Home Torkemose The use of a locomotive auxiliary brake. Control brakes of a cargo train. Manage brakes in passenger trains

The use of a locomotive auxiliary brake. Control brakes of a cargo train. Manage brakes in passenger trains

To regulate the speed of the train and stop its stop, the three main types of braking using pneumatic trains are used: stepped, full service and emergency. The reduction in pressure is evaluated by pressure in the equalization tank and control the brake mains pressure gauge. A prerequisite for all types of braking is to turn off the locomotive controller. In addition to pneumatic braking, electric (rolling and recuperative) is used to control the speed and stopping in the presence of it on the traction rolling stock.

Step braking. After switching off, the controller of the MAC-NIST reduces the pressure in the equalization tank and the brake line of passenger and electric trains by 0.3-0.5 kgf / cm2, and in long-term and double trains, more than half of the wagons of which are equipped with a speedy triple valves - by 0.7 -0.8 kgf / cm2. In cargo trains, at the first stage of braking, the pressure in the brake line is reduced by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm2, in the empty - by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm2, and in cases where the train follows the latter descents, - 0.7-0.8 kgf / cm2. On the flat path with a descent to 8% 0 when followed by the green fire of the traffic light or free distillation, it is allowed to reduce the pressure of 0.3-0.5 kg / cm2 in addition to checking the action of autotractors).

IN winter for low temperatures and snowfalls The first stage of braking should be made to decrease the pressure in cargo loaded trains by 0.8-0.9 kgf / cm2, in the empty by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm2, passenger normal length by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm2. Strengthening braking freight train They produce a step of 0.5-1.0 kgf / cm2.

With electropneumatic brakes, the first stage of service braking is performed by moving the handle of the driver's crane into the braking position until the pressure in the brake cylinders of a locomotive or head car carrion does not reach 0.8-1.5 kgf / cm2 (depending on the speed and steepness descent). The last step is performed as needed to full service braking.

Reducing the pressure in the brake line during braking depends on the type of train, its lengths, steepness of descents, as well as on the maintenance conditions on the site. Based on these conditions, the driver has the right to choose a decrease in pressure in the highway when performing braking, but not least above. The best smoothness of the braking of the train is ensured by the discharge of the brake line in one reception at the beginning of the braking by the amount of the first stage.

When the pressure in the brake line is reduced to the required value on the pressure gauge, the handle of the driver's crane is moved to the overlap position and maintain it to obtain a full braking effect from this braking stage. If the brake force from the first stage of braking is insufficient to reduce the speed of the train or stop it in the specified location, the second stage is made, and if required, then the subsequent steps. For passenger and freight trains of all types, the subsequent stages of braking are performed, reducing the pressure in the highway by 0.3-1.0 kgf / cm2, depending on the need and conditions of conducting the train. If the initial stage of braking is associated with a decrease in pressure in the brake line of more than 1 kgf / cm2 in the case of automatic brakes or pressure in brake cylinders, more than 2.5 kgf / cm2 in the case of electropneumatic brakes, it is pre-in order to prevent the Sandbox to prevent locomotive.

As an example in Fig. 25 and 26 shows the pressure curves in the brake line and the movement speed recorded on the rain of the speedman for trains of various masses led by various traction rolling stock along the path of various profiles. As is known, the pressure curve in the brake line on the rain of the speedman is shifted by 20 mm to the right relative to the speed curve.

In unfavorable winter conditions on steep started descents Under the snowfall and snow drifts, the first stage of braking at the beginning of the descent in cargo trains should be performed, reducing the pressure in the brake line by 1.0-1.2 kgf / cm2 and, if necessary, increase the pressure reduction corresponding to the full service braking. At anter and ice when the clutch power

the wheels with rails decreases, it is necessary for 50-100 m to the start of the braking of the braking to act as a sandbox and serve sand on the rails until the train stops or finishes braking. The first stage of braking is performed in advance until the speed reached the maximum set value on the descent. This is necessary because after the start of braking, the speed can increase some time until the brakes come into action. If the first stage of braking is insufficient, use the second and subsequent steps in order to not exceed the maximum permissible speed when the slope is moving along the slope or to ensure the train stop in the installed location. Braking mode The driver chooses depending on the profile of the path and the actual efficiency of the brakes in the train; It should be remembered that it is impossible to allow the depletion of the brakes, for which the pressure in the highway is less than 3.8 kgf / cm2 in the cargo and 3.5 kgf / cm2 in the passenger train, as well as a decrease in braking efficiency.

Complete service braking. This type of braking is used in exceptional cases, if necessary, stopping the train or a reduction in its speed at a distance of a slower braking. For this, the driver reduces the pressure in the equalization tank (brake line) for one reception by 1.5-1.7 kgf / cm2, but not more than 2.0 kgf / cm2. Previously drive the auxiliary brake of the locomotive and serves sand under the wheels.

Full service braking (Fig. 27) is used mainly if necessary, stop the train or in cases where step braking does not provide the desired reduction in the speed of the train.

If you need to apply full service braking when moving on cool descents, It is impossible to discharge the brake line to a pressure of less than 3.8 kgf / cm2. In the event of such a situation at a pressure of the brake line below 3.8 kgf / cm2, it is necessary to stop the train, activate the auxiliary brake of the locomotive, after which it is possible to release the automatic brakes and in the parking lot before the movement starts to charge the brake network.

With electropneumatic brakes, a complete braking in one reception, the driver performs, moving the handle of the crane of the driver No. 334E to the position IV, and the cranes No. 328 and 395 to the V3 position to actuate the electropneumatic brakes without discharging the highway before creating pressure in the brake cylinders of traction rolling stock 3, 8-4.0 kgf / cm2; After that, the crane handle must be translated into the overlapping position.

Emergency braking. It is used in all trains and on any path of the path in cases where further movement threatens danger and need to stop the train. Perform this brake

waiting for the handle of the driver's crane to the traffic of the braking extension; When doubled, if necessary, use the combined tap of the second locomotive. After transferring the handle of the driver's crane or a combined crane to the position emergency braking The driver must actuate the sandbox and auxiliary brake of the locomotive and turn off the traction engines. To ensure the greatest braking efficiency, the handle of the driver's crane or the combined crane must be left in the state of emergency braking, and the handle of the auxiliary brake crane is in the extreme braking position until the train stops. The processes occurring during emergency braking are explained by curves.

