Home Lighting Bus Mercedes 49 places location. In which part of the bus long-distance passenger is safer. Criteria for choice

Bus Mercedes 49 places location. In which part of the bus long-distance passenger is safer. Criteria for choice

This article we will talk about the place in the bus. We will talk about what it is better to choose to feel safe, and which better to ignore, so as not to spoil your trip. Consider also schemes of various buses.

Places in long-distance buses

Transportation of people over long distances occupies a special niche in passenger traffic. It should be noted that there are tourist tours separately in which there are often large capacity machines. The location of the place on the bus, the location scheme of which can be changed with different engine capacity, can largely predetermine the comfort and safety of the trip. As a rule, the place behind the passenger is preserved until the end of the trip, so you need to take it very responsible for his choice.

Buses - location

In fleets of tourist companies and enterprises engaged in the transport of people to long distances, there are a wide variety of models of machines. The single position on the bus, the scheme of which would be common to all manufacturers, does not exist. Manufacturers, as well as carriage companies can equip the machines at their discretion, unless the security requirements governed by the regulatory documents. Even single-hour buses released in the same year may differ in both the internal design and the number of seats. To the question: "What is the location of the place on the bus, the placement scheme inside as it looks like?" The answer is only approximate.

Before buying a ticket, you should clarify the carrier the arrangement scheme.

In addition to convenience, the security should be taken into account from which the choice of the right place depends.

Safe place

News ribbons are often talking about road traffic accidents with passenger transport. Therefore, a thorough selection of location of the bus on the bus, the selection scheme is discussed below the text, will directly affect the safety of your life.

For a safer trip, you need to consider the following points:

  • one of the safest places is the drivers';
  • seats, located in the center of the cabin, should be selected;
  • it is better to choose the seats installed on the right side.

The following places will be able to spoil your trip:

  1. The last seats, because in this part, as a rule, a lot of burning, and after a certain period of time there is a risk of getting the poisoning of exhaust gases. The ride in the rear leads to a stronger brand, and in case of emergency braking there is a chance to fly into the passage between the seats.
  2. Seats located near the door or driver.
  3. Unpromising chairs, as a rule, are at the end, as well as before entering the middle of the cabin.

Examples of placement of seats

The photo below shows the location of the place in the bus. Scheme 47 seats is typical.

This scheme is typical for the following marks: Higer KLQ 6119 TQ, YUTONG 6129.

The following photo is also located on the bus (scheme). 49 seats - a fairly common option.

The scheme is characteristic of the following marks: Higer KLQ6129Q, NEOPLAN 1116, SETRA 315 bus.

So, you are probably wondering - what are these buses on which you will perform your wonderful travels in different cities and countries?
It is specially intended for tourism machines, which are produced by various firms. Some of you, of course, know, for example, Mercedes, Neoplan, but most of the companies producing tourist buses (Van-Hool, Setra) are usually little-known among people who are not related to the tourism business, but at the same time - these firms are "monsters "In your area.

Going down from stereotypes and loud names, let's find out what buses exist for tourist trips? First of all, they can be divided into one-storey, one-time and two-storey. In decent firms that only one-time and two-storey buses are used to take care of their clients, which are considered as comfortable as possible for tourist purposes.

Differences between half and two-storey buses

The difference between these buses is that in a two-year-old bus floor with passengers raised relative to the location of the drivers and is the only passenger floor, while on the 2-story bus there is the first floor where passengers can also sit. Now let's go to the cabin of the bus. It is quite standard, although it may differ by some not very significant details. Seats are always equally equally, as shown in the photo, only the distance between them differs.

Salon of a modern bus

It depends on the class class - the more stars, the more distance between the seats and the less seating in it. But in any case, there is enough places, in addition, you can always throw back the back, or push the chairs from each other. With the number of places in the bus, then depending on the manufacturer's company the number of places changes slightly, but on average for a semi-liter bus it is 42 Places, and for two-storey - 62 places. Also in buses there are places with a table, depending on the buse type there may be different quantities.

In addition to external data and quantities, buses are distinguished by a complete set, i.e. The presence of an acoustic system (music), video system (kit: color monitors suspended to the ceiling, usually 2, 3 or 4, and video recorder), air conditioning, bio-toilet (although the toilet is always present).

So now look the TVs in the cabin

And finally, it is worth adding that the undoubted advantages of tourist buses include a luggage compartment, which accommodates a very large number of the most varied baggage.

So, this is the main thing that can be told about those buses that are offered tourist firms.

Excursion tourism seems to be specifically designed for bus tours. Today, such a type of travel is becoming increasingly popular. Comfortable long-distance buses allow right while traveling to enjoy the pleasure of recognizing a new one. Such transport is significantly different from city buses.

