Home Transmission We remove dents by car in various ways. Three ways to remove dents without painting with your own hands Removing dent on the hood

We remove dents by car in various ways. Three ways to remove dents without painting with your own hands Removing dent on the hood

In the process of operation of the car, scratches, chips and dents appear on the body. The reason for their appearance can be both negative environmental factors and non-accurate driving. Chips and scratches painted. Repair and stretching dents by car are performed using various methods and devices to eliminate metal jams.

Before strajecting a dent by car, you need to know what types of damage exist. Celers on the car have different shape and degree of damage. Small defects, as a rule, appear on the roof and the hood of the car from abroad, and small stones. Middle and large metal chances are a direct result of non-accurate driving. Such dents on the body of the car can have a complicated form.

If the paint on the site of a large challenge was covered with cracks, and began to fall off, then, in addition to eliminating dents, it will be necessary to restore the paint coating. Otherwise, on the part of the body, where damage arises, foci corrosion are formed.

Ways to remove ordinary dents on cars

Repair of small dents, performs without repainting a damaged area. The defect correction is performed using PDR technology (Paintless Dent Repair), that is, without repainting the part being restored. To perform work apply:

  • Magnets. Allow you to align small damage to the body. Under the device put a small piece of fabric without a pile.
  • Adhesive Applicator, fixture is attached to the car body with glue. After drying the adhesive composition, the specialist is slightly pulling the applicator in his direction, thereby lining the bodie hall.
  • Suction cups allow you to correct simple defects. The vacuum stretching method removes the metal chances formed after entering small stones in the car, the fall of the hail and icicles.
  • Construction hairdryer, using the tool eliminate defects having a different shape. Warm air is blown in damage, after, they immediately win it with cold air from the can.
  • Hooks. These fixtures are useful for pulling hidden parts. They get boxes, and undercuts from hidden areas of the body surface.
  • Bump. It has a cigar-like shape, and is designed to align the curved outward metal.
  • Rubber hammer. From the reverse side of the damaged area, the rubber substrate is installed. Neat blows align the surface. The method of removing dents on the car is applicable for both small and deep defects.

Also, the list of necessary tools includes a set for aligning POPS A DENT defects. It includes nozzles, plastic bracket, glue. Repair is performed as follows:

  1. The center of the damaged area is carefully degreased.
  2. Heat the adhesive composition. For this, the glue rod is inserted into the gun, and connect it to the power grid.
  3. The preheated composition is applied to the rubber nozzle, the circular motions glue it to the center of the errors.
  4. After 2-3 minutes to the lining join the bracket.
  5. The lamb of the bracket is screwed to the nozzle until the defect is eliminated.
  6. 5 minutes after the completion of the work, the device is removed from the body.

The use of special equipment POPS A Dent is advisable to the appearance of dents on the body of the machine. If the defects of this plan appear rarely, it will be more profitable to use other technologies for drawing damage.

How to fix heavy dents do it yourself

To eliminate the deep dent, use drum substrates of different shapes, and hammers. Spoons use as a substrate tool. They have a different form and size, apply depending on the variety of damage.

In the center of metal damage thinner than at the edges. Before shipment, you need to pull iron into the center of the defect. To do this, use the gas burner. Next perform the alignment of dents.

After the coarse alignment of the defect, it is covered with putty.

Repair of dents with a jack

Pull the car's dent car with your own hands, the jack will help. The device is used to eliminate deep damage on the wings of the machine.

Before working, dismantle the front indicator of rotation and headlight. From the side of dents, the jack rests on the heel (the rubber bar is preliminarily furnished), the device lever must rest in the opposite edge edge. The operation is stopped after adjusting the defect, and the damaged area is covered with putty.

Removal by car by car with a reverse hammer

Definition of dents with a reverse hammer is performed when the driver has access to the place of damage, or the parts being restored cannot be dismantled. Similar repair of the dentity of the body usually requires the subsequent painting of the restored part. To straighten the dent to perform the following actions:

  • Clear, dry and degrease the restored surface. Remove corrosion traces.
  • One end of the return hammer is attached to the damage center. Perform an operation using a special suction cup, or an applicator.
  • Perform the edress through gradually increasing strikes of the loader on the hammer handle.
  • After completing the restoration of the external body, the hammer is disconnected.