Emergency braking can also be caused by the opening of a stop crane, disconnecting or separating the brake trigger connecting sleeves, as well as the triggering of the highway. In these cases, it is necessary to immediately make an emergency braking of the driver with a crane, and then turn off the traction engines, actuate the sandbox and auxiliary brake of the locomotive.

Vacation brakes. Depending on the conditions of movement, a complete or stepped vacation can be applied. Complete vacation brakes The driver produces to stop braking. Having setting the handle of the driver's crane to the position withstand it in this position (depending on the type of preceding braking and the train length) or for a certain time or before reaching the necessary pressure in the equalization tank; Then move the handle of the driver's crane on the train position.

Complete vacation can be performed without increasing the pressure in the brake network of the train in excess of the charging or exceeding it. For example, in freight trains with charging pressure in the brake line 5.3-5.5 kgf / cm2, with a complete leave of autotractoros after service braking, it is necessary to keep the handle of the driver's crane to position I, while the pressure in the equalization tank does not reach 5.8-6, 0 kgf / cm2. After reducing the pressure to the normal charger, if necessary, it is raised again.

Handling autolikes in a cargo train after emergency braking, the driver rendering the handle of the driver's crane to position I and holds it in this position until the pressure in the equalization tank is 3.0-3.5 kgf / cm2 in the absence of a stabilizer at the driver's crane and 6.5- 6.8 kgf / cm2 in the presence of it. In the passenger ^ diesel and electric train after service braking, the driver withstands the crane handle at position i until the pressure is obtained in the equalization tank 5.0-5.2 kgf / cm2, and after emergency - up to 3.0-3.5 kgf / cm2, In short-pass trains - up to 1.5-2.0 kgf / cm2. Then the driver turns the torn position handle.

The full vacation of electropneumatic brakes in one reception is performed by moving the handle of the driver's crane to position I, hold it in this position until the pressure increases in the equalization tank to 5.2-5.4 kgf / cm2, after which they are translated on the train position.

The brake vacation process does not end with the transfer of the driver's crane knob from the position I on the train position; It continues for some time, and in the tail of the train longer than in the head. It should be borne in mind if, after braking and stopping the train, it must be changed again. In this case, it should be shut-to-complete brake leaves, the duration of which depends on the length of the train and the types of air distributors of the wagons. If this is not done, while touching the train with ordinary brakes, significant dynamic forces will arise,

can lead to rupture frames of cars and car trap devices. Time from the moment of translating the handle of the driver's crane to position I before moving the train in motion hesitates from 15 ° C to 3 minutes for passenger trains and from 1.5 to 6 min for freight. For long-composite trains with more than 350 axes, when locomotive in the head head, the specified time increases by 1.5 times. Machisters should be borne in mind that when driving a train with not "- the power of the resistance of the movement significantly increases significantly, the starting process is complicated, the current loads and consumption of fuel and energy resources increase.

The brake discovery is used to regulate the brake force and maintain the speed of certain limits when driving on the brakes on the brakes. For this, somewhat increases the pressure in the brake line, while the braking effect does not disappear, but slightly decreases. To produce a stepped vacation, the driver transfers the handle of the driver's crane to position II and holds it until the pressure increases in the equalization tank at each stage of the vacation at least 0.3 kgf / cm2.

With a step of vacation of electropneumatic brakes, the pressure in the brake line does not increase; The braking force is partially adjusted, the production of air from the brake cylinders by the valves of electric agriculture. For stepped leave of the electropneumatic brakes, the passenger or motor-speaking train driver briefly moves the handle of the driver's crane from the position of the blocks on the train and again to the overlapping position; The last stage of the vacation is performed, withsting the handle of the driver's crane in position i until the pressure is increased in the equalization tank to 5.2-5.4 kgf / cm2.

Using an auxiliary brake locomotive. To choose the process of movement, the auxiliary brake of the locomotive is used both in conjunction with the brakes of the composition and independently. At the same time, in order to avoid a sharp slowdit for the movement of the locomotive and the emergence of large longitudinal-dynamic forces on the train at a speed of 50 km / h and less slowing down the auxiliary brake tap must be steps, except for the emergency stop case. Conducting the auxiliary brake of passenger and cargo locomotives, systematic efficient braking with an increase in pressure in the brake cylinders per reception to more than 1.5 kgf / cm2 should be avoided. If, according to the maintenance of the train, it is necessary to brake in the auxiliary brake with a pressure in the brake cylinders more than 1.5 kgf / cm2, then it is produced during comb brake pads Repeated step after exposure to the pressure in the cylinders to 1.5 kgf / cm 2 for 0.5-1.0 min.

Providing security requirements. Strict observance of traffic safety rules should be one of the main provisions of national train driving regimes, especially in brake mode

. When approaching the stations that prohibit signals and signal reduction signals, the driver is obliged to act in advance to activate the autotorosis and reduce the train speed so as to prevent the location of the installed stop at the station, the limit batch, and the speed reduction signal and the actions of the warning is to proceed at the set speed. In the event of a train at the scheduled stop, the braking should begin the first step and after a decrease in speed by 25--50% of the initial, if necessary, to strengthen braking. When following a freight train at a speed of more than 80 km / h and the appearance on the locomotive traffic light of a yellow fire, the machinist should bring the brake into action by reducing the pressure in the equalization tank in the loaded train by 0.8-1.0 kgf / cm2, in $ 0 , 5-0.7 kgf / cm2. At a lower speed of movement and the long-length, the braking blocks should begin taking into account the speed and efficiency of the brake means at the corresponding distance from the traffic light.

The traffic light with yellow signal fire must be followed by observing the established limit maximum speed, not allowing it to significantly reduce compared to the installed. At the entrance to the forbidding signal or limit column, the full vacation of the brakes can be performed only after stopping the train. It is necessary to avoid frequent braking without recharging the brake network of the train, since during repeated braking it can lead to the depletion of autotractors, followed by a decrease in the brake effect. It is impossible to release the brakes at high speed before re-braking, since the train rate can exceed the installed, and the braking network will not have time to charge by this moment. In order to prevent the depletion of autotractors in the train while following the descent on which repeated braking, the driver must withstand between braking at least 1 min to recharge the trains brake network.

The time of continuous retention of the train with a constant stage of braking on the descent when the air distributors is turned on to the plain mode should not, as a rule, exceed 2.5 minutes; If necessary, longer braking should increase the discharge of the brake line by 0.3-0.5 kgf / cm2 and after a sufficient reduction of the speed release the autorosis.

