Home Steering What is the punishment for overload on the truck. According to the load on the axis of the cargo car and which fines are provided for overload. Basic road requirements

What is the punishment for overload on the truck. According to the load on the axis of the cargo car and which fines are provided for overload. Basic road requirements

Statistics of the road accident explicitly indicate that extensive cargo cars become a direct threat to the security of all participants in the movement. Overloaded car loses stability and maneuverability, it can suddenly break by changing the trajectory of movement. The transportation of unnecessary passengers in the car can also lead to negative consequences. Therefore, in rules of traffic rules Excess cargo and passengers in the car are considered an administrative offense, which provides a fine for overload a passenger car.

According to the Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the vehicle overwhelms the axes, which has a negative impact on the roadbed, relates to exclusively trucks. But this does not mean that it is possible to load the passenger car with a cargo or passengers with impunity.

In terms of safety road Overview of the passenger car is also dangerous as overload trucks.

The risk of overload is as follows:

  • The car loses stability on the road. Sharp braking can lead to loss of control.
  • The center of gravity of the car is shifted. The load on the rear leads to the corners of the turns and provokes the coup of the vehicle or the collision of it with other cars.
  • The car with excess cargo "sends", and during the movement hits the bottom and bumper road fabric. And this leads to damage to the surface of the road.

Do not forget that overload negatively affects the condition of the car itself. Excess permissible load has a negative impact on frames, spars and shock absorbers, dramatically reducing their service life.

Excess cargo

Car owners filling out cargo passenger car or seeking to transport in it large-sized objects, often guided exclusively by their own interests and do not take into account what inconvenience deliver to other participants of the movement. At the same time, the overloaded passenger car is a direct threat to all.

Excess cargo in a passenger car is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • The driver is limited to the review, so it cannot control the situation on the side and back of the car.
  • The cargo shifts the center of gravity or can suddenly move, which will lead to loss of vestibilities of the vehicle while driving. The car can easily lose control, the brake path will also increase.

Extra passengers

The temptation to put in the salon of the car of extra passengers periodically arises from many drivers, although the limit number of people you can carry in the cabin are clearly spelled out in the car documents.

The regulated number of passengers is established for motion safety reasons. For each in the cabin there is a safety belt, capable of protecting the passenger in case of an accident. Extra people cause overlap by car passengersAnd also create interference to the driver in the management process.

As the inspector determines the overload "CARBO"

Exceeding the number of passengers in the cabin will definitely attract the attention of the traffic police inspector, and challenge the fine, discharged for this violation, will not be possible. The employee has the right to stop and punish the driver of the car carrying more than four passengers. According to the rules, each passenger during the movement must be recorded by the safety belt. If someone is not enough belt, this fact It is considered a violation and provides administrative punishment.

A separate moment is the carriage in the cabin juvenile passengers. Many drivers believe that 5 places in the passenger car are intended for adult passengers, and the child can well be transported on its knees. But according to the rules, children are the same passengers that should be placed on the seat and fasten the safety belt. For children under 12 years old in the car it is necessary to install a special chair ().

The fact of extension transport is installed visually. If the load closes the driver's review, the car sends under the weight of the load and hurts the bumper of the road fabric, or the parts of the cargo protrude beyond the vehicle.

Administrative punishment for overvaging cars

Punishment for overloading TC is charged on the basis of the Code of Administrative District. According to this document, movement on the highway with a cargo exceeding the maximum allowable load for this category TS and / or the interfering driver to fully control the machine is punishable fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

For overlook, people will have to pay twice:

  • 500 rubles - punishment for the passenger
  • 1000 rubles - punishment for the driver for overload.

Pay a fine for the overlook people in any case will have to the driver, so in a total of the pocket, it must post 1,500 rubles. For the carriage of the child on the knees, the driver will be punished with a fine of 3000 rubles.

Important. The number of people transported above the ground does not affect the size of the fine. Regardless of the number of extra passengers, the fine will be 500 and 1 thousand rubles for the very fact of violation of the rules of transportation of people.

