Home Salon Fully sat down the battery car what to do. What if the battery is discharged in the car when parking. With lithium batteries

Fully sat down the battery car what to do. What if the battery is discharged in the car when parking. With lithium batteries

Most often, the problem with the battery happens in winter, since it is discharged in the cold faster. But the battery can be discharged due to the invested in the parking lot overall lights, other electricity consumers. In the event of such a situation, it is not necessary to deal with panic. There are several proven ways to make a car if the battery sat down.

How to start a car with a discharged battery

Before starting to solve the problem with the served battery, you must first make sure that it is because of it it is impossible to start a car. Factors pointing to the fact that the battery sat:

  • the starter turns very slowly;
  • indicators on dashboard are burning dim or not lightly;
  • when the ignition is turned on, the starter does not spin and hear clicks or crackle.


Apply network commission charger You can at the factory of any cars, regardless of whether they are mechanical transmission or automatic. The procedure for use:

The lack of this option is that to use the network commissioning device, it is necessary to have access to the power grid. There are modern autonomous commissioning devices - boosters.They have a powerful battery, which, despite the small capacity, can instantly produce high current.

It is enough to connect the booster terminals to the battery, and you can run the engine. The lack of such a method in the high cost of the device.

This decision can be implemented in the case when there is a donor car nearby. In addition, you will need special wires. They can be bought or done on their own. The wire section should be at least 16 mm 2, and also need to use powerful crocodiles. Cursting Order:

When choosing a donor, it is necessary to pay attention to the capacity of its battery to be greater and is equal to the one that has a reanimized car battery.

Video: how to sear the car

Increased current

This method can only be used in critical situations, as it shortens the battery life. In this case, the stretch battery is recharged with high current. You can not remove the battery from the car, but it is recommended to remove the minus terminal so that the electrical appliances fail. If there is an on-board computer, you must remove the minus terminal.

You can increase current by no more than 30% of the battery characteristics. For a battery capacity of 60 Ah, the maximum current should not exceed 18a. Before charging, you need to check the electrolyte level and open the filler plugs. It is enough 20-25 minutes and the car can try to start.

With a tug or pusher

You can only hold a car with mechanical transmission. If there are several people, then the machine can be pushed or it is connected to another car with another car.

Procedure for the factory with a tow ...

When performing towing, it is necessary that the actions of both drivers have been agreed, otherwise an accident is possible. Towing a car can be roven road Or under a small slide. If the car is pushing people, then you need to rest in the racks, so as not to move the body parts.

Normal trowel

This option is suitable in the event that no cars are not near the people. It is enough to have a jack and a durable rope or towing cable length of about 4-6 meters:

In order not to get injuries, wink the rope on the hand or tie it to the disk it is impossible.

Video: How to start a car with a rope

Folk Methods

There are also folk methods, with the help of which drivers are trying to restore the performance of the bush battery:

Some people's craftsmen managed to start the car and with a telephone battery. True, it took not one phone for this, but a hundred years of 10-amp lithium-ion batteries. The fact is that the battery power of the phone or another gadget, in order to start the car, will not be enough. In practice, this method is not very beneficial, and you can hardly find the required number of batteries from mobile phones.

Video: We heat the battery in warm water

In order not to have problems with the served battery, it is necessary to constantly monitor its condition. On the parking lot, it is necessary to disable the dimensions and appliances consuming electricity. If you still sat down the battery, then you need to adequately assess the situation and choose one of available methodswhich will make the car.

The battery in the vehicle is an auxiliary source of energy. However, it is impossible to start without an electric pulse possessing certain parameters. It is possible to determine the performance of the battery according to how auto starts. Quickly and silently provides start-up battery. The minor the car starts, the smaller the charge in the source of energy. We'll figure it out for reason why the battery can be sitting in the car.

Device lead acid AcB identically. In the housing, 6 elements are installed - cans consisting of lead plates with opposite charges and electrolyte - sulfuric acid solution. In each element, electrochemical reaction is independent. The connection circuit in the battery is consistent, the total charge is removed from two terminals - positive and negative. In order for a sufficient amount of energy it is necessary:

  • all 6 cans should be in working condition, have electrolyte of the desired density and level;
  • in the case of the battery there should be no damage;
  • clean terminals, pins oxidation does not occur;
  • there is no internal closure of elements;
  • pBSO4-sulfate precipitation is not observed.

