Home Heating Oil filter - choose the right one! After what period do you need to change the oil filter? What is the real life of the oil filter

Oil filter - choose the right one! After what period do you need to change the oil filter? What is the real life of the oil filter

It is very important to change regularly oil filter. Most manufacturers are recommended by this and you must adhere to these recommendations. Oil filter is the main protection crankshaft and moving parts of the engine, since all chemically unstable substances falling oil delayed in the filter, which prevents oil pollution and engine destruction. The filter removes unwanted solid materials, such as particles, metal, carbon and dirt.

With the improper functioning of the oil filter, the car engine will quickly be unusable.

If you have not replaced the oil filter for a long time, be sure - it has accumulated such a large amount of mud that the oil is hardly passed through it, and it does not pass at all.

Structurally oil filters are arranged so that they have a bypass valve, which means - the circulation of oil will not stop, but the crude oil will enter the engine when the filter breaks the garbage.

But bring the situation to critical, of course, is not worth it.

Various car manufacturers and oil filters recommend different frequency of filters. And often these deadlines are not very big. The main reason for this is that manufacturers care about their reputation, and prefer to recommend an earlier replacement.

For most drivers, the recommended oily filter replacement time is once eight or twelve thousand kilometers. Which coincides with the deadlines for the replacement of motor oil. However, if you doubt the cleanliness of the oil - you can change the filter and more often. Since the oil filter costs from ten to twenty dollars, and new engine From a thousand two hundred dollars - the benefit of timely replacement is obvious. It is extremely unreasonable to risk the reliability of the engine of your car by leaving the replacement for later.

If you decide to replace the oil filter yourself, you must clearly understand the entire sequence of your actions. Motor oil filter is located at the bottom of the engine on the pallet. To unscrew it to you, you may need a special key. All replacement work should be done with a muffled car, in protective glasses and take measures to prevent your injury. If you do not plan to replace the oil, you should take care of the collection of engine oil to which or container to be able to pour it back. It is very important that this container would be clean and did not contain any chemicals, and even more waters. Water getting into the engine is unacceptable. Also follow the purity of the surface of the oil filter and the integrity of the sealing rings. Before installing the filter - it should be filled with oil. After that, carefully screw it, rotating clockwise with an effort sufficient for dense adjustment. Fear oil filter damage.

An old oil filter should be disposed of by the established disposal rules for waste containing chemicals.

It is not necessary to replace the filter near water bodies or water sources. Increasing in them by car can permanently lead them into disrepair.

10.26.2012 at 12:10

This device was invented in 1923 by Ernest Svitland and George H. Ginghald.

Initially, oil filters were produced in incomplete. Those they were called due to the fact that through the body of the cleaning device lubricant It was not in full. Only a small part of the oil fell into it, and a much larger percentage proceeded into the engine directly. The service life of such engines was short-lived. After all, their vital parts turned out to be polluted and damaged.

In twenty years, when the operation of non-traction filters has already spoiled the life of many motorists, the first devices have appeared, fully cleansing oil.

In the course of their operation, it turned out that for the full work of some engines it is necessary that the volume of oils to the closer to its pressure does not exceed certain values. Thus, systems appeared internal combustionwhere both types of filters are used.

The petrochemical industry later moved to the production of clean oils, which themselves could no longer pollute the engine to such an extent to cause it to break or complete destruction.

Types of oil filters

There are many oil filters for passenger cars. Among the most common - mechanical type devices.

They are produced in the form of interchangeable cartridges. As needed, the latter can be removed from the main filter housing and replaced with new ones. There are also disposable filters for which removable cartridges are not provided.

Such kind of oil purifiers are used in volumetric hydraulic systems.

There are paper, mesh, felt, wire, lamellar filters. Moreover, paper and felt cleaners belong to the devices fine filtration. But the mesh, lamellar and wire provide only the average, and sometimes only exceptionally coarse cleaning of the lubricant.

There are magnetic versions of filters. In their designs to remove from oil mass of ferromagnetic pollutants, a magnet is used. Also created gravitational devices operating on the precipitation of particles under the influence of gravity.

The degree of oil filtering

An assessment of the degree of oil filtration occurs in two parameters. One is referred to as the nominal subtlety, the other - the absolute subtlety of purification.

Under the nominal subtlety of filtration, the size of various kinds of particles, which may be in the oil flow and are held by 95% by filter. The absolute subtlety of filtration implies such a particle size that the cleaner can hold 100%.

