Home Lighting Decoding SUV on tire marking. Tires for "All-wheel drive drive that means SUV on tires

Decoding SUV on tire marking. Tires for "All-wheel drive drive that means SUV on tires

Designation and classification of automotive tires

To ensure the best manageability, stability and passability, it is necessary that the tires match the car and its operating conditions.

The tire consists of: frame, bracket layers, tread, sideboard and side part.
Depending on the orientation of the cord threads in the frame, the tires are distinguished:
In the radial tires, the Cord's yarn are located along the radius of the wheel, and in diagonal - at an angle to the radius of the wheel, and the threads of the adjacent layers crosses. Radial tires are tight, they have a greater resource, the best stability of the shape of the contact spot, less rolling resistance.

1. Side Wire Ring
2. Sideways
3. Longitudinal tread groove
4. Shoulder of the tread
5. Central tread edge
6. Protector
7. Nylon bracket layer
8. 2nd layer of steel breaker
9. 1st layer of steel breaker
10. 2nd layer of textile frame
11. 1st layer of textile frame
12. Onboard ribbon
13. Heel Borta
14. The base of the board
15. Sockboard
16. Film cord
17. Sealing layer
18. Cutting layer of tread

The tire has the following components:
- frame - The main power element of the tire, consisting of one or more layers of the columnated cord, enshrined, as a rule, on the onboard rings. Cord is a fabric consisting of thick filaments of the base and thin rare threads by the duck, manufactured on the basis of natural or synthetic fibers, or thin steel filaments (metal-chop);
- breaker - Inner parts of the tire located between the frame and the tread and consisting of several layers of the rubberized metal or other cord. The breaker is designed to mitigate shock loads on the bus arising when the car moves along the road;
- tread - the outer rubber part of the tire tire, as a rule, with a relief pattern that provides a clutch with an expensive and a prevention framework from damage;
- sideways - a layer of coating rubber, located on the side wall of the tire, a protective frame from external damage;
- board Tires - the rigid part of the pneumatic tire, providing its mount on the rim of the wheels.
In the breaker of the diagonal tires, the cord threads in adjacent layers intersect with each other at an angle from 45 to 60 °, and in radial - at an angle from 45 to 65 °.
Radial tires, in contrast to diagonal, have a frame with a smaller number of cord layers, a powerful breaker (more often metal), which provides them with a smaller circumferential deformation when rolling and smaller tread surveillance when contacting the road. Radial tires also have reduced heat generation and smaller loan losses, long service life, withstand higher load and speed.


Tires performed can be chamber and tubeless, and radial and diagonal designs. Depending on the purpose and operating conditions, the tires are divided into:
road (in everyday life called summer), designed for use at positive temperatures on highway roads. Tires of this type provide the best adhesion with dry and wet roads, have maximum wear resistance and best fit for high-speed driving. For movement on dirt roads (especially wet) and in the winter they are unsuitable.
winterUsed on icing and snow-covered roads, the coupling qualities of the coverage of which may vary depending on the situation, from the minimum (smooth ice or porridge from snow and water) to small (rolled snow in the frost). They have good road properties, somewhat inferior to summer "rubber". Many winter tires allow you to install anti-slip spikes or have them.
all-season They are a compromise option between summer and winter tires, therefore inferior to ensuring clutch and first and second in the respective season. They allow us to year-round to operate the car on one set of tires.
universal Possess properties that allow them to exploit them both on roads and in dirt roads. It is advisable to apply for oscoretumors who make approximately equal runs on the highway and roads. The clear boundary between them and all-season tires is quite difficult to spend.
increased passibility Designed for off-road and soft soils. Use such tires is preferably only with a rare highway movement. Otherwise, they will be faster and create a high level of noise.

Main sizes of tires:

landing diameter (D) on rim wheel, denoted in inches;
profile width (s) Mounted on the rim and pumped tire without load is denoted in millimeters or inches. This size should correspond to the landing width of the rim (Table 1, 2, 3);
series (H) - The ratio of profile height to its width in percent. If the series is missing in the marking, it means that this ratio is 80% or more;
outer diameter (D) - Diameter mounted on the rim and pumped tire without load. Indicated in the catalogs;
profile height (h) - The difference between the outer and landing diameters. In the tire designation is not given.

Tire Tread Pictures:

the non-directional pattern (photo a) is symmetrical relative to the radial plane of the wheel passing through its rotation axis. Is the most versatile, so most of the tires are produced with such a pattern;
Directional pattern (photo b) is symmetrical relative to the plane passing through the middle of the tread. It has an improved ability to remove water from a spack of contact with expensive and low noise;
Asymmetrical pattern (Photo B) is not symmetric with respect to the central plane of rotation of the wheel. It is used to implement different properties in one bus. For example, the outer side of the tire works better on a dry road, and internal - on wet.

Tire Designations:

Contains information about sizes, tire designs, speed and loading indexes. In accordance with current standards, the designation of the size can be millimeter, inch or mixed.
1 - maximum load and pressure (according to the US standard);
2 - Designation of the inside of the tire with asymmetric * tread pattern. The outdoor side in this case is "OUTSIDE";
3 - the number of layers and the type of cord frame and breaker;
4 - manufacturer's trademark;
5 - profile width;
6 - series;
7, 15 - the designation of the radial tire;
8 - designation of the tubeless tire;
9 - planting diameter;
10 - Load index;
11 - speed index;
12 - designation of the direction of rotation of the tire by car (with the directional pattern of the tread);
13 - the date of manufacture, for example, the 28th week of 2001 (up to 2000 - three-digit number);
14 - the sign of the official assertion of the Tire for compliance of the UNECE Regulation No. 30, the country's conditional number issued the certificate, and the certificate number;
16 - model name.

