Home Salon How to connect the LED tape in the car: perform a light tuning with your own hands. Car backlight LED ribbon diode backlight for auto

How to connect the LED tape in the car: perform a light tuning with your own hands. Car backlight LED ribbon diode backlight for auto

LED lighting of the salon today is popular more than ever. In the cabin any modern car Many diverse sources of light. At a minimum, there is a central lamp in the cabin, located on the ceiling, as well as the "nastrum" light located in the front of the ceiling, in front of the windshield. In addition, there may be lamps in the car in the car located in cosmetic mirrors, in the illumination of the glove box (glovebar), in the lighting of the trunk, thresholds, leg zones, etc.

For all these lighting devices in 95% of cars, two types of lamps are used:

  • basocolized lamps with W5W label (or, on other classifiers, T10)
  • sofic lamps with C5W / C10W marking (or, on other classifiers, Festoon - Feston)
The remaining 5% fall on the lamps with the T4W marking principle of which the same as for the W5W lamps.

But even in two, the most common types of lamps are not wonderful, since more than 20 models of each type are presented in our directory of the LED autolapm. Let's try to figure out which models of LED lamps are suitable for the interior of your car.


Type of soccer

Select LED lamps for lighting car interior is not difficult. On the main page of our store, select the brand and model of your car, after which you open the "Lighting Salon" subsection. If you did not find your car in the catalog, or the "Lighting Salon" subsection for the car model you are interested in is not filled, then you will choose the LED lamps for the lighting of the cabin independently will be difficult.

The most reliable way to find out the type of lamps used in the lamps of your car is to open the plaffones and extract regular lamps. If you see that the whole glass lamp with a flat base near a centimeter with a metal mustache, then you are in front of you a w5w radiant lamp:

The power of this small incandescent lamp is 5 watts, and its light stream is approximately 50 lumens (data on the characteristics of incandescent lamps are taken from OSRAM car lamp catalog). To replace this in all parameters of the outdated incandescent lamp, you can choose a modern, brighter and efficient LED lamp in the section.

If you see a lamp with two metal cones at the ends, then in front of you sofite (it is a two-ceal) lamp.

This lamp is important to measure the distance between the extreme points of the caps. If the lamp length does not exceed 37 mm, this is a lamp with C5W marking, the power of such an incandescent lamp is 5 watts, and its light flux is approximately 45 liters. If the lamp length is more than 37 mm, then this is a C10W lamp, its power is 10 watts, and the light stream is about 100 lm. On our site the length of the C5W lamps is indicated by the last number in the name of the LED lamp. That is, for example, the F-4S50F31 lamp has a length of 31 mm, and the F-6S50F42 lamp has a length of 42 mm. Select the lamps of this type in the section.

If the lamp is a glass housing with a cylindrical metal base, then this is a T4W lamp:

The power of such a 4 watt lamp, the light stream is about 35 lm, it is possible to choose a replacement in the section.

Space inside the lamp

After the desired type of lamps is defined, it is necessary to inspect the luminaire of the cabin. When choosing sophistic LED Lamps C5W Pay attention to the lamp length, as well as on the space inside the luminaire of the cabin. If the places around the regular lamp a little, such as in this case:

it makes sense to choose a narrow lamp.

If the place is enough and the larger LED lamp will quite fit in the lamp of the salon or trunk, then you can put wider and much brighter lamps.

Large LED lamps provide uniform light throughout the lamp area Good illumination of the entire scatterer area, that is, they solve a familiar to all the problem of the "light point".

The lamp that is installed w5W Begotolic LED Lampmay be different shape and size. The first thing to pay attention to is the location of the lamp inside the lamp. If the lamp inside the ceiling is located parallel to the plane of the diffuser, i.e. Simply put, sideways, like in these photos:

It is better to stay on LED side luminescence lamps, for example:

In this case, the entire light flux of the lamp will be directed to the desired side, and not illuminate the walls of the lamp of the cabin of the cabin, as in this photo ...

