Home Rack Polishing the car body with their own hands. Technology polishing the body of a car from scratches do-it-yourself polishing of a white car with their own hands

Polishing the car body with their own hands. Technology polishing the body of a car from scratches do-it-yourself polishing of a white car with their own hands

Car polishing is a requested service in service centers. But not all car owners are ready to give a few thousand rubles for polishing the body, which pursues them to the thought of polishing the car with their own hands. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation, which perfectly polishes the car only a professional. However, if you want to save, then you should purchase a special polishing machine for personal use. In addition, you have to apply force and spend your time, but your efforts will be rewarded with a brilliance of the car body.

How often polish car body

Let's start with the fact that polishing is made every six months. This is usually happening when changing the winter-summer season. IN winter season Excessive moisture, dirt and salt affect the paintwork. In the summer, extremely high temperatures and dry air can aggravate problems with small scratches and chips. But it is not necessary to make polishing too often, as this can lead to the flexibility of the coating. If you want to support the appearance of the car at a decent level, just once every 2-3 months rub the body with automotive wax or other specialized means.

What is polished

The essence of polishing is a small heating under a special machine of the paintwork of the car body. Due to this paint, roughly speaking, spreads and fills small scratches and irregularities on the body.

Polishing the body of the car do it yourself

For self polishing the car, you will need to get the following tools and "consumables": soft fabric, automotive body polyrolol, polishing machine, car vehicle wax, water.

Consider step by step, how to carry a car watering with your own hands:

Finally, it is important to note that after the work you need to wash the polishing nozzle of a strong jet of water. With the following body processings, the dried particles of paint and poly rays can damage the paintwork.

The need to polish the car occurs in cases where appeared deep scratches or lost the body brilliance. Based on this, the question arises how to polish the car, without using the services of professional masters. This procedure can be performed independently, having the necessary equipment and a large amount of time.

What will polish?

Traditionally, various types of polyrolles are used to handle the body of the car. They are resistant emulsions or pasty substances that are applied to the polished surface. The composition of the material is very complicated: the polyrolo consists of a set of epoxy resins and mixtures containing wax. In general, polishing the car body is a procedure for smoothing scratches and small cracks. The actually processed surface is covered with a protective layer, which prevents the passage of dirt and dust.

Main types of polyrollays

Depending on the nature of the manufactured works, there are 2 types of polyterols: protective and restorative. The first are used as a warning event for the protection of LCP from harmful effects. ambient. Recovery allow you to hide body defects (scratches, chips, which have elated traces) and give it shine. Most often, this type of polyterol is used with pre-sales car preparation.

In addition, wax polishes are distinguished. Their main appointment is to give gloss out the faded LCP. Abrasive polyters perform several functions: they are able to protect the body from the effects of ultraviolet and dirt in places of chip on the body, as well as hide some minor scratches that spoil appearance. The substance on the surface of the vehicle will help a polishing machine for cars. However, before work, you need to choose the right tool.

Based on this, if there is a question about how to polish scratches by car, the choice of proper polyrolic composition plays a key role. Best manufacturer The German company KOCH CHEMIE is considered abrasive polyrolles. Its products are sold in the form of a paste. Before applying the car, rinse thoroughly. Polishing is carried out in several stages: first the paste is applied to the polished surface, then with a dry cloth neatly applies throughout the body. It is important to remember that the substance is dry enough. It is not recommended to leave a large amount of paste on the LCP, since this can lead to the formation of stains. If such defects still appeared, you can get rid of them, the proper places with a wet rag.

We are polishing the car: the features of the grinding of the body

If there are places on the bodies that are strongly affected by ultraviolet radiation or caustic substances, they should be polished. Perform this procedure is necessary using sandpaper and timber. Each problem area should be treated with the addition of water.

Provided that large parts of the body are damaged, they must be divided into small zones. It is necessary to move to each subsequent one when the previous area is polished to the perfect state. It is important to remember that polishing the car body is a laborious process. The quality of such work depends on the results of grinding and preparatory stages (sink, body cleaning, scratch search and chipping).

Tools for work

The quality of the final result depends on the thoroughness of the body grinding. The tools are also played by the latter role. To simplify the work, you will need a polishing machine for cars. There are many different models. Optimal option Makita brand equipment is considered. If there is no possibility to purchase a specialized apparatus, you can use the usual drill. However, it is necessary to remember that during its operation there will be a significant return in hand. This can harm both the drill itself and the LCP of the car.

