Home Heating What is the punishment for riding without bumper. Is it possible to ride with broken glass or without a bumper. Is it possible to avoid a fine for riding without bumper or pay a penalty with a discount

What is the punishment for riding without bumper. Is it possible to ride with broken glass or without a bumper. Is it possible to avoid a fine for riding without bumper or pay a penalty with a discount

Bumper on our cars is not just an element adding aesthetics to them, participating in the creation of an image and design of a machine that affects aerodynamics, but also a security element. This is an element of security for you, your car and pedestrians, which among other things are also full participants road, not even having a car.
So, once it is also an element of security, it is quite possible to eat certain criteria that attribute the mandatory presence of the bumper by car to control it. Is it so? Is it possible to control the machine without a bumper, not illegally? We will answer these questions in our article.

What is the bumper by car

The name of the paragraph is somewhat detached, but this will be the best way, turn to the question of the goal of the bumper by car.
It turns out in those times when many of our readers have not yet been, they already thought about everything! So in 1947, the UN's European Economic Commission, dealing with issues of economic cooperation between countries. By the way, the USSR became part of this commission in the same distance 1947. So, the UNECE has already released quite a lot of rules, for 2016 about 131, which regulate the requirements for elements and structures on road transport. Based on these rules, internal standards in the country are issued, that is, GOST. One of these guests is GOST R 41.42-99 "Uniform prescriptions concerning approval vehicle In relation to the front and rear protective devices installed on them (bumpers), etc. ". In essence, this is the standard created on the basis of the UNECE Rules N 42.
In the same standard there are chapter 2. "goal"

These goals were achieved by installing protective devices, bumpers in the distant 1980. Note that there is a word about pedestrians. Apparently, then they still did not really think about them ...
So, why did we tell you all this? Here we smoothly approached the fact that protective devices on the machine are protective devices (bumper), while not empty chatter and fiction, but from the definition of an international document! These rules are prescribed by the production requirements and installed protective devices.

However, there is still a wording ...

Our dear readers, this is an excerpt from the "Technical Regulations of the Customs Union." In fact, this document was created on the basis of the UNECE Rules, it even has such lines ...

However, apparently our legislators or their translators did not submit the whole essence of the document. Since we apparently ambiguity. In the rules there are no separation between bumpers and protective devices, which and where should be put. But in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, additional requirements for the installation of the rear and lateral protective devices appeared. Perhaps this is quite acceptable, since the rules are responsible for the requirements for protective devices, but the technical regulations of the Customs Union dictates the requirements for their installation.

Restriction on ride by car without bumper

Now let's turn to the documents on the admission of our TC on the road. In fact, it is "basic provisions for the access of vehicles to operate and the obligation of officers to ensure road safety" to which the "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited."
This list has paragraph 7.5.

7.5. There are no rear protective device, dirt shrinkage and mudguards provided by the design.

What did our legislators mean under the words the rear protective device? In fact, if this is just a bump on the truck, and has nothing to do with the bumper, then everything is normal for the driver. We never found in the documents a clear difference, where the protective device turns into a bumper and vice versa. There are questions, and the answers are not unambiguous. In any case, write out a penalty for violation of paragraph 7.5 "List of faults ..." for a passenger car it is very controversial. However, if it is a truck, then everything is completely legal.

There is another item 7.18 from the same list. He is most versatile.

Here, nothing is said about the changes regarding the specifically bumper, but you can think about them as a private. After all, in essence, the removal of the bumper is a change in the construction and integrity of the vehicle, laid down at the factory. This can be concluded by reading the definition of the "Technical Regulations of the Customs Union ...".

That is, he took off the driver something, the same bumper, whether he set something foreign onwards, this is already a change in the design. Once we still found some points that sewers to the legality of the driver's actions by the driver of the car without bumper, then in this case it is also responsible.

Penalty for riding without bumper

In our case, if the requirements of the "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited", Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is valid.

