Home Chassis Which oil is fill in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission. How to replace oil in an automatic transmission box Volkswagen Touareg Original oil in automatic transmission Volkswagen Taureg

Which oil is fill in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission. How to replace oil in an automatic transmission box Volkswagen Touareg Original oil in automatic transmission Volkswagen Taureg

Volkswagen-Tuareg is a very common crossover in Russia. This car has undoubted advantages - high clearance, big trunk and four-wheel driveWhat is important for most regions of our country. "Volkswagen-Tuareg" is completed with different transmissions. But most crossovers still equip the automatic transmission to six steps. How is oil replaced in the "Tuareg" automatic transmission? Consider in our today's article.

Oil resource

A transmission 09D is established on Volkswagen-Tuareg. She was put on crossovers from Audi. In the operating manual, the manufacturer does not report, through what period you should follow, it is flooded for the entire service life. It is possible for Germany this is so, because the Germans use a car up to 100-150 thousand kilometers. But our realities differ significantly. So, it is often possible to meet "Volkswagen-Tuareg" with mileage for 400 thousand kilometers. Of course, that the car lives to this period, it is necessary to change consumables in it, including and to replace oil into the automatic transmission. Volkswagen-Tuareg in our conditions requires this operation every 60,000 kilometers. It was such a regulation that most specialists identified.

It should be understood that the oil is working fluid in automatic transmission. In addition to its main function (this is a lubricant), it performs:

  • Heat removal.
  • Reduced mechanical load on elements automatic transmission.
  • Removal of small particles, which are formed as a result of wear of nodes.

Over time, such a liquid acquires black (initially shade red). This suggests that the urgent replacement of oil automatic transmission "Tuarega" is required. 2.5-liter engine is either a 3-liter, does not matter. Ride with such ATP-liquid fraught with unexpected breakdowns.

Replacing the oil on the car after purchase

Do I need to perform this operation if the machine was purchased on secondary market? If the seller did not provide appropriate confirmations about the oil replacement, this operation must be fulfilled. No one knows how much and in which modes was used "Tuareg" until the purchase. Sometimes there is enough one departure to off-Road to "sentence" oil, overheating box.

What to choose?

To replace oil in the automatic transmission of diesel "Tuareg" 3.0 required original liquid With the index G 055 025 A2. But the problem is what oil is only in the officials and costs about three thousand rubles per liter.

What then to use to replace oil into Tairega automatic transmission 3.0? You can apply analogue from "Mobile" or "Durander MV". These products comply with all tolerances. They are suitable not only to replace oil into the automatic transmission of diesel "tarega" 2.5, but also for petrol engines. The cost of one liter of the product is about 700 rubles. What amount of oil is required to replace? It all depends on the method of operation. If it is a partial replacement, you need to prepare about four liters. For a complete oil change in the "Tuarega" automatic transmission 3.6 requires at least nine liters. Next, we consider the features of each method.

Partial oil replacement in Taarega automatic transmission

The essence of this operation is that the old oil is replaced by a new one. But it is replaced only by half, as no more than 50 percent of the filling volume can come out of the box. Thus, this replacement is resorted more often than complete. That is, it is necessary to perform such an operation once every 30 thousand kilometers.

So, how is the partial replacement of oil in the "Tuarega" automatic transmission? To do this, first need to install a car to the observation pit. Next, the regular engine mudguard is removed. The car is installed on the handbrake. In this case, the lever KPP should stand in the "Parking" mode.

Please note that the oil change in the "Tuarega" automatic transmission is performed only after warming up the box. To do this, the engine starts and it warms up to about 50 degrees Celsius. Further you can join and go under the car. Using a hex key, you need to unscrew the drain plug. Pre-prepared an empty capacity of at least three liters. It can be made it from the old plastic canister.

It is important to remember that the engine starts should not be made until a new oil is in the box. Without it, the automatic transmission will simply fail (exactly the same way as IT worked without oil). When the liquid is completely glass, the drain plug is spinning back. Usually about three liters take place in the container. Next, you should find a seal and through the oil tube to pour a new liquid. Its volume should be equal to the number of old - no more and no less.

