Home Locks How to make wires for curing with your own hands. Wires for caring cars. How to make yourself, choose the right to choose. Gold rules for choosing wires for cigarette

How to make wires for curing with your own hands. Wires for caring cars. How to make yourself, choose the right to choose. Gold rules for choosing wires for cigarette

Good afternoon, dear readers.

This article we will talk about how to make such wires yourself for curing so that you can start the car with a completely sex battery. This can happen if you leave and forget to turn off the light. Or in severe frosts. That just happened in the middle lane of Russia a couple of weeks ago - when unexpectedly the temperature dropped to -27 and many could not get started, including my neighbor.

For this reason, at his request, I made him a wire for chilling, which will go in the article.

(Picture taken from Liveinternet.ru)

For residents of Siberia and the northern regions of Russia, frosts are the usual business and, usually, by the winter cars are well prepared (see the last section of the article). But for residents of the middle strip, especially those who live in large cities, unexpectedly gorgeous frost can provide a serious problem.

Why not "buy ready-made wires"? The thing is that high-quality, it is simply not available. Of all those seen, something more or less decent was in the review of the journal "by the wheel" and was called the "Auto-Electric Council". But this product was specially made by the manufacturer for the test. this magazine - Therefore, there are doubts that regular products have the same quality of manufacture.

Why not on sale? The fact is that the quality cigarette lighter, taking into account the momentaries market, will cost the buyer in such an amount that it simply no one will buy.

Therefore, the shelves of auto shops are frozen from expensive and at the same time of low-quality junk, mostly Chinese (but there are Russian) production. On the packages, currents of 500, 600 and even 1000 amps are written, but these are all "Chinese" amperes and need to be divided by at least 10.

Of course, these cigarette lighters help, but only if the battery is discharged only slightly. Or if charging lasts for a long time (not less than 6-10 hours). But is it ready to deny your car for this time? Usually, if the car does not start in 20-30 minutes, then the owner closes the car and rides by bus.

What is a high-quality cigarette lighter and why is it needed?

I previously wrote about Chinese and Russian cigarette lighters and wrote that, unfortunately, almost always, they are poor-quality.

Even the cigarette lighter from the famous American Snap-ON brand, worth 12 thousand rubles (on the stage for January 2017), according to the results of the tests, turned out to be poorly (which is doubly insulting with such a high price).

Here is a review of the journal "Driving" on the results of the test:

The biggest disappointment of the test. Loud name and deafening price - everything that the product is remembered. Soft frost-resistant wire is good, but already with a modest current 480 and the voltage drop exceeded 2.0 V.
What is a high-quality cigarette lighter?

A high-quality cigarette lighter is such a cigarette lighter, which, due to its design, is able to transmit a rated current of the car-acceptor starter with a minimum voltage drop (less than 1B) during the time sufficient to start the car-acceptor engine (this time is considered to be equal to 30 seconds). Next, I will write a "donor" - the one who gives to see, "acceptor" - to whom they give to see.

The quality of the cigarette lighter is determined by the following components:

  • Wire, namely lived and isolation.
  • Clips - "Crocodiles"
  • Connections
Does all three components make strict requirements due to the one? that the cigarette lighter should miss large starter currents, as well as save insulation flexibility when low temperatures.

For example, PVC isolation in the frost is distinguished and when the wire is bent cracks. Therefore, for cigarette lighter wires, insulation of rubber or silicone is used. But many manufacturers in order to save isolation from PVC with the addition of additional plasticizers. As a result, at -30 insulation on the wires crack and use such a cigarette lighter is simply dangerous (despite low voltage At 12 volts, shorting the plus of the battery on the car body through the crack in the insulation will lead to sad consequences).

A battery of a passenger car has a rated voltage of 12 volts, while the starter is on average light car It has the power comparable to the hob. For example, about 7 kilowatts (approximately such power is required to scroll through the crankshaft of a two-liter engine). Hence, by non-good calculations, we obtain a rated current of the starter to 7000/12 \u003d 583 amps. In fact, the voltage on the charged battery is greater than 12V (usually 12.7), therefore, the current is less, but it is not so fundamentally - it is important to understand where such huge currents come from.

It is such a current that the battery must give the engine to start. This current is specified on the battery itself as a cold start current. And if the battery is badly discharged, then to start the engine such a current should withstand not only the cigarette lighter cable, but also "crocodiles", all transit compounds in the cigarette lighter, connections to car batteries and t ... d.

If somewhere there is a weak link, a voltage will fall because of its resistance, and the connection itself is very hot. As a result, during the sax battery, the driver's engine will not be able to start.

It is also obvious that the cross section of the wire must be copper, have a fairly large cross section and at the same time be as short as possible (but so at the same time it can be given to the battery terminals of one car to the terminals of another - therefore such wires are usually not in short 2.5 meters). Crocodiles should have powerful clips with a lot of contact, and compounds must be reliable and have a small transient resistance.

How typical wires for cigaretteing are arranged. Existing on sale?

Let's consider a typical cigarette lighter costing from 500 to 1500 rubles with a stated nominal current of 400-600-1000 amps. They look almost all like this:

(Photo taken from the site dvizhok.su)

Such cigarette lighters made of cereal crocodiles with copper coating, as well as wires with a cross section of 2.5 to 4 squares (it all depends on generosity as uncle Liao and the Russian seller who ordered this wire from the Chinese). At the same time, the wires have an abnormal thick insulation - it is obvious that this is done in order to deceive the buyer (an attempt to show that the cross section is really more than it is). Insulation usually consists of PVC with increased plasticizer content. Wires are attached to crocodiles due to clamps, covered with the insulation of the handles.