In addition, two polishing circles will be required: for coarse and fine processing. They can be found in any construction or car store. Among the huge variety of choice, preference should be made by woolen and foam circles. In addition, it will take polishing paste. The choice depends on the purpose of the work: just update the appearance of the body or hide defects and small chips. For each type there is a specialized option.

Operating procedure

At the first stage, it is necessary to apply a paste on a polishing circle, designed for coarse processing. The paste can be squeezed directly from the tube. The amount of substance must be within 10-20 grams (this corresponds to a teaspoon). Not including a typewriter, it is necessary to distribute the polyrol in the treated surface. Based on the fact that a small amount of substance is applied, the body area to be processed should be small - 40 to 40 centimeters.

Polishing machine for cars has several modes of operation. At the first stage, processing is carried out at the lowest speed. After the distribution of the paste on the body, you can enable the second mode.

In order for the paste to be uniformly, polishing work should be carried out by the "Cross": horizontally, then vertically. The whole process is carried out on the smallest speed of the machine. After all the events, using a dry napkin, it is necessary to remove the surplus of the polyrol.

The second stage - giving the brilliance body. The grinding machine is put on a circle for fine processing. Then a pre-purchased polyrolol, giving a car shine, is extruded on a dry rag. The substance is distributed manually throughout the body's working surface. Polishing the car body at this stage is carried out on mid speed Working machine. In the course of work, it is possible to increase the revolutions with the aim of uniform distribution of the paste.

The final stage

After all the steps of work, you can look at the result: the polished car will have a bright and rich color, chips and scratches will be visible on the body. However, only one bar remains - applying a protective polyrol. Its main purpose is to create a film on the surface of the LCP in order to prevent the appearance of spots and scratches in the future. It is necessary to apply it using a grinding machine with a circle for easy processing. It is important to monitor the amount of paste on the treated surface: when it decreases it, the amount of polyrol should be updated.

How much will the polishing process cost?

It is necessary to spend a huge amount of strength and time to polish the car. Price or the ultimate cost of all work will be pleasantly surprised. For comparison: if you use the services of automotive workshops that provide services for polishing cars, then the price tag will vary from 5,000 to 7000 rubles. Such prices are almost in all centers, so it is more profitable to look for the option.

The total cost of working on self-polishing will depend on the availability of the desired equipment. If there is a grinding machine, it will be necessary to spend only on consumables: grinding wheels (price - from 30 to 70 rubles), the required amount of polyrol (the price is from 350 to 900 rubles). In general, about 3000 rubles will take about 3000 rubles (with uneconomified expenses) at full polishing and protection of the body.

How to polish the car paste 3m?

This paste has been widely used due to the simplicity of application, work with it and a good end result obtained after handling the car body. The polyrolol producer is an American company that has deserved confidence in the automotive services market, releasing cleaning and chemical compounds for interior care.

The paste is sold in tubes, the total volume of which does not exceed 1 kg. It is important to take into account the fact that the polyrolol will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than the products of similar manufacturers (the price of 1 tube varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles.). This is due to the fact that this means is used not only for primary body processing, but also as a protective polyerol. Thus, it is enough to buy one tube. It is enough to handle 6-7 car bodies. In general, answering the question of how to polish the car, it is important to take into account that the paste is applied only using grinding units.

Features of the use of color enriched polyrolles

A huge variety of body handling means allows car owner to choose the most suitable option. If there is no need for a complete polishing (for example, in the presence of microcenarpine), then you can use color-enrichered paste. Its main purpose is to hide small body defects, tinted places or paint darkening. In most cases, such polyrolols are used in the process. pre-sale preparation Auto.

Answering the question of how to polish the car with similar means, it is important to consider that the work just as in other cases is carried out only with the use of grinding machines. To achieve the optimal result, it is necessary to wash all parts of the car before applying the composition. problem places (where there are deep chips) to be treated with a repair wax pencil.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the polishing of the car body is a long and time-consuming process requiring accuracy and attentiveness. In any case, the quality of polishing is influenced by the initial preparation of the body of the car to the upcoming work: flushing, searching and working with scratches (chips), buying equipment and supplies. If you can buy 3m paste, it is better to take advantage of it in order to implement quality work on the protection of the body.