Examples of tire designation according to GOST 4754-97:
1) 185/70R14
2) 215 / 90-15С
3) 5,90-13С.
Figures and letters mean:
185; 215; 5.90 - profile width in mm or inches;
70; 90 - series (the ratio of the height of the profile to its width in percent;
R is the designation of the radial tire (in the designation of the diagonal tire, the letter "D" does not indicate);
fourteen; fifteen; 13 - the landing diameter of the rim in inches;
C is an index denoting that the tire is designed for light trucks and buses of particularly low capacity.

In circulation there are tires with other symbols, for example:
1) 6,15-13/155-13
6.15 and 155 - profile width in inches and millimeters;
13 - landing diameter of the rim in inches.
The letters r is not, it means that the tire is diagonal. Since the profile height value is not specified, it exceeds 80%.
2) 31x10,5R15 (for Soughhead tires, all sizes in inches)
31 - outer diameter;
10.5 - profile width;
R - radial tire;
15 - planting diameter.

Marking of tires of domestic production

In accordance with GOST 4754-97, the following mandatory inscriptions are applied to the tire:
trademark and (or) the name of the manufacturer;
Name of the country - the manufacturer in English - "Made in ...";
tire designation;
Brand (bus model);
carrier index (carrying capacity);
Speed \u200b\u200bIndex (Table 4);
"Tubeless" - for tubeless tires;
"Reinforced" - for reinforced tires;
"M + S" or "M.S" - for winter tires;
"All Seasons" - for all-season tires;
The date of manufacture consisting of three digits, the first two denotes the week of manufacture, the last one is a year;
"PSI" - pressure index from 20 to 85 (only for tires with index "C");
"REGROOVABLE" - in case of the possibility of deepening the tread pattern by cutting;
sign of approval "E" with an indication of official approval numbers and a country issued certificate;
"GOST 4754";
The National Sign of Compliance with GOST (allowed to be applied only in the accompanying documentation);
sequence number of the tire;
the direction of rotation direction (in the case of the directional pattern of the tread);
"TWI" - the location of the wear indicators;
balancing label (except for tires 6,50-16c and 215 / 90-15s, delivered);
Technical control stamp.

Marking overseas tires

They may have some other notation:
"Touus Terrain" - all-season;
"R + W" (Road + Winter) - Road + Winter (Universal);
"Retread" - restored;
"Inside" - the inner side;
"OUTSIDE" - outdoor side;
"Rotation" - direction of rotation (for tires with directional pattern);
"Side Facing Inwards" - side facing inside;
"Side Facing Outwards" - a side facing outward (for asymmetric tires);
"Steel" - the designation of the presence of a metal coordinate;
"TL" - a tubeless tire;
"TT" or "Mit Schlauch" - chamber bus.


It is desirable that all tires mounted on the car were not only one size and design, but also one model and, if possible, one manufacturer. Despite the external similarity of some tread patterns, each tire model has a complex of properties inherent only to it. When installed on different axis of a car tires with different, albeit very similar pattern (this is allowed by the rules of the road traffic), the coupling properties will inevitably differ that it can adversely affect manageability in critical situations. In the case of a forced installation of not the same tires, it is necessary to avoid the following combinations if possible:
Low profile "Rubber" ahead and high profile rear;
On the leading axis of the front-wheel drive vehicle, studded tires are installed, and behind without spikes;
The new tires are installed ahead, and the back is completely worn or vice versa, etc.
The last two options are especially dangerous, since the adhesion of the rear tires with an expensive is significantly reduced on a wet or outlander asphalt, which can lead to a drift and an accident.
All tires, even within the same type, differ in the chemical composition of rubber, internal design and tread pattern. This is due to the fact that to make an "ideal" tire that would ensure the maximum realization of the characteristics of the car under all road conditions, it is impossible. Therefore, manufacturers produce tires:
With a certain specialization, when one (or two) properties are most developed (as a rule, in small damage to others). For example, a tire for a comfortable highway movement, having a low noise and good smoothness, may not provide good stability and controllability at high speeds. Or the tire has an increased resource and reduces the fuel consumption (compared to other models) due to low rolling resistance, but may not provide good comfort, stability and controllability. As a rule, all major manufacturers (unfortunately, as long as foreign) indicate in advertising prospects, which one of the best properties has this tire model. True, at the same time silent, what properties "donated";
With averaged, approximately the same in size, properties, to ensure an acceptable implementation of the characteristics of the car in a wide range of road conditions.
Therefore, before selecting tires, it is necessary to determine:
What properties of tires, in addition to a reliable clutch, you are most important - "sportiness", comfort, efficiency, etc.
The conditions in which the car will be operated longer;
Maximum load capacity and speed, overall sizes of the tires that must match the car.
When moving to another dimension, it is desirable that the outer diameter of the tire does not change, which can be calculated by the formula: D \u003d 25,4D + 2Sh,
where D is the wheel diameter (inches), S - the width of the tire profile (mm), H is the tire series (the ratio of the tire profile height to its width in%). Recommended replacement options are shown in Table. five.
It is necessary to take into account that the operation of tires at the limiting speeds and the load significantly reduces their resource.

