Home Chassis The criminal as you can learn the car. Search ingenous cars: the rating of the most effective ways and advice of a lawyer. Let everyone know that you have a coxy car

The criminal as you can learn the car. Search ingenous cars: the rating of the most effective ways and advice of a lawyer. Let everyone know that you have a coxy car

His infiniti fx37 in 2013 in the night of July 28, 2016, from one of the courtyards of Fryazino near Moscow. Lost discovered the next day in the morning - instead of a car in the parking lot, slices were waiting for him broken glass driver's door. The car owner immediately called the police officers who collected fragments, took pictures and took the testimony. Keys and documents for the Sitnikov car also handed out order guards. The car remained the service book and the policy of OSAGO. They, respectively, disappeared along with other valuable things that were in the cabin.

However, after five days, the car was found, and the police were surprised at no less than the avtowel himself.

As found

"My Infiniti has already discovered with other rooms in the courtyard in the Moscow district of Dorogomilovo," said Sitnikov "Gazeta.Ru". - With the same broken window. It turned out that the car was parked somehow strange - someone from the tenants showed vigilance, called the district, and there were already the police on orientations.

But they were not immediately taken away the car - they staged an ambush to wait for the hijackers who returned for the car. " So in the end and happened. "

According to Sitnikov, soon two arrived. One of them is a native of Chechnya. The second, as it turned out later, was the buyer. "They were detained with political, - tells the car owner. - the seller immediately in failure - they say, the rain went on the street, saw open car, I decided to wait into it.

Experts arrived, smeared the entire salon with a special powder, removed fingerprints. The car was immersed on the tow truck and taken into - by the way, at my expense.

There the investigative actions continued almost to three o'clock in the morning. First, they disassembled things in the car - the part was mine, some are already strangers. Disappeared, for example, a cell phone. In the meantime, they made a fingerprint examination, which showed that the "seller" left prints across the cabin and under the hood lid. So, apparently, he "wondered the rain" in my car very thoroughly. However, the accomplices did not become - silent as a fish, which complicated the case. And after all, they are at least three in the chain - one wakes up, the second cares, the third sells. Cut VIN (Identification Number vehicle. - "Gazeta.Ru) hijackers, fortunately, did not have time. As a result, the investigators conducted an official investigation, completed a criminal case and sent materials to approval in.

By the way, the police said that the disclosure of such cases was simply zero. Recently, this is the first infiniti found, so I was lucky, thanks to the vigilant people. "

Why you can not pick up immediately and what are the losses

However, it did not end on this car owner on this - until it can get your car. The police allowed him only to pick up the keys to the garage, and from August 2, the car is still at the special property of the ATS as a broadcast.

"It is important for me that it is to be transferred to court," says the car owner. - Only after that I can pick up the car for responsible storage. The procedure is as follows: the car gives me, remove from the hijacking, I pay the state duty and restore the certificate of registration (you do not need to show the car). With this testimony I restore the OSAGO and make new state numbers. After I drive a car to the dealer, there they prescribe keys and change the glass into the door. Costs As a result, the following: on the CASCO car is insured, but there is a franchise of 30 thousand rubles. Therefore, I repair myself. I ordered glass for 19 thousand rubles., 5 thousand rubles. It will cost the recovery of keys, 500 rubles. - The cost of the new policy of Osago.

I still definitely spend on additional protection of the car from theft, the criminals bypassed a regular alarm and an additional security system. Put something more expensive.

And of course, lost things and complete salon washing to wash it not only after hijackers, but also from powder for dactyloscopy. There is a problem with the missing service book - now sell the car will be more difficult. "

In addition, the Sitnikov will be obliged to come to court as a witness. In general, the driver does not bother, he hopes to help the accusation side.

As for the questions about whether he does not regret that the car found, the car owner confidently replies that it is better so that for several months without wheels in complete uncertainty.

"To get insurance, in practice there should be three to four months," says Sitnikov. "So, from the moment of the establishment of an affair on the insurance of insurance companies, a two-month moratorium on operational events is operating: suddenly will find. Further, the insurance month is considering all documents, then it makes a decision and within 30 days after that it must pay. This means four months without a car. Plus another question is how much new will cost. My car is insured by 2 million rubles, but after the year, the insurance amount decreases by 10%. With a franchise 30 thousand rubles. I give 120 thousand rubles for insurance. in year. In general, if the car did not find, would lose more money. So I'm glad, despite the fact that I live a month without wheels. Experience unpleasant, but useful. It is a pity, in the car is now strange, therefore, most likely, I will sell. "

What to do if the return process has been delayed

The lawyer of the board of the right protection of car owners Marat Bikbov explained "Gazeta.Ru", which in general the timing of the car's return to the owner clearly in the legislation is not stipulated, so this question depends on the position of the investigator.