Naturally, no about the current of 600 amps (and even at 100!) There can be no speech. Such cigarette lighters are only suitable for chickening non-burning batteries. Either needed for a long time (for hours) to charge the car accumulator with small currents.

Let's look closer:

The design of the Crocodile does not inspire confidence - everything hangs out. The Crocodiles themselves are made of copped tin with a very small area of \u200b\u200bcontact (in fact, the "crocodile" is in contact with the terminal of the battery only with a thin side surface of one clamp).

Copper wires of the wires are pressed against the "crocodile" surface with a beam (as in the photo below). At the same time, the wire itself for isolation. Cress the brackets inside the knob "crocodile" (unfortunately, the photo of the attachment did not, but believe me for the word - it is just awful). Due to the poor-quality wire, the veins and insulation are easily shared, which is visible in the photo:

And now let's look at the "minus" wire in the context. Nearby for comparison, the Wire of the Pugs section is only 10 mm2, which is used to assemble apartment shields with currents up to 63 amps. An absolutely large part of the Chinese wire occupies hypertrophied insulation, and the copper section is about 2.5-3 squares.

Is it worth throwing money on such junk? After all, it is obvious that even a current of 100 amps (and even in 50!) This design will not stand.

Such cigarette lighters are suitable only for "cigarette" slightly segal batteries.

Selection of components for cigarette lighter wires.

At first, it should be started with an understanding of which rated current it should be designed. This information is written on the battery itself (Cold Start Current). Take as an example of a current one starter - 530 amps.

Accordingly, all components are selected under the given current. In view of a strongly limited assortment of offered on russian market devices, there are sometimes to take the components calculated on a slightly smaller current. But with a competent approach, there is nothing terrible.

As "crocodiles", clamps produced by the Italian company AE with a nominal current of 500 amps are selected. Crocodiles consist of solid brass, have an appropriate contact area. In each of the handles there is a hole under the M4 screw for fastening the wire, one of the holes comes with a chopped thread. There is a red and black option.

Data "Crocodiles" were ordered in the online store 12vi.ru. If you have a big black jeep or you are a happy owner of a truck or truck, in the range of this store there are several options for "crocodiles" on the rated current of up to 850 amps.

Next, select the wire. There are several options, including silicone insulation (exploitation at temperatures up to -60). But there are no such temperatures in the central part of Russia, therefore the cheapest (and most importantly, the existing in the presence in the electrical unit on the cut) is a flexible cable for welding machines with rubber insulation - kg / cog1 performed by production, from my point of view, the best Cable factory among the Russians - Kolchugino. Operating temperature - up to -40 degrees, which is more than enough for this region. Perfectionists or residents of Siberia / Northern regions make sense to choose a cable in the execution of a CL or a wire with silicone insulation.

The cable cross section was chosen 35 mm2. It was also necessary to solve the two following problems - the cable 35 squares is very thick, it is impossible to attach to the "crocodiles" data directly. In addition, the High-quality Crocodile connection with the battery terminal can only be provided if the voltage is summed up simultaneously to both sides of the clamp, and not only one as done on all the cigarette lighters.

For these purposes, COG1 1x16 cable was also chosen for the production of Kolchugino. It is more flexible than kg, and in addition, it will allow to curb the main wire to crocodiles (for each half of one "crocodile" will approach 16 squares of copper).

Total: 4 meters kg 1x35, 2 meters KOG 1x16, the entire cable was purchased in the store Electrical installation. Also, additional parts were purchased for the manufacture of cigarette lighter wires - 4 GML sleeves by 35 mm2, 8 TML tips on 16 squares under the screw M8, as well as M8 screws with full thread as short as possible. TML tips bought Italian, the production of VM - as in the assortment of kW there are no such tips that would be short enough and fit in width. If you buy tips, be sure to check that they will stand - the "crocodiles" data have on the edges of the side!

All good on one photo. The glue shrimp of two sections will also be used, but I did not buy it as it is in stock. Unfortunately, if it is necessary to buy "from scratch", it will cost it very expensive - especially the heat shrinkage to protect GML, it takes quite a bit, and it is sold at a minimum meter segment. As an option to save - do not isolate a wire shrinking with TML tips, and GML sleeves isolate hb-tape with fixing it on glue.

I had big doubts about the correct purchase of tinned details (namely GML and TML). Since tin at low temperatures is at risk of "infection" by tin chum. But on the other hand, on the Internet of the Internet, I found the temperature of the TML to -70, and in any car a bunch of soldering parts and somehow all this is not falling apart, and in space satellites with a bunch of soldered connections fly.

By the way, here is the cross section of COG1 1x16 and kg 1x35 for comparison with Chinese products:

Assembling wire for cigarette lighter

"Crocodiles" have factory holes under the screws M4, but it is not good anywhere! The holes are drilled by a drill, then the thread is cut into them for M8. The hole, respectively, must be drilled by a millimeter already, that is, a drill of 7 mm.

As a result, all screws are obtained shortened. Unfortunately, I did not find on the sale of such short screws, so I had to collective me:

"Crocodiles" with removed handles and installed short screws:

Next, the cable COG1 is cut into 8 equal parts (it turns out 25 cm each) and is determined. The length of the "pigtails" should be so so that it climbs into TML, screwed by a screw to the hole, and the insulation began immediately where the plastic handles ends. It is impossible to leave insulation - it is too thick, the cable will not climb into the clearance of the "crocodile" handle, in addition, in this case plastic insulation of the handles will not beneed.