An applicator or suction cup is effective for straightening the body only if damage is not serious. If there are deep and complex defects, the hammer is welded to the surface, or cling to the technological holes using special hooks.


A process that allows you to remove a dent by car, and repair the local part of the body. Work, with certain experience and time, spend their own hands according to the following algorithm:

  1. Wash and dried the working surface.
  2. Degrease damage.
  3. Conduct the repair of the body.

Richtovka small damage can be carried out without subsequent staining of the damaged area. With the help of reverse hammers, hooks, a construction dryer, suckers and applicators, rubber hammers eliminate the defect.

If you need to fix a deep dent on the car, accompanied by the chances, the detachment of the paintwork and the tip of the metal, then use the following tool:

  1. Hammer and anvil of various shapes and sizes.
  2. Spoons.
  3. Jack.
  4. File.
  5. Welding machine.
  6. Grinding device.

The anvil is applied to the outside of dents, and from the center with neat blows, the surface alignment is carried out. Spoons act as a support for the impact tool, but they are used to eliminate defects that appeared in hard-to-reach places. After alignment, inspect the repaired area. If there are metal breaks, they are welded. The file is cleaned with extra bulbs. Next, you need to sharpen the body, to align the working surface. The processed place is grinning, covered with primer, paint and polish.

Proper spacure

Before putting the body of the car with your own hands, you need to prepare. This will help avoid visible defects after car painting:

  1. Collect and remove the extra bulbs of the metal.
  2. Degrease and clean the treated surface. In some cases, the operation is performed several times.
  3. Seared the straightened place of damage, causing a putty evenly into several layers.
  4. After its drying, the surface is grinning. It is important to ensure that the crowned layer be on the same level with the rest of the surface of the automotive body.
  5. Apply primer into two layers.
  6. Staining the surface with the help of the collapse. Apply varnish and polish the surface.

Replacement details or part

If there are more serious damage, the elimination of dents will not help restore the integrity of the part. In this case, the body element, or its most damaged part, change to a new one. When replacing, it is necessary to find the item identical to the replaceable. If a certain portion is replaced, the patch is cut from the same metal. Next, it is welded to the part being restored.

Small damage to the body, chips, scratches and dents on the car can be eliminated independently without repainting. Recovery is subject to previously not damaging parts of the case. With the appearance of cracks, faults and inflection cracks, repairing without painting will not work.

Fix dents without painting quite difficult, if there is no practical experience. The article discloses the main points of this technology.

The content of the article:

Celesties on a car that do not have damage to paint and varnish, rather apply aesthetics, rather than bring real harm. However, the presence of one dent, and after it, the appearance of another is capable of becoming more serious damage to the fat.

When you can fix dents without painting

Paintwork, in the case of the application of this technology, must meet certain requirements. The whole process implies multiple manipulations associated with a change in the shape of a metal structure. The applied paint should be plastic and durable at the same time. Includes in its composition of the compound, the basis of which is polymers, which allowed to increase the properties of the coating strength. As a result, PDR technology is more than relevant.

Paint on cars released at the beginning of the 2000s, with a change in the form of metal cracks. In this regard, straightening damage, without applying a new layer of paint can not do. PDR technology is not used if the paintwork is damaged, or restoration work has already been carried out at the place of deformation.

Only dents that have a more or less holistic structure are subject to recovery, that is, a smooth shape, without beggars. Problems during repair are not given the dimensions of dents, but its depth. For example, a shallow dent on the hood, but large in diameter, is straightened easier than in the opposite case.

Despite the efficiency of the system, restore the integrity of the surface with a very deep dent is not possible. In such cases, the metal is subjected to excessive effect, as a result of which its form changes greatly, while in most cases the paint cracks, without the possibility of recovery.

The location of dents and the presence of strengthening ribs play a particular importance in neutralizing the consequences of damage. If the dent appeared on the body portion, on which internal work is impossible, it is very difficult to remove damage. These are mostly very small areas.

It is impossible to correct the situation in the case of the body skew. To do this, you need to restore the integrity of the entire case.

Tools for alignment dents on the body

The automotive market is quite rich, on, of various kinds, professional devices. However, the cost of such equipment is large enough. Consider the tools and equipment that are publicly available, not high in price.

To heat the paintwork, it is enough to use a hairdryer, conventional or construction. It is required that the paint is more plastic and did not crack. If summer weather is on the street, high temperature, then you can do without it.