To regulate the speed of the train and stop its stop, the three main types of braking using pneumatic trains are used: stepped, full service and emergency. The reduction in pressure is evaluated by pressure in the equalization tank and control the brake mains pressure gauge. A prerequisite for all types of braking is to turn off the locomotive controller. In addition to pneumatic braking, electric (rolling and recuperative) is used to control the speed and stopping in the presence of it on the traction rolling stock.

Step braking. After switching off, the controller of the MAC-NIST reduces the pressure in the equalization tank and the brake line of passenger and electric trains by 0.3-0.5 kgf / cm2, and in long-term and double trains, more than half of the wagons of which are equipped with a speedy triple valves - by 0.7 -0.8 kgf / cm2. In cargo trains, at the first stage of braking, the pressure in the brake line is reduced by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm2, in the empty - by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm2, and in cases where the train follows the latter descents, - 0.7-0.8 kgf / cm2. On the flat path with a descent to 8% 0 when followed by the green fire of the traffic light or free distillation, it is allowed to reduce the pressure of 0.3-0.5 kg / cm2 in addition to checking the action of autotractors).

In winter at low temperatures and snowfalls, the first stage of braking should be made reduced pressure in cargo loaded trains by 0.8-0.9 kgf / cm2, into empty by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm2, passenger normal length to 0 , 5-0.6 kgf / cm2. Strengthening the braking of the freight train produce a step of 0.5-1.0 kgf / cm2.

With electropneumatic brakes, the first stage of service braking is performed by moving the handle of the driver's crane into the braking position until the pressure in the brake cylinders of a locomotive or head car carrion does not reach 0.8-1.5 kgf / cm2 (depending on the speed and steepness descent). The last step is performed as needed to full service braking.

Reducing the pressure in the brake line during braking depends on the type of train, its lengths, steepness of descents, as well as on the maintenance conditions on the site. Based on these conditions, the driver has the right to choose a decrease in pressure in the highway when performing braking, but not least above. The best smoothness of the braking of the train is ensured by the discharge of the brake line in one reception at the beginning of the braking by the amount of the first stage.

When the pressure in the brake line is reduced to the required value on the pressure gauge, the handle of the driver's crane is moved to the overlap position and maintain it to obtain a full braking effect from this braking stage. If the brake force from the first stage of braking is insufficient to reduce the speed of the train or stop it in the specified location, the second stage is made, and if required, then the subsequent steps. For passenger and freight trains of all types, the subsequent stages of braking are performed, reducing the pressure in the highway by 0.3-1.0 kgf / cm2, depending on the need and conditions of conducting the train. If the initial stage of braking is associated with a decrease in pressure in the brake line of more than 1 kgf / cm2 in the case of automatic brakes or pressure in brake cylinders, more than 2.5 kgf / cm2 in the case of electropneumatic brakes, it is pre-in order to prevent the Sandbox to prevent locomotive.

As an example in Fig. 25 and 26 shows the pressure curves in the brake line and the movement speed recorded on the rain of the speedman for trains of various masses led by various traction rolling stock along the path of various profiles. As is known, the pressure curve in the brake line on the rain of the speedman is shifted by 20 mm to the right relative to the speed curve.

In unfavorable winter conditions on steep protracted descents at snowfall and snowy drifts, the first stage of braking at the beginning of the descent in cargo trains should be performed, reducing the pressure in the brake line by 1.0-1.2 kgf / cm2 and, if necessary, increase the pressure reduction corresponding to Complete service braking. At anter and ice when the clutch power

the wheels with rails decreases, it is necessary for 50-100 m to the start of the braking of the braking to act as a sandbox and serve sand on the rails until the train stops or finishes braking. The first stage of braking is performed in advance until the speed reached the maximum set value on the descent. This is necessary because after the start of braking, the speed can increase some time until the brakes come into action. If the first stage of braking is insufficient, use the second and subsequent steps in order to not exceed the maximum permissible speed when the slope is moving along the slope or to ensure the train stop in the installed location. Braking mode The driver chooses depending on the profile of the path and the actual efficiency of the brakes in the train; It should be remembered that it is impossible to allow the depletion of the brakes, for which the pressure in the highway is less than 3.8 kgf / cm2 in the cargo and 3.5 kgf / cm2 in the passenger train, as well as a decrease in braking efficiency.

Complete service braking. This type of braking is used in exceptional cases, if necessary, stopping the train or a reduction in its speed at a distance of a slower braking. For this, the driver reduces the pressure in the equalization tank (brake line) for one reception by 1.5-1.7 kgf / cm2, but not more than 2.0 kgf / cm2. Previously drive the auxiliary brake of the locomotive and serves sand under the wheels.

Full service braking (Fig. 27) is used mainly if necessary, stop the train or in cases where step braking does not provide the desired reduction in the speed of the train.

If it is necessary to apply complete service braking when driving on cool descents, it is impossible to discharge the brake line to a pressure of less than 3.8 kgf / cm2. In the event of such a situation at a pressure of the brake line below 3.8 kgf / cm2, it is necessary to stop the train, activate the auxiliary brake of the locomotive, after which it is possible to release the automatic brakes and in the parking lot before the movement starts to charge the brake network.

With electropneumatic brakes, a complete braking in one reception, the driver performs, moving the handle of the crane of the driver No. 334E to the position IV, and the cranes No. 328 and 395 to the V3 position to actuate the electropneumatic brakes without discharging the highway before creating pressure in the brake cylinders of traction rolling stock 3, 8-4.0 kgf / cm2; After that, the crane handle must be translated into the overlapping position.

Emergency braking. It is used in all trains and on any path of the path in cases where further movement threatens danger and need to stop the train. Perform this brake

waiting for the handle of the driver's crane to the traffic of the braking extension; When doubled, if necessary, use the combined tap of the second locomotive. After transferring the handle of the driver's crane or a combined crane to the emergency braking position, the driver must actuate the sandbox and the auxiliary brake of the locomotive and turn off the traction engines. To ensure the greatest braking efficiency, the handle of the driver's crane or the combined crane must be left in the state of emergency braking, and the handle of the auxiliary brake crane is in the extreme braking position until the train stops. The processes occurring during emergency braking are explained by curves.