In addition, it is important to evaluate the space inside the lamp and, if possible, select the larger LED lamp for the best illumination of the entire diffuser. A good example of selecting bright LED lamps for interior lighting:

In the case when the lamp in the lamp is perpendicular to the surface of the diffuser, and the places inside it is very limited, as, for example, in this lamp of the cabin:

And if there is plenty of space in the lamp of the cabin, then the choice of choice appears: put small LED lamps more or less standard sizeAs shown above, or put larger, slightly unusual LED lamps like such:

having high brightness and giving a magnificent effect of bright, scattered light.

Brightness and color of the lamp

In addition to the external form and the size of the LED lamp, it is necessary to take into account its purpose, that is, wherever the LED lamp will be installed and that it should light.

The lamps of the "nasturn" light are designed to read in the cabin, for example, roadmap. So, the light in them should be enough to read, but at the same time, the light should not be excessive in order not to make her eyes. To read it is better to choose white or naturally white color of the glow. The optimal indicator of the light flux in this case is 100-150 lm.

The central lamp of the salon creates overall lighting inside the car. Logically put a LED lamp white color With the maximum indicator of the light flux so that dark corners remain in the cabin. But if you are not an amateur classic solutions, you can put colored LED lamps, for example or and make yourself in the salon blue, red, green or even pink light, which looks very unusual.

Light in cosmetic mirrors located in sunscreen visors should not be too bright, because while using a mirror lamp will shine directly into the eyes. Comfortable light stream in this case 25-70 lm. In this case, the lamps should be well covered face, which means the light should be pure white.

Illumination of the head zone, glove box and trunk should be so that no trifle is lost in the depths of the car. Here you can not bother and put on these, usually small lamps, the most bright LED lamps:

A bright light of such LED lamps will be especially useful when searching for a fallen phone or lipstick in a glove.

Neon lights Doors or thresholds Performs two important functions. Firstly, illuminates the space in front of you when you leave the car, and secondly, it means an open door in the dark, making it more noticeable for other participants in the movement. In the lamps located in the door, you can install LED lamps of any color and brightness, your taste.

Ready lamp sets

As you can see, with the independent selection of LED lamps in the salon, it is necessary to take into account the many nuances. If you do not want to beat your head with indicators of the light flux, lamps and configurations of lamps, then stop your choice on one of the more than 100 we have ready-made sets of LED lamps made specifically for a specific car model.

Lamps in such a set just repeat inner space The lamps of the salon and the trunk of this car are equal as much as possible with the light of the lamps, and also have light brightness regulators and a lifelong warranty! Select a set to illuminate the cabin of your car in the section.

This project should like most car owners. Everyone must have tried to find shoes under the seats and knows that the light bulbs in the cabin are so dull that it is quite difficult to do it. So why don't you make a LED backlighting the car's salon with your own hands, and do not allocate it, so among others?

Necessary note: I did not want to risk the integrity of my wiring and therefore did not cut anything, but only threw the wires from above. Well, now we will start the conversation.

What do we need to illuminate? So:

LED ribbons. I prefer to use RGB ribbons that allow me to choose among a certain number of colors, and not content with only one color.
- controller LED RGB ribbon with remote control remote control.
- four-core wire. Usually, V + (white), R (red), G (green) and B (blue) wires are used from the LED tape.
- Connectors.
- soldering iron.
- Silicone glue.
You will also need brains and patience. Because as soon as you make this LED lighting of the car, you will begin to begging the sun on the sunset to ride on your pumped wheelbarrow))).

As soon as the plan has become clear, proceed to the design of wiring taking into account connectors. Why connectors? They play an important role in both the compound and in the protection of the connection. Suppose several LEDs failed. No one wants to pull out all the wiring. When using connectors, you will only need to remove a faulty ribbon section, fix it or replace them and insert into place.

