Home Chassis Removal scratches by car at home. How to remove small scratches on your own car. How to remove deep scratches

Removal scratches by car at home. How to remove small scratches on your own car. How to remove deep scratches

About how to liveraind scratches by car, drivers are thinking when the damage to the body is already detected. Of course, scratches strongly spoil the appearance of the Iron horse, so many car owners try to deal with this problem more. It will most easily hand out the car in a hundred to update the paint bed, but it can go much more money. It is possible to make scratches on the body of your car yourself, the main thing is to know which means to use.

Properties of paint and varnish

To remove scratches by car there are several types of funds that can be used at home. But any of them has a specific area of \u200b\u200bapplication, properties and features that need to be taken into account. In addition, no each composition is suitable for handling small or deep scratches, so the first thing to be done is to determine the nature and force of damage.

Requires the following:

  1. Small shallow scratches are damage that are formed on the upper protective layer of the body. They only removes varnish. This is the first defect category. With such a problem, you can cope quite simply by polishing.
  2. Deep downward damage causes the destruction of not only the varnish layer, but also paints. The pigment is a substance that gives the color of the coating, it turns out to be damaged, so you will see a gray primer layer. Even such, it would seem, shallow grooves at home to eliminate extremely difficult, in addition, it will be possible to update the coating at the scene. The alignment technique is applied followed by polishing.
  3. Deep scratches are removed by varnish, a dyeing and both layers of protective primer, resulting in a carcass metal. If it is not protected from corrosion and the problem failed to solve on time, an impressive focus of rust can be formed, which will quickly destroy most of the affected detail. A special tool is required and the composition for applying the margins is required, the damaged sections are filling with subsequent multi-stage polishing.

The more seriously the nature of the damage, the more work will have to be performed.

Eliminate small chips

From scratches on the body of the car saves the correct use of the polyrol. If you need to remove only a few bands that spoil the type of detail, this method is most convenient. You need a disapprusive polyrolol. Eliminate defect as follows:

  1. Fold the dirt from a damaged area.
  2. Perform degreasing work area.
  3. Corners that do not want to touch, glue the ribbon, leave this problem area to make it easier to work.
  4. Little substance distribute scratches and with the help of a terry rag with circular motions start polishing.
  5. You can apply several layers of the composition until a satisfactory effect is obtained.

Thus, you can get rid of small and shallow chips. Scratches on the car will disappear when everything is done correctly.

If no effect followed, it is necessary to stop processing and select another tool.

An alternative can be a special pencil from scratches.

This tool is characterized by efficiency with small and medium defects, but the coating will have to update once a few months - consider it.

Remove scratches on the body of the car using a pencil as follows:

  1. Prepare a defective area, degreased and clean it from dirt.
  2. Pencils need to take the same shade as paint on your car.
  3. Smooth movements smear a pencil scratch, we expect drying.
  4. If a little substance falls on the intact plot, the shade will change lightly, so be prepared for such consequences.
  5. Clean the area with rubber sponge or fine-grained emery paper.
  6. A polyrolol is applied on top of the lured area, and, as in the previous example, work is carried out until shine.
  7. The procedure can be carried out several times until the necessary effect is obtained.

Middle Damage Sprayer

Another good detergent to remove scratches - aerosol paints. In stores on the shelf you can find a special paint for the body, which eliminates defects. She will need. Close up scratches as follows:

  1. Degrease, clean the defective area.
  2. To paint only applied to a specific point or plot, make a stencil. It is enough to take the coarse paper and cut the hole in it of the corresponding sizes. So you will not splash the paint other parts of the body.
  3. The stencil is to keep at a short distance from the work area.
  4. Start spraying the composition. Do not splash too much, otherwise paint will form ugly implications.
  5. Let dry.
  6. Arming with emery paper, we clean the surface until the level of the painted area is not lifted with the native paint coating of the car.
  7. Perhaps you will need to spend the whole procedure again, since it is extremely difficult to align deep in deep chips. It is worth a re-color only after a day.
  8. Polish the surface.

Instead of aerosol, you can use a special liquid paint, it is sometimes cheaper. It will be applied to the layer with a brush.