In general, the question of how to polish the car, not so complicated. It is enough to accurately perform a sequence of actions and use high-quality equipment. If the car body polishing is systematically (once every 3 months), followed by the processing of protective polyers, brightness and shine of the LCP will be saved over a large period of time.

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Over time, the old paintwork loses his shine, and for ledge the body of a new, updated type is necessary polishing. Consider in more detail how cars are polished do it yourself.

There is such an opinion that a car polishing costs for money procedure and no need to work. However, the car grinding is an improvement external view, and the removal of scratches, cracks, as well as the protection of the body of the machine. In the body defects, dirt, sand, which under the influence of moisture cause corrosion is clogged.

According to the results of the analytical agency, the Avtostat, each fourth interfered with (24.4%) was in a situation where the work coordinated with the car service was not fulfilled, although the STR himself convinced the car owner in the opposite.

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Types of polishing cars

  1. Protective.
  2. Abrasive.

Protective polishing auto do it yourself

Polishing paste is applied to the surface of the vehicle, in order to further protect against the environment.

Protective polishing pastes are purchased in the store based on wax, Teflona.

Before polishing:

  1. The machine must be clean, dry. From the surface, remove traces of pollution.
  2. Do not work light sunny rays. Better for this garage is suitable, but the lighting is necessary, so that the procedure does not miss the scratch.

Do not polish if the car is recently painted. Paint polymerization takes time, and polishing only violate the process.

  1. Polyrol is applied to the surface of the machine manually, and with the help of a vet, or using a polishing machine. Pre-applying polyrolol.
  2. Do not apply a polyrolol under direct sunlight - quickly dries on the heated metal.

Apply a polishing paste on the surface of the body part and proceed to the process. Rubbed circular movementsUsing a rag. The presence of a polishing machine, of course, will speed up the process.

Protective polishing has its own characteristics. Polishing pasta not durable, washed off over time during car wash.

Polyrols on teflon base will last longer than wax.

Abrasive polishing auto do it yourself

Abrasive grinding is necessary for view updates Car body, if we are talking about the old paintwork, or to eliminate scratches, errors of the painting of the vehicle. The latter happens when after painting the car on the surface of the body there is "garbage", shagren - it is polished and polished.

The technology is divided into steps:

  1. Grinding finely irrevocated skurt.
  2. With the help of polishing paste.

Polishing body car

Before polishing a freshly stained car or an old paint coating, first remove either "garbage" or an old oxided layer. For this applies abrasive skin with graininess P2000but you can and more finish P2500.

Abrasive skin before use can be pre-dunk, it is done to extend the use of skins and for legend additional elasticity.

Grinding is underway until the matte surface is obtained and the lack of visible scratches and damage to the surface. Polished in two directions. First one way, then to another. After the site is polished, starting to polish.

Polishing machine is polished with a solid polishing abrasive paste.

  1. For soft materials - G3;
  2. For solid materials - G4;
  3. For old paintwork - G6.

After polishing, polishing paste is taken and applied to the desired area. Crops into a manual napkin or a polishing machine. Then the machine, on small revolutions, the surface is polished, after which the turns are increasing. It is done to "not scatter" a paste on the body.


Initially body new car Covered with a special layer of protective varnish, which is called paint and varnish coating (LCP). Over time, he starts to lose his shine, becoming more and more muddy. In addition, scratches and traces of external factors appear on the body surface, the number of which is constantly increasing. In order for the body to acquire the past, you need to resort to the polishing of the car, the cost of which is quite accessible to many machine owners, the main thing is that it is correct and competently fulfilled.

What is polishing

Under such a process, as a car polishing, implies vehicle The initial appearance with the elimination of all small damage, scratches and removing the smallest irregularities of the LCP. In addition, the new layer is designed to protect the surface of the machine from the effects of external factors. The auto-polyarol used for this purpose is abrasive, wax, synthetic. The choice of a specific option depends on the state of the painted surface.

For what is needed

Auto phase is needed not only to impart the surface of the car of the former shine and aesthetics, but also to remove any visible defects. Such a procedure is a necessity, because Through microcracks in the upper layer, various aggressive substances fall on the metal. Their impact on the material leads to the process of corrosion. Foci gradually increase, and when the car owner will notice the formed defects, then he will have to spend great to the localization of the corrosion process. It turns out that polishing the machine is needed and as prevention.