In the following image, we see the four connector in pairwise located behind and in front. Thus, the wire to each tape passes between them. LED controller connects to a power source of 12 V.
Now, since I do not want to cut the wiring and include additional fuses in the scheme, I will save it from a cigarette lighter or charging, which will be very easy to do. Also in this case, when removing the ignition key, the lighting will be flown.

Now that everything is melted, we are waiting for the next very important step - measurements. The importance of this phase is to arrange elements in the right places without tensioning wires.
We do the first measurements for the selection of the cabin highlighting, which is located under dashboardBy defining the total length of two front LED tapes. Secondly, we make measurements for tapes located behind, under the chairs.
After this part of the work is made, proceed to the definition of the length of the wires, having in mind that it is necessary to have a reserve of length to fit the place of their attachment to the ribbons. To determine the wire length, we measure the following sections:
- from the controller to the front left connector;
- from the front left connector to the front right connector;
- from the front left connector to the rear left connector;
- From the rear left connector to the rear right connector.
Connecting a backlight circuits under the seats, leave the additional wire length so that the connections are not broken when the chair moves in front or back.

After completion of measurements, it comes time for cutting LED tapes in length.

For our project, four segments of the LED tape are needed. All LED tapes have a lines of the cut every three LEDs. Keep in mind that it is better to make a cut in short, rather than long, since the excess "tail" tape will hang out, and this will give the type of incompleteness of the design and spoil the impression.

After soldering, it will be best to check its quality, Ignoring all the colors of the LEDs. So, in the images we see that checking the three main colors - red, green, blue.

If they light up without any problems, you need to ensure the safety of spike places. One method is to apply silicone glue, which will prevent the contact of the wires between themselves and ensures the rigidity of the connection.

ready for installation in the car. In the same way, we will make three more that in the total amount will give us four sections of the car's interior highlighting.
Now is the time to go into the car and proceed to connect the scheme.

As you can see, first of all we are secure on the glue LED ribbon, located under the instrument panel. Then secure the connector to it. Pay attention to the photos - they clearly show what they say about.

After the case is done, let's hide our wires. It is enough to shove the wires inside the panels and stretch them into the chairs, where the next section of the LED lighting of the car will be installed.

Under the sections of the LED tape segmen, it is worth not to glue with glue or sticky ribbon, but skip between springs and strings and tied at the ends. It should be noted that I left a sufficient stock of the wire length so that the movement of the chair ahead or back does not affect the integrity of the compounds. When this step is made, proceed with the alteration of the charger.

There are several different ways Sign up our interior backlight:
- from unused fuses from the fuse block using jumpers;
- Through the door panel. In this case, the backlight will shine when the doors are open, and shine when they close;
- from headlights (either from the main block of fuses or from cutting wiring, feeding lights).
But we will use charger. Why?
The reason for the alteration of the charger is that I do not use the cigarette lighter in any way, except for charging the phone. So why not modify "charging", if it is often used and, thus, facilitate its simultaneous use for two tasks.
Most of the chargers for phones give 4 at the output (which is not enough for our LED backlight). That is, they lower the tension car battery from 12 V to 4V. All that we need is to start the wires by the voltage stabilizer.

When we open the charger, we will see the fuse (protects against overloads) and the stabilizer scheme (which lowers the voltage). We solder our wires to the fuse and to the "land" bypassing the stabilizer. So we get the 12 V we need!
Thus, we also save our LED lighting of the cabin. Once all connections are made, proceed to check our work.

Using the remote control, you can:
- turn on / off the backlight;
- change colors;
- regulate the intensity;
- Use attenuation effects.
Now it remains to wait for the sunset, and it will be possible to roll out our pumped wheelbarrow out of the garage!

Testing the backlight of the cabin in the morning.

