Home Locks The residual protector of winter tires of a passenger car. Permissible tread wear. Norms of the Tread Depth under the law

The residual protector of winter tires of a passenger car. Permissible tread wear. Norms of the Tread Depth under the law

What should be the depth of tire tread (drawing height) so that their operation is allowed by the "road rules"? By this issue, car owners are increasingly asked, especially in the light of recent changes in traffic rules that determine the punishment of those drivers whose car will be on "bald rubber".

What is needed by an ordinary motorist about the depth of the tread, consider below.

From this article you will learn:

Types of tires

Tires are three types :, and, accordingly, the depth of the tread pattern is different. This is due to the fact that the tires are designed to solve specific tasks.

For example, winter wheels have a deep protector due to a more efficient self-secretion of snow and liquid, as well as better passability, while summer tires are accentuted mainly on movement along asphalt and therefore the protector is not expressed.

There are intermediate versions of tires like all-season or, but their rules equal to a specific season (universal increasingly refers to the summer tires, and friction - to winter).

The height of the tread pattern

According to changes in the rules of the road dated 01.01.2015, vehicles (passenger cars) are allowed to operate, in which the height of the tread pattern has an indicator of at least:

  • 1.6 millimeters - on summer tires;
  • 4 millimeters - in winter tires.

Otherwise, when identifying a traffic police officer, a lesser residual height of the tread operated rubber on the owner of the vehicle may impose penalties in the amount of 500 rubles. Therefore, it is necessary to change tires in advance for permitted for the regulations.

How to determine the residual tread height?

The height of the tread on the rubber is determined by the corresponding indicators that are located transversely in each tire groove. If the protector is compared with the indicator to one height, it is time to replace this tire to a new one, for further operation is prohibited by law. If, there is no wear indicator on the tires (there is a rarity at the moment), then you can use a ruler or calipercule, as well as coins and other infrident materials.

A few words about the sliced \u200b\u200bprotector ...

In some car services, there is a very interesting service that promises to extend the service life of tires with a worn tread - a deepening with a special machine of the broken tread by cutting the upper layer of rubber. The machine is called a register.

After such a tire procedure really serve a certain period and even retain their coupling qualities. However, some unscrupulous sellers make on this business and sell worn tires with a sliced \u200b\u200bprotector at a price of used temperate wear.

Visually identify the chopped protector is extremely difficult and the main problems can only manifest themselves during operation. Below are some signs of tires with a sliced \u200b\u200bprotector:

  • Slap rubber.
  • Imbalance in motion and difficult wheel balancing.
  • Exposure to frequent punctures.
  • Unnaturally smooth and smooth tread protector, which has a glossy surface shade.

A car owner going to buy tires, used, it is worthwhile to beware of such proposals, as such "sliced \u200b\u200btires" can cause a serious accident.

One of the most important tire parameters is the depth of the tread pattern.

The importance of such an indicator is determined by the features of exploitation, since the height of the protector pattern directly affects the quality of the adhesion of the car with the surface of the road. Accordingly, the level of safety of the driver and passengers depends on the depth of texture on the tires.

Some motorists prefer to "lead" the rubber until she rents the Cord, which is in the root wrong. The combination of bald rubber and slippery road is extremely dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences. In addition, the operation of the steer rubber may entail a fine.

Why the tread depth is so important?

Tire has an important task that is to ensure reliable clutch with a road surface.

In the summer, the ambient temperature becomes quite high, so summer varieties are made of more rigid rubber. A distinctive feature of such varieties is to protect vehicles from aquaplaning - this is carried out thanks to the longitudinal stripes of the pattern.

The protector plays a major role in ensuring a safe driving, since the smaller the texture of the tread will be, the less the grip of the car clutch is becoming. This, in turn, increases the risk of unexpected situations while driving.

The drawing depth is regulated by each manufacturer separately for each type of model. Optimal dimensions are calculated using special programs where parameters are calculated to successfully drive water from the contact spot. However, the overall character height criterion still has - summer models have a less deep texture in comparison with winter varieties.

