Home Salon Camouflage on a gray car. Collect the car into camouflage yourself. What you need to work

Camouflage on a gray car. Collect the car into camouflage yourself. What you need to work

Painting in camouflage - a winning way to arrange a car focused on aggressive exploitation in the conditions of rough terrain. In addition to the SUVs, the camouflage on the car is appropriate and on city cars - from small cars to sports cars, such a color gives them individuality and highlights them against the background of cars with a single-color paint and varnish coating.

Painting a car in camouflage, it's not a simple thing

This article provides instructions to camouflage with your own hands. We will look at the types of camouflage coloring, equipment and materials necessary for its application in the garage conditions.

Painting cars in camouflage

The painting of the machine camouflage pattern came to the world of civil cars from the military sphere. This coloring, among the owners of individual movement, is functionally in demand only by hunters who are important to mask their car in the forest. In all other cases, camouflage performs an exclusively decorative role.

The vehicle operating area determines the means that the camouflage pattern is created on the car body. Based on the method of coating surfaces:

  1. Paintwork surfaces, the characteristic drawing on them is formed by combining stains differing in color of paints;
  2. Film surfaces - the body is covered with vinyl film with a pre-selected pattern.

Camouflage film on auto-material with low wear-resistance, it performs some protective functions - prevents the appearance of scratches and chips on the baked body, but this coating will not survive the constant operation in high humidity conditions, dirt and destructive mechanical impacts that are used for hunting and fishing. Cars.

Camouflage film is recommended for registration of urban machines - so you will save time (painting the car is performed much longer) and, if necessary, you can remove the coating and return to the original body color.

Camouflage color on SUVs has staining and subsequent opening of lacquer layers, protecting the paint on the body of the negative impact of the atmospheric medium.

Khaki paint is done with their own hands, mixing multiple colors mixing

Options for painting the car in the style of "Militari" are diverse. Consider the most relevant types of camouflage:

  • Forest pattern - consists of a combination of large spots of beige and black shade, applied over a marsh-green base color. This drawing is everywhere found on domestic military vehicles;
  • Deserted camouflage - combined small white, light brown and burgundy spots. Basic drawing of the American army;
  • Winter camouflage - drawing, imitating the environment of the winter forest. Combined average spots of gray, white and black.
  • Sea drawing - a variety of winter pattern, characteristic colors - blue, blue and gray;
  • Digital camouflage is a pattern consisting of fine pixel mosaic (spots with angular square circuits), shades - gray, black, khaki color.

In a separate group, we highlight the "chemical" auto camouflage, which does not have military sources. The emphasis in such a picture is made on the visual allocation of the car, which is achieved through the use of expressive bright shades.

Camouflage on auto do it yourself

If you use the factory paintwork of the car as a basic surface under camouflage to make camouflage on the machine you will need 4-5 spray paints of different shades.

Also take care of the presence of the following materials:

  • Malyary Scotch and newspapers (paper will be needed in large quantities);
  • Solvent (license compounds or apiite-spirits);
  • Flannel rag;
  • Lacious spatula;
  • Natural paper (P600, P1000).
  • Petrol.

Camouflage color is not cheap

Car staining. Perform a well-ventilated room, after spending wet cleaning in it. The first stage is the sticking of the glasses (along with sealing rubber bands) and the outer optics with newspapers, for this it is used paper tape width 3-4 cm and newspapers.

Camouflage on a car with your own hands can be performed in two ways: Painted camouflage stencil, carved on a sheet of paper, or by means of stains - forming their contours with painting scotch and overlapping adjacent surfaces with newspapers. We recommend applying the second way, so you get the opportunity to do differently in the form and size of the spots.

The process consists of several steps - spots of the first shade are applied, then the drying time of the paint will be waited and the next part of the spots is camouflated. First of all, start with the applying of dark paint.

Determine the location of the stains and their size, cover the plain tape selected place around the perimeter. Do not allow the skotcha in the inner contour, because when painting, the paint will penetrate under irregularity and the stain will be uneven. The camouflage elements are advantageously watched with different body surfaces.

On top of the pasted painting tape, the second layer of scotch secure the paper so that it completely overlap the binding space.

Upon completion of sections. Working the canola hold a distance of 20-25 cm. From the body and diagonal movements, apply the paint layer uniform over the thickness (so that the color gets the depth will need to overlap 2-3 times, a pause of 20-30 min) is waiting between the application).

After completely drying the first color spots (withstand the pause according to the manufacturer's recommendations of the manufacturer of the next camouflage layer. The technology of the formation of the output of the second and third layer is identical to the process already considered by us, the main thing is that all subsequent stains enter the space of the already applied color. In this case, the pattern on the body will be solid , without a difference of different shades. Camouflage is subject not only vertical planes of the car, but also the body racks and the roof of the machine.

To camouflage the car in the way "on the stencil" you will need 3-4 m. Tight paper

Methods of painting

For the camouflage of the car in the way "on the stencil" you will need 3-4 m. Tight paper, greasy tape and scissors. This method is simpler in implementation and requires smaller time spending, however, as a result, you make it possible to separately set the dimensions and shape of each spot.

Here it will be necessary to cut the paper into square cuts with a size of 20-30 cm. Than the space of the stains you choose (additional parts of the paper overlap the adjacent parts of the body and prevent paints to them).