The LED backlight of the car disk is exclusively decorative tuning, which will not bring the car to the owner any use other than aesthetic pleasure from contemplating his car and ride on it. Naturally, the LED backlight, like any other type of car tuning, can be produced in its own garage and not necessarily turn the car into tuning salon, where for such works with you will be taken quite a lot of money.

What highlighting make a car

Let's start with the types of highlighting for a car more than enough. It may be quite simple in the performance of the cabin or feet of the driver and passengers and a more complicated highlighting of the car discs and space under the car. What kind of these types of backlight choose and proceed to its embodiment - the case is exclusively of your taste, because there is no special complexity and a special difference between the installation of the backlight on the door of the car and there are no discs. The main thing is to understand the basic principles and carefully do all the stages of work and then you can get backlighting for the car much cheaper than could do it in the car dealership.

White backlight under the bottom white car and brief instructions for its installation

We'll consider general principles Organization of backlighting for the car and the features of the backlight setting for each auto element, if there is a need for this. Otherwise, you can easily use the same techniques and methods that are described below to organize the backlight absolutely any part of the car.

What we need to work:

  • LED ribbons themselves
  • Wire (four)
  • Controller for LED ribbon with remote control
  • Silicone glue or silicone gun
  • Corrugated thin tube
  • Soldering iron, solder, rosin

Read more about materials and tools

LED tapes recently sold more and more. Naturally, the cost of LED tape may have great importance for you, but we strongly recommend that you buy cheap LED ribbons, as they not only often fail and burn out, but do not give the intensity of the glow that is needed for high-quality car backlight . In the event that you still have not decided on the color of the future backlight, we advise you to buy RGB ribbon, which will give you the ability to switch the color of the LED backlight when you want to change the color. It is for this that you will need a controller with a remote control.

There are no special requirements for the wire, as they all perform the same task, and the wire itself will most likely hide either under the upholstery of the cabin, if you make the backlight of the doors or legs, or will be hiding and wasol in the corrugated pipe if you You will make the backlight of the bottom of the car, the number or its disks. In this case, you protect your electronics from water and corrosion on the platform soldering and in those places where the factory braid wires could be spoiled.

In addition, you may need connectors. These may also be the usual "crocodiles" for the test illumination and constant connectors, which are screwed down using a screwdriver and provide reliable contact in the entire system. They are needed not only for convenience when connecting the backlight, but even then, when you need to replace some part of the wiring in case of damage, or part of the LED tape for repair. If you use the connectors, you do not have to fully change the backlight wiring, and you can only replace the damaged section of the chain.

Any work on the improvement of the car should begin with the project. Naturally, at this stage you need to decide on where we will set the backlight and can say exactly how much the wires, LED tape and connectors need to be needed for this. We make an exemplary plan for the location of objects inside your car and celebrate the place where we will conduct wiring. It is simple enough, since most of the wiring can be hidden either under the cabin trim, or to start it under the bottom of the car. However, in this case, it is necessary to purchase and use the corrugated tube to isolate the wire. Let's look at the illumination circuit for the interior of the car and in its example will deal with the process.

Now it is worth viewing your car in those places where you will fix the LED tape itself. The ideal version of the LED backlight is the case when the light source is not visible and only the bright backlight of the car is visible. Moreover, if you set the backlight in a hard-to-reach place, it is less likely that the tape will be damaged while driving or transporting people.
Accurate measurements and cutting LED tape

In the event that you have not yet armed with a tape measure and not measured exactly the length of those objects to which the LED ribbons will be attached, it's time to do it. After that, take in the hands of the ribbon and cut it, but we do it very carefully. The fact is that the LED tape cannot be cut anywhere. For this there are special places located every 3 LEDs. And remember that it is better to make a ribbon slightly shorter than you need, since if the tape is fixed not exactly, but with savings, the intensity of the backlight will be uneven, and this is not worth it.