There are hybrid batteries and low-service batteries. They measure the level of electrolyte in each can through the lid, adjustment of the level and density by adding distilled water. The leak can occur due to splashing through the covers or cracks. In the non-servant battery, the decline in charge to zero almost always leads the tool into disrepair.

Pole pin is an outlet of a battery made of lead. If the pin is oxidized, this is a signal that contact with electrolyte pairs. It is possible if the housing is broken or the battery is often observed. It is necessary to improve the sealing of the pins, using an additional seal or special lubrication. Short circuit caused by bridges between active elements. The reasons can be:

  • electrolyte with a large amount of sediment;
  • destruction of separators;
  • increasing on lead electrodes;
  • chopping lattices;
  • dirt falling from outside during other operations.

The deposition of insoluble crystals of lead sulfate on surfaces occurs due to violation of the operation mode. As a result, the battery sits, when working is observed a strong gas release and an increase in the charging voltage at the beginning.

When a serviceable battery on the car sits quickly

Battery - Auxiliary equipment, consumption and replenishment of its capacity depends on the overall condition of the driver's equipment and care. What if the battery sits quickly, does not gain a charge during traffic? Causes may be associated with the operation of the generator. If during the operation of the engine generator does not recharge the battery, problems in the electrics. If the whistle is heard at the time of the start - the belt is weakened, pull it easy.

Inexperienced driver himself can make mistakes when new battery Quickly sits:

  • With a long simple, just forgot to turn off the headlights, lighting, music - all the signs of the seal battery will appear in the car.
  • Short shoulder trips will not allow you to fill the charge. The apparatus left overnight has an insufficient energy resource. In the morning it turns out that the battery on the car sat down and does not twist the starter.
  • No attentive attitude to additional source Nutrition. As a result, the time was missed to solve the problem without loss, and if the battery was sat down, it will have to be disposed of.

With improper operation of the equipment, the battery car can sit in a short time, a week, per day, day. The attentive driver will determine the problem in the whistle, tapping, a screen, without bringing the car to emergency stop.

As a newcomer to understand that the battery sat

Nothing in the car breaks down without prior signs, except for puncture of rubber. Some deviations in the work of electrical equipment appear long before the battery took the battery. But they are connected with the battery:

  • A sign that the battery of the village will become too long alarm response after pressing the button on the keychain. Remote control of the machine isted from the battery. At the same time you will notice, the central lock is hired, the doors open badly.
  • The radio tape recorder turns off shortly after the engine is stopped - a strong drop in the voltage in the network - sat on the car battery.
  • The brightness of the lighting of the cabin and headlights has decreased - the reason is most of the energy from the generator aimed at the machine battery feeding, which sits down.
  • The launch is intermittent, the starter makes a break with a pause, the engine starts slowly, with an effort.
  • When driving the engine, the turnover is unstable, since the battery does not help.

There are other signs associated with the use of a computer or climate, the generator gives more energy to ensure the resort of the battery. The problem with the insufficient performance of the battery itself will not leave, will be exacerbated. In the end, it is impossible to start the engine or get into the salon. If the battery sat completely and refers to non-servant, it cannot be restored, it will have to be changed.

If a car battery Sel, the owner of the technique will determine this on the following signs:

  • when turning the key in the lock, drum sounds are heard;
  • the dashboard shines dims or indicators do not turn on;
  • under the hood crackles.

How to run a car with a served battery

After a long idle or in a cold morning it turns out that the battery on the car sat down, what to do? How to make a car with an automatic machine? How to get into the salon?

So, you cannot open the door remotely. You need to use the key, but often the larva lock does not turn. To penetrate the salon, the entry battery should be charged with another portable battery. The most difficult thing is to get to the positive terminal of the battery. A special pad will help, which is focused on the gap and inflate pears. Securing the copper wire on the positive terminal, it is connected to an external energy source. Minus from the external source is connected to the machine housing. There will be a battery feeding, the door will open with the keychain. Now you need to start the car. There are other ways. We offer watch a video, how to open the machine, with a discharged battery.

