Home Engine Webasto does not turn on with a timer. Characteristic WEBASTO heaters and heaters. General features of errors

Webasto does not turn on with a timer. Characteristic WEBASTO heaters and heaters. General features of errors

We have many years of experience with preheating heaters and Webasto air heaters, our specialists know all the nuances and features of these devices. We also know what faults are characteristic of "Webasto" in their operation in Russian conditions.

As practice shows, the most often owners of heaters and heaters face the following problems:

  • Breakdown or contamination of the combustion chamber;
  • Failure of water pump (for liquid heaters);
  • Development of the resource or breakage of the glow candles;
  • Faults of the flame sensor;
  • Failure of the fuel pump;
  • Clogging of pipelines (fuel, coolant supply);
  • Clogging of the air supply system;
  • Clogging of the exhaust gas release system.

Also fairly common are the malfunctions of electronic control units ("brains").

Since liquid heaters and air heaters have a number of common features and constructive featuresThe general malfunctions are characteristic of them.

Problems with burner (combustion chamber)

The burner is the "heart" of heaters and heaters. It is in it that burning fuel and heated the working medium (liquid or air). The burner malfunction is due to high temperatures when contacting the flame, as well as the effects of fuel combustion products.

Most often, the burner fails for several reasons:

  • Exercise chamber combustion;
  • Deformation of the combustion chamber details;
  • Close of combustion chamber combustion products (soot).

Typically, these faults are accompanied by increased smoke and outsiders of the heater during operation.

The combustion chamber in any damage is not repaired, it takes it full replacement. When clogging the combustion chamber, cleaning is performed. Specialized cleaning products and tools are used to remove nagar and pollution.

Quite often, the evaporator becomes the cause of the breakage - it is usually necessary to deal with the wear of the evaporator grid. Since Webasto does not produce individual evaporators, it is necessary to replace the combustion chamber assembly with the evaporator. However, a cheaper way out of the situation is offered third-party manufacturers - today there are quite a few non-original spare parts for the Webasto. Choosing certified non-original parts, you can restore the work of the heater or heater with less costs.

Incandescent Candle Problems

For a lug for a flame in the burner, electric glow candles are used. These candles have although a large, but limited resource, so over time it is necessary to replace them.

The candle fault is accompanied by a complex start or impossibility of starting the heater / heater. The problem may be accompanied by the smell of fuel them exhaust pipeSince in this case does not occur the fuel residues.

Challenges with fuel pump and fuel system

In heaters and Webasto heaters, fuel (dosage) pumps are used different types - gear (driven from electric engine) and impulse (electromagnetic). Usually faults arise due to mechanical wear or breakage, in the case of pulsed pumps, solenoid malfunctions are possible.

Usually the pump simply changes to a new one, since most of the models of fuel pumps for the "Webasto" cannot be repaired.

You can also encounter on another problem - clogging fuel highways. This is caused by low fuel quality or resource generation. fuel filter. The problem is solved by cleaning highways and replacing the filter.

All malfunctions fuel system and the dosage pump is accompanied by uneven operation of the heater / heater, or the impossibility of its start.

Flame Sensor Problems

Flame sensor provides feedback With an electronic control unit, it is necessary for controlling the flame and the work of the entire device. The sensor has a limited resource, it can also be out of order due to high loads or for other reasons. The fault is accompanied by uneven operation of the heater / heater, or the impossibility of its start.

Repairs in this case reduces the sensor.

Faults of air supply systems and removal of exhaust gases

The most commonly clogging of cavities and pipelines - air intake, silencer, exhaust pipe, etc. In some cases, you can encounter mechanical damage to the parts.

The problem is solved by the cleaning of components or replacing the details that have come out.

Problems with liquid pump (for liquid heaters)

Pump is necessary for circulating the coolant on the system. Over time, moving parts of the pump wear out, the efficiency of the node is reduced, leak occurs. A breakdown or jamming can occur. The breakdown is accompanied by poor heating system. Depending on the pump model, it is repaired or a complete replacement.

More often, other malfunctions of heaters and Webasto heaters, but they will be eliminated by our specialists.

The autonomous preheater in our climate is simply necessary. The unit heats the interior to your arrival and reduces the engine wear.

The device is very reliable and pays for its value for the year and a half (due to the fuel saved when heating).

Purchase and installation

You can buy in almost any city Russian Federation. Decide the model will always help the seller.

It is best to entrust the installation of a qualified employee service center.

