Home Wheels How to apply liquid glass on the walls. Painting "Liquid glass where to handle cars with liquid glass

How to apply liquid glass on the walls. Painting "Liquid glass where to handle cars with liquid glass

Modern technologies do not stand still, there are constantly new funds that could not be dreaming about. One of these new products is the so-called liquid glass to cover the machine, giving a beautiful shine. Many think how to apply liquid glass on the car correctly. The machine that does not lose its original shine, not a dirty - the dream of a motorist. If you want your car to look excellent, you will need polishing the car http://lrsauto.ru/polirovka. This company employs real professionals in their case, and the price level is quite consistent with the quality of the work performed.

Liquid glass for auto pros and cons

Each new technology has both positive and negative sides. With a high-quality coating with liquid glass, the machine shines as a mirror, it likes to many owners. Before covering your car by this tool, you need to know all the nuances. Among the indisputable advantages of coverage:

  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • Water and dirt seem to be reflected from the car.
  • The paint does not fade in the sun.
  • Scratch protection - the result noticed by many car owners.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical environments.

All this looks just gorgeous, the car sparkles, the owner is happy. But there are also its cons:

  • It is necessary to clearly comply with the application technology.
  • Wash the coated machine can not be too often, only the non-abrasive shampoo should be used.
  • The price in the car service is considerable, but also with independent application will have to lay out several thousand.
  • After applying liquid glass, it is not recommended to wash the car for seven days, as the process of the reaction of the composition from the paint continues.

Polyrol composition

Before applying liquid glass on the car body, it would be nice to figure out what is part of the car for car care. These compositions are sometimes called yet nanocheramic, because one of the components has the same chemical formula as ordinary sand. The main components of ceramics:

  • Titanium oxide - Simply put, "White Titanium" gives strength.
  • Pav - repel contamination from the coating.
  • Silicon dioxide - quartz, this component takes up to 30% of the total mass. Gives hardness composition. It is because of this component that the composition is called liquid ceramics.
  • Decamyethylcyclopentasiloxane is an acid-resistant component, protects the machine from harmful chemical effects, its content reaches half of the mass.
  • Aluminum oxide - increases the strength of the coating.
  • Alcoxysilane - creates a protective film, its content in the composition of more than 10%.

Subtleties of application of composition

Before you cover the machine with liquid glass, you need to know all the key points.

The procedure for applying this coverage includes several stages:

  • thorough car wash and full surface cleaning
  • degreased by special compositions
  • polishing of headlights, glasses, body, removal of all previous coatings to factory paint
  • masking Square
  • repeated polishing
  • application of nanocheramic in several layers
  • drying at least 4 hours

Therefore, before applying liquid glass, check that all tools and reagents you have. If you do not observe at least one of the above rules, the coating will still fall, but the clutch with the factory paint will be worse, and from a beautiful mirror gloss in a couple of months can not stay anything.

Is it worth covering a nanochemical machine

Pretty high price of coating many stops. Still, put twenty thousand rubles for beauty maybe not everyone may. If you do not know how to properly apply liquid glass on the car, it is better to entrust the laborious operation of professionals.

According to reviews, with competent coating, the machine can up to a hundred miles. Polyrol manufacturers guarantee the preservation of the initial form for three years, but in Russian conditions we need to produce annually.

Weight advantage - the car wash is needed much less often. But to wash preferably gentle shampoos. Also one of the decisive moments is the region of residence of the car owner. In localities where rains and snowfall are rare, such a coating may not be needed.

To find out how liquid glass is applied on the car, it is better to consult with those who have experience in using such funds. Most agrees that the best Japanese coating compositions are best. They are not cheap, but impeccable quality and mirror shine are worth it.

One of the features of this type of polishing is that the composition is chemically reacts and hits with the native paint of the car. Big plus processing - the car after it looks like new.

If the budget allows - of course, it is better to make such a coating.

What is better - liquid ceramics or vinyl film

Undoubted minus vinyl film, it is an inesttic appearance after a certain period. She wear out, and it is noticeable. On the other hand, the film well protects against chips. The removal of such a coverage is laborious.

Liquid glass is gradually erased, which is almost unnoticed. Just the car is less glitter. Do not save and buy cheap polyrolol. By numerous reviews, the Japanese composition is the most resistant, but he is quite expensive.

