Home Salon How to clean the car seats yourself. Dry cleaning Auto Salon with your own hands: Technology and what kind of cleaning agents to choose how to clean the cabin auto at home

How to clean the car seats yourself. Dry cleaning Auto Salon with your own hands: Technology and what kind of cleaning agents to choose how to clean the cabin auto at home

In order not to spend time and money on a car wash, you can learn to clean your car's salon yourself. To do this, it is enough to carve out a few hours on your output and get the necessary means and accessories.

For self cleaning, you will need:

  • economic gloves;
  • brushes with rigid and soft bristles;
  • microfiber rags;
  • paper napkins;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • water;
  • soap;
  • specialized means: foam, aerosol, polyrolol.

Remove mats and trash

The first thing to do for dry cleaning of the cabin is to prepare the car. The most suitable place for this is a heated garage or open space in sunny weather.

Mock the engine, pull the keys. After that, remove all mats, extra items and throw garbage. Rubber mats wash on the floor with water and wipe dry, fabric wrapped with hands or typewriter.


The next stage includes dry cleaning. To do this, you need a car vacuum cleaner. You can use home, if enough cord lengths. To get to hard-to-reach places, use narrow nozzles.

If the seats are strongly stained, remove them. It will also help faster to clean the space between the seams, in the folds and the seat. If the vacuum cleaner does not cope, blew the garbage with the compressor.

Testing a cleaning agent (on an invisible site)

After the cabin is cleaned of dust, crumbs and small garbage, comes the time to use chemicals. It can be foam, sprays, napkins. Choose them followed by materials from which the seat, panel and upholstery are made.

Popular salon cleaning agents:

  • for fabric: PROFOAM 3000, PROFOAM 4000, FACILE GOLD LINE, HI-GEAR foam, GRASS foam.
  • for the skin AUTOSOL, Leather Conditioner, Pro Line, Hi-Gear foam.
  • for eco-tree Profoam 2000, AutoSol, Pro Line, Facile Gold Line.
  • for Alcantara Facilegold Line, Hi-Gear foam.

Before cleaning the interior with a one or another, check it on a small section of the surface. If the color or texture has not changed, you can use it.

It is not necessary to use household chemicals for washing salon. Unlike the means for the car, it settles on the surface and it is difficult to clean it completely. This eventually causes damage to the surface, as well as health problems. They can be, for example, allergic reactions, difficulty breathing, cough.

Step-by-step sequence of cleaning

In order for self-drying of the salon to be as high quality as professionals, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm. This will avoid funds and dirt on cleaned areas.

Sequence of dry cleaning of the cabin:

  1. ceiling upholstery;
  2. front and rear doors;
  3. control Panel;
  4. seats;

Dry cleaning ceiling

To do this, use foam or aerosol. The foam must be dissolved with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer and process the ceiling. The aerosol is sufficient to spray with a thin layer.

Do it gradually, dividing the ceiling by 5-6 zones. Then wait 15-20 minutes and wipe the upholstery with a paper napkin until it completely becomes dry. If it is not enough to dry the material or pour it too much, it may turn out.

Dry cleaning doors

Doors start cleaning with leather or fabric inserts. Do it in the same way as the ceiling. Plastic elements Clean the damp rag, dry and treat the polyrolol. Do not wipe the wet cloth or spray the tools on the buttons. Water that fell inside can cause short circuit.

Dry cleaning seats

For cleansing, use an aerosol or foam. Apply the tool first to the most contaminated areas. As a rule, the side zones are them. Remove the cleaning agent with a dry cloth from the microfiber.

If there are stains from food, beverages, cosmetics or other substances, do not soak them, otherwise it will be difficult to dry the seat. Better Take advantage of the tested councils of motorists:

  • wipe fresh stains with a wet cloth;
  • alcohol spots Eliminate with a mixture of 250 ml of water from 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • tea or coffee output by ammonic alcohol;
  • if blood dried on the seat, remove it cold watermixed with salt;
  • drain cosmetics with alcohol.