Thread labeling

If the vehicle manufacturer allows you to vary the size of the tires in some limits, then more preferably wider tires. On them, the car is slightly better inhibits and less drops with intense acceleration. But at the same time worse, it is managed in the turns of the small radius - the bus has to slip due to the fact that the opposite sides of the tread pass different paths, and the wider tire, the greater the difference in slipping. In addition, wide tires float in puddles at a lower speed than narrow.
From the series or height of the tire profile directly depends on the controllability and stability of the car, and the smoothness of the stroke. High sidewalls better with UHUBAM, but in turning such a tire will be lined up, late with the reaction, and change the trajectory. But the low-profile tire is rigid and does not tolerate bad roads.
A separate category of tires - "M + S" (dirt and snow). Such tires have mediocre characteristics on asphalt, but have advantages on primer and snow-covered roads. But on the latter, they behave worse than real winter, designated by an additional icon with a three-headed mountain peak and snowflake. However, the icon may not be.
Another "half off-frequency" category - All Season - all-season tires. To some extent, they are close to "M + S" tires, since it is allowed and summer and winter operation. Such versatility is allowed in warm regions where winter is short and not cold, and the summer is not very roast. Universal tires are noticeably lagging behind summer tires in summer and from the winter - winter.
Run-Flat type tires (not afraid of punctures, thanks to reinforced sidewalls) have their own distinctive marking, which is shown in the table:

Other labels that can be found on tires are shown in the table.:.

Marking What means Note
All Season or Tous Terrain All-season
R + W (Road + Winter) Road + Winter (All-season)
M + S, M & S or M (.) S (MUD + SNOW) Dirt and snow
XL (Extra Load) Increased lifting capacity Real tire capacity is determined by the lifting capacity index
R or Radial Radial tire design
Reinforced. Stregnated
Retread. Restored
REGROOVABLE Possible cutting / deepening grooves
Rotation (used with the arrow) Tire direction Only for tires with directional tread type
INSIDE or SIDE FACING INWARDS The inner side of the sidewall
Outside or Side Facing Outwards Outer side of the sidewall Only for tires with asymmetric tread type
C (COMMERCIAL) For light trucks and minibuses Typically located at the end of the tire dimension marking
LT (Light Truck) For light trucks and buses On the tires of American production. It may be located before labeling the dimension of the tire.
SUV. For Ozvozdnikov
Steel or Steel Belted Metal coordinate breaker
Tubeless or TL Belessaless
TUBE TYPE or TT With a camera
TWI (Tread Wear Indication) Tread depth indicator
Letter "E" in a circle with a digital index Confirmation of tire type certification for compliance Regulation No. 30 of the UNECE. The digital index in the circle is the number (code) of the country conducted by certification, outside the circle - the certificate number.
Maximum Load ... Better to focus on the lifting capacity index
Maximum Pressure ... Maximum allowable pressure in the US Tire
Etro. European technical organization on tires and disks
ECE European Commission on Economics
Dot. US Department of Transport
FMVSS. Federal Vehicle Safety Standard

For gourmet
Such prefer to pick up a set of tires from one batch, trying to avoid even minimal deviations in properties. Then you need to pay attention to the type marking: "DOT GU N4 FRVX 1908". On the tires michelin. All together it is called the manufacturer's certificate number in accordance with DOT, and means the following:
DOT (Department of Trasnpotation) - US Department of Transport;
GU is the manufacturer's code;
N4 - size code:
FRVX - additional code, often includes a party number or brigade;
1908 (can be squeezed separately from DOT) - two first digits mean a week a year (here 19), the last two years (2008) of the tire release.
ECE, ETRO and FMVSS certificates can be applied.
Tires of different parties if they differ, then not enough to notice the consumer. The difference is usually meager.
We will open a small secret that many tires try not to advertise for obvious reasons. Car manufacturers for primary tires put forward their requirements. Mercedes, for example, focuses on comfort, BMW - on handling - As a result, the balance of the properties of the tire changes slightly. In this case, the name and drawing of the tread remain intact, and it is impossible to distinguish them. Therefore, they apply special labels, which are shown in the table:

Additional labeling on tires supplied to the primary configuration
Put on the demand of automakers:

Note: Michelin recommends:
1. On the vehicles of the brand, highlighted in bold, it is unacceptable to use tires without appropriate marking.
2. Tires highlighted in bold is unacceptable to use on cars of another manufacturer.

Tires without such marking - average, and go on sale either on a complete set of cars without special requirements for tires.
If you pick up one bus on BMW or Porsche, it is better to clarify whether there is a special labeling. If there is - look for the exact same, ordering through the car dealer. It is clear that such a tire will cost more than the usual store. But only then you can be sure that in emergency situation The car will not blame the "average coat". If this is not possible to find, you will have to buy all four in the usual bus store.

About herniastyness
The increase in speed indices and carrying capacity does not mean that the tire will be less afraid of breakdowns and grinding to borders. But there are still small benefits. Speed \u200b\u200btires are structurally stronger in the radial direction. Often thanks to the reinforcing laying between the breaker and the frame. Such tires are slightly less vulnerable to shocks, but, as a rule, tougher and noisy.
Tires with more high index Load capacity is distinguished not only by an additional substrate, but also reinforced sidewalls. They are really more durable. Tires for SUV cars are also enhanced by lines and shoulders, so if you have to go on broken roads, you can find such suitable in dimension and high-speed capabilities. By the way, some imported cars for the Russian market manufacturers are equipped with tires knowingly greater carrying capacity. Keep in mind that they are harder, less comfortable, and increase fuel consumption. In addition, the rigid tires are poorly damaged by the energy of the blows, therefore the suspension and body suffer more. A variant of a certain increase in "Herge-resistant" - an increase in the pressure above recommended by 0.3-0.5 bar. But do not forget that the grip of the wheels will deteriorate with the road and smoothness.