Vacuum-adhesive equipment for dents

These fixtures are necessary in the absence of access to the inside of the damaged area.

The technology of vacuum draws is relevant in the initial stage of restoration of the surface integrity, when the deformation dimensions are quite large. To work properly applied suckers.

For gluing fungi to a damaged surface, a special gun is used to be glued. All the necessary set can be purchased in a construction store.

For manipulations to restore a concave surface, fungi is used. Their work lies in gluing to the surface and breaking from it. As a supplement, you can use devices made, for example, from the legs of plastic chairs.

Using hooks

It is necessary to prepare hooks of different shapes and size. Hooks can be made of durable wire or durable reinforcement. The main thing that the material was solid. Low hardness will not work properly, they will periodically bend. Increasing the length of the hook must take care of its hardness. For this, Kanenaya Steel is perfect. These fixtures are used in the case of accessibility of the inner part of the body section, through special holes.

Application Kernov

Tools are used at the beginning of the repair work and at the end. For the manufacture of cores, you can use plastic or wood. Their form must be different. Rounded, apply on large dents. Small damage straighten with cores more stupid forms.

Restoration of the integrity of the coating without painting

First of all, preparation is carried out. If there are special holes, then access to them is more free. It is necessary to insert hooks. The damaged area must be wired and heat the hairdryer. Warm metal is more plastic, and paint cracking is almost impossible.

The rounded core dent is processed around the perimeter. Processing also exposed to the location of the inflection to reduce the voltage.

With significant damage, it is necessary to neutralize the main concavity. If there is an opportunity to get to damage from the inside, then the processing is carried out by hand. Otherwise, hooks are involved. If this option is impossible, glue technologies are used. Initially, fungi or suction cups are used.

Eliminating the main dent, local areas are processed by core. After, it is necessary to use small fungi. The work process is quite simple. By gluing the fungus to the place of damage, giving the glue to frozen, you need to break it. This is repeated more than once.

To complete the work requires the use of hooks. If access to the inside is impossible, then the hooks will not work. The deformation data is hardly removed. It is possible to reduce their size using the core and adhesive method.

Such a method of straightening damage is quite complex, requires greater experience. One theoretical knowledge can not do. If there is a desire to learn, then you can train for a long time and stubbornly on a conventional metal sheet, having brought it in advance.

There are several ways to reflect dents based on the use of various tools. In this case, these work is carried out according to one principle consisting in the fact that the body on the damaged area is physically impact. The above article reviews the basic leveling methods

Mechanical alignment from the inside

Using this technology allows you to align defects without painting. In this case, vacuum hoods and levers are used. Alignment of dents on the car body in this way based on pressure drop.

Works consist in the fact that a suitable lever, that is, giving up before the defect, is placed in the car body opening and pressed on it until the damaged area returns to its original state. The return of the material to its original state is usually accompanied by a click.

Pressure should be reached carefully to prevent the metal bending in the opposite direction. If this happened, the site can be aligned with fluoroplastic bump.

If the dent is located close to the body opening, then it can be pressure from the inside without using the lever. However, not always the car body is damaged near the technological holes, and it happens to a defect to get to the inside.

In the absence of such an opportunity, damage alignment is carried out by one of the following methods.

Defense Magnet

It should be noted that this technology is suitable for straightening only small damage. In the process of operation, the magnet is moved along the surface of the damaged area from the edges to the center of the dent, pulling it on itself.

To avoid damage to the paint coating under the magnet, it is necessary to put a soft rod.

External glue technology alignment

This method is also called vacuum, and the essence of this technology consists in stretching dents with a piston, fixed on a damaged part of the body using glue. However, it is possible to use and non-professional devices represented by suction cups.

The applicator is fixed using glue on a damaged body place. Upon completion of its drying, the central point of dents is pulled by a mini-lifter. The sucker is used by the same principle.

This method can correct the defect, but not eliminate it completely. In addition, it is not recommended to use such technology to align the parts with cracks, since it is possible to detach the metal.

In general, the adhesive method of straightening dents is considered one of the most simple and rapid.

Correction of defect thermal influence

The method under consideration involves the use of a constructional hair dryer and a sprayed aircraft. Also need protective equipment in the form of glasses and gloves, since work is carried out at a temperature of from 300 to 650 ° C.

