Home Generator How and than polish the car with your own hands at home. Polishing the car with your own hands the better polish the car body

How and than polish the car with your own hands at home. Polishing the car with your own hands the better polish the car body

Obviously, a clean and polished auto looks much better eager. And there are two ways to solve the problem of car care of cargo: to impose care of it for service workers or toweling centers for which car polishing is a routine work, or, concerning patience and time, make this work itself. The first way simpler and roads, but, choosing the second, should be understood in the intricacies of the upcoming process and have a small amount of theory on how to polish the car.

On the tasks of the polyrolol and polishing purposes

The main tasks of the polyteroli, regardless of the variety of this fund, are to protect for a certain term of the body of the machine from the negative impact of the external environment and the creation mirror surface. If a car owner has to be polished need to decide on the purpose of which he pursues. From this will depend on its follow-up actions.

Task: Return the body of the former shine

Before polishing, it is necessary to wash the car, otherwise the entry called "polishing the car with your own hands" will not make sense. The washing is carried out in a shaded place and with a fully cooled engine. Before starting further work, you need to give the surface well to dry.

For manual polishing, the napkins made of microfiber are best. They can carefully give the body a mirror glitter. From the polyroline you need to choose those that are created to care for the car, good, today their choice is more than large. They are on silicone basis, with the addition of natural wax, etc. Restore cleaners have proven well. It should be squeezed on a small amount of polyroli on the surface of the body, and an hour later a car will glisten. You just need to not forget to change the rag.

Task: Remove Swam and Defects

Here is the time to get a polisher and paste, as the solution is not necessary without their use. Pastes of this type are used for deep cleaning surfaces, since they are capable of removing the top layer of varnish. However, an excessive "passion" abrasive can lead to a sad result.

It should be given due to the abrasive pastes of the new generation, the cutting power of which is large enough. They are resistant to drying, exclude the risk of scratches when working, adapted to all types of varnish and paint.

Delete small, barely noticeable scratches are recommended using reducing cleaners. This is a kind of synthetic polishing paste.

Nozzles-Circles for polishing units are:

White (such circles are characterized with rigidity and are intended for coarse works);

Orange (medium softness circles, universal);

Removal of serious defects should be started with grinding short movements. Before the subsequent polishing, the polished material must be ridiculed with water.

Polishing the car with your own hands begins with the most damaged places. The paste is applied directly to the polishing circle. To avoid the risk of burning and wiping the surface of the LCP to the lower layers, you need to be attentive when working on curved areas with abrasive pastes. In addition, the polished surface should not be very hot. Holograms arising after polishing LCPEasily eliminate by antgologram paste. In addition, the new generation of products of this type will remove unsightly traces and divorces of other polyrolles, as well as return the surface of the machine the primordial shine.

Completed by repeated degreaser.

Modern bodies of cars are manufactured according to the most advanced technologies. The metallic base is exposed to anti-corrosion treatment and covered with wear-resistant paints. The warranty period for the safety of body elements today reaches 10-15 years. However, to extend the life of the paintwork, the motorist should make a little effort. Polishing the car with your own hands will eliminate the small defects of the painted layer, restore the former shine and save a considerable amount of money at work.

When a car polishing is used

With all the possibilities of polishing, this type of body processing is not a panacea from all troubles. When there is a body element deep scratches or chips, exposing a metal frame, or appeared rust foci, then it is already required overhaul Body details. Therefore, before proceeding with polishing, it is necessary to make a complete revision of the surface of the machine and find out the possibility of correcting shortcomings. The car body polishing is made in the following cases:

  • sweating of the paint and varnish layer;
  • the appearance of muddy spots, scuffs, scratches or roughness;
  • the presence of enamels, grain, shagreen, color incisions after tinting.

Removal of scratches from the car body and restoring the sweat paintwork

However, excessive passion to the polishing can play a cruel joke. The fact is that with abrasive processing, a thin layer of paint (about 5 μm) is removed. New car, leaving the walls of the manufacturer, has a thickness of a paint coating 100-150 μm. Silent calculations show that it can be painlessly 15-20 full cycles Polishing. In the case of a used car, it is better to use the thickness gauge to at several points body detail Determine the actual thickness of the paint layer.

Types of polishing

There are several options for abrasive body processing.