The height of the tread depends on the function that the wheels should be performed.

In this case, the rubber is divided into the following types:

  • Sports;
  • Off-road;
  • Highway;
  • Regional.

These options have the height of the tread, as well as the look of the drawing may have impressive differences. For example, the depth of the off-road type can reach 17 mm, while at sports such a value reaches 5 mm.

Tread Type Type Value

The tread pattern performs several very important tasks:

  • Contributes to pushing water from the contact space of the wheel and coating;
  • Protects the tire from various mechanical impacts, which contributes to the presence of irregularities on the surface of roads, and also prevents the tire puncture during the acute elements.

Preference to a specific type of drawing is given depending on the conditions in which the car is expected to operate.

Competent selection of tires will significantly improve the smoothness of the course and the controllability of the vehicle will increase efficiency in emergency braking and contributes to the rapid response to the steering wheel. The inconsistency of the selected tread operating conditions will largely reduce the performance of motor vehicles.

Types of tread pattern of summer rubber

Summer samples possess the texture consisting of wide protrusions and narrow grooves. At the same time, lamellas (slots) are almost absent in such versions. This design contributes to the low level of noise and high wear resistance.

There is a clear distinction of drawing species depending on the road conditions - in this case, the rubber is divided into three types:

  • With symmetric pattern - this type has a symmetric texture on the surface and is a universal option that most car owners uses;
  • C. Directed invoice - This option is not very popular among vehicle owners. It is very effective with respect to suppression of aquaplaning, but not suitable for high speeds;
  • Asymmetric tread pattern. In this embodiment, combined the functions of a good clutch at high speed and effective water removal. This type is perfect for the trails, and will also be useful on wet asphalt.

There are also racing variations that have a low-profile and solid tire. This option is good for sports cars and other cars capable of developing speed up to 300 km / h.

Residual Tread Depth on traffic rules

Permissible depth values:

  • New tires for passenger cars often have a standard height of a tread value of 6-8 mm;
  • At the same time, some racing varieties and heavy off-road auto-permissible tread height can reach 16-17 mm.

Standards of the depth of the protector texture have unequal indicators in different countries:

  • On the territory of Europe, an indicator of 3 mm is considered critical and the ban is imposed on such tires.
  • As for Russian legislation, then, according to the rules, the minimum height for ride on summer rubber is 1.6 mm. If the string protector is lower than this mark, it is necessary to replace the tires as soon as possible, since riding on them can entail unpleasant consequences.

First of all, riding on bald tires is extremely dangerous - confidently keep the way on it is almost unrealistic. In addition, a significant wear of the pattern (from 50%) is able to deteriorate highly worsen the properties of the clutch with the surface, which will manifest themselves especially bright in the rain on the wet surface.

Another minus ride on such rubber is a fine, which is regulated by law. Accordingly, the traffic police inspector, according to part 1 of Art. 12.5 COAMA, has the right to finf by the driver, on the vehicle of which the worn tires are installed.

How to measure the remainder of the tread?

To find out how much the tires are stared, you need to measure the depth of the tread.

This is done quite simple:

  • with the help of a coin that needs to be placed in the protector, note or remember the protector level, after which the distance on the coin can be measured with a roulette.

The traffic police officer will be able to measure this amount by a special device. However, bald rubber can be determined by the naked eye.

Your security and security of people around you strongly depends on the state of the tires that are installed on your car. Therefore, it is very important to follow them and maintain them in good condition.

If you follow automotive Tire Operation Rulesthen your tires will serve you for a long time.

First, let's talk about tires:

1 Watch for tire pressure

This is very important for the proper operation of tires. The fact is that too low or high tire pressure leads to uneven wear and overheating of the tire itself, which as a rule leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the tire and as a result of its destruction.

The control should be produced on a "cold" tire, since as a result of heating during operation, the pressure in it increases. The internal pressure measured in the "cold" tire must correspond to the recommended pressure by the manufacturer of the car or tire manufacturer.

