Home Generator Henry Ford's story. How did Henry Ford succeed? The story of a great engineer Henry Ford's stories are long but effective

Henry Ford's story. How did Henry Ford succeed? The story of a great engineer Henry Ford's stories are long but effective

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Henry Ford is a successful entrepreneur, innovator and engineer, on a par with Edison, Rockefeller, Morgan and other "builders of America." For many decades, the success story and biography of Ford was considered an example of how you can reach incredible heights only with the help of hard work and your own mind, and to this day his books do not lose their relevance among novice businessmen. How did it all begin and what did Ford have to overcome on the way to the title of automobile king?

A farm near Detroit

Henry was born into a farming family near Detroit, his parents were from Ireland, and besides him, 6 more children grew up in the family. Ford's father was able to provide for the family, there was enough money to live, and by farm standards, the Ford family was considered rich, although everyone had to work for this.

One of the most important events of his childhood, Henry considers a gift from his father - a wrist watch, which the curious guy took apart almost immediately in order to explore the internal mechanism. Love for technology and mechanics woke up in the boy from an early age, but the environment in which he lived and his father's beliefs did not contribute to the development of abilities, so soon Ford decides to leave the house.

Working by vocation

Henry twice tried to break out of his native farm in Detroit to work as an engineer. He fled to the city for the first time at the age of 16, and in order to somehow ensure his existence he worked at an enterprise for the production of carriages, and during the night shift he was engaged in repairing watches in a workshop. After 4 years of such a life, Ford returned home, where his father gave him 40 acres of land so that the guy would forget about cars forever.

The second time, Henry Ford went to Detroit with his wife (by that time, by the way, pregnant) and received the position of mechanical engineer in the rapidly developing Thomas Edison Lighting Company. The zealous worker was soon promoted to chief engineer and began building his own car at home in the garage.

After successfully testing his creation, the young man received sponsors and became one of the co-founders of the Detroit Motors automobile company. A management position and a stake in an engineering company is a good springboard to the future, but soon Henry Ford, management and working methods that the other founders do not like, are forced to leave Detroit Motors. The conflict arose when a newly minted executive proposed to reduce the cost of making cars by making them available to ordinary workers, which ran counter to the company's policy of producing "expensive toys" for wealthy Americans.

Car for the middle class - a breakthrough for Ford Motors

A year after the departure of their Detroit Motors, Henry Ford, whose success story has received a new round, finds sponsors and founds his own company - Ford Motors. He still wants to make cars cheap and affordable for the working class, so he ditches expensive materials for the Model T, but this is not enough and Ford decides to radically change the manufacturing process.

Ford Motors Introduces Assembly Line to Increase Efficiency, and the conveyors themselves rise to the level of the belt, which makes the work much more comfortable. In addition, lifting hooks and cables are installed on the production line, allowing engines and heavy vehicle parts to be lifted much faster and with fewer people.

The workflow optimization resulted in the $ 800 Model T, which was one-third less than the starting price of most cars at the time.

The Model T sold out at such a rate that soon Ford Motors became a monopoly in the market, occupying more than 50% of the segment... The improved model A.

Henry Ford's accomplishments are also in the reform of the organization of work. For the first time, workers were entitled to paid leave and a six-day work week with legal days off.

The work shift was reduced from 9 to 8 hours, and instead of two, three shifts worked, which created new jobs and made it possible not to stop production for an hour. The average monthly wage for a Ford Motors worker was about $ 130 ($ 100 was considered a very decent wage at the time), so the workers were motivated to stay with the company.

Henry Ford's secret of success

Exploring the biography of Ford, you can see that he had a tendency to work with various mechanisms from childhood, and in order to develop them as a young man, he had to sacrifice the quiet life of a wealthy farmer. Henry managed to work in several positions related to engineering and design, which, undoubtedly, allowed him to gain experience and move in the chosen direction.

Ford's engineering mindset was complemented by out-of-the-box thinking, which made it possible to radically change the production process, reduce production costs and literally break into car market that time.

But the story of Henry Ford is also a prime example of how you can achieve success using your own genius and fail because of overconfidence. Confident in his non-standard mindset, the founder of Ford Motors ignored the advice of many engineers and other specialists, as a result of which he received a monopoly on the market General Motors.

