Home Lighting What oil is poured in Skoda Fabia 1.2. Replacing the oil on Skoda Fabia. Everyone will cope with it! What will take when changing the oil in the car

What oil is poured in Skoda Fabia 1.2. Replacing the oil on Skoda Fabia. Everyone will cope with it! What will take when changing the oil in the car

The small car in Class Skoda Fabia was first shown at the exhibition in Frankfurt in 1999. The model came to the change of the Felicia series and became one of the most popular Czech concern cars, making serious competition for Chevrolet Aveo., Opel Corsa, Hyundai Accent, Renault Logan, Mazda2 and other market leaders of small cars. The first two generations of Fabia are designed on the Volkswagen A04 platform (PQ24) and completed with engines similar to VW Polo models: gasoline 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 liters, as well as diesel engines with a working volume of 1.2-1.9 liters. Data on the types of oilfilled oil and its number are indicated in the second half of the article. In 2014, the third generation of Fabia was debuted at the Paris Motor Show, which is produced before today.

The first generation of Fabia was completed as weak outdated motors on 1.0 (50 hp) and 1.4 (68 hp) liters and more powerful from 54-120 hp. The power of diesel modifications varied from 69 to 131 hp. The model was held its first restyling in 2005, and after 2 years later, its generation 5J was submitted to the public. Updated car He had the same wheel base, but he became above the predecessor, which was reflected in the spaciousness of the salon. The line of power aggregates was transferred from generation 6Y: diesel engines 1.4 and 1.9 liters and gasoline 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 liters. All of them worked in a pair or with a 6-range automatic transmission, or on mechanics. 2010 brought a car to another update, during which he received the redesigned front and new motors. Now instead of 1.4 and 1.6-liter engines podcast space occupy turbo-moving 1.2 and 1.4. Diesel modifications are replaced by 1.2 and 1.6-liter TDI. On the russian market 3 gasoline options were hit: by 1.2 liters (70 hp, the maximum acceleration is 164 km / h, the first hundred is 15 seconds), by 1.4 liters (86 hp, 175 km / h, 12.7 seconds), and Also at 1.6 liters (105 hp, 195 km / h, 10.4 seconds).

Generation 1 (1999-2007)

Engine ARV 1.0.

  • How many oil litters in the engine (total volume): 4.0 l.

Engine AZQ 1.2.

  • What engine oil is poured from the plant (original): Synthetic 5W30
  • Oil types (viscosity): 5W-30, 5W-40
  • How many litters of oil in the engine (total volume): 2.8 liters.
  • Oil consumption per 1000 km.: Up to 500 ml.
  • When to change the oil: 7500-15000

Cars " Skoda Fabia.»Widely distributed in Russia. This compact class representative is among the best-selling models of the Czech automaker. Fabia is valued for their worthy technical and performance features, it is easy to repair and allows you to do without any problems independent service. In the "Skoda Fabia", the replacement of oil is considered one of the most simple procedures. Here, the main thing is to follow the instructions, repel from the official recommendations and comply with the rules of security to avoid unwanted injuries and burns with hot oil.

For sophisticated conditions operation to change engine oil in Skoda Fabia follows more often.

Replacement frequency

Let's start with how often Fabia requires. The official regulation of the Czech automaker says that the period between replacements lubricant Fabia has 15 thousand kilometers or 1 years of operation. But these indicators can decrease when exposed to internal and external factors:

  • intensive operation of the car;
  • bad roads;
  • pollution and dusting of sites for which a car is mainly driving;
  • aggressive driving manner;
  • sharp temperature differences;
  • frequent speed excess;
  • the use of poor engine oil and a cheap filter;
  • refueling bad fuel, etc.

All this negatively affects the state of the engine. Gradually, the lubricant loses its original physicochemical properties, does not envelop moving parts sufficiently. The process of engine wear begins due to the resulting friction. Metal sedental particles pollute the filter, penetrate the entire oil system, outflow the components of the motor. Overload and overheating can seriously affect the engine, to bring it out of order and provoking the need for large financial investments for repair. To prevent this, try.