Inside the paper is cut out the stain of the desired configuration, the number of blanks is 5-6 pieces (with different shape), after which the stencil is glued with painting tape on the car body. Glue carefully so that in the process of coloring the blank does not move.

Staining technology is identical to working with contour stains - Painting of each spot is conducted in 2-3 layers, the subsequent shades of camouflage are applied at the end of the complete drying of the previous color, stains different colors dock together.

City camouflage on varnish. Surface varnishing is performed 2-3 days after staining, simple is required to complete the painted coating.

For the application of varnish, a paintopult with a compressor is used (the opening of the large surface of the body varnish from the aerosol can give the result of the result). The cost of the daily rental lease varies within 400-600 rubles, buying this equipment for one-time use is irrational.

Before lacquering, prepare the composition - add a hardener and solvent in the varnish the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. A varnish on the car body in 2-3 layers, between which the pause, which is necessary to set the coating "on the low" (20-30 minutes) is evident.

Paint in camouflage expensive car, it is better to entrust professionals

Spraying of the varnish is performed at a pressure of the pulverizer in 2-2.5 bar with horizontal stripes overlapping each other, the nozzle of the pistol is held at a distance of 20-30 cm. From the body surface.

If the camouflage technology of the camouflage machine seems difficult to implement, and I still want to decorate the car with camouflage, it makes sense to crack the body with a film. For this service, it will be necessary to contact the car dealership (it is impossible to highlight the film at home), however the cost of film camouflage is significantly lower (the price around 8-12 thousand, taking into account the materials) than staining (in the salons - 20-25 thousand).

Camouflage film for the car is presented in a wide range - from desert and forest, to digital and bright chemical patterns. Among the advantages of such a coating is the possibility of dismantling, protection of the body from mechanical damage under urban operation, expressive appearance.

Vinyl film for auto requires a thorough selection - the market is filled with low-quality Chinese products, the crying durability and wear resistance of which is not justified even the minimum price of the material.

The operational qualities of vinyl materials affect the technology according to which two types of films are distinguished:

  • Cast vinyl film - made of liquid polyvinyl chloride mixture in the process of evaporation of the solvent added to it;
  • Calenderated film for auto - material obtained as a result of plastic PVC Paste through the calender block (press rollers).

Alloy films are distinguished by high elasticity, mechanical strength and durability. Calenderated products, on the contrary, are prone to shrinkage and formation of folds during operation. The only advantage is low price.

View video design

Making the car body with camouflage film Do not save on the quality of the material and services of the wizard, and the coating fully meet your expectations.

Many motorists dream of making their car unusual and more attractive outwardly. Painting in camouflage is a real way to stand out from a gray mass. Such a color is perfectly suitable for both SUVs and less large carsTheir brutality and individuality will emphasize.

Types of camouflage painting

Camouflage - a disguise method inherent in military uniform, weapons and technique. It is for the opportunity to mask the car on the background ambient camouflage color Extremely respect among lovers to hunt and fish: the car can literally merge with the setting.

Despite the existence of traditional brown-green-yellow colors, there are other options for camouflage - winter, urban, forestry and many others. They differ in the color scheme, the type of pattern, the method of application.

For the final coating, varnishes are used with such effects:

  • glossy - gives shine in the sun than wheels the disguise, is often used to match the fashionable currents;
  • matte is ideal for creating camouflage covers for hunting trips, fishing, military purposes.

It is worth considering the options for camouflage colors and drawing types to choose suitable.

Traditional camouflage

This is a pattern in the classic style "khaki", combining non-profit, unscrew dust-earth tones with marsh, brown. This military appearance gives the car, ideal for disguise, but it is bad for urban conditions, everyday ride by car.

Geometric camouflage

This drawing is often called chopped. It provides the original designer effect - "crushing" of the subject of the subject on the part. Most often geometry is applied on low base sports cars. Also, such a color uses the US Army on fighters. Traditionally, it takes gray, black and white colors to create decorations, but even pink and purple inserts can be found in unusual options.

City camouflage

It is intended for driving in the conditions of the city, has a number of specific features: the predominance of gray, blue, white color, the presence of corners and straight lines.

Digital or pixel camouflage

Such a drawing is incredibly stylish, rare, it resembles a combination of small quadraticles that imitate digital pixels that are noticeable when the monitor screen is increasing. The appearance of the car will look blurred relative to the terrain, despite the angular outlines of the decor. The combination of colors can be close by tone or contrasting - at the request of the owner.

Forest or hunting camouflage

Forest camouflage is a pattern based on dark green, beige, black spots having smooth, soft lines. Its most often choose hunters, it is also used for coloring military equipment. A variety of forest camouflage is images of grass, lian, shrubs, savannah.

Winter camouflage

The pattern in the framework of the winter camouflage imitates nature during the cold season. Most popular colors - gray, white, blue in the form of broken spots on a light background. Corners, edges can also be used, but in minimal quantity.

White camouflage

It is a subspecies of the winter camouflage with the difference that white tone dominates. It is usually applied by those who hunt in the winter in the Taiga Forest, as well as for military purposes in the conditions of the North.

Sand camouflage

The sand camouflage is also called the "beard in the desert". The main shades are here - brown, yellow, beige. Coloring is popular in Prairies, applied by military in the appropriate area. For applying resorted to the spraying technique of layers different ways, and then make the final tapping of the airbrush pattern.

