Home Wheels Tires Kormoran. Kormoran tires for passenger cars. Assortment of tires and technologies Kormoran

Tires Kormoran. Kormoran tires for passenger cars. Assortment of tires and technologies Kormoran

Tire Mark:

Kormoran "Korotran"

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The year of the founding of Kormoran "Korotran":


Description of Kormoran tires Kormoran:

Title of the brand of automotive tires Kormoran "Korotran" First appeared in 1994, for tires of passenger cars, which began to produce a Polish company Stomil Olsztyn "Stomil Olsztyn".

Its name brand tires Kormoran "Korotran" He received in honor of the sea birds a family of cormorant, squad of pelican-like. Large numbers cormorans lives in Polish In the army and Mazure, "The edge of thousands of lakes", where the plant is located, which began to produce tires Kormoran "Korotran". Stylized image of bird decorates automotive tire logo Kormoran "Korotran". Symbol kormorana used by the plant and until the tire brand appears Kormoran "Korotran".

After the acquisition of the brand Kormoran "Korotran" Company Michelin. « Michelin»The plant was completely converted in accordance with the standards Michelin.. In the production of tires Kormoran "Korotran" The same technologies and quality control of finished products are as strict as well as on the factories where tires are produced. Michelin. « Michelin" Of course, they are inferior to tires Michelin. « Michelin»With regard to quality and some operational characteristics. The difference is that in the production of tires Kormoran "Korotran" All technical innovations of the concern are not involved. But the classical principles of production are applied and the most proven solutions are used.

Tires brand Kormoran "Korotran" noticeably cheaper than Michelin. « Michelin"But the difference in consumer properties is less than 10%. In addition, the price of tires Kormoran "Korotran" It is more democratic because production expenses are reduced by placing production in Eastern Europe. Today car tires Kormoran "Korotran" produced at the factory Michelin "Mishlen" In Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Thus, the popularity of tires Kormoran "Korotran" based on an optimal quality ratio for a reasonable price. Currently tires Kormoran "Korotran" Essently in fairly large demand from European consumers. Main specialization Kormoran "Korotran" Are tires for passenger and trucks, buses and trailers.

Description of the manufacturer of the brand Kormoran "Korotran":

Ozos "Stomil" (Olsztyńskie Zakłady Opon Samochodowych "Olsztyn Automotive Tire Plant"), was opened in Olsztyn (Poland) in 1967. August 16, 1967 First tire with symbol kormorana Sucked with production lines. October 28, 1967 First Secretary Polish United Workers' Party Officially opened the factory. Car tires were produced under the brand Stomil « Stommil».

In April 1969, a millionth tire was released. In December 1971, a license is purchased Uniroyal « Unions»On the production of radial tires for trucks. In 1973, the technological launch of the OZOS II - the Radial Tire Plant began.

In 1992, as a result of the privatization of the state enterprise Ozos "Stomil" A company was created Stomil Olsztyn S.A.

In 1994, a new brand of automotive tires was introduced Kormoran "Korotran".

December 1995 Michelin Group. becomes a majority shareholder Stomil Olsztyn S.A.. From 1995 to May 28, 2004, the company was registered on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 2001, the plant begins to produce tires for passenger and trucks under the brand Michelin. « Michelin».

In 2005 Michelin Group. gets full control over the company that got a name Michelin Polska S.A.

Currently, the plant in Olsztyn is one of the largest plants Michelin Group. And the largest in Poland with a tire plant. The company produces tires for passenger cars, vans, trucks and agricultural machines, as well as molds, cords and semi-finished products. The plant owns a modern logistics center.

Additional Information:

Kormoran "Korotran" also write or pronounce as:

Karmaran, Kormaran, Karmoran, Kormorane, Cormoran, Cormorant, Cormaran, Carmaran, Carmoran / Karmaran, Kormaran, Carmorran

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About company Kormoran. (Korotran)

Company Kormoran. It was founded in 1994 in Warsaw. The company specializes in the production of tires and discs for cars. Company Kormoran Polska Sp.Z.O.O. is part of the firm known worldwide Michelin. entitled Michelin Polska Sp. Z.O.O. And it takes one of the first places on the assortment of products presented, the quality of the service and sales volume. Kormoran car tires are produced at Michelin factories in Poland, Hungary and Romania. Attending automotive wheels in the market for more than a decade, Kormoran was able to prove himself as manufacturers of reliable, high-quality products.

Kormoran products:

Production of the company Kormoran. - These are high-quality tires for trucks, trailers and buses. The company specializes in the development and release of tires of special purpose: tires for the front axle, tires for the rear axle, tires for the drive axle and tires for all axes.

The popularity of Kormoran tire is based, first of all, on the optimal ratio of good quality for a reasonable price. The use of innovative technologies allows you to achieve a large resource in operation. Being a subsidiary of Michelin, Kormoran values \u200b\u200bits reputation, therefore Kormoran tires are made only from high-quality raw materials, using the most new technologies and compliance with all world standards. In addition, many different tests, inspections, research, before offering their products to our customers. From year to year, Kormoran is steadily striving to improve the quality of products of Kormoran tire plants, with their in-depth specialization and optimization of the model range of tires. Not the last role in improving quality plays the fact that the enterprises are debugged with raw materials and components. Engineers and designers, as well as specialists of all levels of Kormoran Polska SP.Z.O.O. constantly being improved in skill and increase their level of qualifications.

