Home Locks Autoinstructors of a woman. Driving lessons for women (automatic transmission, manual transmission) how to touch the machine with a manual gearbox

Autoinstructors of a woman. Driving lessons for women (automatic transmission, manual transmission) how to touch the machine with a manual gearbox

One of the favorite accessories for each woman is, of course, the bag. The lady's handbag is an essential attribute of almost every fair sex representative, because this accessory does not only perform a decorative, but also a very important practical function, speaking a capacity of a spacious storage for a thousand and one little things. The handbags do not happen much, so in stock every woman there will always be at least a couple - and often the number of bags of all kinds and sizes reaches even several dozen. Today we offer cute ladies to watch a small lesson in which it tells how to replenish your wardrobe another wonderful handbag for the spring-summer season.

Bags do it yourself master class

The authors of the lesson called "Bright Spring Bag in 15 minutes" tell about how with the minimum time and money costs to make a stylish handbag own hands. Even a beginner needlewoman will handle this task, so this video lesson will be interested in all representatives of the beautiful sex, regardless of the level of their artistic abilities and design skills. For work it will be necessary for an old handbag, which is due to long operation Lost its original appearance, as well as unnecessary leather boots (for example, if they became small or simply came out of fashion). You should not rush to throw these outdated things - they can give a new life! The authors of this lesson show how to completely transform an old bag with a simple decor made by hand from everything turned out to be at hand. One of the "raisins" shown in this master class of the handbag model is, of course, a stylish leather fringe, which is already considered one of the leading trend trends. As a result of the work of the masters, it turned out an extremely fashionable and original lady bag in an ethno-style, which has a universal purpose: it can be taken for a walk, and to work, and during the shopping.

Sew a bag with your own fabric hands

We hope that this workshop will help our viewers to discover new resources for Hend Maid, a pleasant time for needlework and as a result, get a new clothes in his wardrobe - a stylish handbag for spring

Each resident big City It is not known that there is a lack of a natural environment and fresh air. The same applies to many foods: if rural residents have most vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits are at hand, it is more difficult for citizens in this matter - it is necessary to buy everything, risking to run into nitrates and other not too useful additives. Therefore, of course, everything is better all that is possible to grown on their own is cheaper, and more economically, and more useful to health. It is about this issue and is dedicated to a small video presented on our website.

Garden on the windowsill do it yourself

Video lesson called "How to make a garden at home? Growing greens and seedlings. " This video will be interested in a very wide circle of spectators, since the cultivation of healthy seedlings at home is interested in equally inhabitants and large cities, and small villages. The invited expert in this video tells about how with minimal financial investments, create houses a special design, in which you can successfully grow and high-quality seedlings for landing in the country, and any greens for everyday use in food. What are the advantages of the Creating Seedlings proposed in this video class? First, this method is extremely economical, and both from the financial side (does not require large cash costs) and in terms of rational spending time and forces. The arrangement of such a peculiar room "Circling" does not take much time, care for it is also completely not complicated, and will not interfere with other everyday affairs. In addition, especially important for residents of urban apartments is the advantage of the above method, as a design compactness that is used to grow greens and seedlings. The mentioned design has small dimensions, easy to fold and is transferred, so it will not be at all difficult to choose a suitable corner for it, even in a small apartment or a small house.

What can grow on the windowsill in winter

We are confident that all our spectators interested in gloomy and wishing to provide their seven freshly green greenery, necessarily draw a lot of useful for themselves from this video.

All sorts of fraud and deception of gullible citizens flourished at all times, and usually fraudsters show enviable ingenuity, constantly thinking up of all new and new ways of illegal plenty of strange property. In full compliance with the latest trends in the development of society in the twenty-first century, now virtual and mobile fraud turned out to be especially prosperous. It is about the last and tells in this video a lesson, which we recommend seeing all without exception - regardless of gender and age.