You can study the life and worldview of the great innovator in more detail in the books:

  • Henry Ford - "My life, my achievements";
  • Henry Ford - "Today and tomorrow";
  • Henry Ford - Moving forward.

Henry Ford, the genius of the automotive industry, who opened the world to in-line assembly, was a great master of aphorisms. He is often quoted and his expressions are precise and original. The main condition for success, Ford considered individuality - a quality inherent in every person.

Probably in modern world it will be very difficult to find a person who has never heard the name of Henry Ford. The success story of this man is so fascinating that more than one historian and management theorist wrote about it.

An American engineer who became an excellent inventor and an unsurpassed manager was able to create an enterprise, which to this day produces one of the best cars worldwide. This industrialist became the founder of the Ford Motor Company.

He is considered the father automotive industry Of the United States of America, and is known to everyone as a talented organizer of the conveyor belt production.

The future engineer, Henry Ford, was the son of a Michigan farmer who once emigrated from Ireland. He was born on July 30, 1863, and from childhood he was unloved by his father.

He believed that little Henry was behaving in a completely different way than a small resident of a farm should behave. The father considered the boy a sissy and lazy, because Henry behaved like a prince. Of course, the kid obeyed all orders, but he did it with obvious reluctance. With his hatred of chickens, cows, and everything related to it, Henry constantly thought about how to organize it all in other ways.

It is known that the rest of his life was changed by one event that happened when Henry was only 12 years old. Then his father gave him beautiful pocket watch... The boy decided to see how they work and opened the lid with a screwdriver.

A truly amazing sight appeared to his eyes. The parts of the watch mechanism interacted very clearly with each other, and even the smallest screw plays a very important role here. Ford realized that the lack of just one part of the mechanism would lead to its incorrect operation.

After the clock was disassembled, the boy pondered for a very long time about what our world is? After all, this is exactly such a clock mechanism, which consists of a great many large and small parts, each of which is incredibly important for life around the world.

Probably, it was then that a simple and brilliant idea came to his mind - you can only achieve success if you know which control levers to press and how to properly organize activities. Along the way, Henry learned to repair watches quickly enough, and even for a certain period of time he worked part-time in this way.

Ford's second shock came a little later. It was his meeting with a locomobile, which will forever remain in the memory of the future billionaire. Returning from town with his father in a cart, Henry saw big car that is shrouded in steam. Ford looked at the car and realized that it was self-propelled. Then Henry had a huge dream - to spend at least 10 minutes in the chauffeur's cabin.

When Ford was only 15 years old, he made an independent decision, left his school and left for Detroit at night. He understood perfectly well that he would never become a farmer, like his father, which meant that he had no place at all on the farm. Henry arrived at the site and got a job at a factory that made horse-drawn carriages, but he could not hold out for too long.

Ford very quickly found a breakdown in a faulty mechanism, and soon the workers began to envy the gifted newcomer. It was they who made every effort to ensure that Ford was fired as soon as possible. Then Henry came to another place of work, which became a shipyard, and at night he repaired any clockwork in order to somehow survive in a strange city himself.

Meanwhile, William Ford decided to return his son to the family business. He offered the guy 40 acres of land in return for just one promise - never to talk about cars again. Henry suddenly agreed, but it was just a way to deceive his father. This was a wonderful lesson for Henry, and he learned forever: if you want to be a king, you must be able to lie.

Then a little more time passed, and Ford decided to marry Clara Bryant, who was three years younger than the engineer. The young people had many common interests, but most importantly, Clara always believed in Henry's success even more than he did. This gave the young man a great desire to move forward in the direction of success. All her life, Ford's wise wife knew how to show interest in her husband's affairs, but she never allowed herself to interfere in them.

One day, Ford's father saw his son's house empty. The fact is that the young couple left for Detroit, where Henry was able to get a job at the Detroit Electric Company. There he became an engineer, and began to work in an area that has always been interesting to him.

For Ford, the year 1893 was remarkable. It was then that Ford's son was born, and a little later, Henry was able to complete the construction of the first experimental car. The clumsy ATV weighed 500 pounds and used bicycle wheels to move around.