Of course, it would be better to make not a point, but a hexagon with the help of hydraulics, however, by the nature of your activity, I do not work with large sections and I do not have hydraulic press ticks. However, the crimping point also provides an excellent contact.

And dresses the insulation of the handles. If everything is done correctly, you don't need to cut holes in insulation:

After that, with the help of Gils GML, the main connection is made. In order for two veins of 16 squares normally, the sleeve is slightly clamped with pliers.

PC-35 is pressed. I was even surprised how easy it was done for such a section:

After that, the sleeve and sections of the wires on both sides are insulated with a glue shrinkage. That's what happened (minus wire). The total length is 2.5 meters (and if you consider from the "nos" crocodiles, then even a little more):

Similarly, the second wire is made (positive):

And that's what happened;

Wires for the cigarette lighter turned out very heavy, but reliable. From periodic service - only suspended bolts.

Also, I decided to make additional protection from overflows (in case of an erroneous connection or short circuit) - unlike the Chinese, the CZ does not burn with such a cable, but what happens with the battery, it is better not to think. For these purposes, Polish fuses were purchased with a face value of 500 amps, as well as TML tips with a cross section of 35 squares:

The fuses are inserted into the middle of each wire on the bolted m8 screw and insulated with a heat shrink. But while the time was not to finish, besides nowhere there are no manuals about the same time-current characteristic of these fuses and which voltage falls on them on the nominal current. I decided to wait.

How to avoid or minimize the use of wires for cigarette?

In order for the machine to start in the cold in the middle lane, three rules should be observed: it is not a very old and charged battery (the higher the battery charge, the better it transfers the frost) with clean terminals and pads (oxidation leads to a strong voltage drop) in the engine There should be a "winter" less viscous oil, the candles must be "fresh" (if their service life is coming to an end, it is better to replace).

To do this, the battery should be recharged from the 230 volts from the network with a special charger For batteries. The fact is that given the realities modern cars and cities, a generator current after deducting consumption of all consumers (headlights, air conditioning, fan, onboard electronics, etc.) may be insufficient for complete battery charging during the trip.

Naturally, for the inhabitants, for example, Norilsk with their frosts it will not be enough - as far as I know, there or in the winter at night take the battery to heat or use a special alarm, which per night starts the engine for warming several times.

Important! If you make yourself similar wires and will use them, remember that when the engine "acceptor" is started, the donor motor must be muffled! And, before you start the car "Acceptor", at least 15-20 minutes follows through the cigarette lighter wires you need to recharge your battery (the donor's motor should work at the same time).

I hope the article was interesting.

Regards, Alexey.

Right launchers!

About caring for the battery in motorists there is no consensus. Many consider this process quite undesirable and even dangerous. However, the approaching winter makes the chickening extremely relevant. Discharged battery - familiar problem for many. You can simply quickly recharge yourself from anything, but to start the engine "from the pusher" can be very difficult. For cars with automatic transmission, this method is not applicable at all. Therefore, the only source of current to start the engine is another car, whose battery is charged normally. Thus, the approach of winter makes the chickens extremely relevant, no matter how you treat it.

If you follow the basic requirements, this method of engine startup will be absolutely harmless. In particular, the donor can only be done if your battery is fully charged, otherwise both acB are discharged. Special caution should be observed during the cavitation of rainy weather, when a short circuit is possible. With a strong frost, give to deny only if your car is warm. It is also important that both batteries have the same voltage. However, the main requirement is the use of the right wires.

During the start of the engine from the battery of another car along the wires, a good contact is very important. Therefore, the launchers must have special "crocodiles" clamps. Clamps must provide a large area of \u200b\u200bcontact with terminals. One of the main requirements for launchers is low level Resistance. Therefore, they must have copper veins of a sufficiently large cross section (not less than 16 mm2), as well as - the minimum possible length. Another key component of the wires used to cure the battery is high-quality isolation with good elasticity and temperature stability. Isolation should not dub and crack in the cold, as well as melt when contact with hot surfaces, for example, with a car collector.

One of the most notable new products in the modern car accessories market are the Berkut Series SMART POWER series brand, model SP-400. They possess the characteristics that are most suitable for caution of AKB:

  • length - 3 meters;
  • the cross-section area was 16 mm2;
  • high-quality frost-resistant insulation of current-carrying veins, which can be operated at temperatures up to -45 degrees;
  • significant contact area and clamping of "crocodiles", as well as their reliable isolation.
These characteristics allow you to ensure efficient and secure engine launch from the battery of another car. But the greatest advantage of the SMART POWER SP-400 launchers is the presence of a diagnostic module. This is a special electronic unit with lED indicationwhich controls the operating parameters. The diagnostic module checks the battery charge level and generator service. In addition, the diagnostic module will warn you about cakes allowed when connecting the wires to the battery terminals.

The use of SP-400 wires when complying with the basic rules guarantees simple and safe cure. If you appear as a donor, you need to check the charge of your battery - it must be fully charged and provide an independent launch of your car. If the charge of your battery will be insufficient, it will be discharged during the cursing process without ensuring the launch of the second car. In addition, your car should be heated to a temperature of at least 40 degrees in summer and 60 degrees in winter. Connecting two batteries is carried out with strict compliance with polarity. Due to the presence of a diagnostic module, the likelihood of polarity error comes down to a minimum, since it warns you by LED indication of incorrect connection. It is very important to prevent closures of the clamps on the body of the car and contact the housings of two cars during the cursing. In the process of cavitation it is impossible to include any electrical appliances on both cars.