Work with any kind of scratch

Remove small scratches and even abundant damage to the paint and varnish coating can be quite simply using mechanical polishing. If the quality of the coating is important, then you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary set for work:

  • grinding for a car body (this is a special tool, you should not take analogues, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the expected results);
  • sandpaper;
  • abrasive polyrolol;
  • circles for polishing, preferably a whole kit;
  • napkin with microfiber to remove polyrol residue from body.

Now about how to make a scratch by car with this set. The list of actions includes the following:

  1. Fold the damaged surface, pull the stains, dirt, degrease the surface.
  2. Pulse sandpaper into water for a few minutes. It is best to take fine-grained P2000 for better quality stripping. Spell the place with scratches to the matte surface of the surface.
  3. Now the polyrolol is entering into business, it must be applied to the ground area.
  4. Distribute it throughout the zone and only after that start polishing.
  5. Polish the damaged area, sometimes adding some water to the treated surface.
  6. Polishing takes place in 3 stages: hard circle and coarse abrasive, then a rigid circle and fine-grained abrasive. The final polishing is carried out by a soft circle with a polyroll without an abrasive.

Elimination of small scratches is completed, now it is worth discussing some details of the work, namely:

  1. In order for the coating to be high-quality, you should not delay the grinder in one place for a long time, otherwise the varnish is simply overheated.
  2. Working works on the average power of the device.
  3. No need to polish one place for a long time, otherwise you can wipe the hole not only in the paint, but also in the primer. Grinding is performed by circular smooth movements without stopping.
  4. In general, polished is the most universal method of dealing with scratches on the body of any complexity. For high-quality processing, you only need to choose the correct composition and tool.

However, experience and some skills are required to carry out quality work, which is not every driver. This is the main problem of the method - the quality of repair will depend on the skill of the artist. In addition, to restore deep damage it is better to apply to the car service where the whole range of work without difficulty is performed.

Conclusion on the topic

To restore the paint coating of your car, in any case, it will take a polyrolol.

Do not save on the purchase of funds, because the more expensive the composition, the better the coating will be.

Read the instructions for everything that is going to be used during the work. If the defects are extensive and deep, formed, for example, as a result of a collision, it is best to contact the car repair shop.

Scratch on the car body ... For someone, this is a reason to upset (well, just bought, and already ...), for someone - a reason to get angry, and for someone - a guide to action. To begin with, let's see what exactly and how damaged, and then from the positions of logic and common sense - what can be done with it.

In general, if you drop emotions, scratches are of different depths, lengths, squares, individual or combined with other damage ... Let's start with the easiest.

Classification of damage

In brief with what we have to fight, and now we will consider what methods and what exactly can I manage.

Methods for eliminating scratches

If you return to our classification, the very first point in it is a cosmetic polishing of the car body. From scratches, as we have already noted, it is not necessarily critical even the upper layer of LCPs. The factory paint has a sufficiently large thickness, and if the scratch is shallow, then you can simply refuel it. Deeper, but not reached soil scratches, are polished with reducing abrasive polyterols. These are the compositions in the form of a paste, including the smallest abrasive particles, sizes less than the thickness of the colorful layer. These poly rays are unpainted and not intended to stay on the surface. With the help of such a paste, the upper coating layer is removed, which "blurs" the edges of damage and makes it less noticeable. One nuance: Such pastes will dry quickly, and that the scratched particles do not form large lumps that can hardly scratch paint, it is necessary to work quickly. When you have completed work with an abrasive polyrolla, it is necessary to process this place with a protective polyrolling or wax. These materials are just creating a protective layer.

As an example of such a composition, it is possible to cite anti-sizing agents, which are also suitable for eliminating stains, which appeared from the effects of sunlight or chemical reagents, including anti-board drugs.

Local medication

Polishing of the car body provides removal only with shallow scratches. If, in addition to the paint layer, it will be put in the ground, you can remove scratches from the body of the car with the help of funds that are usually called the "wax pencil" or "corrector". There are generally two types of these funds, one of them really fills scratching with a wax-like substance, which in time hardens and quite well masks small scratches. The disadvantages of even the best means of this type are the briefness of the "repair" and weak corrosion protection. After you "smeared" damage, it is necessary to immediately erase the excess substance from the surface.