Tattoo on the shoulders

1. Recently, the sidewalls of the tires of some manufacturers were decorated with pictures of about the next species.
From left to right, this means: summer, rain, snow, fuel saving, confident passage of turns. Others, if you introduce similar badges, try to keep them on the company's website, because this information is needed only when you choose tires.

2. "Green" tires are characterized by a reduced fuel consumption and a reduced noise level. As far as the manufacturer itself knows.
This icon applies Michelin. And Nokian and Pirelli - Relief Leaflets

3. Three-chapted snowy vertex Snowfish suggests that tires are created for harsh winter conditions. Used as additional label To tins like "M + S"

4. The most convenient wear indicator (Nokian) is a sufficiently fluidized look at the protector to find out what is his residual depth (figures "squeezed" to a certain depth) and whether the tires have kept the ability to remain winter (the snowflake will erase from the tread, when the depth of its grooves will remain less than 4 mm)

5. Another Nokian trick is the marking of the wheel positioning by car seasonal shift tires

6. Interpretation of round and triangular color marks on the sidewalls of tires is not regulated by any international or European document. For example, Bridgestone, Yokohama, Kumho, label products in accordance with the requirements of car manufacturers. Therefore, color marks can be found on tires intended for the primary configuration.
The most common interpretation of yellow labels is the lightest part of the tire. Red indicates the place of maximum power inhomogeneity or the most severe part of the tire. White label of any form - a fragment of the SPM stamp.
Colored strips in tread grooves are, as a rule, logistic signals that simplify life with warehouse workers. To know for sure, which means each specific color strip or a label of any configuration, you will have to access the tire manufacturer.

Sergey Mishin took part in the preparation of the article


Tire size, as well as other technical parameters and properties are specified at the time of its design, the main criterion for determining the tire characteristics is the category of vehicles for which it is produced (passenger, minivans and SUVs, commercial, etc.). Obviously, requirements, such as passenger tires and tires for light trucks, will be different, respectively, the marking of such tires will be different. The most common designation of the type of tire type235 /65 R. 17 108 T. , but also meet the following marking options:185/75 R16C., LT185 / 75 R16, 175 / R14, 175-14 , 7.5-16 , 7.50R16 LT.. We will analyze all these values \u200b\u200bin order:

    175, 185, 235 - the width of the tire profile, is measured in millimeters;

    7.5, 7.50 - width of the tire profile in inches;

    65, 75 - series, expressed in the tire height ratio to width, also call the height of the profile or simply profile, is indicated in percent. Those. 235/65 reads as 65% of 235 mm. Labeling not containing the values \u200b\u200bof the tire series (for example175 / R14) It suggests that the tire is full-lifted. The height of the profile of such tires is more than 80%.

IMPORTANT! When changing the tire sizes, it is necessary to remember that the series (profile) of the tire is relative. For example, when replacing tires 235/65R17on wider 255/65R17will change inmost side, the overall height of the wheel. This will lead to an increase in the car clearance (the machine will "rise"), which is not always good - it is possible to deteriorate a car charter, especially when turning at speeds, the maximum rotation angle will decrease. Also when driving on uneven roads / off-road or when inserted into the pit and potholes, the wheel can touch the liner, which is unacceptable. Especially brings disorders when the wheels, as a result of such replacements, cannot be installed on the machine - they simply do not fit into the wheel arch.Tires that were mounted on the exchange disk or return are not subject to , be careful!

    R., as well asRadial many mistakenly believe that the letterR.means "radius", it is not. This is the designation of the radial design of the tire (the location of the Cord layers forming the tire frame, relative to the axis of rotation of the wheel). There are two more types of tires: diagonal, letterD.as a rule is not put( marking of type175-14, 7.5-16) and diagonal tires with belt belt, such rubber is significantly tougher, heavier and excellent for SUVs in mountain conditions is marked with a letterB (Bias Belt.eD). If none of these letters are indicated, then the tire has a diagonal design;

    ReinForced (RF), C or Lt. designation of reinforced tires, rubber for commercial vehicles and light trucks;

    Reinforced. or Rf (for example, 195/70R.15 Rf) means that the tire is reinforced with additional layers of Cord (the rate of laying 6PR);

    FROM ( Commercial ) Used to designate light-mass tires having a layering rate of 8PR;

    LT (Light Truck) tires are labeled for the US market and recommended for use on SUVs, minivans and light trucks;

    108 T. - 108 - tire load index (more on the load index).T -category (index) of the tire speed (more about the speed index). Also tire marking may contain a valueMAX.Load.egMax.load 1000 kg (2204 LBS).

Marking of American tires.

The metric system of designation of the tire sizes is widespread the territory of the United States ("P-Metric"), but has some differences from European "Euro-Metric". For example, for US tires, it is characterized by a tire destination index, it has an alphabetic designation and is affixed, as a rule, before information about the tire profile - P 195/65 R. 15, there are the following tire destination indices:

    P.abbreviatedPassanger, tires for passenger carsmobile;

    Lt.abbreviatedLight Truck., tires for SUVs, minivans and light commercial trucks;

    LTP.abbreviatedLight Truck Personal, tires for SUVs, minivans and light private trucks;

    T.abbreviatedTemporary, Tires for temporary use, Simply put - Outlet (Sitter);

Also on the territory of the United States operates an inch system designation system used to label off-road and cargo tires. An example of such a system is marked 32/11,5 LTP R15 Where:

    32 - the outer diameter of the tire, is measured in inches;

    11,5 - series (profile height) of the tire, in inches;

    LTP.- Tire destination index;

    R. - Type type of tire (radial);

    15 - Internal (landing) tire diameter.