"At the very worst case, the car can return after the court consider the case," says Gazeta.Ru Bikbov.

- And they can issue under responsible storage and before the court consider the case, that is, immediately at the end of the investigative actions. So what the investigator will fall to you, so it will be.

In general, of course, it is wrong that there are no specific deadlines. But if the process is delayed, you can safely complain about the prosecutor's office. If the investigator does not have the motives for holding the car, you must be returned to you. "

Relationship with an insurance company

The policyholder is obliged to transfer to the insurance company a complete set of original keys from the locks of the vehicle (TC), a complete set of keyfobs from alarm system, a complete set of keys from other anti-theft systems installed on the insured TC. "The exceptions are cases when they are attached to the materials of the criminal case or abducted together with the CU by committing crimes," says "Gazeta.Ru" Official representative of AlfaStrakhovanie Yury. - In case the keys, key rings, the labels are attached to the criminal case materials, the policyholder is obliged to provide certified copies of the procedural documents that confirm. "

In turn, the Deputy General Director for Insurance Telematics Meta System Timur Kuzeev draws attention to "Gazeta.Ru", which was previously there were cases when insurance companies were refused to pay if there were no documents or a key set was incomplete. But the Supreme Court excluded this practice.

"With regard to the amount of payment, it depends on the insurance amount on the policy and the actual value of the car, there is also a payment of payment, which is calculated in proportion to the term of the contract and to the hijacking, says Kuzeev" Gazeta.Ru ".

- When founding the TC, police officers must fix all the damage. In this case, the statement of the hijack will be retracted to the unlawful actions of third parties and loss is settled at the risk of "damage" if he was insured.

If the car fell into an accident, it is also fixed by police officers and separately, if there were second participants in the road accident. These insurance events should be fully covered. "

If the car found after receiving the payment

If the auto owner received the payment of thorough, but the car was subsequently found, then the settlement will depend on the decision of the insurance company.

"If the so-called abandon has been signed and the TS rights have passed into insurance after the payment of payment, this is already a decision of the insurer: to remove the car from accounting, register to themselves, to implement at its discretion," Kuzeev says. - If other conditions are recorded during the settlement of the insurer, such as the obligations of the payment of payment, then perhaps the money will have to be returned.

In "Gazeta.Ru" unequivocally stated that the money was refundable. "Otherwise, it will be considered unreasonable advantage or in extreme cases can be interpreted as an attempt of insurance fraud," noted Nehaychuk.

According to experts, the list of rack cars for hijackers depends on the region. In general, the country is the most hijacked cars - these are products, Mazda, Toyota, Lexus, Infiniti, BMW, Mercedes-Benz.

Korean brands are increasingly popular with hijackers, in particular Kia Rio. and Solaris, which are hijacked to parsing on parts and further sales in parts.

Experts note that for the most efficient vehicle protection, professional satellite security systems should be used, which cannot be scanned.

According to statistics within the Russian Federation, more than 1 thousand cars die daily and from how quickly the car will begin to search, the likelihood of finding the car depends. How to find a sophisticated car - what to do to increase the chances of refunding your vehicle where to call first and foremost and can you try to take some action yourself?

How to find a car if it hijacked her? Before considering possible options for finding a car, you need to get information about what causes the vehicles are most often hijacked. So, the car can sink for the following purposes:

