Home Food Formula Formula F 5W30 in the Iron Bank. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. What happens if you use fake oil instead of the present

Formula Formula F 5W30 in the Iron Bank. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. What happens if you use fake oil instead of the present

July 31, 2015

Probably the most popular among car owners is motor oil Ford Formula F 5W30. This is due to massibility car Ford. On the roads of Russia, especially the models focus. As well as - compatibility with other brands of the car with which the American autocontraser has joint development. This is Mazda, Volvo, and even Land Rover.. On some models of these manufacturers, the Ford development engines are installed. Accordingly, Ford Formula oil is suitable for them.

High quality standard

Believe the Ford Concern in a dismissive attitude to quality difficult. No wonder that in order to maintain high Renoma, the American concern Ford Motor Company released a line of working fluids for its models of cars. Moreover, the development of oils was carried out in conjunction with the recognized leader in this area - the company BP Company.
Ford Formula oil has the following consumer properties:

  • Preservation of the stability of performance, regardless of the terms of use;
  • Compatibility with petrol and diesel power aggregates of Ford;
  • High Energy Saving Indicators - Original oil saves fuel;
  • Replacing the oil with an increased interval;
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions;
  • Easy engine start at any temperature;
  • Excellent oil fluidity during the entire period of operation - lubricant is evenly entered by oil channels;
  • Good cleaning properties of additives, dissolving the sludge and moving the sediment in the oil filter;
  • The stability of the oil film - the lubricant is not reset from the surface of the details when high revolutions engine;
  • Availability quality additives - antioxidants;
  • Low ash content.

The listed properties are not advertising avenue, but the real results of the resource test on the Ford Focus vehicles conducted by the authoritative Russian magazine. The replacement was made after 10,000 km, with the removal of all engine specifications. Performance features Motor oil Ford Formula 5W30 turned out to be higher than more famous competitors. The whole focus is that the composition working fluid Developed jointly by the consumer and manufacturer. Concern Ford Motor Company put technical task In accordance with the peculiarities of its power units - and BP Company under the supervision of Ford technologists developed a brilliant formula of the foundations and additives. Unlike universal lubricants - the original Motor oil Formula is actually an integral part of the power plant.

Ford Formula 5W30 lubricants have a FORD WSS-M2C913 tolerance. It is fully compliance with the oils of Ford cars produced for both American and European market. That is, the focus released in Germany or Russia is compatible with branded oils as well as North American.

Ford WSS-M2C913 admission ensures that the properties of the original engine oil during the replacement interval are not only for modern high-profile motors of the Ford Motor Company concern. All previous Ford tolerances specified in the instruction manual are compatible with this standard. This engine oil can be safely poured into the focus of the C170 - 1998 release, only the replacement must be made somewhat more often, taking into account the wear of the engine.

Moreover, ford oil Formula F 5W30 is designed to be used in promising power units of the EcoBoost Engine family, some of which are still preparing for production. So replacing the Motors line will not entail the transition to new lubricants, the Ford engineers have already thought about the future.

Original or fake?

Any popular product attracts the attention of falsifiers. Ford Formula F engine oil, unfortunately, has not exceeded. In addition to general recommendations that technical fluids It is necessary to buy only from proven sellers, and even better to make a replacement for brand a hundred - provide information on how not to fill in your Ford focus liquid of incomprehensible origin.

First of all, we will understand where the oil falsification comes from. Despite the horror counters that are told by "experienced" car enthusiasts - it is necessary to understand that no one sunflower oil in the canister will not be poured. For the release of fake oil, or at least cleaning the so-called testing, it is necessary to have a mini refineries. None of the falsifiers will invest in such an enterprise that sooner or later "covers" OBEP.

Most often, falsification is the engine oil of the cheapest manufacturer, more or less suitable for admission. It is purchased in bulk in two-toll barbs, and bottled into the "branded" cans with a popular manufacturer's logo. So, the motor of your Ford focus will not embroider 100 kilometers after replacing the oil on falsification. But characteristics power aggregate will noticeably deteriorate. In addition, the oil change on the non-appropriate tolerance can lead to improper work of the hydrocomathers.

Due to the inconsistency of the performance, the fake oil can clog channels, and the engine cleaning with detergent liquids, followed by the oil change in abbreviated intervals.

