Home Wheels Crimean bridge Opening a car movement. The bridge over the Kerch Strait is now open to the movement of trucks. What are the construction workers a month before the opening date of the Crimean Bridge

Crimean bridge Opening a car movement. The bridge over the Kerch Strait is now open to the movement of trucks. What are the construction workers a month before the opening date of the Crimean Bridge

It happened! Exactly at 05:30 on Wednesday, May 16, the automotive movement on the Crimean bridge is open. And simultaneously from two shores.

To drive on the new Crimean Bridge, people held a turn from the night

The spectacle is indescribable! With the first rays of the Sun, the first cars, behind the wheel of which ordinary car enthusiasts, we went on a new vehicle transit. The head of the column is the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharov, hundreds of bikers from the Motoclub "Night Wolves" and ordinary residents of the country. Those who wish to do with the discovers were so much that the queue stretched out at 2 kilometers. And Iron horses began to pull up to the bridge in the evening, May 15.

When the Crimean Bridge opens. Photo: Infocenter "Crimean Bridge"


To drive to the Crimean Bridge from the Krasnodar Territory, you need to move federal highway A-290 to a junction with a new road at the Taman Peninsula. And then 40 kilometers on the auto-order to the transport transition.

From the side of Crimea, the movement begins on the interchange on the existing highway "Simferopol - Kerch" and then you need to drive 8.6 kilometers to the Crimean bridge.

Help "KP"

The Crimean Bridge has become the longest in Russia. His length is 19 kilometers. Initially, it was planned to start the start of the car on the bridge in December 2018, but the builders completed work raising the schedule.

Car traffic on the bridge launched on May 16. Travel for passenger buses and passenger cars Opened simultaneously from two banks of the Kerch Strait - two lanes in each direction.

There are more than 10 thousand builders and over 1.5 thousand engineering and technical workers at the facility. Construction lead more than 30 bridges, the main cooperation of construction is nearly 220 enterprises from all over Russia.

Biker Surgeon: Crimean Bridge is a bridge to the future of Russia

Alexander Zddostanov called the transport transition through the Kerch Strait of the Radio of Russian Spring

Cars started moving through the Crimean Bridge on both directions.

From the side of Taman early in the morning a column of cars of local residents and motorcyclists was nominated. Among the first participants in the movement are local residents, bridge builders, veterans and official representative of MID Maria Zakharov.

From the side of the Crimea, residents of the peninsula also opened the movement. On the auto-site to the bridge in Kerch to the beginning of the movement gathered several hundred cars. The column of motorcyclists is headed by Biker Alexander Zadostanov (surgeon).

Machines and motorcycles are decorated with flags of Russia, people remove what is happening on the cameras, make selfie, some are cast out of the hatches on the roof of the machines. Drivers began to signal immediately with the start of movement.

Soon the autocolon, who left the Crimea and Kuban, met in his culmination part - on a road arch.

The solemn opening ceremony of the bridge took place on May 15th. Vladimir Putin driving Kamaz overcame the path from the Krasnodar Territory to Kerch a little more than a quarter of an hour.

© RIA Novosti / Vitaly Mosttsky

Crimean Most

The bridge over the Kerch Strait is the longest in Russia, its length is 19 kilometers. The car movement on it was launched half a year before the initially established period.

Currently entry to the bridge is allowed passenger cars and passenger buses. Traffic trucks It will openly open up in October 2018, trains at the end of 2019.

According to the bridge having two bands in each direction, it is allowed to ride at a speed of up to 90 kilometers per hour, it is forbidden to stop.

The whole Crimea is looking forward to the main event of the year - launch of the first part of the construction of the century. And the closer summer, the more often the question interests us - when the Crimean Bridge opens, or rather its road part? In this article, we tried to collect all the useful and official information regarding the construction of the century, to sear the myths, and also give your opinion on how the opening of the bridge will affect the life of Crimeans.

Crimean bridge - when the opening?

