Home Heating Why it is necessary to fasten the seat belt. Why you need to be fastened with safety belts: myths and reality. Myths about seat belts: Why drivers neglect this rule

Why it is necessary to fasten the seat belt. Why you need to be fastened with safety belts: myths and reality. Myths about seat belts: Why drivers neglect this rule

The use of a seat belt reduces the risk of death 2-3 times at a frontal collision, 1.8 times - with lateral and 5 times - when tipping up! For those who are sitting ahead, the risk of serious injury in the event of an accident or even death decreases by 40-50%, as for the rear seats passengers - the risk of injury for them is reduced by 25%.

Analysis of more than 100 thousand accidents showed that precisely the hurt passengers of the rear seats are the greatest danger for the driver and the front passenger. Almost 80% of the front seats could survive in case of an accident, if the rear passengers were fastened.

Despite the fact that many retain confidence in their right to abandon the seat belt, rules road And real accidents argue that it is the responsibility of every person, sitting in the car.

"Rake" who are not taught

The arguments that are based on statistical data and the requirements prescribed in the law often do not act on drivers and passengers due to the large number of myths and delusions about the use of seat belts.

If you summarize the main objections against the belts, then you can designate the following claims of citizens: they are inconvenient to use, about belts on the rear seats simply do not know or it seems to them that the use of the belt "attracts" a catastrophe. People fear that in the event of an accident, it will be harder to get out of the car if they were fastened. They also naively believe that the most safe place - "For the driver" or by default feel safer in the backseat: "And where are you getting out?".

And although, according to VTsIOM, almost 95% of drivers stated that they always enjoy belts, only 30% of them control the use of rear seats with belts. The fact remains a fact, and precisely because of non-use of seat belts by some of the passengers of the consequences of accidents turn out to be much heavier. As a result, the problem of injuries due to non-use of safety belts on transport remains relevant.

Rules worthy of attention

The driver who does not think about its own security is not inclined to pay attention to the safety of own children. Refusal to use in the car of children's car seats seems particularly ironic against the background of the news about the advanced developments of autobrands, which improves straps for the carriage of pets.

An attempt to save on the purchase of a chair for a child leads to the fact that every year hundreds of children are dying, and thousands - remain disabled. Only for 2015, 19,549 accidents were registered with the participation of children and adolescents, as a result of which 737 children died and 20,928 were injured.

But saving an imaginary. If you consider the costs of purchasing the seats of several age groups necessary for the child from birth to 7 years, it will turn out that this money can only be paid to the middle a car to "full tank". A certified car seat is equipped with a reliable five-point strap that saves a child from heavy and fatal injuries. In addition, if the use of car seat was neat and fortunately, you have never become a member of the accident, you can hand over the chair younger children or family of friends.

Finally, if the car seat needs to be bought, then the seat belts are the staff of any car, the timely and correct use of which could save each second who deceased as a result frontal collision. Therefore, the traffic police calls on the road participants to learn from someone else's experience: "Rules road safety Based on logic and thousands of real examples. But, unfortunately, the road users still resist them, waiting for their own mistakes, and do not give themselves the report in the fact that they can be written in other people's tragedies, "stressed in the traffic police.

However, recently we can talk about the gradual improvement of statistics and in Russia. On positive changes affects, including active information and advocacy work. In 2013, the Federal Social Campaign "Faith!", Implemented by the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Russian Union of Motorovshchikov in the information support of the expert center "Movement without danger", was launched. Its purpose was the popularization of the use of seat belts and the debate of myths associated with them. As the Deputy Head of the Gobdd of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Major Police, Vladimir Kuzin, explained, according to polls conducted in 2013, only 50% of Russians used the safety belt:

"According to VTsIOM, only 17% of Russians use seat belts in the backseat. At the same time, many decide, fasten or not, depending on the situation. In the meantime, the effectiveness of the belts during the accident and sharp braking is proved by numerous tests and crash tests - the use of seat belts reduces the likelihood of death for drivers and passengers by 50%, "Vladimir Kuzin stressed.

Interactive events in the framework of the campaign "Fasten!" Passed in ten regions of Russia. In order to maximally access the principles of the security belt, on the campaign sites, unique simulators were working, imitating the real conditions of the road accident, namely, sharp braking from a speed of 12 km / h. Acquaintance with these devices made many people think about the vital importance of seat belts both on the front and on the rear seats of the car. According to the research by the WTCIOM, on the basis of the action, an increase in the number of passengers using the rear seats of the car to 25% were noted. There was also an increase in the number of passengers always fastened on the front seats - up to 75%. In addition, serious legislative changes have occurred: a fine for an unsuccessful safety belt has been increased from 500 to 1000 rubles.