It is indicated in the instruction manual for the car, as well as is often duplicated on the back side of the carbag tank cover or on the rack (as a rule, near the attachment of the Castle's Ear) left (driver) doors.


Do not adjust the pressure on the hot tire! Adjusting pressure should be performed only on the "cold" tire, since when moving the tire heats up, and the pressure in it increases.

2 It is necessary to follow the external status of the tire

On the valve there must be a cap protecting the nipple from dirt and dust. Make sure that on the protective and on the sidewall of the tires there were no deep cuts, cracks (speaking about tire old age), bubbles (hernia), protruding threads and metal wires of the Cord design. As well as, it is necessary to ensure that there were no foreign objects on the surface of the tread, the nails of sharp metal fragments, etc., the departure of which can lead to a sharp drop of pressure in the tire and, as a result, a sharp deterioration in the car manageability.


Tire with protruding parts of the tire design with threads or wire, deep cuts and cracks, bubbles - not suitable for operation! The use of such tires often leads to an emergency caused by the destruction of the tire on the go (sharp pressure loss). This is especially dangerous at high speed!

3 Follow the wear of the tire

Tires with excessive wear are prone to punctures. The risk of aquaplaning is greatly increasing (loss of car control, when inserted into the puddle), because Water removal grooves, in the tire wear process, become less deep.

According to the rules of the Road Movement of the Russian Federation (PDD clause 5.1.)
Forbidden the operation of vehicles if:

If the tires of passenger cars have a residual height of the tread pattern less than 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.

4 A few words about automotive tires

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December 28, 2017.

In order to save money, many motorists prefer to buy rods who are in use. In the process of choosing a tire rubber, it is important to correctly determine the wear of the tires - in the event of a premature failure, no claims are accepted by sellers, except the wheel "shoot" in a day after the acquisition. The ability to correctly assess the degree of worniness will also help you prepare for the replacement of the skate set on your own car.

Criteria for wear evaluation

As a rule, sellers on the market or in the tire workshop offer used wheels (usually sold by pairs) and declare the degree of failure in percentage - from 10 to 30%. The meaning is simple - to lure the exterior buyer by the appearance of the goods, distracting attention from other, equally important nuances. Often, sellers themselves are not too versed in the depths of the question and incorrectly determine the suitability of rubber to further operation.

Check car tire wear can be used in three main criteria:

  1. The minimum allowable tread height is in the most loss place.
  2. Uniform abrasion of the entire work surface of the skate.
  3. The age of rubber.

Council. Knowing how to properly assess the further efficiency of the wheels, do not enter into discussions with merchants and do not attempt to convince them of own right - in vain spend time and nerves. Simply select the best rubber set and install on the machine.

To assess the status of tires operating by car, also use the set of listed criteria. It is impossible to navigate at the minimum tread height - there are other critical defects leading to the replacement of skates looking out well-efficient.

Measuring the height of the tread

According to traffic rules, the minimum allowable tread value for passenger cars is 2 mm. The problem is that for many types of tires, such wear is critical, indicating the full "baldness" of the working part. For example, the height of the tread new winter models ranges in the range of 8-10 mm. Such rubber loses road properties after abrasion up to 3-4 mm, so it is impossible to measure the performance of the wheels in absolute values.

In the manufacture of tires inside the tread, special indicator marks 1.6 mm high and more (depends on the type and model of rubber). When the working surface is compared with the indicator, the slop is unambiguously time to throw away. Some manufacturers (Matador, Nokian and others) make a stepped embossing of various depths in the form of numbers disappearing as abrasion.

When buying a used rubber or own estimate, the tread wear indicator plays a secondary role. First of all, the motorist is interested in how much it will be possible to drive on these tires in the future. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the real degree of worn out of the working part of the wheels. If there are no other defects on the skates (are described in the following sections), measure the residual height of the tread with a caliper, a ruler or a coin and use the calculated formula:

Z \u003d (a max - b) / (a \u200b\u200bmax - a min) x 100%.