This technology is based on the pursuit of metal to return to the initial state. At first, the damaged section of the car body is heated by a construction hairdryer, and then cooled by a can be cooled (the temperature of the air emitted is -78 ° C).

Such a temperature difference leads to the return of the metal into its original state.

In some cases, if the body has a large damage, this operation is carried out at several points. For a round dent, their choice is carried out along the radius, and for oval - by narrow side.

If there is a defective area of \u200b\u200bhard elements, the alignment starts with them. If the thermal effect does not allow to completely get rid of the damage, this method is combined with the tapping of the Cyan.

At the same time, to protect the paint coating of the body in the place of the defect covered with soft rubberized material.


This method of Richtovka involves the use of rubber inquaries of various sizes and hooks. It is most likely to catch up a damaged area on the back of the defect.

At the same time, with an external apply wooden bar, so that the metal beats can be prevented in the opposite direction.

If there is no access to dent from the inside, then hooks or screws are used. These fixtures are inserted into the pre-drilled holes in the center of the defect and pull out. Upon completion of the opening, the holes are applied or brewed, then rubbed and stained.

In the absence of skills, it is advisable to test this method on any unnecessary detail.

Upon completion of the performance, the restored part or its fragment is polished. This method is usually used if the body has large dents.


This name is a specialized tool kit designed to align dents. It includes nozzles, plastic globe glue, and repair is carried out like this:

  • The center dents are preventing preventing.
  • Then heated glue. To do this, the glue rod is inserted into the gun and connect it to the electrical network.
  • The glue is applied to the rubber nozzle and glue it with circular motions clockwise into the damage center.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the bracket is installed on it.
  • Next, with the help of the lamb, it is screwed to the nozzle until the defect is straightened.
  • Upon completion of the work, the device is not removed within 5 minutes.

Based on: autokuz.ru

You will need

  • Special levers and fitness for fixing dents, chisel, wooden inquarks or hammers with rubber or plastic boys, supporting anvil, straightening saw. Gas burner (if available).


Remove the hood from the car. It is necessary for the convenience of work. To do this, disconnect the stop from the bracket and unscrew the hood fastening nuts.

Before performing the work, remove the paint coating on the front side, an anti-corrosion and noise insulating coating from the inside of the hood.

Start repairs follows from surfaces with greater rigidity: folds, ribs, amplifiers, inflection lines. It is necessary to rich with light frequent blows with a low metal hood. Evaluate the quality of editing and straightening should be visually or rapidly stroking the surface of the hand in the glove. Convex and concave surfaces are monitored visually, when looking at an angle or side. Flat surfaces are controlled using a ruler.

It should be borne in mind that the inflection lines focus in themselves the maximum internal stresses, which interferes with the restoration of the shape of the hood. A shallow and small dent is recommended to rule the application of scattered shocks on top of dents. An extensive dent - align gradually, starting from the edge of the inflection. Blows should be light, frequent, in the direction of the periphery of dents to the center. Under the surface at the border of dents should be supported support from the maximum suitable curvature surface.

It is possible to eliminate the dent with the method of heating and shrinkage of the metal if there is a gas burner. This method is suitable for eliminating a substantial metal extract. To do this, from the place of heating, it is necessary to remove the paint and anti-corrosion coating, lay a wet rag around the heated space. Metal heat at a point of 8-10 mm to a cherry blossom and cool with a wet rag. A greater effect can be achieved in combination with light hammer blows. The number and location of heating points is determined by the shape of dents. Apply Richtovka in combination with heating can only be available in the presence of practical experience in performing this operation.

The hood in a hard-to-reach place should be edited using hammers, plates and specialized levers. The selection of the lever depends on the location and character of dents. For example, to eliminate dents under the amplifiers it is necessary to use flat levers. Restoring stamps and ribs of hardness to produce with a chisel and support plate.

You can bring the hood before painting only after careful rattling. Small cracks are eliminated by applying polyester putty with subsequent treatment with a straight saw. Alternative: Apply solders, and then eliminate the gifts of a straight saw. It is unacceptable to eliminate small irregularities by removing the metal layer using a straight saw.