Another point - when applying liquid glass, you can not try to smear all the remedy at a thick layer immediately. The result looks crying.

Self-applying on the example of Wilson Body Guard Glass

Before the process it is useful to watch videos, as professionals apply liquid glass

First of all, you need to clean the car qualitatively, remove the accumulated flare. Degrease with special fluid or clay. Then the two components of the polyteroli are mixed, they are applied in parts, left to be filled for 15-20 minutes. The optimal temperature in the room where the process passes - from 15 to 30 degrees.

Then parts - body, wings, hood - polished with a cloth, which is attached to the kit. Next, you need to wait ten more and fifteen minutes and again polish the cloth. After all manipulations, the car must dry for four hours. Mirror shine and resistance to drops and dirt will transform the machine.

Each motorist seeks to ensure that its vehicle always looked well-kept and clean. Modern polishing formulations allow achieve such results. Not so long ago on the store shelves were only classic means. But today polished with liquid glass has gained great popularity.

What is this tool

Polishing is carried out using a special alkaline composition. Such a polyrol is made on the basis of sodium silicate or potassium. The production of material is carried out by fusion of quartz sand with soda. As a result of this processing, a high-quality composition is obtained and at the same time safe product designed to guide the gloss on the vehicle.

What you need

Polishing with liquid glass requires the preparation of the vehicle. However, before the start of such work, it is recommended to check the package of the polyroli. Together with such a means, the following tools should be sold:

  • basic composition and hardener;
  • pipette, which can no problem mix components;
  • special fiber designed for manual polishing;
  • protective gloves;
  • soft sponge;
  • towel.

If the kit does not have one of the tools, it is recommended to purchase it separately. Otherwise, carefully polish the body will not work.

Preparation of vehicle

To polish the auto-liquid glass has passed successfully, it is worth a good body. To begin with:

Where to carry out polisopka

Polishing should be carried out on a small platform. The place must be dry, perfectly ventilated. When operating, the air temperature should be 10-40 ° C above zero. Experts recommend polishing the body in the garage. If the procedure is held on the street, then the car is worth putting under the canopy.

When applying a special composition on the body surface, it is necessary to exclude the falling on the car dirt, dust and direct sun rays.

What is worth considering

Car liquid glass is a rather laborious process. If you are a beginner in the case, it is worth considering several non-hard rules. First of all, do not apply the special composition at once on the entire body. You must first cover a small piece. This will rate how liquid glass adjacent to the surface of the vehicle. If you got the expected result, you can safely begin to polish the entire car.

It is also worth considering that the means should be applied to the body gradually, processing a plot behind the site. For example, you can start with the bumper and finish the roof. When one piece of car is turned on completely, you can begin to polish the next one. This approach is required for two reasons. So the body processing will be performed better. In addition, the polyrolol will not dry so quickly.

How to apply liquid glass

Polishing with liquid glass should begin with the preparation of a special composition. Before you begin mixing the components, it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions and perform everything as it is indicated. Otherwise, the polyrolol will succeed in low-quality. When the composition is ready, you can proceed to its application to the surface of the body. In this case, you need to act very carefully.

On any part of the body it is worth applying a small amount of polyroli, and then rub everything with a soft cloth, which should be included. When performing such work, it is necessary to ensure that dust falls on the surface. When the entire body is fully processed, it is necessary to leave the vehicle at rest at six. The coating should dry a bit.

It is worth noting that the full pouring of the liquid glass occurs 14 days after applying. During this period, it is not recommended to wash the car body, especially on the car wash. After the specified time, the surface of the machine will be completely protected from moisture, the effects of sun rays, salts and other troubles.

Is it possible to speed up the process

How long does polishing with liquid glass? Car owner reviews indicate that the entire processing of the body with a high-quality performance of work takes about 6 hours. Many may not withstand so much time. Therefore, the question arises, is it possible to speed up the polishing process? Many to simplify work use additional tools, for example, a grinding machine. At the same time, the polishing should choose a polishing soft lining. Liquid glass is applied only with medium turnover. Additional force on the grinding machine during polishing is not recommended. Otherwise, the surface will begin to overheat.

If there is no grinders, then you can use an electric drill equipped with a special nozzle for fixing circles to polish.