How not to become a victim of sms fraudsters

A small video that bears the name "How not to become a sacrifice of fraudsters" worth it to all visitors to our website, because none of us is immune from the opportunity to easily or later become a victim of fraud on SMS reports. In addition, the information heard in this video must necessarily convey to their friends and loved ones, especially to children and older family members, since it is most often they peck on the fishing fraudsters who sometimes listed them very large amounts of money. Invited experts in this video lesson briefly, but very meaningfully and clearly talk about the most common ways of SMS fraud, how it is necessary to behave in such situations in order not to lose their savings. In addition, our viewers will probably become interested in general recommendations on how to minimize the risk of getting into one of the fraudulent schemes. Extremely an important nuanceAt which the experts will focus on the preservation of cold-blooded and sober look at things. Very often, fraudsters use the so-called "shock effect" - trying to dear sacrifice with unexpected information and require immediate action (for example, to urgently transfer money) so that a person does not have time to come to himself and understand the situation. Therefore, in no case should you have hasty actions - it is better to think about ten time before making your mobile interlocutor from you.

How not to become a victim of scammers on the Internet

We hope that this video lesson will help reduce the crime rate, and will help our spectators successfully resist SMS frauds in any circumstances.

One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the graduation ball at school. This event marks the end of the whole school era and is a kind of "bridge" in adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when it is possible to give the will of his fantasy in the selection of the dress and turn at least one evening in a real princess for his relatives and classmates. Well, of course, what graduation party costs without a graduation dress? It is to him that our lesson is dedicated.

How to choose a graduation dress 2017

Thanks to this video, the lesson "How to choose a graduation dress" Future graduates, as well as their moms, grandmothers and girlfriends will be able to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of the leading stylists on which factors need to be considered when selecting a graduation dress and what rules should be adhered to. It is no secret that many young ladies begin to think about the choice of the outfit for prom long before the event itself - sometimes even for the year. A single point of view of how there should be a dress for a prom, does not exist, because all the girls are different, each has its own style, character and peculiarities of appearance. Therefore, it is extremely important not just blindly follow fashionable trends, but try to make the graduation outfit with the personality of the graduation, reflected her individuality and emphasized her external advantages. Many girls prefer to follow traditional rules in the choice of dresses - choose pastel colors, light fabrics, feminine silhouettes. Of course, it is already a classic, so such outfits will always be appropriate on the graduation ball. However, if the girl wants to shine originality, it is quite possible and it is possible to clean - choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black color is considered undesirable - it can be too heavy and gloomy for the young girl during the graduation.

How to choose a dress on the figure

We hope that this video lesson will help each of our spectators to make right choice In favor of the most beautiful and stylish graduation, which will allow the girl to feel the true lady.

How to remove the belly of a girl

It is no secret that one of the most problematic zones for most women is a tummy and a sides, because it is there first of all that we begin to postpone all those "tastes", which we are actively balving. Nevertheless, the situation is not critical, and completely abandoning the favorite eats should not be enough to use them in moderate quantities and not neglect by physical exertion. The authors of this video stop in detail on the last question, telling and showing which physical exercises will be as efficient to get rid of fat folds on the stomach and sides. It turns out that it is not necessary to drag himself at all with many hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully carried out even at home, and this takes not so much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a television series - and thus, you can combine pleasant with useful. The authors of the lesson offer the top five of the most effective, exercises that help quickly and reliably make their waist thinned, and the figure as a whole is slimmer. Of course, to achieve good result It is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such charging: first, you need to do every exercise correctly, accurately observing all the advice of the coach; Secondly, it should be done regularly, best - daily, or at least every other day. Provided constant training after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable, the waist amount will begin.

How to remove fat from the abdomen at home

This video lesson will be useful and interesting to almost every woman who wants to have a good figure with minimal costs, time and money.

It is no secret that human health is the most important thing, therefore care for your own health and your body should be started from the very early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time, than to treat when the disease has already started to develop intensively.

Qualitative medical services are in demand everywhere and always: and a thousand years ago, and at present. It is well known that the profession of an archelap does not tolerate non-professionalism and amateurism, therefore, you should only seek medical attention to highly qualified specialists. Otherwise, poor-quality medical care can not only do not bring the desired improvement, but on the contrary, further aggravate the situation and harm health.

Today, the services of large medical centers of a wide profile, the so-called family medical centers (or clinics) are extremely demanded, in which high-quality medical services will be provided to all family members: and adults, and children.

