Home Engine We make dry cleaning of the car's salon with your own hands: what means are needed. Dry Cleaning Auto Salon DIY: Technology and what kind of cleaning agents to choose what the machine salon washed

We make dry cleaning of the car's salon with your own hands: what means are needed. Dry Cleaning Auto Salon DIY: Technology and what kind of cleaning agents to choose what the machine salon washed

Often, motorists carefully wash only the body of a car, rubbing it to shine. At the same time, they absolutely forget about the cleaning of the cabin. At best, they wash or vacuuming only mats, and also refresh the air in the cabin with various deodorants. But the quality cleaning of the cabin is not only shine and purity, it is also care of your health.

"Right" salon cleaning should consist of cleaning all surfaces and removing various spots, use only special cleaning products.

How to clean the outskirts of the cabin

To independently clean the car's interior, these items may be needed:

  • Vacuum cleaners with nozzles;
  • Iron having a steam function;
  • Cleaning products;
  • Sponge, napkins, various towels, etc.

Before you start work, prepare a vacuum cleaner. It is better to use a narrow nozzle that will make carefully clean all hard-to-reach places in the cabin and jokes at the seats. After dry cleaning was performed, you can start chemical cleaning.

The iron may be needed for cleaning various complex spots. To eliminate such contaminations, you will need to sip them, then apply a special means and dry carefully. Just do not forget that this method is not suitable for leather upholstery, since the use of the iron can spoil it.

To clean the ceiling use a foam cleaner. It is necessary to apply it on a small surface, wait a few minutes and carefully erase with dry rag. Then the same to do the same with other zones until the entire ceiling is cleared. When cleaning, you only need to use dry rags. And also move from the windshield to the trunk. This is especially important if the upholstery has a pile. Seat fabric, rugs and floor are processed in the same way.

If after cleaning, the spots remained, it is necessary to repeat the process in highly polluted places. The leather and vinyl upholstery can be cleaned both with special means and a conventional soap solution. The windows of the car are purified by a special solution, spraying it to the surface and wiping dry. Tinted windows are cleaned by means without ammonia, which can damage "toning".

The panel is cleaned with special wet napkins. Buttons and holes are thoroughly cleaned using cotton wands. After dry cleaning, the salon dries at least 14 hours. At the same time, all doors and windows must be open. After drying the smell of funds can remain. You can use air freshener.

When cleaning the cabin, the motorist may face some difficulties in the elimination of complex contaminants. At the same time, it is necessary to know some subtleties of removing such stains.

Removal of mud spots

When removing the stains of dirt from the upholstery, it is necessary to wait for the spot completely dried. This will help prevent contamination of neighboring sites. After complete drying, you can scrape dirt with a brush or knife. Then, when dry dirt is completely removed, it is necessary to moisten a stain with water, with a cleaning agent added to it.

Denaterized alcohol can be used to remove bold spots. If, after cleaning the spot, it still remains, then it is necessary to prepare a mixture from vinegar, water and ammonia. Mix all components in a small container and apply to the spot. Wait a bit and rinse with water. To remove the stains of the mud, it is also an efficient and special means for hand, which is used when working with stable pollution: fuel oil, silicone, graphite, soot, oils, etc.

Removal of coffee stains

Remove the coffee stains are quite simple, a fairly ordinary detergent. You can use, for example, a liquid soap for hands or dishwashing agents. When you delete you need to do everything neatly, so as not to damage the fabric of the seats. First, with the help of a conventional napkin, you need to wipe the stain, removing excess drink. Then, mixing a rag in warm water, linse the surface from pollution. For greater efficiency, the process can be used by the detergent, rubbing the stain until the foam is obtained.

After that, rinse pollution clean water, Removing the resulting foam, and thoroughly dry the fabric. If the stain was not completely deleted, you can use the method for eliminating forged contaminants.

To do this, you first need to moisten the stain. Then make a solution of a table vinegar with water and moisten them a contaminated place. Leave in such a state of ten minutes. After that, with the help of a dry napkin, remove the solution from the surface of the seating. If the stain and in this case will not disappear to the end, the process can be repeated. After cleaning, the upholstery fabric should be well dry.

It is also possible to use isopropyl or ethyl alcohol to remove coffee stains, mixing the napkin and applying it for some time to the pollution site. After processing the surface is rinsed with clean water.

If the coffee stain was formed on a leather seat upholstery, then you can use a conventional wet cloth or a rag moistened in warm water. In the same way, coffee stains need only to wipe them with any soft detergent or special shampoo for leather products. When removing spots from leather seats, it is possible to accidentally damage the fat film of the coating. In this case, the stearin sponge will restore it, which will create a new protective layer on the skin.

Cleaning of vomit stains

In this case, it is necessary to act quickly, since under the action of gastric acid, the color of the seat upholstery may change. First you need to assemble and getting the whole lot as possible, then dilute the acid with water. If the covers are removed, then it is necessary to climb the stain with cool water, and then wash, pre-insulating the case in the washing powder with the ammonia alcohol.

If the stains did not completely disappear, you can try to soak fabric in powder with enzymes, and then wrapped in warm water. If the cover from the seats is not removed, it is necessary to remove the whole mass, then process the place of contamination to the means, which is effective to combat bacteria. Such a means can be purchased in any pet store.

This tool does not simply disguise the smell, but will help completely destroy it. To remove vomit masses you can also use special meanssold in any economic store. Such means, as a rule, are powders that, when applied to pollution, completely absorbs them. Then he will remain just carefully mixed in the scoop, and then throw out.