To secure the result achieved in 2015-2016, within the framework of the Federal Target Program, the "Improving Road Safety In 2013-2020" was conducted a large-scale information and propaganda campaign "according to the rules". Its attention was concentrated on the young participants in the road. Most were involved in the campaign educational institutions And driving schools to talk again and again and remind you how not to become a victim of the accident and how to use elementary passive protection methods - belts.

It is no secret that in all CIS countries a rather peculiar attitude towards seat belts. And many drivers do not comply with this rule.

Myths about seat belts: Why do drivers neglect this rule?

They have their own reasons that they argue in different ways. Some say that when sunbathing the car is more likely to survive without a seat belt, others feared the rib fracture when a collision. Someone thinks that with an accident, it will manage to successfully fly through the windshield and stay without damage, and someone simply laziness.

The absurdity comes to the fact that some drivers are offended when their passengers are fastened when driving, as they doubt the driver's professionalism.

"Teapots" - just as experienced drivers call those who are fastened behind the wheel of the car.
Also often lead as an example the situation when the car begins, in this case the belt may prevent you from getting out of the car. Personally, have you often encountered similar situations? But the death of drivers, due to the disregard of the seat belt, is quite common.
In fact, the fastened belt increases the chances of survive when colliding.

How does the seat belt really work?

The above myths most often sound from the mouth of those who do not understand the right principle of the safety belt. It is not at all for the traffic police could once again Be fined drivers, and in order to save them life.
We will analyze the average accident. After braking, the driver's body continues movement (forward head), and after a few seconds it returns to its original position with a huge speed. At the same time, the head hits the head restraint of the vein of the car. If there is no such, then with the most likely the driver's neck breaks. The belt in turn reduces the power of the oscillation, leaving a person within the same place.

Previously used two-point straps. They were stopped using because of their danger. These belts covered the body torso in the chest and inguinal area. In the collision, the internal organs of man were often damaged.

Swedish engineer named Niels managed to improve the seat belt. Now his design involves the coverage of the passenger pelvis, and also goes across the chest. It is no secret that his invention was made to the eight of the most important things of the last century.

At first glance - absolutely delusional innovation. Nevertheless, the law on fastening belt of animals accepted the United States and several other European countries.
In fact, it helps not so much animals as drivers themselves. Pets are difficult to control, and they can easily create an emergency situation. Animals during driving are often moved by car, can jump onto the owner or distract it.
Also, in the event of a collision, a pet can harm passengers, or to behave aggressively with honey. employees / police officers. Sometimes it came to such that dogs because of the stressful situation even on their owners. The belt will continue to protect drivers from such unpleasant situations.

Still, why when driving on a car you need to wear a seat belt? At least in order not to hit your head on the steering wheel.
As statistics, most of the frontal blows on a decent challenge rate are fatal. However, the driver came across easy injuries and fright.

When driving on a car with a child, a man sitting on rear seat, I must be fastened. It is possible that as a result of the collision, he can hurt a child.

It also will lock and the passenger itself. With average Accident man On the passenger seat flies forward and hitting the roof of the car. Much depends on the circumstances of the accident, but critical consequences are no exception. Not fastened sitting behind a man risks also fly through the interior of the car in the front glass.

Why do you need to fasten in cars with airbags?

Often airbags are triggered with the most slightest hints on the collision. If the driver is not fastened at this time, there is a big risk to injure the front part. The broken noses is a fairly common phenomenon among drivers that have airbags. Sometimes it does not save even the belt.

German drivers have repeatedly fell in a situation where the buckle hurt a stomach strongly. This happened due to severe pressure. It is best to use ordinary belts. Do not wear a seat belt over a fluffy jacket. Because of this, an incorrect strengthening is created.

Be sure to take out the objects of various kinds from pockets, which can become dangerous when colliding. It can be a handle, lighter, knife or coins.

With an accident, in flight, the weight of a person can reach a pair of tons, so these items will play a cruel joke.
If you store your mobile phone in the belt, then do not forget to lower the belt stline below the phone. If suddenly you take out, then at best, they are finishing only bruises.

Small children need to be transported in the chair, which also need to be fastened. The transportation of a child without such a chair can lead to crying consequences, since often the body of young children is still disproportionate that when accidenting is playing a big role.

After reading all the above arguments, the question "Why when driving on a car you need to wear a seat belt?" will disappear by itself.
Banal theory of probability says that getting into an accident with a collision of chances much more than falling from the cliff into the water. You should not neglect the security, both your and passengers. After all, during the trip, it is you who are responsible for them!