Among the numerous advantages of such medical centers, it was especially necessary to allocate the following:

  • Extremely high quality of the proposed medical services. All staff of the major center - from the head physician to the nurse - has high qualifications, rich practical experience and impeccable reputation therefore specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with the most difficult tasks;
  • Universality. Customers of the above-mentioned private clinics of a family type can quietly contact the diseases of the most different profile - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is ensured, its previous complaints and appeals are taken into account.
  • Comfort. One of the main drawbacks of state hospitals is the lack of necessary amenities for a comfortable treatment - in private medical institutions completely eliminated. Both outpatient and stationary patients can be in pleasant conditions and enjoy all the necessary household amenities.
  • The presence of the most modern medical equipment;
  • Reasonable pricing policy, fixed cost of services and the absence of any shavers, additional payments and demands of "gratitude" in envelopes, with which patients of the so-called "free" polyclinic are constantly being faced.

All the most advantages are fully well-known German-Ukrainian Aurora Medical Center, which offers everyone's medical services, consultations and assistance to highly qualified world-class specialists.

Every representative of the fine sex seeks to be beautiful and attractive, following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that the fashionable can be not only clothes or handbag - but also eyebrows! Over the past years all over the world in the trend, well-groomed natural eyebrows remain quite large density and widths. Such eyebrows make a look more expressive, and the whole face is brighter and memorable. However, what if nature has tried you with dense eyebrows? Do not be discouraged, there is a way out - and you can recognize them about this video lesson "How to grow thick eyebrows".

How to quickly grow eyebrows

This small video is devoted to such an interesting question for any woman as eyebrows care, in particular - how to become the owner of the sobular eyebrows without extension, naturally. This is quite possible if certain funds of traditional medicine are used to care for their eyebrows, namely - Bodhaga. Many people are heard about its useful properties in cosmetology. Now it can be successfully used as effective means To improve the growth and appearance of eyebrows. On how to use Bodhagu for the above goal, how often it is necessary to carry out such procedures and what precautions at the same time follow the qualified experts in this video. A very important nuance is the availability of this eyebrow method. Beadaga is a completely inexpensive publicly available drug that can be purchased in any pharmacy. Therefore, every representative of the beautiful gender receives a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful with minimal financial costs. Carefully following the beauty advice and recommendations voiced in this video, each woman can already after a short period of time to see positive changes in the state of their eyebrows - they will become more dense, healthy, it will be possible to give them a new form in accordance with the latest world trends in The issue of eyebrow stylistics.

How to quickly grow eyebrows at home

We hope that this video lesson will be useful for our spectators and will help replenish the arsenal of beauty products by another very effective

The violin is a wonderful musical instrument that has won millions of hearts due to their lyrical sound. However, violinists (both beginners and professional) are well known that the violin not only has a gentle and fragile sound. She also in itself is a rather twisted tool that requires a special approach and care.

First of all, it is worth securing the violin from entering direct sunlight to avoid drying out. In no case should not leave this musical instrument under the scoring sun. The same applies to strong frosts: the violin does not like significant temperature differences at all, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature in the place of storage of the tool. Remember that it is impossible to leave the violin near open sources of heat: fireplaces, calorifers, stoves, and so on.

The second, no less important advice: the violinist should constantly monitor the level of humidity in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like neither excessive moisture, since the wood is rawhene from it, it is possible even the appearance of mold, nor too dry air, because in the latter case cracks and other damage can appear on the tree - and the tool will be completely unsuitable for use. Experts recommend maintaining the optimal level of humidity in the room at 45-60 percent.

An extremely important duty of the violinist is also regular tool cleaning, which is desirable to clean and wipe after each use. You should not neglect this duty to avoid the appearance on the body of violin pollution, scuffs and other unpleasant traces of operation. To avoid this, we propose to use online stores, for example,

However, even by fully observing all the basic recommendations for the care of the violin, its owner is not insured against the tool damage. Both due to natural wear (if the violin used a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (blows, drops, other mechanical damage).

If such trouble happened, you need not to slow, but to refer to a qualified violin wizard, which can offer an extensive list of services for repairing the tool - from replacing strings before restoring the lacquer coating.

Cute ladies, modern woman just need to be able to manage private carBecause now you need to shop in stores and take children, the car will simplify this lesson to you. Only with the instructor can safely learn to drive a car.

What do I suggest? Lessons calm driving It is calm, I teach confidence and tranquility on the Moscow roads. After classes, you will feel freely and comfortable, driving your own car.

In case you never sat behind the wheel, we will conduct classes on my training vehicle on the (special velocity), which is equipped with special double pedals (I can insure you). Gradually, we will begin to master the city and all the driving nuances in the city. Completely having mastered the driving skills, I will pronesed you on the choice of a car and we will spend several classes on your car. This will allow you to get used to your own car like driving instructor With extensive experience, I assure you in this. It will also help to choose insurance (if it is necessary), teaching the washing liquid, use refueling and car wash.