Additional tire marking.

Seasonal and weather notation:

    M + S, M & S- MUD AND SNOW ( dirt and snow), tires are designed for use all year round (all-season). Pabsence of pictograms (drawing) "Snowflake" (mountains and snowflake) tires are recommended only in summer , for winter they are not suitable;

    All Season, AS - all-season tires;

    Agg.t. (All Grip Traction) - all-season tires;

    ANY WEATHER, AW- for use in any weather;

    Winter.winter tires;

    "Snowflake" ("Mountains and Snowflake") - tire is intended for use in winter;

    Studlessmarking of winter, uninterested (frictional) tires;

    Studdable, Stud. - Marking of winter-crowd or providing for tire misses;

    Rain, Water, Aqua, Aquatred, AquacontAct or * umbrella *- rain tires.

Tire Passage Designation, Road Type:

    Hp H / P (High Performance) - Road (highway) tires intended for use only on asphalt roads. Good clutch indicators only on smooth road surfaces;

    UHP (Ultra High Performance) - Road (highway) tires of increased wear resistance and strength. Only for smooth asphalt coating;

    HT, H / T (Highway Terrain) - Highway tires for driving mainly on asphalt roads. The tread pattern allows you to ride in dirt roads and off-road only in dry weather;

    A / T (All Terrain) - Universal, Ovrian tires. Figure tread more aggressive than that of tires H / T. Designed for asphalt, dirt roads, sand, stone, snow, daily exploitation. Not recommended For deep riding and clay;

    M / T (MUD terrain) - Mud tires. Figure Tractor "Tractor". Rubber is tougher than A / T and not very suitable for asphalt roads, as well as badly behaves on ice. Designed for driving roads, rings, clay, wetlands;

    S.A.G. (Super All Grip) - tires of increased passability;

    S.L. LIMITED SERVICE) - limited use;

    U.G.S. Undeground Special) - tires for underground equipment;

    N. . H. . S. . ( NonhighWayService.) - not for high-speed roads;

    C. . M. . S. . ( CONSTRUCTION. Mining. Service. ) - tires for mining equipment;

    H.. C.. T.. (Heavy.ConstructorTransport.) - tires for severe construction equipment;

    L.. C.. M.. (Logging.ConstructorMining.) - Tires for forest, construction, mining equipment.

Marking of destination tires

    SUV (SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES) - Tires for sports SUVs and crossovers. Tires are usually marked for all all-wheel drive heavy cars (SUVs, minivans);

    ML. - (designation only in tires of passenger cars) tires with a protective coherm for a disk rim for Mercedes-Benz or Audi;

    M0.- Tires, organized (approved) for Mercedes-Benz;

    N0, N1, N2,N3, N4, N5 - Tires designed for Porsche cars;

Other marking designations:

    Tubeless, TL - Blueless tire, if there is no such marking - the tire must be installed with the camera;

    TUBE TYPE, TT - Chamber type bus, used only with the camera;

195/65 R15 91 T XL

195 - This is the width of the tire in mm.

65 - proportionality, i.e. Profile height ratio to width. In our case, it is equal to 65%. Simply put, with the same width, the more this indicator, the tire will be higher and vice versa. Usually this magnitude is called simply - "profile".

As the tire profile is a relative value, then it is important to consider when selecting rubber, what if you are instead of a sizernary 195/65 R15 We want to put tires with a size of 205/65 R15, then not only the width of the tire will increase, but also height! That in most cases is unacceptable! (except in cases where both of these sizes are listed in the auto operating book). The exact data on the change in the external sizes of the wheel you can calculate in a special bus calculator.

If this ratio is not indicated (for example, 185 / R14C), it means it is equal to 80-82% and the tire is called full-face. Reinforced tires with such labeling are usually used on minibuses and light trucks, where a large maximum load on the wheel is very important.

R - means tire with radial cord (in fact, now almost all tires are made this way).

Many mistakenly believe that R- means the tire radius, but it is the radial design of the tire. There is still a diagonal design (denoted by the letter D), but recently it is practically not released, since its operational characteristics are noticeably worse.

15 - wheel diameter (disk) in inches. (It is diameter, not a radius! This is also a common mistake). This "planting" tire diameter on the disk, i.e. This is an internal size of the tire or an outdoor disk.

91 - Load index. This is the level of maximum permissible load on one wheel. For passenger cars, it is usually done with a margin and when choosing tires is not a decisive value, (in our case, in - 91 - 670 kg.). For minibuses and small trucks, this parameter is very important and must be observed.

Additional information indicated in the marking on the sidewall bus:

XL or Extra Loadstressed tire, the load index of which is 3 units higher than that of the usual tires of the same size. In other words, if on this bus, the load index 91 is indicated marked with XL or Extra Load, it means that with this index, the bus is able to withstand maximum load 670 kg instead of 615 kg (watch the tire load index table).

M + S. Or M & S Tire Marking (Mud + Snow) - Mud Plus Snow And Means Tires All-season or Winter. On many summer tires for SUVs, M & S is indicated. However, these tires cannot be operated in winter timebecause Winter tires have a completely different composition of rubber and tread pattern, and the M & S icon indicates good tire patency.