Check level and status

To give an objective assessment of the current oil, which is flooded with the "Skoda Fabi" engine, you need to look under the hood, find the dipstick and remove it. The measuring probe is located in the hole through which the fresh motor lubrication is poured. It is made on the MIN and Max mark. Optimally, when the probe, the trace from the liquid remains between two marks. If the level is lower, it takes a little plump oil. It is also impossible to overstat the crankcreter with lubricant, otherwise you will have to merge unnecessary and engage in additional dismantling work under the car.

In addition to level, draw your attention to the lubricant. Not always simple tank helps to resume normal work Total engine. The following criteria are talking about the poor condition of the oil:

  • the liquid has become muddy or dark;
  • from the oil occurs a grown smell;
  • it is noticeable particles of garbage, dirt or precipitate.

Noticing at least one of these signs, be sure.

Select Oil

Before changing the engine lubricant, it should be competently selected the corresponding liquid for the Skoda Fabia car. Its volume depends on the engine installed on the car:

  • on the motors of 1.2 liters, you need only 2.8 liters of engine oil;
  • 1.4 liter engines require 3.2 liters of lubrication;
  • power units with a volume of 1.6 liters according to the instructions include 3.6 liters of oil;
  • in the 1.9-liter motor poured 4.3 liters of lubrication.

Even from the factory in the engine "Skoda" produced by Castrol. To be more accurate, this is SLX Professional Powerflow 5W30 with VW 504 tolerance. But SLX oil is not officially supplied. The version of EDGE came to shift. At all official dealers Skoda advise to use 5W30 lubrication for Fabia. Regarding manufacturers, it is better to choose the following:

    • Mobil;

This is a list of what engine oil is poured into the car "Skoda Fabi" and its engines. From these recommendations, it is better not to detect and not experiment. Apply only synthetic compounds. Mineral and even semi-synthetic mixtures in the engine are better not to fill, regardless of the operating conditions and characteristics of motor oils.

Cheap lubricants or mixtures that do not match the requirements of the manufacturer lead to premature wear of engine parts and expensive repairs. Therefore it is better to spend a little more money on good liquidWhat then becomes a regular car service client.

Replacement procedure

If you decide to do on the car "Skoda Fabia" yourself, repel from the official regulation and do not forget about safety measures. Following step by step, you can easily change the engine lubricant and decently save on the service of the car service.

The standard procedure and does not provide for especially difficult moments. But questions arise regarding shift oil filter At the "Skoda Fabia."

Oil filter

To change this element of the engine lubrication system, you will need a special key-excavator for oil filters. Or take the key to 32. Although it is much more convenient to work with the reservoirs. The device replacement procedure is somewhat different depending on which type of filter is mounted on the machine:

  • with a replaceable filter;
  • with a replaceable filtering element.

If the replacement is subject to the entire filter, then it is changed according to the following instructions:

A somewhat different work is done if the case is not required to change, and only the filter element is enough to change in the filter.

Here, act on such instructions:

  • remove the filter as in the previous case;
  • from the body of the details, remove the filter element and the seal;
  • in their place, put replacement consumables;
  • twist the filter cover;
  • detail is delayed dynamometric key, applying an effort of 25 nm.

This works completed. Just consider that such a procedure allows you to partially replace the engine lubricant, since often the old liquid still remains in the engine system. If you want to fully change the engine oil, without resorting to the help of specialists, then do the complex cleaning.

You know what oil volume is provided in different engines. But in practice when it self-replacement The optimal level is achieved with a smaller amount of lubrication than indicated in specifications. This is due to the fact that during self-replacement without the use of special equipment, part of the old lubricant remains inside the engine. Therefore, when pouring a new mixture, it mixes with the old. This mixture cannot be considered completely fresh oilrather, it is a combination of two liquids.

If the car owner wants to achieve a deep cleaning of the system and maximize the physico-chemical properties of fresh motor lubrication, it will be necessary to carry out a complex cleaning. The minus is that the impressive amount of new oil will have to use. But it is still cheaper than the service of the car service. Cleaning is performed by periodic oil replacement. Everything is done as we described before. The only nuance is in the frequency between the replacement. It is about 500 kilometers.

It is recommended to change the oil of about 3 to 4 times, which will allow fully output from the system all the remains of the old lubricant and give the engine the opportunity to work on absolutely fresh composition. If the system is completely clean, then exactly the amount of engine oil will enter the engine, which is indicated in the specifications.