Colors for camouflage

There are seven main colors that are offered different manufacturers Colors for camouflage staining. It:

  • the black;
  • brown;
  • light green;
  • olive;
  • sand;
  • khaki;
  • grey.

In addition to standard tones, the camouflage technique is used and brighter: white, blue and even pink, although they are intended only for giving styles to the car, but not for his disguise. Usually, three colors are selected from the list for staining one machine, although at the request of the owner may be more. Also, masters use other shades to give the figure of originality:

  • light gray dust;
  • beige;
  • yellow-olive;
  • brown skin;
  • bronze-green;
  • anthracite;
  • gray-olive;
  • bitumen black;
  • dark grey;
  • bright gray, etc.

Stencils for camouflage

How to paint a car in camouflage with your own hands? For this purpose, the easiest way to use special stencils. No less often billets are used in specialized Services, Tuning atelier, although the price of professional painting in camouflage will be quite high. On the Internet you can find a variety of stencils, print and cut them:

  • blurred spots;
  • animal outlines;
  • grass;
  • branches;
  • grid;
  • cells;
  • "Blossies";
  • leaves;
  • stripes;
  • geometry, etc.

It is better to print a few identical stencils to not tolerate them, but immediately cover a large surface area. Also, the drawing can be created independently, then cut it and apply in the same way. In addition to paper, for this machine painting machine, you can take a transparent film that enjoy the airbrushing masters. She is a little sticky, so it is very convenient to work with her. The desired figures are cut out of the film, they are exposed to the base, and after applying and drying the paint material is removed.

Collecting colors for camouflage

It is most convenient to use paints in the canopy produced by many specializing in auto-email firms. There are even special series of camouflage colors, from which you can pick up suitable. Most of the paints have a matte surface after drying, although glossy options are also easy to find. Below are the most popular LX for camouflage staining.

Paint Motip Enamel Camouflage

The MOTIP aerosol line camouflage is implemented in 400 ml cylinders, includes specially designed colors to create the coloring "Militari" on any surfaces. Paint helps disguise the car for hunting, fishing, is also suitable for hunting equipment and accessories with which the person is in the forest. The finished coating is obtained resistant to gasoline, other chemicals and atmospheric factors.

Painting "Raptor" in camouflage

Staining "Raptor" - high-quality polyurethane paint - is widely used among ride lovers of rough terrain. This material ensures reliable protection of the body from salts, aggressive chemistry, mechanical effects, temperature drops, UV radiation. The colors "Militari" gives the technique memorable, but at the same time masking design. The coating will be remarkably kept on the plastic, bumpers, mirrors, radiator lattices, will prevent the ingress of water and dirt into the gaps between plastic and metal items.

Krylon Camouflage Arms Paint

Krylon Camouflage is a matte anti-glare paint to simulate protective and camouflage color. It is designed to create coatings on cars, sports, hunting or fishing equipment and inventory. All shades of this harmoniously selected gamma are close to nature, so they guarantee the perfect disguise.

Paint has excellent adhesion to plastic and metal even without prior priming. The finished coating will be resistant to water action, durable, well-carrying mechanical loads. LKM will dry in just 15 minutes, which is very convenient for use outside the conditions of the car repair shop. Repeated layer can be applied a day later. The final polymerization occurs after 7 days.

Preparation of paint, materials and surface

Typically, the camouflage pattern is applied to the factory coating of the body, which will serve as a base. Painting consumption is 5-6 cylinders on a medium-sized car. In addition to paint, it is necessary to prepare such tools and consumables:

  • sandpaper;
  • malarny coat;
  • soft rag;
  • construction Scotch;
  • solvent, gasoline, alcohol;
  • newspapers.

Painting the car is best in a well-ventilated garage either on the street, and then only in a clear sunny day. The preparation is closed with newspapers and put all the elements that are not subject to staining - glass, handles, sealing gum, headlights. After the surface of the car is degreasing with solvents, previously convinced of their safety for already existing paint (it is better to use ordinary alcohol or gasoline).

Application of paint

Painting on the stencil is the easiest way to apply camouflage, although in this case all stains, patterns will be absolutely the same. There is an option to apply different stencils, although this method will increase the time costs of painting. The order of dyeing machine is as follows:

  • stick stencil on the surface of the car;
  • apply paint from the aerosol, placing it 20 cm from the body (movements should be smooth and have a diagonal direction);
  • wait until drying the paint;
  • remove the stencil, repeat all manipulations in the following areas.

Masters advise first to apply dark spots that will serve as the basis for brighter. When you embed a stencil, it is important to not allow chances, damage to paper - in this case, the paint will be under the workpiece, and the drawing will look untidy. The decor looks originally in which large stains stand up with one part of the body to another.

Method of painting in camouflage without stencil

This method is more difficult, it requires the performer skills and patience. To begin with, choose a drawing and color gamut. After the preparation of the machine produces staining in this way:

  • with the help of narrow construction tape, they form a large spot spots on the surface of the body, following the strips lay down without chances;
  • the stains of the newspapers, giving the lines smoothness, also linse them with scotch;
  • apply the darkest color from the cylinder, give paint to dry;
  • remove the scotch, newspapers, form stains under the second color (they must go to the top of the first);
  • apply paint in the same way;
  • repeat work for the third time, overlapping the brightest shade.

After staining, body varnish is made. To do this, autolk is connected to the solvent, cover the body from the sprayer to several layers. After drying the varnish, you can start the operation of the car, full use of the masterpiece created by their own hands.