What further?

Then you should start the motor and test all the positions of the automatic transmission selector, while holding the leg on the brake pedal. So we ride a new oil on the system. It will be worthwhile and checking the oil level. In the automatic transmission to do control is needed on the engine center. Turning to the dipstick, we will define whether the liquid should be added. Ideally, the oil must be in the middle, between the "minimum" and "maximum" marks.

If the level is in order, you can put back the protective mudguard and proceed to the full operation of the car.

Full replacement

This method is slightly different. Here the oil changes in full. But in order to do this, the presence of a special apparatus is required, which under pressure will notice the old liquid new. Without this equipment, it is impossible to complete a complete replacement. Therefore, this operation is made only in the service. But experts note that it is a better and right method.

How is this operation? First, the car rolled into the box and is installed on the lift. Further, experts dismantle the pallet of the automatic transmission, pre-drained the oil. The pallet is then cleaned from all dirt and wear products. Next, the element is installed in place. After connecting the device to the pipelines, which go to the oil cooling radiator. In the device already flooded new liquid in full. It must be said that the amount of its slightly more filling volume is about two liters.

On the next Stage Engine and connected machine starts. An old liquid will go from one output, and on the other to come new. It is possible to determine the condition of the oil in color. When on both conclusions, the liquid has a red color, it speaks of a successful oil replacement. In total, no more than an hour of time goes to the procedure.

What if not changing?

Specialists do not recommend ignore oil replacement in Volkswagen-Tuareg crossover automatic transmission for several reasons. First, the old liquid is not able to normal heat. And this is an increased risk of overheating box. Secondly, such an oil cannot perform high-quality lubrication of the ACP elements, which leads to increased wear. Well, finally, the fluid itself is strongly saturated with wear products. As a result, it works like abrasive, creating sandblasting under pressure. As a result, the hydraulic lobes and valve regulators suffer. And the oil itself is saturated with aluminum dust.

All this, of course, is displayed on the behavior of the car. So, the driver notices strange vibrations and shocks that happen both in motion and during the parking lot on idling. The box can twitch or slip when trying to switch to another transmission.

Follow the level

How long ago it would not be replaced, periodically need to control the level of fluid in the box. Due to its insufficient volume, various malfunctions may occur, as well as overheating automatic transmission. Frictions are poorly pressed to metal disks and slip. As a result, their temperature increases. Frictions are charred and destroyed. It affects the oil itself. It acquires black and characteristic

What other problems occur during the operation of the Volkswagen-Tuareg automatic transmission with low level Oils:

  • Stubborn discs, rubberized pistons and clutch drums overheat.
  • Wear a hydraulic lobby.
  • Channels hydrophlitis and plungers are clogged with mechanical particles, which arose due to overheating. It entails the increased wear of the driving elements of the pump and sleeves.

Timely replacement This fluid will avoid data breakdown and extend the life of the automatic transmission.


So, we found out how oil replaced in the automatic transmission on the Volkswagen-Tuareg car. As you can see, ATP-liquid has a certain resource, after which it loses its qualities and provokes an increased wear of the box. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of oil in the transmission and its level. The method itself can be different - both partial and complete. The main thing is to purchase high-quality consumables And stick to the replacement intervals.

To replace the oil in the automatic transmission machine, you will need

  • Hexagon on 17.
  • 10 mm head with extension and small ratchet
  • Asterisk T40.
  • Dynamometric key if necessary
  • Rubber hose with a diameter of 22-23 mm 2 meters long
  • Automatic transmission VW ATF G055 025 - 8 liters

Before you start, the pallet of the box is thoroughly cleaned from dirt. Especially paying attention to the butt connection of the fastening bolts, drain plug, and level tubes.