Distinguish the original canister from false uncomfortable:

  • The Ford logo on the original label is printed by volume, on the fake - flat;
  • The overall quality of drawing elements on the falsification label is more primitive;
  • The production date of the counterfeit is placed on the front of the canister, and is applied with paint points. The original marking, in the form of laser embossed embossing - is placed on the back of the canister;
  • As a rule, there is no sign of the standard of Russia on the canister with fake oil.

There is still a way of spill of falsification in empty branded canisters, scattered on the company a hundred. Only a plug change. To recognize such a fake is very difficult, so it is best to require the presentation of the overhead and certificate on the car of the oil in the store.

Good luck on the roads!

Autoexpert: Andrei Perov

Ford Formula F's engine oil is a completely synthetic lubricant, which is intended for use in diesel and gasoline enginesmanufactured by the Ford concern. Having improved characteristics, oil helps to increase the service life of motors, and also significantly reduces the number harmful emissionsFormed when they work.

Own development The concern allowed this lubricant material to significantly facilitate the launch of the engine, including low temperatures. This was achieved due to the preservation of viscous properties, regardless of the ambient temperature.

The protective film created by oil, not only provides an easy course of all engine nodes, but also protects them from premature wear. This is especially true of the valve mechanism and bearings.

In addition, this composition is characterized by its detergent properties that guarantee the maintenance of the engine in perfect purity throughout the life.

The main features of Ford Formula F:

- specialization in gasoline and diesel units Ford;
- protection against deposits and sludge even in the conditions of extreme loads;
- compliance with all specifications manufactured by the Ford Engine Concern;
- low level Viscosity, providing stability and smooth engine operation at any temperatures.

Recently, the entire Internet is a shot by articles on the theme of fake oil Ford formula. Actual article pro fake oil 2018-2019 read in our separate article, there is the most relevant information.

Falsification from counterfeit should be distinguished. Falsification is a fake, issued for a high-quality thing, not necessarily not possessing such qualities. The counterfeit is not the legal use of someone else's brand, the logo, the similarity of the appearance, the imported thing is not legal to the country with a violation of customs laws.

By the way, this is how real original oil looks like. But it looks like

Motor oils, not legitimately sold in Russia, are falsific. They are issued for the original, and in fact inside the canister fired obviously cheaper oil. Most often it is cheap domestic mineral oilwhich will not break the engine at once, but will affect its resource and saving fuel (the cost of such an oil is 130-200 rubles per liter), less often - exhaust oil or cheap spindle (which may well kill the engine for a couple of thousand kilometers of the road).

Ford Formula F 5W30 oil is forged very often, because it is a very popular oil, poured into each 2nd Ford. Forgery evolve. Improve labels, covers, clogging at the bottom. But the oil is better from this not becoming. As an example, I will give some photos of oil forms 5w30 5 liters. This oil Falsification, has a different from the original shade (greenish). The labels are very bad on it, it is not high-quality to fire at the bottom, low-quality polygraphy. Such fakes were in 2014-2015.

Figure 1 The label is dug from water exposure

Figure 2 The label dug. Low polygraphy quality

Figure 3 Article 14E9EC "European". Actually no it is not European oil ..

Figure 4.

Figure 5 The code is made not laser engraving, like the original. Figures Curves

Figure 6.

Figure 7 Learned to do a double page

Figure 8 page in Russian and other languages. It is already problematic to stick back Ronono.

Figure 9 climbing. On them you can find out when the canister is made

Figure 10 Footman of terrible quality, the numbers are hardly read. The original has everything easy to read

Figure 11 Figure 15 means the year, the arrow shows the month of production of canisters. Quality casting low

Figure 12 Butter has a greenish tint. Formula 5W30 oil has never had such a shade. Only golden.

At present, the fakes were evolved and it became much more difficult to distinguish them. Now only comparing with the sample, you can find minor differences regarding the quality of printing and firewall on the canister. Oil color in fakes is now golden. The guarantee of originality can serve a new code and design, which was introduced in early 2016. Now oil oil oils 15595E and 155D3a (instead 14E8BA and 14E9EC). The canister has to send "5" on the handle. In our store there is always with such codes.

Update from 12/15/2016:

PS this year in the suburbs police exposed the underground shop on the packing of falsification oils, this can not but rejoice. Photos from the plant are presented in.

Ford Corporation for their cars produces motor oils. One of these becomes Ford Formula F 5W30. This oil is ideal for use not only in the Ford car, but also in the power units of other manufacturers.


Of course, almost no car concern makes themselves more and special transport liquids. Making them is trusted by proven companies. The manufacturer of lubricants for the Ford Concern - BP Europa, a famous global manufacturer of fuel and lubricants, which has offices in all parts of the world.