  • The hijacking machine is carried out in order to sell it in another region. In the event that immediately after the detection of the fact that there is no car, do not take any action, then after two or three days, the chances of refund will be small;
  • The hijacking was performed in order to disassemble the vehicle on spare parts with their subsequent implementation or use for repair. Such cases within the Russian Federation are now found not so often - this is due to the fact that the sale of the car in detail occupies a certain time itself, and the profit from this method is very small. In such a situation, the chances of finding the car are greater than with the hijack for sale in another region, but the search rarely leads to the desired result;
  • Hijet car to order. Such cases are more often characteristic of machines that are rare and more expensive, as a person who wants to have such a brand or model cannot afford to purchase cars with a legal and legitimate way. As practice shows, even the perfect anti-theft systems are not always protected from the actions of the hijackers, therefore, with the hijack of a high price class, a quick response and start of searches immediately after the disappearance of the car is very important. Of course, if your vehicle refers to the class of machines available at the price and sufficiently common, then such a version does not make sense;
  • Hijack for redemption. Such situations in Russia occur quite often. The principle of action of such hijackers is the following - the car hijaculate and withstand, while simultaneously communicating the owner that the car will be returned after paying a certain amount of payment. In such a situation, many owners are afraid to lose cars and often agree to pay such a sum, although according to statistics, the car does not always return. On the other hand, if you try to find the vehicle by adding messages on social networks, as many now do, you can get into the hands of fraudsters who are not related to the thieves of the car, but will require a ransom, saying that the car is in them.

Ways to search for cars

How is the search for the stolen cars, is it possible to limit exclusively by contacting the police or the owner should try to find his car?

In the event that the vehicle is equipped with a GPS system, the chances of finding the car are very large, but it is necessary to act quickly. With the hijacking of a car equipped with such a system, you should open the program and determine where the machine is currently located, as well as in which direction it moves (if the TC N is in rest mode).

Next, you can try to independently catch up with the car, while in parallel informing the police officers about the perfect factor of theft and allowing detailed information about what direction it is moving in the moment. It is necessary to understand that often the commission of an emergency interception is carried out if no more than 30 minutes passed from the moment of the hijacking - after the specified time has expired, the chances of finding a car are much smaller.

What to do next, when did you find a sophisticated car? Often there are situations in which the owner of the TC finds its car a little earlier than the police will arrive. In this situation, it does not matter where you found the car - on the roadway, parking, on the territory of the courtyard of a multi-storey building - to try to penetrate themselves inside, even with your own keys, it is impossible. It is necessary to wait for the arrival of the police who make inspection of the car and make all the acts necessary in such situations. If you see how hijackers leave your car, try to remember how they look like - readings can assist in finding and catching criminals.

It is worth understanding that even the presence in the GPS vehicle will not always mean that in the case of the hijack you can instantly detect it. The hijackers may well use a special muffler in such a situation and as a result of this action, the signal from the machine will not pass.

Appeal to the police. Even if you decide that it will be quite bypass in the search for cars, you should not neglect the message about the fact of hijacking in law enforcement agencies. However, it should be borne in mind that there are often situations that the owner or the entrusted person of the owner established the vehicle in a banned place and it was simply taken to the penalty area. In connection with such a factor, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the car was not taken to the penalty area.

After you are confident that the car hijacked, where to call, this is the police by number 02. When communicating with a police officer, you will need to specify the following facts:

  • Vehicle brand;
  • Auto color and distinctive signs, if they are present on the vehicle - it can be some kind of body flaws, dents, stickers, special tuning. Although, as a rule, cars having special marks are less likely to be hijacked, because in such a situation they are much easier to detect;
  • State car number;
  • What is the car salon equipment - such information in some situations has significant assistance in finding a car and helps to distinguish from other machines similar grades and models;
  • The address in which the vehicle was located until the agent of the hijacking and the estimated crime time (in this case It will be necessary to report how long have you seen the car);
  • Directly to visit the police station, where the written application is already required to reflect the data announced earlier by phone;
  • If possible, take the number of the police officer, which will lead your business and write its data. This requirement is due to the fact that sometimes such cases especially after the expiration of time are started on Samotek and in some situations it is required to remind themselves about the fact of theft. However, in such cases it is necessary to behave as correct as much as possible and do not try to procure the police officers or try to indicate them how to act.

Many owners of vehicles that were hijacked, prefer additionally to the police to take some measures independently. How to find a stuffed car on your own? To perform such actions in the presence of the required amount of funds, you can contact a specialist - a detective, which is engaged in leading and investigating such cases.

When you try to solve your problem with the help of a detective, it is necessary to understand that it has much less authority than the police officers, although, on the other hand, he can pay a solution to your question much more time. In any case, when contacting specialists of this kind, first of all, it is worth asking how a detective agency has long been working, is there positive reviews about his work.

