Home Torkemose Braid from wires on the steering wheel. We make a leather fever with your own hands. Self sewing braids

Braid from wires on the steering wheel. We make a leather fever with your own hands. Self sewing braids

The car is not a luxury, we solid we yourself, but still so you want to decorate the iron horse with a leather interior. Start from the steering wheel! Rule braid spent done so that the skin lay down as a native, is quite fulfilling the task even for those who have never done it.

Braid on the steering wheel - genuine leather for comfort and beauty

Steering skin covered, put mainly on more dear cars. Down with stereotypes - what's the difference how much is the car, what kind of brand it is and from which country? The leather steering wheel not only looks beautiful, but much more comfortable lies in his hand. Especially well you feel it when you go on a distant journey. Unlike plastic details, leather sheat drifts air and moistureSo it does not accumulate on the surface of the steering wheel. To enhance the effect, you can cover the steering wheel of perforated skin.

The disadvantages include the complexity in the washing of pollution, and the lifespan service is not so big. But with all this you can accept. But with the cost of covering the helm of the skin in the cabin should not be put up! After all, for a few hours, and not the most difficult, and the service will cost several hundred, and far from rubles. Why not try to do everything yourself, and start doing your own hands with this detail.

One of the most simple options - Purchase the finished leather braid in specialized stores or the Internet. The finished solutions are offered for many models, there are universal braids. All you need to do is work a little needle and thread that come in the kit. Usually enough 1-2 hours to bring everything to mind. If you picked the skin under your model, then after a few days, the braid will fall as native!

Went on the steering wheel with your own hands - when there are no ready-made solutions

But ready-made solutions can not always approach your car. For example, you changed the steering wheel after buying a car, and now it is simply impossible to choose the necessary braid. Or you are an amateur to do everything yourself. In these cases, we have a piece of good skin, threads, needles, scissors, and, of course, patience - if you never sewed, you will need a lot of latter.

To begin with, if possible, remove the steering wheel from the car. This is a rather laborious process, so you can restrict ourselves to the dismantling of parts that will interfere, for example, airbag or adjustment buttons. Be sure to turn off the battery.

As with any sewing, do not do without a stencil. And it is done very simply: we are tightening the steering wheel with a food film, we wind the paper tape (painting tape) on top, draw a marker on the "paint" seam and the stationery knife cut through this design on the markup. As a result, you may have at least three pieces of stencil. From thick paper or cardboard, cut out the stencil pattern, provided 5 mm indents on the seams.

In places docking the slices of skin, the indent is reduced to 3 mm, so that the material is tightly tight.

Next, you should sell thread as a lace in the boot, for the loop of the seams on different sides of the leather braid. Possible both the curtains and options with the firmware, the main thing that the skin was quite thick and your braid on the steering wheel did not break into pieces. Do not try to tighten the thread from the first time, it will not work anyway.

Select a specific step and following it, do some loops, and then return back and how to tighten the first loop. In such a pace and move on. If the skin is very durable, then to increase the elasticity, it can be slightly soaked. In this case, it is even more aging when he dried. Having pulled the braid, set the buttons and other items. That's all! Your steering wheel has become a leather.


The car's wheel is not only one of the main management bodies, but also the element to which you pay attention when you sit down in the salon and from which it depends on how convenient and nice to drive the car. Intensive operation of the steering wheel leads to a fairly fast loss of its initial species. In this article « » I will tell you how to return the Baranka for the same kind and make it even more attractive.

In order to start work you need

  1. Remove the steering wheel from the car (use the repair and operation of the car).
  2. Construction painting tape - 1 big motility (paper tape, the usual adhesive is not suitable)
  3. Food or Packaging Film - 1 MOK
  4. Stationery Knife is preferably with a new blade
  5. Dark color marker - 1 pc
  6. Cardboard (preferably average density)
  7. Strong kapron thread (the one that is used to repair shoes)
  8. Needles for sewing preferably kalenny (take a few pieces, can be brown or breaking)
  9. Two thimbles on the middle fingers (will be removed from the puncture fingers)

Well, the most basic material for work is the skin. The skin is better than a brother of good quality, and if you want to practice, it is better to use skin or a skin substitute from old jackets, pants, bags, and so on.