Run the car engine if the battery sat down, and you penetrated the salon different ways. What to do, is solved depending on the circumstances.

  1. For all types of cars, the use of a commissioning device will suit. With it, it is launched by the landing car battery.
  2. The method of "cigarette" from the donor machine will help if the battery sat down, but it can be reanimated.
  3. Using "Increased current" by 30% more than standard battery values \u200b\u200bcan be recharged in 20 minutes without removing. But for models with on-board computer It is necessary to disconnect the mass. The method of barbaric, the life of the battery is reduced.
  4. What to do with the served battery if the car ranks away from civilization? It remains to use the "curve starter", for this in the trunk there should be 5-6 meters of rope, slings and jacks. You need to raise before the jack and unwind the wrapped wheel.
  5. The method of "from the Tolkucha" is known to all motorists.

How to "see" the bothering battery?

The most common way to reanimate the car, if the battery sat on the car for any reason to use the help of the "donor". It is necessary to help to be used using good battery with equal voltage. Two cars are installed nearby, but without touch. Connection operations are carried out when the helper motor is turned off. On the discharged battery remove the minus terminal. Plus terminals are connected by a wire for a cigarette lighter with a cross section of at least 16 squares. The minus is connected first to the donor, then to the sick car. The donor includes a motor for 5-6 minutes, recharging the battery that sat down. After that, the acceptor is starting at the same time. After that, the terminals are disconnected and allow the battery to recharge, working on idling 15 - 20 minutes. Fully served, disposable battery restore this way. It will be necessary to buy a new one.

Reasons why the battery constantly sits

Sometimes it happens, the driver complies with the operating conditions, while maintaining service, and the new battery sits down. The reasons must be sought comprehensively, while it is better to turn to a hundred.

Why quickly a new battery on the car? If your car is equipped with a computer, air conditioning, music, the generator cannot provide power to electronics with multiple ECU, and the battery helps its own energy. During the movement of recharging, the battery is not enough, during the period of idle it is not. This is one of the reasons why I got a new battery.

It happens, the service equipment is becoming incorrect from the battery, so the battery began to sit quickly. Check how much signal and blocking energy systems consumed during idle time can be tester. If the value is greater than 0.05 A, you need to seek leakage in the onboard network. Often reasons why a new battery happens wrong installed alarm or radio tape recorder.

If the battery sat down and does not charge

If the battery cannot be charged, then three reasons:

  • no charge from the generator at the time when the motor works;
  • spoiled, lost the ability to restore the battery;
  • charging station does not work.

If a red battery light is burning when the motor is running - charging does not go for two reasons - or the generator does not work, or the battery is discharged into zero. If the generator is faulty, the voltmeter readings are unchanged and exit for 14.6 V. at a voltage on the terminals of the battery 11 in the battery is considered completely discharged. If the battery does not charge from the station, it can be seen by fixed voltage and current shooters on the dial. Fully discharged calcium battery is not restored. Others can be tried to reanimate.

Why the battery sat on the frost

The operation of the car in the winter is associated with additional difficulties. For the frost battery below -15 0 C causes a capacity to reduce capacity by 1% when the electrolyte is cooled by 1 degree. A long-term simple car will cause why a new battery in the frost sat down. What to do? If it is not possible to put the car in warm garageYou need to warm the battery so that it does not sit very much during idleness.

It is necessary to put a car for a long parking lot, making sure to complete the battery. In the morning, it will take a larger starting current to start the frozen systems with thickened lubricant. In the cold, the battery often sits down if the charge does not hold well or left by 50% charge on the many hours of parking.

If your battery sits, for example, for a week, after network charging, check the onboard power system for leaks. In winter it is better to establish a special acb of high capacity. Definitely act on the state of the energy source short trips with frequent engine launches. At the moments of movement, the generator does not have time to restore the battery charge.


You can additionally listen to the lesson how to start the car if the battery sat down.

