Home Steering What should be in the car according to the rules. What must be in the car: a set of motorist. Useful car accessories

What should be in the car according to the rules. What must be in the car: a set of motorist. Useful car accessories

On whatever car you do not go - on a road or cheap, on a very comfortable or on an economy class car, it can always happen. It is in such situations that may require items in the car that will get out of a difficult situation and at least get to the nearest service. In all, of course, it is impossible to foresee, and even having a scored trunk is hardly advisable. Let's imagine an ideal driver with a huge and suppose he will answer the question - what you need to have in the car.

List of mandatory items in the car.

What does the law requires

When you stop any vehicle in the first queue will require a package of documents - rights, insurance and registration certificate. PTS will not need to make it, it is even recommended to leave at home. Legislative norms require only a few things in a mandatory in the car. By regulations PDD car Equipped with a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign and a first-aid kit. Since 2018 in road rules PDDs were made clause 2.3.4, which also requires a vest with reflective strips. In the absence of any of these elements, the traffic police inspector will definitely write a fine. But it is necessary to take them on the road not only for this reason, but also because each of them will be able to actually help if in an accident.

There are motorists who are trying to save or simply negligently belong to this issue. "Ideal" car enthusiast will put in the car not a standard two-kilogram fire extinguisher, but a cylinder with four liters of charge, and not yet alone, but two. Most of us perfectly understand that it is a rather complicated piece of fire in the car. The "stocked" motorist will have a question to filling the first-aid kit. According to standards, it should include only different dressings, but on the way, and even more so as a result of the accident, other drugs may be required. The first-aid kit is best to recycle with painkillers and medicines that the driver itself takes.

If, when checking the traffic police inspector may require a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and an AO mark, in the absence of any of these items, it cannot require a reflective vest to prevent reflective vest. The absence of a vest is also not punished by a fine. It is important to note that by existing standards 2018, the vest can be replaced by a cape or jacket on which reflective bands are available in accordance with GOST. Another frequent question is how many reflective vests should have a driver in the car. In the perfect version, they must be available in the number of people in the car.

What else takes the experienced driver on the road

All other items that the motorist is desirable to put in the trunk, are absolutely not regulated by any documents, but this list is dictated by vitality.

  • Outlet and jack. The punched wheel is perhaps the most common breakdown during the trip. This problem can be eliminated independently for 10 - 15 minutes, but only with a spare wheel and, of course, the jack. In the absence of any of them, it will be necessary, and this is an extra time and money.
  • Pump. There are situations where the owner of the car discovers a slowly lowering wheel and goes to the tireage. If this problem is detected on the way, then before moving on the wheel you will need to be drunk. To pump up and in the event that in wheels for any reason, pressure dropped sharply, for example, with a sharp change of temperatures. Normal pressure is a prerequisite for safe movement.
  • Cable for towing. This item is better to have in the trunk for cars with mechanical box Transmissions. Machines machines towing are somewhat more complicated and many reasonably prefer to wait for the tow truck.
  • Instruments. Each driver approximately represents which tools it may be needed in the event of an unforeseen breakdown on the road, especially when performing a long trip. Today there are many options for a suitcase with various devices. It will be optimally taken with the key - a ratchet with a full set of nozzles.
  • Canister with water. It may be needed in the case of "boiling" of the motor.
  • Drivers who have air conditioning in the cabin, often put a tank with antifreeze in the trunk.

IN winter time Mandatory set usually changes slightly. The driver needs to take on a trip:

  • Cursting wires. The battery may be discharged at the most inopportune moment and save this situation can only chinting from another car.
  • Brushes and scrapers for glasses. Finding on the glasses may appear even after a short parking lot and, if there is no heating of the glasses, you will have to expect for a very long time until they hide.
  • Shovel. In our climate you never know when snowfall can begin, and, coming out of work or shop, you can often encounter a situation that the car must first dig.
  • Capacity with non-freezing.
  • Gloves - in summer, they need to protect hands from dirt and possible damageBut in winter it is also a heating agent.
  • When planning a long trip to the trunk, it is best to put extra warm clothes and blanks.
  • Different little things - flashlight, tape, tape, spare set of candles and light bulbs, towel water, etc.