Types of polishing

  1. Restorative polishing is used to update the appearance of the body. Such processing is used when the enamel layer is dulling, to smooth out small scratches and chips. Work is performed in two stages. First, the upper layer of paintwork is removed, after which polishing pastes are processed. The number of such body treatments should not exceed 20 times.
  2. The protective polishing of the car body is designed to protect the paint layer from the negative impact of atmospheric precipitation. In this way, the car body is prepared before selling vehicle. The protective type of treatment is made on the entire surface of the car. Polishing is carried out using various preparations containing wax, silicone, etc. They give the glitter of the paint surface, create the finest water repellent film.
  3. Soft polishing is used to process old cars with intact paint layer. This species can be considered as gentle variety of protective polishing.


To perform the restoration operations of the paintwork, it is necessary to stock number of materials. To "consumables" should be attributed:

  • foam;
  • flannel or bike;
  • sandpaper;
  • polyrolol;
  • paste for grinding.

Consumables For polishing

Special attention should be paid to the chemical preparations used in polishing.

  • Abrasive pastes are used to remove the upper layer of varnish. Choosing this type of paste need to consider scratches and cracks on the surface of the enamel. Deep defects are corrected using highly abrasive drugs. A good effect is observed when using a polyter with a color-enriching effect.
  • For processing a new car, which appeared muddy spots on the protective coating, it is enough to purchase a reducing paste without grinding particles.

Polyrols are produced in different packages and states.

  • The means of pasty consistency are perfectly held on the vertical surface. Such a polyrolol is suitable for processing all body elements. In their composition, there are most often additives that ensure color saturation.
  • The use of liquid polyterols is limited to such horizontal surfaces as the roof, hood and trunk lid. They have an important dignity. Thanks to liquid polyrolles, it is possible to polish the body element for a long time, without fear of erase enamel to the primer layer.
  • Extremely comfortable in work becomes aerosol funds. They are effectively and economically applied different types Surfaces. The main disadvantage of such a polyroli is the small content of the material in the canopy.


Polishing the car body is performed using special tools. Manual processing is suitable only for the protective variant of polishing.

  1. First of all, the grinding or polishing machine will need to work. The tool must have a rotation speed of 1000-3000 rpm. Completely there are grinding and polishing circles.
  2. The role of grinding can perform an electric drill. But for successful work You need to stock special adapter and nozzles.
  3. Polishing circles are made from different materials. Four foam and felt nozzles are used. The principle of the selection of the circle is quite simple. The softer polishing paste, the softer the circle is chosen.

For the convenience of users, the circles of different stiffness are painted in the following colors:

  • white circle is intended for use with rigid paste;
  • orange circle can be used with any pasta;
  • the black nozzle is the most soft.

Body preparation

The quality of polishing is often directly related to the purity of the paint surface. Therefore, you must first fulfill the following preparatory operations.

  • The car body must be carefully flushed and dried.
  • With the help of a solvent (646, acetone, white spirit) from the paint surface, the spots of bitumen, anticorre and traces of insects are removed.
  • When performing work on the street, cloudy weather with low humidity and positive temperatures ranging from + 10 ° C to + 23 ° C. The preferred alternative will be spacious and well-lit boxing or garage. The premises are welcomed by ventilation.
  • Rubber I. plastic details Isolated with special painting tape. Glass is also better to protect with paper or cloth malate.
  • In the room it is important to make good lighting so that the light fell on the car body from different directions.

Polishing technology

Protective polishing of the car with your own hands can be done both with the help of power tools and manually.

Polishing manually occurs in such a sequence.

  1. A grinding paste is applied to a lobby napkin, after which the drug is distributed over the paint surface. In the case of aerosol execution, the polyrolol is applied directly to the body element.
  2. Now it is necessary to wait when the paste will dry and get a whiten hue.
  3. Next, circular movements are performed by clean winds before getting a shiny surface.

Elimination of scratches for cars

Polishing will give the maximum effect if you follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of polishing paste.

To remove deep scratches, phenomena and drills it is better to work with the use of power tools. Body treatment is conducted in two stages.

  1. First, the solid circle is installed, pre-moistened with water. A paste with abrasive is applied to its surface to remove deep scratches. On the grinder, the mode is set about 2000 rpm, and the part is polished by uniform movement of the tool.
  2. In the second stage, it is necessary to reduce the speed of rotation of the circle to 1000 revolutions. Now the polyrolol is required without abrasive. When processing, it is important to ensure that each polished site does not cross the previous one, but was located in parallel. Polishing is performed by smooth movements without strong presses on the body element.

Elimination of scratches on the car body with a polishing machine

Experts recommend novice motorists to polish the surface of some unnecessary detail. An old hood or wing, failed to choose the optimal mode when removing scratches, experience the appropriate paste when removing scratches, experience the appropriate paste, feel the instrument and so on.