Emergency braking can also be caused by the opening of a stop crane, disconnecting or separating the brake trigger connecting sleeves, as well as the triggering of the highway. In these cases, it is necessary to immediately make an emergency braking of the driver with a crane, and then turn off the traction engines, actuate the sandbox and auxiliary brake of the locomotive.

Vacation brakes. Depending on the conditions of movement, a complete or stepped vacation can be applied. Complete vacation brakes The driver produces to stop braking. Having setting the handle of the driver's crane to the position withstand it in this position (depending on the type of preceding braking and the train length) or for a certain time or before reaching the necessary pressure in the equalization tank; Then move the handle of the driver's crane on the train position.

Complete vacation can be performed without increasing the pressure in the brake network of the train in excess of the charging or exceeding it. For example, in freight trains with charging pressure in the brake line 5.3-5.5 kgf / cm2, with a complete leave of autotractoros after service braking, it is necessary to keep the handle of the driver's crane to position I, while the pressure in the equalization tank does not reach 5.8-6, 0 kgf / cm2. After reducing the pressure to the normal charger, if necessary, it is raised again.

Handling autolikes in a cargo train after emergency braking, the driver rendering the handle of the driver's crane to position I and holds it in this position until the pressure in the equalization tank is 3.0-3.5 kgf / cm2 in the absence of a stabilizer at the driver's crane and 6.5- 6.8 kgf / cm2 in the presence of it. In the passenger ^ diesel and electric train after service braking, the driver withstands the crane handle at position i until the pressure is obtained in the equalization tank 5.0-5.2 kgf / cm2, and after emergency - up to 3.0-3.5 kgf / cm2, In short-pass trains - up to 1.5-2.0 kgf / cm2. Then the driver turns the torn position handle.

The full vacation of electropneumatic brakes in one reception is performed by moving the handle of the driver's crane to position I, hold it in this position until the pressure increases in the equalization tank to 5.2-5.4 kgf / cm2, after which they are translated on the train position.

The brake vacation process does not end with the transfer of the driver's crane knob from the position I on the train position; It continues for some time, and in the tail of the train longer than in the head. It should be borne in mind if, after braking and stopping the train, it must be changed again. In this case, it should be shut-to-complete brake leaves, the duration of which depends on the length of the train and the types of air distributors of the wagons. If this is not done, while touching the train with ordinary brakes, significant dynamic forces will arise,

can lead to rupture frames of cars and car trap devices. Time from the moment of translating the handle of the driver's crane to position I before moving the train in motion hesitates from 15 ° C to 3 minutes for passenger trains and from 1.5 to 6 min for freight. For long-composite trains with more than 350 axes, when locomotive in the head head, the specified time increases by 1.5 times. Machisters should be borne in mind that when driving a train with not "- the power of the resistance of the movement significantly increases significantly, the starting process is complicated, the current loads and consumption of fuel and energy resources increase.

The brake discovery is used to regulate the brake force and maintain the speed of certain limits when driving on the brakes on the brakes. For this, somewhat increases the pressure in the brake line, while the braking effect does not disappear, but slightly decreases. To produce a stepped vacation, the driver transfers the handle of the driver's crane to position II and holds it until the pressure increases in the equalization tank at each stage of the vacation at least 0.3 kgf / cm2.

With a step of vacation of electropneumatic brakes, the pressure in the brake line does not increase; The braking force is partially adjusted, the production of air from the brake cylinders by the valves of electric agriculture. For stepped leave of the electropneumatic brakes, the passenger or motor-speaking train driver briefly moves the handle of the driver's crane from the position of the blocks on the train and again to the overlapping position; The last stage of the vacation is performed, withsting the handle of the driver's crane in position i until the pressure is increased in the equalization tank to 5.2-5.4 kgf / cm2.

Using an auxiliary brake locomotive. To choose the process of movement, the auxiliary brake of the locomotive is used both in conjunction with the brakes of the composition and independently. At the same time, in order to avoid a sharp slowdit for the movement of the locomotive and the emergence of large longitudinal-dynamic forces on the train at a speed of 50 km / h and less slowing down the auxiliary brake tap must be steps, except for the emergency stop case. Conducting the auxiliary brake of passenger and cargo locomotives, systematic efficient braking with an increase in pressure in the brake cylinders per reception to more than 1.5 kgf / cm2 should be avoided. If, according to the terms of the train, it is necessary for a service braking with auxiliary brake with a pressure in the brake cylinders more than 1.5 kgf / cm2, then it is produced during the cream brake pads by re-stage after exposure of the pressure in the cylinders to 1.5 kgf / cm 2 for 0, 5-1.0 min.

Providing security requirements. Strict observance of traffic safety rules should be one of the main provisions of national train driving regimes, especially in brake mode

. When approaching the stations that prohibit signals and signal reduction signals, the driver is obliged to act in advance to activate the autotorosis and reduce the train speed so as to prevent the location of the installed stop at the station, the limit batch, and the speed reduction signal and the actions of the warning is to proceed at the set speed. In the event of a train at the scheduled stop, the braking should begin the first step and after a decrease in speed by 25--50% of the initial, if necessary, to strengthen braking. When following a freight train at a speed of more than 80 km / h and the appearance on the locomotive traffic light of a yellow fire, the machinist should bring the brake into action by reducing the pressure in the equalization tank in the loaded train by 0.8-1.0 kgf / cm2, in $ 0 , 5-0.7 kgf / cm2. At a lower speed of movement and the long-length, the braking blocks should begin taking into account the speed and efficiency of the brake means at the corresponding distance from the traffic light.

The passage traffic light with yellow signal fire must be followed by following the established limit of the maximum speed, not allowing its significant decrease compared to the installed one. At the entrance to the forbidding signal or limit column, the full vacation of the brakes can be performed only after stopping the train. It is necessary to avoid frequent braking without recharging the brake network of the train, since during repeated braking it can lead to the depletion of autotractors, followed by a decrease in the brake effect. It is impossible to release the brakes at high speed before re-braking, since the train rate can exceed the installed, and the braking network will not have time to charge by this moment. In order to prevent the depletion of autotractors in the train while following the descent on which repeated braking, the driver must withstand between braking at least 1 min to recharge the trains brake network.

The time of continuous retention of the train with a constant stage of braking on the descent when the air distributors is turned on to the plain mode should not, as a rule, exceed 2.5 minutes; If necessary, longer braking should increase the discharge of the brake line by 0.3-0.5 kgf / cm2 and after a sufficient reduction of the speed release the autorosis.