Electronic assistants

Today it is quite difficult to meet a car, in which there are no additional electronic devices:

  • DVR - he removes the entire period of the trip and in the case of a controversial situation on the road can hardly help the driver.
  • Navigator will help correctly navigate on the way and choose the best route even on unfamiliar area.
  • Printed maps - when making a long trip, a pre-marked route will become an important insurance in the event of a failure in the work of the navigator - alas, they are not flawless.
  • Antiradar is electronic device It will help to avoid accidental violation of the rules and extra penalties.
  • The radio - this attribute takes mainly truckers on the road.
  • Charging for the phone and adapter to the cigarette lighter. Miscellaneous can happen on the road, and the charging will always be left in touch.

What takes a woman in a car

Woman and car is a special story. Of course, all of the previously listed must be taken with me and a woman-motorist, but in her car you can almost always see a variety of napkins, deodorants and even manicure sets. The only thing that the female driver should understand is to be interpreted shoes in the car. Having received the right, almost none of the excellent sex refuses to carry high heels, and this is categorically not compatible with driving.

Prepared for a trip, having thought over everything in advance and folded into the trunk, you can safely go even in a very long journey. With a rational approach, even unforeseen situations will not be a big problem.

Even the most reliable cars may fail, since the quality of vehicles rarely coincides with the quality road coatings. The causes of breakdowns or other unforeseen situations can be a huge set, and to each of them a car enthusiast should prepare in advance. For this reason, in today's article we will try to answer the question of what must be in the car during the movement.

What can be useful during travel on your own car?

While traveling by car, even at the most pedantic car owner, there are situations when it needs the simplest tools for replacing the wheel or assisting victims in the accident. Therefore, prescription from traffic rules indicating the need to have mandatory objects in the car - this is primarily a vital necessity than the rule. It should also be noted that the list of items specified in the PDD is far from comprehensive, since it includes only:

fire extinguisher;

First aid kit;

Sign for designation emergency stop.

This list can be replenished depending on which state is the car, how long the long trip you planned on it, and even what time of the year reigns outside the window. For example, throwing a chain in the car trunk on the wheels in the summer will not be absolutely no sense, although in the winter they can come in handy if not for you, then other participants of the movement. We will understand more about what necessary things for the car driver should always have at hand.

Learning the standard set of motorist

Having understood with what should lie in the car according to the rules, we turn to the question that should lie in the car as needed. In this regard, there are a lot of questions a new first-aid kit, which, according to the order of the Ministry of Health, should contain only bandages, gauze bandages, dressing packages, harness, scissors and several other items that are also not drugs.

On the one hand, the logic of the main doctors of the country is understandable: such a composition of the firstchka is acceptable absolutely for all drivers who do not have medical education. But in practice it turns out that very often, having an anesthetic with him, drivers can save the victim in the accident from painful shock, which could deprive the person of life even before arriving soon. Especially illogical abandoning drugs by those drivers who themselves suffer from certain diseases and from time to time need medicines.

Important! Despite the prescriptions of traffic rules, it is better to put additional drugs in the first aid kit, which, in your opinion, can save your life or affected by the accident to other participants of the movement on the road.

The same discussions arise among drivers and in relation to the fire extinguisher. The fact is that the standard powder type fire extinguisher for cars has a charge of only 2 kg, whereas in practice it does not always have a fire extinguisher with a charge of 4 kg. For this reason, the car is better to have two fire extinguishers so that they really helped in a real need.

What repair tools are the most important on the road

Technical means and tools are not so important on the road, but they will also be worth it to always have at hand, for whatever long distance you go. We will analyze a list of such tools and fixtures for the car:

1. The most vulnerable in the car is considered the wiring, so the additional wires in case of burnout is always important to have at hand. In particular, we are talking about wires, with which if necessary, you can "bribe" from another battery.

2. A towing cable capable of withstanding a load of 5 or more tons without any problems. To do this, it is necessary to choose either a very wide sling or steel cable that show themselves as the most reliable under operational conditions.

Good to know! Antifreeze also very often freezes, although there are special fluids that remain liquid even at -40 ° C. However, during freezing, it does not expand, but simply crystallizes, without damaging other parts of the car.