The method of connecting starting wires depends on how time the accumulated battery was discharged.

The first method works if this is a slight period (2-3 days). The plus terminals of batteries are connected in one, red, wire. The second, black, wire combines a minus terminal of the carbonated battery and the mass on the engine at the donor. Factory terminals from the donor battery should be previously removed. Within a few minutes, the searched battery should get a sufficient charge for starting the engine.

Another connection method is used at a longer battery status time: starting wires Connect to both batteries of both batteries are connected, while factory terminals must be discontinued with a soughtable battery. The donor car engine is launched and left to work on revolutions about 1500 rpm for 15-20 minutes. Next, the donor engine must be drowning and removing the launchers. Then we dress the terminals on the accumulated battery and start the engine. If the start does not work out, you can already apply the first method of cavitation!

Good luck on the road! And remember, if you can help another driver - do not pass by. After all, any of us can be on the site of need!

What needs to be done when the battery was discharged in the winter, in what cases you can act as a donor to start the engine, which technical characteristics should have launchers, which basic rules must be observed when using cigarette wires, the main methods for connecting the launch wires to the battery.

Imagine the situation: Winter, Frost, you go out in the hope of getting to the destination in a warm car, sit down in it ... But the starter does not respond to the turns of the ignition key or pressing the button - the battery sat down. And then you remember that I forgot to turn off the dimensions or, leaving the car, sang our favorite song, well, or the capacity of your battery fell from time to time to such an extent that the starter in the frost simply lacks forces.

What to do in this case? Push the car? Search tug? Remove the battery and run to the nearest store in search of a charger? The easiest way to find in the courtyard of a more successful neighbor, who started his car, and ask him to searcate. But not a cigarette, of course ... and use it with a car as a source of energy in order to start your car. For this purpose, starter cables are best suitable, or, simply speaking, wires for cigarette. Currently, a huge variety of wire types are represented on the market to cure a different strength of the current and a different price category. We decided to spend the test of wires for curing and took one of the most inexpensive, with the possibility of transmitting current 200 A.

So, consider the wires.

Cost - 300 rubles

Production - China

The name brings thoughts about Cold Snow Finland, but our northern neighbors do not have a relationship to the production of these wires. Packed in a round handbag with a zipper, inside additionally underlined mothers gloves. The packaging states that frost-resistant materials are used to -40 about C. The declared wire length of 2.5 meters corresponds to the actual one. The packaging also indicates that the wires are suitable for gasoline engines A volume of up to 1.6 liters and diesel - up to 1.4 liters.

The advantage and minus wire are connected together - the wire is a two-housing. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" by mechanical crimping. On the handles of "crocodiles" - insulating overlays.

"Crocodiles" steel, with copper spraying.

In a wire 70, he lived with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the cross section of each vein is 0.0706 square meters. mm. We multiply this value to the amount of lived and we get a general cross-section of each wire - 4.94 square meters. mm.

Cost - 380 rubles

Production - China

Wires are packed in a round handbag with lightning. On the package there is an icon, indicating that frost-resistant materials are used to -40 about C. The declared length of the wire 2.5 meter corresponds to the actual one. The packaging states that the wires are suitable for 2,5 liters and diesel gasoline engines - 2.2 liters.

The positive and minus wire is divided. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" by double mechanical crimping. On the wire braid there is AVS branded marking.

"Crocodiles" steel, with copper spraying, when the "jaws" is closed, their lateral displacement occurs relative to each other - as a result, the "crocodile" during the closure does not fall to the tooth. On the knobs of "crocodiles" there are insulating overlays.

The package says that in the wire used 120 lived with a total cross section of 9.6 square meters. mm, which was confirmed when they count. The diameter of the lived - 0.3 mm, the cross section of the same vein - 0.0706 square meters. MM, the total cross-section of all the veins is only 8.5 square meters. mm.

Nova Bright

Cost - 300 rubles

Developed in the USA, production - China

Wires are packed in a round handbag with lightning. The length of the wire is not specified, when measured it turned out that these wires have a length of just 2.2 meters.

The plus and minus wire are separated, the wire winding is transparent. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" by double mechanical crimping.

"Crocodiles" steel, with copper spraying. On the handles of "crocodiles" - insulating overlays.

Open the insulation of the wire, we only counted 60 lived with a diameter of 0.3 mm, each of them has a cross section of 0.0706 square meters. mm. Thus, the general cross section of all the veins is 4.2 square meters. MM (the smallest cross section of the wire of all participating in the test).

Cost - 570 rubles

Production - Germany

Wires are packed in a round handbag with lightning. On the package there is a detailed manual and step-by-step instruction on use. The actual wire length of 2.5 meters corresponds to the package specified on the package.

The positive and minus wire is divided. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" by double mechanical crimping. On the wire braid there is a marking of the Alca manufacturer.

Crocodiles are plastic, with steel copper spray contacts, contacts are attached to the "crocodile" with rivets. In a wire 120, he lived with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the cross section of one vein - 0.0706 square meters. mm. The total cross section of all lived in the wire is 8.5 square meters. mm.

Cost - 4000 rubles

Production - Germany

Wires are packed in a rectangular plated bag with lightning. The packaging states that the wires are frost-resistant to -30 about C. The length is not specified, but the measurement showed that the length of the wires with "crocodiles" is 3.5 meters - these are the longest of all presented.