Branch of Russian Railways Directorate

West Siberian Traction Directorate


On the procedure for using the crane of the Locomotive Auxiliary Brake

In order to eliminate cases of disruption of the locomotives, as well as the preservation of the resource of bangs of wheel pairs of locomotives, we assign:

1. Locomotive brigades do not apply an auxiliary brake of a locomotive in one reception (except for cases of emergency stop, or the use of the crane of the locomotive auxiliary brake when the train autotractors) is filling in braking cylinders more than 1.0 kgf / cm.

2. If it is necessary to use the crane of an auxiliary brake of a locomotive with a pressure in the brake cylinders of a locomotive of more than 1.0 kgf / cm ", produce a pressure shutter speed in the brake cylinders of locomotive 1.0kc / cm" for at least 10 seconds and continue to apply the Locomotive auxiliary brake Until the pressure but not more than 2.0 kgf / cm 2.

3. Before collecting (analysis) of electrical braking scheme, to bring the train to a compressed state, it is necessary to apply the crane of the auxiliary brake of a locomotive with a pressure in the brake cylinders of a locomotive 1.0 - 2.0 kgf / cm "within 30 - 40 seconds, after which release His steps.

4. In the case of applying a locomotive auxiliary brakes to release it steps.

5. In the winter period, as well as under adverse weather conditions, when the surface of the rail has contamination, the locomotive can be cleaned for cleaning the beads of the locomotive, to clean the pressure in the brake cylinders not more than 1.0 kgf / cm 2 for 5 seconds.

6. After stopping the train (single next locomotive), the handle of the crane of the locomotive auxiliary brake is installed in an extreme braking position with the creation maximum pressure In the brake cylinders of 3.8 - 4.0 kgf / cm 2.

7.1. To prevent the locomotive wheeled pairs

7.2. To adjust the speed of movement with a freight train when follows the allowance of the traffic light;

7.3. When following with a freight train more than 150 seconds. (2.5 minutes);

7.4. When checking the actions of the brakes in the way of following in cargo trains;

7.5. when spontaneous response autotractors of the cargo train;

7.6. With the simultaneous use of electrical braking, except for the charts collection (analysis).

8. In other cases, in order to use the crane of the auxiliary brake, locomotive is guided by "Rules maintenance brake equipment and control brakes of railway rolling stock "№151 of 03.06.2014

9. Techniques for deciphering ribbons of speeds, when deciphering the trip files, control the execution of this order, in case of detection of violations, register in the magazine F. Tu-133 №2 ACS NBD.

10. Find out the locomotive brigades and technicians to decipher the ribbons of speeds are under the painting.

Control over the execution of this order to impose on the Deputy Head of the Directorate of the Traction of Kovalev S.I.

For service braking, the handle of the driver's crane is translated into V position and reduce the pressure in the equalization tank on the required value, after which the crane knob is translated into IV position. The first stage of braking is carried out by a decrease in pressure in the equalization tank: in loaded trains - by 0.6 - 0.7 atm, on steep protracted descents - by 0.7 - 0.9 atm, depending on the descent. For the second step, if necessary, perform at least 5 ° C after stopping the release of air from the line through the driver's crane.

If the crane has a position Va, then after obtaining the required discharge of the equalization tank, the position V is allowed to delay the crane handle at the VA position by 5 to 8 seconds before moving to the IV position in order to stabilize the pressure in the equalizing tank in the blocks position.

To prevent the depletion of autotractoros on the train while following the descent on which repeated braking is performed, it is necessary to withstand between braking time at least 1 min to recharge the brake network of the train. To fulfill this requirement, do not make frequent braking and not let go of the autorosis at high speed. The time of continuous reinstaling of the train with a constant stage of braking on the descent when the air distributors are turned on to the plain mode should not be as a rule 2,5 min. If it is necessary, longer braking increases the discharge of the brake line by 0.3 - 0.5 atm and after a sufficient reduction of the speed release the brakes.

If you need to use complete service braking, as well as in the process of adjusting braking, when following the descent, do not discharge the brake line to the pressure below 3.8 atm. If for any reason, when follows the descent, the pressure in the TM will be below 3.8 atm, stop the train, actuate the auxiliary brake of the locomotive, and then release the automatic brakes and charge the brake network in the parking lot before the train movement. If the pressure in the train line turned out to be below 3.8 atm at the end of the descent, and according to the terms of the profile of the path, the speed of further movement will decrease so much that it will be necessary to produce auto-motors, and during the next braking, you can recharge the brake network to the pressed pressure, then stop The train for recharging is not required.

With the complete leave of the auto motors after the service braking, to withstand the handle of the driver's crane in I position until the pressure in the equalization tank is 0.5-0.7 above the charger.

After the emergency braking, the supply of auto-motors in the cargo composition to translate the crane handle in the I position to obtain the pressure in the equalization tank 6.5 - 6.8 atm

After stopping the train with the use of autolikes, it is necessary to wait time since the transfers of the driver's crane knob to the position of vacation before bringing the locomotive to move: after the braking stage - not less than 1.5 minutes with air distributors included on the plain mode, and at least 2 minutes, with air distributors included on the mountain mode; after full service braking - notless than 2 minutes with air quicklighters included on the plain mode, and at least 3.5 minutes with BP, on the mountain mode; after emergency braking In trains up to 100 axes - at least 4 minutes, more than 100 axes - 6 minutes.

5.23. Why, at the first stage of braking, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in TM at least 0.5 atm in the cargo train and 0.3 atm in the passenger train?

The discharge of the brake line, asks the driver's crane to obtain the first stage of the braking, should be at least additional discharge of the highway performed brake devices (Passenger type - by 0.3 atm, freight - by 0.5 atm). If the first stage of discharging the driver of the driver is less than an additional discharge, then the reduction in the pressure in TM through the air distributor will be large than in the equalization tank of the driver's tap, and in the position of overlapping with power, the faucet will overestimate the pressure in the TM and there will be an unmanaged vacation. To obtain reliable braking and leave, all the devices are necessary at the first stage of braking to reduce the pressure in TM at least by 0.5 atm in freight and 0.4 atm in passenger.

In cargo trains, when followed by free distillation or on the foamy fire on a flat profile, the path is allowed a minimum level of braking in a decrease in pressure by 0.3 atm. Long exposure of such a step can lead to a vacation of individual brakes, but the safety of the following is not violated.