Top recesses are equipped with special soft seats, with a folding back and armrests. They have a cavity for the carriage of passengers, including shelves over the seats and a large space under the floor of the buse's cabin. In the cabin itself there may be not only a chemical toilet, but also a dispenser with cold and hot water, mini fridge, teleexer and other devices in order to make a trip comfortable.

When choosing a bus for a long excursion tour, you must take into account all these features and ask you in advance how comfortable you will be on the road. Another important point is a safe location in the salon ADS. When buying a ticket, the place belongs to passengers as well as on the train, so they will not be able to change them in the future. The scheme of places in different buses differs.

Location of places in buses

Long-distance buses are a popular transport type, therefore many different modifications of such cars are produced. In addition, the carrier has the right to independently equip the ADS salon at its own discretion. Therefore, even buses released at the same factory at the same time may differ both by the number of places and their location.

In particular, the special tourist bus of the man in a typical model is designed to accommodate 59 seats, and the numbering begins with the first seats and from the right row. However, the modification of Manion Lion's Coach R 08 has only 49 seats, while the first number has a chair in the second row on the right. The first seats from the door are not numbered, as a result of which the latter receive numbers 47 and 49.

Location of seats on the bus MAN Lions Coach R 08 Seat location on the MAN bus

Such differences can be found at the buses of all brands. For example, Malomerous Mercedes 22360s is designed for 20 chairs, and the numbering order is confused. The first places 1 and2 are located for the driver, and the rooms next to it have numbers 19 and 20. Further rows are numbered on the right. Another bus of the same manufacturer, Mersedes-Benz 0303, has the numbering from left to right and accommodates 45 seats.

Seat location in the seat location in the bus Mersedes-Benz 0303

bus Mersedes-22360c

Modify the location of the places and the bus equipment can also carrier, for example, remove several chairs, add a relay, freeing the place for office space. Depending on such innovations, the quantity, and sometimes the location of passenger seats will change. Therefore, buying a ticket you need to carefully examine the real shuttlecock of the bus, asking it from the carrier.

Where is the safer to sit on a long-distance bus

Safety when driving is not the same for passengers who have taken different places in the cabin. Similarly also occurs in the passenger cars, where the most secure is considered to be behind the driver's back, and the most at risk is next to him. When buying tickets for ADS, it is worth searching for a ticket to the chair, located in the maximum protected bust area.

Here are some security principles on the bus:

  • The most reliable in place is immediately behind the driver's seat. It is believed that when the driver occurs, the driver subconsciously will try to protect itself, respectively, the opposite side falls under the blow faster.
  • The most convenient and quiet places with a good level of security are located in the center of the cabin. This zone remains the whole, both when hitting the forehead and at the bottom of the rear. Even in the case of a lateral departure, the blow can get into the back, passing the middle.
  • Seats on the right side of the passage, and not by the window, are considered safer than on the left.

It is also useful to ask for information about the safety of passenger seats themselves. Safety rules in the cabin are applicable to the bus: do not walk along the cabin while driving, especially during maneuvers, when changing or a dangerous situation, you need to go back and hide your head on your knees.

Much better not to sit on the bus

Special scientific research this information is not confirmed, but there are several types of seats, where the passengers do not like to sit down:

  • The last row of seats is enjoyed. This prejudice is quite logical, as it smells like harder and exhaust gases. The tail of the salon is stronger from side to the side when driving and turning, it gives more here. With a sharp braking, you can fall into the passage.
  • The first row from the entrance and immediately behind the driver is also not popular. With a frontal blow, this part of the cabin suffers most.

When choosing a ticket, you should ask if the seats are led away. In the cabin may also be places that the back does not move. The conscientious carrier will not sell them, but hope for it is not worth it, it is better to check in advance and thoroughly ask the travel agent. Most often, such chairs are installed on the unloved last row or next to the door in the middle of the bus. The place next to the entrance has a number of features. In particular, there is colder than everything in winter, but it is easy to exit first at any stop.


When buying tickets, the features of accommodation in the cabin are not specified. You can learn all the details about a particular bus and travel agent, and for the conversation it is better to personally come to the company's office. There you will be able to show accurate bus schemes, location plans, tell us about what will prefer to be silent when placing an order via the Internet.

Unfortunately, the Unified Numbering Standard does not exist in buses. According to the survey of the carriers of Novosibirsk, it turned out that 6 different ways of numbering places in the cabin are used. Even one carrier can be buses with a different numbering system. Below examples of the numbering that we found on the Internet and combined into a single picture.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that different brands and models of buses have different location schemes and in most cases it is impossible to predict what kind of bus will go to the flight. According to the contract with the bus station, the carrier is obliged to put a bus on a bus of a certain capacity and type (for example, 42 scene). But the bus model becomes known only shortly before departure. Thus, even having in the hands, the correct schemes of the places cannot be specified, as the brand and the bus model are unknown in advance.