Perform work follows with appropriate quality. The shape of the front surface of the renovated hood must correspond to the form and geometry of the new. The hood gaps with adjacent body panels must be the corresponding sizes and the same perimeter. Cracks, metal holes are welded, corrosion is removed, welding seams are treated with metal. The thickness of the layer of polyester putty after processing should not exceed 2 mm. The hood lock should be adjusted if after repair it is not locked or unluckled properly.

Install the hood for the car is necessary after applying the paint, anti-corrosion and anti-coating coating, which was removed before the start of work.

All three ways are quite simple, they can be produced with their own hands, as they do not require expensive equipment and special skills. Removal of dents without painting is carried out by vacuum, adhesive method and PDR technology.

To begin with, it is necessary to inspect damage to the repair of dents without painting cannot be carried out if:

  • damaged paintwork coating;
  • the deformation has a complex shape with deep, sharp funkers;
  • the deformed area was already painted, and painting was produced poorly;
  • the car is operated for more than 15 years and microcracks and traces of corrosion are visible on the LCP.

In all other cases, it is possible to improve dents with your own hands.

Pulling dents is made using a special POPS-A-DENT set.

It includes a special plastic rocker. It has wide legs with a soft polymer sponge at the ends, to prevent surface damage. Several nozzles of various areas, it is their soles that are glued to the defect and stretch the dents. Thermopystoletole and several rods with silicone thermoclaim.

  • With the help of this device, remove the dent with your own hands is quite simple: defects are degreased and wipe dry. On the surface there should be no dust.
  • The melted glue is quickly applied to a clean nozzle and press to a deformed surface, as if screwing it down to the right and left to a quarter of turnover.

ATTENTION! The glue must definitely perform through the technological holes in the nozzle sole, it will give the attachment additional strength.

  • Cooling time 2-3 minutes.
  • Take the cutting of the nozzle in the hole.
  • We screw on the threads of the lambs and begin the slow straightening of dents to the level of metal body.
  • We leave for 5-7 minutes in this position.
  • We unscrew the lambs and remove the arc.
  • Plastic heating the construction hairdryer at the smallest temperature.
  • Separate the nozzle, slightly scrolling it to the right, left.

However, if you drive carefully and dents are atypical damage for your car, buying the whole set is completely unnecessary. It is enough to buy a glue gun that can be useful in the farm. The arc can be easily made with their own hands from a tree, and as an attachment to use a regular screw with a wide hat. Pulling dents will occur somewhat differently:

  • glue is applied directly to the defect;
  • a bolt hat is applied to the molten mass;
  • a minute will be survived, one and a half so that the plastic slightly grabbed;
  • the new layer is applied over the hats and the old glue so that the layers glued together.

The further removal process of dents on the machine will occur the same as described earlier.


Removal of dents without painting by a vacuum method according to the process similarly to adhesive technology. However, it has one undeniable advantage over it. After the repair is completed, you do not need to remove the glue, risking damaging the paintwork or re-deform the surface.

Removal of medium size dents by car is made using a vacuum sucker. Various models have a different area of \u200b\u200bthe sole. The ideal option is the case when the sole suction cup is slightly lacking up to the defect border.

The preparatory process is limited only to the cleaning of the working surface. A vacuum is created in the installed suction cup using an electric or manual pump. After reaching a dense and reliable adjustment, the hose is disconnected and can begin straightening the dent.

After the surface accepted the original look, the special valve and the suction cup are easily removed from the car body.

PDR technology

This process is most complicated to perform with your own hands. For him, a set of pretty expensive, special tools - levers will be required.

This repair of dents without painting is used in extensive and complex damage. The process consists in exposure to a dent by car on the inside of the body surface. If necessary, the internal lining is removed and the parts that interfere with access are dismantled.

Hooks used to remove dents on the machine have a different shape and length. Their work parts, which directly affect the metal, bent at different angles.

  • Before you straighten the dent, the work surface is cleaned.
  • In places of bending damage, the metal voltage is removed.
  • The part is heated by a construction hairdryer to 40-50 ° C.
  • The edges of the bend are tightly tapped through a plastic gasket (paint).
  • Alignment of dents produce, pressing on the surface of the metal from the inside.

The most suitable lever in shape is introduced into the technological hole, scrolling the handle, the resulting movement affects the surface. Definition of dents with hooks requires certain skills and accuracy. In professional sets there are special wedges of polymers that are led by metal hooks so as not to deform the elements of the car.

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