5.24. Procedure for checking the brakes in the following way (clause 10.1.1. INSTRUM. №277, Order No. 66 / N of 20.06.1999).

Check the actions of the auto motors in the following way to produce at a speed of 40-60 km / h. In the presence of warnings about the speed, or the impossibility of heat development 40 - 60 km / h in the established locations, check the brakes to brake until a complete stop with the subsequent testing of the brakes on a favorable profile by the established order.

Checking the actions of autolikes in the following path to decrease the pressure in the equalization tank of the cargo loaded train and the same next locomotive by 0.7 - 0.8 atm, in cargo empty, cargo-passenger trains by 0.5 - 0.6 atm, installed to test the brakes. When checking the brakes, apply auxiliary and electrical brakes on the locomotive in all trains is prohibited.

After the brake effect appears and lowering the speed of 10 km / h in the cargo loaded train, a cargo-passenger, passenger and solitary locomotive and for 4 - 6 km / h in the cargo, the train will vacate the brakes. The indicated reduction should occur at a distance not exceeding local instructions. Leave brakes after checking in the way of following only after the driver is convinced of their normal action.

If, after the first stage of braking, the initial effect will not be obtained in the passenger train for 10 s, in the cargo email a train up to 400 axes and a cargo-passenger system for 20 seconds, in the remaining cargo trains within 30 seconds, immediately make emergency braking and take all measures. To stop train.

Checking the actions of the autolikes in the path of the train is also made after complete or abbreviated testing of the brakes, turning on and off autotractors from individual wagons or groups of cars, when moving from EPT to automatic, if the reaction time on EPT was 20 minutes and more.

If it is necessary to verify the actions of the autotractors in non-established locations, it is allowed to perform it as a rule at the station paths or when leaving the station on the first time, having a platform or descent with local conditions. In these cases, the action of autolikes is allowed to evaluate the time to reduce the speed of 4-6 km / h in the cargo email train and 10 km / h in the remaining cargo trains and single Locomotiva. This time is installed in the local instruction.

In passenger trains, first check the automatic brake action, and then EPT. To check the action of the EPT on the path to perform a stage until the pressure is obtained in the Locomotive TC 1.0 - 1.5 atm.

At the first station of departure, the locomotive brigade is obliged to check the action of automatic (without a 5-minute excerpt in the inhibitory state) and auxiliary brakes by the order set in clause 3.2 of this Instruction, and at intermediate stations - auxiliary brake.

Maintenance of brakes and management of them in trains with locomotive

General provisions

10.1.1. When following with a train or separate locomotive, the driver and assistant driver must:

When departing from the train with the train, make sure that there is no sparking or any other signs threatening safe follow-upas well, whether there are no stop signals by train brigade, station workers or employees of other services;

Ensure the mode of operation of compressors (or steady pumps) in accordance with clause 3.1.1 of this Instruction, and not allow pressure drops in the main tanks below the established norm;

Prepare brakes to action, and the handle of the driver's crane is transferred to the train position, in which the charging pressure should be maintained in the brake network in accordance with Table. 3.2 or clause 3.2.6 of this Instruction;

When running a passenger train on electropneumatic brakes to have a power source included; The voltage in the electrocups of the passenger train must comply with the specified in clause 3.2.9 of this Instruction, and the signal lamp should be burned on the remote;

Make sure in the reliable operation of the train brakes by checking their action in the following way.

10.1.2. Checking the actions of auto motors in the path of pressure to decrease the pressure in the equalization tank of the freight load train and the same next locomotive by 0.7-0.8 kgf / cm 2, in freight empty, cargo-passenger and passenger trains by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2, installed to test brakes. At the same time, the locomotive automatic brake in the freight trains of more than 100 axes to release (except for locomotives equipped with a tap 4vk).

If there is more than half of the wagons of the Vl rice with trolleys of the TWZ-TsNII "M" and air distributors to check the actions of the auto motors in the path of pressure to decrease the pressure in the equalization tank by 0.7-0.8 kgf / cm 2.

When checking the operation of the brakes, apply auxiliary and electric brakes on the locomotive in all trains is prohibited.

After the brake effect and reducing the speed of 10 km / h in the cargo loaded, the cargo-passenger, passenger train and a single locomotive and 4-6 km / h in the cargo eminence to vacate the brakes. Specified speed reductions should occur at a distance not exceeding local instructions.

Leave brakes after checking on the following way to produce only after the machinist is convinced of their normal action.

If, after the first stage of the braking, the initial effect will not be obtained in the passenger train for 10 s, in the cargo email a train up to 400 axes and a cargo-passenger system for 20 seconds, in the remaining cargo trains within 30 seconds, immediately make extra braking and take all measures. To stop train.

10.1.3. Depending on the result of checking the actions of the autolikes and on the basis of the experience of driving trains along the site, the driver, with further jurisdiction, selects the start of braking and the value of the pressure reduction in the highway so as to prevent the passage of the signal to the prohibitive reading, and the speed reduction signal and the warning signal prohibit with Installed speed.

10.1.4. Places and speed of movement of trains and single locomotives, as well as distances on which a reduction in speed should occur when checking the actions of the brakes in the following path, are determined by the commission, are approved by the head of the road and are indicated in local instructions. These distances are denoted by distillation signals "Start of braking" and "end of braking" and are determined on the basis of traction calculations and experienced trips for each kind of train when they are providing properly acting brakes and a single smallest brake pressing Per 100 then the weight of the train (composition) approved by the MPS.

10.1.5. Check the actions of auto motors in the route of the train to produce:

After complete or abbreviated testing of the brakes, the inclusion and shutdown of auto motors in individual wagons or groups of cars, when switching from electropneumatic brakes to automatic, if the time of the addition on the electropneumatic brakes was 20 minutes and more, as well as in cases provided for by paragraph 9.4.1 of this Instructions;

Before entering dead stations, as well as in front of the station, where the train stop is provided on the schedule, if there is a descent to this station with a steepness of 0.008 or more and a length of at least 3 km. In some cases, based on the local conditions and ensuring the safety of the movement, the order of the head of the road can be taken less than the steepness of the descent. Before the specified stations, check the actions of autotractors with such a calculation so that at the entrance to the auto motor station, the brake network is fully released to the pressed pressure. If the brakes, by the terms of the train, can not be released, then when moving the train in the inhibited state, you need to calculate your actions so that you can stop the train after the braking is inserted in the appointed place;

On a single next locomotive after checking its auto motors at the first station of departure.