Leather interior is necessary after cleaning to handle protective and moisturizing means.

Dry cleaning floor

As in other cases, it is better to start with the most dirties. On the floor they are areas under the seats. After them, we treat the entire floor by foam or aerosol, suitable by type of surface, wait 10-15 minutes, then spending it. After that, take a dry napkin and pull it floor. If it has become dirty, cleaning should be repeated.


To clear the panel, it is necessary to protect the windshield and electronic elements from entering chemicals. For this, the glass is treated with soap solution, and the electronics creek the tape.

Do not spray the tools on the surface, better apply it to the sponge and gently wipe the entire surface. The recesses are well cleaned with a toothbrush or cotton sticks. After processing, wipe the panel with a dry cloth from the microfiber.

Clean stalk

To the salon become perfectly clean, it remains to wipe all the windows from the inside and outside. Small dirt can be removed with soap solution and wipe dry. There are also special rags and napkins whose use will save from divorces.

Another means for glass is a mixture of alcohol and water in equal proportions. It quickly removes dirt and divorce, not leaving unpleasant odor. But the usual means for washing the glass will be smelling in the cabin for a long time.

Dried salon

The final stage of the car's dry-cleaner salon is his drying. If you do not wait for a complete drying, then divorces will appear on surfaces. These stains can be removed only by repeated cleaning.

In natural conditions in warm garage Or in the sun, the drying process takes from 2 to 6 hours. If you have no time to wait, use the hairdryer or heater. The main thing is to avoid strong heating of materials.

You can easily dry the cabin dry cleaning. It is enough to know the sequence of actions and correctly choose chemicals. No one is more careful and better than the owner will clean your car. And the saved funds can be spent on the expression of the cabin or postpone the family budget.

And fills it with a real joy. But, time goes quietly and new car It becomes no longer so new. This unique flavor disappears and the car begins to live their usual life on our roads. Over time, the car's salon becomes not so clean, and various stains and divorces begin to appear. All this is quite solved dry cleaning. Most do it. But this procedure is not cheap. Therefore, someone thinks about cleaning the car's cabin on their own, that is, with their own hands. It is also quite realistic to do if you know how to clean, and comply with some rules.

Cleaning the upholstery of the cabin. Highlights

Today, materials that are used to upholstery car salons, rather durable. But still, if you do not follow the upholstery, then no qualitative material can hold out for a long time. Small children very often leave various traces on the seats and other "insides" of the car. All those sweets they eat or other food, you will probably find on the seats. In addition, our streets do not differ in purity and the dirt that we enter the salon can not only be on the mats, but also to follow the upholstery of the salon you need constantly, if, of course, you want it to look at you attractive.

If you shed some kind of drink, then you need to remove immediately from it. Do not wait for it to uphound. Then he will bring it from there much more difficult. Therefore, in your car must be wet wipes, any cloth or paper towels. All these things will help you withdraw a stain if you were shed in the cabin.

Food stains (and many in the car eat very love) you also need to immediately output. Everything for the same reason - the old spot is much harder.

We always use regularly if dirt and dust you will not be regularly removed using a vacuum cleaner, then it can be deeply climbed into the upholstery of the car, and its attractive appearance to restore without serious dry cleaning will no longer succeed.

Those who have children use children to put on the back seat. At the same time, pay attention to you do not stand at the same place. Change periodically its placement from behind. So you can save upholstery longer rear seat car. The position itself of such a chair, too, if possible, should be changed. In addition, dust and dirt under the children's chair do not forget to clean up also regularly.

It is better not to eat any "color" drinks in the cabin. So the likelihood of its pollution will be minimal, and, therefore, the purity of the upholstery you save much longer. If you eat and drink in the car you love very much, then without stains on the upholstery of the salon you will definitely leave. Of course, if there is a lot of free time, then the salon can be cleaned constantly. But here, if you do not have this time, then everything is better to introduce food in the cabin to a minimum.