In this formula:

  • Z - shows the degree of rubber worn in percent;
  • A MAX - the initial depth of the tread of new rods;
  • In the real height resulting from measurements;
  • A MIN is the minimum allowable height for this tire model.

Perform measurements in different places, use the smallest value to calculate.

The value of a min can be taken 2 mm for summer tires, on winter skates, take the basis of the indicator 3-4 mm. Find out the magnitude of the initial size A MAX, since this parameter depends on the type of tire and is not always prescribed on the side part. Focus on the average tread depth indicators, respected by most manufacturers:

  • tires Winter hypershots with directional pattern of Scandinavian type - 10 mm;
  • traditional winter tires - 9 mm;
  • high-speed skates with a directional pattern, intended for the cold period of the year, - 7 mm;
  • classic summer tires with a developed pattern, opposing aquaplaning - 8 mm;
  • for the protector of high-speed summer tires - 7 mm.

Finding out the real percentage of rubber wear, it is not difficult to calculate the remaining fraction of the formula 100 - Z. If we are talking about checking your own wheels, then according to the calculated data, the motorist will be able to roughly define the remaining mileage. One condition: You need to fix the moment of installing new tires, making the odometer reading.

When buying products used, the residual depth of the drawing will give a very approximate view of the period for further operation. After all, the preceding mileage of the skates is unknown, as well as operating conditions. Therefore, the acquisition of trafficking wheels remains a kind of lottery.

On the uniformity of abrasion

One of the common defects of the former rubber - uneven wear, often observed by the naked eye. For example, the tread wear indicator shows a stock of 3-4 mm, and on the sides of the "checkered" almost wrapped out.

"Sleeps" and rubbed edges are a clear sign of improper operation of the rods, to use them further is categorically not recommended.

Uneven abrasion of the working surface is detected and on quite well-safe covers. That is why it is necessary to measure the depth of the grooves in 6-10 points - visually similar defects are not detected. The following conclusions are made based on measurements:

  1. The edges of the scope are rubbed, and in the center height almost like a new winter tire. The previous owner was not concerned about the timely podaching of cylinders, which is why the central part of the tread "sang" during the ride. If the wear has not affected the sidewalls, the rubber is allowed to further exploit, but consider: at normal pressure in the cylinder, the middle of the wheel will quickly erase.
  2. Reverse picture: in the center of "checkered" is lower than from the edge. There is a sign of a ride with riding wheels and an increased load on the framework of the product. Despite the presentable appearance, buying tires is not worthwhile - the gap of Cord can happen at any time.
  3. The left either the right edge is noticeably extended compared to the rest of the working surface. This is the result of operation with irregular corners of the collapse - convergence of the front wheels. You can buy rubber if the difference of heights is small. Suitable depth of the tire tread pattern is determined by a lower edge, because on a good car the skate is quite quickly aligned.
  4. If high and low "checkers" are chaotic over the entire surface, the tire stood on the driver's car - extremal. The pattern erased in different places indicates numerous sharp braking and dynamic overclocking with slipping. Such rubber is unpredictable with further operation.
  5. The loss is one wide spot - the result of chronic imbalance of the wheels. The owner rarely visited tire workshops and did not balance the skates. Such a tire should be sent to scrap.

Despite the fully allowable wear of tires with the specified defects, to operate them further risky. At best, the rubber will quickly come into disrepair, at worst - burst on the go.

Durability of rubber

Manufacturers limit the maximum service life of the automotive rods with a period of 10 years. By its expiration, the tires must be thrown regardless of the degree of wear, even if the car has been standing in a warm garage. The rubber starts to lose properties after 4 years.

How to identify a decent age of the product: the tread depth is not a new summer tire is strikingly large, but numerous cracks are noticeable on the surface. This is the result of drying and loss of elasticity material. Buying and ride on old tires should not be exactly.