Today in our country and in many neighboring the quality of oil filters is estimated by the nominal subtlety of filtration. So in automotive technology The degree of subtlety of the majority of cleansing devices in the hydraulic system systems ranges from 25 to 40 microns.

As a supplement, we note that in the aviation technique, the requirements for cleaning oils are significantly tougher. In aircraft systems, the nominal subtlety of filter cleaning should be a maximum of 5 microns. And the smaller the magnitude, of course, the operation of jet engines will be carried out better and safer.

Compatibility of oil filters

Oil filter market for modern carsmobiles are very diverse. It is noteworthy that individual models and types of filters are suitable for operation on absolutely different machines.

In the manufacturers catalogs, it often indicates that the same oil filter can be installed at the same time, for example, on Hyundai, Fiat and Mazda.

Options are found when auto manufacturers recommend putting on their brand specific oil cleaners. But now such situations are rare.

As a rule, at the time of acquiring the filter, it is checked with the possibility of applying on a particular car using information from the catalog. And these actions are absolutely true, since the cleaners may differ not only by their functional features, but also sizes. Mounted and dismantled filters are quite simple. But the difference in the diameters of the nest, where the filter is inserted, and the housing itself, as well as in other characteristics it is often essential. There are also oil filters intended for use only on one concrete brand car.

Construction of oil filter

Most modern oil filters are non-separable structures consisting of a metal housing, inside of which the filter element is located. There is also a protective valve, whose task is to eliminate foreign particles from motor oils.

Oil filters are equipped with byproof and centenary valves. The bypass valve is triggered when the oil cannot pass freely through a special cleansing element. This occurs due to severe contamination or increased viscosity at a negative ambient temperature. The core valve is installed at the input and opens when dVS work. After the motor is stopped, the filter valve is closed, making the lubricant mass inside it inside it.

Features of the oil filter device. Composite elements

The most important component Devices - filtering element. In high-quality samples, it is made of special spongy material. But often its role is performed by paper layers, securely fixed inside the case. The diameters of the filter elements in most models are the same, but the levels of their height are slightly different. It should be added that the height also depends on the spring, which presses the cleaner inside the case.

W. different manufacturers The methods of fastening paper filter elements are distinguished. Some companies these parts are glued, other fasten with metal brackets. The last way is more reliable because it guarantees that the paper through which the oil flux passes will not break at the time when the pressure will be increased inside the cleaner.

Next is important part of Oil filters is bypass valve. It is necessary in order to at the time of starting the engine in a heavy frost, the ungatched part of the oil entered the motor, bypassing the filter element.

It is provided for the engine for some time acted on untreated oil, which is better than without it.

Today, there are some samples of oil filters made without bypass valve. As a rule, such devices belong to the category of the cheapest.

Principle of operation byproof valve It is as follows: inside the case there is a flat twisted spring, which opens the way of oil the road into the engine. In individual filters models, this spring is located outside, which can lead to a valve distortion and make it difficult to return to normal position. There is also a threat that the oil will enter the engine for a long time, bypassing the filter element.

As a rule, in the manufacture of filters, there are standards relating to the degree of rigidity of the spring and the materials from which the valve is arranged. In most brands, the spring is not made from the metal, which helps to exclude the freezing of the valve with a strong frost, which is why it may not work.

In most modern oil filters, a plate sprite is installed. Several years have previously used cylindrical springs, but those occupied a lot of space. However, it was the only drawback of these items.

Corporate valve It is a rubber ring with wide edges. They close the holes in the filter cup, without allowing oil to flow out at the time when the pressure in the system drops.

This valve must have resistant to different temperatures and elasticity. In high-quality filters, it fits tightly to the housing.

The valve made of silicone is considered the best because it retains its properties even in adverse conditions. Thanks to him, the oil will not flow from the housing.

Filter cover. In the oil cleaners of the original performance it is roles. Popii famous marks Clawed. The last option is worse than the fact that numerous welding points often disturb the tightness due to the lack of which is disturbed normal work Messenger valve.

Filters are found on the housing of which in places of attachment to the lid there are special faces. Thanks to them, when installing the device, it does not arise the danger of the enclosure.

Sealing ring. It is made of rubber and, despite the fact that it is called, can occur in a round or rectangular design. In fact, the form is not so important. The main thing is that the material possesses a sufficient degree of elasticity.