When polishing the body should not immediately cover the large area. It is better to plot a slower car, but to make it qualitatively. After processing each element, it is necessary to clean the treated surface from dust with a rag and evaluate its work. The surface is examined at different angles, then the remaining scratches or matte spots can be noted.

Finish treatment

At the last stage of polishing the body of the car, a paintwork should be protected, remove the remains of the paste and remove the insulation.

For final processing, a protective polyrolol with polymeric substances is proposed today. It differs from analogs with wax or silicone for a long time protection. So wax or silicone polyters withstand 2-3 visits to the car wash. The polymer film can be held on the paint surface at least six months.

Finishing is performed at a speed of 3000-4000 rpm using a soft grinding wheel and a protective polyter. Previously, it is necessary to isolate chrome details, otherwise, after entering them, the surface will remain matte.

When the car body is polished, you can conduct a simple test. The car is abundantly watered with water, and then observed over it. On perfect smooth surface The liquid is assembled into large drops, and then rapidly roll off the body. On such a body, dust will not accumulate.

Polishing result before and after

Car polishing will significantly increase the service life of the paintwork layer of the body. With a consistent execution of all stages of the car, small defects will disappear, and shine will appear, like the car, which has just come from the conveyor. High-quality work with your own hands will not only save cash, but also gives the maximum of the pleasure of the car owner.

Today, more and more in fashion. This is also facilitated by too overestimated price that is required in car services for the service, and the desire to get aesthetic pleasure in the process of painting is the case, which is akin to real art.

Why do you need polishing

What is the paint coating of the body? As you know, it is not forever. A multitude of negative factors actually affect the surface of the body, among which the temperature differences can lead to complete harm. It is not recommended for a long time to keep the car under the sun, rain or hail. But still, even if the owner will take all measures to protect the paintwork, it will eventually require repair.

What happens to the coating? Cuts are formed on it, chips, sometimes not coming immediately. They accumulate gradually a large amount of dust and dirt, and the paint coating is deprived of its former shine. Real tunnels can be formed on surfaces reaching metal, which become real foci of future corrosion - terrible car disease.

And if this process is launched and not time to do any time, you can see the fatal outcome. And even polishing will no longer save the coating. In this case, it will already be necessary to repaint the body, which is a difficult and scrupulous. It is unlikely to make it just and have to spend a lot of money to give a car a normal appearance.

The video about why the car is needed:

After painting, even the most high-tech, it is difficult to avoid some obvious defects. These include the heights of the paint, the grit of the surface of the varnish, the discrepancy of the color after drying, matte spots in various sites and much more. And you have to grind the surface, after which it is thoroughly polished.

But, as mentioned above, polishing contributes not only to the attachment of aesthetic species. It can eliminate the usual defects of surfaces arising over time. We are talking about the same cracks, chips and similar phenomena. Polishing In this case, paintwork and from different types of mechanical damage.

Polishing - do it yourself

With the fact that the polishing is needed, it seems to have figured out. Now let's talk about how to carry out such an operation. It's not possible to carry the car to drive to the service center, and you cannot be speeches if, of course, you are all right. There will make a master of a master from the car "candy". However, we deal with another case.

It is clear that without required tools And there can be no materials about any competent process and speech. For normal at home we need:

  • machine for polishing, preferably professional;
  • special circles for polishing (coarse and soft processing);
  • special or cotton rag napkins;
  • high-quality polyrolol;
  • white Spirit.

Which polyrolol to choose

Before starting polishing, the types and types of polyterols should be disassembled. The entire result of the future process depends on this main element. As you know, the polyroli is divided into two main types. One of the types of polyterols is called powder and contains various abrasive substances that easily eliminate small cracks and scratches.

As for the second type of polyterol, they have a gell form and are able to fill all cracks, forming a protective layer. Gele-shaped polyters are designed for polishing, on which the paint coating is still fresh.

Video demonstrating polishing process with pasta:

Before you go to the path of purchases, you should determine the condition of the paint coating of the car. This is a very important stage in work, and to charge this business is desirable to a person knowing. Some even attend the auto service where they give a free advice.

Polishing scratches by car, the body of which is covered with small scratches, which are especially noticeable after washing the car in a bright sunny day, - forces the purchase of two types of polyrol colors. This is necessarily an abrasive polyrolol and a mixture of polyrol with a depleted amount of grinding particles. Abrasive paste will help remove the lacquer layer until the bottom of the crack. And when choosing a polyterol of this type, the size of defects should be considered: what they are deeper, the higher the content of abrasive substances in the composition should be.