Summer tires differ from the winter greater rigidity. Product material has a high density, which ensures the necessary clutch coefficient with the surface. Requirements for the surface: Confrontation of wear due to their rigidity, ensuring good handover with a car, high-quality grip with an expensive, fight against aquaplaning.

Important indicator - (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicles, more precisely, restrictions on the degree of rubber womb. If it is more permitted, it is already impossible to ride.

The number of prototors in the new summer tire Depends on the type of TC: for a passenger car, the indicator is 7.5-8.5 mm; For trucks and SUVs require rubber with an indicator of 12-18 mm; For dump trucks, it can be up to 23 mm.

Rubber makes sense to changeWhen the depth of the tires of the tire "Cars" will decrease to 2 mm. And in some countries, the permissible summer tire protector is 3 mm.

The requirements for the height or depth of the tread are contained in chapter 5 of traffic police of the Russian Federation. And the degree of wornity of the part is reflected in the "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited." According to the documents, residual Summer Tire Protector For different types of machines: Motorcycles - 0.8 mm; passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers to them - 1.6 mm; freight machines more than 3.5 t - 1 mm; Buses - 2 mm.

Tread wear indicator

Thickness The protector itself depends on the type of tires. It may differ because of the type of pattern.

Types of Summer Tire Protectors Have advantages and disadvantages:

  • Symmetric. The side parts of the picture are the same. Rubber has an average wear resistance, should be used primarily at moderate speeds. The aquaplaning is good enough, but on the carcement in the mud car can lower. Plus classic tires - low price.
  • Asymmetric. One segment of the tire is designed to provide speed, the other - for drainage. On such rubber, you can go quickly and not be afraid of the wet road, puddle, dirt. The only drawback is a high price. Since the drawing of the right and left wheels differ, it is not clear what kind of "spare" acquire and carry with you.
  • With directional pattern. More suitable for driving on a wet surface with puddles or with a strong rain. But for high speeds, this rubber is not intended, she is also quite noisy.

Read more in our article about the peculiarities of the Summer Tire Protectors and the rules of their choice.

Read in this article

Protector features

Summer tires differ from the winter greater rigidity, as they are intended for safe driving on hot or wet asphalt free from ice and snow road. The material from which they are manufactured is highly density, which ensures the necessary clutch coefficient with the surface. There are a number of requirements that the summer tires must correspond to:

  • confrontation of wear, which is possible due to their rigidity;
  • ensuring good handover by car;
  • high-quality clutch with expensive;
  • the fight against aquaplaning, that is, the car should not "swim" on a wet surface, arbitrarily change due to moisture the trajectory of movement.


The relief of the car rubber does not happen even, they necessarily have accrades and bulges. They must have certain parameters. Otherwise, the wheels are considered worn, and the car is faulty. An important indicator is the depth of the tread tread (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicles, or rather the restrictions on the degree of rubber womb. If it is more permitted, it is already impossible to ride.

When buying a car, it is important to know which protector from a new summer tire so that it should not be changed immediately. The number depends on the type of TC:

  • for a passenger car, the indicator is 7.5-8.5 mm;
  • for trucks and SUVs, rubber is needed with an indicator of 12-18 mm (the harder and more powerful car, the greater the height of the summer tire tread);
  • if we are talking about dump trucks, it can be higher - up to 23 mm.

It is such a depth to provide a good grip with an expensive, including wet. The depressions will take water, and the car does not lose stability.

Motorists need to be understood: if the minimum summer tire protector is 1.6 mm, this does not mean that it is worth bringing them to such a state. Because the smaller the depth, the lower the clutch coefficient. And this with difficult weather and road conditions can become dangerous.

The car with almost the "lies" tires is less stable, slowly slows down. With a sharp stop, it can be aside. Rubber makes sense to change when the depth of the tires of the "car" will decrease to 2 mm. And in some countries, the admissible protector of summer tires is not even a little more than 1.6 mm, and 3 mm.

