Home Lighting Replacing the oil in the gearbox Lada Kalina. Replacing oil in a box in Kalina: Step-by-step instructions, device and recommendations Theory - Watch video

Replacing the oil in the gearbox Lada Kalina. Replacing oil in a box in Kalina: Step-by-step instructions, device and recommendations Theory - Watch video

Transmission - the most important component of any vehicle. The quality of the applicable lubricant directly affects the correctness and service life of the PPC and the entire engine as a whole. Non-replacement transmission fluid In a gearbox, it can cause serious damage to the aggregate.

According to the instructions, the replacement of lubrication is carried out every 75 thousand km of mileage. Subject to intensive exploitation, this figure should be reduced to 50 thousand km.

What lubricant to stop the choice?

Today, there is no disadvantage in the choice of transmission fluids, the main thing is to purchase the original, and not the Chinese analogue. Many users, having Lada Kalina in operation, recommend "LUKOIL" semi-synthetic, "TNK Magnum" - oils that allow you to pass to 300 thousand km. without overhaul. At the same time, the MCPP behaves much quieter, softer including transmissions in the frost.

Those who exploit the Lada Car Kalina 2, when choosing an oil, you should focus on the type of transmission (MCPP or automatic transmission) and the attached documentation. It should be remembered that when using oils other than the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer, malfunctions and malfunctions are possible in the operation of automatic transmission. Warranty repair do not be subject to warranty.

Replacing the oil in the gearbox do it yourself: the required skills and fixtures

If MTF is scheduled (lubrication for mechanical gearbox), but no desire to go to a hundred wishes, you can spend all the events yourself. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Spanner on 17 (it is better to take care of the presence of a cape key);
  • Funnel with a tube, not longer than 50 cm;
  • Lubricating liquid;
  • Canister for used oil, volume of 5 liters;
  • Flushing oil (about 1.5 liters);
  • If you need washing MCPP - jack.


First, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a pit or overpass, check the position of the fluid level (no replacement of lubricant in the gearbox should do without it):

Drain of work

If dark-colored metallic dust is detected in the development, then this is a sure sign of the need for washing the box. Washing fluid poured into the box, with the help of a jack rises leading wheelMotor starts and the first transmission turns on. After 10 minutes the motor is muffled, the washing MTF, which is in the gearbox, merges.

Replacing actions

  1. Remove the dipstick, install a funnel into the hole;
  2. Pour about 3 liters of MTF in the manual transmission, probe check the level (with frequent use of the 5th gear, it is better to pour a little more average, closer to the upper value).

In the automatic transmission of Lada Kalina 2 content transmission lubricant More not allowed, as it can lead to ignition.

Required devices:

  • Key on 8 and key 10;
  • Caid or wrench at 17 and 19;
  • Screwdriver cross;
  • Canister for working out;
  • When manualing is a medical pear (plunger syringe);
  • With automatic transmission - hose for fill, funnel;
  • Gloves;
  • Lubrication suitable for this box.


Regardless of the type of box, the heated car of Lada Kalina should stand on a flat surface, overpass, pit.

  1. In the manual transformation to eliminate the protective boot;
  2. The key to 17 unscrew the drainage plug, after draining the liquid into the substituted container (about 15 minutes), twist again;
  3. Unscrew the plug of the fuel hole (it is slightly above the drain), pour lubricating fluid. The optimal indicator is the lower tag of the filling hole. You can use a syringe or a pear;
  4. Split the plug, return the protective boot into place.

Transmission Lubrication: Replacement Rules

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My life is not only connected with the car, namely repair and maintenance. But also I have a hobby like all men. My hobby is fishing.

I started a personal blog in which I share my experience. Many things try various methods and ways to increase the catch. If interested, you can read. Nothing superfluous, only my personal experience.

ATTENTION, only today!

In the design of the Kalina-2 car car, the gearbox manufactured by AvtoVAZ has been used since 2013. A feature of the mechanical box, denoted as VAZ-2181, is the following: the diagnostic probe in its design is not provided. The control and diagnostic hole is located on the side, and not on the upper side of the crankcase, which will not add convenience when replacing the oil. How to perform this operation, that is, how to replace the transmission fluid of the MCP, is considered further.

The air filter does not have to interfere

Ku air filter In Grant and Kalina-2 cars, three rubber stops are attached. It will be easy to dismantle them, only first you will need to disable all connectors fixed on the box outside. You will also need to remove the adsorber valve. And only then, not afraid to damage anything, the plastic box is removed to the side.

The cylinder to which the corrugation is attached is a DMRV sensor module. One connector is fixed on this module. Disconnect it, and the clamp, holding the corrugation, is better to leave in the same form.