Plus and minus wire are made separately, but in the middle they are connected by a plastic box, in which the overvoltage limiter is located. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" using a threaded connection. On the braid of the wire, the marking DIN 72553 25 mm 2 is applied.

Crocodiles Massive-cast brass, with a plastic coating, a double contact technology was applied in "crocodiles" - from one "jaw" of the crocodile, the wire stretches, with both sides of the Crocodile, the electric current is passed - it increases the contact area and , accordingly, the ability to transfer a larger current through "crocodiles".

In each wire, 320 lived with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the cross section of one vein - 0.0706 square meters. mm, the total cross section of everyone lived - 22.6 square meters. mm (the largest cross section of the wire from all represented).

Cost - 400 rubles

Developed in St. Petersburg, production - China

Wires are packed in polyethylene packaging with imagine. The set is made of a cloth bag with a tightening top on the lace. The packaging indicates that the technology of double contact is used, that is, the current comes on both "crocodile" jaws, and there is a sign indicating frost-resistant at a temperature of -40 about C. When measuring, the actual length of the wire was 2 meters, which corresponds declared. These are the shortest wires from the test.

The positive and minus wire are structurally performed together. The wire is connected to the "crocodile" by mechanical crimping. On the wire braid there is a marking Airline SA-200-02 200a.

Crocodiles are plastic, with steel copper spray contacts, contacts are attached to the "crocodile" with rivets. In "Crocodiles" - when considered, we have really been convinced of this - the technology of double contact is applied, as well as with HEYNER wires.

In each wire contains 120 lived with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the cross section of one vein - 0.0706 square meters. mm, the total cross section of everyone lived - 8.5 square meters. MM (exactly the same cross section of the wires have Alca and AVS).

We proceed to tests.

Initially, we frozen the wires during the day at a temperature of -40 ° C, then removed them and checked insulation to fragility. Honestly, the results were surprised: half of the wires for cigarette the insulation loses elasticity in frost - and this is the thing that is mainly used in winter!

When testing for frost resistance, the worst result was shown by the Wires under the American brand NOVA Bright - the transparent isolation of these wires when you try to straighten them from the concealed bay began to crack and fly out with pieces. Maybe insulation of such wires and is intended for hot California, but not for cold winter Russia.

The Alca and Heyner wires also did not stand the freezing to -40 about C - their insulation became fragile and crackled in the places of bends. However, it is worth noting that the HEYNER wire manufacturer on the package warns in advance that frost resistance is provided only to -30 about C. When it is freezing to the specified temperature, the HEYNER wire did not cause complaints, and the external insulation saved its properties.

Tiikeri, Airline and AVS wires can be flexing - their insulation remains soft and flexible, despite the bodied frost. However, these wires on the package and it was indicated that their insulation was made of frost-resistant material.

The next test was checking the wires when trying to create a current load 200 A. In fact, the results of the second test are very predictable for those who know the Ohm law. After all, the more the cross section of the wire, the more he can pass through himself.

With load tests of the NOVA Bright wire due to a small cross section, they could not miss more than 100 A, while the outlet voltage drop was 6.2 V, that is, even if the voltage in the network of the car - the donor will be 14.5 V, Coming to the discharged battery of the "Recipient" will be only 8.3 V, which is clearly not enough to start. In this case, the wires are very hot both themselves and in places of connection with "crocodiles".

Tiikeri wires that showed themselves so well in the frost, because of a small cross section, they also could not miss the necessary current. The maximum that showed the ammeter was 120 A, while the voltage drop was 5 V, which will also not allow you to start the car. Wires are very hot.

In the wires of Heyner, due to its cross section, the voltage drop was only 1 in - you can safely start the car, without waiting for the battery at the car "Recipient". Wires remain cold.

Alca and AVS wires showed the same result - the voltage drop was 3.6 V, which is located on the verge of starting the starter. At the same time, the wires are heated at a place of connection with "crocodiles", and after a couple of seconds this place becomes hot. And the Wires Alca even start to smoke this connection.

The voltage drop from the airline wires with a load 200 A was 3V, while the wires remain cold, and the connection of them with "crocodiles" is a little heated - it has an additional wire on the second "jaw" of "crocodiles". You can start the car, without waiting for the recharge of the battery.


AVS and Airline

Good frost resistance of wires - Even with a nude frost, their insulation remains soft and flexible, although AIRLINE has a slightly less voltage drop due to a double contact on the "crocodiles". But they are the shortest in the test, which can sometimes deliver some inconveniences. Both wires will allow you to make a car without a breaking expectation in the cold.

We really wanted to put HEYNER wires in the first place from all presented. With its task, they spend the current, they coped better than all thanks to the largest cross section of the wire. Electrical contact provides both "jaws" of massive cast "crocodiles", but insulation has a limit on frost resistance, which limits the use of wires in particularly cold regions. But also pay for such wires is offered more than others.

Isolation loses its elasticity in frost - with further operation, a short circuit may cause. In addition, even though they can skip the current of 200 A, but it takes a strong heating in connecting the wire with a crocodile. With the tests of the wires from this compound went smoking.

The manufacturer of these wires at least did not save on the insulation of the wire - it does not burst from frost. But you can not get a car without a breaking expectation.

Nova Bright

absolutely can not perform its function as wires for cigaretteing - with frost, insulation cracks and crept, not to mention that the wires are unable to skip the current slightly more than 100 A.