How to remove stains in the car's cabin?

Pollution in the car does not happen almost never. Self there appear that are very striking. They need to withdraw quickly, because, even if the stain is small, then with time, it will still become great. So it is better not to wait for this moment, and delete it spot now.

Spots of dirt

Such stains are most common in our dirt or the particles of the Earth are strongly rubbed into the upholstery and lead it to a very unsightly state. You need to enter such stains only if the upholstery in this place is dry. To begin with a stain of dirt just should be lost with a brush. This will remove you excess this dirt, which in the upholstery have not yet absorbed, and are outside. Next, already, with the help of a soft nozzle of the vacuum cleaner (the one that is used for furniture) will need to spend this stain. So, you can already remove most of the dry dirt from the upholstery itself. If the stain is already withdrawn, then there is no wet processing here. It is better to lose it a little wetted cloth, or take advantage of the washing vacuum cleaner. But in any case, the water does not need to pour. So the spot is only stronger in the upholstery, and this is not necessary for us.

Coffee spots in the cabin

The second type of stains in popularity is coffee. After all, many, especially those who go far, love to drink a cup in the cabin. Therefore, such stains are far from uncommon. Sometimes drivers simply forget to remove the cup with coffee, which was put on the panel. The car was drowned, and the coffee was converted accordingly. In any case, coffee is not absorbed immediately to the upholstery, so if you were shed, then immediately blot the spilled liquid with the same paper towel. It will help you to remove the flooded coffee at the maximum. The liquid is simply quickly absorbed into such a towel than in a dense outcome of the cabin. Well, if you have water in the cabin. Then just pour it on the fresh coffee stain and again collect all this with a soft towel. Already later, on a spot from coffee, you will need to apply the tool that is used and later the stain will still need to be allowed.

Vomit spots

Cleaning the car's salon from spots of vomiting, after all, not so often occur. But, nevertheless, this is also quite possible. It often happens that children or animals when driving simply indicates, as a result, similar stains arise. Such stains rub quite not easy. And again, for successful struggle with them, everything needs to be done quickly. To begin with, you must open the windows in the car or the door is entirely. This is done not only to come out nasty smellbut also the air circulation is more. So the salon will be better ventilated and the stain after its cleaning will faster. A common part of such pollution needs to be quickly removed. This can be done with any cloth or the same paper towels or soft things like them.

Next, it is already necessary to clean soda (1/4 of a glass) and water. All this soda is dragging in a glass of warm water. Then just a clean cloth (or the same napkin) simply wet neatly the spot itself, it should not be rubbed. Next, the place of pollution is rinsed, we rinse and once again it will be necessary to get into the cleaning composition. The cloth itself will need to be periodically allocated in clean waterbecause at once the cleanliness will not succeed. If the soda solution becomes too turbid, then it is better to cook another one. When you manage to completely remove from the upholstery, it will be necessary to fall asleep soda and rubbing it into this area. The smell, soda kills very well, that in this case it is very important. Let the soda snack on the spot, then it can be removed simply with a vacuum cleaner.

If small residues still remain, then a clean cloth (first moisten it in water) can be removed. And moisture, which can still stay on the spot, just blocked until the stain will not be almost dry. And the final stage is to spend this spot again, if there is a need.

Also in the cabin after such stains can remain can be removed using a filler for cat toilets. His granules simply put in the female stocking or tights. The smell of a feline filler absorbs excellent.

Blood stains in the car

Cleaning the car interior by simple tool

This remedy is suitable not only for the cabin of your car, but also for cooking it we will be from one cup of any liquid soap, plus a cup of vinegar and here we will add another cup of mineral water. It is better to take "Borjomi", "Arkhyz" or "Esentuki". We will work again with a bottle with a pulverizer and a brush.