3. A basic set of tools that can be very extensive. True, carrying with you the whole garage is also not worth it, because it is a car weighty, and there will be no place in the trunk. Therefore, it is better to take with you only:

a set of wrench (or at least a key, with which you can remove and install battery terminals);

Balcony key;

Key to remove candles;

Screwdriver (it is better to have a cross and flat);


Set of heads for unscrewing hard-to-reach nuts.

4. Outlet and jack, without which you are unlikely to install it.

5. Pump. You can choose a foot version, but recently motorists increasingly prefer the compressor, which can be activated from the car cigarette lighter.

6. Antifreeze for air conditioner. It is desirable that he be the same brand that and flooded into the cooling system.

7. Distilled water in case of "boiling".

8. "Immindle" for a washer, without which it is difficult to do in the winter.

Good to know! "Immediately" for washers can be done with their own hands. To do this, you can use conventional vodka (0.5 liters), distilled water (2 liters) and several drops of detergent for dishes (to kill the smell of alcohol).

9. Small volume motor oilwhich you use on your car.

10. Funnel, with which it will be convenient to fill in the system both oil and antifreeze.

11. Set of fuses for your car.

12. Set of candles for emergency replacement.

13. Lamps for headlights (carry the entire kit with you will be superfluous, so put in the car only the lamps of the near light in the car).

14. Lamp. Suitable on batteries, and working from the cigarette lighter, although ideally it is better to have a universal or two at once.

15. Sandpaper. Although there is no visible need for it, but on old cars it constantly lacks to stripping contacts.

16. Gloves for execution repair work And rags.

17. Jackknife.

18. Canister with water, which may be needed and for laundering of state leaders from dirt, and just for washing hands.

19. Brush for cleaning glass from snow.

20. Tester that will help find the current leakage place in the electric network of the car.

21. Special toolwhich will help defrost the castle in the winter.

Useful trifles for the car "On the Full Road"

Short trips, if necessary, give the driver and its passengers the opportunity to quickly get home, leaving the car at the site of the accident and also quickly return to him with required tools. But if the trip is predicted lasting, it is worth taking care of some useful trifles for the car:

1. Gasoline in the canister. This is the most important thing that you need to have with you in a long road, the presence of refueling on which it remains unknown. But, in addition to gasoline, it is also worth throwing a fuel to the tank to the tank in the trunk to fuel and the corrugated tube.

2. Old clothes which will be able to protect you from unforeseen weather conditions and can be useful if you need to urgently perform repairs (do not soar in this case, new clothes).

3. Ax. It is especially important to have it at hand if the trip can make you on rough terrain.

4. Sapper shovel which is useful in the snow, and in the dirt.

5. Everything necessary to ignite the campfire - Paper I. special fluid (In the case of its absence, gasoline can be useful).

6. Drinking water.

7. Charging for the phone and spare phone (They also take care that the charging from the phone can be connected to the cigarette lighter).

8. Insulating tape.

9. Changes for wiring.

With such a set of useful things in the car you can go on any journey. However, in some cases, even this list is insufficient.

What is worth stocking driver?

The car is a special story, since the female needs at times exceed the needs of men. Therefore, the driver driver must take care of the presence of the following useful trifles for the car:

- drinking water must be sure;

Something for fast snack - chocolate, dried fruits, nuts (it is worth noting that the chewing process soothes well and allows you to focus in a difficult situation on the road, so you can remember the snacks);

Napkins - as much as possible (they will come in handy for personal hygiene, and in the case of a cut, and if necessary, remove a stain from clothing);

- the necessary means for removing and applying a manicure, because in the car Varnish can fall off when you press any button (in addition to the manicure set, the hands will be alike);

Gloves - if for male car They are desirable, then in women they are mandatory;

Spare tights, and better several pairs and different colors at once;

Hygiene products, as well as a toothbrush, paste, deodorant;

Skaper - money that may be needed very unexpectedly.

Important! In no case do the driver of the driver without removable shoes, which is constantly being left in the car. Remember, heels and driving are two incompatible things!

What can be needed when driving on a car in winter?