The question is also important, what a fine in 2018 in the event of a passenger carriage in not intended for this place (in the trunk, on the hood, etc.) The size of the fine for this administrative offense is 1000 rubles.

The penalty for overvaging the passenger car is not the most terrible consequences for the driver. Movement on the TC, loaded over the norm, is fraught with unpredictable consequences, therefore, in order to security, it is still not worth it.

Russian main roads, not to mention urban, often not withstand no criticism. It is believed that overloaded cars are considered the main destroying effect. On the roads a lot of cars of various carrying capacity. When exceeding the maximum permissible loads on the road leaf, the roads are destroyed. Money requires money to restore the road. Therefore, the overload penalty is doubled.

According to the new edition of PDD and the COAP, the amount of damage that overloaded TCs are applied roads, began to be assessed stricter.

For traffic, low-tonnage gazelles are often used. Punishment and for them increased. It despite the fact that their allowed mass does not exceed the load standard not only on the highway, but also on any urban road.

Roads are destroyed and due to their low quality. The leadership of some regions of the Russian Federation is trying to attract builders and repairmen to the judicial responsibility, where they are roads. If the road canvate does not withstand the operation provided by the law, the court punishes them.

Requirements for roads

Getting big fines for overload, in some cases should not pay them immediately. There are moments when the law allows you to reduce the responsibility and when contacting the court, put forward a counter-claim.

  1. The road on which the excess is fixed, does not comply with the regulatory requirements for the load (GOST 52748-2007).
  2. In the construction of the road violated the rules " Car roads"SP 34.1330.2012.
  3. "Roadwear" does not meet the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85.

Not high-quality "roadware" often leads to breakdowns of such popular urban cargo and passenger cars like Gazelles. "Roadwear" term from SNiP. It implies - the road must withstand the regulatory vertical, short-term load without destruction of the roadway.

Rules for the transportation of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation are given in the Government Decree No. 272. According to the tables given in the "Rules", it is possible to determine the weight of the cargo, which can be transported without disturbing traffic rules and not getting a fine for overload.

Attachment 1 - Mass of a single car (meaning, without trailer), with static weighing should not exceed:

  • 18 tons for a 2-axis car;
  • 25 tons for 3-axis;
  • 32 tons for 4-axis;
  • 35 tons for 5-axis.

Appendix 2. - The permissible loads on the axis of the TS are indicated, with dynamic weighing.

For single cars, with a distance between axes from 2.5 meters, the axis load should not exceed:

  • 6 tons for the road calculated on 6 tons;
  • 10 tons for the road designed for 10 tons.

Popular gazelles, depending on the modification, have a distance between axes from 2.9 to 3.5 meters.

The law allows private roads to establish an overload of a car other than the norms of Resolution No. 272. For this purpose, the relevant road signs are installed on the road, information on the permissible axial load of the vehicle should be placed on the official website of the road.

The traffic police determines the overload

On the roads, DPS inspectors weight weight is determined by three ways:

  • Checking accompanying documentation for cargo.
  • At the stationary weighing point.
  • At the point equipped with dynamic weighing equipment.

Static Weighing: The car enters the scales, the inspector registers the total mass of the vehicle. Often it is checked by gazelles passing by long-distance trails.

Dynamic Weighing: The car passes through the weight pad at a speed not higher than 5 km / h. The new method is used on federal highways.

The devices determine the actual mass of the vehicle and the load on each of the axes. If you exceed the allowed values, the protocol is automatically prescribed. Measurement error, with properly installed hardware, low.

When the operational requirements are violated, the error can reach 3%. Measures of measurements The driver considers overestimated - this fact must be specified in the protocol. Then the responsibility in the form of the appointed fine will be reduced. This is especially important when a penalty for legal entities reaches half a million.