First of all, the very surface of the upholstery will need to be cleaned of dust and from any garbage. All ingredients of our cleaner need a well mix right in the bottle itself. And then you can already apply this composition with a pulverizer to the upholstery of the cabin. We leave it all minutes for 5 or 10. After that, we already take the brush and dirty places three brush, and we work with a brush circular movements. Most small and fresh spots are well laundered in this way. But, if the old spots immediately output will not work, you can repeat the procedure and repeat. The second processing will have to withdraw the solar stains.

Clean the skin and vinyl in the cabin

These materials are cleaned much easier than tissue upholstery. For them are sold special meansthat will help you bring these materials in order and besides this will also bring

Although of course, the skin, you need to clean is also very careful, because it is painted quite easily, and you can also blur. But, the advantage of the skin is that the liquid that you have been shed at it, can be removed immediately almost without loss, and there will be no traces on the skin. All this needs to be done not slowly and better than the cleaning agents that are designed for the skin. If you have a leather salon, then such funds you have to be at hand.

Vinyl salon should be cleaned regularly. This is done by a simple agent of 3-4 drops of anyone that is bred in a plate with warm water. You need to wipe this composition with a clean cloth, and after it, we do the most dry cloth. If it did not help and any stains remained, then use the ammonia (1/4 of the glass), which is divorced in the glass of water. With this composition, again, we proceed with a soft cloth, and if it is quite persistent, it is still a soft brush. Next, the place of cleaning is dry and applied to the vinyl appropriate protective agent.

Of course, behind the car's salon you need to monitor constantly, no matter how his surface you have not had. So his upholstery will always be fine and the emergency dry cleaner does not need.

But in this video you will be told about some methods that will help you clean the car's salon at home. We look.

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If maintaining external view The car is quite simple to achieve, regularly hanging on the sink or performing this work with your own hands, then caring for the interior of the car requires much longer. Of course, it is possible to charge the process of restoring the purity and the neat appearance of the car's salon to professionals for a hundred, but this service is not discharge cheap. At the same time, it is easy enough to carry out their own hands. For those who are going to do this for the first time, and information is intended in this article.

Each work requires preliminary preparation, especially if it is performed for the first time. And the cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands is the more. First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of its holding and the time of the year. Why is that? One of the first and important stages preparatory work When cleaning the cabin car is a thorough getting rid of it from dust and dirt. And for this you will need a vacuum cleaner. And the more powerful, the better. Consequently, it is necessary to have electricity to include this vacuum cleaner.

Unfortunately, auto parks that are connected to on-board network Car, do not have enough power to provide high-quality cleaning. After all, remove dust and dirt preferably from all the slots and hard-to-reach places of the car. Therefore, it is desirable to stock up with a variety of nozzles on the vacuum cleaner, as well as cotton wand and toothpicks for plastic care dashboard. Then no Sorink will be ignored.

The most suitable place to clean the car cleaning can be a garage, cottage or other, well ventilated, a place where there is an electrical network. Cleaning work is best done in warm and dry time Year: Spring, Summer, Early Autumn. This has its own objective reason. Upon completion of all work, the car dryer will need. And for this you need to open all the doors and trunk for better ventilation.

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, brushes are also needed, microfiber wipes and a car interior cleaning agent. Now more about the necessary accessories. It is desirable to have a set of brushes that will have a pile of different rigidity. Brushes Rightest will be needed for flooring, which usually has strong pollution. To clean the upholstery of the cabin car, the pile of brushes must be softer, and for the upholstery of the ceiling - even softer.

If the upholstery of the car is leather, then the rigidity of the brush will depend on the quality of the skin and the presence of the protective coating on this upholstery. It is desirable that the pile is natural. This ensures that it will not lift and does not scratch the upholstery surface.

As for napkins, it is desirable to purchase a set of napkins from microfiber. This material does not leave the villion on the surface of the surface. Another plus of such napkins is a good absorbent ability.