Oil filters pass anti-corrosion treatment and are covered with antihalvanic composition. All these actions manufacturers are performed to increase the degree of reliability of the device and extend the service life, as well as prevent the formation of electrical discharges.

The average replacement time of engine oil and, as a result, the filter comes when the car erupts 10-15 thousand kilometers.

Tips wishing to buy an oil filter

Specialists advise paying attention to the following composite elements Devices: Filter Case, Filtering Element, Spring, Single Valve, Cover, Sealing Ring and Packaging. According to them appearance And the state can be objectively judged about the quality of the cleansing device and directly in place to decide whether or not to buy it.

It is desirable that the name of the manufacturer with its coordinates was written on the packaging in Russian.

The hull must be solid, not to succumb to the deformation from pressing with fingers. The strength is needed, since it is located on the bottom, respectively, is subject to damage to any solid subject, accidentally traveled from under the wheel or fell under the bottom of the car. In addition, the housing must withstand the pressure drops that occur in the oil flow especially in cold weather.

Denis Baraula Motorist

All motorists are well known golden Rule "I'm not harmful", which implies timely replacement The necessary elements of the car. Despite this, some still try to "reduce" their own lives, ignoring such regulations, especially in relation to suppliesCoem applies an oil filter. Fortunately, such motorists are a bit, so the question of how often the oil filter can be changed, and remains relevant.

What is an oil filter and why the timely replacement it is so important.

The oil filter is a kind of "sponge" for any kind of contamination, which, when lubricating the engine, accumulate in oil.

Car oil filter device.

It looks, most often, as a metal non-separable construction, inside which is located a filter element and 2 valves.

Bypass valve.

Provides oil supply to the engine, when for certain circumstances (the filter is contaminated, the crankshaft turns increased, the oil has become too thick, for example, due to frost weather), it cannot pass through the filter element, because, you will agree better Engine Works on crude oil than without it.

Check valve.

Holds oil in the engine when it does not work, in order to provide a quick rise in the pressure in the system in case of starting the engine. It looks like this valve as a rubber ring of alternating section, the elasticity of which is lost during long operationAnd therefore, the time comes when with its duties this element stops coping. What happens then? After stopping the car and the engine, the oil from the filter merges, leading to the "dry" subsequent launch of pressure in the system until the oil fills the filter again, which is quite naturally entails an unwanted high and rapid engine wear.

Replacement period of the car filter?

Of all the foregoing, it is obvious that the replacement of the oil filter should be approached with a special responsibility, because the purchase of poor quality goods or its late replacement is ultimately leading to expensive engine repair. Therefore, buying an oil filter follows only from proven manufacturers, in normal packaging and with a rigid body (when pressed, it should not be flushed with my finger), and it is not less than that it is advised to make manufacturers, that is, every 10-15 thousand Mileage kilometers auto (at one time with engine oil).


The hero of our new article This time an oil filter was selected. Why? Yes, because it is an important consumable element in a car that enhancing the engine resource, as well as providing stable operation without loss of power.

But before, even before the mid-20x filters on the engines, there were no uncleaned oil at all and changed after every 700km! Already after their invention and the introduction of engines in the production of engines, the motor resource and increased at times, and the interval of the waste oil replacement - only dozens of times, only imagine this difference!
This engine element motorist may well replace himself and, accordingly, questions often arise, how to choose a high-quality oil filter?

Types of oil filters
There are three main cleaning systems - full-flow, partial and combined (full-flow and particle-state).

Fresh-current oil filter - most common in passenger cars. The entire flow of oil runs through it under the action of the oil pump. The most important item in such a filter is a bypass valve, which is indispensable when the oil pressure drops in the system in cases of filter contamination.

The particle-state oil filters are applied less frequently and connected and connected parallel to the oil system of the car and the oil circulates both through the filter and by passing it.

When using this type of oil filters, a more high-quality oil purification is achieved than with a full-flow filter, and the pollution of the bypass valve does not affect the oil pressure, but this process takes longer.

The best oil cleaning provides a combined filter that combines full-flow and particle-repurchase oil filtering. This increases both the life of oil filters and engine oil itself.

When to change the oil filter?
When must be replaced by the filter? The answer is obvious - when the installed item exhausted its capabilities and pollute himself. When the change is suitable, you will immediately feel it - it will begin to fall the oil pressure, which will break the oil pass through the filter device. Also, if the oil filter does not cope with its functions, then the oil cleaning ceases, as a result of which metal particles, nagara become in the oil. Ignoring the fuel filter replacement is very negatively displayed on the engine life. As a rule, automakers recommend changing the oil filter every 7-10 thousand km.

