Home Torkemose Operation of brake equipment. Loaded descents where the full testing of autotractors is performed abbreviations are carried out in cases

Operation of brake equipment. Loaded descents where the full testing of autotractors is performed abbreviations are carried out in cases

Complete with checking the state of the brake line and brakes from all wagons:

At the formation stations before sending the train;

After changing locomotive;

At stations separating adjacent warranty sites;

Before issuing a motor-speaking train from the depot or after it is not a brigade at the station;

At stations preceding distinguishes with protracted descents, where the train stop is provided by the schedule of movement.

Abbreviated with the test state of the brake line on the action of brakes in two tailings, and in the motor-auditing trains on the action of the brakes of the tail car:

After the traded locomotive tray to the composition, if a complete testing of autotractors was performed at the station;

After changing the cabin of the motor-speaking train and after changing the locomotive brigades, when the locomotive from the train was not dismissed;

After all the separation of the sleeves in the train, overlapping the end crane in the composition, after connecting the sleeves due to the trailers of rolling stock;

After the train parking for more than 20 minutes, when the pressure drops in the main tanks below 5.5 atm.

When testing the autotractors, signals are served:

requirement machine to produce trial braking (after oral warning):

· Happy - raised vertically hand;

· At night, a raised manual lamp with transparent white fire (Fig. 1). The driver meets the locomotive one short whistle and starts braking;

the requirement to the machine to release the brakes:

during the day - the movements of the hand in front of the horizontal line,

at night, the same movements of the manual lamp with transparent white fire (Fig. 2). The driver corresponds to two short whistles of the locomotive and lets the brakes.

Purpose and principle of manual brakes.

The hand-made brake is used on railway rolling stock as a backup tool for stopping the train when autotractorism malfunction, as well as to hold a car or train on a slope.

Purpose: To brake. Used as emergency or parking.

Principle of operation: pulled out the handle, began to twist. The shaft is spinning, on it washer, connected to the pads; Depending on the raising and lowering the pads are compressed and squeezed.

Brake processes in pneumatic automatic brakes.

Charging (increase in air pressure in the brake line or filling with compressed air of all vessels and braking tanks of the train), with the exception of the brake cylinder). Charging is going to work or train pressure, cat. Depends on the type of train, the profile of the path, the mass of the train and its length.

Discharge (decrease in air pressure in the brake line, which does not cause the triggering of the brakes). The pace of discharge 0.1-0.4 atm. / Min.

Braking (decrease in air pressure in the brake line with the simultaneous increase in air pressure in the brake cylinders).

Braking is two types of service and emergency. The pace of service braking (0.1-0.4) atm. / Sec. Emergency braking rate of 0.8 atm. / Sec.

Service braking is full (for a complete train stop) and stepped (to control the speed of the train). Complete service braking is performed by a decrease in air pressure in the brake line for one reception by a value of 1.5-1.7 atm. Step braking is made by steps, the first of the cat. 0.5-0.7 atm., Second and all subsequent not lower than 0.3 atm.

Emergency braking is performed with full discharge to zero in cases of obstacles on the path of movement of the train.

Vacation (increase in air pressure in the brake line with a simultaneous decrease in pressure in the brake cylinder). Vacation is steady and complete. A stepper is performed by steps pot 0.2-0.3 atm. Each. Complete vacation performed by increasing the pressure of the brake line before the train. The rate of increase in pressure on vacation does not play roles.

Breakfast (disconnection of nutrient and brake lines). We are needed in order to stretch the process of triggering the brakes in time.

Signals for using manual brakes supplied from locomotive.

3 long beeps.

The actions of the conductors in the event that no vacation of automatic brakes.

In the middle of the car - lever (similar to the hook), leaving the brakes, or throw out the red flag. If the composition did not stop - to tear the stop-crane.

9.3.1. Abbreviated testing of auto motors with checking the state of the brake line on the action of brakes of two tailings in trains to produce:

- after the trained locomotive tray to the composition, if a complete testing of autotractors from the compressor installation (station network) or locomotive was performed at the station.

- after changing the locomotive brigades, when the locomotive from the train is not uncovered;

- after all sorts of sleeves in the train or between the composition and locomotive (except for the captive of a pushing locomotive included in the brake line), the sleeves compound due to the trailer of the rolling stock, as well as after overlapping the terminal crane in the composition;

- In passenger trains after the train parking more than 20 minutes, when the pressure drops in the main tanks below 5.5 kgf / cm 2, when changing the control cabin or after the transfer of the control of the second locomotive driver on the distance after stopping the train due to the impossibility of further traffic control of the train from the head cabin;

- in cargo trains if the train at the parking lot occurred spontaneous response of autotractors or changes in the density by more than 20% of the VU-45 form specified in the certificate;

- In the cargo trains after the train parking more than 30 minutes, where there are inspections of cars or workers who are trained in the execution of operations to test autotractoros, and on which this responsibility is assigned.