How to "see" the car

The positive wire terminal for cigarette is red and is indicated by the "+" sign, respectively, it must be connected to the "plus" on the discharged battery, and the second end of the wire must be connected to a positive terminal of the charged battery. The black wire first connects to the negative terminal of the charged battery, which is indicated by the "-" sign, and the second end of the black wire is recommended to be connected to any unpainted part of the engine of the car "recipient", otherwise it can quickly discharge the battery of the "donor" car. After taking a car with a charged battery and wait a few minutes (ideally 10-15). The mooring engine, turn off the ignition and try to start the motor "seen" car. If the battery is not charged enough, it is better to pause for at least one and a half minutes, and then give the engine to the "donor" engine for a few more minutes.

If the "chicken" was successful, then a few minutes heating the engine without pressing the gas pedal, since due to an increase in the generator revolutions, the voltage jump and failure of the electronics. After disconnecting the wires for curing in the reverse order, that is, first of all remove the black wire from the engine. Next, throw off the "crocodiles" with a charged battery. There is also a variant of the "chicken" of the car while the engine running engine running, but in this case unwanted consequences are possible. The generator overload or the failure of electronics is not excluded. Therefore, the best is the "Cursting" version with the engine turned off the "donor" engine.

P. S. Soon on the main part of Russia, frost will begin, so prepare a car for winter in advance, check the state of the battery, remember whether you were filled (or poured) instead of antifreeze water into the cooling system, as well as replace the washer fluid in the washer tank on the winter.

And yet: For a more confident engine start-up in the winter in the frost, before starting, give the battery a little warm up - commemorate several times far Light Or give it a small load in another way.

Starting wires (also called wires for the "cursing" of the car) are usually used to supply starting current to the terminals of the discharged car battery. The source of the current (in other words "donor") in such cases, as a rule, another car is served or fully charged accumulator battery.

Click to enlarge.

Wires for caring cars.

Some car enthusiasts, not having wires, remove their battery, put a battery from the donor machine or another charged, then after starting and a small engine warming, the terminals are folded when the engine is running, and again set the standard battery. This is an extremely dangerous operation for the following reasons:

  • if the car generator gives an increased voltage at the moment when the Akb terminals are disconnected when the engine is running, an abnormal voltage is supplied to all electrical equipment, which can output electronic blocks management, lighting, other devices;
  • "Free" terminals at the time of switching ACB can lead to short circuit;
  • battery switching operations increase the likelihood of the battery chatter, both a regular and donor car, which is extremely dangerous;
  • removal of the battery terminals can lead to problems with immobilizer, security alarms and tuning of the car radio (again, on two machines).

How to choose the right pad

It should be understood that low-quality launchers are most likely not able to skip enough current in order to scroll through the crankshaft. And also does not ensure good contact of the clips on the terminals of the battery, which leads to the burning of the crocodile metal. Crocodile himself can also quickly come into disrepair on a low-quality product.

In addition, for motors of different volumes, a certain minimum voltage value is necessary, which directly affects the cross section. Therefore, when choosing a wire for cigaretteing, the following criteria are taken into account:

  1. Cable diameterSince resistance depends on it. Resistance decreases with increasing cross section. Thus, too thin wire will be simply not enough to start the engine. The minimum is considered 6 mm, which will suit cars with a small (up to 1.5 liters) engine volume, the optimal version from 9-12 mm in diameter will be optimal.
  2. Length wire It also affects the resistance, so you should take a 2.5-4 meters long cable - so it will not be so short to not get to the hood of another car, and not so long to negatively affect the transmission of the current from one battery to another.
  3. Wire and clamp material - They must be made of copper, as it has the least resistance compared to other materials. The winding must be made of silicone or frost-resistant rubber to be resistant to exposure ambient - Often "cigarette" are engaged in the cold when the elasticity of materials can change greatly. The flexibility of the cable may also be changed with the temperature drop, so attention should be paid to the insulation stiffness. "Crocodiles" should be at least copper coating.
  4. Cable connection with "crocodile" It should be done qualitatively because it is usually the most vulnerable place. Ideally, the connection must be done by the soldering method - this will avoid voltage loss.
  5. Clamping Square "Crocodiles" It can be written in a separate item, because even if the cable is expensive and high-quality, but it will not be able to cling to the batteries terminals, then you will not be able to start the car. Closhes should be approached to each other, and their springs are strong enough to provide good grip.
  6. Two-color wires - It is necessary for the convenience of connecting and ensuring the safety of drivers to certainly not confuse the order of the connection. Traditionally, positive is a red wire, and negative is black.

Example of wires with a bad crocodile connection with cable.

What wires for cigarette better

We highlight several brands, which are distinguished by the consistently high quality of products:

  • AVS and Airline (China);
  • Heyner and Alca (Germany);
  • Lampa (Italy);
  • Phoenix and auto electrician (Russia).

But even their cables can not be called perfect. And, nevertheless, in terms of price and quality, they are leaders in the market. It is noteworthy that Russian products for a number of parameters exceeds the products of German and Italian producers and at the same time has a smaller cost.

  1. "Widen", "Start", NPP "Orion" (Russia);
  2. King Tools, Smart Power Berkut, Nova Bright, Tiikeri (China);
  3. Akkuenergy, Heyner (Germany).

On the tests, they showed the maximum voltage drop, and some were completely refused to work due to the disappearance of contact in the very first starts of the launch. When buying a start-up cable, you will definitely ask the guarantee and demand a cash receipt. If the product turns out to be poor quality, then you can return it back to established by law Dates.