Choosing an oil filter
Raising the choice of oil filter. It is worth noting that, often, many car owners make a mistake, choosing this spare part at cost and on the compatibility of installation threads. It is important to understand the fact that each engine model efficiently works only with a specific filter design, for which oil pressure, drop pressure, and other parameters are calculated at the production stage. And buying the filter "Faised" the car owner exposes the engine of his auto risk, as such a filter will quickly pollute and become useless. The driver can not affect the operation of the bypass valve and does not feel its inclusion, which means the dirty filter can be simply useless and all the right-filtered oil will be supplied to the engine, thereby rapidly reducing its service life. In addition, the particles of poor-quality filter paper can be added to the nagari in oil, which will clog oil-conducting channels.

Also when purchasing an oil filter, pay attention to the filter housing. It should not be deformed, scratched and have other traces of mechanical impact. Spilled compounds should also be qualitatively fulfilled, since otherwise they can soon cause oil leakage from the filter. In addition, the filter must necessarily comply with the marking of the brand of your car and the recommendation of the automaker.

When choosing a non-original oil filter, experienced drivers also define:
1. Country of production
2. Reviews of this filter
3. Conduct a thorough inspection of the filter
4. Consult your car car on a hundred servicing their car
5. Interested in the general reputation of the brand

When selection of oil filters Stellox, buyers are actively interested in Internet reviews about this product, receive consultations from the Stellox manager or from the seller working official dealer Brand Stellox. The country of the brand production, the prices and quality of the filter components also do not ignore.
We do not hide the answers and they are available to absolutely all site visitors and buyers purchasing Stellox products.

These are so small, but important tips on the choice of oil filter, which will undoubtedly use novice or not strongly disassembled motorists. We hope that you will comply with the replacement time and not neglect the replacement of such an important element Like an oil filter. And buying oil filters stellox you still get high quality and by affordable price! Let your car serve you for a long time.

Stellox -Expert in detail!

Today, every car owner in the conditions of a difficult economic situation is trying to save as much money on ownership of the car. First of all, the most money during the maintenance of the machine goes on fuel, insurance and maintenance. Unfortunately, there will not be particularly saving on the fuel, as refueling on dubious gas stations with suspiciously cheap fuels - it is like playing Russian roulette. Also, do not save you especially and insurance. But nevertheless, each car owner has a real chance to reduce their spending on repair and technical planned service car. How? Now I will tell.

Of course, on the replacement of motor oil and other liquids, you are unlikely to save without damage to the car and the engine. Unless, of course, we are not talking about the liquid of the glasswater maker, which you can really pour almost any, without fear something to damage.

But on the planned replacement of various filters you can save. Yes, yes, despite the fact that you must regularly change filters in the car - almost with each, you can extend their service life, just clearing. But remember that in the end you still have to change all filters, as temporary cleaning makes them ineffective.

Types of filters in the car

Air filter

Yours vehicle Equipped various types Filters, each of which is focused on filtering different things. For example, air filter Cleans the air from dirt and various garbage. It is necessary that purified air was supplied to mix the oxygen with fuel. You can find the air filter under the hood of the car - in the engine compartment.

This air filter helps filtering pollen, dust and could when the air falls into the car outside. The filter, as a rule, has a design from various filter materials, including paper, cotton and foam.

Saloon air filter

Also in many cars today there is a cabin air filter, which is engaged in cleaning the air, coming from the street into the salon of the car. True, this filter in many cars is established as an additional. Options or to equip a higher configuration. So not all cars have a similar filter. As a rule, the saloon air filter is located either in the car (under the glove compartment), or in open space (most often under the windshield).

Oil filter

Oil filter removes dirt and metal chips in engine oil. Located either from the side of the engine or under it depending on the design of the car.

Fuel filter

The fuel filter cleans the fuel, which is used in the machine for the combustion process in the engine. The filter is designed to clean the fuel from various impurities that fall into it during the storage and transportation process on the gas station. Also fuel filter Cleans fuel system From garbage that can fall into the benzobac. To find the fuel filter if you do not know its location, you need to examine the fuel highway from the engine, which will definitely lead you to the filter. In some cars, the fuel filter is located directly on the fuel line. In the many modern cars, the filter is usually located right in the gas tank.

But do you know that not all filters are definitely changing with each then? True, it all depends on the state of a filter. Therefore, before making the decision not to change any filter element, you must ensure that the filter still performs its function. So let's find out what is better to change filters or clean?

