Home Chassis Crimean bridge when opening a car movement. Putin opened the car traffic along the Crimean Bridge. The consequences of the opening of the Kerch bridge

Crimean bridge when opening a car movement. Putin opened the car traffic along the Crimean Bridge. The consequences of the opening of the Kerch bridge

For reading 4 min. Views 13. Published on 05/16/2018

Crimea, News May 16, 2018 - Opening of the Crimean Bridge, video. On May 16, a movement on the road part of the Crimean Bridge opened at dawn. The first on the new route through the Kerch Strait drove cars from more than 20 cities of Crimea and Kuban. Motorcyclists from nearby regions ride motorists from both sides.

The highway opened at 5:30 Moscow time. The flow of cars from Kerch and Taman met at the shipping arch. Drivers welcomed each other with long beeps.

"We were so waiting for the opening of the bridge, for us it is a holiday! Despite the fact that it was necessary to go round early, gathered with the whole family and friends, decorated our cars with balls and flags, "said Marina Vlasov from Kerch.

"Do not transfer emotions when we saw countercourses. Finally, our shores were connected, "said Yevgeny Ovchinnikov from Temryuk.

"We reached our relatives in the Crimea in 20 minutes, it's incredible! Now you can ride the sister every day to tea drinking. And before you had to get 3-4 hours. Because of this, at some months, each other did not see each other, although there is a hand here, "said Irina Krapivina from Tamani.

In Taman and Kerch Peninsula, transport junctions were identified, where you can turn back to the bridge - many decided to drive around the Crimean bridge from Kerch to Taman and back.

"The road is so beautiful, you can ride infinitely. Arches are just space! "," Egor Sinitsyn from Krasnodar shared his impressions.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry together with other motorists also expected the opening of the movement on the crossing. As Maria Zakharov told reporters, today she has a briefing in Crimea. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry decided to come to him and, "Driving on the bridge, and tell about the sensations."

"Over the years I have read such a number of Western publications. Unfortunately, these publications are in Ukrainian media. The fact that the bridge will not be that this is all Russian propaganda that this is all the fiction that there is no some computer graphics that is implemented here. I would really like to tell that it's not to show it, and remind what publications were that everything is impossible to believe in this stream, "added Zakharov.

Note that the maximum allowed speed of movement on the bridge and approaches is 90 km / h, stops are prohibited.

To control the compliance of the rules road The bridge has 10 automatic complexes. All information enters the Central Dispatch Item located in Production base Bridge operating service on the Taman Peninsula.

Movement in the Crimean Bridge for cars opened at 05:30 Moscow time on May 16, 2018. This is half a year before the term provided by the State Protection Protection (December 2018). The first in the bridge passed locals - Crimeans and Kubans. Travel for passenger transport and passenger buses Opened simultaneously from two banks of the Kerch Strait - two lanes in each direction. The maximum allowed speed will be 90 km / h. Stop on the bridge is prohibited.

Entry for artists to the Crimean Bridge by the Taman and Kerch Peninsula was opened an hour before the launch of the movement on the bridge - at 4:30 am on May 16. To drive to the bridge from the Krasnodar Territory, you need to move federal highway A-290 to a junction with a new road at the Taman Peninsula. Next, 40 km on the auto-order to the Crimean Bridge. From the Republic of Crimea, the movement begins on the existence of the existing highway "Simferopol - Kerch" and then 8.6 km to the Crimean Bridge.

Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 15 drove on the bridge through the Kerch shed at the wheel of Kamaz. Next to him in the cockpit was the main bridge designer - the general director of SGM-Bridge LLC Alexander Ostrovsky and his deputy Dmitry Kondakov.

May 8, 2018 An acceptance of the bridge took place. The customer of the construction of the Crimean Bridge - FCU "Uplord" Taman "gave a high assessment of the work of bridge builders.

The Crimean Bridge has become the longest in Russia. His length is 19 kilometers. Construction is conducted around the clock. In mid-October 2017, more than 400 supports are ready from 595. Over 105 thousand tons of metal structures of transitive buildings from more than 260 thousand tons of projects are collected.