Motor oil.

Ford Formula F 5W30 - hydrocracking synthetics. That is, it is made from petroleum products by their special distillation and thorough cleaning. The resulting product has excellent lubricators and technical characteristics, practically not inferior to traditional PAO synthetics.

The friction test showed that this product creates a solid oil film on the surface of the parts, due to which the slip is facilitated, friction and wear is significantly reduced. This prolongs the service life of the motor, reduces the risks of breakdown.

Additives added to the oil base make the product stable, regardless of the loads and tests dropping to its share, and also have excellent cleansing abilities. They effectively prevent the formation of sludge, varnish sediments, nagar, do not give lubrication to thicken.

Stable viscosity is a significant advantage for residents of regions with frosty winters. Thanks to this, the fluidity of lubricant remains excellent at any time of the year, which facilitates the launch of the cold engine, ensures its protection and lubrication from the first seconds of work. As for high temperatures, then this product shows itself from the best side - it does not dilute in the heat and does not get much stronger than in the minus.

Kit for the oil and filter.

It is also worth noting that this oil helps the engine to reveal its potential, increases its efficiency. Due to a significant reduction in the losses for friction and maintaining the purity of the motor, fuel economy is ensured. This indicator will be different for all cars, depending on the individual characteristics, operating conditions, as well as the fuel used.


Of course, the Ford Engine Oil Formula F 5W30 is designed specifically for Mark Ford cars. However, it can be applied in any other, in the presence of appropriate tolerances and specifications.

This lubricant Apply to freight and passenger carsworking on gasoline and diesel engines Any designs. The age of the car also does not matter - Ford lubricant is suitable for both modern models and for vehicle previous generations.

Terms of use can be any. Thanks to stable viscosity and reliable operational qualities, this product provides the normal performance and operation of the motor in any conditions. Including in the most extreme road and climatic situations.

Engine oil in container 5 liters.

This oil can be used both in the city, in mode with frequent stops with the subsequent start and the city, on the highway, when maximum speeds and high facilities.


The main technical characteristics of the Motor Oil Ford Formula F 5W30:


Verification method (ASTM)

Meaning / Unit

Vissedity characteristics

Viscosity class

Density at 15 ° C

0.850 kg / liter

Viscosity at 40 ° C

Viscosity at 100 ° C

Viscosity index

Alkaline number (TBN)

11.22 MGKON / G

General acid number (Tan)

1.33 MGKON / G

The viscosity seeming (dynamic) CCS at -30 ° C

Evaporability by Noak,%

ASTM D5800 (method A) / DIN 51581-1

Sulfate ash

Product color


Temperature characteristics

Flash temperature

Frozen temperature


Any engine oil has specifications and tolerances:

  • SM / CF.

ACEA classification:

  • A5 / B5, A1 / B1.

ILSAC classification:

  • GF-4.
  • Ford WSS-M2C913-A;
  • Ford WSS-M2C913-B;
  • Ford WSS-M2C913-C.


  • Ford;
  • Jaguar;
  • Land Rover;
  • Nissan;
  • Mazda.

Tara and release form

Motor oil is available in the following package:

Motor oil 4 banks 1 liter.

  • 155D4B Ford Formula F 5W-30 1l
  • 14E8B9 Ford Formula F 5W-30 1l
  • 14e9ed Ford Formula F 5W-30 1l
  • 1515DA Ford Formula F 5W-30 1l
  • 15595A Ford Formula F 5W-30 1l
  • 14e8ba Ford Formula F 5W-30 5l
  • 14E9EC Ford Formula F 5W-30 5l
  • 155D3A Ford Formula F 5W-30 5l
  • 15595E Ford Formula F 5W-30 5l
  • 15595F Ford Formula F 5W-30 60l
  • 15594D Ford Formula F 5W-30 208l

Pros and cons

Motor oil Ford Formula 5W30 Like motorists - negative feedback on it in the afternoon you will not find fire. The highest quality product confirm its laboratory tests, tests and tests.

It has such advantages:

  • ensuring fuel economy;
  • minimal evaporation and consumption for avgar;
  • long replacement interval;
  • stable viscosity and excellent fluidity;
  • excellent lubricating characteristics;
  • minimum friction;
  • protection against wear from the first moments of engine operation even with a cold start;
  • reducing noise and vibrations during engine operation;
  • protection of motor parts from wear, corrosion and shock;
  • accessibility and acceptable price.