The result of all the work done looks like this:

Filter box just fold back

The actions mentioned above are listed here in order:

  1. Disconnect the minus terminal of the AKB;
  2. Disconnect the "1" clip, which holds the power wire, and disable the "2" connector of the DMRV sensor (Fig. 1);
  3. Dismantling the adsorber purge valve. Turn off the connector with wires, then a flat dumping side is pressed on the spring and remove the module itself from the grooves (Fig. 2);
  4. All the stops that hold the box are easily derived from the slots (Fig. 3).

That connector that you need to turn off at "Step 2", in the equipment with a motor 21127 will be absent.

We wish you success.

Replacing transmission oil

The design of the cable checkbox contains a drain plug, which is typically for all mechanical boxes Transmissions. The control and fill hole here is closed with a separate cork, however, pour the liquid into the crankcase is not only through it.

On the housing of the node from above the switch is fixed rear stroke (See Fig.). And if this item succeeds to unscrew, then replacing will be easier than according to the staff of the AvtoVAZ.


Figure figures indicate:

  1. Reverse switch;
  2. Drain plug. Access to it is carried out on the bottom side. The screw is unscrewed by the key to 17;
  3. Control and fuel plug. You need to unscrew it, sum up the key from the battery. It will suit the flat key to 17, if it is not too long to handle.

In reality, the details indicated here look like this:

Both of these screws are easily unscrewed.

No need to unscrew the control plug, trying to get to it from the bottom of the car. In extreme cases, you can perform the operation together using additional lighting.

The procedure for replacing the PPC oil will look standard:

  1. First, the control plug is unscrewed not completely;
  2. Unscrew the drain plug, substituting the loose container under it;
  3. Drain of waste oil is carried out, the plug is spinning;
  4. Having twisted the fuel plug, the oil is replaced, then all the details are installed in place.

According to the reviews, 2300 ml of transmission fluid is placed in the VAZ-2181 box. The plant "Rosneft Kinetic SAE 75W-90" is flooded, and the recommended replacement interval is 75,000 km.

Tip: Before replacing, the old oil is recommended to warm up. It will be enough to drive about 2-3 km by car, trying to vary engine speed.

In the Carter box 2181, the liquid can be poured through a separate hole, which is closed by the reverse switch. The item, which is talking about will be clearly visible if you open the hood and remove the filter box:

Connector usually painted in blue or red

Dismantling this detail is not easy. First, disconnect the connector, and to weaken the mount, you will need a special high-head capable key. The key part size is a hexagon on 22.

You can access the inner volume of the PPC by another way that is not considered here. Together with the engines 21126 and 21127, a speed sensor, fixed on the box of the box from above, is used. Disassemble this node will be easy, but after re-installation, the tightness is broken.

The level of oil in the checkpoint is controlled as follows: The standard filler cork must be unscrewed, and as soon as the liquid starts to go to the casing, the plot is stopped. It is desirable that the car is installed on a flat surface. And even better, if the body will be inclined to the right - excess transmission fluid has not damaged anyone else.

Video example: Express style, repeat not recommended

Check level transmission Oil It should be performed on the cooled gearbox, the car must be strictly horizontally. To find out how much oil in a box of viburnum should be pulled out the probe (oil level pointer), which is located in the top back of the gearbox crankcase (for clarity, the air filter and air duct are removed). Then we wipe the dipstick with a rag, insert it back into the crankcase hole until you stop and then remove it again. The oil level in the PPC viburnum should be between the MIN and MAX marks on the pointer.

Oil change in viburnum box

Required: Remove the protection of the engine, cook the head "on 17", funnel, hose, container, drive the car to the observation pit and warm the gearbox ( better replacement Oil is done after a long trip).


  1. Clear surface around drain hole On the gearbox crankcase. The volume of oil in the PPC viburnum is about 3.5l., Therefore, we substitute the tank capacity of the appropriate volume under the drain hole. Unscrew the plug hole using the key "on 17".
  2. We drain the oil into the substituted container, then wrap the plug.
  3. Pour new transmission oil into the gearbox, inserting the end of the hose instead of probe into the hole of the box. Check the level of transmission oil on the SHUP.

Also, the processes of changing transmission oil viburnum are shown in the video:

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Lada Kalina. 2. Causes of toxicity exhaust gases