How much is it

Polishing with liquid glass with their own hands costs much cheaper than polishing in the car dealership. It is worth noting that the price of a qualitative means is 3-6 thousand steering wheel. Of course, the cost of liquid glass is significantly higher than conventional polyterols. However, such a coating is much longer. Applying liquid glass does not require the use of special tools and special skills. And this, in turn, allows you to save.

In conclusion

After polishing the body, a smooth and neat coating is formed with liquid glass. Vehicle acquires a more well-kept view. If necessary, such a coating can be updated. It is worth noting that the liquid glass is kept on the body surface for one year. At the same time, the coating can withstand up to 50 visits to specialized car washes. In addition, only a clean rag and a bottle of water is required to care for the body.

Polishing with liquid glass at home is quite real. The most important thing is to stock all the necessary tools and patience. After that, you can proceed to work.

Liquid glass for car. The body processing will help give the car a chic appearance and protect it from external influences.

Liquid glass for auto-available processing price!

You were told that the dream of a car owner is to protect your "horse" from external influences and for many years to admire the chic paint and varnish coating? This is a lie of pure water. The dream is always inaccessible, while the car cover with liquid glass in Moscow is available to everyone.

This material will not become impenetrable armor, will not prevent the appearance of defects in the event of an accident. However, there are indisputable advantages that have liquid glass for the body of the car. The use of this method for the processing of the body is not in vain takes high popularity. After such a procedure, the aesthetic attractiveness of the machine rises at times. In addition, polishing with liquid glass is a way to protect the body from negative impacts. And, it means, it extends a car service life.

"Polishing Auto.ru" will make the coating of the car sparkle like a gem, after a day after the appeal, parallel to eliminate small defects and scratches. But on this advantage of powerful technology with a fragile title, it is not ends ...

Why is the coating of the car "liquid glass", and not silicon dioxide?

The name is frightening and mostly marketing. It is true, as the fact that after processing the car acquires a mirror "glass" shine. In reality, the fragility of the coating is an illusion, there is no glass in the composition of funds. Among the active components - approximately 10-25% of silicon dioxide, the so-called "liquid glass", in the quartz coating, this content is increased to 60% (titanium dioxide is already present in the nanochemical, the concentration of substances of more than 70% - the thermal processing), which ensures interaction with paint and varnish coating at the molecular level. The formed film on the surface has fantastic durability and durability. In addition, the polishing of the car with liquid glass has nothing to do with the application of materials that are sold in construction programgations for waterproofing.

If you are confused by the phrase "Liquid glass for cars", remember: it happens different. Some formulations harder became. For example, the front windows of the Mi-28 impact helicopter withstand a direct hit of a 20-mm projectile. And they are also transparent.

Specificity of car body treatment with liquid glass

There is a certain specificity in the material liquid glass, the use of this type of polishing depends on the body's condition. Qualified masters can determine whether he needs preliminary preparation. The transparency of this coating does not allow it to be used in disfecting. If there are noticeable scratches on the surface, the treatment with liquid glass is carried out after preparatory operations.

The peculiarity of this material is that its main active ingredient does not enter the chemical response with the ingredients of the paint coating. It penetrates the molecular structure. Due to this property, a liquid glass coating:

  • reliably connects with the paint layer;
  • prevents its destruction from exposure to the outside;
  • creates a thin film having high strength.

Beautiful natural brilliance of material, its lighting properties provide a shade of greater depth, saturation. Therefore, liquid glass for the car is an excellent way to enhance aesthetic attractiveness.

Advantages of coating with liquid glass for cars

  • Liquid glass for cars This is the most affordable price in comparison with other types of polishing;
  • Supernatural indicators of color and gloss saturation;
  • Polyrol resistance Liquid glass to chemical influences, a powerful barrier between paint molecules and various connections;
  • Car coverage on the body reliably protects the LCP from Moscow reagents;
  • After my miles on the body, microchrasters are less visible;
  • It is possible to easily update if after 6 months of active operation of the machine the coating will sweep.

4 reasons to choose a car cover with liquid glass

  • Serves longer epoxy or wax teflon polyrolles. The thin layer of the polymer can hold up to the year;
  • Drivers dream of a rain so that familiar and passers-by their eyes from the orbits climbed from a silent question "Why water does not wet the car";
  • Excellent mud and water-repellent properties, in Moscow saving on car wash several times higher than the cost of treating the body with liquid glass;
  • Not comparable optical effect and mirror glitter.