The second tool is something like a marker filled with gel, which is quickly polymerized under the influence of air and sunlight. Due to this, a better grinding of scratches is achieved than in the first case. The remedy should be squeezed out from the bowels of the felt-meter so that it flirts the applicator, and hold the applicator along the scratch. The coating turns out more durable, but it forms a sufficiently thin layer. If deep damage is necessary to repeat the operation several times as the previous layer is drying. Oddly, but complete to the felt-meter intended for the selection for sealing the narrow damage to the LCP, no tool is supplied to propelle the means in the depth of scratch. Meanwhile, if the coating does not fit to the bottom of the defect, its strength decreases, and conditions are created for the development of corrosion. Instructions for the use of markers usually offer to use the sharpened match, toothpick or needle. Well, of course, after filling the scratch with the composition, it is necessary to immediately erase the surplus from the surface with a soft cloth. Here it is even more critical than in the previous case, since the gel is glued faster and better.

There are both separate markers and sets that include a bottle with a degreasing fluid that needs to be treated to the surface before applying the main means, replaceable applicators and varnish for machines painted in metallic or pearl.

It should be noted that the removal of deep scratches on the body of the car using the described means is not in all cases will be without a trace. This is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to pick up the color of the tools as close as possible to the original, more precisely, to that shade, which turned out as a result of the operation of the machine source color.

Painting works

So we got to the most founder way of repairing scratches on the car body. And let's start with the preparation of the deepest layer - metal. Often, the solar damage to the LCP becomes corrosion foci. If they are not eliminated in time, the focus will grow, in some cases leading even to the through damage to the metal, which is not good anywhere. Therefore, the founded focus of corrosion is necessary in the shortest possible time to neutralize. To do this, it is necessary to start with dismantling of mounted parts adjacent to the hearth corrosion, as it is possible that the rust has already spread under them. Rust, especially loose, it is necessary to consider as much as possible with the help of fine grinding skins. The rule is simple - than the "magnificent" rust, the larger the grain, the small skin will quickly break when grinding areas with deep penetration of rust or simply extensive. The grinding machines of different types are very accelerating - large for large sites and miniature for hard to reach.

Then the rust, which could not be deleted (it is not always possible and necessary), it is necessary to handle the rust converter. These compositions convert oxides into more durable compounds - for example, in phosphates, which stops corrosion in this section and contributes to the best grip of the paint with the base. After that, the purified area must be sharpened to align the surface. A layer of putty after drying should be sanded again with a shallow eye (1000 - 2000). After putty, the soil is applied, which is also grinning after drying, and then the entire area dedicated to painting is carefully degreased. And only after that the paint is already applied.

Since the variety of colors is extremely large, the selection of the koller is better to entrust professionals. Even if the color code recorded usually on a signboard in the driver's door opening is lost, they will be able to restore it, knowing the VIN of your car, model and year of release.

The paint is usually applied in two or three layers, if necessary, is covered with varnish (it usually concerns the options for painting the type "metallic"), and naturally, each layer is carefully dry. Here, a homemade painting chamber would be useful, especially if we are talking about large-scale restoration work. Agree, it's a shame to urge the strength of the forces on painting, say, doors, and then find that the dust, poplar fluff and other trash, and other garbage on the low-spirited paint.

Prevention of cheaper treatment.

The slogan made in the title of this chapter is applicable not only to human health. The same applies to the car: timely oil replacement reduces engine wear, which is much more expensive than motor oil canister. Non-replaced straps and brake pads can do in an immeasurably large amount paid for the motor overhaul or body (and in the case of pads there is a risk of paying and for someone else's car). In general, with a paintwork, the situation is exactly the same: in advance, the protection of the body of the car from scratches will cost cheaper than the restoration of its own or with the involvement of non-commized professionals.

What can be protected in paint?

There are quite a lot of options, and we have already met with one of them, discussing the elimination of scratches by polishing. It was about protective polyterols forming a thin protective polymer film over the colorful layer. Depending on the type of polymer, such polyters are divided into teflon, epoxy and nanopolyarols.


Teflon is made on the basis of a very slippery material - Teflon, with a type of which those who can prepare are well acquainted. A somewhat different composition is used for the vehicle, more suitable for these operating conditions and the surface of water and dirt-repellent properties. The term of such protection on average 3 months.