You can do and conventional rags. Then they should be made of natural material (cotton, flax). Preferred white color. In this case, they are guaranteed not to lift from the action of cleaning products, and they will not spoil the upholstery.

And, of course, do not do without a set of means for cleaning the car's interior. To clean the leather upholstery, some facilities are used for leather upholstery, and for plastic - third. What a means it is better to take advantage to clean the car with your own hands, we will consider below.

Review of funds

The upholstery of the car can be made of different materials. It can be a mater, for example, velor or leather. In addition, the upholstery of the ceiling of the car can be different, compared to the upholstery of the seats or doors. For each type of material, you should choose your cleaning agent. When performing the work with your own hands it is recommended to use auto chemistry in aerosol packaging (cylinders). They are convenient to use and reviews of motorists are optimal decision. In this case, you will receive a ready-to-use active foam, which will simply be sprayed to the clean surface.

Care products can also be in liquid form (in bottles or bottles). But in this case, their preliminary preparation and special devices that are used in a hundred are required.

Leather car salons require special care tools. Unlike the mothers, it is necessary to use in this case a special air conditioner for the skin, which gives it softness and elasticity. Its regular use, except for a good appearance of the skin, will extend its service life, will relieve cracking.

We must not forget about the care of plastic. To care, it has sufficiently diverse tools that give plastic a new appearance and prevent dust sticking. At the same time, the quality of plastic on different models Cars can be different. Therefore, the most appropriate means for its cleaning is determined by the experimental way or according to the reviews of familiar motorists.

For glasses, you can use the most common means used in everyday life. However, the following should be taken into account. If there is a toning with a film, these drugs must be without ammonia.

Cleaning process

If you do it yourself, then you should begin with careful cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. If you can remove the seat without any problems, you should be removed. This will make care of cleaning in the most hard-to-reach places. We must not forget about the trunk. It should be removed from it too much and produce thorough cleaning.

The ceiling is better not to vacuum. Upholstery ceiling material is based on the basis with glue. If the vacuum cleaner is quite powerful, then it can be pulled off. And this will require the ceiling halters, which is quite laborious work.


The ceiling is the first thing that is recommended to start cleaning. It should be divided into small sections to which foam is sequentially applied. Waving a certain time, which is specified in the instructions for use, the foam is removed using napkins from microfiber or rag vet.
Movements should be carried out in one direction. This will help avoid divorces.

To make sure how the selected drug is suitable for your car, apply it first to a small small ceiling section. If the result satisfies you, boldly apply it further.

If there are stains on the ceiling, it is desirable to rub a soft brush. If necessary, if the stain was not completely deleted, the process can be repeated. Make sure that the napkins and the rags are dry. With their wets, they require replacement.

Floor, seats, rugs

The procedure for gender, seats and rugs is similar to the described procedure for the ceiling. Rugs need to be removed and clean outside the car. To remove spots from the floor, you can use a brush with the toughest pile. According to the same method, order in the trunk.

Leather seats need to be treated with air conditioning after the main cleaning. It is first applied to the napkin or the applicator and rubs on the skin. After a certain time, according to the instructions, its surplus is removed.


The dashboard (torpedo) is usually manufactured from plastic that is exposed to sunlight through the windshield. Because of this, he can dump and lose its original color. In addition, plastic attracts dust that accumulates on it with a thick layer. Therefore, it requires constant attention. You can clean plastic, applying a drug for cleaning, and then, having won the right time (according to the instructions), thoroughly rub with a napkin.

Preparations for plastic are on silicone basis and unused. According to the reviews of motorists, the second is preferable, since they give the dashboard a pleasant matte tint and better repulse dust.


The final stage is drying. By time, she may take half a day depending on the weather. All doors and trunk open for this, which leads to the luminescence of the lamps inside the cabin and the trunk lamps. To avoid the discharge of the battery, it is recommended to disable it at this time.