Causes and methods for lowering the toxicity of exhaust gases

Scroll possible faults Diagnostics Elimination methods
Exact nozzles (overflow) or polluted their sprayers Check the tightness and shape of the torch of the nozzles Contaminated nozzles can be rinsed on a special booth. Lengthetic and strongly polluted nozzles replace
Damage to the isolation of high-voltage devices and chains - interruptions in sparking To check high-voltage wires and ignition coils, replace them with obviously good Replace the faulty ignition coil, damaged high-voltage wires. In severe operating conditions (salt on the roads, frost, alternating with thaws), it is advisable to replace once in 3-5 years
Defective spark plugs: current leakage on cracks in an insulator or by car on a thermal cone, poor contact of the central electrode Check out the candles Replace defective candles
Fortified air temperature sensor in the inlet pipe or its chain Tester Check the function of the sensor
Faulty coolant temperature sensor Check the sensor resistance to the ommeter at different temperatures. Replace faulty sensor
Faulty position sensor throttle valve Or his chain Check the correctness of the throttle position sensor Restore contact in electrical circuits, replace the faulty sensor
Faulty oxygen concentration sensor or its chain Evaluate the performance of the oxygen concentration sensor and the reliability of its electrical caps with the help of diagnostic equipment Restore damaged electrocups. Faulty sensor Replace
Faulty sensor absolute pressure air and his chains Check the serviceability of the absolute air pressure sensor can be used diagnostic equipment Restore contacts in electrical circuits. Replace faulty sensor
Faulty ECU or his chain To check, replace the ECU obviously good Restore contacts in electrical circuits. Replace defective EBU
The leakage of the exhaust gas release system on the site between the outlet collector and the receiving pipe Inspection with medium revolutions crankshaft Replace the defective gasket, tighten the threaded connections.
Faulty catalytic displacement neutralizer Check the health of the catalytic neutralizer of exhaust gases can be used using diagnostic equipment. Replace the catalytic dishevement neutralizer
Increased pressure in the fuel system due to the malfunction of the pressure regulator Inspection, test pressure gauge in the fuel system (no more than 3.5 bar) idling Replace faulty regulator
Increased air flow resistance in the inlet tract Check the element of the air filter, intake tract (no foreign objects, leaves, etc.) Clean the intake tract, contaminated by the air filter element Replace
Most of the oil in the engine combustion chambers due to wear or damage to oil recovery caps, valve rods that guide valve sleeves, piston rings, pistons and cylinders Inspection after engine disassembly Repair the engine

In 80%, several main factors affect the toxicity of exhaust gases: 1. Fuel (first and main factor) 2. Motor condition (wear, amount of contamination) 3. Motor oil (type, quality, purity) 4. Air filter condition (resistance) .

1. Fuel. Before going to technical inspection, a few days before that, only high-quality gasoline with a high octane number should be poured. Such an approach sharply reduces the content of toxins in exhaust gases.

2. Motor condition. This is the most common factor that leads to a change in the composition of the exhaust. Recommended twice a year to clean fuel system And do not forget to periodically change the fuel filter. Very strongly for toxicity affects the state of the ignition candles, it is recommended to replace them before.

3. Motor oil. As not strange, the quality of motor oil also changes the composition of exhaust gases. Synthetic motor oil leads to a decrease in toxicity, and mineral to magnification. Therefore, before passing, it is recommended to replace the old engine oil in fresh, it is only necessary to use high-quality oil purchased from official representatives.

4. Air filter condition. Everyone knows that the resistance of the air filter (contamination) causes a reduction in power, to an excessive discharge in the intake manifold and an increase in toxicity. Before passing, it should also be replaced with a new one!

The main causes of education toxic substances In the engine, the imperfection of the combustible combustion preparation processes before feeding to the cylinders and in the cylinders, which leads to incomplete combustion of fuel in the engine, as well as fuel pollution by various impurities and additives.
In the ideal case, with the full combustion of hydrocarbon fuel in the engine, carbon dioxide and pair of water should be formed as a result of this process, which do not belong to toxic substances.
But get the perfect process of combustion of fuel at various modes of engine operation or have perfectly clean fuels in the real practice of car operation is almost impossible. Therefore, unpleasant emissions into the atmosphere always accompany the operation of the internal combustion engine.
The number of toxic substances in the exhaust gases of diesel engines and spark ignition engines due to of different characters The process of mixing and combustion of fuel has significant differences. In the exhaust gases of diesel engines in large quantities there are soot and nitrogen oxides, and engines with spark ignition - carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Therefore, the means of combating toxicity in these types of engines differ.

Reducing the toxicity of the exhaust gases of cars is carried out by various ways to improving the designs and workflow of engines, car equipment for the capture and neutralization of harmful emissions, as well as the improvement of the environmental properties of gasoline used.

Other reasons for the toxicity of engines

Loss when combustion of fuel (loss from receipt of not burnt fuel into the release system);
Losses due to rich fuel and air mixture;
losses as a result of oxidation and combustion of fuel in the compression phase (due to the presence of an angle of ahead of injection or the angle of the ignition advance);
Losses in the combustion chamber due to the gap between the pistons and the walls of the cylinder block;
Throwing the friction of piston rings about the block of cylinders;
Losses due to inertia forces arising in the engine (as a result of the "smoke" of pistons and other elements of the engine);
friction losses due to acssymmetric rod reactions;
losses due to asymmetric burning;
losses due to the collision of pairs of articulated parts of CSM and CPG;
Losses to the work of units installed on the engine.