Many cars decorate the paintwork in the style of camouflage today. The color of this type is becoming increasingly popular and is no longer associated exclusively with military or hunters.

It is impossible to perform staining in factory conditions, usually only one-photographic paint coating is applied there, so many car owners are armed with the necessary colors of paint and try to perform work on themselves.

Painting in camouflage can be performed in different versions, Therefore, before the start of work and purchase of paint materials, you need to read carefully with them and choose the appropriate color.

To apply camouflage on a car you need to have a good fantasy and designer's abilities. In order for the drawing to look organically, it is necessary to adhere to the Rules of the Golden section and evenly distribute the spots on the body vehicle. There are such painting options:

  1. Forest camouflage.
  2. Deserted (shades of sand or brown, camouflage on a car of this type has small and abstract spots).
  3. Winter option (the picture has a white-gray-black color gamut and stains on the body are made larger size).
  4. Hunting or military (all stains are large, as if they go into each other and have blurred edges).

Last time, all the relevant digital camouflage - stains in this case have clear edges in the form of huge pixels. Usually such a design is used to decorate racing and sports cars.

Painting cars in camouflage

Despite the fashion, most often paint its vehicle into such a colors of hunters or military. Painting UAZ to camouflage with their own hands can be performed with minimal temporary and labor costs, since such cars often have a khaki color or a grayish shade. Therefore, you do not need to carefully select shades to perform work.

To perform work, you need to purchase such materials and tools in advance:

  • Newspapers and magazines to protect the unexicable surface.
  • Malar tape of different widths in rolls.
  • The aerosol paint of the desired shade in the cans.
  • Kraspopult (if work is not manually executed).
  • Solvent.
  • Clean rag.
  • Primer and putty (if you need to eliminate some defects on the body).
  • Degreaser.
  • Varnish and polyrolol for finishing.

Apply camouflage on the car is recommended in a specially equipped room having good system Ventilation. This will not only avoid defects on only the paint and varnish coating, but it will also be useful in order for the applied paint layers dried as quickly as possible.

It is necessary to work in a protective suit and respirator, since the evaporation of paints and varnishes is very toxic. It is also desirable to equip the room with good halogen lamps that give lighting without glare. So you can look better to inspect the surface of the vehicle and apply paint.

The car must be thoroughly wash and dry, as well as tighten the salon with a film in such a way that in the process of work inwards did not get paint. It is also necessary to protect with newspapers or old magazines and painting scotching glass and vehicle optics (if you can - the headlights are better to dismantle).

If the car does not have any chip and irregularities on the surface, you can immediately treat it with a degreaser and start applying camouflage. If the blistering of the paint or rust was discovered - these places need to be cleaned up to the metal, handle with putty, carefully stabbing and coat with primer.

Camouflage on auto do it yourself

There are three ways to dye machines:

  1. Application of drawings of leaves, reed and diverse grass (a plotter is used for work). This type is considered the most expensive, since it is very difficult to portray it.
  2. Camouflage with blurred floors of spots.
  3. Camouflage with clear contours of stains.

How to paint in camouflage? All work, no matter what coloring and type of drawing should be applied, the vehicle begins the vehicle carefully prepare and wash away from contamination. Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the shade of paint that the upper layers will be painted.

It all depends exclusively from the imagination and wishes of the owner. It is necessary to prepare specially chopped newspapers or self-adhesive film if it is necessary that the drawing on the body has with clear boundaries. After processing the degreaser, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the machine in chaotic order and, according to fantasy, the film is applied to the body.

It is necessary to ensure that the pieces come to all body parts and at the same time have not formed fuses. If you do not observe this rule - the paint may be unevenly lying in places of fesoms, and the entire body of the vehicle after dyeing will look inorganized. Then the selected paint layer is applied (it is better to start with dark shades).

Painting cars in camouflage - the process is long and not tolerant. It is necessary to wait until the paint layer is completely dry and only after that the car is again covered with the film so that the stains go a little on each other. Now you can apply a light shade of paint.

When all the colors were applied and they dried, you can remove the whole film. In order for the edges of the stains not to spoil, the surface must be pre-warm to warm with a halogen lamp. Thus, the scotch will return and will not spoil the paint coating.

If there is a desire to improve the camouflage slightly - you can soften its contours using the edging in the form of a black shadow. So that the camouflage of the car looked more winning, some car owners cover the surface of the layer of varnish.

But the majority preferred to leave the car as it is, the mattness gives it an unusual appearance (in this case, it is recommended to apply a layer of lacquer with a matte effect on the additional protection of the paintwork).

Methods of painting

There are two ways that can be used to apply camouflage colors on the body.

Method 1. After the vehicle was cleaned, a primer layer is applied on its body. The surface is covered with a scotch in order to avoid paint pushing and applied the darkest shade out of the selected. Create stains need from a small scotch of a small width, it will be better to bed onto the body surface.

Be sure to need to paint the roof of the car, otherwise the picture will not look like a solid and completed. The paint is better to choose quick-drying and after drying the tape from the body is removed. Then the spots are located in a new way, while staining the body with brighter paint and repeat the entire procedure again.

Then remove the scotch, at the request of the car owner, you can fix the drawing with varnish and carefully polish.

Method 2. In this case, the car will need to paint again. How to paint the car in camouflage? First, the vehicle is degreased and put the surface. After its drying, the surface must be cleaned with a skin and blew all the accumulated dust from the compressor.