Epoxy polyters are more durable - up to a year. After applying this composition on the body, a layer of a glass-like substance is formed, protecting the paint from abrasion with sands and dust, as well as from chemical influences.
Nanopolyting is the most durable method, which gives the result that keeps up to three years. The surface as a result of this processing becomes so slippery that all pollution on it simply do not hold, besides, the coating has a rather high resistance to mechanical and chemical influences. It is difficult to say which role in this method is played by nanotechnology, manufacturers carefully guard their know-how, but it is just known that the price of such a body processing is truly innovative.

Liquid compounds

Approximately the compositions of the type "Liquid glass" or "liquid case" work. The technology of applying, layer thickness and composition of the substance are characterized.

Liquid glass is almost familiar with all childhood silicate glue, which is perfectly kept on pure LCP, forming a protective layer several times thicker than can be obtained using polyrolles. In essence, it is glass, respectively, it glitters and gives the coating the type of lacquered, perfectly opposes chemical and mechanical effects, and withstands up to 3 years of operation. True, the composition is applied by a special sponge manually, and then manually polished with a soft cloth, and therefore the processing of the car will cost several thousand rubles - depending on the area and complexity of the surface.

The liquid cover on the contrary, there is no deocratic. A jar stands around 200 rubles, it is enough for a bumper and a hood or bumper and wings. Taking into account the cost, it is quite possible to buy two jars. It is easily applied with a brush on a clean body, when drying, forms a rubber-like film, which, if necessary, is easily removed, especially if it is applied to several layers. At the same time, protective properties increase: this film protects well from the branches, sand, gravel, stains. The only drawback - it looks not as aesthetically, as more expensive coverage, but most importantly - with its duties copes perfectly.

Protective film.

If in previous cases, the film was formed on the surface of the body after solidifying the liquid composition, the protective films from this section are supplied in the ready-made form. The finished films are vinyl - less durable and cheaper, rather decorative, and anti-agvaine are very durable, truly protect the case from even enough strong mechanical impacts.

The film is applied to carefully cleaned and treated with a special solution, the part, and under the flux of hot air is tightly pressed against the surface. The film provides protection for several years, and if necessary, it can be easily removed.

For aesthetes, pre-applying on the film of the selected pattern is possible, it will be cheaper than airbrushing.

Tissue-based case

The easiest to install the protection option is usually intended only for the hood. Of the obvious minuses, it is done under a specific model, it is not so tightly in the surface as the previous listed protection, therefore it requires a periodic check of the status of the LCP under the cover.

Plastic deflectors

They are reflectors. Typically put over the front edge of the hood and over the side windows. And if the second is still somehow useful - allow you to open the windows and not get a wet salon, the benefits of the first frankly questionable. They do not work at low speeds, increase the windshield coefficient (which unpleasantly affects fuel consumption), for attaching some models it is necessary to make holes in the housing (!), Which increases both the risk of corrosion and the risk of deformation of the part.

These are ways to deal with scratches today. The choice is yours!

Small scratches are the most common damage to the car body. Little stones, branches of trees and bushes, as well as other unforeseen factors can spoil the appearance of the iron horse, and at the same time the mood of its owner. As an option, you can contact the car service and for a certain cost to return the car a flawless surface. But in the presence of some knowledge and skill, the independent elimination of defects with the use of specialized funds will bring the result no worse than those of professionals.

Scratches on the car body

Before starting the restoration, it is worth paying attention to the depth of damage to the car - small scratches of the paintwork, defects to the soil level or serious damage to the metal layer. In the latter case, you should start processing the machine immediately, otherwise the corrosion process can be launched.

Damage to easy and moderately do not require too much effort to eliminate them. But to remove deep scratches from the car body, it will take solid anti-corrosion processing. If plots with defects occupy no more than a third of the surface of the machine, only local processing will be needed.

Elimination of lung scratches from the car body

Very small chips and scratches are easy to remove with the help of ordinary polishing. Slightly more substantial - using restorative abrasive polishing. The means is applied to the dried clean surface with energetic movements in a circle or a special polishing machine.

Attention! In the process, you need to monitor that the composition does not dry ahead of time, otherwise it may cause additional scratches. After the end of polishing on the car body, the protective or wax polyrolle should be applied.