Often, experts advise using polyrollas with color-enriching effect. For example, if the car is still fresh, then such polyters are capable of rapidly eliminating the narrow-cut spots on the paint coating. In addition, as mentioned above, for such cars it will be enough to purchase gel-like pastes in which abrasive substances are missing.

One more important fact should be known. Abrasive polyters are capable only to grind. In other words, they only align enamel, removing a thin layer outside. And the coating itself thereby becomes more vulnerable. To protect it, you need to apply a paste on the gel or some other basis.

In addition, it is important to know that the polyrol can depend on the color of the paint coating. After all, the composition of the polyterol is still different with its consistency, applications. Well, of course, that is important for the Russian buyer, a considerable role is played here.

The most popular today is considered polyroli with a paste-like composition. Due to their thick consistency, they can be kept on vertical surfaces and they can handle the car from all sides. Working with them is very convenient. Although they cost much more expensive, they are bought more, as they contain in their composition of a substance saturacing color.

As for liquid polyterols, they have a property quickly drain from vertical and inclined surfaces. They are recommended to apply on such parts of the car as the trunk, hood and roof. But they also have a slight advantage over polyrollas with thick consistency. They do not erase varnish to the soil, and they can polish the surface for a long time.

Polyrols are also unusually comfortable in work. Although such polyters contains a considerable amount of solvents and propellants that contribute to rapid sputtering. This significantly reduces the presence of polishing substances in aerosol species.

Preliminary preparation of the car to polish

Like any other thing, polishing implies thorough preparation. First of all, you need to wash the car well. To do this, you can apply the car shutup, after which it is possible to dry the surface to dry. And at the end, when it is already evident that the surface dried, to treat it with a cotton cloth or a special napkin, thereby having a control shot and eliminating all the remaining moisture droplets.

If any spots or other similar defects are detected, you should try to remove them using White Spirit. And it is important that the protective polishing is carried out on the surface, which is completely cleaned from small dirt particles and sand grains. These minor components are able to cause serious harm to the whole matter. Therefore, after washing the car, it is necessary to handle the surface with a cloth.

Polishing ESM and manually

As mentioned above, the body polishing is carried out using a special typewriter. It should slowly process the surface. It is necessary to ensure that the machine passes through all parts of the surface, not leaving a single site. First of all, it is necessary to treat the surface with a more rigid circle with a medium-abrasive composition, after which change the circle. If the car is new, then it is not recommended to handle the hard circle. After a few minutes of operation, it must be changed with a circle intended for a thinner processing that does not have abrasive substances in its composition.

It is important to know that the car polishing should be carried out by parts, which will not allow the composition of the polyerole to dry before subsequent processing. And it is desirable to spend twice twice, in order to avoid skipping some part.

After that, when the machine first did his work, you need to apply a small amount of protective polyrol on the surface. It may be the same gel polyrolol. Then rub the composition with a rag before it is complete drying. And on the machine you need to change the turnover by putting them on low rates, and continue polishing. Normal surface polishing machine should take about two hours. It is not necessary to rush here. To work you need to put the soul.

If there are no cars, the polishing process can be carried out with hands. By the way, the Japanese, who in this case a dog ate, polish the car only manually. With this method of polishing, a person enters the car as if in contact, it feels better and much better inflicts polyrolol. It is important to armonize a considerable patience.

With a manual processing method, the polyrolol should be applied to a lint-free napkin and distribute uniformly on the surface of the car. After that, you need to withstand some time until the mixture gets up and polymerizes, and then start polishing with circular motions with a clean napkin. We polish until the surface does not get a mirror glitter. The greatest effect can be achieved if the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions for a polyrolic mixture of a babositic type.

If deep scratches are noticeable on the surface of the car, then without a machine can not do. Eccentric grinding machine, or ESM, especially for this and is intended. The car polishing paste in this case will rub much more deeply. By the way, if you still can not find such a typewriter, you can use a regular drill with high turns. A special nozzle dresses on the tool and the effect of polishing will be the same.

Polishing surface with deep cracks and chips

This procedure is carried out in two stages. First you need to process the surface of the paste with the abrasive component, which will help eliminate rough scratches. This is the first stage of polishing, which, in turn, must be divided into two parts. First, we proceed the surface with a polyroller with a medium-abrasive composition and the use of hard circles.

The first part of the initial phase of the surface polishing by abrasive components, or abrasive polishing, implies proper setting ESM. It will need to be adjusted to 2000 in this case, and the machine to move is uniformly, in no case induced by force. It is recommended that the circle foam rubber is pre-mixed with water.