Driving will turn From nervousness for pleasure And it will cause joy and feeling of deep comfort! (as it should be). (I suggest you also read reviews.)

Training program:

2. Expand the routes - together we will develop driving on your routes (house-work, work - kindergarten ITP, thanks to this you can subsequently choose the best ways and get the most quickly and comfortably reaching destination.

3. Elimination of fears and excitement driving - In Moscow, a very dense stream and a literal sense of Crazy, we will pay great attention to the development of stress resistance and eliminating various psychological clamps, driving will later be perceived by you as calmly as the use of iPhone.

Read more:
- Choosing the optimal route (home-work-study-kindergarten / school)
- Search for alternative routes (in the case of traffic jams, save up to several hours)

Read more:
- Elimination of psychological clamps.
- Elimination of concerns behind the wheel and generating automatism when controlling the car.
- Developing complete calm in the conditions of the dense flow.
- Training concentration of attention.

1. Basic testing of azov driving - If you feel the need for a complete repetition of driving, then we will work with you everything from the very beginning, this is not your fault that you have not taught you the initial skills in a driving school. Together we will fix this situation.

2. Restoring your skills after a long break - Very often, girls and women who once drove and stopped led for one reason or or to other reasons. After several years of break, the skill is lost and when you are again forced to get behind the wheel, you feel that fear rolls you up.

Read more:
- Phased recovery skills.
- Safe and quiet extensity of all necessary driving principles after a break.
- Slow and confident mastering of urban trace. (first in a calm stream, then in a more dense)

Read more:
- Mastering parallel parking.
- Stop and start on the rise
- parallel parking with reverse
- "Early", "Snake", "Entry to Boxing"
- Driving in a dense stream, parking, highways

Consultation - very good advice can call me for free in order to get any consultation, I will tell you how to solve any controversial situation that has arisen in your possession of the machine or you can get advice in the event of a non-standard situation on the road

Read more:
- Basics of safe driving.
- Prevention of car hijacking
- How to protect yourself from theft number
- What to do if the car took the tow truck
- How to secure the car from vandalism and theft.
- How to ensure the long life of the engine.
- How to care for a car so that it serves as long as possible.
- How to drive a car in bad weather conditions.
- How to save appearance car.

Read more:
- How to pour oil.
- What to do if the wheel struck.
- advice on choosing insurance
- Consultation in emergency cases
- consulting on the choice of a car
- Consultations on security and operation
- Consultations on traffic rules

Testing Skill Communication with traffic police- thanks to this training, you will master the communication strategy with the traffic police representatives, you will learn how to defend your interests. We will analyze typical cases of illegal behavior of traffic police and solve these situations.

- Your civil rights, which requirements of traffic police can be considered illegal
- What you need to know about the departure of the oncoming traffic.
- As in the event of an accident, prove its right point.
- How to protect yourself from "Avtobodding".
- telephones of services in which you can pass a medical examination (if you want to recognize drunk).

Transmission: MCPP, automatic transmission

Car: Chevrolet Lanos. MCPP Kia Spectra. Automatic

Driving experience: 18 years

Training area: Vao, Izmailovsky, Kosinsky Traffic routes, Schelkovskoye sh., Sh.Ntusiastov, Balashikha, Reutov, Railway, Balashikhinsky and railway exam routes, Bogorodskoye, Goljanovo, Metrogodok, East, Preobrazhenskoye, Northern Izmailovo, East Izmailovo, Izmailovo, Sokolina Mountain , Perovo, Lefortovo, Ivanovo, Novogireevo, Veshniki, Novokosino, Kosino-Ukhtomsky

Hour lesson:

Teaching methods: Good day. I help novice drivers to work out your skills before passing the traffic police examinations on Izmailovsky, Kosnian routes and exam routes to Balashikha and Zheleznodorozhny. In just a few classes, we thoroughly prepare for the exam, examined in detail and worked out the examination route.