If, when following with the train at the place set to verify the actions of the autotractors, the driver of the leading locomotive will not be verified, then the operator of the second locomotive is obliged to contact the radio locomotive driver on the radio communications and submit a vigilance signal - the requirement to verify.

10.1.6. If you need to verify the actions of the auto motors in the non-established locations, it is allowed to perform it, as a rule, at the station paths or when departing from the station on the first time, which has a platform or descent with local conditions. In these cases, the action of auto motors is allowed to evaluate the speed of a speed of 4 to 6 km / h in the cargo email train and 10 km / h in the remaining cargo trains and single locomotives. This time is set in local instructions on the basis of experienced trips in accordance with paragraph 10.1.4.

In case of detection of unsatisfactory work of autotractors when evaluating their action on time to reduce speed, apply emergency braking and take all measures to stop the train.

10.1.7. In passenger trains, first check the action of the automatic brake, and then the electropneumatic. To check the action of the electropneumatic brake in the path of the deceleration, to obtain a pressure in the brake cylinders of the locomotive 1.0 - 1.5 kgf / cm 2.

10.1.8. Checking the action of electropneumatic brakes must be made after full testing brakes, shifts of locomotives, locomotive brigades or control cabins, trains to train cars.

10.1.9. Before sending a train from an intermediate station or distillation, the driver is obliged to check the density of the braking network of the cargo train at the II position of the machine crane knob with a mark of its value and checks on back side Certificate VU-45 form. If, when checking the brake network density, the machinist will detect its change by more than 20% upwards or decrease from the form specified in the certificate of the Vo-45 of the previous value, to produce abbreviation of autotractoros.

10.1.10. The driver and assistant driver must observe the operation of the brakes on the train throughout the flight.

In case of detection of spurs in the train when the brakes are discharged, stop the train by braking for checking the train and troubleshoot the fault.

If necessary, release manually brake and turn off the air distributor; A passenger carriage is made to make sure that the air reservoir is complete (a car with a Western European type brake additionally release air from the working chamber).

To detect the sliders (chosel), thoroughly examine the surfaces of the wheel riding, if necessary, produce the composition of the composition.

On the shutdown of the brake, the machinist should make the appropriate mark in the FU-45 certificate.

10.1.11. When detecting in the path of the passenger or freight car (except for the motor car, the motor-carriage rolling stock (MVPS) or tender with tapes with roller bearings) slide (potholes) 1 mm depth, but not more than 2 mm allowed to bring such a car (tender ) Without captures from trains to the nearest maintenance point that has means for replacing wheel steam, at a speed of not over 100 km / h in the passenger train and not over 70 km / h in the cargo train.

At a depth of a slider from 2 to 6 mm in wagons, except for the MVPS motor carriage and from 1 to 2 mm, the locomotive and motor carriage of the MVPS is allowed to follow the train to the nearest station at a speed of 15 km / h, and with a slide value, respectively, over 6 to 12 mm And over 2 to 4 mm - at a speed of 10 km / h. On the nearest station, the wheel steam must be replaced. With the depth of the slider, over 12 mm in the car and tender, over 4 mm in the locomotive and motor wagon, the MVPS is allowed to follow at a speed of 10 km / h under the condition of hanging or eliminating the possibility of rotating the wheel pair. The locomotive should be disabled from the train, the brake cylinders and the traction motor (engines) of the damaged wheel pair are disabled.

The depth of the slider measure the absolute template. In the absence of a template, it is allowed at stops on the path of the depth of the slider to determine by its length using the data specified in Table. 10.1.

Table 10.1.

10.1.12. If, when following a cargo train, its speed without bringing the brake engine does not decrease, but there are signs of a possible breakdown of the brake line (frequent compressor inclusions or a rapid pressure reduction in the main tanks after turning off the compressors with non-working sandboxes and tifons, the triggering of the brake trigger breakout signaling with the sensor No. 418) Turn off the craving, translate to 5-7 with the handle of the driver's crane to the position of overlapping without food and monitor the pressure of the brake line.

If after this will occur fast and continuous pressure reduction in the brake line or a sharp slowdown in the train movement that does not correspond to the effect of the path profile, make a braking, after which the handle of the driver's crane is translated into 3 position and stop the train without the use of locomotive auxiliary brake, find out and eliminate the cause .

In the case when there is no quick and continuous reduction in the pressure of the brake line and a sharp slowdown in the train movement, to make a braking with the discharge of the brake line by the first stage, then release the autorosis by the established order, while turning on traction mode It is permitted only after the full vacation of autotractors.

In the case of re-braking of the train due to the spontaneous response of autolikes, in the composition of the braking and supply of autotractoros by the established procedure, to declare the control check of autotractors in accordance with paragraph 19.1.4 of this Instruction and bring the train to the station on which this check will be made. Without detecting and eliminating the causes of spontaneous response of autolikes, send a train from this station for further follows.

10.1.13. If the EPK is triggered by the motorway, as well as the braking of the passenger, postal and luggage and cargo-passenger train, stop-crane or due to the separation of their brake line, perform an emergency braking by the procedure specified in clause 10.1.21 of this Instruction.

10.1.14. In case of detection of autotractorously refusal, the train will make emergency braking and take steps to stop the train. If you are unsuccessful, an attempt to stop the train is to serve a common alarm signal and along the train on the locomotive, additionally inform the station in front of the station or the dispatcher about what happened so that they can take steps to the free receiving train to the station or the train pass through the station. Conductor or Wagon Explorer, having heard a common alarm signal or seeing stop signals supplied from the way, is obliged to open the emergency braking faucet and actuate hand brake On serviced cars.

After stopping the train, find out the reason for the unsatisfactory work of the brakes. If it is impossible to fix the malfunction or restore the effect of brakes on site, then further maintain trains in accordance with the PTE and the instructions for the movement of trains and maneuver work on the railways.

10.1.15. In the case of electrical braking on electric locomotives and locomotives and controls on the locomotive brake locomotives, let go. It is not allowed to simultaneously use pneumatic and electric braking on electric races and diesel locomotives in cases not provided for by the locomotive scheme, as well as counterparts on steam locomotives.