Soldering and testing

Arming with a soldering iron and solder to the lights of the LED tape ends of a four-core wire. Try to comply with the color of the wires in all places of connection so that you feel easier to navigate when repairing or when errors are detected. We recommend that you insulate the soldering place, check the glow as shown in the figure.
If everything is in order, you can repeat this operation for the remaining segments of the LED tape. Prepare the desired number of connectors in order to connect the resulting LED tapes without any problems at the installation site and also observe the color of the wires.

If you are sure that the segments of the LED tape work as needed and you have not allowed an error anywhere, it's time to take the usual silicone glue or a gun that melts silicone, and pour them platforms. This will not only protect the LED tape from moisture from entering or accidentally closing contacts in spike places, but also help you compact the connection site.
This is quite enough for reliable fixationSo from using an insulating tape can be refused.

Glue LED ribbon

Everything is ready to install and connect the backlight in the cabin of your car. To the surface you chose. You can use either several drops of silicone glue, or to attach the tape with the help of plastic screeds - it does not matter. Both options are quite reliable and durable.

If you glue the backlight is not possible, as it often happens when the backlight is installed on the discs, it is worth using a mounted frame from a thin profile on which we will be placed with a tape with plastic screeds, but a little later.

Connect backlight through connectors

With accuracy, observing the color of the wires and connecting the wiring according to our plan, it is worth paying attention to how you will hide the wires. If you have the opportunity to let them under the cabin trim, try to make it as soon as possible so that the wire does not shine. And in the event that you will be wiring under the bottom of the car, first put on the wires insulating corrugated tubes, the ends of which it is necessary to either also pour silicone or wrap the tape. Connectors are best hidden in the same place where the LED tape itself is located, because in this case you will have access at any time.

After all the elements of the backlight of your car will be connected and you hide the wiring, connect the wires according to the controller scheme and you can move to the backlighting organization.

Nutrition for highlighting cars

Putting the backlight can be different ways. Someone uses the door panel for this, and in this case the backlight will not only be a decorative element, but also a reminder that the door is not closed, because it will be on the opening of the door. However, this method is not suitable for cases of discs and the bottom of the car, because there the backlight should always burn when we want it.

What kind of powered way to choose

Most. simple option Power connections for auto is the cigarette lighter. It just gives 12 V, so that power is enough for us to connect the entire backlight of our car. To do this, you can easily remake the charger for mobile phone And connect the wires to the chain to the stabilizer, which lowers the voltage to 4 V. To do this, it is enough to disassemble the charger for a mobile phone that works from the cigarette lighter and solder one wire to the "earth", and the second is before the stabilizer. This will be enough to ensure the operation of the backlight, and if necessary, the charger is simply pulling out of the cigarette lighter.

However, the most correct option will still connect the power backlight to the battery brace of fuses. In addition, this option will allow you not to disturb the integrity of the factory wiring of the car, which is extremely important.

Check and test

Take into the hands of the remote and turn on the backlight. If you are all done correctly, you can enjoy the ability to change the color modes and even the shades of the glow, and you can even even configure programs for smooth overflows and shifting the color of the glow.

That's what should happen as a result, if you do everything right:

Features of setting backlight on disks and on the bottom of the car

Note that the car backlight is a system that should be constantly connected to a power source, because otherwise it will not work. If you want to make the backlight of the bottom or car disks, the basic principles of work do not change, but an additional stage is added.

If you do the backlight of the disks, the wheel will definitely be removed, and the discs themselves are cleaned from dirt and rust. After that, from an aluminum profile, it will be necessary to collect the design of the desired diameter to place the backlight on it. This design is tightly fixed on the fixed part and connects to the wires with the help of a connector, which in this case will also need to be either isolate or taken into the interior of the car.

Note that the wires and the tape itself should be securely glued or attracted to the design attached to the car disk.
In the case of the illumination of the bottom of the car, everything is somewhat simpler, but it can happen and so that the LED tape will simply have simply. In this case, we can also use a small metal profile that you will not need to fasten to the car body from the inside and glue the LED tape on it. The only difficulty in this process is that the LED ribbon for disks and for the bottom of the car needs to be selected either hermetic, or to seal with silicone or other transparent materials, otherwise, in case of moisture, it simply burns.

