because the installation of ignition requires subsequent adjustment. It is important that the rubber will completely sat down in its place to continue to the block. Next, attract it to the place.

Ignition adjustment VAZ 2106

Establish the ignition is half an end, because it needs to be adjusted. After the engine has started, it is necessary to warm it, dispersed up to 40 km / h in the third gear, then turn on the fourth and put pressure on the gas pedal about half the course, you can three quarters, but not in the floor. There are a pair of event development scenarios, each and which requires its solution.
  • Short-term detonation that disappears in a couple of seconds. This is normal and should be. If it passes within 4-5 seconds, then the subsequent ignition adjustment is not required.
  • Long detonation. This suggests that the ignition is too early. In order to make it later, it is necessary to stop, weaken the fastening of the hull of the traver, holding it with your hand, and then turn to one division on the case towards "+". Next to do the same operation if detonation lasts more than the above time. "
  • Lack of detonation. This is also not very good. In this case, it is necessary to stop and turn the rubber to the side "-".

How to set ignition on VAZ 2106 video:

Properly exhibited ignition - the key to the correct operation of the engine and its trouble-free start. Among other things, the fuel consumption and dynamic indicators of the car depends on the moment of ignition, due to the non-correct ignition, which may result in irreversible consequences and. To the question of how to set the ignition, each motorist has its own answer, some do it on the "peephole", others use a stroboscope, there are also those who fundamentally use the services of autosers. Whatever it was, the main thing is the result, and then with what you did it no longer has a fundamental importance.

In order to set the ignition on the VAZ 2106 you will need:

  • Key on "13";
  • Control (voltmeter or 12 volts light bulb);
  • Candle wrench.

Ignition is set on the first or fourth cylinder, today we will look at the first option.

Ignition moment VAZ 2106 Tests on the labels on the lid, there are three labels, short medium and long.

  1. The short label corresponds to the angle of ahead of equal to 10 °.
  2. Average - 5 °.
  3. Long - 0 °.

NMT (upper dead dot) is marked on the rim of pulley, and there is a special influx on the pulley in front of this label.

The ignition system plays a very important role in the engine internal combustion. It depends on it a large number of parameters that are strongly reflected on the total behavior of the car. Therefore, every driver of the Russian car industry should know how to set ignition on VAZ 2106.

The ignition system is necessary for the creation of an electrical pulse, which flammives the fuel-air mixture inside the cylinder. Depending on the vehicle modification, it can be contact and contactless. Recently, it is common on a non-contact basis and works with the help of a transistor scheme.

The central part of the system is a rubber, inside of which there is a movable contact transmitting an electrical pulse to high-voltage cables.

The latter are connected to the ignition candles. The middle part of the traver has a Hall sensor that defines the angular position of the traver and transmits this information to the switch. He sends a signal to the ignition coil, which 12 volts converts to 25 kilovolts. The rubber itself works from the crankshaft, so its work is clearly synchronized. Injector engines The ignition module is used, which manifests the desired ahead of the advance.

The operation of the contact system has a similar principle of operation, but there is no switch in the layout and the Hall sensor. The essence of the action must comply with the order of sparking, which should occur at the moment when the piston is in the upper dead point. Moreover, this process should occur with some advance, because the mixture begins to burn not immediately, but through a small period of time. Thus, at the moment when the cylinder will arise maximum pressure, the piston will reach the top point and go down.

The result of this interaction was the emergence of two terms, which implies early and later ignition. In fact, the ignition should be a little early, and this angle should not exceed 5 percent. If it is too big, then the mixture will be ignited too early, which is typical for the appearance of detonation, when the mixture will burn too early and the motor will begin to warm more than in the usual mode.

This is a very dangerous mode and can lead to serious breakdowns.

Another problem - later ignition. In this case, gasoline burns too late and cylinders move more inertia than from combustion of fuel. Because of this, the power loss is observed, sharply in the muffler, as well as increased flow Fuel. When these features are detected, as well as with increased overheating of the motor, it is necessary to adjust the moment of ignition.

Ignition adjustment process VAZ 2106

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, and the drivers invented many ways, the main of which is the use of a stroboscope. Of course, this is a very accurate method that allows you to easily adjust the ignition on any carburetor car. However, the stroboscope itself costs about 600 rubles, when the ignition adjustment for the VAZ 2106 in the car service will cost 300. This suggests that it makes sense to use a standard set of tools and save this amount of money.

You will need a ratchet (it can be replaced by a jack), as well as the key to 13, a candle wrench and a plug corresponding to the candle hole. Now you will learn how to set the ignition completely from scratch. For this, at first it is necessary to find the top dead point of the first cylinder in the compression tact. Remove the candles and insert a plug into the first cylinder.

Using the ratchet rotate the crankshaft until the cork sees. This moment is considered to be the point of maximum compression of air in the cylinder. The label on the crankshaft pulley and the long label on the bearing lid should be combined. To create the desired advance, it is recommended to install on the second label, which will correspond to the angle of 5 degrees. After that, the crankshaft no longer need to rotate.

If you do not have a ratchet, then you can rotate the motor with rear wheel. For this, the PPC needs to put on the fourth speed, and raise the wheel to the jack. To avoid accidental fall, it is recommended to install anti-tetting stops And the backup under the car.

Now take the key to 13 and unscrew the bolt of the capture of your VAZ 2106. After removing the lock, pull out the rubber and install it in such a way that its runner stood opposite the contact 1 of the cylinder on the lid of the traver. After that, you can collect it, but do not delay the bolt. Lower the car and prepare for launch.

Now you need two people: the first will rotate the starter, and the second to set the advance angle. Hold your hand for the Octan Corrector and ask the partner to start the starter. It is possible that it will not start, at this point you must slowly move the rubber until the motor is headed. This will be the point in which you set right moment ignition. When the motor becomes necessary, it will be necessary to continue to rotate the rubber until the most stable operation of the engine of your VAZ 2106.

That's all. This is how the ignition adjustment process on the VAZ 2106 car looks like. Thus, it can be done without the participation of car service specialists, as well as save some amount of money. We wish you good luck on the roads!

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