Tariff damage

COAMA appoints a fine for overload, given the local conditions of the federal road. For basic indicators, damage caused by a portion of the road 100 km. When overload truck carmobile is:

  • 2-10%, damage \u003d 925 rubles.
  • 10-20%, damage \u003d 1120.
  • 20-30%, damage \u003d 2000.
  • 30-40%, damage \u003d 3125.
  • 40-50%, damage \u003d 4105.
  • 50-60%, damage \u003d 5215.

According to official information, the damage caused by overloaded cars in the Central and Far Eastern regions is approximately 3 times higher than in South and Volga. Accordingly, the overload penalty will also be higher.

The law allows you to calculate the damage from the passage of cars with an excess of the permitted load on the axis depending on both weather conditions. The Government of the Rostov region recently issued a decree in which it is proposed to increase the basic betting rates caused by the overloaded TC in the summer when the asphalt coating softened.

Farmers, owners of the Gazelle 33023, fear of increasing the fine in hot weather is not worth it, the full mass of the car is unlikely to exceed the norm so much to leave a noticeable track on the road.

Punishment from COAMP

The COAP appoints a punishment for the exceeding mass of the machine or for an increase in the load on the axis of over the data specified in the technical documentation on the vehicle. Article 12.21.1 Determines the size of a fine for the transportation of a load with exceeding a standard. It is poured for the driver, an employee issuing documents for transportation, to the organization (legal entity). For overload, the punishment is assigned depending on the percentage of exceeding the standard:

The law gives drivers the opportunity to replace the fines for overload, deprivation of rights for a period of 2-4 months (clause 3), 4-6 months (p. 6). Responsibility for the transportation of goods by special resolution is defined in p.4.5. Did not bypass the COAP and individual entrepreneurs. They can get a fine from 80 to 100 thousand (p.10).

How the overload is calculated

Before concluding a contract for transportation, it is necessary to find out which cargo can be translated. Starting with exceeding 2%, a fine for overload will have to pay. The load is transported on the highway, where there are weighing items. It does not matter stationary or dynamic. The principle of calculation is the same for any type of weighing. Let's make it on the example of Gazelle-Business.

From technical documentation we get:

  • Permitted mass \u003d 3.5 tons.
  • Curly \u003d 1.79 tons.
  • The total weight \u003d 3.5 is accepted for 100%.

Weight measured at a stationary paragraph \u003d 3.6. The difference in weight \u003d 100 kg. Overload in percent \u003d (0.1 tons * 100%) / 3.5 tons ≈ 2.8% we look at what punishment provides for the overload of 2.8%. We subtract out full mass The weight of the cargo and we appreciate, the order will bring profit or loss.

Payment maximum load The axis is performed similarly. Then the calculation results for each of the axes are folded. At the weighing items, the measurement accuracy may be ≈ 3%. Therefore, the difference between the allowed and equipped mass (weight of the cargo) should be increased by 3%. Determine what road you need to carry goods. Now you can sign the contract.

Transportation of cargo by car - A popular and rapidly developing business niche in Russia. However, entrepreneurs in pursuit of profit load their trucks "under the urban", ignoring the rules of the road and technical capabilities trucks.

Overloaded pallons strongly split the road fabric. The overloaded car more "eats" technical fluids and fuel. And, as already mentioned road covering Faster comes into disrepair. To somehow deal with the authorities to somehow fight, there are several laws, regarding the rules for the passage of trucks by different types Trails and sizes of penalties for violations.

The car overload is determined by the load on each axis: the rear plus front. In total, it turns out, transmitted through the wheels on the canvas road. Often the rear axle of the car carries most of the load compared to the front.

Since, in fact, on the front axis "Davit" only the cabin and the power mechanism, whereas the burden is accounted for. In addition, overload quickly wear out details Truck, namely:

  • castle saddle;
  • clutch;
  • gearbox;
  • brake pads;
  • rubber;
  • suspension.