Probably, in the life of each car owner, there was an unpleasant situation when, after turning the ignition key instead of the witching sound of the starter, he hears the arrogant "grumbling" or heard clocks of the relay, but the power electric motor itself does not turn on to work. And all this is additionally accompanied by dim light control lamps On the dashboard and their flashing when trying to run the motor. This indicates that the battery simply discharged and is not able to provide electricity starter for the required spinning crankshaft.

If we hurry nowhere and there is time, then just send the battery for charging and that's it. But according to the law, the discharge occurs at the time when. The discharged battery is a situation that is disadvantaged and there are a number of methods to start the motor even with a fully planted battery.

Why is the battery discharge?

There may be several reasons:

  1. Some electrical equipment left in the included included.
  2. Ignoring technical conditions.
  3. Short circuit in the onboard network.

Most often, the problem arises precisely because of "forgetfulness." The driver left the backlight on the night, the ceiling, a magnetol, did not closed the car door or something else, and in the morning it turns out that the same ceiling "managed" to plant the battery. One more example can be specified negligence. On vacation for a long time, the owner of the car listened to music with confidence that the battery can then start the motor, and in the end gets a car that is "dead cargo".

Often the problem with the discharged battery occurs in winter time, especially with the old battery, which served more than one year. Additionally aggravate everything can be accuracy of the battery to the cold season. If you do not spend and periodically not charge it, then ultimately the battery will simply discharge. Do not forget the fact that the battery is wears, and gradually, and every year its capacity decreases.

Worst of all, if she was discharged due to short circuit. As a result, it is not only a quickly discharge, but also will also receive serious damage that will strongly reduce the resource of the power supply.

Now that the engine can be launched if such a problem with the battery occurs. Previously, it was not a problem at all. On old cars, the pulley of the crankshaft was equipped with a ratchet - a nozzle with protrusions wrapped in the direction. A special hole opposite the ratchet was done in the body, and in the trunk there was a special handle - the "starter curve". Having all this driver with a discharged battery manually with the help of the handle inserted into the ratchet, spun the crankshaft, which allowed the engine.

Modern cars "Curved starter" is no longer equipped, but sometimes it is very lacking. Although multiple car owners are not dedicated, and there is an alternative to the "Curve Star", which will be lower.

What if I got a battery in the car

In general, the methods start the motor with a slight battery somewhat, so the probability of starting the engine is very high. But at the same time, the features of the construction of the car itself can strongly affect the method that can be applied. So, to start the engine, you can apply the following methods:

  1. "From the Tolkach";
  2. "Cursting";
  3. "Quick charge";
  4. "PLEAR" (alternative to the "Starter Curve");
  5. "Drunk battery."

1. We bring the car "From Tolkach"

The most common way that is already used is not one decade and which is perfectly coping with the task - this is "from the Tolkach." Its essence comes down to unwind the engine at the expense of the transmission, and for this it is necessary that the car moves at the speed turned on. And this can be provided in two ways - to ask a few people a car to push or pick it up to another car with a cable. And then the case of technology:

  1. Before starting traffic, we turn on the 3rd or 2nd gear ( excellent option is the rear gear because it has the biggest ratiobut need a solid non-slip surface);
  2. We turn on the ignition, squeeze the clutch and give the command to the beginning of the movement;
  3. After a set of speed - let go of the clutch. In this case, the transmission will start twist the crankshaft. As soon as the motor fully earned - squeeze the clutch and press the gas to stabilize the operation of the engine.

Video: how to start a car with a pusher

Now a little about the features of this method. In winter, in a slippery road, you will start the car if people pushed the car - it will not work. All due to the fact that tire clutch is very reduced, and they simply slide on the surface when the transmission is enabled. If towing is used, then this method is still quite applicable, but it will have to pull the machine for a long time so that the wheels are still promoted.

2. "Cursting"

One of the most optimal methods is "Cursting", since it is suitable for all cars. Its essence comes down to "borrow" the charge from another battery. But to accomplish it, special wiring will be required for "cigarette".