When parking freight trains for more than 30 minutes on distillations, as well as on the roads, overtaking points and stations, where there are no inspections of cars or workers, trained in the execution of operations to test autotractors (the list of posts is established by the head of the railway), the autotractoros should be checked in accordance with . 9.4.1 of this Instruction.

The abbreviated testing of electropneumatic brakes is carried out at the points of shift of locomotives and locomotive brigades on the action of the brakes of two tail wagons and when the carburis checkbox is trained with checking the brakes on each trailed car, as well as after the trades of the train locomotive to the composition, if a total testing of electropneumatic brakes was performed at the station. from a stationary device or locomotive.

9.3.2. In passenger trains, there is an abbreviated testing of the electropneumatic brakes first, and then auto motors. The testing of electropneumatic brakes is made by a procedure similar to them to full testing from the locomotive in accordance with clause 9.2.3 and taking into account clause 9.3.1 of this instruction on the action of the brakes of two tailings.

9.3.3. When performing abbreviated testing by the employee signal responsible for testing the brakes, "braking" the driver must submit a whistle one short signal and reduce the pressure in the equalization tank by the value set for full testing.

After checking the triggering of the brakes of two tailings on braking, the "Release brakes" signal is fed. Upon this signal, the driver serves two short signals and releases the brakes with the handle of the driver's crane in the I position. Crane handle to withstand in the I position in passenger trains to increase the pressure in the equalization tank to 5.0-5.2 kgf / cm 2, and in cargo and cargo-passenger trains - until the pressure in the equalization tank is 0.5 kgf / cm 2 above Pre-headed charging pressure with the subsequent transfer of the handle on the train position.

If the abbreviated testing of the brakes in trains is made after complete testing from the compressor installation (station network), the inspections of the wagons and the driver are required before testing to check the density of the trains braking network, the integrity of the brake line in accordance with PP. 9.2.3, 9.2.4 of this Instruction, in cargo trains The driver is obliged to check the density of the train brake network after the braking stage at the IV position of the driver's crane handle, the wagon inspector should check the charging pressure in the tailing wagon highway by the order set by clause 9.2.4 of this instruction , When the length of the cargo train is more than 100 axes, it is measured by the vending of the auto motors of two tailings "wagons. At the end of this testing, the driver of the VU-45 form is given, as with full testing.

9.3.4. If the car arrived to the arriving train or a group of cars, there is a reduced testing of the brakes with a mandatory check of their operations in each trailed car and the density of the train brake network, as well as testing the integrity of the brake line in accordance with PP. 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 of this Instruction.

With each abbreviated testing of autotractors, the inspector of the wagons, and where this position is not provided, the station duty officer, the main conductor, the compiler of trains or workers who are entrusted with the obligation to test the brakes make a mark on the implementation of the abbreviated testing of autotractors (including the mark of the change Composition indicating the number of the tail car) in the certificate of vo-45 available from the driver. In the event of a change in the brake network density due to trains (captured) of wagons, the new data on the density of the brake network enters the driver, in the certificate of VU-45 form.

If the abbreviated testing of the passenger train's autolikes was made with the involvement of the head (mechanic-brigadier) of the train and conductors of the wagons, the head (team of the Brigadier) should make a mark on the implementation of the abbreviated testing of autotractors in the VU-45 certotomy driver.

9.3.5. At the stations where the positions of the wagons are not provided, the conductors of the wagons in passenger trains are tested in passenger trains, employees who trained to carry out the testing of autotractoros (list of posts establishes the head of the road).

9.3.6. Without performing abbreviation or with inactive brakes in two tail cars, send the train to the distance is prohibited.

In the case of identifying during the testing, the air distributors not worked for vacation is not allowed to produce their leave manually until the reasons for not vacation. In these cases, it is necessary to check whether there are no covered end cranes in the train, especially in those places where wagons have been trapped or uncovered. Faulty air distributors are replaced, and at intermediate stations - turn off and release air through the exhaust valve, making a mark in the Form Wu-45 certificate.

With abbreviated brake testing, check:

The density of the brake line of the train at the II position of the machine crane handle, for this, after disconnecting compressors and reduce the pressure in the main tanks by 0.4-0.5 kgf / cm 2, the driver must measure the time for its further decrease of 0.5 kgf / cm 2 train position of the control body of the driver's crane.

Density of density in II position with a composition of up to 10 cars inclusive can be carried out by the following order:

After disconnecting the compressors to reach the limit pressure locomotive and the subsequent reduction of this pressure by 0.02-0.04 MPa (0.2-0.4 kgf / cm 2), the driver together with the inspection of the wagons produces the density measurement.