All season or as All-season tires. AW (Any Weather) - any weather.

Pictogram * (Snowflake) - Rubber is intended for use in harsh winter conditions. If there is no tire on the sidewall this label, then this tire is designed for use only in summer conditions.

Aquatred, AquaContact, Rain, Water, Aqua or pictogram (umbrella) - special rain tires.

Outside and Inside; Assymmetric tires, i.e. It is important not to confuse which side is outdoor, but which is internal. When installing, OUTSIDE must be from the outside of the car, and Inside - with the inner.

RSC. (Runflat System Component.) - Tires Runflat. - These are tires on which you can continue to move on a car at a speed of no more than 80 km / h with a complete pressure drop in the tire (with a puncture or cut). On these tires, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, you can drive from 50 to 150 km. Different manufacturers of tires use various RSC technology designations.
For example: Bridgestone RFT, Continental Ssr., Goodyear Runonflat.Nokian. Run Flat., Michelin. Zp. etc.

Rotation Or the arrow this marking on the sidewall of the tire means the directional tire. When the tire is installed, it is necessary to strictly observe the direction of rotation of the wheel specified by the arrow.

Tubeless (TL)- Cameless tire. In the absence of this inscription, the tire can only be used with the camera. Tube Type - indicates that this tire must only be operated with the camera.

Max Pressure.; The maximum allowable tire pressure. Max Load. - Maximum permissible load On each wheel of the car, kg.

Reinforced. or letters Rf In a sizer (for example, 195/70 R15RF) means that this is a reinforced bus (6 layers).
Letter FROM At the end of the size (for example, 195/70 R15C) denotes truck bus (8 layers).

Radial This marking on the rubber in the sizernary means that it is the autoresin of the radial design. Steel means that the tire design is present metal Cord.

Mo. - Mercedes Original - So Tires are designed with the participation of Daimler specialists / AO -Audi Original and TD.

Letter E. (In the circle) - the tire corresponds to the European ECE (ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE). DOT (Department of Transportation - US Department of Transportation) - American Quality Standard.

Temperature A, B or C The heat resistance of the autoresine at high speeds on the test stand (and is the best indicator).

TRACTION A, B or C - The ability of the tire to braking on a wet roadway.

Treadwear.; The relative expected mileage mileage compared to the special standard US test.

Twi. (Tread Wear Indiration) - indicators of tread tread wear indicators. Marking on the TWI wheel can also be with an arrow. Indicators are located evenly in eight or six places across the entire circumference of the tire and show the minimum permissible depth tread. The wear indicator is performed as a protrusion with a height of 1.6 mm (the minimum protector for light vehicles) and is located in the deepening of the tread (as a rule, in drainage grooves).

To date, the car tire market is very diverse and is able to meet the needs of any client and its car. Tires are manufactured not only for certain road conditions or season, but also for class classes. Typically, all rubber has its own markings consisting of letters and numbers in a certain order. This is a unified system for all manufacturers, labeling of automotive tires Kama, Nokian, Michelin, Bridgestone, Continental, Dunlop, Pirelli, Yokohama is built according to one principles. Designations and indices are able to tell about the type, size, values \u200b\u200bof the permissible speed and load (see table), and even the purpose of a specific tire (for example, passenger tires, for SUV, winter, all-season, etc.). For each driver it is useful to know what marking the tires of the car, deciphering the designations, and understand this fairly simple code. Only then can he pick up and buy rubber, which is really suitable for his car. The determining parameter is absolutely for any tires, first of all, their sizes. Let's try to figure out in detail, what's the matter in a simple example: Tire size 205/55 R16 91V.

What does car tire marking

So, the first number is 205. It denotes the envelope of the width of the tires in millimeters. The next digit is 55, it's a profile. This value may seem first incomprehensible - this is the percentage ratio of the profile height to its width. In the disassembled example, it is 55%. There is an option when this figure in the marking will not be. This means that the "rubber" is a full-belly and the value of the ratio is approximately 80-82%. In our case, the tires will correctly call low-profile, because 55% is a fairly small percentage. Next, in any record of the size, the English letter R is usually coming. Most motorists mistakenly believe that R in this case - This is a tire radius. In fact, it is not. This letter denotes the type of cord bus. Given the fact that today almost all manufacturers produce tires with the radial design of Cord, make a mistake in the interpretation R is quite real. However, it does not mean that the cords of the diagonal type have been riveted in the fly. Sometimes on the market you can meet the budget "rubber" with the letter D in the marking.
The following number (16) is the so-called landing diameter of the tire. It is customary to measure in inches (by analogy with the diagonals of the TV screens or multimedia systems). In our example, the tires are designed for 16-inch discs.

It is worth noting that this part of the marking (205/55 R16) is customary to call European, however, in the domestic market there are wheels produced for light, for example, in the United States. Americans adopted two types of tire marking. The first is almost a complete European analogue: P 185/60 R14, or LT 215/70 R16. As you might notice, only the letter designation appeared before the title. It indicates a type of car on which tires will be installed. English letter P - Derived from Passanger (Passenger), and implies affiliation vehicle to passenger carsBut LT (Light Truck) is a light truck, for example, the usual Gazelle. The second variety of "tire designations" looks somewhat different: 32x10.5 R14. If everything is clear with the last letters and numbers (cord, landing diameter), then what are the first indicate? The number 32 is the outer diameter of the wheel, as usual, in inches, and 10.5 is its width (also in inches).