Today it is difficult to imagine that once the seat belts did not exist at all: the drivers and passengers just sat in the car and rushed towards their fate, without thinking about what a fun walk could end personal car. Inithered seat belts for quite a long time - still at the turn of the 20th century, but for many decades they were equipped with only the first aircraft and racing cars. And only numerous tragedies on the roads forced the manufacturers to think about security - since 1975, the presence of safety belts has become mandatory in ordinary cars.

Specialists are confident: if the driver and passengers use safety belts, the risk to die when a collision decreases by 2-3 times and the likelihood of severe injuries is reduced several times. Tests proved that easwritten belts Driver when a collision with an obstacle at speeds is only 80 km / h dies from hitting the dashboard after two tenths of the second! Safety system developers are in constant bewilderment - it cost to spend the same time to snap the seat belt, and it would stay alive. Why many with such enviable constancy risk their lives and do not use them?

Caring for safety and fear of death is peculiar to every person. For this, the instinct of self-preservation is responsible, which is extremely strongly developed according to psychologists. What then is associated with such reliable, simple and effective way Security, like belts? As it turned out, many drivers are in captivity of false representations and myths, distant from reality. Based on what drivers themselves say, they can be divided into several categories:

Sincerely mistaken
The driver believes that in the event of a fire in the car's cabin, as a result of an accident, an adjacent belt will deprive them of the necessary seconds to save from the cabin. But numerous tests have shown that only those who were in an unconscious state dies as a result of the fire. Fires arise as a result of serious damage to the car, when the probability of obtaining injury as a result of a collision is large. It is the seat belt in this case will allow the driver and passengers to not get serious damage and stay in consciousness. In this case, a person will be able to navigate and quickly leave the car, just unbounding the belt. By the way, professional riders always fasten seat belts. Ignition racing car - Not uncommon at competitions. Until now, no racer has suffered because of this, being fastened at the time of the accident.

Passing easier to survive?!
Another category of drivers is sincerely sure that if a person, as a result of a collision, flies out of the car's salon, he will have more chances to survive. Alas, these drivers are mistaken as much as the free flight ends in 90% of cases very tragic. Sleeping at the speed of a moving car. A man is experiencing a huge strength to blow on the surface of asphalt, trees, pillars, obstacles on the roads. In addition, the driver can get under the wheels of his or someone else moving near the car. Being in the car, a chance to survive a person would not be more as an example. Studies prove that the body of the machine serves as a certain protective shell, even in cases of caring car. It is not by chance that motorcyclists receive much more severe injuries than motorists in about the same accidents.

Holy simplicity
Such drivers believe in their strength and dexterity. The laws of physics such people studied at school and completely forgot about what kinetic energy is and what it threatens real life. They are convinced that in the event of an accident they will succeed, beyond the steering wheel, stop the power of the inertia and do not hit the dashboard or the steering wheel itself. Unfortunately, the laws of physics are not so optimistic. If a car at a speed of only 25 km / h is on a solid obstacle, then a person sitting behind the wheel throws over inertia with a force exceeding his weight 7 times! At a speed of 80km / h, the blow strength about the dashboard is equal to nine tons. And now it remains to imagine how strong the human body should be to withstand such power?!

doubting Thomas
Such people do not use seat belts when driving around country tracks and freeways. They are confident that at speeds over 60km / h. The belt still will not help survive with accidents. Such people are akin to fatalists, and hope for fate, luck and icon on dashboard. Of course, the lower the speed, the more effective it saves the belt from severe injuries. But! Numerous analyzes of occurrences have evidenced that even at a speed of 80-90 km / h, the driver faced by a seat belt has much more chances to stay alive than an unused driver who does not have any chances. Moreover, in the threat of an accident, the driver begins to slow down and maneuver, which reduces the speed of the car before the collision.

In the city safe
Other drivers are confident that riding around the city with not fastened belts It is quite safe, as practically everyone goes with low speed. If these drivers knew that the impact force at a speed of 40 km / h is equivalent to the strike of the asphalt when jumping from the fourth floor, they would certainly have thought: it is worth further to count urban speeds safe.

Drivers who go carefully and do not violate the rules of the road, often consider that they save themselves from the need to use seat belts. At the same time, they forget that another driver who rushes around the city at a speed of 100 km / h may be guilty of the accident. We must not forget that not all drivers comply with the rules.

I can not get used to!
There is such a category of drivers who justify themselves in that they simply cannot get used to fasten it. But it is a weak excuse. If every time, sitting behind the car's wheel, make yourself remember about the belt, then in a week the whole process of using seat belts will be performed on a complete machine.