Winter - a special time for car enthusiasts. Rather, it is the most difficult, because all fluids freeze from frost, locks do not open, does not want to work the motor, it is constantly necessary to clean the glass to get good visibility on the road, you need to take care of winter rubber etc. To reduce the number of unpleasant curiosities on winter RoadWe recommend bringing the following fixtures and tools with you:

- a shovel that will be extremely useful in case of strong blizzards and large snowdrifts on the road;

A small amount of rubble and sand will become best helpers when the road surface is icing;

Chain on the wheels preventing a glide (it is especially important to take it with you on a long trip);

Important! Properly exploit the chains of anti-skid, as they can lead to very rapid wear of tires and even to emergency situations. Alternatively, plastic covers for tires can be used, which perform the same role as the chains.

- Warm clothes for yourself and passengers: gloves, blanket, woolen socks, heating.

Food and hot drinks that are better hiding in a thermos. Food take the most satisfying.

Flashlight, which is especially important to have in winter, because at this time of the year the sun early goes beyond the horizon.

With a similar set you can cope with any breakdown at any distance from the city and in any weather. With any trip, remember that your safety is largely dependent on you, so choose the most familiar and safe roads for movement.

On the road, a variety of situations are possible, and sometimes, capturing with you one or another item, it is possible not only with minimal losses to deal with a small breakdown interfering with continuing movement, but also save lives and health to yourself or another driver who has fallen into trouble. In the rules road There is a list of objects that should be with you for each motorist, but this list is difficult to call exhaustive, and the components included in it may be different quality, cost and applied value.

PDD obliges the driver to carry out with you only 3 items - fire extinguisher, first aid kit and sign of emergency stop. In fact, a list of what the driver can come in handy is much more extensive.

In addition to this obligatory list, drivers often carry with them other items that, based on their experience, can provide invaluable assistance in one way or another. These items can be divided into several categories for the appointment and degree of necessity. Some of them makes no sense to carry with you if the trips are limited to the route "From work - to work", they are enough to keep them at hand to put in the trunk before the far dear. In addition, there is also a seasonal division, since to carry with you, for example, a warm blanket in the thirty-degree heat is not necessary, and the fire for ignition campfire is just dangerous.

The traffic police obliges drivers to carry out only three subjects: a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign and. These things must be in case of an emergency, and the presence of them checks the inspector if you are undergoing inspection in a paragraph relating to the structure of the traffic police. However, in fact, even these items, with the exception, except that the sign of an emergency stop is caused by stormy disputes.

Of course, in the need to have a fire extinguisher and a fixture of a sensible person will not be doubting. However, the same, the contents of which are described in the relevant order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which entered into force on July 1, 2010, causes many issues. According to the orders, the automotive aid kit should have a set of bandages of different widths, a set of leukoplasties of three species, sterile gauze napkins, a dressing package, a hemostatic harness, a device for artificial respiration of the mouth-in-mouth, scissors, medical gloves and instructions for using all these items.

This strange, from the point of view of many motorists, the kit appeared as a result of the fact that the Ministry decided to go along the way of refusing to all medicines. According to the theory, only qualified specialists can use drugs, but in fact, the emergency arrival is sometimes waiting for a sufficient long, so that without painkillers, the victims risks die from pain. It is the decision to abandon drugs causes the hottest disputes. Many motorists believe that in this case it is necessary to carry with a syringe and a primitive painkillers (like analgin) in ampoules.

Even with such, it would seem obvious points of the list, like a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit, in practice, everything is not so simple ...

With fire extinguishers, not everything is simple. According to the instructions, this device must be safe, and the fire extinguishers of powder type are recognized. Practice shows that for more or less effective use, it is necessary to have a fire extinguisher with a charge of at least 4 kilograms with a hose and a nozzle, and by what is sold as part of numerous "motorist sets" (at best, 2 kilograms of charge), put out that - It is quite problematic, because in order to knock down the flame from the engine, most often, it is necessary to "get out" from the fire extinguisher several times. In this case, the charge of a small fire extinguisher will simply be insufficient.

Technical means

This is the second most important group of items that are not bad in the car, as they help to get out of the most common emergency situationsarising during the movement.

A group can be divided into two subgroups - a basic set of objects and tools that may be needed at any time, and an extended list designed for fees to the long road.