Everyone knows the saying about tanks that are not afraid of dirt. She reflects the state of our roads well. Pay attention to the Russian mud after covering the car with liquid glass it will not glisten and sparkle from any rain, you need to wash it!

When relevant polish liquid glass for machine

Many owners want to cover the car with liquid glass due to the "comfortable" price. We believe, should not be focused on the cost when you can choose in the "PolishingAvto.ru" one of 6 types of coatings.

The technology is applied to protect the paintwork of a new car until it is scratched, and the old one, if the amount and depth of damage does not reach the critical level.

Also, the choice of car treatment with liquid glass in Moscow is justified if you sell the vehicle and want to save on expensive restoration work.

Refresh the appearance of the body of the car with mileage with the help of alone coating with liquid glass is impossible! Deep scratches, traces of "gifts" from birds, resins and other damage need comprehensive restoration work.

Price (cost of work and materials)

6000 p for the first and second class

7000 R for SUVs and crossovers

Efficiency of liquid glass

One of the factors contributing to the growth of the popularity of this material is the cost-effectiveness of the processing method. It consists of several points. Car coating with liquid glass:

  • will not require exorbitant expenses;
  • significantly reduce the amount of car wash;
  • for several months guarantees a car a great view;
  • will prolong the life of the paint layer, the body of the machine;
  • it simplifies, hesitates pre-sale preparation.

Due to the moderate value, which has a liquid glass, the use of this method of protection is available to most owners of the car. If you cannot add to the masters in a timely manner, the machine is not required. The application of liquid glass prevents the negative impact of moisture, dirt, chemicals on the paintwork.

The material has excellent water-repellent properties, decent strength, even in the conditions of active operation of the equipment to handle the sink will have much less frequently. Liquid glass for a car that is preparing for sale will become a powerful attractive factor for a potential buyer.

Cons polish using liquid glass

Liquid glass for cars in Moscow has now become one of the most popular protective coatings. There is no dispute, this type of processing has many undeniable advantages. However, car owners should not assume that the coating with liquid glass is the only acceptable option. By cons of this method can be attributed:

  • the need for preliminary training if there are damage on the body;
  • smaller surface protection strength than a ceramic, quartz layer;
  • it is applied only in one layer and not the highest life expectancy.

But considering the specifics of the capital's roads, the available value, which has a coating for auto liquid glass, the use of the material is quite justified if the car is operated often, should have a prestigious view. It is only necessary to update the coating in a timely manner, take care of the car. Qualified polishing with liquid glass guarantees her respectable appearance, its saving to any weather.

Myths about liquid glass, its properties and opportunities

Liquid glass for auto is a good protection and an excellent way to improve the aesthetic indicators. But in order to increase popularity, the demand for this service marketers, specialized companies issue unreliable information about the material. Machine owners who have decided to order the application of liquid glass should be obtained with the true data on its properties and opportunities.

Currently, Liquid Glass Moscow offers in most auto centerrs. The average cost of caring the car sedan is approximately 7 thousand rubles.

Prices for the service in workshops differ slightly. But there is a significant difference in information on the service life. In one auto center assure that liquid glass for auto retains its properties during the year. In another place can be offered a coating, which up to 5-7 years will reliably protect the body.

It should be understood that Polyrol Liquid Glass All manufacturers are manufactured according to one technology. The material may differ in the content of silicon dioxide. However, even its maximum number of 15%, included in liquid glass, cannot be used for several years. This coating has no chance to save the initial properties for so long.

Real conservation opportunities in Moscow

Conditions of metropolitan streets create serious tests for the body of a technical means. Processing with liquid glass provides him with decent protection. However, it is not worth identifying the terms of preserving the integrity of this coverage promised by the manufacturer on the packaging. The specificity of road surfaces significantly reduces its duration.

Practice shows that liquid glass for the car is good protection for 4-7 months. If the machine is intensively operated, the term decreases at about a month. For this duration and it is worth counting. Since liquid glass offers in many centers, the coating update will not create problems.

It is important to understand another nuance. Liquid glass for cars is not a means of restoring defects, polished. The flaws existing on the body before processing must necessarily be eliminated.