"Skoda Fabia" is a fairly simple car in terms of repair and maintenance. Therefore, most owners prefer to do it on their own. Changing timely motor lubricants and using the corresponding regulations of the composition, you will provide power aggregate Long-term and trouble-free operation, significantly save on the repair and appeals at the station maintenance.

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Almost every car owner at least once in his life replaced the engine oil in the car independently. Of course, in service centers you will be able to produce this procedure more professionally and quickly. But, if you want to replace the exhaust oil in the car yourself, then nothing is difficult. The first time, of course, have to tinker, but in the future, you will fulfill this procedure without any problems. To replace the oil in the engine and the oil filter, you will not need any intricate devices and devices, it is enough and the "standard" set of an auto mechanic, which is in the garage almost everyone.

So, you are the owner of Skoda Fabia. Therefore, we will analyze the process as it turns out the engine in the engine using the example of this 2013 release car. On it is installed engine 1.2 HTP (AZQ \\ BME), which requires a volume of 2.8 liters of engine oil for full-fledged work. But, this parameter is the minimum value, according to the documentation for the car. Many specialists of services, and just experienced motorists, advise to fill up to 3.5 liters.
Next, you need to select a place for the car where the oil and filter will be replaced. If you can use the observation pit - great. If not, you will choose just a smooth surface. Do not forget to fix the car before working, to put special shoes under the wheels or, at worst, ordinary bricks. The plug plug, located on the crankcase, is in the back of the car, so it is very desirable to lift it before. For example, laying under the wheels, the same bricks.
List of parts and tools that will be required when replacing oil on Skoda Fabia:

  • item Item 13 mm;
  • hexagon, which is necessary in order to unscrew the drain plug;
  • set of keys - stars;
  • 36 mm key, in order to unscrew the filter cover;
  • any, unnecessary in the future, the capacity of 5 liters, for the drain of the old oil;
  • automotive oil (for example, Castrol 5W-30, which is recommended for Skoda Fabia);
    A new oil filter and a sealing ring for it, which is included in the kit (to avoid problems in the future, it is desirable to overpay a little and buy an original filter).

Of course, you choose from all the variety of oils on store shelves, but it is better to take the recommended manufacturer, as well as the original filter.

We merge old engine oil.

Before merge the old engine oil, it is necessary to remove the pallet that protects the crankcase. To do this, unscrew the bolts and screws. Bolts 6 pieces with a head for 13 mm, self-tapping screws are also 6 pieces, for them, just need keys with a head under the stall.
Then you need to start the car and warm the engine, about the moment the cooling fan does not start. After that, the wasting machine and hexagon key start to unscrew the plug. It is necessary to do it very carefully and carefully:
- First, if you quickly start unscrew the plug, then the oil can sharply splash out of the crankcase, staining everything around;
- Secondly, the plug is always tightened very much, so you can simply disrupt the verge of turnkey and the problem of its opening will become complicated several times.
Next, it is necessary to substitute the prepared container (as an option, a cropped plastic bottle). And under it to raise cardboard or loaf, because Part of the oil used can get to the necessary items.
If you warmly warmed the car, do not forget that the engine oil will be hot and can burn you! Also, it is desirable to pull the test probe, then the additional flow of air will enter the crankcase, create pressure and oil will continue to flow faster.
After almost all the oil flowed, do not rush to immediately change the filter. To begin with, wait 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order for all the remnants of the oil used in the container. After that, inspect the twisted plug on the thread condition and the copper washer. These details often come into disrepair, and need to be replaced. If everything is fine with cork and washer, then we spin them. If you don't like something, it is better to be restrained and acquired a new detail.

We replace the oil filter.

Skoda Fabia's oil filter is located next to the radiator, so access to it is fairly free. It is only necessary to remove the air hose. Next, with a six-sided key on 36 mm unscrew the filter cover. Here it is necessary to put an ordinary rag under it, because Only you will remove the cover, from under it can push the engine oil and get to the generator.

Be careful and neat. And everything will pass, like oil!