Drivers know that there are road signs installed on some cuts of roads and in front of the bridges, limiting car travel By weight, for example, 3:12. That is, on the bridge or section of the road after this sign you cannot move cars, the load on the axis of which is more than indicated on the sign.

If the driver violates this rule, it will be subjected to a fine, fixed in the Administrative Code, the fifth part of Article 12.21.1. It says that the driver of an overloaded passenger or truck with a special or without special may be fined For the passage of roads or bridges for such weight.

The permissible weight of the cargo for transport categories "A" and "B"

There are different categories of trails for which it is allowed to ride different groups. trucks. For the group "A", movement on the tracks 1, 2, 3 categories (ordinary expensive, non-speed, the number of strips in one direction can be up to four).

For cars of the group "A":

  • Between the axes more than two m - 10 tons.
  • Up to two m - 9 tons.
  • Up to one m 65 cm - 8 tons.
  • Up to 1 m 35 cm - 7 tons.
  • To one m - 6 tons.

For the group "B" sets the following norms:

  1. Between axes more than 2 m - 6 tons.
  2. Up to 2 m - 5.7 tons.
  3. Up to 1 m 65 cm - 5.5 tons.
  4. Up to 1 m 35 cm - 5 tons.
  5. Up to 1 m - 4.5 tons.

Penalties for the excess of the load rate on the axis

Accordingly, if the weight of the entire car or the load on the axis exceeds 2, but less than 10 percent, then the driver, the official who was allowed to leave, and legal entityowned by car threatening fine for overload in size 1000-1500; 10,000-15 thousand and 100,000-150 thousand rubles, respectively.

If the mass is exceeded more than 10, but less than 20%, then the fine for overload will be 3000-3500; 20000-25000; 200,000-250 thousand rubles. If the mass exceeds the norm by 20, but does not reach 50%, then the fines for the overview of the truck will be 4000-5 thousand or deprivation of rights up to 3 months; 30000-40000; For legal entities 300000-400 thousand rubles.

If overload over the axes more than 50%, the fines of the driver - 7000-10 thousand or deprivation of rights for up to 6 months; Official person - 45000-50000, legal entity - 400,000-50 thousand rubles.

If such a violation was recorded using a photo or video, the size of the fine will be equal to the top bar of the fine for the organization that produced the machine loading. But the responsibility and payment of fines will suffer the carrier.

Affairs by administrative offensesrelated to overload or exceeding dimensions according to the Civil Procedure Code considered by the courts General jurisdiction.

Judicial practice at the moment already, one can say, formed and the courts in full satisfy the vast majority of lawsuits to shippers or carriers. And the appeal of decisions does not give anything.

Why is the law provide such large fines for overload? This is a way to avoid more expenses and human victims, because the overload is involved:

  • knocking out the roadbed (repair costs, accidents due to pit and cracks on the road);
  • large chances of accidents when moving on old structures and bridges;
  • an increase in the braking path, which increases the likelihood of accidents.

The braking path becomes longer due to the inertia of the cargo (the heavier cargo, the stronger the inertia). And it can be fraught with a burden of a truck, especially in ice or rain. It matters and how well the cargo is fixed.

Because if he moves through the body while driving, it can become cause of tipping truck And, accordingly, the accident. For this, the driver is responsible.

In compliance with the rules of cargo transportation, moving or stationary safety and weight points, whose inspectors have the authority to write out a fine and take the cars to the stalls until its payment.

Points equipped with special weightswhich show the load on the axis of the truck and the inspector determines whether there is an overload on the axis or not. Car weighing can be done in two ways:

  • Without stopping cars. Its speed at the same time should not exceed 5 km / h. Measurement error can reach 3%, so this method is not used.
  • When the car is stopped. This method gives more accurate results.

If the overload is detected or the dimensions of the cargo exceed the norm, it will be a violation and driver we will have to pay a fine. Even if there is a special degree and, of course, when it is not.

Special for heavy, large-sized and dangerous cargo It is issued in the executive authorities or the organization's subordinate to them, or the owner of the road in which the cargo should be.