Our work

Cost coating with liquid glass

The price for treatment with liquid glass in Moscow, taking into account the service life, savings on the sink, preventing premature complete or local color - more than acceptable. Expensive to contact the salons, where they are "beautiful and cheap", for up to 5 miles.

Professional polishing of the car body with liquid glass is, first of all, careful preparatory work. Masters "On All Hands" This stage ignore either not capable of performing at the level due to lack of knowledge or material and technical base.

We choose a better service from many options, and not a way of saving on the result.

Liquid glass for cars - economical and not the only solution!

Ceramic Pro and liquid glass for car by appointment:

Our address: Moscow, Swao.Sao. Beskidnikovsky boulevard 19a, -3 floor

Opening hours: from 9:00 to 21:00 without days off.

Liquid glass is widely used in construction. This is explained, since it is moisture-resistant, wind resistant, has excellent adhesion (adhesion with most surfaces) and chemical inertia, it can be an antiseptic, characterized by fire resistance, erasing strength, not toxic, has a low thermal conductivity, stalling to corrosion.

Liquid glass is rarely used in its pure form, most often it is used as an important component of many building materials.

Liquid glass production technology: the burned mixture of quartz sand and soda is crushed and mixed with water.

Types of liquid glass

By type of source materials, liquid glass is:

  • sodium;
  • kaliev;
  • sodium - kaliev;
  • kalievo - sodium;
  • lithiev.

Without potassium glass, it is not necessary to produce enamel, as well as it is an excellent binding component. During construction work, a sodium variety of liquid glass is most widely used.

Ways to use liquid glass

Due to its water-repellent properties, liquid glass can be used as a waterproofing material.

Using liquid glass for waterproofing foundations

To create a reliable water barrier, we must apply two layers of liquid glass on the foundation.

Each layer must dry completely. Such waterproofing was called the cooler, it requires the subsequent use of rolled waterproofing materials.

A mixture of cement mortar and sodium liquid glass can be highly embedded in the foundation of cracks.

It can also be used in a brick or concrete block masonry. For such a mixture, 1 kg of cement should be taken 50 g of liquid glass and 750 g of water.

Another way of waterproofing is to mix liquid glass with a concrete mixture that is used to make a monolithic foundation.

The order of work is: at the beginning, formwork should be prepared and fittings laid. Next, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of sand and cement, then add liquid glass dissolved in it in water and rubbed and immediately start filling the foundation.

Application of liquid glass for waterproofing of pools and wells

With liquid glass, internal and external waterproofing works can be carried out in the pool.

For internal waterproofing, it is first necessary to process with glass of all joints and recesses, then it is necessary to cover them the floor and walls in 2-3 layers. With outer waterproofing, liquid glass is added to the concrete mixture.

Waterproofing of the wells is carried out using a mixture of cement-sandy solution with liquid glass, which first coated surfaces of seams and joints, and then all entirely.

You can pre-apply a layer of liquid glass on the entire surface of the well.

Protection of cellars from moisture with liquid glass

When moisture getting into the basement from the proceeded seams, we do as follows:

We begin with cleaning seams, removing the dust and various debris;

We mix portland cement with liquid glass (in proportion 20 to 1), add the required amount of water - the repair mixture is ready;

The resulting mixture fill each seam and each greater crack;

Brush we apply water to the deceased surfaces;

In a day we apply a layer of liquid glass.

Wet concrete walls are processed similarly.

Liquid glass to protect against fire

Liquid glass has refractory properties, so it is often used in cases where they make ovens, fireplaces, chimneys, produce heat-resistant concrete, refractory enamels and paints.

Liquid glass is treated with metal elements and structures designs. It can protect from fire and wooden parts.

For the preparation of refractory mortar, we make a mixture of cement, sand and liquid glass in the proportion of 1 to 3 to 1. We use immediately after cooking.

Antiseptic properties of liquid glass

Processing with liquid glass of wooden objects and structures will not allow them to appear on them fungus and mold. Concrete and plastered walls of premises can also be treated with it in order to disinfect.

On the surface it is necessary to apply at least two layers of liquid glass. Each layer must dry completely. Such processing will make it difficult for the subsequent painting of the walls and the plastering on them.

Therefore, decide how much you need.