Making patterns

It is necessary to wind the steering wheel of the food (packaging) film. The film must closely fit the steering wheel.

Then on top of the film as close as possible amultuate the painter tape for the final result of the braid turned out to be larger.

We take the marker and divide the steering wheel into four parts, make a label on the inside of the steering wheel for the inner seam preferably smoothly.IMPORTANT: Number or sign each part before cutting. Cut out clearly on the tags made, four patterns should get.

Carved patterns and lies with them on a flat surface, press something heavy, and leave for the night so that they leveled and accepted the right form. Next, the aligned patterns are transferred to the cardboard (so more convenient to make patterns on the skin, Beforemake a reserve for each element 1-1.5 cm), and then transfer to the skin.

Cut from leather elements sew in order from number 1 to 4, the first and the latter are stitched to get a ring.

We try the finished braid on the steering wheel, the workpiece should not hang out, and it must fit tightly to the steering wheel (if it still does not fit, you need to take it in one of the seams). If everything turned out to go to next stage we take the braid steering wheel and shoot the edge to perform this procedure better sewing machineIf there is no possibility to see you can make a winding on the edges of the product (use only strong threads).

Options Stitching braids on the steering wheel

Completion of robots

In order for the operation of the braid not slipped on the steering wheel, the edges can be fixed with glue or epoxy resin. After all the preparatory robots are completed, it is possible to start tightening the braid on the steering wheel at the end of the robots set the steering wheel back to the car and enjoy the result.

Imagine that you decided to upgrade your car's salon. The covers for seats made of genuine leather, pulled the front panel, ceiling, doors, and even the handle of the gearbox. But your new interior will look unfinished until you change appearance steering wheel. The easiest and fastest way to do it is to wear a steering fell.

What is needed for steering

Surely you have more than once asked: And why do you need a neglection, if the steering wheel can be just painted in the desired color? To begin with, it performs a decorative function. You can choose the appropriate material and color gamut and refresh the car's interior. There is a napkin and other useful functions. For example, it increases the thickness of the steering wheel, making grip more convenient. The material under your hands will be soft, and in cold weather heavier than the original plastic steering wheel.

In addition, the pole protects the steering wheel itself from mechanical damage: scratches, chips, pulp. If the material has deteriorated during operation, the overtake is easy to remove and install a new one, while the steering wheel itself will have to restore long and carefully. If you got a used car, whose steering wheel can no longer boast the factory type, such a cover will help to hide all the flaws.

Another important feature: the pole will provide reliable grip between the surface of the steering wheel and your hands. Your palms do not slip at the time of controlling the car, and therefore travel will be safer.

The appearance of the steering wheel became much more expensive, it looks like on cars the class above. I would also like to especially note that the steering wheel became thicker, not so slippery, as before, and most importantly - now he is pleasant to the touch. In a word, pleased with what happened, including the price tag and ease of installation.



Choosing a fever on the steering wheel, you will face a large variety of materials. Among the most popular species can be allocated as follows:

  • natural and artificial leather feet;
  • fur strings;
  • wire shafts;
  • silicone linings;
  • poropolone covers.

As a separate category, useful benefits can be allocated: in addition to their basic functions, they have a number of additional benefits. These, for example, include covers on the heated steering wheel and massage linings. Consider each of the types of more.

Leather boobs

As we have already noted, the skin for the manufacture of feet is used both natural and artificial. Of course, genuine leather will be stronger, soft and pleasant to the touch than artificial. However, its price may be 3-4 times higher, which makes it inaccessible for a variety of motorists. As an artificial (it is also called ecocuses) and genuine leather have good performance. Such a material will not fill in the sun and will not swell from entering the moisture. He is not afraid of temperature differences.