Transmission: Automatic

Car: KIA SPECTRA automatic transmission, perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 19 years

Training area: Sao, Lobnensky, Pyhosovskaya Traffic routes, Examinational route in Dolgoprudny, Western Degunino, East Degunino, Dmitrovsky, Beskukudniki, Hovrino, Levoberezhny, Golovinsky, Coptevo, Voikovsky, Timiryazevsky, Lianozovo, North, Leningradsk, Korovinskoe sh., Dmitrovskoe Sh., St.x, Altufyevskoe sh., Dolgoprudny, Shimki (MKRN Levoberezhny)

Hour lesson: ACP - 750 rub

Teaching methods: I suggest you pass classes under my leadership, whose goal is to explore and master the skills of car management vehicle. In the end, you can correctly and quickly respond to non-standard situations arising on the roads. Also help prepare for passing exams in the traffic police.

Transmission: Automatic transmission, mCPP

Car: KIA SPECTRA automatic transmission, Daewoo Nexia. MCPPperhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 18 years

Training area: SAO, SZAO, Khimki, Leningrad, Volokolamskoe Sh., Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, South Tushino, Voobkovsky, Golovinsky, Hovrino, Kurkino, Mzhaganinovsky, Khimkinsky Traffic Police

Hour lesson:

Teaching methods: I will help you to master and hone driving skills on the site, in a dense urban stream, training to cope with difficult situations on the road, I will help you to thoroughly prepare for passing exams in the traffic police

Transmission: Automatic

Car: Chevrolet Aveo. Automatic transmission, perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 25 years

Training area: SZAO, Krasnogorsk, Nakhabino, Opalich, Pavshinskaya Flood, Mitino, Strogino, Schukino, Hoorne-Mpberry, Khoroshevsky, Krasnogorsk Traffic Police

Hour lesson: ACP - 750 rub

Teaching methods: Lessons are held in a comfortable setting for the client. I spend training from scratch, I am preparing for the passage of the exam in driving school and traffic police, restoring lost driving skills.

Transmission: MCPP, automatic transmission

Car: Chevrolet Lanos MCPP, KIA SPECTRA ACPP

Driving experience: 15 years

Training area: Sao, Lobnensky and Pyasses Traffic Routes, Dolgoprudny

Hour lesson: MCPP - 750 rub, automatic transmission - 750 rub

Teaching methods: Helping to overcome fear and feeling of uncertainty on the road, quickly get or restore all the necessary driving skills. In the classroom, a friendly, calm situation is created, ensuring an individual approach to the student.

Transmission: Automatic

Car: Hyundai Accent. Automatic transmission, perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 19 years

Training area: Svao, Yaroslavka sh., Mr. Mischi, Korolev, Pushkino, Ivanteevka, Traffic police routes: Mytishchi, Korolev

Hour lesson: ACP - 750 rub

Teaching methods: We will teach everything you need from understanding the dimensions of the car to the confident movement of urban roads. Overcome the fear of the road after an accident. We will restore the skills that have lost, or improve the available.

Transmission: Automatic transmission, mCPP

Car: Chevrolet Lacetti. Automatic transmission, chevrolet lanos manual transmission, Perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 17 years

Training area: WAO, Yuvao, Ryazan Ave., Volgograd Prospect, October Prosp., Ul. Ternaya Fields, ul.Lublinskaya, Tueli, Kotelniki, Reutov, Railway; Marynsky, Izmailovsky, Lyubertsy and railway routes Traffic police

Hour lesson: Automatic transmission - 750 rubles, manual transmission - 750 rub

Teaching methods: In a short time, teach confidently feel behind the wheel. Even if for some reason you have not sufficiently learned the theory and driving practice in a driving school - I can help you.

Transmission: MCPP, automatic transmission

Car: Chevrolet Lanos MCPP, Hyundai Accent automatic transmission, Perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 17 years

Training area: SAO, SWAO, Lobnensky, Pyhoshovsky Traffic Routes, Dolgoprudny

Hour lesson: MCPP - 750 rub, automatic transmission - 750 rub

Teaching methods: We study driving from any level. Based on driving skills, the learning program for each student is selected individual. For learning "from scratch" there is an equipped area.

Transmission: MCPP, automatic transmission

Car: Chevrolet Lanos manual transmission, Kia Cerato. Automatic Perhaps training on your car

Driving experience: 17 years

Training area: Cao, Yuzao, Yuao, Yuvao, Warsaw Traffic Route, Kashirskoe highway, Warsaw Highway, Leninsky Avenue, Kutuzovsky Avenue, Volgograd Avenue, Michurinsky Prospect, ul. Trade union, ul. Lublin; Cities: Vidnoe, Podolsk, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Dzerzhinsky

Hour lesson: MCPP - 750 rub, automatic transmission - 750 rub

Teaching methods: I will help to prepare for the passage of the traffic police examinations in Warsaw (Butovsky) route and in Vidno. We will look at every section of the route, learn how to pass roundabout Circulation, complex intersections, make turns, unfold and much more.