But we were distracted from the more familiar to us, the European version. In addition to the main part, in our example there were several more numbers and letters. The number 91 is the load index, which denotes the maximum permissible load, which is capable of withstanding a tire without the appearance of deformation and microcracks. Immediately make a reservation that for passenger cars This parameter is not as important as, for example, for freight. Usually, the tires are made by the same type for all passenger cars and have some reserves of this characteristic immediately. In a completely different way, things are in trucks and minibuses. If for some reason in passport data this number was not, then there is a special table that will help calculate the load index at a well-known mass of the vehicle (the maximum is taken in the loadable state). It is worth noting that in the tables of this kind, the load index is specified with the calculation of 1 wheel. Therefore, you do not forget to divide the value for 4.

Then goes the letter that shows the speed index. In the example above, this is V (up to 240 kmh). This parameter denotes the maximum allowable speed of the machine at which the best clutch, wear resistance and no excess overheating are guaranteed. If the driver exceeds this speed "limit", this is fraught with not only the loss of the necessary qualities, in particular clutch, but also the common destruction of the tire structure.

It may also be present to the XL code - this is a slight addition to the description, but it may not be. In the domestic XL market can reinforced words or Extra Load. All this indicates the enhanced tire design, which is more resistant to any external influences. In addition to this code, there are other similar labeling. Belessless rubber is usually supplied with a Tubeless, TL or TUI inscription. Chamber tires - TT, MIT, TUBE TYPE - it all depends on the manufacturer. Winter sets are usually referred to as Winter, M + S or M.S. "All-time" is customary to call Tous Terrain, All Seasons. SUV code in rubber indicates an affiliation to off-road car type and is suitable for operation on complex roads, and universal models are referred to as R + W or AW.
As for large vehicles (trucks, buses), their tires are obtained by index C, as well as PSI (pressure index). If the tire has a wear indicator, its location is marked with TWI letters. Special tire models that are able to continue moving when proofing is called RF, RFT, ZP, EMT or RUNFLAT. Tires designed for wet and rainy weather label Rain, Water or Latin Word Aqua. Compliance with standards can be checked by the presence of the letter E in the circle (European canons). If the wheels brought from America, you should look through the eyes of the DOT code.

In addition to the above codes, the side parts of the tires in most cases are supplied with informational inscriptions that tell about additional parameters, functions and rubber properties. Many wheels have a specified direction of rotation (Rotation). Typically present the corresponding arrows. The outer and the inner part distinguish with OUTSIDE / INSIDE. If the tire received a metal cord, then it can be found on it a Steel phrase. Some tire models have a mandatory location. Therefore, they are separated on the left (Left) and the right (Right). Pressure limit - Max Pressure shows how much atmospheres withstands the wheel. If the rubber is forbidden to "hiss", then there is an inscription Studless. Sometimes on the tires you can find such an inscription like the traction (clutch). This conditional coefficient is typically having a value A, B, C. The highest is considered to be the manufacturer can also supply its tires also information for tread wear-resistance. In this case, look for the inscription Treadwear or TR. The indicator, most often, from 60 to 620. The higher the figure, the longer the protector will hold the perfect form. Honest firms will install DA stampik on their rubber, which denotes that the tire has received small defects in production, but they are not reflected in operational characteristics.
Among other things, there are also other types of marking, such as color. Yellow dot or triangle indicate the easiest tire place. It is here that it is necessary to adjust the most difficult place of the disk for balancing. The red dot is located in a place where an inhomogeneous compound of rubber layers occurs. It is advisable to combine it with a white label on the disk (the closest place to the center).

If you find colored stripes on your tires, we hurry you to upset, it does not say anything. Usually they are used for simplified "orientation" in the warehouse. There are also a number of special icons that, for the most part, duplicate inscriptions, labeling, etc. It may be small pictures " summer tires"," For wet road "," Winter "," Save Tire Fuel "," Improved Tread Design ", etc.

There are original graphic labeling methods. A bright example is expensive tires from Finns from Nokian. The most sophisticated tire models have a wear indicator, which shows the numbers, the degree of "murdration" of rubber. This is obtained by pressing the numbers to different depths. Also on such wheels there is a "snowflake", which, if not erased, testifies to the possibility of operating the tires in the winter period of the year.

There is also a special digital code that will tell about the date of manufacture of rubber. This is a four-digit digital designation, usually taken in oval (example in photo -1612). The first two digits are the release week, and the other two is a year.

Older tires had a somewhat different date marking. It was only three digits. The first, as now, was pointed out for a week, and the third - for a year, but there were some difficulties with the definition. For example, if it is 109, what year? 95 or 99? Help the driver should have special characters, such as a triangle or quotes indicating the most recent possible (99).

Tires for crossovers (parquets) for summer and winter periods must have some special properties. This can only be guaranteed to ensure the comfort of the data of passenger vehicles.

Selection of summer tires for crossover

Crossovers include cars of two classes - SAV and SUV. The first abbreviation is decrypted - Sports Activity Vehicle, the second - Sport Utility Vehicle. Selecting the tires for a summer ride on such machines, you should pay attention to the speed and load index. Motorists who buy rubber for crossovers with a weak load risk to face the danger behavior of the tires in any extraordinary road conditions. Tires can even explode, which is fraught with the most serious accident.

Firms producing summer tires for crossovers are mandatory reinforced the framework and the rubber breaker. To accurately establish the required load index, the SAV and SUV classes machine owner need to carefully analyze the parameters of the "native" tires and, based on this analysis, the selection of new products.