There are more than 10 thousand builders and over 1.5 thousand engineering and technical workers at the facility. Construction lead more than 30 bridges, the main cooperation of construction is nearly 220 enterprises from all over Russia.

Marine operation on the installation of shipping arched spans - key stage Bridge construction. Railway arch was raised to supports in August 2017.

The movement along the road of the Crimean bridge will be launched in 2018, along the railway - in 2019.

Crimean Bridge: Opening in Management Point (Video)

Crimean Bridge: Opening (video)

The most stretched in Russia and Europe bridge over the Kerch Strait today will become the center of large celebrations. The official opening of the automotive part will be held, the president will visit the ceremony. Motion of machines and buses will launch tomorrow in the early morning, as well as the honorable right to go over Kerch Strait - In construction equipment. The best specialists from all over the country worked with a lead of the schedule, and now everything is ready before the planned term for half a year.

"They said - it is necessary to ride on the ferry, the last, so to speak, the day," tourists say.

The long road to the Crimea for millions of tourists will soon remain in the past. Before the opening of the movement in the Crimean bridge, there remains less than a day, the bill is already on the clock. Tomorrow at dawn in half the sixth in the morning, cars and passenger buses will go on a line over Kerch Strait. Someone dreams to drive first, and someone pleasant news found at the very beginning of vacation on the road to Crimea. He is a rare case when home I want to go back soon, because the road will become noticeably closer.

"We will definitely go, not in the first days, let people roll, then we will try. We will return, probably, the number of the 24th, we will return along the bridge. The bridge is waiting, because the bridge will be better than the bus and crossing. Still, this option is not very convenient, because when the weather is spoiled, the crossing does not work often, in winter, especially, "residents and guests of the peninsula say.

Early and with ahead of schedule for six months. The construction of the most extended in Russia and Europe, a bridge of 19 kilometers long occupied a little more than two years. 12 million tons of building materials, piles are immersed to a depth of 105 meters. Unique technologies - from the construction of a giant archer with a common weight of more than 10 thousand tons to their transportation by sea and installation in the fairway - all these Russian specialists performed for the first time. In the construction site, 10 thousand people from all over the country were involved. Today, during a solemn ceremony with the participation of the head of state, they will open the road part of the bridge, and from Kuban in the Crimea, a column of construction equipment will turn into the Crimea.

To the start, everything is ready. Latest strokesInstallation of road signs, completed the day before. Thanks to the special coating, they will be clearly visible and in a bright day, and in dark time day.

The movement will open synchronously from two banks of the Kerch Strait - four bands two in each direction. 36 thousand cars per day. For drivers prepared a special memo. Travel from Tamani - from the A-290 highway on a new 40-kilometer council. From Crimea - on a nearly nineteteral segment to a large junction, and then in Kerch. There is no closer turning. Stops all over the bridge are strictly prohibited. Enjoy arches now, on TV. At the bottom under these snow-white beauties are ships. Channel width - 227 meters. The distance from the water to the arches is 35 meters. This is quite enough for absolutely any ships through the channel.

The maximum allowed speed is 90 kilometers per hour. Throughout the bridge there are cameras. Over the carriage part installed electronic scoreboards. All information about traffic flows into the control center, located on the part of the Krasnodar Territory. 18 dispatchers around the clock will follow the movement.

Fours will still be transferred through the strait, as before, on the ferries. The cargo movement along the bridge will be launched in October. In the first summer, the plugs from the Crimea after the congress from the bridge, for sure, it will be difficult to avoid. The mooring of the Crimean Peninsula is still carried out on the old road. The president addressed this problem. It will fully decide after the end of the construction of the Tavrida highway, which will be held through the entire peninsula. Its length is more than 250 kilometers. The construction of two strips of the high-speed highway from Kerch to Simferopol will complete by the end of this year, and by 2020 it will be expanded to four bands and will extend to Sevastopol to a detour of large cities.