Among the effective means suitable to remove small defects from the surface of the car, it is worth noting "Anti-Risk". It not only leads the car in the proper form, but also struggles with stains, which are formed when interacting with ultraviolet, road salt and other reagents.

Antitzarapin tool to eliminate small and medium scratches

For budget elimination of damage on the paint surface of the car, the anti-grapine means is great. Despite the fact that professionals from the service station about him are not the most flattering opinions, many car enthusiasts prefer it to fight uncomplicated defects. The mechanism of application of this product is extremely simple:

  1. Carefully clean the car from pollution and give it to dry completely.
  2. Squeeze the drug to the wet rag and gently wipe the areas with disadvantages. It is impossible to rub too much, otherwise it will be worse.
  3. Wait 1-1.5 minutes before the complete drying of "antitzarapine".
  4. Make polish to shine.

The drug "Antitzarapine" is presented in the form of pasta. Its amount when used depends on the depth and area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged surface.

Important! This remedy does not remove, but only masks small scratches, making them practically unreasonable eye.

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to additionally apply liquid wax after applying a masking paste. All manipulations with wax are similar to those are done with "antitrapin". Work on the elimination of minor scratches is recommended in warm weather, but not only under the right sunlight.

Polyrols to remove scratches

According to the general reviews of "antitzarapin" - a fairly effective and quite inexpensive means to combat scratches on the car body. However, with serious damage, it is practically not effective and is not able to even visually remove defects. In such situations it is worth paying attention to more powerful and effective means.

Tinning pencil for removal scratches from car body

If the surface of the machine is damaged to the soil, then optimally fix it with special proofreaders and pencils. They can be gel and wax. The first variety is present at the car market in an extensive color spectrum. The differences in such pencils are as follows:

  • wax pencil - Paints scratch, wax remnants are cleaned with microfiber cloth. It has a low cost, easy to use, the whole procedure takes several minutes. Nevertheless, the result of a wax pencil is short-lived, and the painting has to repeat again and again;
  • gel pencil (corrector) - fills with its contents chip or scratch, after which it freezes and becomes completely not noticeable. The result is preserved for a long time. Such a corrector is a tube or a felt-tumbler with acrylic filler of a wide variety of shades. Thus, any car enthusiast may pick up the color, the most corresponding to its car;

Note! Any set of autocarands goes in a set with a tassel. But for more accurate application of the masking substance, it is recommended to put into the course of toothpick. Such a simple method can be removed scratch with jewelry accuracy.

Painting of the car when removing deep scratches

Deep damage to the paint surface of the machine does not seem to be able to remove without using paint. If you put everything on a self-shot, then areas with defects will begin to rust, and this will already require a solid anti-corrosion processing with a considerable investment of funds and spending time resources.

Stages of treating deep scratches using painting as follows:

  1. Preparation of the surface, liquidation of dirt and rusted areas using emery paper P1500 and P2000. The procedure should be carried out carefully, since the more the material it is sturd, the more intense it will have to paint. When detecting dents under the scratch it is necessary to sharpen.
  2. Applying the primer with a tassel or sprayer.
  3. Grinding with the addition of water.
  4. Application for degreasing.
  5. Painting the desired sites. The paint should be applied in 2 layers, between the first and second - the interval of at least 30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the updated machine should be lacquered.

General rules for carrying out scratches

Any work on the restoration of the car body must be carried out in a dry and purified room. If there is no such possibility, there must be clear and windless weather without precipitation. You can not allow dust to enter the machines processed surfaces - this will reduce all the efforts.

Defective areas with scratches and chips should be perfectly prepared for further procedures - to be clean, dry and absolutely low-fat. For these purposes, use White-alcohol or gasoline.

Before using any chemical agent, it is strongly recommended to carefully read the instructions and comply with all the rules set out in it.

Following these effective advice and rules, you will no longer wonder how quickly and efficiently eliminate scratches from the body of the car. In practice, they are not at all difficult and, in addition, save finances.

- I have on the left back wing a nail scarce of an indecent word ...

- Wait ... what?