Somewhere from the end of April, we were already ready that the bridge is about to open. At first they talked about the May holidays, then about May 9 and the opening on the Victory Day. However, these were all "People's Commands" rather, the official statements were not received. The other day on the pages of the Crimean Bridge in social networks there was a post about myths about the Crimean Bridge, including opening dates.

As it turned out, the official opening is planned in the second half of May. In order to cut out existing myths and prevent future, made visual infographics about the planned dates of the opening of different parts of the bridge, including road.

Source: Official page of the Crimean Bridge in Facebook.

The other day in the media appeared new information about the opening of the Crimean Bridge 15 or 16 May 2018. The source of information is not called, but refers to reliable sources close to the Kremlin. It also says that at the opening of the bridge will necessarily be present President Putin, From the dense schedule of which the final date depends.

May 14 finally officially announced - the Crimean Bridge opens "16mm from 05:30 and forever! " The movement will begin simultaneously on both sides of the bridge - two lanes with maximum speed 90 km / h, without stopping on the bridge. On the eve of the Crimean Bridge, the bridge builders will officially operate - the first bridge will be the column of construction equipment.

Movement diagram through the Crimean Bridge

The State Committee of the Road Economy of Crimea published motion scheme Kerch Bridge according to which passenger cars and passenger buses can unhindered to use the bridge, which you can not say about trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons - They will have to use ferry crossing.

A detailed description of the entrance to the bridge can be found on the website of the Ministry of Road Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Source: gkdor.rk.gov.ru.

The consequences of the opening of the Kerch bridge

Construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait is not a gift doused the construction of the century. First, the bridge will become the most extended in Russia and one of the longest in Europe. Its length is 19 kilometers. Secondly, connecting the Crimea with the mainland, the bridge will allow you to quickly and easily move from the mainland of Russia in the Crimea and vice versa.

After starting the bridge, experts predict general price reduction in Crimea on consumer goods, gasoline and diesel fuel. The presence of a bridge will benefit from tourism on the peninsula, significantly facilitating the path to guests on personal cars and unloading ferry crossing.

Car movement in the Crimean bridge on both sides was discovered for passenger and passenger transport. The first cars, behind the wheel of which were ordinary drivers, drove on the construction of May 16 at 5.30 in the morning. Numerous journalists of federal and regional media, bloggers, representatives of public organizations, veterans, honorary citizens Kerch have also arrived at the event.

Many visitors decorated their vehicles by the flags of Russia and balloons - they all came to the bridge even at night, a few hours before the discovery, in order to get to drive at the time of the official opening of the movement in the Crimean Bridge.

Many drivers conducted direct broadcasts in social networks: on frames shot by the participants it can be seen that a few minutes before the opening of the movement, the columns of those who wish to go to the bridge stretched a few kilometers - to take part in the opening, judging by the state numbers of vehicles, the guests came from all over the country.

Together with the drivers on the bridge also drove cyclists. The columns closed several hundred motorcyclists from, as well as drivers on quad bikes - they came to the bridge about 2-3 hours of the night and also led the broadcast from the scene. The launch of drivers in the "pure zone" of automotive trading began at 3.20 in the morning.

Motion first opened from the side of Kuban, after which the column of transport from Kerch went to meet.

The main flow of transport hurried to the bridge from the mainland, however, hundreds of cars came from the Crimea on the bridge. When the streams of cars met under the arches of the bridge, the drivers met each other with loud signals. At the same time, on the railway part of the bridge, which are still underway, builders already worked, who also welcomed the columns.

"Kazan, Moscow, Samara, Krasnodar," the drivers shooting the event listed. In addition, many interested in the cost of gasoline in Kerch: many were planned to return back immediately after the passage.

It is noteworthy that the official representative of Mary took part in the opening with ordinary drivers. As he betrays, the diplomat drove along the bridge in Kerch from the side of Taman. According to her, everything turned out by chance.