Then the surface is ground and degreased, the body is ready for staining. The chopped film, tape or newspaper is placed on the body in chaotic order. Then the dark paint is applied and after it drying the tape is removed.

The procedure must be repeated several times, apply more gray, brown or green colors. The whole procedure does not take much time and as a result you can get camouflage with clear borders of spots.

If the owner wants the edges to be blurred - the body surface must warm the lamp and the edges spread out themselves. Also for this purpose you can use the airbrush.

In order not to fulfill all the work on coloring, you can purchase a special film and get it the body. Camouflage film on a car can be:

  • Different texture and thickness.
  • Have a glossy or matte surface.
  • Being different widths, while it is ready for applying to cars.
  • It has a different color gamut, so everyone can choose a drawing in the shower.

Its main advantage is the ease of removal - the old coating will not be corrupted and you can change the color at any time.

Many car owners have the desire to stand out among the entire flow of cars. The main way to express itself is tuning the outside of the car. Today is an interesting and unusual direction - camouflage on a car, such a color is actively used not only on machines involved in hostilities, but also in fishing, hunting and some other uses. This service can be simply available on a service station, but there is another way - to apply the camouflage pattern.

Types of camouflage and ways to apply to the car

The pattern of camouflage can be diverse, staining and coloring is very different depending on the overall design, they are somewhat resemble the colors of the military uniform different countries. The primary task is to decide on the expected coloring and type of drawing.

Camouflage drawing on the car can be diverse

When choosing a color should be based on the aesthetic qualities of the option or take into account the tasks set in front of the car. Hunting species do not differ attractive design, but help move without attracting attention. City camouflage is used only with a decorative goal, and on the hunt - it is important to ensure secrecy and maintain a minority. To facilitate the task, consider the types of camouflage, at least the most sought-after options.

The geometric camouflage in the people is called "chopped", its main task is not reduced to improving secrecy, rather, the emphasis is raised to eliminate the visibility of the hull itself, it is as if smashed into separate parts with geometric shapes. The drawing includes a variety of shapes and dimensions of the figures. Geometric camouflage provides a complex allocation and visual assessment of the outlines and dimensions of transport. White, black and gray colors are used more often.

Such camouflage on the car was originally created for the military industry cars, and modern designers adopted the drawing. Different particles of figures were added to it and began to use unexpected colors to improve the aesthetic characteristics.

Geometric Camouflage Chrysler Crossfire

Pixel Figure

A slightly different kind of digital camouflage, as it creates a similarity of the presence of pixels on the surface, like the monitor. Sometimes a pixel drawing on a car is called "destructive", as it "breaks" the silhouette of transport. When moving the car is difficult to identify and visually assess the distance to it.

The drawing to enhance secure has a special ratio of stains and sizes, their exact definition depends on the terrain and relief. Such camouflage color is suitable for desert regions, mountains and separate species Forests. For rocks in color, black, gray and white shades are dominated. In the deserts, preferably yellow and brown colors. The forest is often used brown, black and green.

City camouflage does not need such tricks, stains can be placed arbitrary.

Forest view

Most often, the car in camouflage is found precisely in forest color, it does not differ in high decorative qualities, but perfectly hide the car in the forest. In the figure, the largest part occupy various shades of green with the addition of black and brown. Forest type camouflage has soft and smoothly with current lines. When considering the body it is difficult to distinguish from foliage in the forest.

If a person does not set himself the task of preserving invisibility, you can use different colors, even the blue camouflage has the right to life. The choice can be found only at visual preferences and the level of fantasy.

Forest camouflage by car

Winter drawing

Winter camouflage is great for the cold season, when the street is snowing. Any other type of coloring will issue a vehicle by making it particularly noticeable. Camouflage machine in winter should merge with snow, therefore, in it the predominant gray and blue colors on a white background. The model can be made with chopped transitions, smooth faces, etc.

More often, white camouflage is used for the main task - a decrease in visibility of the vehicle, not so many people choosing it for self-expression. It is often used by hunters who spend a lot of time in forest land in the north of the country.

City camouflage on auto winter may even include black colors, but such spots should be few. They will help disguise if the snow has lumens, through which the Earth is visible. What is more valuable for the city: Dark spots give a more interesting view.

Hunting Civil Camouflage

Another option to create a car in camouflage, which is suitable for hunters and does not apply to Militari style. In the picture, green, gray and yellow colors are dominated, it is made for masking under the foliage. Especially spectacular and interestingly looks like a similar camouflage on SUVs, it is ideal for most jeeps. Developed separate drawings for imitation of deciduous and coniferous forests, jungle, savannah and various steppes.

Hunting camouflage on cars

A distinctive feature is a functional species, it is attractive for both urban machines and hunting jeeps. When processing the style, an urban camouflage car with hunting elements appeared, it is more stylish and practical.

"Storm in the desert"

Yellow and red camouflage is an interesting variety of "storm in the desert", the model is very popular and allows you to stand out on the road. There are various variations of drawings, but they are all similar to sandy stroke. In this type, smooth lines are used and the pixel camouflage pattern is partially borrowed.

The most common type was obtained in the regions adjacent to deserts, sandy mounds, quarries, etc. The style will help harmoniously fit into any sand landscapes.