In parallel to the automotive bridge in Kerch Strait continues the construction of the railway. A special sound is heard, a kind of melody of construction - so clog piles. Traffic in the railway bridge will open in 2019. 47 pairs of trains per day - to Crimea and back.

Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the automotive part of the bridge through the Kerch Strait. The head of state arrived from Sochi, where he conducted a meeting on the development of the Armed Forces of Russia, to Taman, where the bridge begins. Putin talked to the builders of the bridge, after which he sat down behind the wheel "Kama Kaza" and with a column of construction equipment moved along the bridge on the peninsula. The rally concert was held in Kerch.

After the visit of Putin on the bridge on Kamaja, users of social networks asked if the President had the right to manage truck vehicles. This question was handed over to Dmitry Peskov, who said that the category of category C was received by Putin "for about twenty years ago."

Putin, in his speech in Kerch, called the opening of the Crimean Bridge "Historical Day", which, as he put it, "dreamed of still at Queen-Batyushka." The President thanked the workers, as well as the "organizers" of construction, as they, as the head of state believed, put the interests of the country "above personal and group". Bridge over the Kerch Strait made Crimea and Sevastopol "even stronger," Putin said.

The so-called connects the Crimea with the Russian Krasnodar edge. Its construction began in 2015. The general contractor was the company "Stroygadazontazh" of the Russian billionaire Arkady Rotenberg, which is called Putin's close friend. The official value of the state contract is almost 230 billion rubles.

Russian President Dmitry Sadkov Press Secretary before the opening of the Crimean Bridge said: "It was Putin that was the initiator of this construction. Many did not believe in the realizability of these plans, and Putin once again demonstrated that even the most ambitious plans in its execution can be implemented." According to Peskov, "and in practical terms, and from the point of view of symbolism, today is an extremely important day."

The opening of the Crimean Bridge covers in detail Russian state television channels. In particular, on the air of the channel "Russia-24", before the arrival of Putin, they spoke about the "perfectly level roadbed", the sensors that "follow the state of the design", and also that in the case of an earthquake to be on the bridge "much safer than On the usual road. "

It was expected that Russian pop artists would take part in Kerch in the solemn opening ceremony of the Crimean Bridge. However, on Tuesday, it became known that neither Joseph Kobzon nor Lev Leshchenko nor Alexander Buynov nor Oleg Gazmanov would come to the ceremony. Kobzon explained this by a bad flight organization to Crimea. "They could organize it normal, and not a military transport aircraft ... Let the youth go to open the Crimean Bridge," said the singer to the Russian TV channel "360".

In 2016, the US Department of Finance introduced sanctions against construction contractors Kerch Bridge. Kiev, in turn, began to prepare a lawsuit against Russia demanding to compensate the losses that Ukrainian ports carry.

The prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, based in Kiev, in connection with the construction of the bridge opened a criminal case. The agency claims that the object is elevated "in violation of the requirements of the Water Code of Ukraine and the norms of international law." In addition, according to Ukrainian prosecutors, the bridge "represents a serious danger of the ecology of the Black and Azov seas: pollution, violation of natural reproduction of aquatic bioresources and their destruction." The visitors of the RS Forum, please use your Facebook account to participate in the discussion. Comments are premitted, their appearance on the site can take some time.

Early in the morning of May 16, movement was opened passenger cars In the Crimean Bridge. Locals, builders of the Crimean Bridge, veterans, as well as the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maria Zakharov, passed there. Participants in the bridge on the day of its opening for motorists - in the RBC Photo Galler.

Shortly before the opening of the movement, several hundred cars gathered before the bridge. From the side of Taman, the first column went at 05.30.

Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharov

On May 15, President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin, headed by the Crimean Bridge at the head of the cargo autocolon. Among those who first drove on the bridge in the morning of May 16, - the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharov. After completing the trip she description This experience as "unforgettable."

In the opening of the move, bikers from "Night Wolves" were also instructed. The column was headed by the leader of the Motoclub Alexander Bazdestor, known as the surgeon.