If you decide to install the device yourself, then carefully read the installation instructions. Special attention Use compliance with security requirements when connecting the fuel supply system. Also be careful when installing the control system and connect the heater to the vehicle electrical system.

After installation, before the first launch, it is necessary to carry out a cargo of the car cooling system, otherwise the air traffic jam will prevent normal work. In case of education air traffic jam The cooling system is incorrect, and the Webasto starts, but does not warm.


With any abnormal situation, it will show an error code (numbers on the display or with a switch light bulb). Non-standard work Webasto is most often caused by the support of the driver itself (for example, the fuel level in the tank dropped below the permissible and the device did not start), but it happens that the signal is filed due to a serious malfunction.

Most often, Webasto ceases to work because of Nagara inside. Sensors may also fail.

A rather common problem is the situation when blowing, but does not warm.

In this case, most likely, the circulation pump is defective. That is, the heater turns on, works for several minutes and turns off due to overheating, because The liquid in the cooling circuit does not circulate. The problem is solved by replacing the pump.

Malfunction must be eliminated only in the service center, where employees have passed a special course of study.

Operation of a faulty device is prohibited.

"Webasto" has become a practically indispensable thing in the modern automotive world. All those lucky who have this preheater, in winter can avoid mass serious problems. But sometimes they still happen. The driver tries to include the system and sees that the "Webasto" is not launched.

The reasons for such behavior can be the most different, and few people read the instructions for this installation. Let's deal with what "Webasto" is, how to properly exploit this system, we will analyze the reasons for its breakdowns, as well as error codes.

"Webasto": What is it?

This device is an preheater for the engine engine. It provides motor Easy Running during the cold winter months. One of the differences of this German preposted heater is that it works autonomously.

Device "Webasto"

This premium element consists of five parts. it electronic system, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, pump for cooling fluid circulation, as well as a pump for fuel swap.

Operating principle

When the driver turns on the unit, the fuel and air mixture is supplied, which is then flammable and lit. Due to this, the coolant in the heat exchanger is heated. The pump that is responsible for circulation in the heater shakes Tosol across the entire system through the heat exchanger radiator, thereby warming the engine. The unit also connects to standard system Salon heating and manages the start of the fan.

So, in winter, the driver may not wait for warming up power aggregate. The engine will quickly enter the operating temperature mode from one keystroke on the remote control.

Benefits and features

One of the advantages this device The fact that to start the system is not required even approaching the car. Start can be made from the window of your own apartment. Many people love "Webasto" for its autonomy, as well as for heating, precious energy from the battery is almost not spent. Of the serious shortcomings, it can be noted that service life rechargeable battery Reduced for about a year. But for comfort you always need to pay. When the temperature reaches a certain threshold, and by default, this level is 81 °, then the control unit will simply turn off the installation. The car will wait for its owner, being completely ready for movement. However, if no activity for long time There will be no temperature begins to fall, then when I reach 64 degrees, the "Webasto" will start and starts up again.

DIY repair

In the summer, no one uses this device, because there is no particular need for it. But the first cold come, the driver presses the button, and there is no result. And begins independent diagnosis. The driver is trying to discover the problem, and often he does not work.

But anyway dIY repair "Webasto" is possible, although the manufacturer recommends contacting the company's diagnostic center with all breakdowns. Upon understanding the principle of operation of the system and in the presence of the necessary knowledge, the device can be repaired independently.

Possible malfunctions

All work failures in the system can be divided into several types. These are "Webasto" errors in the internal memory of the device, but they often do not affect the modes of operation. Also allocate failures arising spontaneously. it automatic start or secondary inclusions. The cause of such behavior can be a malfunction in the heater scheme. "Webasto" is also independently turned off due to errors. Such failures can occur in the electronic control unit or in the power supply system. The heater simply turns off itself, while the "Webasto" errors will not be saved in memory. The second option is when the error is saved, and in the case of a repeated start, the system offers to turn it off and then turn it on again.

Blocking occurs due to a certain number of repetitive codes. If the device gets from 4 to 6 times, then the system will be blocked and saved error report. It will not work independently unlock the heater. It is necessary to contact the service and diagnostic center of the company.

Also blocking can happen due to overheating. If the "Webasto" is not started, the reasons can be just in one of these locks.

Another reason is an error and shutdown due to low or high voltage. When the voltage grows and the result is 11.5 V, the device turns off. Then automatic purge is started. You can measure the voltage using the control unit. In the case of overpriced stresses (usually at 16 c), the unit suspends its work. When the problem decides, it will start again.