Henry Ford worked for several other car companies, but over time everyone began to notice that Ford was spending a lot of money on his own inventions.

Then he was offered a prestigious job in a high-ranking position, but only on the condition that Ford abandon all his inventions. The engineer hesitated for a long time, and when his wife said that she would accept any of his decisions, he began to "sell himself."

Henry Ford began the very difficult job of finding partners, and after a long ordeal in 1903 he was able to create the Ford Motor Company. This talented self-taught mechanic also accepted such nuggets for his production. Throughout his career, Ford did not even learn to read the drawings, and therefore all car models were cut out of wood for him, and then they were given into his hands.

The main achievement and unique triumph in the life of Ford was the creation of the "T" model. This made it possible to change all the existing concepts in the automotive industry. The success of the Model T has surpassed all expectations. The machine was started in mass production, in which Ford insisted on the unification and standardization of all parts. Over time, all his thoughts allowed him to create an assembly line production, which became popular all over the world and made Henry Ford famous in the eyes of many generations.

I want it. So it will be.
Henry Ford.

American engineer, industrialist, inventor, founder of the Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company, was the first to organize in-line production. Henry was born June 30, 1863 in Michigan. His father William, a farmer who emigrated from Ireland, was dissatisfied with his son, considering him a sissy and lazy person. Because the guy was reluctant to carry out all the errands of his father on the farm. He did not like pets, fresh milk.

He believed that you can do more useful business than farming. At the age of 12, his father gave him a watch. The guy could not resist and opened the cover of the mechanism. He considered the structure of the clock for a long time, then assembled and disassembled them and came to the conclusion that the whole world is a large mechanism, just like. Everything in life has its own levers, and in order to succeed, you need to know which levers you need to press in time.

Another shock for Ford was the meeting with the locomobile, which was like a smoking and hissing monster for him. The boy at that moment would have given half his life to ride a locomobile. When Henry was 15, he dropped out of school and secretly left for Detroit at night, with only one thought - he would never be a farmer.

First job or the beginning of the path to success

He got a job at a factory for the manufacture of horse-drawn carriages. But here he did not work for long. Henry was very well versed in the mechanisms in the factory and quickly eliminated the cause. This caused envy among the other workers, and they kept the young man out of the factory. After a while, he got a job at the Flower brothers shipyard. At night I worked part-time by repairing watches. But there was barely enough money to pay for the room he rented.

At the time, he did not yet know. At this time, his father offers him 40 acres of land on the condition that he will forget about cars forever. Henry agreed, but Hive did not even suspect that he was deceived. Since he had a fiancée, Clara, and he understood that her parents would not marry their daughter to a man who did not have a penny in his heart.

Marriage and childbirth

He married Clara Bryanat, who was three years his junior. They met at a country dance. Clara's parents were there too. Soon he built a small house on his land and settled there with his wife.

Henry and Clara moved to Detroit, Ford took a job at the Detroit Electric Company as an engineer. We must pay tribute to the wife, no matter what happened, she was always with her husband in good and bad moments. I always understood him and agreed with his decisions.

In November 1893, the family had a boy named Edsel. At the same time, Henry finished building his experimental car, which was called the "Quadricycle", weighed only 500 pounds and rode on four bicycle tires.

Leadership positions

In the same year he became chief engineer of the Edison Company, in 1899 chief engineer of the Detroit Automobile Company. But the management noticed that Ford did little to do with the affairs of the company and spends most of his time on his car. He is offered to take a leadership position on the condition that he abandon his car. Ford refused and decided to look for people who would buy his ideas. But nobody needed them. As a result, Henry found one businessman - Detroit, who agreed to work with him.

The Detroit Automobile Company was formed, but it did not last long. Because there was no demand for cars. In 1903, Ford becomes the managing director of Ford Motors.

Launch of car production

In 1905, Ford buys out a stake in the company from Alexander Malcolmson and becomes the owner of a controlling stake and president of Ford Motor Company. The production of a new car model "T" begins. This model was affordable for almost any American. Model "T" easily conquered the consumer market, and 15 million cars were sold during the years of its production. We think you will also be interested in the success of the Ferrari company.