Assembly and first departure on a highlighted car.

If you have a backlight of the disks, return the wheels into place and make sure that the wires do not interfere with the rotation of the wheel, and during the rotation the LED tape remains stationary. In case you worked in the cabin and made the backlight of the legs or doors of the car, fuel the wires and put the remote control at a convenient place. Check again if the backlight works and you can prepare for the first leaving to the city.

Before the first trip by car with a new interior illumination, many experienced drivers advise sit in the cabin for a few minutes with the backlit enabled so that your eyes are adapted. The first time the backlight can distract from the control of the car, but over time you will get used, and you will only enjoy bright colors in the cabin or on the disks of your car!

The light in the cabin at night is the same thing as, for example, air conditioning in roast and cold time. Standard light, as a rule, lacks for high-quality interior lighting. It is often necessary to find something, see the map, etc. Yes, and it is not very convenient to go in full darkness. That is why many car owners think about setting the backlight in the cabin in addition to standard lighting. In addition, the installation of additional lighting of the cabin is also a way to highlight your car from hundreds of thousands of others, give it a unique, original style. However, you often do not really want to pay for in the workshop. In addition, the installation is quite simple, and for the owner of the car there will be an extra reason to boast of the hand-made tuning.

The backlight in the car's cabin is not only convenient in the dark time, but also stylish

Backlight options

Previously, neon lighting was used for tuning car. It is quite bright, so that from one even the lamp illuminates a rather big space. However, neon is quite expensive, it is very afraid of mechanical damage, often burns out when turning on-off, moreover, more complicated in the installation.

In recent years, LED backlight is becoming increasingly popular. She has a lot of advantages over the previous option. It is quite simple in the installation, small sizes. This makes it possible to make the backlight of the handles of the cabin, the steering wheel, cigarette lighter and other small elements. In addition, it is less afraid of any mechanical damage, less often burns out. In addition, with the help of LEDs, various light effects can be achieved: from the smooth power on the light in the cabin until the ability to periodically change the color when using RGB LEDs.

And the other option is possible individually. Although it is possible to make an integrated option, part of the salon to highlight neon, part of LEDs.

Where better to install?

Standard additional light in the car's cabin is considered a place under a torpedo and glove compartment, auto, doors, door handles. Although, in principle, you can highlight anything, everything depends on your imagination here. For tuning door handles, ignition lock and other small elements are most often used single diodes, and to highlight the rest of the rest, it is more convenient to use diode tapes.

Preparation for installation

Before switching to the installation, you need to purchase everything you need. If you are going to tuning small details, then you will need single diodes. To create a backlight, instrument panels, etc. You can take a LED tape on the Metrap.

Before buying a tape, you must decide for yourself where you will set lighting, make measurements, and only then calculate the required amount of material. If you decide to buy LED ribbons on the Method, then you will additionally need to buy wires (3-5 meters), a heat shrinking tube or at least a conventional isolate, glue and dimmer. There are on sale and ready-made ribbons for tuning salon with soldered around the edges for connecting. Then torture with measurements, soldering the wires and isolate not yet. Here you just need to fix the finished ribbon in the right place and connect to the power.

Installation on small details

For tuning small details It is more convenient to use single diodes.

We prepare a diode to install and connect. We take a diode, we solder the resistor to one of his legs, then we solder the wires and are insulated with open wiring with ordinary tape. Somewhere at a distance of about 20 cm you need to make a terminal connection. So, the LEDs are ready for installation. Next prepare the place of installation. Consider, for example, how the illumination of the cabin handles is installed. For this, and near the handle in the place where you want to install a diode, make holes. They should be small that the diode entered him tight. You can additionally fasten it with glue. Next, stretch the wiring under the trim in the cabin, so that it can be connected later. In the same way, single diodes are installed anywhere in the salon.