"I have a tradition in the spring and summer to come to the Crimea and conduct exit briefings. This year they decided to spend it on May 16th. Then it turned out that on May 15 - the opening of the bridge, and early in the morning of the 16th launches the usual car flow, and I thought that it could not be better, "said Zakharov.

She told that she flew to Anapa by plane, and then arrived in Taman on the car.

"I read so many foreign articles that the bridge is not, it's all the fiction, and it will not be that it has already caused a feeling of practically disgusting from this Western propaganda. Just want to really see and then tell me, "Zakharov explained.

Recall that the solemn opening ceremony of the Crimean Bridge was held on May 15th. The movement along the bridge symbolically opened the column of cargo and construction equipment, headed by: The head of state drove along the bridge in 16 minutes 45 seconds.

Given the high interest in the construction of motorists, the Krymsky Bridge information center issued a special information memo in which drivers warned that there are no stops on the transport transition. At the same time, the speed of movement should not exceed 90 km / h.

In the infocenter asked motorists to follow the rules road On the bridge where video cameras are already working and reminded that the passage on the bridge is free.

As Rosavtodor's press service told, at the first stage, travel will be opened for cars with permitted maximum mass up to 3.5 tons. This is due to the need to ensure the safe pass-through pass of vehicles during peak loads during the high resort season. In this case, the restriction will not affect shuttle Busescarrying passenger transportation, and will act on the new section of the Federal Daily A-290 Novorossiysk - Kerch from May to October of the current year.

Truck drivers until October can use Kerch ferry crossing.

Bridge over the Kerch Strait became the longest in Europe, its length is 19 kilometers. The bridge begins on the Taman Peninsula, passes through the five-kilometer dam and the island of Tuzla, crosses the Kerch Strait and goes to the shore of the Crimea.

Planned throughput - 40 thousand cars and 47 pairs of trains per day, 14 million passengers and 13 million tons of cargo per year. Parallel built automotive and railway parts. At the same time, the automotive part of the bridge passed 6 months earlier - with a significant advance guarantee.

For the first time, Vladimir Putin was told about the serious advance of the schedule during the Message to the Federal Assembly on March 1. Then he stated that the bridge would be opened "in a few months." As for the opening of the railway part for the movement of trains, it is scheduled for the beginning of 2019. In the coming years, the Tavrid highway will be laid from the bridge, which will allow motorists as soon as possible to get from the strait to Simferopol and Sevastopol.


The Crimean Bridge is waiting not only in the Crimea, but in all of Russia. All the air tickets are expensive, and get them in the midst of the holiday season difficult, and the ferry crossing does not always work stable. Fortunately, this summer, every wishes will be able to drive into the Crimea by car without stopping: the opening of the Crimean bridge is scheduled for May, and President V.V. will come to open it Putin.

We will share all the most relevant news about the Kerch Bridge and tell what it is unique.

According to the latest data, The Crimean Bridge will open at dawn on May 16!The first brigade of builders erupt. Then, after 6.00, the car movement will be launched. The bridge will be personally President, V.V. Putin. Construction completed half a year earlier than planned. Already by the end of May, cars and buses, including passenger, intended for the carriage of the guests of the Peninsula, will be able to drive along the bridge.

Latest touches in the construction of the Crimean Bridge

At the beginning of May, the road part of the Crimean bridge was 98 percent, builders stated about this, putting it into action is scheduled for the second half of May. The first on the bridge will be able to drive cars And passenger buses, freight transport can be done only at the end of the season, in the fall.

Finishing work on the bridge

The work on the bridge approached its final and does not stop for a minute: the last blocks of barrier fence are installed, the lighting masts are connected to the power grids, the architectural illumination of the bridge arch is mounted, the laid asphalt is cleansed, the electronic sensors are tested and road signs are tested.

Almost finished drawing of road thermoplastic markup and installation of noise shields. They made from fiberglass to preserve the possibility of review will be fencing the councils that residents of neighboring settlements do not hear the noise of transport. Protective screens when entering the bridge will be metallic, it is done at the insistence of ecologists so that the birds from the neighboring lakes saw the barrier and did not break.