Usually leather covers choose male representatives. This material looks solid and expensive, fits into the interior of any car. Leather Case It can become a good gift for a holiday.

When choosing such a fever, give preference to perforated skin. It is softer to the touch and better passes the air, creating a breathable effect.


The fur used for steering fells can also be artificial and natural. Natural fur is better retaining heat in cold weather. Although, if you do not ride in the cities of the Polar region, the artificial material will cope not worse. Often, when manufacturing covers, sheepskin is used.

Artificial fur with a long pile is often stained in bright colors, complement funny elements. The use of such a cover will be issued in the owner of the car with a cheerful and carefree personality. Such pants most often choose young women.

Braided covers

Wires from the wire covers are also called retro-fellows, because they were very popular in the middle of the last century. Now such pants use those who want to stylize their iron horse under classic car The times of the Soviet Union.

Wicker covers retain their main functions: protection of the steering wheel from damage and from scoring hands. At the same time, their price is much lower than that of leather and fur analogues. The most popular material for the manufacture of wicker covers is the usual wire with insulation, which is found in the garage almost everyone. Some craftsmen make nurses from hard and thin linen rods.

Wire lamp can be ordered in special workshops, and you can make it yourself using weaving schemes. Using different colors, You can create your own unique steering design.

Silicone and foam covers

Often, silicone or foam rubber is used for the manufacture of steering fever. Manufacturing technology helps to make covers from these materials inexpensive, but perfectly copier with all tasks. The color gamut of such feet is very diverse: you can meet both calm pastel shades and bright neon tones. Color pattern, and transparent silicone to protect your steering wheel, but will open its original appearance.

Useful benefits

The useful covelaces, as mentioned earlier, can be attributed to the heated raids. Material in their manufacture can be used any, but most often it is natural or eco-leave. It is enough to connect the wire from the cover to the cigarette lighter, and you are provided with additional heated palms.

Massage inserts on flaps are usually made of rubber. Special relief affects certain points on the palms, improves blood circulation, thereby preventing fatigue and pushing hands.

How to choose a fence on the steering wheel

By purchasing a fever, it is not enough to choose only the color and material. It is very important to determine right size And the form of the part.

In size

The case must necessarily approach the steering wheel. If you choose too small, you will not be able to tighten it, and too big will be ugly hang and form folds. To find out the diameter of the steering wheel, use the meter ribbon.

The measured row of steering covers is represented by the following types:

  • S is the smallest size, suitable for steels with a diameter of 35 to 36 cm, is usually used on small machines, like an eye or Tavria;
  • M - average size for steels 37-38 cm, occurs on most modern foreign and domestic passenger cars with body type sedan, hatchback or liftback;
  • L is a large size, designed for steers, whose diameter is 39-40 cm;
  • XL - steering wheel diameter 41-43 cm, is usually found on UAZ and Gazelle cars
  • 2XL - this size is found in some import trucks, the diameter of the steering wheel is 47-48 cm.
  • 3XL - for steels with a diameter of 49 cm, occurs from domestic kamaz.

It will be more reliable if you manufacture a cover yourself or order it in a special workshop. Professionals will accurately measure the diameter of your steering wheel and prepare a hatch, ideally suitable in size.

On the brand and car model

To find out the diameter of your steering wheel, look at the instruction manual. W. different models The diameter may differ slightly. If you do not want to risk with the selection of the cover of the steering wheel, take advantage ready decision: You can find special dollars made by lecture for most popular cars. Whether in the search bar, the request indicating your model and choose from a variety of options proposed.

By purchasing a cover in this way, you can be sure that it will fit not only on the diameter of the steering wheel, but also in the thickness of the rim, as well as the arrangement of the spokes and buttons.

By sight

Everything is simple here: they determined the size and model, followed by the visual selection. First, decide on the material. Skin, fur or modern synthetic materials will create a fundamentally different image to you and your car. Think out the color gamut of the salon: if it completely covers the skin of black color, then the bright pink long fur will look ridiculous. If insertion inserts inserts of red, beige, blue or other contrasting shades in the trim, the steering wheel in a similar gamma will support the color solution.