That is, in the case of removed bumpers, the inspector can make a warning or write a minimal penalty.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for riding without bumper or pay a penalty with a discount

Let's try to feel in the driver's skins, who oh, how I do not want to pay a fine.
First of all, it is necessary to try to urge all acting persons to mind. Estimate risks and consequences. If the inspector wants to write down the driver a fine on paragraph 7.5 of the list ..., it is possible to do this only for the rear bumper or the bump, as it is spelled out. But you know that the rear bumper, if it is a passenger car, in contrast to the front is not much different. Even on the contrary, it is much more complicated to crash somewhere than before. It is necessary to focus on this and for the inspector. So he made a warning, not a fine.
If the inspector decided to write a fine on the basis of paragraph 7.18 "List ...", then it will be possible to make little here. All proceedings are possible only on the fact of writing the appeal and its consideration in the authorized body, that is, in the traffic police. And if you do not agree with them, then in court.
However, there is another option, if the driver was discharged. Since 2016, changes have been made to Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, providing for a discount on individual offenses. These offenses can also include fines under Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. That is, if the driver still discharge a penalty for the lack of bumper, under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, then when paying a fine from the date of registration in the database and no later than 20 days from the date of decision, it will be possible to pay only 50 percent.

Question-Reply on the topic "Fine for a bumper (ride without a bumper)"

Question: Can you write a penalty for the lack of bumper by car, and what will be the penalty?
Answer: Yes, maybe. If this is a rear chipper (bumper), then in accordance with clause 7.5 of the List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. If it is an front or rear bumper, it can be applied in clause 7.18 of the same list. Administrative responsibility There are a warning or minimum penalty at the same case.

You can lose the bumper in the most different reasonsAnd, in fact, it is from this that will depend on the legislative exodus of our question. It's one thing when you drive without a bumper because of the accident, and you simply do not have it or it is in repair or painting. It is quite another thing when you for one or another wanted to get rid of it ... forever. Well, I don't like this piece of plastic, and you don't even want to get from behind it!

Let's see what the law says in both cases: is it possible to ride without a bumper - front and rear, and whether the ride is laid without a fine?

First, let's start with one of the most common arguments of the traffic police inspectors with which those like to operate when trying to drive without bumper - paragraph 7.5 of the fault list under which operation is prohibited (this is NOTE to traffic rules):

7.5. There are no design envisaged rear protective device, Dirt shrinkage and mudguards.

Thus, DPS staff attract with the help of this convincing articles of drivers for 500 rubles of the fine, provided for in Article 12.5.1 of the Administrative Code (which, however, also provides for the driver's warning), which is just referring to the entire list. However, such inspectors are either very smashed, or their knowledge does not correspond to the position. "Rear protective device" is not a bumper at all; The definition of the rear protective device is given in the technical regulation of the TC:

The "rear protective device" is part of the design of vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3 and O4, intended for protection against contacts of the categories M1 and N1 from entering them at the bottom of the rear.

And these categories of cars are trucks and trailers to them. Thus, the rear protective device is a bipper, a controversy device behind the trailer or truck. Here it is:

And therefore, this PDD item refers only to trucks and distale bumpers.

7.18. The design of the vehicle made changes without the permission of the State Inspection of the Road Safety of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation or other bodies defined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

It is obvious that this article is suitable only in case of intentional deliverance from the bumper forever - after all, the bumper is an element of the design of the machine, and, removing the bumper, we thus make a change in this design. The penalty for riding without bumper in this case is also provided for Article 12.5.1 Administrative Code - Warning or 500 rubles. But in case we lost the bumper in an accident, repair it, we paint and the like, it is obvious that this fact It is impossible to count the design change.

Lamborghini Gallardo without rear bumper

But there is another moment - riding a car without a bumper - especially, without the front - most often conjugate with a ride without a state. numbers on the places provided for this (most often on the front bumper modern cars This place is located in the design and sometimes - in the rear bumper), and that is what it speaks to the CACAP on this subject:

Article 12.2, Part 2

Managing a vehicle without state registration signs, as well as driving a vehicle No state registration marks installed on the places provided for this either the management of the vehicle with state registration signs, modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that prevent identification of state registration signs or allow them to change or hide them - imposition administrative fine In the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of one to three months.

As you can see, this is a very serious violation with no less serious responsible. However, if you definitely comply with the conditions Technical Regulations on the installation of license plates (namely the technical model adjusts the "Property" of places to install the rooms), that is, you will not have intention to change or hide the number in mind the absence of the front or rear bumper, and the DPS inspector you will not speak directly about What to go without bumper, because you do not like it, then it will not be fine, and deprivation will not be right.

Here is the extract of the rules for installing rooms from the Technical Regulation:

6. Ensuring the possibility of identifying vehicles under state registration signs.

6.1. On each vehicle, the categories of the M and N should be provided for the installation sites of one front and one rear state registration sign set sizes. On each vehicle, the categories L and O should be provided for installation sites of one rear state registration sign of the established size.