The second part of polishing involves the surface treatment with abrasive components of a low dose and a circular structure with a softer structure.

The second stage of polishing will already require changes in the frequency of rotation of ESM per 1000 rpm. And there must be paste not containing abrasive substances. Here the trajectory of the ESM movement, which should be carried out in such a way that every next layer does not run to the previous one, but lay parallel. It is very important.

Experts advise those who are not confident in their power, not to take immediately for polishing their car. It is better to start to practice on the wing or hood, which was lying around somewhere in the garage.

Video about car polishing with your own hands:

Here, in fact, everything. We hope that the advice given above will help you with polishing so that then it was nice it myself. You will be able to enjoy the fabulous gloss doubly, as they spent the polishing with their own hands!

Body machine to polishing and after it.

Why do it do?

  • Gives the car a good appearance. The paintwork coating of the body of the car after its exit from the conveyor is exposed to the active effect of the external environment. This is the temperature difference, dirt, precipitation and many other factors. Not anywhere from mechanical loads, vibrations, clashes, which causes paintwork defects. Polishing can be performed to restore the already sweat coverage, as a result of which it acquires a commodity view.
  • The reducing grinding of the body will allow paints and scratches. The fact is that the machining machines, scratches and cracks on the paint and varnish plating can lead to the formation of corrosion. You can get away from this by conducting a protective polishing of the body.
  • When protecting polishing with a special layer, you can extend the life of a paint coating of the car. At the same time, the brilliance of its surface is preserved.

Types of car body polishing

  1. Restorative. It is carried out to eliminate small scratches that have a small depth. If the damage to the paint layer occurred until the primer itself, the polyrolo will not help. Restorative polishing can be removed different losses, stripes and stains. The work lies in the mechanical removal of the thinnest coating layer using abrasive pastes. In the process of work, about five microns is removed, but there is an explicit dependence on the grain of pasta. It is a bit for the original factory coating, so thickness of varnish and paint can be from 100 to 150 μm. Most often, this type of work is applied before selling a used car to give it a commodity type.
    We add that the restorative polishing is not necessary too often, since it is possible to polish to such an extent, the places of translucent primer will be visible through the paint.
  2. Protective polishing. Produced to protect the body from adverse effects ambient. Performance of this type of polishing work is carried out without the use of abrasive pastes. It is carried out using a bezabosive polyter, created on the basis of synthetic substances and different species waxes. In the process of conducting the work of the body, the parallery coating layer is not removed at all. Protective polishing is ideal for new cars, in order to protect the car body from small damage.

The period of time, during which protection will be effective, depends on the composition of the mixture. For example, a protective layer of a polymer polyrolla, at least six months, and on the basis of silicone or wax - several months. But if we apply a polymer polyrolol, it will require more time and the corresponding special equipment.

How to polish the car at home

Preparation for body polishing

After washing the car, it is necessary to dry it and close the car adhesive ribbon, so that abrasive tools do not damage them

Video: Independent polishing Preparation

  1. Makery execution
    The car is carefully soaked with the use of detergents;
    The body is cleaned from bitumen, primer, anti-corrosion processing, etc.;
    Pack, applying special scotch (paper) places that do not need polishing. These are plastic, rubber parts, headlights;
  2. What should be the room
    For high-quality polishing of the car body, you need to preliminarily prepare and create conditions. For this, a suitable closed room is selected, with a limited dust hit and the presence of reliable ventilation. One of the meaningful conditions for the selection of the room is the absence of direct sunlight, as this may cause an overly fast drying of polishing components.
  3. Of course, excellent lighting in the room should be ensured to see and identify various car body defects. If you fail to choose the room, then work on the street is preferably in the shade.

The process of polishing work

Video: how fast and just polish auto

1. Body cleaner 2. Scratch remover (antitrapine) 3. Professional polishing paste (abrasive) FARECLA G6 4. Small-forming polyrolol (finishing) Runway

1) So, the machine is washed and cleaned from insects and strong contaminants.

  • It is necessary or desirable to carry out an operation to degrease the body using a degreaser, for example, W900 App, or White alcohol. With these means from the body, a dirty film is cleaned, small spots are cleaned, and the car body is prepared for operation.
  • To carry out protective polishing, the paste is applied to a piece of pure vet and circular motion Painted on the body. At the same time, do not get carried away by applying an overly thick layer. This will cause clouding of the surface, which is difficult to fix. It is better to carry out the polishing in small parts, as the drying paste occurs quickly and while you are busy with the wiring of the hood, in another place it can already dry and heat. The body needs to be protected from exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Applying the polishing composition, do not hurry, you need to withstand some time to form a white film, after which this place is soft and dry rapid. At the same time, do not use any towels, but use a special car napkin from microfiber. There is a very rated brand version on sale, and if you want less expensive, then use Taiwanese napkins. The Chinese produce such napkins with a synthetic thread, which during long-term use may cause small scratches.
  • Body grinding manually very laborious process and therefore a special polishing machine is often used, or adapts a drill.