Comprehensively analyzing the task, we concluded that it is not able to realize it with a satisfactory result. We know that on some sites-competitors scheme places is indicated. We also know that this led to scandals, since the information provided on the fact turned out to be unreliable.



Iveco Magelys (49 seats)

"Iveco Magelys" - Tourist Suite! Tourist bus high comfort. The bus is equipped with a minibus, fridge, relay. In the cabin, a comfortable soft folding chairs with an adjustable back and armrest. There are wide passages on the bus, two LCD monitor to broadcast video. Each seat is equipped with a guide and individual lighting button. The tourist class "Iveco Magelys" bus was created for traveling with maximum convenience both in Russia and abroad!

MAN Lion "S Coach (R08) (57 seats)


MAN Lion "S Coach (R07) (49 seats)

Buses of high comfort "MAN" are good and for short travel, and for long excursions and transfers. "MAN" is a European quality standard! Buses have the right to leave abroad, equipped with orthopedic seats - passengers will never get back. Buses "MAN" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, 2 TVs, acoustic system); orthopedic seats with different adjustments; individual blowing; individual lighting; folding individual tables; toilet; minibochney. Ideal for business traffic, including sophisticated foreigners.

Neoplan Tourliner L P22 (49 seats)



Buses of high comfort "Neoplan" are good and for short travel, and for long excursions and transfers. "Neoplan" is a European quality standard! Buses have the right to leave abroad, equipped with orthopedic seats - passengers will never get back. Buses "NEOPLAN" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, 2 TVs, acoustic system); orthopedic seats with different adjustments; individual blowing; individual lighting; folding individual tables; toilet; minibochney. Ideal for business traffic, including sophisticated foreigners.

King Long Klq6129Q (49 seats)

Bus "Higer" - a well-known new Chinese production. High level of assembly quality, rich basic equipment is beneficial to allocate "Higer" among other known buses. "Higer" is a modern bus that meets all the requirements of world standards. The seats "Higer" are soft and comfortable, with all the necessary adjustments: folding armrests, adjusting the tilt of the back. Buses "Higer" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, TV, speaker system), individual blowing, individual lighting, folding individual tables. The Higer bus is ordered for excursions, business trips, corporate events.

Higer KLQ6129Q (49 seats)

Bus "Higer" - a well-known new Chinese production. High level of assembly quality, rich basic equipment is beneficial to allocate "Higer" among other known buses. "Higer" is a modern bus that meets all the requirements of world standards. The seats "Higer" are soft and comfortable, with all the necessary adjustments: folding armrests, adjusting the tilt of the back. Buses "Higer" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, TV, speaker system), individual blowing, individual lighting. The Higer bus is ordered for excursions, business trips, corporate events.

Higer KLQ6129Q (47 seats)

Bus "Higer" - a well-known new Chinese production. High level of assembly quality, rich basic equipment is beneficial to allocate "Higer" among other known buses. "Higer" is a modern bus that meets all the requirements of world standards. The seats "Higer" are soft and comfortable, with all the necessary adjustments: folding armrests, adjusting the tilt of the back. Buses "Higer" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, TV, speaker system), individual blowing, individual lighting, toilet. The Higer bus is ordered for excursions, business trips, corporate events.

GOLDEN DRAGON (57 seats)

The Golden Dragon bus is a reliable and modern new generation bus, created for a comfortable and safe movement of passengers to the destination. 57 passenger seats with the ability to adjust the corner of the backrest and in the width towards the central passage, with the steps. Corrugated curtains on the windows of the passenger salon. Individual lighting and passenger ventilation system. Video audio system TV / DVD, two monitors 19 inches LSD. Anti-slip quartz floor covering. Ten salon heaters and air conditioning will provide passengers comfort in the cabin bus at any time of the year. The bus has a fridge, cooler and toilet. Each seat is equipped with two USB ports. Any journey will be comfortable thanks to comfortable chairs and a good review, which opens for passengers in panoramic windows!

Hyundai Universe (43 seats)

"Hyundai Universe" - a tourist bus with high comfort. The bus is equipped with a large number of excess equipment that will make a trip as comfortable as possible, both for passengers and for the driver. The Hyundai Universe bus meets all modern safety requirements for cars of this class. This is a truly functional and comfortable bus with modern design.

Yutong (45 seats)

The bus "Yutong" can rightly be called the most compact and maneuverable from a number of tourist models, it is adapted to Russian climatic and road conditions. Buses "Yutong" are equipped with a modern multimedia system (DVD player, TV); soft folding chairs; individual blowing; Individual lighting.

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