6.2. A place to install a state registration mark should be a flat vertical surface and should be located in such a way as to exclude the sunburning of the state registration sign elements of the vehicle design. At the same time, state registration marks should not reduce the corners of the front and rear sinks of the vehicle, close the external light and light-signaling devices, to play the side envelope vehicle.

6.3. The front state registration mark, as a rule, should be installed along the axis of the vehicle symmetry. The installation of anterior state registration mark is allowed to the left of the axis of the vehicle symmetry in the direction of the vehicle movement.

6.4. The place of installation of the rear state registration mark should ensure the following conditions:

6.4.1. The state registration mark must be established along the axis of the symmetry of the vehicle or to the left of it in the direction of the movement of the vehicle.

6.4.2. The state registration mark should be established perpendicular to the longitudinal plane of the symmetry of the vehicle and perpendicular to the reference plane of the vehicle. However, if the vehicle design does not allow the state registration sign perpendicular to the reference plane of the vehicle, then for state registration signs, the height of the upper edge of which from the support surface is not more than 1200 mm, the deviation from the vertical plane is allowed to 30 °, if the surface, on which establishes a state registration mark, is drawn up and 15 ° if this surface is drawn down.

6.4.3. For the vehicle being in the existing state, the height from the support plane of the lower edge of the state registration sign should be at least 300 mm, and the height of its upper edge should be no more than 1200 mm. However, if the design of the vehicle does not allow to provide the altitude of the state registration sign specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph, its placement is allowed so that the height of its upper edge is no more than 2000 mm.

6.4.4. The state registration mark should be visible in space, limited by four planes, forming visibility angles of at least: up - 15 °, down - 0_15 °, left and right - 30 °.

6.4.5. The possibility of reading the rear state registration sign from a distance of at least 20 m in dark time For the condition of its lighting with regular lanterns, provided by the design of the vehicle for this purpose. This requirement does not apply to the "RUS" and transit inscription, as well as the image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

6.5. For fastening state registration marks, bolts or screws with heads having a color field color or light galvanic coatings should be applied. Also allowed to fasten state registration signs with the help of the framework. Bolts, screws, frames should not block the letters, numbers, edging, inscription "Rus", as well as the image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

It is not allowed to close the state registration sign with organic glass or other materials.

Additional holes on the state registration mark for its fastening on the vehicle or for other purposes are prohibited. If the coordinates of the seating openings of the state registration sign with the coordinates of the vehicle seating holes, transitional structural elements must be provided, providing execution of paragraphs 6.2 - 6.4 of this application.

Cases on the roads are different, and not rarely as a result of a collision, the car loses its primordial appearance. Cried the bold plastic and curved metal like not to all motorists, sometimes damage interfere with the movement of the car. Here, removing certain details, it is important to know how to behave with the inspector in the event of a stop, and that may threate you for riding without the exterior details provided by the manufacturer.

Most often, this question concerns such an element as the front bumper. His absence can cause the attention that the traffic police officer will read you notation, and it will be fined. What a punishment threatens to ride without a bumper, what laws it violates and how to avoid claims from DPS, we will tell us in our article.

Important when driving without bumper, is what causes you have. If you drive a car to the station, where the service will be made, then the claims cannot be called from the staff. Any driver will be ready to understand this situation, and the traffic police officer is no exception. Sufficient will politely explain the situation. However, if you "took up" for you, that is, moments that may afford to turn such an insignificant violation for deprivation of rights.

However, the element itself is not mandatory. If you sent the item to painting, or it is required in a car service for selecting a color - one thing, but if you just do not want to drive with a bumper, then it is different and it is necessary to provide some aspects of traffic rules and do everything by law.

What do you need

If you just drive without a bumper, you need to also know that there are commitments that every driver is obliged to perform. IN this case you must held a state number to the "facade" of your car. Moreover, it should be done so that the employee does not have arguments left, adhering to the following criteria:

  • Provide a flat, vertical, smooth surface;
  • The sign must be installed along the axis of the symmetry of the car or to the left of it;
  • Molding the sign should be mounted or using hardware, the color of which corresponds to the sign field;
  • Fastening should not distort the information available on the sign;
  • The state number, in turn, should not block light signals and reduce the angles of the vehicles.

These requirements are reflected in the Guest concerning the Government, and it must be installed according to these standards. Adapting, place for fastening the number, you remove part of the accusations that may arise from the authorities.

What are the accusations

The traffic police officer can refer to a number of documents that can justify the no legitimacy of the ride without a bumper. Basically, the inspectors refer to the "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited." In this list there are several points at once, which the inspector can quote you. We will get acquainted with them in more detail.