How to "see" the car

This question may arise at any time, but it becomes especially relevant in the cold season. After all, at low temperatures, even new batteries are discharged significantly faster. There are a number of nuances that need to know before "searcate" the battery from another battery. In particular, technical equipment, procedure, precautions. All this and not only we will tell in detail.

Car sheep car.

Algorithm, how to give "to searcate" to the car. The first action will be as follows:

  1. Let the donor machine engine before the procedure work for about 5 minutes by 2000-3000 rpm. This is done in order for the battery additionally recharge.
  2. Move the engines before "cigarette", turn off the ignition, as well as all the electrical appliances of both cars!
  3. Connect the ends of the "positive" wire first to the battery of the donor machine (from which "cigarette"), and then to the recipient machine.
  4. Connect the ends of the "minus" battery wire. First, to the "minus" battery of the donor machine, and then to any metal surface stripped from the LCP (for example, an engine block) or to the protrusion on the body of the machine. However, remember that at the time of the engine launcher, there is a possibility of sparking on the "minus". Therefore, comply with fire safety, and "Curlee" outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. If you have not found a suitable protrusion, then connect the wire to the "minus" acb recipient.
  5. Be sure to observe the polarity! One wire must connect two "plus", and the second is two "minus". If you confuse polarity, a short circuit will occur, and there is a high probability of failure of the entire electronics of the car!
  6. Sit on the steering wheel of the recipient and try to start the engine. If the battery of the donor machine is in order, and you did everything right, then the motor will start without problems.
  7. Expand the number of engine speeds within 1500-2000 rpm, let it work for about 5 minutes so that the battery score some capacity.
  8. Disconnect the wires from both batteries in the reverse sequence (that is, first disconnect from the recipient, and then from the donor, first the "minus" wire, and then the "plus"), pack them, close the hoods of cars.

If within a few seconds, the car did not succeed, then try to enroll as follows:

  1. With connected wires and off the engine and the ignition at the recipient, start the donor engine.
  2. Let me work for about 10 minutes for 2000-3000 rpm. This will receive the recharge of both batteries.
  3. Turn off the engine, ignition and all donor electrical appliances. Repeat an attempt to start the recipient engine.

Thus, the car from another battery is completely simple. Now consider several common mistakes that are allowed inexperienced car owners. We tried to build them in order of security priority.

  1. "Curish" from the machine with a running engine.
  2. Do not turn off the ignition and / or electrical appliances in the process of "cigarette".
  3. "Curish" from the battery, which has a smaller capacity than the one that has their battery.
  4. Do not observe the sequence of actions (algorithm for connecting individual contacts).
  5. Use poor-quality wires (with a small cross-sectional area, poor-quality contacts on "crocodiles", fragile insulation).
  6. Do not follow safety rules (including fireman).

To avoid the appearance of these errors - follow the clear algorithm and you can safely start the engine of your machine from another battery.

Wires for cigarette it with your own hands

Wires for chicting the car must match a large current that transmits a working generator of a good car. If the cross section or material of the wire is not designed for such a load, low-quality materials themselves, then their heating and melting will occur.

This can lead to fire and damage not only wires - can suffer as a donor machine, and the car searched from it.

You should know that the minimum allowable cross-section of wires for curing 10 mm. Such a wire will withstand the peak load in 200 - 250 A and will help to make a conventional passenger car.

Cable selection for wires

It is recommended to make a copper cable for welding with a cross section of 25 mm with your own hands. This wire will not hurt even the load current of 700 amps. In addition to a large cross section, the welding cable has durable insulation, which will prevent a short circuit with the car body.

Wire for chinning with a cross section of 25 mm. Many wires for cigaretteing sold on the market have a significant drawback. With cold, insulation cracks and crepts, leaving a bare wire a little chance to avoid short circuit. It is no secret that in most cases assistance in the form of cursing from another car in the winter, when the street is minus temperatures.

Having lower quality than declared, such a wire when unwinding loses its isolation and becomes unsuitable for safe use. Therefore, choosing a suitable cable, pay attention to its external protection. It must be made of soft rubberhaving frost-resistant properties.

The length of the wire is the magnitude directly affecting its resistance. How this value is lower, the more reliable and longer will be the wires for chilling. The length of the cable should be enough to reach out from one machine to another. Usually enough 2-2.5 meters.

Selection of clamps

Making wires for curing with their own hands, it is necessary to pay special attention Climbles (crocodiles), with which the wires are in contact with the terminals of batteries and a mass of the car. Resistance also depends on the quality of "crocodiles". Preference should be given to those clamps that have copper contacts or at least a copper coating.

Crocodiles clamps for cigarette wires. It is better if the contacts are stubborn in a plastic insulating body - less likelihood to get a closure in the wiring of cars. You will need to purchase 4 clamps. Try to pairly differ from each other in color. It is so easier not to be mistaken when connected. When choosing, focus on the clamps for connecting the mass of welding machines - they are more reliable and withstand the flow of current up to 600 amps.

Assembling wires for cigarette

So, you have two pieces of wires and four clamps of different color. You will need a sharp knife to stripping the ends of the wire and several plastic fumes. Attach the same clamps to one of the wires. With the help of fumes, reinforcing the fastening of the wire in the clamp. Repeat this procedure with another wire. It's all - now you have your own wires for gifting.

Wires for gifting with their own hands are ready. With your own hands, you collected an indispensable accessory for winter expensive. It should be noted that high-quality frost-resistant wires are about 1600 rubles. Collecting wires for cigarette, you spend on average the following amounts.