If, after 2 minutes, the measured density of this composition corresponds to Table IV.1 of Rules No. 151, then the driver stops measuring the density and in the VU-45 certificate. The wagon inspector writes the actual pressure reduction in the nutrient line for 120 seconds, then the brakes have been tested. Example: (0.3 -120 / IV -0.2-120)

At the end of the above operation, when charging the brake network across the track of the wagons, check the operation of the auto motors. To do this, it is necessary to transfer the control body of the machine crane from the train to V position and reduce the pressure in the equalization tank by 0.06-0.07 MPa (0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2) with the subsequent transfer of the handle in the IV position after What the inspector of the wagons should check the triggering of the brakes of two tailings on braking and vacation. After receiving an indication of the inspector of the tail group on the brake vacation, the driver produces a vacation brakes.

The results of the abbreviation testing of the brakes are entered by the WC-45 officer in the VU-45 certificate. When performing abbreviation testing of the brakes by an assistant driver - the acting chief conductor, the data is entered by this employee.

6.5. The abbreviated testing of the brakes in the trains is performed after complete testing from the stationary installation or locomotive, the inspections of the wagons and the driver must be checked:

Checking the freedom of compressed air to the tail of the train composition and the integrity of the train brake line is carried out after complete charging of the train brake network by opening the last end crane of the tail wave for 8-10 seconds.

The inspector of the headgroup wagons and the driver to trigger the autotractors of the locomotive, determined by the lighting of the lamp "TM" of the alarm No. 418 is convinced of the integrity of TM.

When the control body of the driver's crane, the driver, together with the viewer, check the density of the train brake network after disconnecting the compressors by reaching the limit pressure locomotive and subsequent decrease in this pressure by 0.04-0.05 MPa (0.4-0, 5 kgf / cm2) with a measure of a further pressure reduction of 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm2).

At the end of the above operation, the charging pressure is measured in the brake highway of the tail car. Measurement of the train pressure after complete charging of the brake line of the entire train, after performing this operation, the CBD worker overlaps the disconnecting cerave of the brake line of the last car and removes the measuring device from the brake hose sleeve. The testimony of the pressure in the TD of the tail wagon during the train position of the control body of the driver's crane should not be distinguished by more than:

With a train length up to 300 axes - no more than 0.3 kgf / cm 2 from the charger; - with a train length of more than 300 and up to 400 axes inclusive - no more than 0.5 kgf / cm 2 from charging pressure;

With a train length of more than 400 axes - no more than 0.7 kgf / cm 2 from charging pressure.

After checking the density of the brake network and measure the pressure in the brake line of the last train car:

The driver produces the braking stage by setting the control body of the driver's crane in v position with discharge by the equalization tank by 0.05-0.06MP (0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2) and translates the control body of the driver's crane in IV position Checking the actions of the brakes of 2-tail wagons and after performing the density of the brake network of the train at the IV position of the machine crane knob after disconnecting the compressors by reaching the locomotive locomotive and the subsequent decrease in this pressure by 0.04-0.05 MPa (0.4 -0.5 kgf / cm 2) With a measurement of a further pressure reduction of 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2). Upon completion of the test of automatic brakes and measure the density in the IV position of the driver's crane handle, the driver produces brake leave.

Inspeckers of wagons must check the vacation of the brakes of 2-cauldrops for the care of the brake cylinder stock and waste pads from the wheels with a measurement of the timing of brakes in 2-tail wagons (with the length of the cargo train less than 100 axes, the brake release time is not produced).

Upon completion of this testing, the driver is awarded "Help on providing trains by brakes and a good effect" as with full testing. Responsibility for the accuracy of these certificates of Wu-45 will be inspected by wagons, and in the absence of inspections of the wagons, persons to whom this duty is entrusted.

With a trailer to the car arrived, the integrity and density of the trains of the trains arrived and the brake line density is performed as with the full testing of the brakes in the second and fourth position, and then abbrevatory testing of the brakes with a mandatory check of the action in each adared car with a measure of the release time of the last two cars, regardless of The number of axes of the composition.

After completing the testing of the brakes, the inspector of the head part is filled with the help of Wu-45 form in two copies, signs it and one instance is handing a locomotive driver.

Abbreviated testing of the brakes is made in the following cases:
. After the trades of the train locomotive to the composition, if the complete testing of auto motors from the station network was previously done;
. After changing the control cabin of the motor-audible train and after changing locomotive brigades, when the locomotive from the train is not unloaded;
. After any disconnection of the connecting sleeves in the train, the joints of the sleeves due to the trailers of the rolling stock, as well as after overlapping the end crane of the brake air line as part of the train;
. After charging the working tanks of the mechanism for unloading a hopper-dispense turntable on the stretch.