Other areas of use

Liquid glass can be used

  • when creating bulk floors;
  • like reliable adhesive for wood, fabric, porcelain, glass, cardboard;
  • as covering floors and walls of bathrooms;
  • to protect facades of buildings from weathering materials.

Rules for working with liquid glass. Features of its storage

When working with liquid glass follows:

  • protect open areas of skin and mucous eye from contact with it;
  • use protective agents and overalls, while preparing a mixture and solution;
  • tightly clog the containers containing liquid glass. It is important to store them in inaccessible for kids and domestic pets places.

Liquid glass can be stored for one year, not afraid of frost. The existence of a certain amount of precipitate is allowed.

The experience of using liquid glass shows that it is available at a price, practical and can be used in various fields.

Today, liquid glass is widely used in various construction and repair work. By chemical composition, it is divided into:

  • which is also used in the production of antiseptic fire-resistant impregnations, strengthening the foundation. It is characterized by high adhesion and can interact with mineral substances;
  • Kalive liquid glass has high resistance to atmospheric and acidifies, is mainly used in the manufacture of paints.

Using liquid glass insulation, it is possible not only to reduce the absorption of moisture, but to increase the stability of material to abrasion, protect it from chemical influences. Surface treatment with liquid glass has several types of penetration:

  • before proceeding with the application of the waterproofing layer, the work surface is aligned and degreased. For processing plaster layer or concrete, a brush or ankopult is used. Liquid glass for waterproofing penetrates the injection of material by 1-2 mm;
  • to ensure deep impregnation, the hydraulic protection composition is applied in several layers. In this case, the waterproofing of the plates can reach 20 mm deep.

In the process of work, special attention should be paid to the joints and seams. To protect against moisture of overlaps, floors, basement, cellars, basin devices, ponds are used with a solution with a ratio of 1 piece of liquid glass to 10 parts of the concrete solution.

Antiseptic and adhesive properties make this insulating material with the best sealant. Such glass is used for waterproofing basements and attic rooms. This allows you to provide reliable protection against dampness, fungus, mold, achieve a high level of fire resistance. The impregnation of such a composition contributes to the restoration of the weathered sections of plaster and concrete, provides antiseptic protection. In addition, the solution is applied in anti-corrosion processing of metals.

Waterproofing Plates of the foundation - the main types:

  • caution. It is applied to the surface, followed by another layer of insulation (for example, rolled). It is recommended to apply two layers of silicate solutions, because part of it absorbs into the concrete, securely filling the micropores;
  • use of cement mortar on liquid glasse. This method is used in the elimination of large leaks, it is also used in waterproofing of wooden houses having prefab fundamentals;
  • the use of a solution of silicates as part of a concrete solution. Concrete mixture, which contains silicates, dries very quickly. The prerequisite for the use of such concrete mixes is a clear observance of proportions. Otherwise, the strength of the foundation may suffer.

Using liquid glass insulation glass, such advantages can be distinguished:

  • effective waterproof barrier formation,
  • reliable grip with mineral bases,
  • easy use
  • low value of the solution
  • small material consumption.

Possessing the crystal structure, this material is able to ensure reliable protection against moisture, protect the building material from destruction, and the reinforcement is from corrosion.

However, weak points in liquid glass are still available. These include;

  • fast crystallization. Therefore, the work on waterproofing the foundation is better to entrust the professional;
  • the need to additionally use materials to protect the waterproofing layer.

Waterproofing the baths, underground structures, garages, buildings of any destination, carried out using liquid glass, is one of the most effective ways to protect the harmful effect of moisture. In addition, the glass is in contact with water, which significantly expands its area of \u200b\u200buse.

Video - Cement screed after treatment with liquid glass

Users questions:

  • Hello, please tell me the garage on my basement, the coating is just a screed. So in one place the floor and part of the wall from the bottom a little rawheat as if there is no water and raws quite a bit, I think to put a tile and in the tile glue add liquid
  • Good day. The question of waterproofing the pool. Clay surface. The possibility of applying liquid glass to the surface or a mixture of clay with liquid glass as the last layer of the wall (or further on this mixture of liquid glass). Bassain is about 10 cubes, n
  • it is possible to use liquid sodium glass for decorative processing of plasters, putty and in what proportions (to protect against moisture, from fading in the sun). How an alternative to acrylic lacas imitating a wet stone.

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