Everything is given like this:

  1. There is a donor car, which has a battery charged. Please adjust it as close as possible to your car;
  2. Ignition turns off on both machines. With the help of the prepared wires with the clips ("crocodiles") connect the batteries. At the same time, it is not necessary to disconnect them from the on-board network. It is important not to confuse polarity - not to "survive", that is, by one wire we connect the "pluses" of two batteries, and the second - "minus" of the donor battery with a mass of the car to start (the unpainted surface of the body, engine);
  3. Run the engine from the donor. We give time to work so that the "native" battery is a little recharged from the generator;
  4. The wasting motor, disconnect the wires and try to put the installation from the "native", already a bit recharged, battery. If you failed - we repeat the procedure. You can not run the machine with a discharged battery if the donor runs the engine. This may cause a starter breakdown at the donor. Diesel is better separated from diesel, but petrol motor You can bite both diesel and gasoline engine.

Video: how to seen a car

This method is good because it is suitable for all machines, and with automatic transmission, and injection. The only thing is not always possible to find a donor car.

3. Launch with ROM and "Fast Charge"

The rod-charger is a device for starting the engine with a served battery. The ROM can be both autonomous and operating from the network. The essence of the method is identical to cigarette, but the specified device is used as a donor. The method is convenient and efficient. But you need to have such a device. And as usual - "the trouble comes unexpectedly," and not always the ROM is in stock. Therefore, this method can be called "safety" when the car owner is trying to protect himself in advance from unforeseen situations.

4. "Quick charge"

This method will help in the case when there is a charger with the possibility of adjusting the current strength. It is reduced to the fact that the battery is charged for a short time (15-20 minutes) increased currents, but not higher than 10% of the tank rechargeable batteries. That is, if the battery has a capacity of 60 Ah, then everything is done on it in 6 A.:

  • remove the battery with the car;
  • we put for charging with the specified current parameters. At the same time, we definitely unscrew the tubes of cans, because the battery in the process will actively "boil";
  • we are waiting for 15-20 minutes and turn off;
  • we put the battery on the car and start the motor;

The method is fully effective, but the battery for this "thanks" will not say, since such charging negatively affects it and reduces the resource.

5. "Struck" - an old method for a new way

"Struck" is an interesting method that has replaced the "Curve Starter". Its essence lies in the fact that the crankshaft is spinning manually, but with the involvement of the transmission. Everything is done like this:

  1. Subdominate one leading wheel;
  2. Turn on direct gear (the highest. In a 4-speed box - it is 4 speed, in a 5-speed - 5th);
  3. We wind the sling (towing plot, a strong rope with a length of at least 5 meters) on a subdomain wheel. It is important to trace the correct rotation of the wheel when spinning;
  4. Turn on the ignition;
  5. Sharply and with the strength of pulling behind the sling, spoiling the wheel.

As a result of such actions, the motor should start, but there are many nuances. First, in winter in this way cold Engine Do not start. Secondly, the method is applicable for machines with a motor of up to 1.5 liters. Thirdly, it can only be done with cars equipped with mechanical box Transmissions.

Video: How to make the car towing cable, without towing?

Concerning diesel carsas well as staffed automatic box, this method is not applicable. It is interesting that allegedly there is a similar method for running a car with automatic transmission, but it is performed somewhat differently. Allegedly need to remove the crankshaft pulley drive belt, And instead, turn the rope and "cool" the motor.

In fact, it is nonsense, since the belt removable usually activates the generator, from which the energy is taken for the operation of the motor systems. If the accutation is discharged, and also turn off the generator drive, then how many crankshaft neither twist, the motor will not start, because there will be no energy for the operation of systems. After all, the whole essence of a number of engine start-up methods with discharged batteries just comes down to on-board network from the generator.

6. "Drunk battery"

The last method is "drunk battery" can only be used in extreme cases when applying other ways there is no possibility. And all because after it the battery will come into disrepair and will have to be changed. But if there is nowhere to go and under hand there is an alcohol, then you can start the engine yet.