Reading time: 6 minutes

We all love our cars, and no matter whether it is old whether it is Zhiguli or the most modern and prestigious foreign car. Hijacking expensive heart, and just expensive car It is inevitably perceived by its owner as a large personal tragedy. Statistics is stubborn, and in this case and unpleasant: many stolen machines are never found more with their owners. However, this does not mean that you need to lower your hands, surrender and do nothing. In this article, based on expert opinions, we will tell you how to find a sophisticated car.

What actions to take in case of a disk

Of course, the state of our legal and the search for abducted property should be engaged in law enforcement agencies. Nevertheless, if you want a car to find, you should try to give them the highest possible assistance.

The car in the hijack is not only yours, in one St. Petersburg, approximately 15 cars are hijacked a day. Investigators and operational staff are loaded by a variety of similar cases. In the meantime, they are engaged in previous affairs, your car can resell, smash numbers on it, disassemble parts.

With the rapid and effective participation, the chances of a safe return of your property are noticeably increasing. We analyzed the cases of a happy return of the car and offer to your attention recommendations on how to find a stolen car on your own.

Search technique

Naturally, the methods offered by us are not a panacea, but it is targeted actions, in contrast to chaotic throwing, always bring the highest results. You must accomplish the following activities:

Finding a car equipped with GPS or GLONASS

If your car is equipped with a global positioning system, and it is now equipped with a large part of the class of the class above average, it can also be useful in the search. Basically, GPS-beams are currently advertised and used. it additional devicesallowing you to determine the location of the machine on the map of the planet - the system is not formed global.

The main problem when installing such a system is to make it most imperceptible to the kidnappers and supply autonomous food. If car thieves are professionals and steal dear car, It is in the shortest possible time to drive into the shelter, the battery is turned off, and the machine is investigated for such devices. You can find everything, but the time factor works in this case against the thieves, therefore, on you.

Can be used to search for cars and a regular GPS system. The navigation system knows the position of the machine, even when the car is de-energized and hidden in the shielded box. It remains only to remove information from it.

Exquisites in this area are underway, however serious problem represents that the equipment itself in different machines Very disadvantaged and until the present solution is found. But the development is interesting, up to infection of the Trojan program of the telephone of the hijacker. Naturally, when the navigator is turned on, detect the machine connected to the GPS is not a problem.

Recently, in Russia, the own car tracking system began to work in Russia - Era Glonass.

Learn more about the work of GLONASS can be found from ours.

Dates of the search and limitations on the abduction of cars

Such a legal concept, as the distribution period of the car in the hijacking, does not exist. So, the car should look until they find. In the database of wanted machines, it will be listed forever. However, if the car did not find in two months, then the search will be suspended.

The abduction of cars qualifies in two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Article 166 - Hijacking without a fee. The minimum punishment for this article is a fine, the statute of limitations 2 years. If violence was used at the hilation, the statute of 10 years, and if there was violence, life-threatening or health, 15 years.
  • Article 158 - Theft. Here, the period of punishment depends on the value of the stolen. A large size is the price of 250,000 rubles, and especially large - in 1,000,000 rubles. Cars are quite expensive, and long-time terms are large - up to 10 years.

A complete list of possible punishments for the car's hijacking is described in ours.

By the way, for the period of searching the car is worth it. In this case, you will not pay transport tax. In addition, you will not have to pay fines for violations of the rules on this car fixed by cameras. The owner comes, and you will have to pay them if the registration of the vehicle will not be suspended.

The stolen car was found

If it still found a stupid car, the owner will not return it immediately, you will have to be patient. For some time the car will be real proof of the case and is stored will be on a specialized parking lot. After the transfer of the case to court, you will be given your property for responsible storage.

We will have to remove the car from the hijacking, pay the state duty and restore the registration certificate, then arrange and finally get new numbers. Naturally, all this is not the case when the car was delayed almost instantly. In general, the order of receipt and design of the stolen car, especially if they found it in another city, is very complex, and the procedure can last up to a year.

What to do if the car was insured

If a sophisticated car was insured by Casco (not to be confused with the obligatory insurance of the OSAGO), the order of payments is established in the contract. In different insurance companies, it is different, but usually the payment is made not earlier than two months later, that is, after that time, after which the search will be suspended.

You do not get the entire amount to which the car is insured. The contract necessarily has a clause that the amount will be reduced to wear during the conclusion of the contract and the abduction. There may be other items that reduce payment. Carefully read the contract before signing it.