In just the first hour after the opening of the automotive movement along the 19-kilometer bridge connecting the Kuban and Kerch, more than 500 drove vehicles In the direction of Crimea and more than 600 in the direction of the Krasnodar Territory, RBC was told in the Info Center of the Crimean Bridge.

On the need to connect the Bridge of Crimea and Krasnodar Krai, President Vladimir Putin said the day after the joining the Peninsula to Russia. The construction of construction became the "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rothenberg. The cost of the project amounted to 228.3 billion rubles.

Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

The maximum allowed movement speed on the bridge is 90 km / h, its throughput is 40 thousand cars per day. According to Rosavtodor's forecast, about 14 million cars may drive over the bridge.

While the passenger cars, buses and construction equipment can move along the bridge. Opening freight traffic scheduled for October 2018. Railway communication is expected to be opened in a year.

The moment I was looking forward to on both sides of the Kerch Strait - the Crimean Bridge is open to trucks. Now deliver products, building materials and other goods from the mainland on the peninsula and can be much faster and cheaper - transport companies No need to pay for the ferry. The first wagons went on the bridge at midnight.

From Yalta in Voronezh less than a day. Previously, only to cross through the Kerch Strait, did not leave one day. During the storms of the ferries had to wait for weeks.

"Now yesterday I was transferred; At 9 o'clock he became in the sump, bought tickets, I crossed at 4 o'clock in the evening, late for unloading. And through the bridge, I think for half an hour we will go through the strait, "the driver is rejoiced by Sergey Zibynik.

The A-290 route from the Crimea to the Krasnodar region and back is not found for "dear life." Just look at how the number of trucks lined up in order to get among the first to drive through the Crimean Bridge! The turn stretched a few kilometers away - from Simferopol almost to Kerch, to councils. And now the road from one to the other side has become really closer, not only for cars and passenger buses, but also for heavy trucks.

I was looking forward to this moment on both sides of the Kerch Strait. Many, like Andrei Shihanov, since last Thursday. At the peninsula brought construction Materials on a ferryboat. Home, in Stavropol, returns with Crimean fruits and already on the bridge.

"The men, honestly, can not believe, before the days stood, waited for the crossing, now 17-18 minutes - we are on the beach, beautiful!" - says Driver Andrei Shiyanov.

The dream became a reality exactly at midnight. All restrictions on the passage of cars with the maximum allowed mass over 3.5 tons took off with road signs.

In the Taman shore, traffic police inspectors offer truckers Crimean bridge to taste before driving - they treat the cake.

Decorating the cockpit with balloons, cargo streams simultaneously moved on both sides. From the Krasnodar Territory, Eugene is visiting the products to the Crimean trading networks. And then - Feodosia, Simferopol and Sevastopol. Eugene delivers the goods on the route the Tavrida highway under construction. Now she is two-way - because of road work Many congestion, but by 2020 it will be expanded to four lanes.

Travel on the bridge saves not only time, but also money. Transportation of wagons on the sea crossing in both directions accounted for almost 40 thousand rubles. On the bridge - the fare is free.

"Now the cost of transportation will be removed from the cost of freight. Now the delivery will be faster, and the logistics will be completely different, and the cargo will be delivered correctly and faster, "the head of the Crimean branch of the Russian Association of carriers Nikolai Maksimenko notes.

Crimean farmers expect that together with the opening of the cargo in the bridge, new sales markets will open. Fruits and vegetables can be delivered much cheaper and exactly on time.

"We grow our products, we could not sell it anywhere, she disappeared. Now we can download all the wagons big and send to the mainland, "says Alexander Degtyarev.

Since mid-May, when a movement over Kerch Strait was opened, more than two million cars and buses were drove along the bridge. It is much more than the ferry transfer transported for the entire 2017 year.

Cargo transport was allowed immediately after graduating from the high resort season, in order not to overload the road on both sides of the strait. In parallel, the automotive is built railway bridge. The first kilometers of the paths, for which passenger and cargo compounds, already in 2019, will go back in Crimea.

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