It should receive a shipper in advance. In the case when the receipt of special proceedings on the passage is a mandatory or driver deviated from the route in it specified, it can also be discharged.

In addition, the weight of the cargo should be accurately listed in commodity and transport invoices. If the documents are specified in the documents not exceeding the permissible norms, and in fact the overload is determined, the inspector will make the protocol and prescribe a fine.

And all these troubles go to the driver. Most often he has to pay for the fact that his superiors did not form all required documents properly.

Fundes for large-sized goods

For the transport of large cargoes also provide its rules. Large is considered a cargo, protruding on more than one meter from behind or 10-50 centimeters from each side.

In this case, the load must be decorated with special signsthat are visible in the afternoon and reflective elements or lanterns to be visible at night.

This is described in road rules. COAP adds to it that if the size of the cargo is 10-50 cm is greater than the norm or more than indicated in the special degree, the inspector of the control and weight item has the right to write a fine. The range of fines is the same as indicated above 1000-400 thousand rubles.

If the amount of the fine is an impressive and driver, naturally, can not pay it, the car will put on the stradition. And then the shipper will lose time, reputation and possibly the client. Also extra losses will incurexpenses for sending another truck to divide goods: buying fuel, salary to the second driver and may have to pay a penalty to the client for late delivery of the cargo, if such is provided for by the contract.

Quality russian roads leaves much to be desired. The well-known statement of the Russian classics relative to the two main problems of Russia, unfortunately, is relevant today. In addition to poor-quality, it can be said, the surface repair of roads, a large influence on its condition has a transport load. It is overloaded trucks, according to specialists, are the main destructive force. It was decided to deal with this using a special penalty for overlighted on the axis, which in 2016 increased twice. Road restoration requires considerable funds, and increased recovery is a weighty argument in favor of abandoning the overload.

As practice shows, a considerable share of long-distance transportation falls on Gazelles - a low-tonnage car, without additional places for passengers. Despite the fact that their allowed mass does not exceed the permissible norm for urban roads and highways, the amount of recovery has been increased for them. Of course, the quality of roads is of great importance. Everyone knows that in these works, local self-government bodies often like to save budget funds, as a result - the service life is significantly reduced. In the struggle for a decent road cover, the leadership of some areas of the country attracts the responsibility of repairmen and builders in the event that the quality of work does not meet the stated standards.

Consequences of car overload

If for a minute, leave the question of the destruction of the roadway and look at the consequences of overload from the position of the car, then we get the following picture:

  • there is an intensive fuel consumption and other substances;
  • accelerates the process of wear of the gearbox, clutch, brake system, suspension, saddle lock. Also the axis of the car suffers;
  • the maneuverability of the truck will deteriorate. This is due to erasing the pattern on rubber.

If you are not confused by the fact that the overview of the cargo car is the main cause of the low quality of Russian roads, then think at least about your car. Observing the rules that the traffic police dictate in 2016, you have every chance to extend your life iron horse. Save funds on forced repair workand be able to carry out the transportation of goods exactly on time, without any deceptions. If we consider overload to the axis from this point of view, it turns out that it is more expensive to break the law. Well, and do not forget about an increased fine for overload. So it turns out that it is cheaper and safer after all to observe the law.

Basic road requirements

If you manage to get caught on your gazelle to representatives of power (in this case Employees of the traffic police) and earn a fine, whatever it is, then we recommend not to rush it to pay. Perhaps you have a chance to appeal it. Strangely enough, but the law provides cases when you can significantly reduce the amount of administrative recovery. True, for this you will need to put forward a counterpart. This is the law. It is advisable to do when you discharged a big fine for overload.

Cases when you can put forward a counter-complaint for overvaging on the axes:

  • if the highway, which was recorded by the traffic police inspector violation, does not comply with all regulatory requirements for load;
  • there is a gross violation of the established rules during the construction of the road;
  • road canvas far from SNiP 2.05.02-85 standards.