This method is reduced to pour into the banks of the battery alcohol-containing fluid, in this case - Normal dry wine (preferably red). It is important that they do not contain sugar. In each of the sections, 25-30 grams of wine is poured, while an active electrolyte reaction with alcohol occurs, accompanied by a decrease in resistance and an increase in voltage, which is quite enough to start the motor. But from such an ACB reaction is badly damaged, and it will not be possible to use it in the future.

Finally, we note that the best way Solve such a problem will still be monitoring the condition of the battery of the car, timely service and recharging. For recharging you can buy or yourself.

If, when you try to start the engine in the machine, you heard the characteristic duct sound and the starter click, then your battery is discharged. But you should not fall into a panic, because even with a discharged battery, the car can be returned to life - for example, we already know three ways to make the car if the battery sat down.

What if I got a battery in the car

The discharged car battery can be delivered to the driver a lot of inconvenience - and especially to fear such a situation in the cold winter time, when the temperature drops to -20 and below. The trouble lies in the fact that even a completely new and completely competitive battery During the night in the cold, it may lose about half of its charge, because an increase in the density of the electrolyte and the drop in the starting current is shown, which slows down the flow chemical reactions And prevents the battery to give the accumulated energy.

If you got a battery, but time allows you to wait, you need to remove it and attribute home and warm it - thus it will increase its starting current, and the battery will be able to return to work. But in road conditions, it is not necessary to think about it - so we consider ways to help learn how to make the car if the battery sat down somewhere on the road.

How to make a car with a pusher or tug

If you have a car with a mechanical transmission, then you are suitable for the traditional method of how you can bring the machine into a sense - when it starts the engine when the car accelerates and turn on. However, it should be clarified that this method is suitable for cars with injector Engine Only if the battery sat down until the end, that is, some amount of battery capacity will allow it to download fuel tank into the system.

To do this, check the presence of a towing cable and find the person with a good car, which will want to set you. Or assistants who pushed your car.

Procedure is simple:

  1. First, two cars should be connected with a cable if a volunteer driver has been found.
  2. Then turn on the ignition, squeeze the clutch and, without releasing the pedal, switch to the 3rd gear.
  3. At this stage, you can give a team to the second driver so that he began to move - either let the car push strong helpers.
  4. It is necessary to accelerate about 20 km / h, after which release the clutch.
  5. The engine starts - it means that you press the clutch again and allow the Signal Assistant.

How to seen a car

This method is most popular and good because it is universal and is suitable for any car. But in order to implement it, do not forget to carry special launchers with the clips, which are also called "crocodiles". In addition, you will need someone else's serviceable car for help.

The course of work is:

  1. Pick the donor car as close as possible to your recipient machine - they must stand the bumper to the bumper, or at least a bumper to the wing.
  2. It is necessary to drown the engine of the donor machine, as well as turn off the ignition of both cars - this will prevent the occurrence of the voltage jump when the donor car is damaged and deteriorates the donor electronics.
  3. To the plus of the charged battery, connect one end of the red starting wire - the same thing will do with the recipient battery.
  4. Now connect the negative black wires: one end - to the minus terminal of the donor machine battery, and the second to any unpainted element of the body or motor recipient. Thus, we prevent the donor battery discharge.
  5. Next, you should run the donor engine and give it to work for a few minutes. Then stop the engine and disconnect all the instruments.
  6. Try run the engine of your recipient. When it turned out, leave it in this state for 2 minutes, after which disconnect all the wires in the reverse order.

Important: Battery capacity on both cars must match or differ in favor of a donor. Do not attempt to see a car with a large engine from a small car. The same applies to the voltage - it must coincide, for example, the donor, and the recipient must have a battery voltage of 12 V, or both in 24 V.

How to make a car using a booster

And the third way, how to start the car, if the battery sat down, is to use a special device called the booster. This useful and autonomous gadget allows you to quickly charge the discharged battery without the help of other cars, wires and pushers, and suitable for cars with any type of engine and transmission.

What to do to start the car the booster, is described in the instructions for each such gadget, but in principle, often the course of action coincides:

  1. First include ignition in the car.
  2. We connect the booster to the battery terminals, not forgetting about the polarity.
  3. We start the car. If the motor volume does not exceed two liters, then there will be no problems at all. Voila!