Video: Car polishing (Tools)

Under the drill for grinding, you will need a nozzle so that you can consolidate the desired circles. Usually used a standard circle with a diameter of 18 cm. You also need a substrate for a circle, usually for easy polishing with its forces used fastenings of the type "Velc.". All this can be bought.

So the nozzle looks like a drill with "Velcro"

2) independent recovery polishing body auto abrasive polyrolla It will require 2 to 3 times the spending time and strength than protective. Therefore, it is clearly desirable to use the technique, that is, either a polishing machine or drill.

Polishing hood

  • At the first stage, a coarse-grazing abrasive polishing paste is applied on a small surface of the body and is evenly triggered by foam rubber or just with hands.
  • Then the drill is put on the nozzle, better with a rigid felt circle, the frequency of revolutions within 1200 - 1600 is exposed and begin the neat rubbing of the paste with horizontal drill movements. Do not press the disc very much to the surface, but let it slide it. The disk must be kept without distortion, otherwise stains can be formed on the surface. With an abrasive polyrolh, you need to work carefully. If you show excessive diligence, then you can wipe the hole in the literal sense.
  • It is recommended to carry out the polishing manually in the places of any sharp transitions of the body surface, moding, bumper, various angular transitions. These weak spots There may be anterior to paint. Therefore, large flat sections are grinding the drill, and polishing the rest of the places is carried out manually using special fabric.
  • After polishing the car wash and degrease the body once again and exactly how the composition with small abrasive is applied in the previous method. This is done to remove a mercury shade, hiding small scratches and microcracks. At this stage, the use of a softer polishing disc from the foam rubber is practiced, with increased turns of a drill to accelerate the process.
  • After completing this procedure, the surface is again washed, wipe, after which the protective polyrolol is applied.

In order to check the quality of the work, you can pour polished the body with water. With good quality, water should be collected in large droplets and drain from the body. This is called the "drone effect" and is considered the main indicator of good work.

Protective polishing at home is performed 2 times a year. Usually before in winter and at its end. By this you can protect the body of your own car from rapid aging caused by the influence of poor ecology. In addition, the type of your car will be respectable and sparkling, pleasant to the view of strangers and your own pleasure.

Ideally, if there is no experience, then run training on an unnecessary detail from any car (wing, hood ...). Practice in this matter is very useful.
As experts say in this area - the paintwork need to feel ...

Contrary to the above-mentioned opinion on the prerogative of professional care of the paintwork of body parts, it is possible to note with solid confidence that polishing auto do it yourself also has a number of certain advantages.

  • Banal budget savings.
  • The unique opportunity to carefully inspect the external elements of the body.
  • Invaluable experience of independent care external species car.

It absolutely does not matter the age and status of the motorist. At least because a comprehensively developed citizen, by default, has an impressive psychophysical potential.

Under certain conditions unambiguously determining is it worth making a car body polishing, you need to understand:

  • mandatory presence of a full-fledged paint layer;
  • lack of deep ( to metal) scratches or pushing from the paint of rust foci;
  • the obligatory possibility of thorough preparation of the surface alleged to polishing;
  • the presence of pure closed room with a sufficient level of lighting.

The use of special tool will definitely speed up the work. But it is not obligatory - because, according to the approximate classification, it still applies to a soft polishing.

But, the recovery of the color or processing of the layers after staining, without grinding, it will easily refuse hunting to independent work For anyone.

It should also be remembered - non-compliance with the complex of these requirements will entail a number of problems requiring professional intervention in the implementation of further maintenance.

How to work with the coating?

As for companies specializing in body work (relevant for long-livers of the market), then knowingly the high cost of services is due to many factors. Among others are obvious

  • color and features of the paintwork;
  • knowledge of the specifics of the body of the body;
  • the use of expensive professional compositions and the creation of the conditions necessary for the work;
  • performing frankly complex tasks for the garage painter - from the full complex with painting, to the coating of the body "nanocheramic";
  • important value has a regional binding.

Therefore, a unambiguous answer to the question how much is the polishing of the body of the car, other than "expensive", in principle, can not.