10.1.16. If an emergency braking of the train was applied to the train with a locomotive, the driver is obliged to bring the train to the movement of the time specified in paragraphs in PP.,, 10.3.13 of this Instruction. In the presence of a vacation alarm in high-speed trains, the brake leaves after emergency braking driver checks on control lamp Vacation signaling device located in the cockpit. The train equipped with a vacation alarm can only be moved after the control lamp goes out.

If the emergency braking is made from the car or occurred due to the violation of the integrity of the brake line, then after clarifying the reasons for stopping, their elimination and receipt of the possibility of departure, the driver makes a vacation and charging of the auto motors and leads the train in motion. In the passenger train, vacation brakes of each carriage are required to check the conductors and head (team-friendly-brigadier) of the train. In the cargo train check, checking the brakes on the train is not made. If, when clarifying the reasons for stopping the train, an open end crane on the tail car was found, you must close the crane, check the car number with the data of the field sheet and the help of Vo-45 form.

After sending the train, employees of the locomotive brigade should be from the windows of the Locomotive Cabin, and the conductors of passenger cars from the tambourists to watch the train movement; In case of detection of non-vacation brakes, sparking or other faults take measures to eliminate them or, if necessary, to the train stop.

10.1.17. It is prohibited in the working cabins of the locomotive during the parking lots at the station, as well as on the way to overlap the dismissal crane or crane double traction on the nutritional highway and combined or disbanded on the brake line, except in cases: when using multiple thrust and pushing locomotive included in the brake train, when on others, except for the head, locomotives, the double thrust crane knob or the combined crane is translated into the double thrust position; in non-working cabins in the absence of blocking device No. 367; when checking the density of the brake network of passenger trains; When repairing the crane of the driver (in the parking lot); When making autolikes in a short composite passenger train after emergency braking in accordance with clause

10.1.18. With all types of service braking by automatic brakes, the pressure in the equalization tank is reduced by a driver's crane from the installed charging pressure at least by the first stage set for all PP passenger and freight trains., 10.3.1 of this Instruction. With stepped braking, the subsequent braking steps to decrease the pressure in the equalization tank in the range from 0.3 to 1.0 kgf / cm 2, depending on the need. When moving a train on a planned stop, braking to start the first step, after a decrease in speed by 25-50% of the initial, if necessary, the braking is strengthened.

The best smoothness of the braking of the train is ensured by the discharge of the brake line at the beginning of the mainstream braking by the first stage.

10.1.19. When braking from a speed of 40 km / h and less in trains with a composition of 50% and more cars equipped with composite pads or disk brakes, the brakes must be activated slightly earlier than with cast iron pads.

10.1.20. When performing full service braking to one reception, reduce the pressure in the equalization tank by 1.5-1.7 kgf / cm 2. This type of braking is used in exceptional cases if you need to stop the train or reduce its speed at a shorter distance than when performing step inhibition.

10.1.21. Emergency braking in all trains and on any path profile to apply only when an immediate stop of the train is required. It is performed by a driver's crane, and if necessary and a combined crane from the lead or led (with a double or multiple pull) of locomotives. After transferring the handle of the driver's crane or a combined crane to the emergency braking position to act as a sandbox and an auxiliary brake of the locomotive and turn off the craving, the handle of the driver's crane or the combined crane is left in the state of emergency braking, and the auxiliary brake knob is in the extreme braking position until a complete stop.

10.1.22. To avoid a sharp slowdown in the locomotive movement when applying the crane of the auxiliary brake and the occurrence of large longitudinal-dynamic reactions in the train at speeds of 50 km / h and less, to slow down this crane during the maintenance of the train is necessary steps, with the exception of an emergency stop case.

When performing an auxiliary brake of passenger and cargo locomotives (except for maneuver), avoid systematic efficient braking with an increase in pressure in the brake cylinder for one reception to more than 1.5 kgf / cm 2. As a rule, the service braking with auxiliary brake with a pressure of more than 1.5 kgf / cm 2 in the brake cylinders of the locomotive during the cream brake pads to produce a re-stage after the pressure in the cylinders to 1.5 kgf / cm 2 for 0.5-1.0 min.

Use auxiliary brake to prevent locomotive boring.

10.1.23. The auxiliary brake of the locomotive in the case of its application to be released after the autolike composition of the composition.

10.1.24. Before braking a decrease in pressure in an equalizing tank of more than 1 kgf / cm 2 with automatic brakes or pressure in the brake cylinders of locomotives, more than 2.5 kgf / cm 2 with electropneumatic brakes to pre-act the sandbox.

10.1.25. When stopping braking with sand on the locomotive, the sand supply is stopped when the speed is reached 10 km / h before stopping. If single the next locomotive is stopped using sand on a plot with red lock or at a station equipped with electrical centralization, then it is necessary to bring the locomotive in motion and move on clean rails.

10.1.26. When approaching the station, prohibiting signals and signal reduction signals, it is necessary to act in advance to activate the autotorosis and reduce the speed of the train so as to prevent the location of the installed stop at the station that prohibits the signal, the limit column, and the speed reduction signal and the place of warning will proceed with speed, Installed for this place. The speed of movement should not exceed 20 km / h at a distance of at least 400-500 m to the prohibitive signal.

At the entrance to the forbidding signal or the limit column, the full vacation of the brakes is made only after stopping the train.

10.1.27. If after the holidays of autolikes, there is a need for re-braking, this vacation in both passenger and cargo trains is performed in advance at such a speed of movement in order to ensure the necessary charging of the brakes to re-braking.

10.1.28. In order to avoid breaking the train or the emergence of large longitudinal dynamic reactions in it when moving from place after stopping with the use of auto motors, it is allowed to bring the locomotive in motion only after the vacation of all auto motors in the train.

10.1.29. With a trailer to the composition of two or more acting locomotives, controls brakes in the train driver of the first locomotive.

10.1.30. Managing high-speed cootorosis from inactive locomotives and a motor-auditing rolling stock produce a procedure established by this instruction for the corresponding kind of train with a locomotive traction.

10.1.31. Trains with locomotives equipped with an electrical brake must be operated with the mandatory use of this brake. Modes of braking and the use of electrical brakes are installed in local instructions and regime cards, which are developed on the basis of calculations, the results of experienced trips and taking into account the requirements of the factory instruction manual of this series of locomotives. At the same time, the braking force should not exceed the maximum allowable value under the conditions of stability of rolling stock in a rut, by its strength and exposure to the path.

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