How to start a car using a cable

Probably everyone knows that to start the car engine, electricity needs and this electricity provides a battery car. But what to do if the battery got in the car? How to get out of such a difficult situation, especially if you need to go now and the faster, the better?

If you are at home, the garage is close, if you are not in a hurry, then you can simply recharge the battery to a state when it can provide the starter to the desired voltage to start the motor. To the battery charged faster, it is recommended to increase current strength on the charger. So if you usually charge the battery with a capacity of 60 amps of the clock, on a troechka, then for an accelerated charging you can switch the charger to the five. True, recently, combined battery charging devices are becoming increasingly distributed. In them, all charging parameters are automatically selected.

The next moment - how much to charge? It all depends on how easily your car is started. That is, if the car starts quickly, after thirty minutes you can try to run the motor. If the starter has to work out before the motor starts, charge the battery, at least an hour, and better two.

Separately, it should be noted when the battery is frozen. In a similar situation, it happens enough to simply warm and recharge a little. In the conditions of the garage, the mounting hairdryer is well suited for this. By the way, this useful tool is needed by the motorist in various situations, and therefore it is better to have it in its garage.

We start the car from the pusher or tug

Great way to make a car with a discharged battery, there will be her pushing or towing. But all this is true only for cars with a manual gearbox. The automatic box, as well as a variator, such gels, do not like it at all and can from the pushing or driving on the towing, fail.

Push better car with included rear transmission. This is how the most intense moment of rotation on the motor is ensured, but the pushing process itself is most difficult. Even better if there is a slope or a slide, then it is enough to ride and the engine will start himself. Just do not forget to turn on the transmission, at least the second. Well, with towing, everything is thought and so understandable. Here the rotation of the crankshaft is achieved here, which is transmitted from the wheels through the transmission.

And what to do if there is no slope, tow and push no one, and you need to run the motor. In this case, you can use a more complicated way:

  • subdominate the car;
  • we establish it on the pencil or other reliable support;
  • we are convinced that it is disabled parking brake - handbrake;
  • we turn on the second gear - it is better to do it in advance;
  • watch the wheel in two - three turns with a wide strap or something similar;
  • we go back and pull for our belt;

The essence of the same, you need to scroll the wheel, and it will transmit rotation to the engine. Perhaps the first time it will not work, then rotate more.

Again, it's all right for cars with a manual gearbox, and if there is an automaton, you risk it health and efficiency. And of course, in any case, whether you pushed the car, do it, or rotate the wheel, the ignition should be turned on.

Circuit from another machine or use a commissioning device

For vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, when the battery failures, it is possible to supply the starter with electricity, there are essentially two options:

  • save the system from another machine;
  • take advantage of the trips;

Washing from the mains of another car, the thing is extremely ambiguous. Previously, when electronics in the machines were very few or not in general, the drivers were willing to searcate. Just like that on the jargon experienced motorists This procedure is called. Well, today, not everyone risks costly electronics, in order to help the neighbor. In any case, if you were given to see and you heard the smooth and native hum of the running motor of your car, do not rush to put the gas pedal. Let a person first disconnect the terminals from his car. If you begin to gas in the donor car, voltage drops are possible, and the thin electronics does not like this very much, especially the electronics from the consecutive one. If you give birth to you, then immediately as you heard the work of a motor in need of a car, reset the wires from your terminals, to start with the plus.

Start-charging devices - the thing is very useful and for the owner of the car with an automatic transmission, is hardly obligatory. It should only remember that it is necessary to connect such a device to the battery terminals, even if it is possible to connect through the cigarette lighter. Do not tempt fate - it is better to make a couple of extra televitations than then regret the pile of money spent on repair. And of course, you should constantly keep your ROM in a charged state, especially if the battery is discharged quickly.

Do not forget about the prevention

If you don't like to start a car in extreme mode and you prefer to use an exclusively starter and battery to start a motor, then you should ensure that the latter is always charged sufficiently. Remember, the car generator, of course charges the battery, but this is enough only with long and fairly stable in terms of speed, trips. If the battery is discharged without visible reasons, one of the cans of the break is possible, or you need to add an electrolyte.

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