As alleged positive reviews on this lubricant, with proper use And, subject to all recommendations, shortcomings in its work should not occur.

Engine oil in container 1 liters.

I distinguish fake

The question of how to distinguish the fake of motor oil, sooner or later gets up in front of any motorist. After all, everyone is heard about how much falsification exists in the modern market. Ford Formula F 5 W 30 for this there are the following distinctive features:

  • Ford logo from the original bright and clear, with a 3D effect. In fake, it is brighter, without volume.
  • The image in the form of the sun is clearly divided into three halo. At the fake, at best, you can distinguish two, the image is fuzzy, with pixels.
  • The measuring scale is transparent and smooth, the original it comes to the bottom, but does not reach the neck, the falsification - on the contrary, is approaching the throat, but does not reach the bottom.
  • The date of bottling is caused by a laser on the back of the canister, in a fake - on the front side of the usual seal, easily erased.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of the packaging as a whole, to study the description and appearance On the official website and know the article. If the oil in the barrel and is sold on bottling, it is worth carefully studying the appearance and smell of the product.


The Ford Formula F 5W30 engine oil has highly pronounced technical characteristics. A large number of advantages will not leave indifferent car enthusiast, and high tolerances and specifications will protect the motor as much as possible.

Almost all automakers indicate, the oil of which brand in the motor of their cars is best to fill. However, there are manufacturers (mainly large auto gigances), which themselves produce special oil only for their models. These include the Ford brand. Not only cars are produced under it, but oil. For example, Ford Formula F 5W30, intended for Fords.

Description Ford Formula F 5W30

The oil under the Ford brand is produced, but it produces it company BP Europa by order of auto giant. It is recommended to fill in the OIA of almost all Ford cars. Structurally Ford Formula F with a viscosity of 5W 30 is a synthetic product, but produced by hydrocracking technology.

It is universal, providing good engine performance. Suitable for use at any time of the year, as it saves viscosity parameters in a wide range of temperatures.

The viscosity and fluidity are optimal, thanks to which even in the frost, the motor starts easily.

Features and characteristics

The oil is equipped with a necessary package of additives providing:

  • Viscosity stability in any conditions
  • Engine clean
  • Lack of sludge and nagar.

In addition, they prevent the risk of caruting the car.

Ford Formula F 5W30 is characterized by flawless lubricant properties. It forms a full-fledged protective film that reduces friction between contacting elements, and, as a result, minimizing their weariness.

Thanks to these qualities lubricant The coefficient of useful activities (efficiency) of the motor increases, the fuel economies.

Due to the stability of viscosity, the fluidity of the car is kept almost at the same level regardless of the season and outdoor temperature. As a result, a trouble-free start of the engine in frost is provided, and in the heat - lack of liquefaction and increased ugara.

At high temperatures, the Ford Formula f 5W-30 motor oil does not dilute, even if the engine heats up very much. In such conditions, it does not evaporate and does not care. Thanks to such properties, it is practically not consumed, which means it can be used from replacement before replacing without topping.

Ford Formula F 5W30 has good cleansing properties. Because of this, it does not allow to appear corrosion, slags, nagaru and other pollution on the details of the engine. The friction becomes less, due to which the resource of the power unit increases, and the power is not lost.


According to the properties of Ford formula F 5W 30 almost identical synthetic oils PJSC category. It complies with the requirements of all international standards, therefore the specified information is true.

  • The viscosity of the oil at 100 degrees is 9.49. This parameter is lower than that of competitors.
  • Alkaline number - 11.22, and this means that it has good detergent and neutralizing properties.
  • Acidity is only 1.33, which is not enough, but the stock is excellent.
  • Solness is 1.22, this indicator is more than acceptable.

Frozen temperature - minus 40, outbreaks - 226 degrees. Nothing unusual, acceptable indicators. In the cold time, the oil will make the engine without any problems, since the viscosity of the simulation of the scroll starter is preserved at -30 degrees.

Evaporability - 10.9, the indicator is good. Sulfur content 0.278. This shows that the oil is developed on the basis of hydrocracking, not mineral components.

The oil includes organic molybdenum. It reduces the friction level, and as a result of which the motor resource increases.

Specifications, tolerances

Ford Formula F 5W 30 Approved by automakers Ford, Land Rover, Mazda, Jaguar, Nissan.