Hexagon on 17 it is necessary to weaken the oil level tube

Remove the pallet mount bracket

As an asterisk T-40 weakened and unscrew the drain plug

I unscrew all the pallet bolts by 10 unscrewing two opposite each other

We unscrew the two bolts on half and neatly the assembly we jerk the pallet

Tilt the pallet unscrewing two bolts gradually drain the remaining oil

Remove the pallet of the automatic transmission

10 mm head unscrewing 3 bolts fastening filter

Remove the filter

We diagnose the filter for the presence of metal chips or other inclusions

We investigate the magnets on them usually the metal chips are typically

Setting the pallet

Wash and degrease the pallet

Original pallet laying number

We dress the gasket and put the magnets in place

Carefully scrape the remnants of dirt from the padding box, it is convenient to use the stationery knife. When scrolling the surface, it is necessary to try not to conquer it.

Degrease the surface of the box

On the fuel filter We set a new sealing ring

When installing the filter, you must monitor the installation of the sealing ring. In the case of an incorrect installation in the place of the filter connection and the box is formed by air subchains and further failure. Because of the overall starvation of rubbing parts, the speed packages fail. And as a result, expensive repair.

The tightening of the filter bolts should be carried out evenly. First you need to wrap up to the stop, and then reach it turning the key to a quarter

Put the lid, twist drainer asterisk T-40. When twisting the pallet, the sealing gasket is not possible to damage it so that it is iron columns with a bolt hole.

Insert the hose tightly into the bay hole, and insert the canister into the neck into the neck in the neck. With the help of the law on reporting vessels, fuel oil. Because the box has a hole too small on the box at the box and to speed up the oil in the box can be inserted into the filling hose insert a smaller diameter hose to remove excess air.

When the oil fell, it is necessary to start the car and give to work a few minutes after which the box with the handle with the handle of the selector to put consistently into all positions of the selector for 10-15 seconds. With the right level. The oil from the hole will be a little drip. Everything, the cork can be wrapped, while unforgettable change the sealing ring.

Tightening force of the base of the oil level of 70 N / m.

After the automatic transmission should warm up, it is necessary to inspect all the connection points for the presence of ilk.

Good luck in independent repairs!

Replacing the oil in the transmission of Volkswagen Touareg is most often overwhelming with the repair of the automatic transmission itself, or it is replaced with a new operation to eliminate oil leaks, as it must be drained for work. The oil in the automatic transmission is filled with the case once for the entire service life of the car. The oil change in the Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission is recommended to entrust professionals, but in some cases this operation can be cope with its own.

ATF oil functions in Volkswagen Taureg automatic transmission:

  • effective lubrication of rubbing surfaces and mechanisms;
  • reduced mechanical load on nodes;
  • heat dissipation;
  • removal of microparticles resulting from corrosion or wear of parts.
The color of ATF oil for Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission allows not only to distinguish between oils by type, but helps to find out in case of leakage, the liquid ran out of which system. For example, oil in automatic transmission and GUR - has a red shade, antifreeze - green, in the engine - yellowish.
Causes of leakage of oil from automatic transmission in Volkswagen Taureg:
  • wear salts of automatic transmission;
  • wear surfaces of shafts, the occurrence of the gap between the shaft and the sealing element;
  • wire of the sealing element of the automatic transmission and shaft of the speedometer drive;
  • the backlash of the primary shaft automatic transmission;
  • damage to the sealing layer in compounds between parts of automatic transmission: pallet, automatic transmission, Carter, clutch housing;
  • weakening bolts that provide the compound of the above parts of the automatic transmission;
Low oil level in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission is the main reason for the failure of friction. Due to the low pressure of the fluid, the frictions are poorly pressed against steel disks and are not tightly in contact with each other. As a result, friction linings in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission are strongly heated, charred and destroy, significantly polluting oil.