The oil filter itself is located in the lid and dressed on the plastic rod. Remove all this design. Next, you need to remove the rod. Do it carefully, because It can be easily breakdown or bent. At this point, we note that the rod is simply inserted into the oil filter, and to remove it, you need to apply an additional force. In no case, you do not need to try to "disulte" or knock it out something. Otherwise, you will have to run to the store for a new spare part.

Next, we wipe the rod from the remnants of old workers, tightly sit on it a new oil filter. And insert this design into the lid, which is also desirable to clean. Do not forget to install a sealing ring, which must be included. On this filter replacement is almost finished - pour a little into the lid machine oillet him fill the entire volume, and install it for your previous place.

Pour motor oil.

As already mentioned above, it is necessary to pour about 3.5 liters. Machine oil brand for Skoda Fabia it is better to choose such as recommended official manufacturers (for example, Castrol 5W-30 or Shell 5W-30). Initially, boldly fill 3 liters and wait a bit. The rest of the volume is adding gradually and control it by PCU.
On this, the oil replacement on Skoda Fabia is finished. As you can see, nothing is difficult. A little bit of experience and skill and the car engine works again as a new one, and you and further enjoy the trips.

Viscosity and specifications

At the manufacturer in the manufacturer in the engine, special all-season oil of high quality is poured, which is suitable for operation at any time of the year, with the exception of particularly cold climatic zones.

In the engine you can top up the oil of another specification. The degree of viscosity of oil should be chosen in accordance with the data on . If the air temperature is only briefly stacked in the temperature of the temperature values \u200b\u200bshown in the figure, the oil should not be replaced.

Gasoline engines

A - All-season oils with increased antifriction properties, specification VW 500 00.

B is all-season oils, specification VW 501 01.

- All-season oils, API-SF or SG specification.

Diesel engines

A - all-season oils with increased antifriction properties, specification VW 500 00 (for diesel engines With turbocharging only in a mixture with oil Specifications VW 505 00).

In - all-season oils, specification VW 505 00 (for all diesel engines),

- All-season oils, the API-CD specification (for diesel engines with a turbocharger only in case of extreme necessity for the topping).

- All-season oils, specification VW 501 01 (for diesel engines with turbocharging only in a mixture with oil VW 505 00 specification).

Motor oils

All-season oils of specs of VW 501 01 and VW 505 00 are relatively cheaps and have the following qualities:

- the possibility of year-round use in the zones of moderate climate;

- excellent detergents;

- good lubricating capacity at any temperature and engine loads;

- Stability of the initial properties for a long time.

All-season oils with improved antifriction qualities according to the VW 500 00 specifications have additional benefits:

- the possibility of using almost at any outdoor temperature;

- Small engine power losses for friction;

- facilitate the start of the cold engine even at a very low temperature.


Seasonal oils due to their inherent specific viscosity properties are usually impossible to use all year round, so they should be used only in the respective climatic zones.

When using all-season oils SAE. 5W-30 It is necessary to avoid continuous operation of the engine with high speed and constant heavy load on the engine. These limitations do not apply to all-season oils with improved antifriction qualities.

Motor oil additives

Do not add to the engine oil additives that reduce friction losses.

Mixing oils

This and similar questions are interested in many motorists. Unfortunately, it is impossible to mix oils, even if it is the oils of leading manufacturers (Shell, Mobil, British Petroleum). Each company produces commercial oils, adding a whole complex of additives to an oil basis, whose chemical composition holds in the secret. Therefore, when mixing high-quality oils of the same purpose, manufactured in accordance with the requirements existing systems The classification of motor oils, but by technologies of various firms, low-quality mixtures may be obtained due to the incompatibility of additives. Oils of different firms are interchangeable, the possibility of using such oils often indicate motor-building. But this does not mean that they can be mixed. Systems aPI classification And Acea suggests the mandatory identical test methods (laboratory, bench - motor, etc.) oils of different firms. If desired (or needed), automotive firms may introduce additional tests (or more rigid conditions) oils.

The same refers to mixing mineral or synthetic oils (sometimes even one company). Synthetic oils, for example, hydrocarbon, one firm can be mixed. IN this case Firm - Oil manufacturer gives relevant recommendations and is responsible. Nevertheless, there are cases when with mixing oils deteriorates their quality. As a result, the engine can kick, since the mixture of incompatible oils turns into "jelly".