Before receiving the payment, you will definitely conclude with the insurance company Abandon - an agreement on the transfer of property rights to the insured. If the car is found after receiving insurance, it does not belong to you.

On the car found numbers

If the number is found on the car, the number of expertise and legalization of this fact awaits you. There were cases when such damage was able to equate to total damage and get payments on the CASCO. Sometimes so much easier. For each specific case, it is better to consult with a lawyer specializing in this area.

The hijackers ask redemption

The practice of hijacking machines for the ransom exists. However, such activities are extremely risky, therefore they are mainly engaged in newcomers, but we have enough wishing to earn money on someone else's grief. You can call and demand money people, uncomplicated, and just aware of this fact. Our advice is to contact the police in this case.

It is detailed about how to act in case the redemption is requested for the stupid machine, read in Vnash.

How to find a sobbed car: video

Russia ranks third in the world by car. According to the same statistics, the police returns to the owners only every 10 car. Moreover, as practice shows, neither the system of signaling is not saved from thefts (according to specialists, in most cases they are capable of scaring only hooligans), nor (a professional is always "shaking"). What should I do if you suddenly find a favorite "iron horse"?

Step 1. Urgently dial the police phone: if the signal goes on duty for half an hour from the moment of the hijacking, then the area will be announced by the area, the interception plan. Machines are often stealing in order to make a new crime, and in the bodies it takes into account. In addition, your information will awaken professional excitement of motorized patrol traffic police and special "interceptors". They really like to go, what is called, along the hot trail. By the way, in Moscow, the "Interception" plan is often helped by finding cars. Moreover, there are special "Gazelles", which read the number of cars in the stream and immediately "break through" them on the computer to the hijacking.

Step 2. By making a call to the duty, blow straight into the nearest police station, but not in the traffic police. You need to compile a disappearance statement on all form. Paper will force servants of order to act. And so that the search becomes, indeed, the fact, you need to constantly bother militiamen, but in no case trick your connections - they do not like it. Call to the investigators more often, come in person to ask the progress of the search. We are persistently, but intelligently advises the newspaper "Labor".

Step 3. By using the application to the police, do not forget to take a control ticket and find out where to say and who will specifically play the wanted car. Take a certificate that you went to the police precisely about the car'sft. And only after that, if your car is insured by Casco, go to the insurance company.

Step 4. You have to get another document in the police. First, the police will conduct a preliminary investigation to make sure the presence or absence of a crime composition. Checking this fact, you will be given a copy of the document on the initiation of a criminal case, which you must also bring to the Insurance Company. The term of insurance usually depends on many factors: the circumstances of the crime, the actions of the internal affairs bodies, etc. The investigation lasts a few months. During this time, the militia should be installed: to stop the case or qualify it as a hijacking.

Step 5. In the insurance company, you must, besides the specified papers, also write a statement about the insurance case, submit an insurance policy, records of car registration and keys from it. The amount of payment will be equal market value Car at the time of hijacking taking into account the wear of the vehicle. As a rule, insurance companies pay payments only after the suspension of the criminal case.

Step 6. If your car is found, and the hijacker, you can recover compensation for damage and moral damage to the attacker. If you want to recover from the criminal through the court compensation for damage to the health, then it is necessary to provide relevant medical documents and receipts.

In addition to the above-mentioned steps, it is also recommended to apply for radio stations - among them there are many people who will willingly transfer the signs of your car on the air. Ask familiar to check the surrounding yards within a radius of several kilometers. Often the hijackers just distilled the car in the neighborhood. Find out in the traffic police about the accidents that have happened recently. Machines often invite teenagers or drug addicts, after which they are fighting in an accident. Go around the car market and a storm. If you find a car similar to yours, consult a police. But do not deal with the seller ourselves - it may be fraught.

No person in good kind wants to give up their cars for free of charge, however, in spite of this, many become hostages when the car parked next to the house or shop caresses the intruders. To date, statistics says that within Russian Federation Dozens are abducted daily, and then hundreds of cars. It is worth noting that unscrupulous citizens are hunting not only for expensive models, quite often, which "see" a lot. What to do if a car hijacked? First of all, it is necessary to stop panicing than before decisive actions will be started, the faster it will be possible to sort out the situation. It is no secret that it is not possible to find everything, but it is better not to lower your hands and hope for a possible chance to return your property. It is likely that the attackers will soon be contacted by the owner and offer to get back their cars by completing their certain conditions.