How to make it yourself - instruction

If you do not want to spend money on ready-made pants, you can make it with your own hands. To do this, you will need a standard set of sewing accessories, the material itself for the nearest, pattern, as well as a little time and patience.

Materials and tools

First prepare all necessary materials and tools. These include:

  • selected material for a new case;
  • old case (if any);
  • food film;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • marker;
  • tailor chalk;
  • sharp tailoring scissors and stationery knife;
  • special threads for working with skin;
  • sewing machine suitable for working with leather (or for the material you choose);
  • glue.

The process of creating a cover for the steering wheel

The process of creating a steering wheel will differ depending on whether you are going to close the needle cover. If not, it will be much easier to make it.

  1. Member tape measure two main parameters: the length of the circle of the steering wheel (future length of the product), as well as the circumference of the rim itself (future width of the product).
  2. Based on these figures, cut the skin strip of the corresponding length and width. If you use the skin, which is characterized by high elasticity, retreat about 1 mm inside the part. This will allow better and tighten the resulting cover on the steering wheel.
  3. Pull the detail with a sewing machine at a distance of about 3 mm from the edge on both sides.

If you want the cover to cover the needles, you need to make a pattern for the future pattern. This is done as follows.

  1. Tightly wrap the steering wheel of the food film.
  2. On top of the film, cover the greasy tape into several layers. It should cover the entire surface of the steering wheel, without gaps. Pay special attention spokes.
  3. Marker Spend a line in the center of the inside of the rift of the steering wheel. Now you denote the place of the future seam. Divide the steering wheel on the sections from the knitting needles. If you wish, you can make only one seam - central, but in this case you will have to try to very much when lacing.
  4. Stationery knife cut the greasy tape for the designated lines and remove it from the steering wheel. You got peculiar patterns.
  5. Apply the resulting patterns to the involving side of the material from which the case will be made. With chalk gently transfer the contours, observing all the bends.
  6. Cut the resulting item. If you use the skin, which is characterized by high elasticity, retreat about 1 mm inside the part. This will allow better and tighten the resulting cover on the steering wheel.
  7. Pull the detail with a sewing machine at a distance of about 3 mm from the edge on both sides. If you wish, you can sew part of each other.
  8. Melt the edges of the details with a thin layer of glue and fix on the steering wheel. If you did not stitch them earlier, watch the joints be invisible.

Making patterns for steering wheel

Sew a hatch with your own hands will be much easier if you already have an old case. All you need is to resort it on the seams and move the contours to the new material, and then cut, strain and put on the steering wheel.

How to wear and lace a fear

Now you have to wear and lace the resulting felling. This process will differ, although not drastically, depending on whether the cover suggests the closing of the helm of the helm.

Methods of installation on the steering wheel with the knitting needles and without them

The main difference is the need to dismantle the steering. If the length is not designed for the needles, you can fix it, leaving the steering wheel in your place. But to install a cover with a material for the spokes, you will have to remove the steering wheel with a regular way.

Before dismantling the steering wheel, do not forget to turn off the battery. If its housing contains a airbag, then leaving at least 5 minutes before starting to disassemble the steering wheel.

For sale there are one-piece covers that do not need to be launched. They wear on the top of the steering wheel, and then with an effort stretched onto the whole wheel. It is desirable that at the same time someone helped fixing the pad at the top. Otherwise she can slip. The edges of such a cover will clounce, and you will not have to spend precious time on the lacing.

If you made a fever with your own hands, or bought an option involving lacing, you will have to fix it yourself. It is quite a long, but absolutely simple process. You do not need to be able to sew and make beautiful stitches, because everything you need is already ready.