A set that is not bad to have with you always:

  • wires to power the ignition from the battery of another car;
  • towing cable with the estimated load limit of at least 5 tons (wide lip or steel);
  • basic tool kit (wrenches, at least allowing you to remove and put on the bar of the battery terminal, balcony key, candle wrench, pliers, cross and flat screwdrivers, set of heads);
  • and jack;
  • a pump foot or compressor that works from the cigarette lighter;
  • the same brand as in the cooling system of your car;
  • distilled water;
  • for the tank of the glass woolr;
  • small capacity;
  • (or oil for gearbox, bridges, depending on the type of car);
  • small funnel for pouring oil or antifreeze;
  • a set of fuses;
  • set of candles;
  • the lamp, working from the cigarette lighter, and preferably - another small lantern on batteries;
  • emery paper stripping;
  • working gloves;
  • jackknife;
  • rag;
  • canister with water;
  • means for dry cleaning of hands;
  • brush with a scraper for snow cleaning and innau from glasses;
  • tester;

Another one should add to this list. It lists the items that have to take with them, going to the long road:

  • canister with a gasoline of the desired brand and a fitting for pouring into a tank or a separate funnel with a large socket and a long corrugated tube;
  • old clothes (in the long way the possibility of the need for unexpected repairs increases, and climatic conditions may be unfavorable. It is best to take a warm old jacket, which will protect from the cold, mosquitoes, rain, etc.);
  • ax;
  • shovel sapper;
  • paper and liquid for ignition;
  • bottle of mineral water;
  • charging for the phone (and even better, in addition to charging, another old, but in a charged spare phone in advance);
  • insulating tape;
  • changes for wiring.

A set for a long road can be discussed infinitely, as much depends on the time of year, during which the ride, region, climate and so on occurs. However, guided by an approximate basic list, you can be sure that with most of the standard troubles will be able to cope with their own.

Each person at least once in his life, being driving a car, came across any unexpected situation. Today we will talk about what must be in the car. And also about what else you can carry with you.

Standard set

But how among many, it would seem, the necessary things to choose exactly those that are really needed? Let's first decide what should be in the car according to the rules.

The mandatory standard set of motorist, according to the rules of the road, includes: a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign, or a flashing flashlight, as well as fire extinguisher.

Also, PDD is specified that the first-aid kit and the fire extinguisher must be placed in places with a fastening, which is provided for by the manufacturer of the car. If there is no such place in your vehicle, then these items must be placed in an easily accessible place. It is categorically impossible to place them in a car trunk.

Fire extinguisher

It is a very important attribute in the car. But there are various types of fire extinguishers, each of which has its pros and cons. We'll figure it out now, what fire extinguisher should be in the car.

The most suitable B. this case Are carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. The capacity of their housing should be at least two liters.

The fire extinguisher should be placed in the cabin next to the driver. That is why it is not allowed to keep it in the trunk, since access to it may find it difficult.

A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is a red cylinder. During the triggering of carbon dioxide is thrown up to a distance of two meters as a cloud. Acid evaporates and leaves no traces in transport. Such a fire extinguisher can be stored for a long time, since it does not lose its properties. It has a high penetrating ability in hard-to-reach places.

But he has and cons. During the use of the socket is cooled, which can cause a burn. That is why you should not keep it in this place. There is a possibility of light electric shock. When using a person can inhale carbon dioxide.

Powder fire extinguisher is a crushed mineral salt with additives. They are divided into three types: gas-generating, otkaya and with high pressure cylinders.

The first is based on the use during the launch of gas energy for the emission of stewing substance. Secondly contains inert gas or pressure air. Thirdly, inside there is a cylinder containing compressed air.

Aid kit

Speaking of what must be in the car should be given, attention should be paid and an equally important subject - a first-aid kit. Determine what should be in the car aid kit.

The list of medicines contained in it is established by the Ministry of Health, which recommends to have the following drugs: harness, sterile bandage, hemostatic napkins, adhesive plaster, dressing package, iodine solution, heartfall and painkillers, nitroglycerin single interest and additional objects (scissors with stupid ends, Gloves, valve for ventilation lungs, pins, instructions and, of course, Case for medicines).

But before buying this important suitcase, make sure that he has no expiration date. In no case keep the first-aid kit on the shelf near rear glass. In the summer it will be exposed to sunlight and overheat, and in the winter - on the contrary. Most the best place For its placement - from the bottom of the seat.


Beginners are often asked about what documents should be in the car.