Paragraph 7.5 suggests that moving on the car, in which there are no design provided by the design of the rear protective device, mudflower aprons and mudguards can not be. This comment may touch the ride without the rear bumper, but if you move on a passenger car, you have the mudguards, and only the absence of the rear bumper is noticed, then you will have a violation of you, referring to this item, it will be difficult. On the cargo car A bunch must be installed at the back, which is just the same as a protective device and in case of its absence, the disorder can be registered. FROM passenger cars Such a trick will not pass.

Clause 7.18 states that constructive changes should be made only with the permission of the traffic police or other bodies of the Russian government. Here, from the point of view of the law, everything is true, because the bumper is provided by the manufacturer, respectively, dismantling the bumper, you violate the integrity of the vehicle.

If your car suffered as a result of an accident, and the item is on painting or you are waiting until it is delivered to the service center, then you must have documents confirming. In such situations, you can refer to the fact that the traffic police are informed about the existing constructive faults, respectively, the violation can not be registered.

In the same case when you take off the bumper on your own initiative, you have to register such a change. Moreover, if the design that you install the bumper is different from the factory, it should be reflected in the TC documents. Otherwise, all claims of traffic police officers concerning external view Your car will be fully justified.


If it happened so that you were stopped and charged with you, referring to the "List of faults", then, firstly, it is worth being with an employee polite, and secondly, to set out all the reasons why your bumper is missing. If you removed the front bumper due to repair, then you can hope for a prudence of the inspector, if you do not have arguments to protect the solution to liquidate bumper, you may be launched a warning or administrative recovery of 500 rubles. You can count on loyalty only if the license plate on your car is fixed according to GOST.

To meet on the road a car without bumper - not so and rarity. The reasons for which drivers such cars are forced to ride without it (and it happens that without both bumpers), different. However, not all motorists clearly know, violation is from the point of view of domestic rules of BDD or not. But you can familiarize yourself with whether it is possible to ride without a bumper, it is very important. This information is useful to many real lifecan get rid of trouble.

Purpose of bumper by car

On modern performs several important, unique features. One of them is a purely aesthetic. So, due to its peculiar appearance, a special form, color, the textures, it gives the car a harmonious look, helps to create a colorful design of the car, attracting universal attention to it. In addition, it is entrusted with the most important protective mission - to protect the key construction of the car from deformations with light collisions with other machines or foreign objects. And with a serious accident, the bumper rapidly accepts the first heavy blow, distracting him from the driver and located in the cabin.

Exactly the same important tasks are in front of the rear bumper. And if the absence of at least one of them as an aesthetic element of the machine is still somehow explained, then the removal of its protective part causes questions, including law enforcement agencies. They have a reasonable question from the point of view of people's safety: why the car is devoid of such protection. Her absence is often interpreted as a unauthorized change in the design of the car, which provides for different penalties.

That is why riding without bumper is fraught for a self-confident driver punishment, and if the car enthusiast will still have to resort, it is necessary to figure it out better, find out how and how it can end and in what cases a unwanted fine will succeed, and in what - Lee.

Is it possible to operate a car without the front bumper

Many are interested, whether it is possible to ride without. First of all, it is necessary to figure out for what reason this bumper is missing. If the driver removed it forced, for example, for subsequent repair or painting, which definitely require considerable time, to ride without it problematic and even risky.

A reasonable question of any traffic police officer about the reasons for such a lack can be convincingly parry only when the driver has an official certificate of a recent accident, as a result of which the bumper and had to be removed for correction. However, such an argument is not always effective, and often an unpleasant fine to avoid anything else. In this case, it is not only that there is no bumper. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that it is usually attached to the front government number car. Its installation has its hard standards: the required height of the sign, the angle of inclination, etc. As it is very difficult to withstand these requirements in the absence of the bumper, when you meet with law enforcement, their claims to the driver can automatically go to incorrectly, with violation of the requirements of the claimed state discord. And the punishment for this violation is much more serious than an ordinary penalty in the banal absence of a bumper.

Because of this ride without front bumper It becomes doubly unwanted, and the specialists strongly advise motorists in every way to avoid such options in their practice. If the bumper of the car actually requires a thorough repair or painting, the most logical after his removal does not go to the road, but patiently wait for the final completion of all repairs.