  1. If your case is made of genuine leather, soak it in warm water for 15-20 minutes. This will increase the elasticity of the material.
  2. Arm yourself with a sewing needle. It should not be especially thick, as you have to skip it under threads.
  3. You will not need to calculate the material with a needle. Pay attention to the line you (or the manufacturer) made in paragraphs No. 3 and 7 of the instructions for making patterns. Skip the needle under stitches and tighten the material.
  4. Start from the bottom of the steering wheel and move counterclockwise. It is most convenient to do the first screed at the beginning of one of the lower spokes.
  5. Carefully straighten and slightly pull the material. Try to avoid folds and distortions.
  6. Treat the entire seam in this way. On the spokes you will have to fix and turn the thread. You can estimate the required length and the number of threads in advance, measuring the distance between the knitting needles.
  7. When the nepheet is fully fixed, scatter it again and dry it. After that, the material will make the steering wheel tightly.

If in some places it does not work perfectly stretch the skin, warm it up with a regular hairdryer. With increasing temperature, its elasticity increases.

She put on the steering wheel, put the seam in the center, began to understand the thread. Decided to sew through one, just looked like shelted leather Rules on machines from the factory. As a result, the hour and a half or two works and the steering wheel is ready. Threads still remained meter. Now it looks at all as a native, on the steering wheel all the village. The result is very pleased, the steering wheel has become more convenient and pleasant to the touch.

Tyoma Vorobyovhttps://www.drive2.ru/l/422671/

Video: Installing a strip on the steering wheel

Types of Rule Wheel Lace

Change the lamp is extremely harder than to cord boots. You can use threads to tone material. In this case, there is not a big difference, which method you will cord a fever. But if you want to give your Ruly an unusual look, use the threads of one or more contrasting colors. Bright threads can be used at the stage when the item is striking.

The screed of the patch can be made in several ways. Who is more convenient and nurser. I used the easiest thing when the thread is running in each seam, an igniting the outlet along the contour and tightening it on the like shoe lace. The thread was the same color, the decision is temporary - so I did not show off. For the future there were plans to use a red thread for a screed. But, for this, at least normal skin is needed + additional covering at least the automatic transmission lever. To finish the key elements did not differ from each other.


Some lacing implies the simultaneous use of two needles with threads. Carefully read and select a scheme that suits you the most.

Macrame lacing looks rather unusual, therefore it is often used when fixing the steering wheel. The thread is running under stitch, stretches to the opposite side, and then passes under the stitch located one above. Thus, a diagonal lacing is obtained through each second stitch on both sides. The thread is tightly tightened and seam is formed.

Video: Soo Macrame

In order to make a lacing, called sports, it is necessary to start weaving the previous method, and before the final tie to put the second thread, which in the same way will pass under all missed stitches. Such a double macro and is considered a sports lacing.

There is a second version of the sports lacing. With it, only one thread is used, and it is done in each stitch, without skips. After tightening the seam looks very interesting.

Video: second velocity

And also there are ways of lacing, for which the initial line does not need. Thread holes are made through a special device. These seams include pigtails, tree and some others. Weaving schemes you can understand by studying the following image and video.

Video: Show "Yelochka"

Video: Show "Cross"

There is nothing complicated in the technique, there is nothing difficult, we cling to the needle first a loop on one side of the fever, then to another, then again on the first and so on. I first just "laid" a fever, and after everything "launched" has already stretched the thread. I did it for several reasons. Firstly, from the first site, it will not be possible to delay, because the opposite end of the pole is not fixed, and, secondly, since the scotch does not stick, the edges of the poles were very much walked along the steering wheel.


Remember that the sides of the material need to be pulled only after you skip the curning thread under all the necessary stitches. So the shaped seam will be even. In order for the result to be better, practice on the strip of the neck before putting it on the steering wheel. If you are satisfied, what the selected seam looks like, boldly install the case on the steering wheel.