Driving lessons for women (automatic transmission, transmission)

Cute ladies arefull-fledged participants roadBut their desire to master the control of the car often impede difficulties in passing training. The man's instructor does not always can handle emotionality avtoleda Or in simple language to explain the complex moments relating to the vehicle device and its work. Therefore, most girls want their autoinstructor woman to teach them.

Driving courses for women in the company "Auto Instructor199" - high quality learning, excellent atmosphere!

Autoinstructor The woman takes into account all the features of thinking of future autople, so referring to her, you get:

  • High quality teaching. Ladies - Good teachers, so they manage to explain quickly and understandably even the most difficult material for their students regarding the control of the machine. For example, it stops in detail on the device's questions, the principles of the car, which are often incomprehensible to girls. Despite the widespread opinion, female instructors are dealt with theoretical and practical behavior of driving no worse than men.
  • Study with autoinstructor typical for beautiful sexfeatures car control. Female mentor Non-bad Known problems for girls. Moments of driving vehicles. therefore is he pays great attention to theoretical disclaimers, practical testing of parking, turns, rebuildings from a number in a row, transmission switching and other complex driving elements.
  • Friendly attitude, tacty of autoinstructor. Women well understand the emotional state of their students and help them cope with excitement, fear in the first practical classes. Psychological stability, patientity - integral traits of the character of a female autocover. They allow the instructor to maintain calm and the ability to explain the material even with multiple errors of learning driving.

In foreign countries prevail cars With an automatic box and there skills driving cars at the MCP are almost lost. But in Russia those who want to learn how to drive a machine on a manual transmission is still a lot, because cars on mechanics:

  • have a smaller cost;
  • more powerful compared to machines that have an automatic transmission.

In addition, many drivers prefer to drive on mechanics, because this gearbox allows you to better feel the car and respond faster to different situations on the road. Also, the driver itself can regulate fuel consumption. Well, another important reason learn to ride on mechanics - only from driving a car on the MCP you can feel the real drive.
When breakdown, MCP repair will cost cheaper than the repair of automation.

What is the features of the control of the car with the MCP

Skills of proper switching of speeds When using cars with ACPs should be developed before automatism. They will be helped to get professional driving lessons on mechanics for beginners.

In machines with MCP there are no complex electronics, leveling the speed of rotation of the gear on the shaft, but there is a clutch pedal. It turns off the transmission in order for the driver to put the gear lever in the desired position and change the speed.

Most cars have 4-5 speeds and rear transmission. Consider what they need.

  1. "Neutra." This is the position of the switch at which the torque is not transmitted to the wheels. In this position, the machine cannot start moving, even if you press the gas pedal.
  2. First. It is designed to ensure that the car can move from place. At this speed you can accelerate to 20 km per hour. Its includes when entering turns, the rise to the cool mountain, when performing maneuvers in a small space. Fuel consumption at this speed is the maximum.
  3. The second is transitional. It is included when descending from a slide, maneuvering in traffic jams on the road. It is also transitional to other high-speed transmissions.
  4. The third, the fourth and fifth transmissions allow you to disperse the car to the desired speed on the road.
  5. Rear - necessary for turns and parking. It is necessary to include it carefully, because the car with the connected reverse is accelerated faster than on the first gear.

How to learn to ride on mechanics from scratch. Where to start learning

In order to go well with the MCP, the location of the speeds must be remembered with closed eyes. On the way you will have no time to spy on the speed switching lever. Tutorial driving a car will give you good tips, but without practical classes to consolidate the skills will be difficult. We will also tell me where to start practical classes.

View video

Do not worry if the first time you have to mentally represent the gearbox so as not to look to switch the lever. After a couple of months, the skills will be enshrined, and you can do it automatically.

Another question that interests those who want to learn to ride the car with MCP: "When to switch one transmission to another?"

To know exactly when to put the lever at a lower speed, or at a higher, you need to listen to engine speed. When you hear frequent revs, then switch to high speed. If the turns are low and when pressing the gas, the machine does not accelerate, you need to put the lever to a smaller transmission.