It should not be useless to twist the engine starter for a long time;
You can not let the engine by towing. You should use the "Cursting" method from another car;
It is forbidden to check the operation of cylinders, turning off the spark plugs.
When I interruptions in the operation of the ignition system, do not allow the engine with a high rotation of the crankshaft before troubleshooting;
Do not pour the engine oil over the maximum level. Surplus oil, hitting a catalytic converter, can damage the coating or completely destroy it.

In the design of the Kalina-2 car car, the gearbox manufactured by AvtoVAZ has been used since 2013. A feature of the mechanical box, denoted as VAZ-2181, is the following: the diagnostic probe in its design is not provided. The control and diagnostic hole is located on the side, and not on the upper side of the crankcase, which will not add convenience when replacing the oil. How to perform this operation, that is, how to replace the transmission fluid of the MCP, is considered further.

The air filter does not have to interfere

The air filter box in the "Grant" and "Kalina-2" cars is fastened with three rubber stops. It will be easy to dismantle them, only first you will need to disable all connectors fixed on the box outside. You will also need to remove the adsorber valve. And only then, not afraid to damage anything, the plastic box is removed to the side.

The cylinder to which the corrugation is attached is a DMRV sensor module. One connector is fixed on this module. Disconnect it, and the clamp, holding the corrugation, is better to leave in the same form.

The result of all the work done looks like this: the filter box is simply folded back

The actions mentioned above are listed here in order:

  1. Disconnect the minus terminal of the AKB;
  2. Disconnect the "1" clip, which holds the power wire, and disable the "2" connector of the DMRV sensor (Fig. 1);
  3. Dismantling the adsorber purge valve. Turn off the connector with wires, then a flat dumping side is pressed on the spring and remove the module itself from the grooves (Fig. 2);
  4. All the stops that hold the box are easily derived from the slots (Fig. 3).

That connector that you need to turn off at "Step 2", in the equipment with a motor 21127 will be absent.

We wish you success.

Replacing transmission oil

The design of the cable checkpoint contains a drain plug, which is typically for all mechanical transmissions. The control and fill hole here is closed with a separate cork, however, pour the liquid into the crankcase is not only through it.

I want to share information. I decided to somehow climb the Internet and read about the engines. It so happened that my baby needed to replace the heart itself - this is the motor itself! And that's what I found https://otoba.ru/transmissii/vaz.html. Here all engines AvtoVAZ, characteristics and reviews are collected.

On the housing of the node from above, the reverse switch is secured (see Fig.). And if this item succeeds to unscrew, then replacing will be easier than according to the staff of the AvtoVAZ.

Figure figures indicate:

  1. Reverse switch;
  2. Drain plug. Access to it is carried out on the bottom side. The screw is unscrewed by the key to 17;
  3. Control and fuel plug. You need to unscrew it, sum up the key from the battery. It will suit the flat key to 17, if it is not too long to handle.

In reality, the details indicated here look like this:
Both of these screws are easily unscrewed.

No need to unscrew the control plug, trying to get to it from the bottom of the car. In extreme cases, you can perform the operation together using additional lighting.

The procedure for replacing the PPC oil will look standard:

  1. First, the control plug is unscrewed not completely;
  2. Unscrew the drain plug, substituting the loose container under it;
  3. Drain of waste oil is carried out, the plug is spinning;
  4. Having twisted the fuel plug, the oil is replaced, then all the details are installed in place.

According to the reviews, 2300 ml of transmission fluid is placed in the VAZ-2181 box. The plant "Rosneft Kinetic SAE 75W-90" is flooded, and the recommended replacement interval is 75,000 km.

Tip: Before replacing, the old oil is recommended to warm up. It will be enough to drive about 2-3 km by car, trying to vary engine speed.

In the Carter box 2181, the liquid can be poured through a separate hole, which is closed by the reverse switch. The item, which is talking about will be clearly visible if you open the hood and remove the filter box:
Connector usually painted in blue or red

Dismantling this detail is not easy. First, disconnect the connector, and to weaken the mount, you will need a special high-head capable key. The key part size is a hexagon on 22.

You can access the inner volume of the PPC by another way that is not considered here. Together with the engines 21126 and 21127, a speed sensor, fixed on the box of the box from above, is used. Disassemble this node will be easy, but after re-installation, the tightness is broken.

The level of oil in the checkpoint is controlled as follows: The standard filler cork must be unscrewed, and as soon as the liquid starts to go to the casing, the plot is stopped. It is desirable that the car is installed on a flat surface. And even better, if the body will be inclined to the right - excess transmission fluid has not damaged anyone else.

Video example: Express style, repeat not recommended

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