However, if we are talking about an unfamiliar company, the obvious qualifications of specialists will be a worthy of cooperation. Real example: knowing that in washing open space, equally, in, there is no need, polishing process is presented as children ( in details, it is clearly indicated - Childrening Center). Obviously, the potential client wants an impression through the use of professional terminology.

Frankly low cost in some cases, as if suggests: it is better to contact a "profitable" service a couple of times than polishing the car at home.

But, given the duration of complex polishing ( at least four hours) is not difficult to calculate the approximate cost of the specialist's working hour and compare the resulting result with an average of the city. And only then, on the basis of the analysis carried out, take the right decision.

Reviews Previously serviced by car owners will also help to determine the choice, but it is often the ability to see the whole process on their own.

Sometimes, as a bonus, the client can even offer photo seer process.

Polishing auto do it yourself, video:

Is this urgent need if the car polishing?

Without deepening in the study of the chemical-physical properties of materials from which the body of a car was created, it is safe to argue about the incessant process of destruction of the polymer coating and the metal base under it.

And, though not for long, but helps to significantly reduce the rate of flow of destructive processes.

All possible disagreements, about the need to polish the car, disappear as a thoughtful acquaintance with the declared properties of autocostectors. After all, there would be no durable and stable "native" paintwork, the atmospheric effect over time becomes the root cause of the loss of shine and the depth of color.

Other aggressive factors are able to provoke a violation of the integrity of the protective layer. From now on, relatively inexpensive polishing will not be so effective as before the appearance of certain coating problems.

Therefore, the verdict is unequivocal - polishing a car is necessary. And if there are no obvious contraindications, it is best to start yourself. With soft non-abrasive solutions.

Popular Body Polishing Tools

The most accessible means for removing therapy and traces of polyrollas ( holograms) In a small dosage. All these sprays and suspensions are in demand exclusively due to the rapid achievement of some effect. Which, by the way, is just as quickly and passes.

One of the promoted ease of operation of light autocostectors is extremely easy to use. That is, in a particular case, the manufacturer is recommended auto polishing manually without machine.

  • Fast waxes and MEGUIAR'S polyters.
  • 3m Composition Polish Rose.
  • Instant polyrolling "Liquid Wax" K2 Balsam.

A more convincing result can be obtained by using universal abrasive compoundscoming from the manufacturer in small volumes.

  • K2 Tempo.

With proper use, the result will delight the owner much longer, but the paste for polishing the body of the car, without additional conservation of the polished surface, is only a semi-dimensional.

Professional polishing pastes are extremely rarely used by one, since it is a comprehensive solution to restore the color and creating a stable coating. So in the product line of the company 3M for these purposes:

  1. LargeBrascious Perfect-IT III Fast Cut XL - for the "coarse" rink polishing;
  2. PERFECT-IT TM III EXTRA FINE Due to the abrasive, the smaller fraction allows you to get a spectacular shine;
  3. Finish PERFECT-IT TM III Ultravin Provides removal of possible traces of processing ( the same holograms, for example).

Triad from FARECLA looks like this:

  1. Polyrol for body car from scratches G3;
  2. G10 milk, removing traces of coarse polishing;
  3. Dark or light gloss FARECLA GLAZE - For fine smoothing.

Separately, it should be said for numerous protective polyters - all existing ones, from the simplest wax and teflon, to the compositions based on liquid glass Applied solely on the clean surface, as the finishing coating.

Require degreasing base and, depending on the characteristics of the composition, some time on the final crystallization of the layer. But this is after the last polishing.

He summarizes all protective compounds only forecasting a long service with a variety of impact of the aggressive environment.

In fact - the maximum possible operational period ( until a year) Only in coatings formed by liquid glass-based polyrolles. But even such promising protective polishing of the car for the winter requires constant control over the cleanliness of the layer.

Almost every manufacturer can choose a similar series designed for both the pros and simple mortals. However, from time to time, on the expanses of the former union "pop up" buses of autocostectors intended exclusively for professional use. For example, the Ceramic Pro line.

Due to the features of application, this product is not a member of the amateur attachment and a rush. Departure from the garage is possible at least three hours after the end of the work, wash the car is not recommended up to two weeks, and for the achievement of the maximum strength of the applied layer is given for about a month.

With similar requirements polishing the body of the car from scratches do it yourself It is easily capable of turning the car enthusiast in a regular pedestrian. And at a fairly impressive term.

We look carefully - we want to win

Again, in general terms - most polishing agents consist of abrasives, binding basis and varied chemical goods To give certain qualities to the coating created. However, the principal similarity of polyterols from different manufacturers, absolute identity does not give.