If you have a tachometer on the instrument panel, you can focus on its indicators. Switch the transfer to the increase can be when the engine turnover will become 3000 per minute.

With raising speed by 20 km / h, it is necessary to use a new transmission. But this rule is not suitable for all cars. If the car has a powerful engine, then the increase in transmission can occur with an increase in speed by 30 km / h.

Properly ride on the mechanics at first a little difficult, but then you can do it easily and freely. We hope our driving lessons on mechanics will be useful to you. In addition, do not forget to learn traffic rules.

  1. Before turning the key, press the clutch pedal until it stops and translate the MCP speed lever to the "neutral". Just do not run the engine with the included speed so that the car does not start moving unexpectedly and did not happen an accident.
  2. Turn the key and hold a couple of minutes with the clutch pressed. It needs to be done to force aggregate warmed.
  3. When the clutch is squeezed, put the switch to the first transmission. Smoothly release the clutch pedal until you hear that the engine turnover began to decline. From this point on, also smoothly press the gas pedal to make the car in motion. The start of the movement of the car with a manual gearbox can happen by a jerk if you release the grip too quickly. If you do not press the gas pedal on time, the engine will stall.
  4. If you did everything right, then the car moved from the spot. When the car turns up up to 15 km / h, exhibit the clutch and switch to the second transmission.

IMPORTANT: In order for the gear and crunch when switching on the gear, which means that the gears are friction, be sure to squeeze the clutch. The start of driving always begins with a squeezed clutch.

Lesson 2. Driving theory - how to brake on the machine with a manual gearbox

In the section "Riding Mechanics for Doodles" you can meet such advice: if the situation requires an emergency stop, you can press the brake pedal with the right foot, then when the speed is reduced to 10 km / h, and the machine will start shaking, you need to squeeze the clutch pedal and switch to "Neatral". Driving tutorial for beginners argues that when driving skills will be achieved by automatism, you will press the brake with a squeezing and neutral speed.

There is another way of braking for a manual transmission, which drivers call the term "downshift". This method allows you to stop the car smoothly.

For this you need to make such manipulations:

  1. Start lowering the speed when the car drives 70 km / h.
  2. Slit clutch and switch the speed lever to the third gear.
  3. When the speed decreases by 20 km / h, exit the clutch and switch to 2 transmission.
  4. In the second speed, stop using smooth pressing of the brake, squeezing. The first transmission, as a downgrade, do not turn on.

    By visiting the autodrome, you can try both ways in practice.

Lesson 3. On what revolutions correctly switch transmission when driving - detailed instructions

Each transmission is designed for a certain speed of movement, asked motor turnover.

Approximate speed boundaries for each transmission are presented in the table

Broadcast Minimum speed, km / h Maximum, km / h
First 0 40
Second 10 60
Third 30 90
Fourth 50 makh

To dispersed the machine to a certain speed, you need to switch transmissions on the mechanics on the increasing.

Consider step by step, how to overclock the car up to 60 km / h. It is understood that the car will type this value in the fourth gear.

  1. Start moving on 1 transmission and turn away up to 20 km / h.
  2. Switch the lever to 2 transmission and turn away up to 40 km / h.
  3. Switch to third, and type 60 km / h.
  4. Switch to 4 transmission.

So you will provide the correct engine operation in each mode. Its turnover at each stage will be approximately in the same range. If you drive a car correctly, you can save fuel.

Lesson 4. Rules of parking on cars with manual transmission. Brief instructions

  1. Move the motor.
  2. Press the clutch before stopping and put the lever to the first transmission. So you will protect your car from rolling. Just do not forget later, put the lever on the "neutral" before turning on the engine.
  3. Turn on the parking brake (handbrake).

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Lesson 5. Rules for using the handbrake in a lifting situation on the highway

On the steep rise of the roads of the novice, it is difficult to hold the car from rolling back at the beginning of the movement. In this situation, you need to act like this:

  1. Turn on the handbrake and put the MCP lever on the "neutral".
  2. Press the clutch, turn on the first gear and put the palm on the handbrake lever.
  3. Smoothly release the clutch and when the engine turnover will begin to decline, remove the car from the handbrake and press the gas.

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If you release the handbrake before the time before, then the car rides back. In this situation, do not forget to smoothly release the clutch and add gas. The car will first stop and start moving forward.

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