Each driver should have a driver's license (right), insurance certificate, certificate of vehicle registration and coupon technical inspection. It is better to store documents in the glove compartment: convenient and reliable.

Until recently, a mandatory document was a power of attorney (in the case when you manage a foreign vehicle). Now it is optional.

So that the car was healthy

In order for unforeseen situations less, it is necessary to follow the health of your car. In the arsenal, the driver of the car must be: jack, spare wheel and compressor.

The jack, which is attached to the car when buying, does not inspire confidence, as it can bring in the most unexpected moment. Although it is quite enough for trips around the city. But for lovers of relaxing in nature and travel suitable option will be a hydraulic jack.

With a spare wheel much easier. It should not be new. Due to the different grip of the wheels of the new and old rubber, when turning and when braking, the car can enter. And do not forget that winter tires should be in the winter in the winter.

To pump the bus on the road, you need a compressor. Manual although they are still used, but no longer popular, but electrical is very convenient in use. They pumped the wheel in a few minutes.

Little things that are also important

Speaking on the topic "What must be in the car," tell about some of the trifles that can help you even in a difficult situation.

Stuck on the road, I would like to have a set of tools, which includes a screwdriver, several keys and passage. From spare parts in the car there may be candles, fuses and spare light bulbs.

When choosing a towing cable, pay attention to the reliability of fastening and carbine.

The wires of "cigarette" can be useful, as well as a brush and scraper, which will help you in the winter when cleaning the ice of glasses and cars from snow as a whole.

Even with small repair, it is likely to get dirty, so in the trunk you can carry old unnecessary clothes and gloves.

If the driver is a girl ...

Behind the wheel of the car, not only men, but also a fair sex representatives. But what must be in the lady's car, consider below.

If you wear heels, you must take with you replaceable shoes without a heel. It will come in handy with small repair, and also if the legs are tired.

Always carry in the car shift tights and an umbrella in the rain case, which will save your image in bad weather.

We will not be able to purchase a roadmap in case of long-distance trip. Car charger For the phone is also a very important attribute in the female car.

If you are still an inexperienced driver, then it is better to load the car to the maximum. Over time, becoming a more experienced "driver", half of the things can be unloaded from the car.

Having considered that it must necessarily be in the car, I would like to say that everything is impossible to take everything. Exactly the same way as to predict the trouble. Knowing what exactly you need to take with you, comes with precious experience. Only then you, leaving unnecessary, take the most necessary.

Good luck on the road, driver!

The following legislation Russian Federation Citizens know that there is a certain series of things that everything - from newcomers to motorists are obliged to acquire in their vehicle.

Such objects are approved by the state for several years, but the replenishment in the list for 2020 was only a vest with reflective properties, which meets the requirements of the State Standard of the Russian Federation. Of course there is still no list of basic items for several years ahead, so we turn to the necessary subjects that each driver should have in your car.

List of mandatory documents that give the right to move any driver

In the list necessary documents can see:

  • driver's license (rights);
  • insurance policy;
  • registration certificate of vehicle.

Necessary things that should lie in all cars that are going to ride on the roads of the Russian Federation:

  • fire extinguisher;
  • vest having reflective elements;
  • car aid kit;
  • CJSC (emergency stop sign).

Car aid kit

It all starts with the fact that in this cherished box it is forbidden to keep any tablets, since often force majeures happen due to the fact that motorists took the tablet and did not comply with the desired dosage. It is not recommended to have iodine and green, for with strong road injuries, it is impossible to help a person with the help of these funds. Specialists advise to store the necessary drugs (for example, cardiovascular medication) separately.

Objects required for availability in the auto machine:

  • plaster / leucoplasty;
  • harness, which will help stop the bleeding from the injured passenger;
  • small scissors of medical specialization;
  • latex gloves;
  • 5,10,14-centimpical non-sterile gauze bandages and bandages;
  • cleaned napkins of small sizes;
  • some instructions on how to apply the "insides" aid kits;
  • ambulated napkins of different sizes;
  • seven, ten-, fourteen-centimiment sterile gauze bandages.

First aid kit is possible to buy in any pharmacy, specialty store or on filling stations. Experts recommend buying it in pharmacies, as the motorist has the opportunity to personally make sure that the expiration of all the necessary items inside, checking what they did not expire.