In no case cannot mix imported and domestic oils, especially with the addition of domestic additives. Neither the seller nor the consumer know the composition of the additives that are added to the oil. Some "domestic origin" are produced by "firms" who do not even have elementary knowledge of petroleum products. Sometimes such "specialists" use spent oils (even without proper regeneration) for the production of "commodity". Use only oils recommended in the instruction manual.

No "cleaners" ("Tocron" and others) are not able to increase octane number Gasoline. For this, special additives are used - antiques, which are added in the manufacturing process of gasoline on refinery, or additives. The cause of detonation (the metal knock is heard during the engine operation) and the vibil ignition (the engine continues to operate when the ignition is turned off) can be a nagar in the combustion chamber.

Increasing compression in the system "When Introduction of some additives" occurs not due to viscous additives, since they do not have them in their composition, but for other reasons.

Reduce the waste of oil in the old engine and increase compression in the cylinders due to the use of highly viscous oils is inappropriate, as this will actually lead to an increase in compression in the cylinders, but not long. In the future, the repair of the engine will cost more.

The reason for the "acoustic" noise in the old engine is its wear, so the repair will be cheaper with the subsequent use of high-quality oil. You can reduce the gaps with additives, but in the appropriateness of this should be sorted out to not harm the engine.

It is necessary to take a rule: use the appropriate engine high quality oil One brand and not mix it with synthetic (or semi-synthetic) oil. The engine for it thanks the trouble-free job. Do not buy oil "from hand", as the packaging is easy to fake.

Replacing butter and oil filter

Periodic replacement of oil and oil filter is the most important prophylactic maintenance procedure. In the process of operation, the engine oil agrees - it becomes liquid and contaminated, which leads to premature engine wear.

It is necessary to replace the oil immediately after the trip is not yet cooled the engine so that the oil is better glass along with contaminants.

Raise the car on the lift or set it in a horizontal position on the viewing ditch.

Remove the lower engine mudguard.

Gasoline engines V6.

Scroll out the oil filter ( ). If the filter is unscrewed, use the HAZET 2171-1 special key.

Place the oil collection container under the oil drip opening and unscrew the cork. If necessary, click on the plug when unscrewing so that the oil does not make the oil prematurely, and drain the engine oil.

When the oil is completely stroke, wipe the oil around drain hole And screw the oil drain plug with a new sealing ring.

Wipe the location of the oil filter and screw the new oil filter.

Gasoline engines V8.

Oil filter is located in the right back of the engine.

On engines V8-5V. no oil drain plug on the lid of the oil filter.

Place the oil collection container under the drain hole and unscrew the cork. If necessary, click on the plug when unscrewing so that the oil does not make the oil prematurely, and drain the engine oil.

Unscrew the mounting bolt 1 and remove the lid and the oil filter element.

Wipe the housing and the oil filter cover and install the new filter element 5 ( ) Oil filter.

Lubricate fresh motor Oil Sealing ring 4, set the cover 3 with a sealing ring in place and fasten with a bolt 1 with a new seal 2, tightening it with a torque of 25 N · m.

Screw the plug 7 with a new sealing ring 6 into the filter cover and tighten it with a point of 50 N · m.

Wipe the oil around the drain hole and screw the plug hole in the oil pan, tightening it with 35 N · m.

Fill the oil of the corresponding brand into the engine.

On the V8-5V engines, tighten the oil filter cover bolt with a torque of 25 N · m, and the tube to the oil trailing torque of 50 N · m.

Diesel engines V6 TDI

Remove the o-ring 2 and the filter element 3 of the oil filter.

Clean the oil filter housing and set the new filter element 3.

Set on the cover 1 new sealing ring 2 and screw the cover on the housing, tightening it with a point of 25 N · m.

Place the container for draining the oil under the drain hole and unscrew the cork, if necessary, pressing it when unscrewing so that the oil does not flow prematurely and drain the engine oil.

When the oil is fully stroke, wipe the oil around the drain hole and screw the plug with a new sealing ring by tightening it with a point of 25 N · m.

Fill the oil of the corresponding brand into the engine.

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