Advantages of each type of camouflage

If there are still questions or doubts about choosing a pattern or color, it is worth examining the benefits of camouflage varieties:

  • winter. It is optimally suitable for winter, the machine gets a coloring of white snow and dark spots appearing during a long lying cover. In other seasons, the car will not have a disguise, but in the city it looks interesting and unusual. The dignity is the minimum visibility of surface pollution, after the frost it is difficult to distinguish the drawing and dirt itself;
  • digital. It is the most modern option that is in demand in young people. It is not intended for disguise, performs only a decorative function;
  • deserted. It is mostly used for people living in arid regions with clay and sandy soils. Especially effectively masks at the autumn time, but the remaining seasons do not contribute to the hide position;
  • forest. It is deservedly considered the most versatile, as it is well suited for almost any season, and also does not worsen the species in urban conditions. Among all the considered options is the brightest camouflage.

Winter camouflage for a car

What instruments will be needed to create camouflage on the car with your own hands

Car staining always requires preliminary surface preparation, providing necessary tools and purchase of high-quality materials. A set of tools varies on the basis of a specific type of pattern.

When performing the edge of the vehicle in the color of camouflage, it will take the presence of minimal skills to work with paint. To facilitate the task, it is good to have special stencils. You can do without them, but then the complexity of work increases.

The artist in the process of work will take:

  • many paper, you can use old abstracts, newspapers, magazines or unnecessary books;
  • a rather big amount of painting tape, preferably with different bandwidths. Basically, the process takes 5 narrow and 5 wide tapes;
  • more flannel rags, they must be dry and clean;
  • 1 glass of gasoline;
  • 0.5 liters of solvent;
  • special lacquer, which will be opened with the surface to create a matte and glossy type;
  • one halogen lamp with a capacity of 1 kW;
  • an ordinary metal spatula, it is better to work with a relatively narrow working surface - 7 cm;
  • automal is present on the shelves of most shops in the form of a high-pressure spray. To cover the entire body, about 4 pieces of all colors will be required.

Malyary Scotch for Painting Auto

If you plan to use the stencil, you must first decide on the shape and size of the spots. After the reflection stage, it is necessary to stick to the surface of the film from vinyl or using cardboard, just be sure to take a dense basis. These materials will be used to create a picture. The vinyl film is simply pasted on a single or two-color body, and the shape is cut out of the cardboard and processed the excavation by the balloon.

During the creation of a picture with a stencil, the same tools and materials will be required as in the first case, as well as:

  • construction knife, they will cut the edges of the film;
  • special spray for covering films in the glue process;
  • ranels from rubber and felt, they will be needed to eliminate air under the film and aligning it;
  • powerful heating device;
  • sealant, it is required to fix the edges of the film.

Raquel for sticking film

Features of the preparation of cars to painting

First of all, you need to train area for staining, it must have a roof and good ventilation, since toxic substances are released when molting vinyl. In the working box you need to remove everything too much, and it is better to perform wet cleaning. Only now you can proceed to the preparation of the car:

  • heated water with soap solution you need to remove all pollution;
  • wait for complete surface drying and remove all body parts that should not be stained. The dismantling of the elements is optional, you can close them with a film and fix on the edges of the scotch;
  • process with a special degreaser, solvent or gasoline. It is necessary to take care so that the surfaces do not remain dust and rags (pile, thread, etc.).

If during the processing of the surface, the places of paint bloom were found, the peeling layer should be removed using a spatula. To facilitate paint detachment, it is recommended to warm up the lamp section.

Preparation of a car to painting

How is the process of applying paint on the car when creating camouflage

There are several basic ways to paint the machine, each method differs significantly and requires full consideration separately.

To create camouflage without a stencil, you need to follow the instructions and comply with increased attentiveness. Application algorithm:

  • With the help of narrow scotch, you need to draw stains by car that a person expects to get. It is better not to bend tape, since in places of loose joining the stickers will be paint.
  • Around the stains it is worth covering all the newspapers, they protect the remaining parts of the car from paint and create a clear form. For securing paper used wide tape.
  • First applies the very dark shade out of the selected colors. When the first layer is freezing, it is necessary to re-perform the coating of the can be coated to enhance the color and reliability of paint.
  • After the final drying of the spots, you need to remove newspapers and tape. Now the procedure is repeated with new spots. It is preferable to make the name of the second material to the first to make the drawing merged.
  • The second color should be applied with two layers, but it is pre-waiting for the frozen. The brightest color is recommended to apply at the end.
  • After completing the staining, all the remnants of the protective coating of newspapers are completely removed, and the work performed is carried out. If there are places of paint penetration between scotch and newspapers, the coating with a solvent should be removed.
  • A carp is applied from top to the body to create a uniform color. The varnish is recommended to add a solvent and a fixer. Varnish must be applied in 2-3 layers.

Painting cars under camouflage

In the case of a stencil, the principle of paint coverage is almost no different, key honors is the absence of the need to engage in pasting sections with scotch and paper. Here the stencil is sticking to the same places, and inside everything is poured paint. The disadvantage of the method can be called the absence of a variety of drawing, that is, all the elements are identical in size and form. To create a variety of drawings, you need to pay a lot of time on the manufacture of stencils. A unique drawing and an interesting form are possible only with several stencil forms.

There is an alternative way to create camouflage, it is the most accessible and requires a minimum amount of time. Thanks to the vinyl film, the body receives additional protection against the adverse effects of weather and the appearance of scratches.