Types of car polishing

Before placing the body surface to return the gloss, check out the polishing options. Depending on the purpose, it can be cleansing, soft, reducing, protective. As for polishing paste, it is selected in accordance with the state of the paintwork. For example, if the vehicle is almost new and its body cloudy only slightly, then the optimal choice It will be a polyrolol for the car body at home with a low content of abrasive particles or without them.


Save the body of a vehicle from scuffs, holograms from poor-quality polishing, cobwebs, small scratches Cleansing car polishing. It is necessarily carried out before applying any complex protective coating, for example, ceramic, quartz or liquid glass. This option is ideal for new cars or cars in good condition. More information about features:

  • In what cases is used: for cleaning from all types of pollution, small scratches, holograms.
  • Features: For the procedure, bezabrasive and finely abrasive pastes are used.
  • Advantages: Does not affect the thickness of the LCP, is performed on average per day.
  • Disadvantages: It is used exclusively for cars that are in good condition or with a very soft varnish.


Deciding to order children, i.e. Cleaning and restoring the car, pay attention to the soft polishing, which is universally performed in the car service. This variety of polishing is considered the most careful. At the same time, it costs somewhat cheaper compared to the application of abrasive composition, but he penetrates the LCP shallow. It is often used by the owners of Japanese production machines for which it is characteristic of a thin and not too durable layer of varnish. Characteristics:

  • In what cases is used: for vehicles with barely noticeable imperfections of LCP, low mileage.
  • Features: is a transitional option between abrasive and basic reducing polishes.
  • Advantages: The upper layer of varnish is not thinned.
  • Disadvantages: applicable only for cars with more or less good condition Body.


Under this type of polishing, it is implied to remove the part of the protective varnish to save the body surface from small scratches, web, which are formed from the sandblasting effect. In addition, it is widely used to give the machine of the initial shine. For this purpose, various variants of abrasive pastes and polishing circles with varying degrees of durability are used. After restorative polishing, it is recommended to make protective so that the gloss effect is preserved for a longer period of time. Read more about Technology:

  • In which cases are used: to eliminate all types of dirt, deep scratches.
  • Features: Means can be used, both with fine and medium grain.
  • Advantages: The impact on the thickness of the LCP is minimal, suitable for old cars.


To give the hood and the rest of the body elements, high-quality and aesthetic species must be resorted to the complete protective polishing. With a professional approach and availability of necessary tools, such a technology allows you to give the vehicle with gloss and gloss, and reliably protect its body from environmental impact. This contributes to an increase in the operation of the machine. This polishing is applied manually:

  • In which cases are used: to protect the machine from the negative impact of external factors.
  • Features: For performing, bassabosive polyters based on synthetic materials or waxes are used.
  • Advantages: protection against ultraviolet, resistance to the appearance of holograms, oxidation, to most chemical compounds.
  • Disadvantages: High cost.

How to polish the car

The polishing process can be mechanical or manual. In addition, there is a contactless method, the use of which assumes the presence of a special microemulsion implemented in production relatively recently. Before polishing the car with your own hands, prepare a suitable agent. It can be a car, gel, pasta, etc. Perform a procedure indoor with ventilation hood and intense light sources on the walls and the ceiling. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the machine, dry, after which you remove traces from anticorrosive or insects and implanted bitumen stains using a special tool, for example, White spirit. After making sure that the car is clean, degrease the surface with an anti-rigoric agent.
  2. Take the skin, a bottle of water and gradually, without clicking on the grout of the treated surface to a matte state. Grinding paper Take as thin as possible - not gross P1500 and P1200. Behind it for 5-10 minutes before work.
  3. After grinding, do not forget to clean the working surface from dust.
  4. Take the grinding machine circle hard (white) or average stiffness (orange) and medium-trimmed paste. Do not forget to mix the circle.
  5. Apply a paste on a polished area using special napkins from microfiber.
  6. Start polishing, starting a process with lower revolutions, gradually increasing them to 1-1.5 thousand.
  7. After completing the procedure, check the result of the work performed. Then you remain to wash the surface with soap or moistened by its degreaser.