In the production of Ford cars, there was an assembly line production, a clear control and planning system. He set a minimum wage for the first time, an 8-hour working day.

The inventor was completely confident in his genius, so he often ignored the advice of specialists in the production of cars. As a result, he lost the flexibility and flair of an innovator. Henry did not take into account the changes that took place in the market in the 30s, as a result of which General Motors took the leading position in the automotive industry.

In 1945, to avoid, the management of the company was transferred to the grandson of Henry Ford 2 and retired. Henry had no bad habits, he was obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, he loved to study the history of American culture. The famous inventor died when he was 83 on April 7, 1947. This man entered the history of mankind forever, and his cars are still popular today.

Henry Ford's success story began in the garage in which he assembled his first car at night. Henry Ford is considered to be the founding father of the American automobile industry.

Useful skills

Henry Ford was born in Dearborn, Michigan. His family was not poor, but her entire wealth was due to manual labor on the farm. Absolutely everything was done by hand - from the repair of equipment to the production of inventory.

Thanks to this, young Henry knew how to handle different instruments and even mastered watchmaking.

Interest in technology

At the age of 12 young Ford for the first time in his life saw a self-propelled vehicle, without a horse. The boy's delight knew no bounds. He wished to know in more detail the structure of this unit.

The driver explained to him that this vehicle is being driven. chain drive suitable for rear wheels... The chain is set in motion by a steam boiler with a furnace, and the fuel is coal.

This meeting, as Ford later wrote, turned everything upside down in his mind.

Self-propelled carriage seen in youth became Henry's dream and the reason why he later became involved in the construction of automobiles.

Own car

Ford's interest in invention was so strong that he dropped out of school, farming, and even abandoned his inheritance. All this was done in order to go to work at the Thomas Edison plant.

After work, at night Henry worked in his garage to create own car. In 1986 he completed his first work, the result of which was an analogue of an ATV that ran on gasoline. Henry's neighbors got scared when he started up his machine and drove it down the street.

First successes and failures

Success with the design of the first car prompted Ford to join the car company because he needed money. He was engaged in the construction of machines.

The owners of the company were interested in certain models of transport. They were not interested in the invention of the young designer. For this reason, Henry broke off cooperation with them.

In the first 10 years of the twentieth century, more than 500 companies engaged in the production of cars. Of this multitude, several have developed. During this period, Ford also created his first company, but was bankrupt after 1 year.

Perseverance and work

Irish roots allowed Ford to perceive his first business defeat solely as a simulator, and he continued to try to create an automobile production. As a result in 1903 the Ford Motor company appeared, which today is successful all over the world.

Ford's idea was to make a car that could be purchased by a worker in his factory. That is, it should be inexpensive in terms of price. It was he who became the "parent of the image of the American Dream", instilling in his employees the dream of their own car.

Budget car

In those days, the cost of a car was about one thousand dollars and more. For creating budget option, Ford did not care much about the interior of his brainchild, and even about the prestige of the Ford motor brand itself.

As a result, the first victory was the model T car (he began to name all his models in alphabetical order from the first letter of the alphabet), released in 1908, which had a cost of $ 800.

This was achieved, among other implementations and developments, by creating the first industrial conveyor. In the entire production, each worker was responsible for performing just one operation. Thanks to this, every 10 seconds a new car rolled off the assembly line at the Ford factory.

Model "T"

Model "T" was soon recognized as the most successful, it went off the assembly line first for 800 dollars, by 1920 for 600 dollars and later for 345 dollars! Of such low prices no one had. At the same time, Ford began to paint all cars in one color - black.

Competitors' grins

Major car manufacturers laughed at the idea budget car and predicted bankruptcy for Ford. However, he did not listen to these ridicule and continued to develop his business.

An important moment was the decision to produce spare parts for machines.Ford, no other manufacturer did it then.

Since 1914, he has paid workers $ 5 a day. It was in twice more than the industry average. He shortened the working day up to 8 hours, provided his workers 2 days off!

Innovations in the Ford motor

In 1920, Henry Ford reorganized his company. As a result, the “management” staff was reduced. All downsized managers were offered to move to production shops. Those who did not agree were fired.