Due to lack of oil or low-quality oil in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission:

  • plungers and hydroblock channels are clogged with mechanical particles, which leads to a deficiency of oil in packets and provokes wear of the sleeve, rubbing parts of the pump, etc.;
  • overheat and quickly wear steel transmissions;
  • overheat and burn rubberized pistons, stubborn discs, clutch drum, etc.;
  • warm and comes into disrete of hydraps.
Contaminated automatic transmission oil cannot fully remove heat and provide high-quality lubrication of parts, which leads to various malfunctions of automatic transmission Volkswagen Touareg.. Highly polluted oil is an abrasive suspension, which under high pressure creates the effect of sandblasting. Intensive impact on the hydraulic contact leads to the thinning of its walls in the locations of the valve-regulators, as a result of which numerous leaks may occur.
Check the oil level in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission using probe. Oil dipstick has two pairs of labels - the top pair of Max and Min allows you to determine the level of hot oil, the lower pair is on the cold. Using the probe is easy to check the oil condition: it is necessary to drop the oil to clean white tissue.

When choosing an oil automatic transmission Volkswagen Touareg for replacement, it should be guided by a simple principle: it is best to use the oil recommended by Volkswagen. At the same time instead mineral Oil You can fill a semi-synthetic or synthetic, but in no case cannot be used by the "class below" oil from the prescribed one.

Synthetic oil for Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission is called "unplaced", it is poured for the entire service life of the car. Such oil does not lose its properties under the influence of high temperature and is designed for a very long term using Volkswagen Touareg. But it is impossible to forget about the appearance of a mechanical suspension as a result of the wear of the frictions with a very significant mileage. If the automatic transmission is kept in conditions of lack of oil for some time, it is required to check the degree of contamination and perform a replacement if necessary.

Methods for replacing oil in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission:

  • Partial oil replacement in the Touareg Volkswagen Box;
  • Full oil replacement in Volkswagen Touareg box;
Partial oil replacement in Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission can be performed independently. To do this, it is enough to unscrew the plums on the pallet, drove the car onto the overpass, and collect butter into the container. Usually flows up to 25-40% of the volume, the remaining 60-75% remain in the hydrotransformer, that is, in fact this update, and not replacement. To refresh this way, oil in Volkswagen Taureg automim response, 2-3 replacements will be required.

Full replacement of oil automatic automatic transmission of Volkswagen Touareg is performed using the installation to replace oil into the automatic transmission, Specialists in the car service. In this case, there will be more ATF oil than the Volkswagen Touareg automatic transforms. For flushing out the one-hour or double volume of fresh ATF. In terms of cost, it will be more expensive than partial replacement, and not every car service provides such a service.
Partial replacement of ATF oil in the Volkswagen Touareg automatic transmission box on a simplified scheme:

  1. Unscrew the drain plug, merge the old aTF oil;
  2. We unscrew the DCP pallet, which, besides its bolts, processed along the contour of the sealant.
  3. We get access to the automatic transmission filter, it is desirable to change it with each oil change, or rinse.
  4. At the bottom of the pallet there are magnets that are necessary for collecting metal dust and chips.
  5. We clean the magnets and rinse the pallet, wipe dry.
  6. We establish the automatic transmission filter into place.
  7. We establish the trash of automatic transmission to the place, replacing the laying of the drive of the automatic transmission, if necessary.
  8. Tighten the drain plug by replacing the drain plug gasket for automatic transmission.
The oil is poured through the technological bay opening (where the Propertile automatic transmission is located), according to the PCP, control the oil level into the automatic transmission to the cold. Replacing the oil in the automatic transmission, it is important to check its level by passing 10-20 km, already on a heated automatic transmission. If necessary, add to the level. The regularity of oil change depends not only on the mileage, but also on the nature of the ride to Volkswagen Touareg. It is not necessary to focus on the recommended kilometer, but to the degree of pollution of the oil, systematically checking it.

In order to avoid the need to produce premature expensive transmission repair, automatic box Gears especially need. At the same time, SUVs and crossovers, even taking into account their apparent strength and reliability, are no exception.