Replacing filters against cleaning

Usually in any car service if you arrived at the scheduled maintenance of the car, as a rule, auto mechanics advise you to replace almost all filters. Especially if they see that some filter is dirty. But you do not have to agree on this, since some types of filters you can simply clean up, asking for a car mechanic. But what filters can not be cleaned?

First of all, you can not change the air filter with each engine replacement in the engine. Especially in winter timeWhen there are practically no dust on the road, pollen, etc. Although, of course, it all depends on the state of the filter. Not all filters can be cleaned. The air filter cannot really change each, cleaning it from dust with a cloth. You can also clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner, which will extend partly from it dust and dirt. So you can actually extend the service life of the air filter at least one thing. True, I still recommend not cleaning the air filter, but to change it with each replacement of engine oil or at least following the recommendations of the manufacturer or the official dealer. But with certain situations, it is still possible that you can sometimes not change the air filter, extinguishing its service life at least until the next oil change.

Including in the same way you can try to clean the saloon air filter, having relived it from the accumulated dirt.

Unlike air filter, salon filter Even on the recommendation of the automaker should not change every 10,000 or 15,000 km. Usually, the air filter is recommended to change every 20,000-30,000 km and even 35,000 km. True, it all depends on the operating conditions of the car, from the state of the road. For example, after the burning of peatlands in the Moscow region in 2010, air filters in the machines were to change all car owners, since this component was clogged by soot from the smog just a few thousand kilometers of the mileage. Naturally, in certain cases, cleaning the cabin filter, you can significantly extend the service life, saving a rather big money, because often the salon filters are expensive.

By the way, do you know that even without regular cleaning, the cabin air filters have enough longer service life? For example, in many modern cars The cabin filter without cleaning can serve a whole year. After that, of course, you will have to buy a new filter.

With regards to oil and fuel filters, their cleaning is impossible. You will have to change the oil filter every time when replacing the engine in the engine. The fuel filter will have to be changed at certain intervals, according to the regulation of the automaker. Fortunately, the fuel filter replacement is not every 10,000-15,000 km.

Signs that the filter must be replaced

By and large, if you comply with regular schedule maintenance Car and the frequency of replacement of consumables, you should not have problems with dirt filters. But sometimes filters can be contaminated before the scheduled time. In this case, you can define on various signs that it is time to replace them.

Signs of air filter pollution

  • A vehicle with a dirty air filter usually shows a noticeable decrease in fuel consumption. True, when the filter is not completely clogged, an increase in fuel consumption can be observed. But with a completely clogged air filter, in most cases, fuel consumption drops.
  • Polluted spark plugs are another faithful sign that the air filter is dirty. Usually in this case, this problem is manifested in a rough idle course, in the ignition pass. Also, with a dirty filter and ignition candle in the machine, there may be problems with starting the engine.
  • Another dirt filter indicator may be the appearance of an icon on dashboard "Check engine" ( Check Engine), which indicates that the mixture of air / fuel is too rich, which leads to the accumulation of deposits in the engine.
  • The deterioration in the dynamics of overclocking due to limited flow of air from the dirty air filter.

Signs of air filter pollution

  • Climate control (or air conditioning) in the machine is inefficiently coping with maintaining the specified temperature in the cabin.
  • The fan feeding the air into the cabin is louder and faster than usual. This means that the air filter needs to be replaced.
  • Polluted air or bad smell in the cabin coming from the ventilation holes when the air supply is turned on into the salon. It also indicates that it has come to change or clean the cabin filter.

Oil filter

  • The regularity of the oil filter replacement usually depends on the state of the engine oil. The oil that has become black, as a rule, indicates that it has come to replace it in the engine along with the oil filter.
  • An increase in engine operation noise may also mean that its parts do not receive proper lubrication. Also too loud operation of the engine or atypical noise of his work may indicate that the oil filter has been hammered.
  • If the "Motor Check" icon caught fire on the dashboard, you may need to replace motor oil and oil filter.

Fuel filter

  • If the engine is unevenly working on idlingThis may indicate the need to replace the fuel filter.
  • The engine that does not start or immediately after starting it stalls, may indicate the fuel filter clogged.
  • If the engine does not start immediately, it can also signal that the fuel filter has been scored.
  • If the engine stalls while driving or lost, when you press the gas pedal, it can also point to a faulty fuel filter.

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