The bureaucracy in the company has decreased and the number of unnecessary meetings has decreased. All innovations accelerated production work and increased the flow of money, which Ford again invested in the development of his brainchild.

Henry quickly bought all the shares in the company from his associates and became the sole owner of Ford motor.

By 1927, 15 million Model T cars had been produced and sold. The cost of the company itself was estimated at $ 700 million. The capital of Ford, together with his son, reached 1.2 billion (at present, about 30 billion) dollars.

Henry Ford is the automobile king of America, the best businessman of the twentieth century, a man for whom nothing was impossible. They laughed at him, they feared him, they envied him, but Ford himself did not care much - he steadily walked towards his goal.

Despising management as such, he went down in history as a genius organizer of production, his ideas have been successfully implemented and work in thousands of enterprises. Those who create and develop their own business have a lot to learn from them.

From watches to cars

According to legend, Henry Ford decided to make cars after falling from a horse at age 12. He was literally knocked out of the saddle by the sight of a passing locomobile.

According to another version of the legend, Ford decided to become a mechanic by blowing up a kettle at home. He filled it with water, plugged the spout and watched the development through the kitchen window. When the kettle exploded, all the glass flew out of the kitchen windows.

Since childhood, Henry Ford was well versed in watches and even wanted to establish his own watch production, but he abandoned this idea due to the fact that watches were not an object of mass demand. And the roar of the motors attracted him much more than the ticking of clockwork.

True, when the US government introduced a general hourly train schedule in connection with the construction railroad, Ford created a watch with a double dial (before that time was determined by the sun). The watch was unique in that it showed two times at the same time.

In the early twentieth century, the automobile was a luxury, not a means of transportation. The car was a toy for the rich and the focus was on speed. To promote his products, Henry Ford decided to participate in races, which nearly cost him his life.

After that, he tracked down the fearless cyclist Barney Oldfield, who was intoxicated by speed, and he won several races in a row. For the prize money, Ford in 1903 founded his own Ford Motor Company.

Henry Ford's Secrets of Successful Manufacturing

Continuous improvement was a key factor in Ford's performance. Each employee could participate in the development of production and suggest what and how to do it more efficiently.

"Work better than before, this is the only way to provide assistance and service to all countries. This can always be achieved."

Ford adhered unswervingly to the principle that it is better to sell a large number of cars with a small profit than a small number with a large one. The fulfillment of the impossible and the embodiment of the impossible has consistently accompanied Ford Motor Company all the way to its development and transformation into an industry leader.

"I flatly refuse to consider anything impossible. I do not find that there was even one person on earth who was so well versed in a certain area that he could confidently assert the possibility or impossibility of something."

Automation of everything that can only be automated has become a competitive advantage for the company. At Ford's factories, no material was handcrafted, no process was done by hand.

"No manual movement we think is the best and cheapest."

In production, Ford followed these principles:

  • The worker should not take more than one step and lean forward or to the sides.
  • The worker did not lift or drag anything.
  • The worker only has to perform one simple operation.

On April 1, 1913, Ford started the assembly line. After the conveyor appeared, it took 93 minutes to assemble a car, while in other car companies it took half a day.

After introducing assembly line production, Henry Ford reduced the workday to 8 hours, introduced a six-day workweek, and became the man who "invented" the day off.

The monotony of the assembly line allowed Ford to recruit even disabled people who successfully coped with their duties. Ford used the principle of the conveyor belt in the organizational structure: each employee was responsible for the area of ​​work entrusted to him.

Thanks to these and many other innovations, Ford achieved the lowest employee turnover and the longest employee turnover in its production, compared to any other company back then. And only in very difficult times, for example, in the first world war, he had to make massive layoffs (as opposed to regular layoffs at AvtoVAZ). But he always found a way to get employees back to their places.

Ford has never been satisfied with what has already been achieved. The drive to make the automobile an object of mass demand has allowed Ford Motor Company to become as customer-focused as possible. Even during the period of explosive sales, the issue of increasing profits was not the main one for Ford, which caused sharp criticism from shareholders.