Just every serious company-producer is gaining its technical base and behaves its own research. An obvious evidence of this can be considered the distinguished stated properties and some difference in the cost of products similar lines.

Any special distinctive properties in similar polishing compositions, from different manufacturers, is also quite difficult to allocate. In the form of an exception - FARECLA products: the G6 paste is universally available, which involves mandatory wetting surfaces, and a unique novelty G6 Rapid is a suspension that allows you to effectively polish without adding water.

Representatives of trade, in general, erase a slightly noticeable line between the main competitors, offering products for complex polishing products of different companies in one set.

All these moments once again prove that before polling the car at homeFirst of all, you must carefully read the instructions for applying the composition.

What are polishing? Video:

Required tool

The minimum equipment of the garage toolkit involves the presence of the following positions:

1. Special angular grinding machine - for polishing the car. Actually, such a narrow specialization is due to the features of technology. Therefore, the possibility of smooth start and regulation of the speed of rotation, in the range from six hundred to two and a half thousand revolutions - there is an obvious indicator of belonging to the desired equipment.

For comparison: the usual household ESM with a rheostat, without a significant increase in torque, changes the revolutions from zero to two and a half thousand. Required equipment capacity ( so at least not stopped under your own weight) It is possible only at higher revs. But then, using the abrasive compositions, you can say goodbye to the paint coating.

Save the situation, without significant investments, will help water drill nozzle (she is a plate with "Velcro"). And in some cases, a light and small vertical tool, obviously wins in bulky ushm.

2. For compounds with different abrasive filling, you will need a set of polished rigid-based. Allowed to work and watering Nozzle for Bulgarian (with Velcro), allowing you to quickly change polishing circles.

This method is convenient not only for "raising" color, followed by finishing. AND bumper polishing, abundant insect, and exclusive polishing discsEven independent farming Far - Each of these processes will require at least two different polishers.

3. Napkins with microfiber - For the non-traction removal of light plaque after using pasta. An indispensable thing in the presence of hard-to-reach places and, especially at the last stage of working with protective compositions.

4. A pair of abrasive sheets (in the range of 1500 - 3000) on a waterproof basis - in case the starting polyrolol for auto scratches will be powerless against the damage.

Polishing auto white, video:

Independent polishing

Primary preparation of cars

Initially, before polling the car itself, it makes sense to wash it yourself and wash. Only clean and dry body can be treated with polishing compositions. High Pressure Sink and Compressor Allow to significantly reduce the timing of such training.

Well, the principal features of the selection of autocosmetics at this stage are not. Especially since even the active will not be able to clean body parts from the prolonged assortment of oil refining products. Almost always, the technological surveys of the roads will have to rub off the White spirit or after the use of polishing clay.

Definition of the front of work

As a rule, not a lot of time studying the surface of the body for impairment of the coating. Since most problems are detected already during the sink. And only the initial restoration of deep damage can be somewhat delayed the beginning of polishing.

Specifically, this stage is extremely important for approximately determining the type of cosmetics necessary. What paste to buy, what wax for the car is betterOne can definitely say only by examining the nature of damage.

Perhaps only polishing varnish after painting the car can be performed without careful disguise. And that, only because of the preximal preparation already performed.

Actually, the process itself

Common mistakes in self-polishing

Often in the interval after repair staining of the body part and prior to spinning a varnish, an unprepared citizen is able to respond very inadequately to visible surface roughness. What explains the emergence of an insurmountable desire to grasp everything to the state of the perfectly level mirror. But before removing the shaggy after, it should be carefully climbed to the body of the body with the factory coating. Perhaps it will be a discovery, but the surface being studied will not be perfectly smooth. A new "orange peel" is also filled to a similar state.

You can fully use this polyrol for plastic in the car. Secondly: Himsovostav ordinary protective polishing differs from cosmetics for plastic. As a result, incorrectly processed item will have an inhomogeneous color gamut.

Ignoring the points of instructions for polishes May lead to a very unexpected result. Thus, surface treatment under direct sunlight, even with non-abrasive sprays, confidently provides brilliance loss. Working with abrasives, in similar conditions, can lead to an absolutely not predictable result.

In the extreme case, the working robe is suitable, dressed as the back on before. A priori prolonged sleeves and lack of open jewelry.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible subtleties of the process. And every car enthusiast can supplement it with items tested on its own body. But be that as it may, independent polishing of his car - The process is interesting and informative. Especially after the first positive result is achieved.

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