Despite drying, the chemical smell will be felt a few more days.

Video " Dry Cleaning Salon Auto "

On the record a man tells about the types of dry-cleaners of the car's interior. Looking at the video, you will learn what and how to clean it.

You can independently. I do not think that the washers own such know-how, to comprehend the essence of which need decades.

Compare "in the forehead" with "kitchen" - this is, of course, is not good. At a minimum because advertisers immediately take offense. Yes, and sellers thanks will not say. In general, wait for sanctions. But for different names, the relatives of the souls are sometimes hiding, and therefore many domestic products are really well coped with non-contaminate roads.

About this is also talking about reading messages. Quote: "The main component of almost all costs-20-30 past meals. Sold in "gardeners" - in supermarkets it is not found. This is a calcined soda. She is linen. "

There are other folk tips. For the processing of the cabin plastic, in addition to shoe cleaning sponges, many recommend applying napkins for monitors. And in order to avoid the so-called "sticky", readers advise to use - from Orange, "Vürta", "Dremex" and similar. Finally, a means of washing the gas plates "SIF" is often mentioned - they can be cleaned with cabin plastic, including various embossing and irregularities.

Many are wedge with an aqueous solution of economic soap. And the most courageous users to remove stains on plastic or tissue use vodka.

Concerning professional funds, I believe that they should not seriously fear competition from kitchen-household accessories. In any case, all the tests of similar specialized auto chemicals, which we conducted recently, generally inspire optimism. If, of course, not to be offended by the clearly overestimated cost of individual brands. As far as I remember, no 700-ruble cylinder in our experiments never won knockout at 100-ruble.

If the upholstery of the cabin contaminated, then I:

and how about technical means? Many readers actively propose to apply not only cloths with sponges, but also washing vacuum cleaners. Some at the same time claim that it is so possible to remove the dirt, and not just to drive it in the bowels of the surface of the surface. With the last statement, I, perhaps, I do not agree, however against the application Clean the salon: folk remedies against auto chemicals

The car's salon is very quickly contaminated, constantly exposed to external influence. It is very important to carry out high-quality cleaning of the upholstery of the car's seat with their own hands. How and how to read the upholstery yourself below. Consider all popular means and methods for chemical cleaning.

Why do you need to clean the interior in time?

Materials used in the interior decoration Auto durable and durable. But even it does not save them from the invasion of kids with sticky candy and juice. As a result, all these goodies are entrusted to the upholstery of the seats. Add here daily pollution from dirty shoes, coffee and tea. To prevent the appearance of emerged spots, clean the covers immediately after the emergence of contamination. What and how to clean the car's salon on your own then consider further.

Materials and equipment

Do not know what to clean the car's salon with your own hands? To clean the cabin, you will need: chemicals for the cleaning, a vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner or iron With the digestion function (you can do without it), sponge, brush, slippet. from microfiber scraper For windows, rubber gloves, bottle with spray or bucket, hot water.

  • Brush Must be soft, not to damage the upholstery.
  • Sponge Choose more size so that the processing does not drag on until the morning.
  • A vacuum cleaner Take without a dust bag, they first we will vacuum the car dealership, then collect remnants of detergents. The washing vacuum cleaner is also suitable.
  • ChemicalsUsed in cleansing the cabin auto diverse composition and action. For each material it is necessary to choose a suitable tool so as not to spoil its structure.
  • You can do I. folk remedies , even though they are not so effective. For example, aqueous vinegar solution, another "Vanish", soap solution with a drone.

Caution: Before using any new chemical exercise, first try to process an invisible place.

  • Eltrans., Russia. Universal cleaner for salon and body. Cost - 110 p. for 500 g
  • Astrohim., Russia. Purifier plastic, vinyl and rubber. Cost - 60 p. for 250 ml.
  • Grass., Russia. Salon cleaner. Cost 175 rubles. For 1 l.
  • Kangaroo Profoam 3000., Korea. Interior cleaner. Costs 295 rubles. For 600 ml.
  • Runway., USA - PRC. Cleaner carpet salon carpet. Cost 255 p. For 410 gr.
  • Sapfire Professional, Russia. Dry cleaning salon. Costs 200 p. For 500 ml.