Especially products Kormoran. Must interest the owners of trucks. Kormoran bus tires with ease withstand any irregularities of the road, as they differ in high wear resistance. Another advantage of Kormoran cargo tires is their versatility. In any season you can use only one type of tires that do not need to be changed, depending on the weather. And in winter, and in the summer, you will feel behind the wheel confident and comfortable, air temperature changes and bad roads will not be terrible. Driving will give you true pleasure, and a good mood will help to avoid accidents.

Kormoran Rubber (Corporan) is produced in Europe under the "wing" of the Michelin giant. Cargo tires received the greatest distribution in the domestic market. The model range is very similar to the similar lines of tires Mishlen. However, Korotran won the low price popularity against the background of high quality.

Assortment of tires and technologies Kormoran

Korotran tires are produced at Poland, Czech and Romania factories. The main activity of the subsidiary of the Michelin group is the production of tires for trucks and buses. It is in this category that Kormoran became a generally accepted leader in the European market.

Kormoran tire production is built on the same innovative technologies as the production of MICHELIN tires. The use of its own engineering developments, high-quality rubber mixtures and durable frameworks allowed the company to create tires with a long service life and recognized worldwide quality.

Frames Corporan are accepted for recovery at all relevant factories. Therefore, the Russian market can offer the rubber of this brand of hot and cold wips.

In the model line, the focus is presented:

  • universal tires
  • steering tires
  • tires for leading axes
  • bus for buses
  • tires for trailers

The manufacturer promises reliability and durability of rubber, adaptation to Russian conditions and the ability to use the same cargo tires all year round.

European car enthusiasts are available for a light line. Only cargo models are presented on the Russian market. You can buy passenger tires in Ukrainian and Belarusian sites.

Catalog of tires Kormoran.

In the cargo line of Kormoran tires, several models divided into destination for various axes of the car. Truck tires of this manufacturer received recognition for their quality, resistance to wear and excellent running characteristics. A pleasant addition to the operational quality of tires was their acceptable price. In fact, the car owner receives the quality of Michelin at a price of 6-10,000 rubles lower.

From the passenger line of the brand buyers allocated four models. The Kormoran Impulser B2 model uses the greatest demand. Tires are available at the 15th radius. The average price of tires is 2300 rubles on the Ukrainian Internet market. From the advantages of rubber, excellent coupling features are named on dry and wet coverage, confident braking without delays, a worthy ratio of quality and price. From the shortcomings, buyers noted the average noise level. For the low price, this lack, users are ready to forgive.

Rubber Korotran Impulser is sold in size from the 13th to the 15th radius on Ukrainian sites. You can buy tires of this model at an average price of 2000 rubles. Among the advantages of tires in buyers' feedback are called:

  • comfort, secured by no noise and softness
  • strong sidewall
  • low price
  • excellent coupling properties
  • wear resistance

There are no shortcomings of rubber. All buyers have been satisfied with tires, especially price and quality indicators.

Kormoran RunPro B2 bus is a summer model for high-speed driving, available in size from the 14th to the 16th diameter. The average price of rubber of this model is 2650 rubles. The maximum cost reaches 3450 rubles. Tires showed excellent coupling characteristics, softness, no noise and a high aquaplaning indicator. There are no deficiencies in this model, judging by customer reviews, no.

Tireproof Corporal VanPro B2 is designed for operation on light trucks. Rubber is available in size from the 13th to the 16th radius. The minimum cost of the wheel is 1700 rubles. The maximum price reaches 5900 rubles for size 235/65R16C. Buy Kormoran this model can be in Ukrainian sites. There is excellent wear resistance, high coupling properties, no noise. There are no shortcomings of rubber.

Tire reviews Kormoran

Korotran rubber, judging by the reviews of car owners, is similar to the character of a magical fairy tale. There is no significant flaws from any representative of the passenger line. Of the advantages of rubber, excellent coupling properties are named. And for tires it does not matter, wet road or dry. They confidently behave in the heat and rain.

Kormoran passenger tires will provide impeccable braking in seconds. In addition, tires are distinguished by a high level of comfort. They are not noisy and soft enough to smooth out the irregularities of domestic roads. A strong sidewall guarantees the safety of the tires even when the pit at high speeds.

Resistance to wear also refers to the advantages of rubber. The light-mass model has a resource of at least 60,000 kilometers, passenger tires will be held from 50 to 70 thousand.

Of the essential drawbacks, you can call the availability of tires in the Russian market. It is absolutely impossible to find rubber in the retail network. But Internet resources of neighboring countries are ready to offer the best models of Korotran tire at an affordable price.

Kormoran tire prices

Buy tires Corporan can be from 13,000 rubles for passenger models in the 13th radius. Tires in the 14th diameter will cost from 1600 to 2,200 rubles. Rubber in the 15th radius can be purchased from 2200 rubles. The maximum cost of the wheel with a diameter of 15 inches will be 2720 rubles.

High-speed Kormoran tires from a passenger line can be bought from 2000 rubles for the 14th radius. In the 15th size of the rubber costs at least 2400 rubles. The maximum price reaches 3460 rubles. In the 16th diameter of the tires are sold for 3050-3500 rubles.

Luggless tires Korotran can be bought for 1700 rubles for the 13th size. In the 14th diameter, the rubber will cost an average of 3200 rubles, in the 15th - 4100 rubles, in the 16th - 5,200 rubles. Corporan cargo rubber can be bought on average for 19-20,000 rubles per size 315/80/2 22.5.

Korotran tires are distinguished by unchanged quality, excellent coupling properties and a fairly low cost. Even the "older brother" Michelin is inferior in terms of Rubber Kormoran.

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