In this article, we will consider in detail: how to choose wires for chinning, what specifications are most important when choosing, and you can also find out whether it is possible to make launchers with your own hands.

Consider several useful Soviets Regarding most important technical characteristics start-up wires.

Perhaps you will be interested in the article of our expert, which tells you how to make it yourself.

Wiring diameter. Top Maximum Load

From the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe wire for chilling a car, namely, from its metal component, directly depends on how maximum strength will be able to withstand the wire. In Russian speaking - than the wire is thicker, the more high there may be a starting current. Also from the diameter of copper vein depends the magnitude of electrical resistance. The cross section area is more - the resistance is less. And the smaller the resistance - the lower the value of the output voltage.

Generally accepted that 1 mm 2 veins maximum load The current should be no more than 8 amps. Accordingly, at a current of the launch of the car in 200 and the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe metal core wire should be at least 25 mm. From the school coup, you remember the formula of the Circle Square - 3.14 * R 2. By simple calculations, we obtain that the diameter of the vein should not be less than 8 mm.

Ideal is the diameter of the metal part of the wire 9.5 mm. The minimum permissible size of the cross section is 5 mm.

Material Metal Case Wire

The second place on the containment after silver occupies copper. It is unlikely that someone from manufacturers will do silver wires, so ideally find wires for chinning with a copper core. Most often, manufacturers save - use less conductive aluminum, in a simple or deposited version.

Starting wires are often used in extremely minus temperatures, so the material braid wire should not crack, spread and come into disrepair in the cold. The most common material isolation is a soft polyvinyl chloride. Externally, it is very difficult to estimate the quality of such a braid, so it is worth looking for a recommended working temperature range. His conscientious manufacturer will definitely indicate on the package.

Less frequent wires, isolated frost-resistant rubber. Minc of such a material in the active oxidation of wires under the coating layer, and with a strong frost the rubber is still often distinguished and crumbs.

The perfect material for braid wire is soft silicone. It does not freeze even with a strong frost, does not crack and does not spread. It is difficult to find such wires, but really.

Clamps for wires

Clamps at the ends of the launchers are simply called "crocodiles". From their high-quality execution largely depends on the result of caring cars.

The perfect "crocodile" is copper. It is very important that when starting the car, the surface of the contact of the tip with the terminal was maximum. It is on "crocodiles" there are basic losses of tension, so approach the choice of fixtures is very responsible.

Special attention should be paid to the fastening of the "crocodiles" to the wires - ideally, they must be soldered, and not screwed or attached with the help of clamps, clamps, etc.

The length of the wire is important not only for reasons of the convenience of "reaching" it from the donor car to the car signed. For every one and a half meters, the voltage drops at about 1.5 volts. The optimal length of the wires is the value from 2 to 4 m.

How to make wires for cigarette with your own hands?

Disappointed in the assortment of stores, the motorist thinks about the possibility of making wires with their own hands. Consider the necessary components for the success of this process.

Where to get suitable wires?

The optimal material for the manufacture of wires with their own hands is the welding stranded wire, copper, in isolation from a silicone-containing rubber. Frost-resistant rubber is marked with the letters "HL". It is quite suitable flexible cable for conducting welding work (Marking "kg"). To obtain wires with a length of 3 m, it is necessary to need 6 meters of wire. You can buy it in any electrical store. The diameter of the metal core wire must be at least 9 mm.

Clamps for terminals ("crocodiles"), theoretically, can be made with your own hands. There will be copper welding holders for this. The surface must necessarily be insulated by inventing tips to rubber knobs or plastics.

The optimal solution in the manufacture of starting wires for the car will be all the same acquisition of ready-made "crocodiles". They are inexpensive and you can buy them in any auto shop. "Crocodiles" need 4 pieces. When buying, you should pay special attention to the teeth - they must come into contact with each other without displacement. Ideally - to play them with a shrink tape, to designate positive and minus wires. To reduce the loss of voltage, the clamps are best corrected under the shape of the terminal - thus the area of \u200b\u200bcontact increases and the loss of voltage will decrease.

When choosing components, pay attention to the value of the rated current. It is usually indicated on the battery (cold start current). The perfect components calculated on the current value of 500 amps, and if your car is dimensional, then it is better to proceed from the value of 850 amps.

Assembling wires

After purchasing all the necessary (cable, "crocodiles", heat shrinking 2 colors, 4 steel tips, several bolts and nuts) can be used to assembling:

  1. We cut the wires in half, we clean every end.
  2. We take the tip, insert the wire into it and pressed.
  3. We are screwed and, ideally, we solder the wire to the crocodile.
  4. Wear insulation.

Obviously, the process of assembling wires is not complicated with their own hands, the main thing is to choose the right components. The result will be a product, the cost of which in the store will exceed your costs in dozens of times. Such a wire with proper assembly will serve not one year.

Precautions when chilling a car

Cursting is an unsafe process, therefore you need to strictly follow the basic rules:

  1. Never bite from a car with a wounded engine! This is the most common mistake of many motorists, which ultimately can lead to the failure of electricians on both cars. Give the engine donor engine to work in 2 - 3 thousand 5 - 10 minutes before the process - this will provide an additional recharge of the battery.
  2. Turn off all electrical appliances.
  3. The most important thing is to strictly observe the polarity! One wire connects the positive terminals, the second is minus. With a violation of polarity there will be a short closure, which can lead to failure of all electronic systems Auto, and at worst to fire!
  4. Always have a fire extinguisher! It is better to be restrained than to deal with sad consequences.

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