If at least one point is present, you have every chance to reduce the amount of administrative recovery. How many ultimately will you pay, will depend on the court.

From the low quality roads, Gazelles suffer primarily. Moreover, it concerns both freight and passenger, which implies the presence of a certain number of passengers in the cabin. The road that meets all the standards standards must easily withstand the normative vertical and short-term load. The road fabric should remain in integrity and safety.

In 2016, it is customary to distinguish between 5 categories of road:

  • 1st and 2nd category. This is a capital asphalt concrete coating. It is allowed to load up to 10 tons per axle. This is the maximum indicator.
  • 3rd category. Improved, gravel-asphalt coating. Just as in the first two categories, the load on the car axis is allowed to 10 tons.
  • 4th category. Here is a solid gravel coating. The maximum allowable load on the axis of the car is 6 tons.
  • 5th category. The road without solid coating, which is laid on the soil. The maximum load on the axis should not exceed 6 tons.

How is the fine for overlighted over the axes?

It would be a little strange to assume that the traffic police inspectors determine the overview of the car on the eyes. Determine the percentage of overload of the gazelle without passengers is thus simply impossible, even the most experienced staff. The only moment that a violation can disrupt is curved springs that are inevitably deformed under the severity of the materials transported. If you consider yourself to experienced drivers, you should know that there are special weighing items of the traffic police that are installed directly on the roads. With suspected the presence of car overload, the traffic police inspector has the right to ask you to enter the test scales. If suspicions were confirmed, the protocol of the traffic rules is immediately issued.

The discrepancies between the real weight and the accompanying documents specified in the accompanying documents in 2016 are punishable as follows:

  • The driver gets a fine, 5000 rubles.
  • Responsible for the design of accompanying documents for the car will pay from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  • Transport company, which, in fact, sent transport to flight, will pay from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

If you summarize all the indicated penalties, the violation of the established rules in 2016 can cost the whole condition. If nevertheless, it became necessary to carry heavy cargo without passengers for a long distance, that is, it makes sense to visit the autodor and try to get the appropriate decision. And let you not scare paperwork. In this case, it will definitely not be too much. Autodor can fully legalize your dangerous and heavy cargo. The route, weight, content, etc. will be counted. Having spent some time on the registration of the permission, you with a calm soul can safely go on the road, and do not think about what a fine you have to pay.

Tariff damage

In 2016, the CACAP determines the size of the fine for the overloaded car on the basis of the state of the local federal road. As the main indicator, damage from the truck car on the road section is 100 km away. To calculate the damage from one or another percentage of overload is not at all difficult:

  • overload 2 -10% - 925 rubles;
  • overload 10-20% - 1120 rubles;
  • overload 20-30% - 2000 rubles;
  • overload 30-40% - 3125 rubles;
  • overload 40-50% - 4105 rubles;
  • overload 50-60% - 5215 rubles.

Official data says that the damage from the overloaded truck in the Far Eastern and central regions is significantly higher than in Volga and South. Based on this, penalties in the first two regions are significantly higher. Among other things, the law makes it possible to calculate what a fine will pay a driver with overload on the axis, depending on weather conditions. For example, in the Rostov region a decree, which is intended to increase the basic rates of damage, which was applied in the summer, when the asphalt softens significantly. From October, these rates are not valid.

Overloading a truck in a traffic violation

Road sign at number 3.12 means that the axis load should be limited. The gross violation of this warning is also fraught with consequences. If you know the load is exceeded, then further movement on the highway, which has such a sign means violation of traffic rules, And this is an imminent meeting with traffic police officers, fines and explanations. In this case, ignoring the sign will cost you from 2000 to 2500 rubles. And on this punishment may not be limited. Traffic police officers have the full right to pick up your car on the penalty near the moment you do not eliminate the overload. This is time and money. You can avoid such consequences using the same autodor, or rather, the official permission to a certain load on the axis. It makes sense to spend some time on his receipt.

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