Sequence of car interior processing

There is a huge number of ways to clean the car's salon - you can do it both with your own hands, and trust professionals. For each upholstery material, it is suitable for each. Consider the main stages of car seat cleaning.

  1. first stage - preparation,
  2. second - cleaning a vacuum cleaner,
  3. the third - treatment of chemicals,
  4. final - drying car dealership.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, the interior of the machine for further processing is prepared, all extra objects and garbage should be removed. Then wipe all the nonwoven surface with a wet sponge. Moisturizing cloth with a sprayer with water, assemble the animal wool scraper.

Treatment of vacuum cleaner

Before cleaning the chairs, treat them vacuum cleaner. They can clean almost all types of surfaces. it the best way Preparation of the machine for further cleaning. Use the elongated narrow-section nozzle to close to the hard-to-reach places between the seats. First spend the seat, then the space between them.

Council: Thoroughly spend the seams of covers, spreading them with your hand so that dust and crumbs from the seams are completely removed.

Chemical treatment

Dry clean The car's cabin is not very complex. Cleaning pollution with chemicals is made in several stages.

  1. In a bucket, a quarter filled with water, will the selected detergent. The solution is well mixed before the formation of abundant foam on the entire volume of the bucket.
  2. Sponge apply a foam On the cleaned surface so that the fabric is saturated completely. When cleaning leather seats, it is enough to simply apply a foam on top of a uniform layer. Thus, process the fabric entirely so that there are no ugly stains.
  3. Wait the time specified in the instructionso that the substance began to act. Most often it takes 3 - 5 minutes
  4. Take the brush and spend Processed surface. Strongly rub it not to damage the covers.
  5. Speaching surface or wipe dry napkins so that there are no foam
  6. Now carry out the salonSo that the chairs are dried and the smell of dampness remains.

Caution: To protect against chemical burns, be sure to work in rubber gloves

Cleaning velor seats

Clean velor Salon Efficiently with a vacuum cleaner, also buy a special roller for collecting animal and hair wool. Uncomplicated spots with velor seats, remove with a soap solution and sponge. Strong pollution Clean chemical compositions.

Clean leather chairs

To clean leather SalonIt is advisable to use cleaners recommended by a car manufacturer. Often there is a protective coating that prevents the occurrence of pollution. If there is no protection, use skin conditioners. First wipe the surface with a damp sponge, apply the air conditioner on a soft napkin and wipe the skin.

Cleaning vinyl seats

Vinyl - The easiest in caring material. Light contaminants are removed with glass cleaning fluid - splash and wipe the napkin. How to clean strong pollution? You can do the folk method - with a mixture of soda with water. Mix in equal parts and evenly apply to the vinyl surface. Rock with a warm soap solution and wipe the dry napkin.

We clean the tissue upholstery of the seats

the clothUsed for car sofas and chairs are very strong and resistant to external influences. This type of covers purify any in a convenient way - described above by the method of chemical cleaning or steam-cleaner. How to clean the chairs with a steam generator? In the steam generator pour water and process fabric, rubbing with a rag. Under the influence of a hot pair, dirt softened and easily removed with a rag.

Chemical cleaning ceiling

Dry cleaning salon The car includes the cleaning of the ceiling. Clean the car ceiling is possible only with means for dry chemical cleaning, for example, in the form of a spray or aerosol. Before cleaning, prepare a dry sponge and cleansing agent. To clean the car ceiling, evenly splash the remedy for the ceiling and rub the sponge in one direction. Wait the time specified on the package and spend the ceiling, you can do the napkin. Start spending cleaning windshield Machines moving towards the trunk. Be careful

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