From the movie "Beware of the car"

Means for removing or disguise scratches on the shelves Today, this is for some time soothes the owner of a scratched car. But the eyes immediately scatter, and optimism is dried: the principle of operation of drugs is completely different! Some are poly rays with abrasive inclusions, others contain a certain substance, slightly dissolving varnish and pouring scratch, others simply allow to cut a defective place. There are still wax formulations, filling and masking scratching "for the time of demonstration of the car to the buyer." So what to buy something? We acquired drugs of all kinds of action principles.

Find a suitable wing and to create it with various-caliber scratches - the case is simple.

Fixing their arts, we deliberately "forgotten" for a while professional skills. Just read the instructions and acted in accordance with it as an ordinary buyer.

It is clear that it is really to compare the wax pencil, paint and polyrolol incorrectly. Therefore, we set all the participants at will ... artist!

Applicated Manufacturer: Abro Industries, USA

The drug was pleased with the speed when grinding the surface. But the scratch will disappear along with the brilliance - to return it to other means. In the application, the composition is simple and convenient, as well as its packaging. Before rubbing, you do not need to wait for drying. But the Russian-speaking sticker contains far from the total translation of the original label (not specified, for example, the temperature range of applicability).

Approximate price: 1100 rubles.

The selection of the koller is not required: the applied composition, apparently, slightly dissolves the enamel and acquires the desired shade. But the instructions need to read carefully - there are too many specific requirements in it. This was not saved by: the promised drying time in the sun from 1 hour (and remember what heat was in the summer?) Turned into 48 or more hours! During this time, dust dawn on the renovated area. So, it is necessary to leave to dry in a particularly clean room.

Claimed manufacturer: Sonax, Germany

Approximate price: 880 rub.

The company is elected, and with translators she has a tight: Russian text does not correspond to German. Napkins are difficult to fix on the instrument for initial processing. And most importantly - despite the complex two-component formula, the composition did not cope even with small scratches and did not restore the shine.

Approximate price: 290 rub.

Polyrol cleaner restores the coverage with scuffs and minor scratches. At the same time restores and shine. But with medium and large, it does not cope. The packaging is convenient you will not call: open a tube-dispenser with bare hands is quite difficult.

The composition of a convenient tube copes with scratches of any size and depth (even to the soil!). But be careful, do not overdo: abrasives contained in it can easily wipe the paintwork coverage. It is clear that such a pasta is not able to give the surface perfect brilliance, so at the end it is worth postponing the tube to the side and take a bottle with an "antitrapin-restorer" of the same company.

Applicated manufacturer: USA

Approximate price: 240 rubles.

The polyrolol copes perfectly with scratches and scratches up to medium. Suitable for manual and machining surface. According to the manufacturer, for the best effect, you should first wash the machine with shampoo, but only the same brand. Even its specific type is indicated. We will not find fault in this: in the end, the manufacturer is visible ...

Claimed manufacturer: LLC "TD OmegaTeh LKM", Russia

Approximate price: 120 rub.

In fact, it is paint that you need to pick up. Suitable for masking deep - to the soil - scratches and chips. "Pencil" is compact, easy to use, paint will quickly dry. However, the coloring rod is vicious for a neat painting of small scratches. In addition, when the cap is removed, the paint dries quickly, not allowing to continue working. Footprints are noticeable, but it looks not so defiantly as a source scratch.

Claimed manufacturer: "Everest Group", Russia

Approximate price: 160 rub.

"Magic pencil" jokingly restores the shine and eliminates the divorces from the sponge. This advantages end. The scratching composition does not fill, the plastic spatula from the kit is inconvenient, its sharp raw edges may even damage the coating. Pencil melts in hands, gets dirty. And the results of processing are short-lived. Type, cracked the car - and sold.

Study Manufacturer: Hi-Gear Products, USA

Approximate price: 330 rub.

The polyrolol copes well with scratching and minor scratches, restoring the glitter of the paint coating. From the disadvantages, we note a narrow temperature range of use: in our climate, most likely a warm garage will be required. Middle scratches are not for him.

Claimed Manufacturer: England

Approximate price: 300 rubles.

This composition helps remove minor scratches and scratching, which appeared after processing the paste of the same manufacturer.

Nevertheless, it was not possible to achieve the perfect shine - it would also like to take advantage of some kind of drug ...