As for popular volkswagen models Touareg, you need to perform full or partial replacement Oils in Taureg automatic transmission. At the same time, it is not always necessary to contact the car service, since this procedure can be performed independently. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Read in this article

What functions performs transmission oil in a gearbox

As in the engine, oil in the checkpoint performs several important functions:

  • lubrication of rubbing parts and loaded surfaces;
  • cooling (oil takes on heat from parts warming during operation);
  • the lubricant removes the metal particles that are formed as a result of the wear of the parts (the contamination is delayed in oil, is transferred to the filter, delayed on special magnets).

In addition, in the boxes - the automatic liquid is a worker (, works in, driving a box, etc.) due to contamination, the oil partially loses its properties and not only ceases to benefit, but can harm the parts to the mechanisms. For example, if it is too dirty, saturated with metal particles, it becomes abrasive and contributes to even greater destruction of parts.

In the case of a box of automatic, and clearly understand when changing the oil in the automatic transmission. In the manual to any car usually spells replacement transmission fluid. As a rule, the periodicity of the replacement is tied to a run.

But when it comes to the Taureg automatic transmission and many other cars, do not wait, when the corresponding figure appears on the odometer. Optimally independently check the level, as well as the color of the oil on the probe automatic transmission.

If the Touareg box is flooded fresh oil ATF, it has a red color (or shade). Over time, the liquid becomes a drone. Dark brown oil on the dipstick is the right sign that it is time to replace. Another sign that the replacement is needed is various violations in the work of the box itself. For example, it often happens when switching from the second to the third).

There is one more important moment. The manufacturer claims that the oil-filled oil in the VW Touareg automatic transmission (synthetics) does not require replacement at all. That is, throughout the life of the car, the CAT is maintenance free. However, one should not forget that the concept of "life" is investing different meaning.

In the developed mills in five years, the car simply change, whereas on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries the owners use 10-15 years by their transport. In addition, they play the role and conditions of operation, load, etc.

Similar words, the specified service life without maintenance assumes that the car will be held 150-200 thousand kilometers (which is the service life of oil without replacement). Wherein large runs, severe conditions and a number of other factors reduce the lubrication resource and the entire unit as a whole.

It becomes clear that you can trust the manufacturer, however, it is also necessary to check the condition of the oil in the box and its level with long intensive operation. It is also advisable to change the oil in the automatic transmission every 60-80 thousand km. Run.

What you need to replace oil into Taureg automatic transmission

  1. First of all, the fresh and correctly selected oil will be required. As already mentioned, the synthetic is poured at the factory. For a complete replacement that can only be produced in terms of car service using special equipment, it will be necessary from 7 to 9 liters of fluid.

    Changing oil in Taureg automatic transmission garage conditions Drain will only up to 40% of the total volume. In other words, it will not be made full replacementand partial. So to speak, update. To change the entire volume in such conditions, you will have to produce two or three plum and bay cycles.

    The oil is better to use the original - VAG ATF G 055 025 A2, provided by the manufacturer or presented in the official branded stores Volkswagen. You can also use analogues that are price cheaper, on average, two to three times (for example, Mobil JWS 3309, Petro-Canada Duradrive MV). It should be avoided mixing transmission oils.

    For the procedure, the observation pit (overpass, lift) will be required. Also need a spare label of the pallet VAG 09D321371 (with a complete replacement) and VAG 09D325435 (if it is changed, not washed), laying the drain plug. The keys will still need to remove the pallet, the container where the old oil is fused, rag.

To change the oil in the Taireg automatic transmission independently, it is necessary to perform several simple actions, observing their order:

Let's summarize

As can be seen, the replacement of oil in the Taureg automatic transmission (in any case, partial) is not too complex operation, also does not require special skills and special equipment. The only one for maximum oil update the procedure must be repeated several times after a short period of time, which means total big flow transmission Oil.

Finally, we note the replacement of transmission oil, taking into account its aging and pollution, allows you to maximize the overall resource of the automatic box. Moreover, even if necessary, repair automatic transmission, in boxes that were serviced in a timely manner, many elements remain in working condition.

Simple words, in some cases, you can only be limited to the bulkhead of the machine (without replacing most parts), that is, avoid costly overhaul Transmission or contract aggregate.

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