Readiness of counseling

The length of the councils on the side of Kuban is 40 kilometers, and together with congresses and unions - 53.4 kilometers. But in May, the Kuban auto-order will earn not all - transport junctions will not be put into operation, except for one, at 34 kilometers, there is now just ends arrangement and landscaping.

On both sides of the bridge at 26 kilometers, recreation sites and multifunctional gas stationsAnd on both sides of the bridge, inspection points will soon be commissioned for transport.

Ready of Astdia

The automated road control system is already working in the test mode. To ensure the safety of motion not only on the bridge, but also on auto-sends, and it is 70 kilometers, the operators track the stream of machines not only on computers, but also on a huge panel that highlights all the parameters of the bridge.

The ASUDD was developed on the basis of Russian innovative technologies, and its main task is to control the movement and comprehensive control, including compliance with traffic rules, weight control and transportation and tracking tracking.

The transport stream monitoring system will be collected from sensors information about the flow rate, motion interval, load load and classify transport, which will give the opportunity to choose a movement control program over the bridge.

Control the execution of traffic rules will be 19 camcorders and ten automatic control complexes. Information about violations will come to traffic police posts, which will definitely stop the actions of the violator.

Automatic meteorological stations will determine the wind power, air temperature and its humidity, which ultimately will tell about the state of the road, so, and road services, and motorists will be aware of the icing of the canvas, fog or strong wind. The program itself will analyze all the data and give its forecast a few hours before the onset of unfavorable conditions. The main dispatcher will be left to choose the right action of actions for roads and drivers.

The system will not only be listed about the accident, but also will help the drivers find a way out, showing information on the scoreboard (there are seven on the bridge) if the traffic strip is blocked - they will be able to reset the speed and rebuild into another row.

Another system is observing the structures of the bridge itself in case of deformation of their transport, hurricane wind or earthquake. If several factors coincide, and the situation will become critical, the sensors will instantly respond, then the movement can be stopped by dispatchers.

Railway part of the bridge

The construction of the railway part of the bridge continues, and according to the plan will be completed by the end of the year.

Now the last pipe piles are plunged, the foundations of the supports will be filled. Already going to build spans - collected 40 thousand tons metal structures, Prepared sections for shutters. When the spans are ready, the laying of the sleeper and the rail from Tamani will begin.

Opening date of the Crimean Bridge - in May 2018

Great news for everyone who is interested when opening the bridge in the Crimea for cars! Construction comes with a timing advance. If initially it was planned that the movement will be allowed only at the end of 2018, now the deadlines moved. Initially, representatives of the contractor said that the Kerch Bridge will be discovered in early May. However, according to information at the end of April, the discovery had to be transferred. The new date is the second half or the end of May. The plans are also in the plans that the president will come to open the Crimean Bridge. Representatives of the "Stroygazmontazh" company, which is responsible for the construction, assure that by the beginning of the tourist season, everyone will be able to get on the peninsula on a car without ferry crossing.

The bridge itself is over by more than 90%, but the road infrastructure of the Crimea itself does not have time for the builders. While there is an emergency room to be made by Kerch, there are also construction of trails that will link the bridge with Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta to bypass major cities and will avoid traffic jams. According to the authorities of the republic, it is important not only to launch the bridge, but also to avoid a transport collapse so that tourists do not leave the Crimea with negative feedback.

In the first months, only passenger cars and buses will be able to ride in the Crimean Bridge without restrictions. The movement for trucks promise to run in the fall, and the rails will start laying at the end of the year. The track "Tavrida", which will connect Sevastopol and Kerch, while only being built, so tourists need to be prepared that the problems with the roads on the peninsula itself are not yet solved.

Movement scheme over the bridge in Crimea

The Ministry of Transport foresees that during the summer holidays in the Crimea through Taman, many Russians will want to get. In order to prevent traffic jams and high loads on the bridge, it was decided to compile a movement scheme.