In situations, when the factory tire characteristics can not find out, it is allowed to calculate the most rational load index. Make it easy. It is necessary to divide the four mass of the parcipher in a curb state. The value calculated in this way will prompt the owner of the car the optimal coefficient of its carrying capacity.

Deciding this important characteristic, you can start picking the best for SAV and SUV machines. It is worth understanding that for one PARTNER, there can be some tires, for the other are completely different. To find out which tires will be as follows in a particular case, it is necessary to solve what qualities the car should have. Specialists advise paying attention to the three characteristics of crossovers:

  • roadless passability;
  • controllability when moving on off-road and for landscaped tracks;
  • sustainability on any roads.

So that the Parcatenik clearly listened to his master, all these indicators should be as high as possible.

Tires with aggressive tread pattern are suitable for cases when the crossover is usually used for "walks" in off-road conditions. It is very important to acquire rubber with reinforced lateral parts and framework. If the car is mainly in city highways, you can buy high-speed tires, which are described by good handling, high silent and comfort. When using auto SAV and SUV for movement equally over normal coatings and off-road, it is recommended to install universal tires on them.

Another important point. Selecting the tires for crossover for the summer, you need to take into account the climate features in the region where the car is operated. Some tires are created specifically for wet highwaysBut they are undesirable to use on dry coverage. There is also such a rubber that behaves perfectly and when moving on the mud, and on a roving asphalt.

Tires Hakka SUV from Nokian

According to experts, there are excellent performance characteristics Hakka. SUV.(Models Black.and Blue) Production Nokian.. They are characterized by a very high degree of strength achieved by using aramid fiber in the rubber mixture for side parts of the tires. Such a fiber has been used for a long time in the military and aviation industry.

Tire Protectors Hakka SUV.they have an asymmetric image, they have pipe-shaped transverse grooves, providing quick removal from water channels. Also, the tires from Nokian are characterized by good touch spots and low rolling noise.

Tires Hakka Blackdesigned for powerful and heavy SUV class cars. These tires provide a guarantee for clear controllability of the car and its instantaneous response to the actions of the driver. To do this, on the tires there are special longitudinal ribs of a large width. On complex turns and high speeds, they almost completely level the possible deformation of rubber.

Model Black.differs in the following features:

  • noise effectively quickens on rough asphalt plating;
  • tires have unique stability and durability to cut;
  • rubber behaves perfectly with constant ride at high speeds.

Moreover, Hakka Blackprovides one hundred percent high-quality clutch of the machine with summer road surface of any kind (wet or hot asphalt, primer and so on).

If the crossover is used quite often on sandy and gravel roads, and not just on the asphalt, it is better to purchase tires Hakka Blue.. On the inner side Their treads are provided by special primers that provide excellent clutch on the grass and the soils of loose-type. The rubber composition is also promoted, from which the tire data is manufactured. It has a small index of internal resistance, allows you to slightly reduce emissions into the atmosphere of CO 2 and gasoline consumption.

Overview of the best summer tires

Good performance during tests demonstrated the following summer tires for parquets:

Tires deserve attention Latitude Sport 3. - New 2015 from the company Michelin.. They are installed on their crossovers with fully drive such grants of the automotive market like Porsche., BMW., Volvo.. These tires save fuel, have a double frame, which significantly increases their life, make it possible to safely pass at high speeds and turns. Latitude Sport 3. From the point of view of acoustic comfort, very good, since they are not inclined to the emergence of the resonant hum.

Choose winter tires for crossovers

Tires for winter operating For SUV and SAV cars, pick a little more difficult. First, the general rubber parameters should be taken into account. Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are all-season tires that are about the security of the experts there are serious disputes, special "velcro" and studded tires.

For good asphalt highways and urban roads, experts advise to acquire Velcroe. This is due to the fact that the highway in most Russian cities cause a special chemical coating layer, which is well melts ice. "Velcroe" is not in contact with such chemistry.

The studded winter tires are better to use when you are exactly sure that the public utilities of your settlement do not apply chemical coatings on the time of ice. Tires with spikes behave perfectly on the outstanding tracks, but in the snow and dry asphalt they are inferior in many indicators "Velcers".

The "controversial" all-season tires (they are marked by manufacturers as M & S), in theory, are created for driving on any roads and off-road under every weather. But many experts say that "all-season" becomes overly tough during winter cold and too heated when driving on summer hot asphalt. It seems, it is better to use winter tires for parquets, which are designed for operation in the cold, and not try to check on your own experience, whether they are suitable for year-round ride or not.

Crossovers, on which their owners chase mainly by off-road, preferably "shove" in tires with marking All Terrain.. For movement on blurred dirt and snowy skins, they have no equal. But at the same time remember that the quality of the controllability of the car with rubber All Terrain. On asphalt is not suitable for all motorists.

Top Winter Tires for Parketniks

The results of numerous tests carried out in different countries in the world showed that at the moment the category of the best winter tires For crossovers, you can safely attribute the following products:

At the end of the review, pay attention to budget winter tires. Cordiant Snow Cross. . According to some characteristics, they are inferior to the tires described above, but the available cost makes them very popular in Russia. This rubber is well counteracting the snow sticking, it is not bad for water under the wheel, has a high operational resource. If there is no desire to spend considerable amounts on more prestigious tire models, Cordiant Snow Cross. will be optimal option Winter "shoes" for your crossover.

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