The main requirement for the auto-timer itself is the production dates of all means that are inside. If at least something is overdue, if any means, or in general, in the event of a first-aid kit, the autoin aspor has all the authority to assign.

Fire extinguishers

Basic storage rules and availability:

  • The fire extinguisher in a normal car, not a truck and not in a motorcycle, must weigh no more than 2 kilograms;
  • mandatory marking must stand where the date of manufacture is indicated;
  • it is necessary that it is powder or carbon dioxide, but at all in no way foam and definitely not water.

For non-separation to combat fire extinguisher in the form of fire extinguisher, the autoin aspor is obliged to write

Vest with reflective abilities

  • there must be a strip on the vest, the achievement of at least five centimeters should be present in the width;
  • instead of vest, the car owner has the opportunity to buy a reflective jacket;
  • be sure to have no more than two strips that can reflect the light, it does not matter on a jacket or vest, the main thing is not more than two.

Here car enthusiasts are waiting for a pleasant surprise: if the jacket or vest, the auto inspector is not able to apply any sanctions.

CJSC (emergency stop sign)

Mandatory conditions established by GOST:

  • reflectors must have exceptionally red;
  • the lengths of all sides of the sign must be no more than 50 centimeters;
  • the sign is needed on the official approval;
  • the edges of the triangle must be rounded.

What is the price of each required subject?

The first aid kit costs about 400 rubles, but in different stores and regions the cost ranges from two hundred to nine hundred rubles.

The fire extinguisher corresponding to the federal standards costs about 500 rubles, but the price ranges from four hundred rubles to two and a half thousand rubles.

Vest with reflective elements made according to state standard stands costs about 200 rubles.

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The price of CJSC is about two hundred rubles.

What should be accommodated in the car trunk?

Lift. Spare tires will be useful when right on the road away from civilization damaged the wheel.

Pump required in case of puncture or wheel shutter.

The brush and scraper will need a motorist at a colder time of the year, since in the morning it is always necessary to clean the car from snow.

Tools (hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, keys, roulette and others).

The cable will need a motorist when the machine is stuck, and it will need to be pulled out.

Objects that each motorist should possess:

  • flashlight, which will be needed to all drivers in dark time day;
  • dVR, what modern world It is a necessary thing. He will be any driver assistant if an accident occurs;
  • the navigator is necessary for the driver in unknowns for him, when the motorist is not very well oriented on the ground;
  • sunglasses are needed when the sun blinds eyes and the driver is difficult to lead vehicle.

What do you need to have truck and buses drivers?

  1. extended autoapping;
  2. fire extinguisher that meets the requirements of the GOST;
  3. vest or jacket with reflective elements;
  4. at least two stops preventing a rollback of the vehicle.

What do you need to have motorcyclists?

  1. autoapplerette;
  2. vest or jacket with reflective elements must have motorcycle owners with a trailer.

Drivers of means of movement without strollers and trailers need to have exclusively CJSC and vest or a jacket with reflective elements

Is it possible not to get a fine in case of non-specific things in the vehicle?

Naturally, all of the above objects should have in the car, and, in the event of a vehicle stop, the auto inspector, the car owner can get a fine.

The driver's set is his personal belongings that he is not obliged to show the inspector. That is, if the owner of the car claims that all the necessary items in his car are available, then check this inspector has the right only when carrying out inspection, but it must have good reasons For inspection and resolution.

If, the car owner himself says that he does not have anything in his car, then the traffic police inspector will have the reasons for writing a penalty to this person for non-compliance with the rules and requirements. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and not to disclose all the secrets inspector, even if he is trying to declassify you.

Thus, all of the above items must have each driver, first of all, for its own safety on the roads. These things will always be rescue in unexpected situations, an accident or vehicle breakdowns.

Using a first-aid kit, it is possible to maintain a stable state of health prior to arrival soon or before arrival at a more comfortable destination.

With the help of a fire extinguisher, you can smear even small fires.

With the help of a vest with elements, it is possible to travel by car owners on the roads, in unlit spaces, when a car broke or an accident happened.

The CJSC is obligatory in the event of an accident or forced stopping on the track or the road to inform the rest of the drivers about finding the car on the way at the dark intervals of the day or notify that the vehicle is on the road for some kind of forced reasons.

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