Installation of a diode tape

Backlight car interior with your own hands lED ribbon Also done quite simple. Determine the installation site, make the necessary measurements, cut off a piece of the desired length from the tape. Please note that you can only cut out where there are marked spaces for soldering. They are visible on the tape. And even, it is better to cut off a slightly smaller piece than the opposite, otherwise there may be a sagging and a tape badly entrenched. After everything is cut to the edges of the ribbon solder wiring. Check the performance of diodes by connecting them to power, and then installation can be installed. If you have a LED tape with a sticky edge, then you will remove the protective film and glue everything in the right place. If not, here you need glue. Thus, it is possible to establish lighting only on straight sections.

If you need to highlight sections with bends, then everything is done a little differently. After all, the tape is even at an angle of 90 degrees undesirable. Then, for starters, also do measurements, cut off the pieces of the desired length, clean the edges and solder them in the folds of folds. After that, the place of the soldering is insulating with a shrink tube (for this you wear it on the desired area and heated). To the edges, through which the LED tape will be connected to the power, solder wiring, insulating and then install everything in the right place.

Installation of combined backlight

For those who greatly like the neon glow, you can make a complex version of lighting. For example, it is possible to use neon lamps to highlight the feet of the driver and passengers instead of LEDs. There is less risk of their mechanical damage.

For installation, you will need: neon lamps, self-tapping screws, kapron clamps for fastening, aluminum corner.

Often, many neon lamps have a connector to connect to the cigarette lighter. He will not need it. Cutting it and clean the contacts. Next, take the aluminum corner and disconse the piece of the same length as the lamp. Corner screw in torpedo, neon with clamps. Do the same under the glove compartment and the bottom of the rear seats to illuminate the space under the feet of passengers.

All wiring must be hidden and stretched to the torpedo.

Connecting backlight

Connection options may be several. Most often, LED lighting is connected to the cigarette lighter or to the light of the cabin.

To connect to the lighting of the cabin, you will need to remove the ceiling and connect the wires: the white is connected plus to red - minus. If the connection is performed through the cigarette lighter, then for this it will be necessary to connect to the plus of the cigarette lighter, and minus to any place of the car body.

If you need to make the effect of smooth ignition and disconnect the LEDs, the dimmer must be connected.

Neon backlight connects a little differently. As a rule, it is powered by the battery through a specially installed transformer.


Thus, the installation of the interior backlight does not require special knowledge and skills. In order to do everything, you will need quite a bit: materials, tools and a bit of patience.

In recent years, tuning has acquired great popularity. passenger cars. In the process of its execution, the corporate structures are primarily subject to refinement, which immediately rush into the eyes and clearly emphasize the individuality of the car owner.

No smaller effect can be achieved through the inner tuning, one of the types of which the dashboard backlight becomes the upper part of the cabin and in the field area.

Frequently often illumination of the car's salon, including its execution as an atmospheric lighting of the cabin, is often implemented with their own hands. It is used as a means of increasing the efficiency of using the product of domestic auto industry, such as, for example, popular VAZ-2110.

Combination of aesthetics and functionality

Illumination of the salon VAZ as his tuning, performed by its own hands, is usually designed by the developer to solve several tasks at the same time.

The first of these tasks in relation to the VAZ-2110 is to create an appropriate image, which is achieved by using additional sources Various brightness and colors.

As for the functional role that the auto interior bears, its practical achievement is noticeably more difficult. For VAZ-2110, the presence of additional light sources means that in dark time The day is ensured by very comfortable conditions not only for the driver, but also for passengers. Let's call only some of them:

  • tuning in the form of the backlight helps to quickly find various items, including small, both in a handbag and glove box and on the seats;
  • the so-called polite cabin backlight makes landing in the VAZ-2110 much more comfortable, due to the shutdown delay after the door closing, and smoothly reduce the brightness of the regular light bulb;
  • illumination of the bottom of the Salon VAZ-2110 allows you to quickly detect objects that have fallen into the floor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs;
  • the backlight of the door handles facilitates the landing and disembarking of passengers.