Follow the instructions for applying:

  • Initially, it is necessary to try the film on the vehicle, for a while simply fix it with a scotch. With the help of any marker, it should be noted the sections where the section will undergo. Before opening, it is worth considering that in places with deepening and violers will require a greater amount of material. Cutting can be carried out after stickers, then all areas that should not be glued, you need to treat painting scotch.
  • Apply a special spray on the surface of the gluing, and then attach the adhesive side to the body. Before drying, you can adjust the location of the film.
  • Rubber rocket should be removed from the bubble film. It is necessary to achieve the perfect smoothness of the surface without bubbles.
  • To improve the clutch of the film on the joints, it is worth walking the construction hairdryer. It is necessary to use the heater carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damage and melting the film.
  • The most attention should be paid to the sections with bends, you need to brighten the film over the entire surface as much as possible, and for adhesion a little process the surface with a hairdryer.
  • Taking the rocket from felt, it is recommended to re-conduct the procedure for moving the material. At this time, you can still repeat the film.
  • Crop the unnecessary faces of the material with a construction knife and enhance the edges of the sealant to extend the service life of the coating.

Punching films on auto camouflage

After covering the film, you need to give a vehicle from 12 hours to frozen. When the material grabbed, the process is completed, but wash the car is not worth 1 week.

  • for giving original view It is worth using large stains with different sizeswhich go from one body element to another;
  • along the contour, a special protective surface is formed to eliminate the cutting of paint for the contour;
  • it is impossible to start the stains to the drawing until the previous layer is completely frozen;
  • for the integrity of the picture, the drawings need to draw a wax;
  • each stain must be applied 2 times to prevent color transparency;
  • when drawing, you need to move with the can only in the direction of the clockwise direction.


The popularity of camouflage is explained by the main task of design - improving the stealth of movement, but is often used only in a decorative role. If you do a procedure yourself, you can significantly transform the car for small money. An important condition is to preserve the balance so that the stains do not occupy more than 50% of the entire area, otherwise the design will deteriorate.

Each car owner wishes his car to stand out among other vehicles, and the main way to stand out and remains external tuning of the automotive body. Recently, increasing popularity in this question began to conquer tuning under camouflage, although among fans of hunting and fishing it was always popular. But no matter how much the popularity of camouflage on the car, today is only interested in the question of how to make camouflage by car without the help of specialists. About this and tell below.

Types of camouflage and ways to apply to the car

To "wear" your car into camouflage, you can simply contact the service center and take your transfigured car in a few days. But this option is not entirely beneficial financially, so it is worth at least trying to make camouflage on a car with your own hands. And before proceeding with the direct painting, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the types of camouflage, among which you can choose and the option for yourself.

Among all the existing types of camouflage today, four main:

It assumes the use of white background, according to which stains of gray and black colors with pointed corners are applied. This species They are still referred to as urban camouflage.

Basically, only sandy shades are used - yellow, brown and gray for contrast. For this reason, such a type of camouflage is also called sandy.

Make such camouflage at home the most difficult, but only if you do not resort to the use of vinyl film, on which such a drawing is already applied. Color combinations in this case can be used a variety of different types of species. The feature of the digital camouflage is the form of color spots, which look like a highly enlarged digital pattern consisting of a large number of squares.

Forest or military camouflage - It is simply imitation of a protective military color, which can be modified differently depending on your wishes.

What instruments will be needed to create camouflage on the car with your own hands

Painting cars in camouflage can not be carried out without prior preparation required tools and materials whose set will vary depending on how exactly you decide to perform work.

What tools can camouflage without stencil?

If you decide on a similar way to apply camouflage - it means that you are not first to work with paint and with its application on a car, because it is actually very difficult to work without a stencil. To do this will have to use:

A huge number of old newspapers or other paper (for example, you can break your old student abstracts).

Large reserve of painting scotch of different thickness (5 rolls of narrow and as wide).

Clean and dry rags from flannel.

About 200 g gasoline.

500 g solvent for paint.

Special varnish for applying a car (he can have a glossy or matte effect, so you already choose here).

Halogen lamp per 1 kW.

Construction spatula (the most convenient to work with a tool whose width is 70 mm).

Automal. It is often for sale in the canopy cannon, in this form and you need to take it. In order to cover it all the body of the car, it will take about 4 plates of each color.

Tools for painting cars in camouflage using stencil

For such a way of applying camouflage, you will first need to decide in advance with the type of drawing and the size of the color spots on camouflage. After that prepare vinyl films Or a very dense cardboard, from which you can cut stencils. But besides him, you will use all the same tools in the work as when creating camouflage without a stencil.

Casting Machines Vinyl Film Camouflage

This is the easiest job of applying camouflage, since it implies the presence of a vinyl film of the necessary coloring and its gluing to the body of the car. To do this, except for the film, you also need to prepare:

A sharp knife for trimming the edges of the film.

Special spray that needs to be treated with film during sticking.

Rubber and felt rockets, which are useful for moving the film and remove air from under it.

Construction hairdryer.

Sealant for processing edges of the film.

Features of the preparation of cars to painting

To make painting it is necessary to prepare a garage or any other space convenient for you under a canopy, where reliable ventilation would also be (in working with vinyl, this question will not stand so sharply). The garage must be carefully removed and, desirable, walk the wet rag to remove all the dust. After that, it is also necessary to take care of the car:

1 . With the help of water, remove completely all pollution from the body surface.