Make a fever on the wheel of a car for almost anyone. If you do it for the first time, stop at the case without a spice. If you already have experience of having other details, you can choose more complex materials and methods. As for the lacing process, he takes more time than forces. If you or the manufacturer bothered in advance about the line on the details, everything that you have, it is to be trained under the stitches the thread so that you are moving your favorite costers. And the variety of seams and weaving will help make your steering wheel unlike others. And if you make a fever on the steering wheel so simple, then why not save on the services of automobile studies?

Recently, braids on the steering wheel became an incredibly popular device from motorists around the world. Therefore, the choice of braid and the correct way to dress their clothes on the steering wheel is the topic of permanent disputes. This article will consider: the main types of braids, the method of choosing a suitable braid and the process of putting on and lacing the cover on the car's steering wheel.

Why do you need a braid?

Braid on the steering wheel is not only important element The inner decor of the car, but also the part performing the mass of useful functions. The braid increases the thickness of the steering wheel, which is why the hands are much more convenient to cover its surface. Also, this element makes the steering wheel warmer in winter weather - the driver is much more pleasant to touch the soft surface of the braid than the cold metal surface of the standard steering wheel.

The braid protects the surface of the steering wheel from scratches and other damage mechanical character, because if it is possible to replace the braid, then it can be replaced at any time to a new one, while the same replacement of the whole steering wheel is much more complicated and more expensive than money.

Braids on the steering wheel differ depending on the material from which they are manufactured.


  • pros: Durability, stability before antiseptic means, hygienicity, ease of care, pleasant to the touch.
  • Minuses: high price.

Artificial leather (eco)

  • pros: No toxic discharge, easy installation, ease of care, affordable price.
  • Minuses: Low stability before antiseptic means, the average durability of use, most often a noncainted appearance.

Wire (braided case)

  • pros: High strength indicator, durability, low cost.
  • Minuses: low level hygienicity, very hard cleaned from dust, inconvenient in winter timeWhen hardens and very bad warms up.


  • pros: High strength, available cost, is easily cleaned.
  • Minuses: Unstable before exposure to antiseptic agents, is short-lived, low-apparent appearance.


  • pros: High strength, minimum cost is quite easy to clean.
  • Minuses: Not too convenient, short-lived, low-rotory appearance.

You also need to mention braids with additional properties. For example - heated braids: They are more expensive, the material can be used any. It is worth noting the popularity of these covers, because for many motorists these the most additional properties of the cover are a decisive factor when buying.

How to choose a braid on the steering wheel

As with the selection of any other device for the car, choose a braid on the steering wheel, you need to rely on your own needs and preferences. However, there are general parameters that help choose the optimal option for the buyer:

  • Braid size depending on the size of the steering wheel (S - diameter 35-36 cm, M - 37-38 cm, L - 39-40 cm, XL - 41-43 cm, 2xl - 47-48 cm, 3xl - 49 cm.) .
  • The car brand for which the braid is bought is the determining factor, for it is precisely from the car's brand that the wheel size depends.
  • The type of braid should correspond to the visual data of the machine and the material of its internal upholstery.

How to wear and lace a braid

The main headache of the person who bought a suitable diameter and external characteristics The braid on the steering wheel of his car is the need to wear it right. And in this case, it all depends on whether the braid is designed for the helm. If not, everything is done quite quickly, because it is not necessary to carry out additional manipulations with the wheel. If the braid is designed for the knitting needles, the steering wheel must be removed (you need to take carefully, turning off the battery and waiting a few minutes so that the airbags do not work), the braid is put on the removed steering wheel, and then the wheel of the steering wheel is installed back to its place.

Rule removal and worm

The main problem when putting on the braid lies in its lacing. Yes, you can purchase a one-piece case that does not require that it be launched. But if the lacing is needed, and the buyer does not know how to perform it correctly, the process of installing the braid on the wheel of the steering wheel can be a real problem. Learn to cord braid easy enough, because this process is although long, but also very simple.

In the event that, as a result, any folds remain on the case, problem places Braids can be warm up. Such a reception will help increase the elasticity of the material and facilitates the lacing process.

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