The list of advantages if desired can be continued.

Elements of LED backlighting

Illumination, including in the field of legs, can be created by various sources. Without big problems, all varieties of known options for internal illumination can be implemented with their own hands.

The experience gained clearly indicates that such tuning provides best results When using single and tape semiconductor light sources, to illuminate the area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet and other places. This is determined by the fact that:

  • they do not require high voltage for their functioning and feed from the on-board network of the car;
  • due to low voltage semiconductor sources are safe during operation, even in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs;
  • sources of this species are economical and do not create a serious load on on-board network VAZ-2110;
  • lED tape have very high flexibility and allow the circuit of any form;
  • today, LED tapes are available for all sorts of colors.

An important meaning has what to make a similar backlight with your own hands and connect it to the automotive network you can without deep knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.

Some features of design

When implementing the LED lighting of the cabin with your own hands, you must first of all decide what and how to highlight.

Regarding the placement of ribbons in the salon of the VAZ-2110, the backlight can be made everywhere, but it will bring the greatest benefit in the glove box and in the field of legs, and for rear seat Its benefits turns out to be much larger. This can also be boldly attributed to the backlight of the handles of the door.

As an element of decor, such a tuning is best done on air ducts, it looks good as the backlight of the doors with the logo, as well as the backlight of the car doors along their perimeter.

The type of inclusion of individual illumination elements is set, including in the field of the legs. The easiest option is to constantly connect it to the onboard electrical network. However, the most functional will be a separate easily accessible switch that decorative illumination of door illumination with the logo, or the illumination of the foot area, will be included exclusively in the dark.

General recommendations for choosing the color of the glow is impossible to give, with the exception of the obvious provision that it should be harmonized with the color range of the highlighted components of the VAZ-2110 salon.

Used tools and materials used

When implementing your own hands of any kind of internal illumination, simple tools and consumables are used.

  1. From the tools when installing, there will be a passage, a sharp knife, scissors, a soldering iron.
  2. Supplies are considered to be tin and rosin for soldering, one or more terminal blocks, tips "under the screw", as well as a toggle switch or a button with fixation.

LED tape is sold in length, so the necessary measurements are worth producing in advance.

Separate components of the backlight during installation are combined with a flexible (multi-breed) cable, the area of \u200b\u200bvehicles should be 1 square millimeter. Places soldering and connecting contacts are closed with a tape. As a means of controlling the installation is used, a regular multimeter is used.


Installing LED tape in the foot area and in other places is carried out on glue. When forming the desired ribbon length, it cuts up with scissors, the incision must be made strictly by labels round or oval shape.

The wires are soldered to the tape segments, on the ends of which terminals are installed. All the bare places of wiring are necessarily wrapped with a tape. The installation site of the ribbon is wiping by any degreasing fluid in order to ensure the strength of the attachment.

Connect the tape with the electrical network of the car is necessary with the observance of polarity.

Other varieties of highlighting

The so-called laser illumination appeared relatively recently. It is a miniature optical projector. It is installed on the bottom narrow surface of the door, turns on when it is discovered, and forms the logo on the ground right under the door.

Due to the relatively small dimensions of the projector, the laser illumination during the installation of large problems does not deliver.

Neon lighting of the cabin is implemented by installing non-light sources of lighting, differs from different types of its high brightness. The installation of the neon lamp is carried out in the fastener under the torpedo, with fixation in the working position by plastic protracted clamps.

A regular connector is cut from the wires to power, then these wires are connected to the door opening sensor and the interior lighting switch. The wire laying is made under the rugs and over the trim, which provides the necessary level of aesthetics and protection.

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