When the "Webasto" is not started, the reasons for another type can be determined using a special diagnostic program for THERMO TEST PC.

Errors and their elimination

All the reasons for which failures are arising preheater "Webasto" can be divided into four types. Codes that the electronic control unit could not save, can be eliminated by checking fuel supply. Then only replace individual nodes or heater itself. If there are fixed failures, then you need to look at the type of problem in memory. In the electronic control unit, you can reveal the error code, why not starts the "Webasto" and replace the problem nodes.

List of error codes can be found in the instructions. For example, 010 is too low voltage. And 047 is a short circuit in fuel pump Autonomy. If the built-in diagnostic system "Webasto" could not determine the failed node, it is necessary to check the peripheral nodes of the mechanism.

Detailed information, why not launches "Webasto", you can find out with the help of a diagnostics using a computer. With the help of the program, we accurately learn all about the error and get detailed information on how to fix it. After troubleshooting the code, it is necessary to reset the code using the diagnostic software. Otherwise, the unit will not start.

"Webasto" and problems with diesel

Low-quality fuel quickly clogs the filter grid in the pump. As a result, a bad dosage of fuel, and then stop the feed. "Webasto" launches and stalls. Low-quality fuel negatively affects a candle, which is clogged and no longer heats up to the necessary temperatures. If the installed "Webasto" does not start to diesel, then the problems are completely similar to gasoline.

So, on diesel engines The system may not work due to fuel, which contains more sulfur. She covers a candle even more than gasoline. Therefore, the diesel "Webasto" will fail faster than gasoline. In addition, there is no way when "Webasto" does not start in the frost. The fact is that in winter diesel fuel thick and cannot normally pump out the fuel line to the heater combustion chamber. This is a common problem, and you will not do anything with it. It is only necessary to clean the system and pour winter fuel to the tank.

Solving problems and troubleshooting

Often, when "Webasto" is not started, the reasons can be hidden in the supply of fuel. It happens in winter on diesel engines if the owner forgot to change the summer fuel to the winter. The heater can be completely good - it can earn later in the usual mode in the warm garage. When the device is warm starting to work normally, you need to change the diesel engine, then blow the system, clean it carefully, change the filters and pour new fuel.

There is another reason - this is not the non-fuel in the heater combustion chambers. If the installed "Webasto" does not start to diesel, and the problem is not as a diesel fuel, then the fuel does not reach the pump. In this case, the sound of the element will be completely loud and clear. Another reason may be in due to the damage to the fuel line. It is also recommended to check the solenoid valve - plugs often accumulate in it.

To test the air pressure, you can use an ohmmeter. Normal numbers - 134-154 ohms. When diagnosing a tube, any washing fluid. After checked, the repair "Webasto" continues the diagnosis of electronics. It is necessary to check the fuse status with F1 by F3. Dropsy needs to be replaced. After that, check whether the unit will earn. Then check the work of the timer. For this measure the strength of the current in its connector. If the voltage does not pass, then the timer must be completely replaced. Then the stove is checked, and look at the state of the terminals. They can be oxidized, due to which the current flow is blocked. Also check on the integrity of all the wires. Depressurization can be seen on the plug. Next remove blocks.

If "Webasto" (Gazelle "is not launched - no exception), the unit can be blocked due to the fact that all errors are corrected, but the data about it has not yet been reached. From the control unit for three seconds, the food is cleaned. This is done through dismantling fuses. Then the item must be returned to the place. After that, you can turn on the device. Next, the first two steps repeat. If everything happens, then the system will earn in normal mode. So you can solve the problem when "Webasto" launches and stalls, having worked for a couple of minutes. This behavior occurs due to blocks in electronic control. Resetting and removing errors will help solve this problem.


As you can see, it useful devicewhich helps the motorist to solve a lot of problems. Having experience to eliminate faults that occur with the unit, it is possible to use it successfully.

Autonomous heater Webasto is a very reliable device, but the breakdown can still happen. In most cases, breakdown occurs due to improper installation, improper operation or lack of maintenance.

Most often, the autonomous heater Webasto is simply not included in terms of malfunction, however, with some malfunctions, there is simply not standard operation of the device.

Autonomous, Webasto has the following typical faults:

  • flame cliffs;
  • overheat;
  • unstable work (for example, difficulties at startup).

In case of breakdown, the heater will sign about its malfunction, showing the error code (the table with codes is presented at the end of the article).

The timer display will appear in the form of the letter F and two digits (this is the error code).