"Doing business on the basis of pure profit is a highly risky enterprise. It is a kind of gambling that proceeds unevenly and is rarely sustained for more than a few years. The task of the enterprise is to produce for consumption, not for profit or speculation."

In one year, Ford Motor Company profits so much exceeded Ford's expectations that he voluntarily returned $ 50 to everyone who bought the car, saying:

"We felt that we had unwittingly charged our customer more by this amount."

Henry Ford's Secrets of Good Governance

When recruiting employees, Ford was strongly opposed to "competent persons". He believed that "the wave will carry at the end a capable person to the place that belongs to him by right." Each person, having come to the company, started from the bottom and had equal chances with everyone, and further growth and advancement were only a matter of his desire.

“We never invite competent persons. Everyone should start from the bottom rung of the working ladder - we do not value the old experience. We never ask about the past of a person - we start not the past, but a person. He should have only one thing: a desire to work".

In terms of career advancement, Ford rightly pointed out that the average worker values ​​decent jobs more than promotions. The desire of employees to grow, even today, is the exception rather than the rule.

"Hardly more than 5% of all those who receive wages will agree to take on the responsibility associated with higher wages and increased labor. Therefore, the main difficulty is not to find those who deserve a raise, but those who want to get it."

There were a lot of immigrants working in Ford's factories, and he jumbled them up to stop idle talk. The workers were forbidden to talk to each other on topics not related to production. Friendship was also discouraged.

"Gathering to establish contact between individuals or departments is completely unnecessary. To work hand in hand, there is no need to love each other. Too close camaraderie can even be evil if it results in one trying to cover up the other's mistakes."

Ford did not like smokers and overweight people, once he even fired one engineer, saying: "You will come when you lose 50 pounds." He never personally reported the dismissal. The employee understood that he was fired, finding scattered papers in the morning and a table and chair chopped to pieces.

Ford could at any time gather all the leaders of the company and, regardless of their excuses, send them on a two-week cruise. If the job went well without a boss, he was rewarded. Those who could not organize independent work divisions, Ford fired.

Ford considered his employees not subordinates, but companions and always recognized his dependence on those who created his products. From January 1914, he notified the workers of their participation in the company's profits.

"From the moment an entrepreneur attracts people to help his business, he chooses a companion for himself. No one can be independent if he depends on the help of another."

Henry Ford on success

"The successes we have achieved so far are, in essence, the result of some kind of logical comprehension: since we have to work, it is better to work smartly and prudently; the better we work, the better we will be. This is what prescribes us, in my opinion opinion, elementary, common human sense. "

"Nothing that really interests us is not difficult for us. I was confident in success. Success will certainly come if we work properly."

"A person succeeds by making an effort to overcome obstacles and applying the ability to serve the needs of others. Most people think of success as something to be achieved; in fact, success begins with giving."

Henry Ford on money

"Greed for money is the surest way not to get money. But if you serve for the sake of the service itself, for the satisfaction that is given by the consciousness of the righteousness of the cause, then money appears in abundance by itself."

"The predominant concern for money, rather than work, entails a fear of failure; this fear inhibits the correct approach to business, causes fear of competition, makes you fear changes in production methods, fear every step that changes the state of affairs."

"Excessively high prices are always a sign of unhealthy business, inevitably arising from abnormal relationships. A healthy patient has a normal temperature, a healthy market - normal prices."

“As long as the leader puts money above service, the losses will continue. The losses can only be eliminated by far-sighted, not short-sighted minds. The short-sighted think about money and do not see losses at all. They see true service as altruistic, not profitable. the world. "

Henry Ford on failure

"There are many more people who surrendered than defeated. Not that they lack knowledge, money, intelligence, desire, but simply lack the brain and bones. The crude, simple, primitive force of perseverance is the uncrowned queen of the world of will."

"Those who are afraid of failure limit the range of their activities. Failures only give a reason to start again and more intelligently. Honest failure is not shameful; fear of failure is shameful."

"People are monstrously mistaken due to their false assessment of things. They see the successes achieved by others, and consider them easily achievable. Fatal delusion! On the contrary, failures are always very frequent, and success is achieved with difficulty. Failures are obtained as a result of peace and carelessness; luck is you have to pay with everything you have. "

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