Such drivers do not like when someone or something limits their freedom of will. If the traffic police inspectors require to be fastened, fighters for freedom of freedom will specifically ignore the security belts "of the principle". Perhaps it gives pleasure, but the freedom-loving person should think - why he, so independent, should depend on the external circumstances and actions of a person who is at the moment rushing on his car towards him, being drunk or falling asleep at the wheel?

It's my business!
On the one hand, such drivers are right: the choice is to use or no seat belts are their personal choice. They themselves are responsible for their safety and decide how to protect their own body. But on the other hand - in the car can be, except for the driver, other passengers and small children. The driver who is fastened by the belt, according to the research, much longer controls the situation on the road, as in the critical situation (when driving, the cargo outlet from under control, impact, and so on) it is not so much throws on the chair from the side to the side. He has the chances of correcting the situation and save those who are in the cabin.

Belts came up with panties!
There is the last category of drivers experiencing dislike belts associated with the arguments of the mind, but with feelings. What is valuable in this man? Of course, self-confidence, courage and courage, masculinity, skill and experience. Alas, courage and courage, many understand somewhat becoming somewhat. Brakes and seat belts invented panties! - This phrase may be a kind of motto of those who believe that a courageous man will not be reinsured and fastened. Such men are usually very young, it seems that the hero of the militant, the saving world of the type of those who played Schwarzenegger or Bruce Willis would not wear the belt. But there are two kinds of attitude towards danger, as well as two types of feats performed. The first is not to pay attention to the danger and feel fate, convincing itself in the fact that there is no danger or she is small. It resembles a position of ostrich and leads to unpleasant consequences, when, or you have to make anyone who does not need an idea, or watch the world, sitting in a wheelchair. A real courageous man always soberly assesses the situation and takes everything in order to become the winner. The real heroes perfectly understand that the final result does not always depend on you - it is necessary to take into account the unforeseen cases to which it is necessary to prepare. A car that suddenly appeared on the strip, which was denied the brakes or whose driver just fell asleep behind the wheel - from this discharge. The position will save the ability to cool out the situation, and the seat belts will increase the driver's chance to get out of the ceiling position. By the way, if you carefully watch the militants, you can see an interesting detail: Schwarzenegger's characters, Bruce Willis before growing gas and dare to save the world, always use seat belts! Look out the next time!

Being a fastened seat belt is not to limit yourself, not to recognize yourself helpless before destiny. On the contrary, the use of belts gives a person freedom to act on the road in circumstances, the freedom to plan their lives and independence from accidents.

1. All cars must move with near-light headlights or with daytime running lights. Even during the day.

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Our rules are gradually moving towards European rules. In particular, moving with constantly included near light and give way to the road at the entrance to the circle in the old world have been accustomed for a long time. Indeed, the headlights turned on allow you to recognize the approaching car from a larger distance. True, judging by the number of cars moving with the headlights turned off a month before the adoption of changes, the habit changes to many.

2. All drivers and passengers are required to be fastened.

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Ordinary motorists this item does not concern: We have previously been obliged to fasten. The exception was drivers on driving and drivers of car special services. But since, even the "Traine Riding" and the traffic police inspectors themselves also fall into the accident, the legislative initiative to oblige all use belts can be considered useful.

Observe the rules will help new cars: in a large part of the new foreign cars, buzzers are installed, resembling the driver that he left without fastened. Drivers domestic cars And used foreign cars (on which the impressive part of the instructors teaches the driving to lead themselves.

3. The driver needs to skip a pedestrian even if he just entered the roadway.

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Skip pedestrians - necessary. To give way to the road only to the "zebra" - also makes sense. The traffic police thus will be easier to identify violators: before, "not missing" pedestrians could be justified by the fact that the person did not go, but stood on the roadway, and allegedly, was not going to go. The very same pedestrians will not need to go with risk to life for life, but only enough to step on the roadway and get the opportunity to move the road. True, motorists will be much more difficult to recognize whether a person is still on the sidewalk or already on Zebra: it will have to be worth a hundred percent confidence in advance. Perhaps it will save someone's life ...

4. The "Obgon's Forbidden" sign now allows the overtaking of low-speed vehicle and manpiece, as well as mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without a stroller (please note: if road markup Prohibits overtaking, the advance of the above vehicles with the occupation of their strip is impossible).

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With overtaking, the situation is ambiguous. As is strongly explained in the Department of RDPD, you can overtake only the transport marked with the appropriate sign and only if other sections of the rules (in particular, markup) do not prohibit this. Thus, there is no reason to be ahead with the occupation of the strip, without a reason, a slowly moving car, nor the tractor without a "squash" sign. But will the legislators be able to force the tractor driver or the driver of the carriage to mark their vehicle?

5. In the case when the sign is installed before the intersection Circular motion»Drivers who are in a circle have priority.

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