Scratches on the body of a motor vehicle is a big chagrin for any driver. The main problem is that minor scratches and chips not only spoil the appearance of the car, but also become causes of corrosion and heavier damage to the paintwork (LCP). If you do not restore the integrity of the surface on time, then the removal of scratches on the car body without painting will become impossible and the car will have to be repainted in part or entirely.

To remove small scratches yourself, it is enough to produce a car with restoring pastes or liquids. Consider, because of what, such damage appears on the bodies of cars, as well as the structure of the paint coating.

Structure of LCP

Standard coating consists of several layers: metal, phosphate, soil, basic enamel, varnish and finishing layer of polyteroli. If damage is insignificant and the depth of the crack comes only to the phosphate layer or primer, it is possible to solve a similar problem using a polyrolol for a car.

If the damage more serious and scratch reached the steel sheet, then a number of events will be required to restore the structure (the usual polishing compositions will be "powerless"). If you simply tinked damage, then corrosion will still develop and affect all the large parts of the body. Therefore, before using any "magic" means, be sure to specify the nature of damage.

The answer to the question "Why do I need polishing?" Obvious - to restore the structure of the LCP and prevent the formation of new cracks.

It is also worth considering what situations can be prevented by the formation of scratches by car.

When it is necessary to perform car polishing

Not always the culprit of the appearance of scratches itself becomes the owner of the car. Even if you drove a long time at the wheel, it will not protect you from other participants in the movement with insufficient driving skills. Damage may occur due to branches, small gravel and much more. Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of chips, the restoration polishing of the car body is recommended in the following situations:

  • New car. If you have purchased a new machine, you should not rely on the factory coating, it is better to produce a periodic car polishing. In addition, the protective polishing of the body of the car will save PBX from sticking dirt.
  • Used car. LCP used car needs careful processing. However, in contrast to new machines, used models need to be covered not only by reducing agents, but also to purchase such a tool as a protective polishing of the car.
  • With uneven color change. If stains began to appear on the LKP, and the body tone became uneven, this indicates that low-quality paint was used when painting cars. From divorces and scuffs, it is also necessary to get rid of timely using a polyrol for the car.
  • Lack of brilliance. The "age" PBX and the cars "survived" handicraft painting often lose their shine. Almost all the sets for polishing the car include universal funds returning a "fresh" view of the machine, so they will help you quickly cope with paint clouds.

If we talk, about polishing the body of the car with your own hands, then it will not be necessary to master complex technologies of work or to acquire expensive equipment. The main thing is to choose a good restoring or protective agent.

Today, the polyrol for the car body is produced two types:

  • Abrasive agents (restoring polyrolol). Such polishing formulations are used for cars older than 3 years, on the body of which a large number of small and deep scratches were formed. It should be borne in mind that such a deep polishing of the body requires specialized equipment. Pastes of this type completely remove the layer of varnish, so after this processing, the LCP is necessarily covered by an additional protective layer. If you choose a composition with a large number of abrasive particles, then you should give preference to polyrolles with the effect of "color enrichment".
  • Mixes with a depleted amount of grinding particles (protective polyrolol). Such formulations allow you to remove scratches on the car body without removing the upper LCP layer. Protective pastes are recommended for new and freshly stained cars to remove small scratches without painting and giving the body of shine.

Important! It is possible to produce deep polishing of the car body not more than 2-3 times during the entire operation time of the vehicle.

If we talk about the form of issuing polishing formulations, then the following types of scratches are found most often on sale:

  • Pasty. This type of poly rays are conveniently applied to vertical surfaces, due to which the efficient treatment of all body parts of the machine is carried out. The paste-like polyroli includes special components that give a shade of LCP more saturation. It is worth such a means to remove scratches more than just.
  • Liquid. Means that differ in liquid consistency are recommended for the roof, hood or trunk. With side parts of the body, the composition simply will flock. However, in liquid polyters, it contains a minimal number of abrasive particles, so they are in the least "removing" LCP. Also, liquids are suitable for torpedoes.
  • Aerosol. Sprays differ simplicity of use and quite low cost. However, they are least effective. The thing is that in a liquid cylinder contains the components necessary for spraying, due to this, the volume of polishing substances is much lower.