2. Give the car time to dry and dismantle all the items that can be spattered with paint (if there is no desire to dismantle, they can be sealed with a scotch or film).

3. Decrease the surface of the body, rubbed it with a rag moistened in gasoline. Please note that after this procedure on the surface of the body there should be no villi.

If during the preparation of the body you noticed the bloating of the old paint coating, before applying a new paint layer it is necessary to remove it with a spatula, pre-warming up the lamp.

How does the process of applying paint on the car when creating camouflage?

So, how to paint the car in camouflage with your own hands? The entire process of performing work will differ significantly, depending on the selected method of creating camouflage. Each of these methods we will analyze separately.

Painting cars in camouflage without stencil

This way of painting quite strongly stretches in time and at the same time he strongly limits us in choosing a picture, because without a stencil it is very difficult to apply complex forms. In general, the procedure for creating camouflage on the car is carried out as follows:

1. Using the narrowest greater tape, we create on the surface of the body the form of the future picture. Try not to bend your tape, otherwise the paint is leaked to it and spoil the integrity of the drawing.

2. Increasing the stains created by you, save the newspapers so that the paint does not fly further outlined borders. Newspapers are better consolidated with a wide scotch.

3. The first to apply the most dark color of the color spectrum you have chosen. After drying, cover it by another layer so that the color was more saturated, and the paint layer is more reliable.

4. When the stains of the same color are completely dry, tape and newspapers must be deleted and form new spots. Note that the second color should be a little on the first.

5. We apply the second color also in two layers. It is not worth a hurry - be sure to wait for the complete drying of all the layers. The latter applies the most light layer of paint.

6. In complete, we remove all the remains of the painting tape and newspapers, which were glued to the body, and inspect their work. If during the application of paint it got "not there", it should be removed using a conventional solvent.

7. The whole body is covered with a special car varnish to make the paint uniform. For this, do not forget to add a special fixer and solvent to Varnish using the proportions specified in the instructions. Varnish can also be applied in several layers.

How to make camouflage on a car with a stencil?

The principle of applying paint in this case remains the same as without a stencil. The only difference is that it is not forgotten with scotch and newspapers - you just glue the stencil and fill it with paint hole.

The only disadvantage of such a way to create camouflage is that all stains on the car are given the same in size. If you want "diversity", you will have to still spend a lot of time on cutting stencils. But if you wish to get a remnable result and really unique body coloring - similar problem Will not be an obstacle for you.

How to make camouflage vinyl on the car?

Casting machine film camouflage is probably the easiest way to not only transform the appearance of your car, but also cover its body with a protective layer of film. It is applied as follows:

1. First, try on your film on the car body and make it with the help of a painting scotch mark, where you need to cut. But before starting a cutting, note that on uneven and curved places, the film will need a little more. The remains are better to cut after the stickers.

2. Using a special spray, we processes the adhesive surface of the film and apply it to the surface of the automotive body. At this stage, the location of the vinyl film can still be adjusted and aligned.

3. Take the rubber rocket and crumple the film. Try to do so that under it there is not a single air bubble.

4. In order for the film even better to be blocked and glued to the body, walk through its surface with a construction hairdryer.

Important! Do not overdo it with a construction hairdryer, as you risk damageing the integrity of the film too high temperatures.

5. Special attention It is necessary to pay flex places. Try to make the film perfectly blocked, which can be done only with the help of its additional heating.

6. Walk along the surface of the film by the felt rocket to fully dissolve it. If necessary, again warm the hair dryer.

7. Cut the protruding edges of the film with a knife and treat all the edges with a sealant so that the film does not extell over time.

Please note that after applying the film on the body, the car should be left in the garage at least 12 hours. Only after that the process of salary can be considered complete, but even taking into account this wash the car is not recommended for another week.

Advantages of each type of camouflage

If you cannot finally decide on what kind of camouflage to apply to your car, we give advantages Each of each described above:

Perfect not only for car masking in winterWhen, mixed with snow, dirt makes the landscape of white-gray-black. In the summer, in nature, such a car in principle will not give any disguise, but in the city will become an excellent urban attribute. But at the same time, the dirt on the surface of such a car is practically not noticeable, because, falling on the body, it will become part of tuning.

It is customary to consider the most modern one who prefers preference to the young generation. He lost his disguise and is used exclusively as decorative.

In such colors, they are mainly painted by those who do not know what the desert is. The desert camouflage is more suitable for the autumn period, although in summer and spring will also give excellent disguise.

Well done forest camouflage It differs not only by the fact that it provides a good disguise in the forest, but also makes the car in a military solid. In fact, this is the brightest option of camouflage.

It is also worth mentioning the vinyl film that can combine all the listed types of camouflage on the car. But, except for an attractive appearance, you get it with its use:

Additional protection of the body from unexpected damage, and in some cases even from dents.

Under the vinyl film, the native paint coating of the car will be reliably maintained. If you wish, in a couple of years you can remove the vinyl and ride the car again without camouflage.

Such a car coating is rather durable, especially if you consider all the rules for use.

The ability to transform the appearance of the car without circulation for help from specialists.

In general, I would like to note that whatever option of the car's color you choose, if there is a necessary amount of time and a sufficient desire to paint any vehicle can be performed at home. Especially since the cash costs will be minimal in this case.

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