Opinion expert

Nadezhda Smirnova

Authority expert

Solving, when it is to replace them, you need to look at what surfaces often have to ride. After all, on worn tires, it is not only possible to get into an accident on off-road or wet asphalt, but also easy to get stuck on the primer. Its quality and novelty affect the passability of the car.

What law is regulated

The requirements for the height or depth of the tread are contained in chapter 5 of traffic police of the Russian Federation. And the degree of wornity of the part that does not allow the use of the car is reflected in the "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle" is prohibited. In both documents, it is indicated what should be the residual protector of summer tires for different types of machines:

  • motorcycles - 0.8 mm;
  • passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers to them - 1.6 mm;
  • freight machines more than 3.5 t - 1 mm:
  • buses - 2 mm.

This indicator is normal to be higher (respectively, the degree of wear is lower). For violation of the driver, the punishment is waiting for part 1 of article 12.5 of the Administrative Code:

Vehicle management in the presence of faults or conditions under which, in accordance with the main provision of vehicles to the operation and responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, the vehicle operation is prohibited, with the exception of faults and conditions specified in parts of 2 - 7 of this article, Warning entails a warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.


Such an indicator as the thickness of the summer tire tread, traffic rules or the "List of Faults ..." is not regulated. But on the rubber used in the warm season, usually narrow grooves and wide bulges with slots. The latter and provide good clutch with expensive.

The thickness of the protector actually depends on the type of tires. It may differ because of the type of pattern. But there are no standards here, more precisely, they exist for manufacturers of parts. The driver behind the thickness does not have to follow, since it does not decrease during operation.

Types of summer rubber

There are several types of tires intended for use in the warm season. They are divided depending on the drawing. It's not just a purely external differences. All types of summer tire treads have advantages and disadvantages:

  • Symmetric. This is a classic option and therefore universal, although it best behaves on an asphalt road. On tires, the lateral parts of the drawing are the same. Rubber has an average wear resistance, should be used primarily at moderate speeds. The latter is especially important at turns and rainy weather.

The aquaplaning is good enough, but on the carcement in the mud car can lower. Plus classic tires - low price.

  • Asymmetric. One segment of the tire is designed to provide speed, another for drainage, therefore, they are different. On such rubber, you can go quickly and not be afraid of the wet road, puddle, dirt. With her car becomes more stable. The only drawback is a high price.

And the tires for the right and left wheels differ, because the outer side should not be inside. Therefore, it is not clear what kind of "spare" acquire and carry with you. After all, it is not guessing in advance, the right or left wheel will be punctured.

When installing, it is important to determine the direction of the pattern of tread tread. It should be viewed on the "Rotation" icon and the arrow indicating how the wheels should be spinning. So labeled tires with directional pattern. If these are asymmetrical, you need to look for Outsaid (outer side) and inside ("inner side).

With the incorrect installation of tires, the machine becomes less obedient, which increases the risk of an accident. In addition, rubber will be faster. The direction of the pattern may not be taken into account if the tires are symmetrical.

About how and what summer tires to choose, look in this video:

How to determine the tread worn

If the rubber is used a long time, heavily switched, an experienced driver will be able to determine the need for replacement. But nevertheless, the wear of summer tire tread requires a more reliable way to establish its degree. You can measure with a coin by placing in the recess. Then it is applied to a ruler or roulette to learn the height of the tread. Measurements make at least 6 different points, and better in 9-12.

Sometimes the surface is erased unevenly, which may indicate incorrect operation of the car:

  • the height of the tread is less in the middle, it means that the wheel has been pushed for a long time;
  • the indicator is higher in the center - in the tire, on the contrary, too little air should be swap;
  • one of the edges is less, therefore, there is a problem with the suspension;
  • on the entire surface, the depth of non-etinak - the wheels were experiented many times extreme riding and sharp braking.

No matter how high-quality and exemplary spectacle of summer tires, it does not cancel law-abiding behavior on the road, accuracy. And of course, when moving, the features of the coating should always be taken into account. And in the winter, the car must need to "re-over."

Useful video

On how to determine the wear of the tire, see this video:

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