When they open the Crimean Bridge over the Kerch Strait, the first buses and passenger cars will go on it. Due to the fact that the bridge will be built in a more compressed time than planned, this will happen in the spring of 2018! Cargo transport will be able to move around the Kerch bridge on schedule, mostly at night. The exception will be done only for special transport serving the construction of the bridge. By the end of the year, all four bands will earn, and the bandwidth will be 40 thousand cars per day.

Despite the fact that transporting junctions with the rest of the road network are not completed yet, in May on the shore of Tamani from the A-290 route to the Crimean bridge will begin to work through the road. On the Crimean side at this time, the auto-site will start working from the bridge to the junction with the Taurid's track. From here the movement of the vehicle will continue on the acting track Kerch-Simferopol.

When new bands of the Tavrid route are entered into operation, councils to the bridge will be operated, and the restriction for cargo transport will be removed.

In 2019, a parallel railway bridge will be opened. It will carry, according to preliminary estimates, more than 14 million passengers per year.

What do builders do a month before the opening date of the Crimean bridge?

At the moment, work is underway to improve the safety and environmental safety of the bridge. In order to reduce the noise load, on the adjacent on both sides to the Kerch Strait plots set the acoustic screens with a height of 3-6 meters. The same screens on both sides will be installed on the bridge itself: a length of 700 meters from Tamani and 1300 meters from the Kerch shore.

According to experts, the noise panels are made of stainless steel, and the plates from mineral wool will absorb the noise. The panel is very resistant to fire, water and wind, and for anti-vandal security "answer" the ribs installed at the meter distance from each other.

Reduced acoustic load will help and trees planted at the entrance to the bridge in a special scheme. The same screens will be installed on the railway bridge when he will be ready to go into operation. Noise screens will be installed on automotive approaches to the bridge on both sides, the area of \u200b\u200bprotective screens will be 25 thousand m² on each side.

It will not be left without additional protection and the bridge itself - on the facade of the arch, the fairings are mounted, which will be able to remove the impact of wind on the arched span and make travel on the bridge comfortable. The fact is that wind speed just at the level of the roadway through the arch can reach 40 meters per second. After testing, the shape of the fairings as at the aircraft wing was designed. The protection against aerodynamic phenomena consists of 190 elements of structures and is similar to cornice on the facade. It is noteworthy that they were mounted from the arch, the movement of ships for the strait was not limited.

By the end, the arrangement of the road is also suitable: the barrier fence and all lighting are established. When the road to the road will be waterproofing, it will be possible to start laying the finish road coat. So the moment when the Kerch bridge is open, not far off.

What is the unique Crimean Bridge?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthrowing the bridge through the strait existed before. In the 11th century, the prince of Gleb occurred, in 1870, the British, in the early 20th century - Nikolai second, in 1942 - Germans, but construction began only in 1944. He was built, they even went through goods through it, but since the wooden piles were also involved in addition to metallic, the bridge could not stand the ice drift and was disassembled, did not become repaired. Instead of the bridge, it was arranged to cross, which regularly worked all the years, but finishes its existence in May 2018.

The Crimean Bridge is unique in many indicators:

  • the length of his arches is 227 meters, the height is 45 meters, and the weight is 5 thousand tons;
  • the sizes of the passage under the bridge are 185 m in width and 35 m in height;
  • on painting the arch left 46 thousand liters of anti-corrosion paint;
  • the arch is equipped with viewing strokes, lightning protection, alarm;
  • the bridge will be able to withstand an earthquake of 9.1 points without any problems;
  • construction without days off is building a team of 13 thousand people.

When they open the Crimean Bridge in May 2018, it will become the longest structure in Russia. Its length will be 19 km - True, 11.5 of them will be held by land.

By the way, the Crimean bridge even has his own mascot! The cat's bridge carefully monitors the works and adores to pose against the background of piles.

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