Complies with classifications:

  • ILSAC GF-4,
  • API SM / CF,
  • ACEA A1 / B1, A5 / B5.

It has Ford WSS-M2C913-A / B / C tolerances.

Application Formula F 5W30

The machine was developed taking into account all the nuances of the engine engines of the Ford car. As a result, it is suitable for both cars and trucks. It can be poured into diesel engines, and in gasoline, as well as with installed diesel filters.

However, the oil can be poured not only in Ford, but also in cars from other manufacturers. To do this, make sure that it is exactly suitable for a specific engine.

It is optimal in any mode:

  • In urban
  • Rustic
  • On the tracks
  • In extreme conditions.

It can be poured both in modern new and in worn enginesFunctioning on gasoline and diesel population. With all this it saves system of DVS In excellent condition, with any driving style.

Benefits Ford Formula F 5W30

Anyway has advantages and disadvantages. Ford Formula F 5W30 motor oil is no exception. He has identified the following advantages:

  • Optimal viscosity is maintained in any conditions, both in the frost and in the heat;
  • In the cold, the oil retains its fluidity, and the rocching improves;
  • Thanks to the above qualities in winter, the launch of the motor is always easy and does not cause problems;
  • All elements of the engine are protected from corrosion and from wear, which usually occurs due to microcracks - they are not formed, as the oily film of the optimal thickness;
  • When filling the Ford Formula F 5W-30, the engine begins to work better because all its potential is revealed;
  • It is practically not spent and does not settle on the details in the form of a nagar. It is enough from replacement to replacement;
  • The seasy filter is securely protected, their stable operation is ensured;
  • Does not corrosive seals and rubber elements in the motor. Accordingly, its leakage with a good engine is not possible.

Individual disadvantages of this engine oil are not detected. However, this is true only under the condition that the original is poured.

If you pour fake, then the full operation of the engine is not guaranteed, in addition, various kinds of problems may occur. Therefore, when buying, you need to make sure that you are original.

How not to run into the fake

Ford Formula F 5W-30 is popular in certain circles of motorists, consequence of which the flood of the market by counterfeit. How not to run into the fake when buying an oil?

First of all, look at the date of manufacture of the canister itself and spill. They need to be compared. If the date of manufacture of canisters later than was produced, then most likely, before you fake.

Now we will make a direct comparison. Points by which oils vary:

  1. Ford logo. On the original it is well drawn, bright and rich, and on the fake, it is dim and the transition from dark flowers to light is not observed.
  2. Drawing of the Sun. It also is on the packaging. W. original oil The Sun is prohibited clearly, there are 3 halo, and on the fake it is barely seen.
  3. Hatching. It is applied under the inscription and the original it is well pronounced and drawn, and on the fake she is dull.
  4. The transparent mea of \u200b\u200blitter on the original does not reach the neck itself, and it ends at the bottom only at the bottom. On the fake, everything is much worse - it ends on the neck, and it does not reach the bottom.
  5. Application of the date. On the original packaging, the characters are clearly visible to the touch of the relief. On the fake symbols dull and erased, if you spend your finger on them.
  6. Quality of plastic. In order to understand the quality of plastic, click on the handle. On the original, she will quickly return to the previous state, and on the fake, it will remain in such a position. At the same time on the original packaging for this it is necessary to make an effort, and on the fake it is done easily.
  7. Inscriptions on back side. On the original products there should be inscriptions in both English and in Russian. On the fake, they are written only in English;
  8. Vendor code. If the packaging article 1595e, then you are original. If the article 14e8va is likely, it is fake oil.

To make sure the oil, it is necessary to make a small experiment. To do this, in a small container you need to pour some oil and put into the freezer for a day.

If after that the oil remains liquid and easily overflows, then this is exactly the original, if it is initially moderated, then it is not recommended to pour it into the engine.

When buying, you can also check the product on the article. It is produced in tanks:

  • 1 liter: Articles 155D4B, 14E8B9, 14E9ED, 1515DA, 15595A.
  • 5 liters: 155D3A, 14E8BA, 14E9EC, 155D3A, 15595E.
  • 60 liters: 15595F.
  • 208 liters: 15594d.

Ford Formula F 5W30 motor oil is optimal option For all Ford cars, both passenger and freight. It has excellent detergents, reacts well to change the temperature, and also improves the operation of the motor.

It does not forms too thick film, so the engine power is not lost. Ford Formula F 5W30 can be safely poured into the car, but before the fill it is recommended to make sure that the composition is originality.

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