There are no timer and there is only a switch, the switch light bulb will give a specific signal (Blink code). Light bulb will give 5 short signals and a certain number of long. The number of long signals is the error code. If the error code is 0, the light bulb simply gives 5 short signals.

Also on emergency work of the heater may indicate extraneous noises when the device is operating.

Along with the car owner can only check the state of the fuses, as well as visually evaluate the condition of the heater.

Therefore, if visually all fuses are intact and all plugs in the field, then it is necessary immediately contact a specialized service center. For complete diagnostics and reading errors, it is necessary to have a special on Webasto Thermo Test, and a tactical system of a special programmer and a plug adapter. All this is only in a specialized service center.

DIY repair can damage the heater or car !!!

Autonomous Webasto can show the following error codes:

Disabling by error and blocking the heater. You can divide the errors when working in several categories.


1. Eggs arising, do not affect For the current mode of operation and fixed in internal memory.

2. Errors that cause automatic or re-launches, and fixing in internal memory.

Disable by mistake

3. The emerging error in the power supply or in the control unit leads to the immediate disconnection of heating without surviving. The error is not saved.

4. The resulting error leads to the heating (download) disconnecting or prevents its launch. Error message is saved. Re-launch requires a signal to turn off and a new signal to start.

Permanent blocking of the heater, due to a repetitive error

5. If the fault is repeated 4-6 times after each other, and the status of work with full load is not achieved, the heater is blocked and the error is saved. Lock can only be removed in the service center. If the error occurs due to a reduced voltage or a bad battery, then the blocking does not occur.

Blocking overheating (heater overheating)

6. The heater is overheated and blocked, the error message is saved. Lock can only be removed in the service center.

Note: When disabled by mistake and blocking the heater on the control body, there is no indication. Starting the heater is possible if the cause of the error is eliminated. When the heater is blocked, it cannot be more included.

Disabling by error under reduced or high voltage.

When the voltage is lowered below 11.5V at a certain time (20 ° C), the heater is turned off by an error with the subsequent purge. The reduced voltage depends on the software and is measured by the control unit. When the voltage is 16V (measured by a heater) at a certain time (5C), it also turns off the heater by an error with the subsequent purge.


After eliminating the cause of the error, the unlock occurs by turning off and re-turning the heater.

ATTENTION: Permanent overheating lock / overheating lock is removed only with the Thermo Test PC diagnostics. The preheater error stored in the memory is read and printed using THERMO TEST PC diagnostics. To remove the lock without erasing the errors, select the Menu Menu / Error Memory / Remove Plock. In an exceptional case, the heater can be unlocked by turning off the power supply (for example, removing fuse F1 20A per min. 10c). Previously, the cause of the lock must be resolved (see Section 5.3). The fuse should be removed for approx. 10c after turning on the heater.

General signs of errors.


Survey and eliminate errors provides accurate knowledge of the design and principles of action separate nodes heater and can only be performed trained and qualified personnel.

Eliminating errors.

Possible causes of errors during the operation of the heater are sorted by the following criteria:

1. The error of individual nodes stored in the memory of the heater. In the memory of the control unit, a specific node is specified that is faulty. Detail, or node must be replaced.

2. Common errors stored in the memory of the heater. The heater recognized the problem (for example, no launch), but the reason is not identified. The search for the cause is constructed to first check the peripherals of the heater (for example, the supply of fuel) before replacing the heater or nodes.

3. Errors that are not saved in the control unit. The search for the cause is constructed to first check the peripherals of the heater (for example, the supply of fuel) before replacing the heater or nodes.

Read errors from the memory of the heater using the THERMO test PC diagnostics can be read from the memory of the heater. Up to 8 different errors are recorded in the memory. The older the error, the higher its number. In the control unit, information is saved on the current preheater operation and the number of launches. If the error is entered as "relevant", the control unit recognized it from the last start of the heater.

Error message "Unsuccessful first start-up attempt" remains current until the heater reaches the mode of operation at full load or re-launch will also be unsuccessful. In this case, the message "Unsuccessful first start-up attempt" is erased and replaced with a message "No launch". The message "Flame break" remains current until the heater is turned off or several flame breaks will not lead to the interruption of the combustion mode. In this case, the error message "Flame break" is erased and replaced with a "repeated flame break (FZ)."

Note: Operating instructions diagnostic equipment taken from the relevant instruction manual. To select the type of heater, use the "W-Bus Tire" item. We recommend printing data on time and error, as well as additional external factors to errors.

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