Is it possible to ride without rear bumper

A similar situation occurs in another similar case. Thus, riding without the rear bumper, if desired, can be interpreted as an invalid application of changes in the construction of a car with a subsequent warning or a fine for it. And if in the rear bumper, in addition, the state number was previously located and it was necessary to move, there may be claims for improper installation of the license plate, and in this case, as already noted, a fine is 10 times more, and the driver may be deprived of rights on driving for up to three months. In a word, and in this situation there is a real opportunity to run into a fine, and sometimes quite large, so in this case it is also desirable without an acute need for the road not to leave.

How to place a license plate if the bumper is removed

Such situations, unfortunately, in practice there are often. However, some of the drivers do not give this particular importance, considering the question of trifling, passing serious attention, for which it gets afterwards. "Void" turns into unpleasant explanations with strict traffic police officers, other undesirable consequences, up to major fines and deprivation of rights to driving a car.

So that this does not happen, each driver must be tried to clearly adhere to the requirements of the State Standard on the registration state shows for vehicles. And in this standard, it is clear that the front numbers should be installed on the axis of the vehicle symmetry. However, the possibility of fastening the front registration state name is also allowed and in another format - to the left of the axis of this symmetry, right through the vectors of the machine. In other words, on the left (if watching the driver's eyes from the cabin), anywhere in the front bumper from his center to the edge.

If, it is necessary to try to attach the number on the height you need and under the desired angle - to attach to the design that has exposure. In this case, at a minimum, there should be no pick-up to state awareness. Along the way, we note that other options for its fastening, which are quite common in domestic roads (for example, on the roof of the car, its windscreen, etc.) are violations and punished with fines.

Interested in drivers also and how much it will cost a fine. Answer - Riding without bumper will cost you 500 rubles. Regardless of whether the front bumper is not or rear. True, the driver can get rid and a simple warning, if one may seriously explain the motives of such a ride. In addition, in such cases, the traffic police inspectors often arise claim to the incorrectly established Gosnomer, and for such driving threatens the penalty of 5 thousand rubles, or, as an alternative punishment, deprivation driver's license For a period of up to three months.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for riding without bumper

This is possible only in rare cases. For example, if a car and driver on such a car without a bumper armed with an official certificate of incident. However, after a population of this argument, it may not be enough. As a saving hook is worth remembering that the fine can be avoided if the traffic police inspector considers sufficient to do the warning.

Nevertheless, experienced drivers strongly recommend motorists very suspended to this issue. And the point here is not so much in possible fines and other punishments as in the safety of the car. As - in no way the bumper is actually his reliable and tested defender. If we are talking about the health and life of people, do not risk.

No bumper on our streets do not surprise anyone. Most often, the reason for his distinguishing is simple - damaged detail In repair after an accident. They love to stop such cars, and when the traffic cop is trying to finf the driver for the missing element of the body of his car, it is necessary to ask for what basis.

If the servility presents paragraph 7.5 of the List of faults, in which it is prohibited with the wording "missing the rear protective devices provided by the design", then it is sly. The fact is that the "rear protective device", according to the technical regulations of the Customs Union, this is not a bumper at all, but part of the construction on trucks and trailers in the form of a horizontal crossbar.

But if the police officer incriminates you paragraph 7.18 of the same list, it will be right, because there it is about banning to drive with changes in the design of the machine without the corresponding resolution of the traffic police. The absence of the bumper is quite consistent with the wording, since it is an integral element.

Both specified requirements provide for the same responsibility - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. However, the difference is that if you are presented "correct" clause 7.18 about "changes in the design", you will have more chances to get rid of the warning. But provided that you will show a certificate about.

Still very important moment It is the right location on your machine with a missing bumper. After all, it is often placed on this part of the body. Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code provides for the responsibility for riding a car without "state registration marks established for this places." For it, a fine of five thousand or deprivation of "rights" for a period of one to three months is relying. So installing them on a car without a bumper, it is necessary to observe all the terms of the technical regulations (paragraphs 6 - 6.5).

As for broken windshield, this regulatory document It prohibits even the cracks "in the wiper area of \u200b\u200ba glass of glass, located on the driver's side" (paragraph 4.7). And our traffic rules prohibit ride without glasses (paragraph 7.1), without the "janitor" (paragraph 4.1), without mudguards (paragraph 7.5), without the left side mirror (paragraph 7.1), without headlights and rear Lights (paragraph 3.1). It turns out that the absence of those elements of the exterior, which are specifically not specified, are governed by the same paragraph 7.18, prohibiting the changes to the design. That is, it concerns not only the bumper, but also, for example, the hood.

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