Car polishing agent

To polish the car of black, red, white and other colors it is very important to choose the optimal agent. One of the secrets of a successful result will be to how literate will be the choice. This will help you the following rating, which includes one of the best polyterols for the body of the machine:

Car polishing price

In view of the fact that the polishing of the car is a complex and time-consuming process, entrust it better professionals. An independent approach in the absence of the necessary experience can apply a car even greater damage. Save on the polishing of the car, contacting the masters, if comparing prices in different workshops. To find out how much the car polishing in Moscow costs, check out the table:


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If your car has lost its beauty and glitter over time, then you need to urgently put in order the body. Of course, if there is, the process will be rapid, but there are options when you need to polish the car without a polishing machine. A few years ago, people could not dream of high-quality polishing without the use of expensive equipment. But already B. modern world There are many fixtures with which you can produce polishing without much effort and without polishing machine.

It should be paid to the fact that if not immediately, it may soon lead to a rusting of the body. Most often rust Arches and thresholds of the car precisely because stones from the wheels are embedded and the surface scratchs, thereby bargaining metal.


Of course, before starting any process, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly, it is no exception and manual polishing of the body.

  • First of all it is required to choose and buy special means, Before polishing the machine manually. It is necessary to approach the choice with special care, because the quality of the polishing of the car is depends on the choice of the right means. To date, on the shelves of any store for cars, you can find a huge selection of various means so that you can be with your own hands without polishing machine. Each means is unique in its own way, so they all differ in their effectiveness, quality and, of course, price. It happens that one manufacturer makes funds with different efficiency. That is why you need to carefully study all the inscriptions on the package if the store without the seller, or to clarify the department of the department, which is obliged to understand products.
  • The second important condition in which the car can polish itself is the place of work. It should be a warm, dry, bright and well-ventilated room. It must necessarily comply with all three parameters, because if at least one item is missing, then it can be reduced to all work. The fact is that only in a warm place can be diluted to the right state and freely apply on. A light place should be due to the fact that only with good lighting all the body defects will be visible, and only so they can be eliminated. It is advisable to inspect the car in sunny weather on the street, marker marker defects. In addition to all this, it takes an abundant air ingress, because many funds in this process have harmful substanceswhich are allocated when used, and more dust. All this can negatively affect the human state.
  • The third condition is considered a clean car body. In this case, it is required to rinse the machine to such a state so that all body defects are visible. This is a prerequisite, because it is possible to detect all scratches, cracks or chips. Wash the car is preferably using various shampoos and detergents that are in every store for the car. You can wash the car with your own hands, which will increase the chances of finding all the defects. After that you need to dry the car with a dry cloth. This will also increase the chances of finding all defects on the body. Then it is necessary to isolate all those elements that will not be exposed to polish. Most often these are plastic elements of the body of the machine or even metal, if a local car polishing is done with their own hands.
  • The last condition that must be provided during the preparation of the body of the car before polishing is that in one garage with the car there should be no other car, which will be processed during polishing. The fact is that particles of dust, dirt and sand, which can be on another car, can calmly get on the body of a polished machine and cause serious damage. In this case, it is often necessary to repaint the entire car if a complete color of the car body was performed.


This is the most responsible stage in the whole process. The fact is that everything needs to be done with a certain tempo, but qualitatively.

Many know that the polyrolol dries out 3-5 minutes after application, so all processing you need to have time to dry it up, and otherwise you have to redo it again, but only the next day, because you can seriously damage the car's painting.

As already understandable, polishing is a multi-step process, so several main stages should be allocated.

  1. At the first stage you need to cook all required tool and means before starting the operation. This is considered the first stage, because all this needs to be chosen and buy in the store.
  2. The second stage is the complete flushing and drying of the car.
  3. The third stage is the application of polyterols by the car with their own hands.
  4. And the last stage lies in the drying of the car body.

Special attention has to be reversed on the application of the polyroli. In fact, there is nothing difficult, the main thing to comply with certain rules.

  • First of all, it is impossible to add too much tools at one time. The fact is that it will dry very quickly (3-5 minutes), if during this time it is not enough to be confused, then it dries up and you have to redo it.
  • After complete rubbing, the emulsion must be wiped the body with a wet cloth.


Many drivers think that without a special machine will be problematic, so they try to avoid this procedure. But it is absolutely impossible to ignore it, because it can cause it to start rusting the car body. In fact, the car polishing process without the use of a polishing machine is not very difficult and has a number of its advantages, because everything will be done with their own hands, a certain experience will be obtained in working with the car with your own hands.

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