With a hijacking car only to rely on your strength

What to do in the first place?

Without finding a car in its usual place, almost every unfortunate falls into confusion. So, it is quite realistic that the car hijacked, what should be done first? Having calmed down a bit, you should immediately make 3 most important calls:

  • we notify the insurance company;
  • by number 102, we are associated with the duty of the police station and inform about the hijack;
  • if the car was under anyone observation, it should be reported to employees of a security company.

It is quite reasonable to the victim asking to stay on to wait for people, in the future engaged in the wanish stolen property. During the design of all papers associated with theft, it is best to have everything with you required documents on cars.

Appeal to the police

So, we will begin with the appeal to the nearest police station, it is the employees of this industry search for the stolen cars. A visit to law enforcement officers should not be postponed, statements in the duty part are accepted at any time. In its contact, you must specify as much as possible all the special types of cars. Do not forget about such things as scratches on a bumper or body, upholstery color or covers on seats or pillows. First of all it is worth writing a special labeling - the rooms that are applied by the manufacturer on force aggregate And other body elements.

Insurance damage

In the policy, it is written that during the hijacking the cost of the car will not be reimbursed. Cover losses will allow only. An employee of any financial organization will explain how to issue documents if the car hijacked. After what happened, no later than two calendar days write a statement, attach a coupon, issued in the police, which indicates the start date of the search for the stolen car. Written after some time the statement will not be accepted, the owner will lose the right to receive money compensation. In order to obtain monetary compensation, it will have to documented the car - to transfer the ownership of the Insurer company, including:

  • all papers are decorated for the car;
  • insurance policy;
  • spare keys (if any);
  • agreement for the protection of cars.

If still the car will be found, with the right and timely design of documents, the owner will definitely receive monetary compensation, but only return the car back to his property will not be released.

How to find your car?

The scenario of the current situation can receive four different directions for further development. Consider each of them separately.

The criminal proposes to buy cars

Sometimes the car is hijacked in order to receive money remuneration for her, some hijackers after time, they themselves appoint a meeting to the owner for "negotiations". The call from the attackers is most often happening late in the evening, the victim is prescribed the amount and give time to collect the required amount. You should not immediately believe the criminals, it is better to learn any significant machines of the machine, you can ask to send to the email address that the date of shooting is indicated and the number is visible.

In addition, it should be reported about the call to the investigator who will help to understand the situation. Usually the owner who is ready to buy back his car, law enforcement agencies help put on cash Tags for which in the future the search for intruders will occur. After all, most likely, the money criminals will say to leave in any definite place or, even worse, translate to the electronic wallet. However, even giving the funds, the car owner can no longer see.

Independent search

How to find a sophisticated car if there are no news about it - to start your own investigation. In this case, a person will definitely know that he does everything depends on him. However, for this you need to have free time and money. It is better to start searching at once: bypassing neighboring courtyards, if possible, ask people meets along the way, check the parking lots and learn from the watchman about the presence of a typical car possessing other numbers.

If there are familiar DPS officers, you should ask them to stop the same cars to check the VIN number, most likely, in the first days of attackers will not have time to change it. In addition, it is possible to put out in its and neighboring regions of the car's disappearance with a proposal to pay remuneration for it.

In everything will help the detective?

The search for stolen machines is a very complex process that is often unable to solve independently. The detective is also not always possible to give positive results. It is the opinion that only the detective that is associated with hijackers can find a car. Only such a circumstance helps Mount-Detectives quickly, without prior advance and for a small remuneration to find a loss. Even without leaving your office, taking an advance with the owner, the detective can report that there are no cars or it is dismantled and oversold. Choosing to search for a private owner, you should know that the search for auto detective can not without prior notice to the investigator and further report on the events.

Specializing in searching machines firm

How to find a cornealed car with the help of such a company - leave an advance and wait for a positive result. The advantage of this method is that the firm has a narrow specialization, and, accordingly, it has information about most places of stolen property and has many freelancers.


No matter how the victim decides to act in such a situation, you need to be ready for the search for your car you will have to spend money. Uncement statistics says that only one car from twenty applications may be detected in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation. Moreover, the refund of the stolen car may not happen immediately, but a few years later. Cooperation with attackers is unpleasant and inconvenient, but it gives at least a small chance to quickly get their property back. Having insurance, it is better to get money spent on her car than to remain without anything.

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