High-quality polyrolol for removing scratches of a paste-like type serves to 6 months. If you comply with the right storage conditions, and use polishing fluid 2 times a year (in front of the spring and winter), then you can save the machine LCP for a long time.

Auto Polishing Tools

In order to determine which polyrolol for the body and the car's interior is better, consider three popular funds that were repeatedly tested by car owners and received the highest ratings.

Wurth Profi

This German program will allow repair scratches by car using a polishing machine. Immediately it is worth noting that this abrasive type paste, so it is not recommended to produce work without equipment.

To make polishing with this composition, it is best to purchase three types of paste:

  • rough (article 893153);
  • average (893154);
  • small (893155).

It will also require three polishing circles. The manufacturer thought out the system on which it is very easy to choose a disk for a particular polishing paste.

  • black (fur) is used for aggressive processing of appropriate paste;
  • yellow (foam) is also suitable for coarse polyrolol, but it is not so tough, so the average paste is applied;
  • blue (foam) for medium and fine polyrolol.

According to the instructions, the removal of scratches on the car using Wurth Profi begins with coarse processing. Gradually, the circles change and the "grout" of the surface is produced until all small scratches from the body disappear.

Thanks to this recovery, the surface will be resistant to reagents and sunshine.

If you want to perform polishing without tints and there are no deep scratches on the car, then we can exclude treatment with a coarse abrasive composition.


The best tool among the polishes of domestic production is the "brainchild" of the company ZM, developed on modern American technologies. The main advantage of these compositions is the possibility of polishing the car with your own hands with the help of a polishing machine and without it.

Among the model range of a paste to deliver the body of a car from scratches, it is worth highlighting the following databases:

  • Rough paste (abrasive type) to remove deep scratches from the car body (article 09374).
  • The abrasive composition of the average rigidity to remove scratches that did not reach the metal (09375).
  • Polyrol for cars (applied with their own hands without machine) without abrasive particles (09376).
  • Protective pasta, to give shine (09377).

Also, the SM offers a ruler of polishing circles for each composition:

  • Article 01927 - for rough processing of paste Article 09374.
  • 09550 - for paste 09374 and 09375.
  • 09378 - for polish 09376.
  • 05729 Used during processing of 09377.

Body Compound

The Body Compound scratch remover means is another effective paste, quickly "reanimating" LCP. Compared to professional counterparts, it does not require equipment to use this polyter. In addition, the manual polishing of the body will not require the selection of several components, cost from 500 rubles per each. As part of the funds contain soft abrasives, thanks to which, after climbing cracks, you do not have to worry about paint material.

The pastes of this brand are suitable for any coatings, so they are also used for the interior of the car, plastic elements of the dashboard and much more.

The only drawback of Body Compound is that this gentle abrasive is suitable only for small damage. In their durability, it is not inferior to the analogues.

Also for polishing the body of the car you can purchase a "Bravo", R-M, Sonax, SIA and Meguiars. These pastes also have proven themselves among the car owners.

Before removing scratches on the car with your own hands, regardless of the selected paste or spray, carefully examine the instructions and consider some general recommendations.

What to pay attention to the auto polishing car

Polishing the car with your own hands should be performed in strict accordance with the instructions for the protective fluid. Before removing scratches, you need to prepare everything:

  • Since polishing scratches on a car is a responsible process, then first of all need to wash and dry the entire car.
  • We remove bitumen, "corpses" of insects, kidney of plants, branches and other trash.
  • We check the previously torn sections for corrosion in the paint.
  • Degrease the surface.
  • If you are handling the salon, it is better to close all the holes in the dashboard so that the liquid does not get there.

  • If spots remained after degreasing on the surface, then the body polishing with their own hands is performed only after processing clay. How to remove old clay stains? Very simple - Moisten the surface, apply a special clay and light clicks. Start wiped the body.

After that, matting, grinding and polishing scratches on the car body is performed.

In custody

If you still think whether polished is needed for your PBX, it all depends only on your leaning. If you want to save the "original" view of the favorite "swallows" as long as possible, it is better to purchase a polyrolol. If we consider that polishing the body of the car does not work as often, and modern pastes are distinguished by the available price, then why not once again please their iron horse.

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