The abbreviated testing of autolikes is made at the items of a technical inspection without an inspection of a locomotive from the train and at intermediate stations in cases of a group of wagons group to the train without re-forming the composition, after the production of brake repair work related to their inclusion. In these cases, the effects of the brakes in the trailed group of cars and renovated cars are checked.

The abbreviation of the autotractors is performed as follows. At the signal of the inspector-machine gunner, the locomotive driver makes braking a decrease in pressure in the highway of freight and passenger trains of a normal length by 0.5-0.6 kg / cm2, long-constituent passenger trains by 0.7-0.8 kg / cm2, dual passenger Trains by 0.8-1.0 kg / cm2. The inspector automaton checks the state of the braking network of trains on the action of the brake of the last car. Making sure that the last car is slowed down, it gives the "release the brake". The driver makes a vacation, putting the driver's crane in the first position with the subsequent transfer of it to the second (train) position. If there is a semi-automatic accelerator, vacation is performed with the button by pressing the button. After receiving the response signal from the locomotive, the car gun is convinced that the brake pads moved from the surface of the wheel riding, i.e., that the brake of the last car is released. On this abbreviation ends.

If the abbreviated testing of the brakes was carried out after re-forming the train composition, then the locomotive certificate of the brakes is made about the abbreviated testing and the change in the composition. Such a mark in the help makes an inspector automatic machine or the inspector of the wagons, and at the stations where there are no them, duty in the station.

In all other cases, the mark in the certificate of the abbreviated testing of the brakes is not done. The employee, producing the testing of autolikes, must prevent the departure of the train if during the testing process it was found that the brake of the tail car did not work.

To check the serviceable state of the brakes of rolling stock, there are two types of their testing: full and abbreviated. The first is performed at the formation and turnover stations before sending the train, after the change of locomotive, before the protracted descents and in a number of other cases.

The first phase of the process of complete testing of the brakes is to check the density of the brake network. In passenger trains, it is overlapped with a combined crane or a tap of double thrust and after 20 ° C measure the pressure drop in TM, which should not exceed 0.02 MPa per 1 min or 0.05 MPa for 2.5 minutes.

In cargo trains, in contrast to passenger, due to shutdown, VP check valves, when decreasing pressure in TM, it is faster in it compared to dark softness, and the brakes are triggered. Therefore, in them, the density check is carried out indirectly, based on the analysis of the pressure reduction rate at gr.

After the compressor is turned off the pressure regulator and the subsequent pressure reduction in G by a value of 0.05 MPa (for stabilizing thermodynamic processes), the time of its further fall is measured by 0.05 MPa when the KM handle position is tested and compared with the table. The latter, depending on the length of the composition and the type of locomotive, should be less than the resulting. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the TM density of the car, reducing leakage from it. In addition, in all cargo trains, they are obliged to measure train pressure in the tail trunk highway, using a pressure gauge installed on the connecting sleeve head, and make sure that the pressure is not lower than the instruction set (the average pressure difference between the head and tail parts of the train should not exceed 0 07-0.08 MPa).

The second phase of full testing is to check through the drying of the brakes on the output of the TC rod and pressing the pads to the surface of the wheel riding, but not earlier than 2 minutes after the braking produced. The vacation brakes of each car is checked for the care of the shopping center of the shopping center and the deployment of the pads from the wheels.

In passenger trains, according to the regulations, after checking the density, the operation of the EPT and the sensitivity of the automatic brakes of the discharge stage of the TM at 0.05-0.06 MPa, after which all brakes should come into action and spontaneously not to let go to the moment of their vacation. All faults identified in the process of complete testing of brake equipment on cars must be eliminated and it is checked on these cars.

After completing the complete testing, the examination is obliged to hand the driver in the form of Wu-45 on the security of the train inhibitors. It indicates data on the required and actual calculation of the pads, the number of manual brakes in the axes to hold trains on the spot and the presence of manual brake axes in them, quantities (in%) in the train of composite pads, data on the density of the train brake network, the value of train pressure In the TM cavity car cargo train, as well as the exit of the ride of the TC of the last car.

Abbreviated testing of the brakes according to their action on the last two cars in trains are produced in the following cases: after the traded locomotive tray to the composition, the brakes of which are checked with full testing; After changing locomotive brigades without checking locomotive; After any separation of sleeves in the train, after the parking lot more than 20 minutes of passenger trains and more than 30 minutes of freight, as well as in a number of other cases provided for by the instructions. The density of the brake network is not determined. The mark of conducted abbreviated testing is made in the certificate of Wu-45 available from the driver.

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