To combat vomit stains, you can use a boor. She is perfectly neutralized by all unpleasant odorsIn addition, it is completely natural natural mineral. Apply a dry boor is needed to the spots area, give dry, and then clean the vacuum cleaner. But when using the borants, it is necessary to pre-try the mixture of water and the boos on the upholstery area, which is hidden from the eyes. Since this natural mineral with some fabric species can enter into interaction and spoil the upholstery.

Removal of blood stains

Removing blood spots on the upholstery of the car will require some skill, as this type of contamination refers to problematic. In this case, the rule applies - the faster to start acting, the better. To begin with, it is necessary to lay down the place of pollution. At the same time, only cold water is needed. If the covers from the seats can be removed, it will greatly facilitate the task.

After the spot is a bit, it is necessary to apply a soap solution on it and lose a little. You can use a brush middle rigidnot to damage fabric. Then the soap solution washed with warm water. If pollution remains, the procedure is repeated. Old blood spots can also be deleted, but it will take a little more time and strength.

In this case, the stain is wiping with a solution, which includes one teaspoon of ammonia alcohol. After processing with alcohol, the solar stain is wiping the brown. To do this, a solution of one teaspoon of bora and water is also prepared. For removable covers, you can try to use potato starch dissolved in cold water. It is applied to the wrong side and the front side, they give completely dry, shake, and then erased.

Thus, it is not so difficult to conduct an independent cleaning of the cabin as it may seem at first glance. The most important thing is to know the sequence of performance of work and some secrets. In this case, spending a little personal time, you can achieve good result, Significantly saving funds.

VIDEO: Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with their own hands

The car's salon is a place in which the driver and passengers should feel comfortable. That is why it is important to carry out a timely cleaning in it and clean the seats from possible pollution and dust. How and what to clean the car's salon do it yourself? Is it possible to use folk remedies for this? Let's deal with.

Cleaning leather salon

If the leather interior of the car is contaminated, it is necessary to clean it in such a way as to maintain its original appearance. If you do it wrong, layers and cracks may appear on the leather upholstery.

Such material like skin needs delicate care. If the question arises of what to clean the leather car with your own hands to keep the upholstery safe and safety, the selected remedy must first be distributed on a small area that is hidden from the eyes.

The skin itself is a material that differs in the type of oak. Its strength characteristics can also be different. Moreover, it can provide a protective coating. It is this option that finishes can often be found in the salons of modern brands.

If there is no protective coating, an air conditioner should be applied to the material, which has a positive effect on it - after applying the skin becomes softer and more elastic, acquires a pleasant smell and aesthetic look.

As a rule, the method of applying a leather interior cleaning agent is indicated on the packaging of the composition. It is recommended to apply the product on a soft cloth and after that, wipe the skin. This will help prevent the harmful effects of chemical reagents on the material.

As for the selection of the composition, then often automakers give their own recommendations regarding the care of the leather interior vehicle of a car of a particular brand.

However, when choosing a tool, it is worth focusing on the variety of skin, its quality and period of operation of the car. In the auto shops today presents a wide range of seats care products. They can have cream or liquid consistency. You can also cover the skin with a sample cream, which will make it color more saturated.

Before cleaning the outskirts of the cabin with their own hands, it needs to be pressed and only after that it is to distribute the cream agent. It is necessary to do it with a sponge or suede tissue. You need to rub the tool until it is completely absorbed. Excess the composition needs to be eliminated with a dry napkin and wait for a complete drying of the applied product.

Cleaning velor salon

Velur is a fabric that is also often used when the car seat is trimmed. This material is made by weaving five threads, four of which form the upper and lower base, and the fifth is intended to create a pile.

How to clean the velor interior of the car with your own hands and what will required for this? Since the material in the form of velor keeps the dust well, it is worth using a powerful vacuum cleaner with soft nozzles.

If a stain appeared on velor tissue, it is possible to eliminate it with a soft napkin moistened in the soap solution. Replace the soap base with any other composition in which there are no alkalis and bleaching substances.

All actions during cleaning should be very delicate. It is undesirable to apply effort when cleaning, pressing on the cloth, pull the pile. All this can harm velor fabric. It is also desirable to also get a brush or sticky roller and periodically collect them from the surface of the hair, wool.

Cleaning tissue upholstery

Another frequent question among the owners of the car: "What to clean the car's interior with your own hands: folk remedies Or a ready-made shopping team? "In fact, both options are suitable for the care of the upholstery, but if it is not possible to purchase a cleaning liquid, you can independently prepare it.

To do this, we need a liquid for washing dishes and water to be taken in an equal ratio. The resulting mixture should be placed in the bottle with the sprinkler. Spray the remedy is needed over the upholstery, keeping the bottle at a distance of 15 cm from it. You can also take a toothbrush for cleaning upholstery.

What to clean the fabric interior of the car do it yourself, if there are persistent contaminants on the upholstery? The second way to prepare the means implies the use of soap, boos and hot water.

Soap must be grate and mixed 6 tbsp. l. chips with 2 tablespoons of borants. Pour a mixture of hot water. To give a light unobtrusive flavor to the medium, you can pour 10 drops of lavender ether. The resulting liquid needs to be cooled and cut a little with a whin. Apply the foam on the stains is necessary with a brush or sponge. After the remedy is a little absorbed into the fabric, it must be washed with water and clean cloth.

Upholstery cleaning steam cleaner

If there are deep contaminants on the upholstery, it is possible to put an interior with a steam cleaner. Device spray hot waterwhich is immediately sucking back together with mud. Use a steam cleaner according to the instructions. A store remedy is suitable for a cleaning solution or a liquid based on vinegar and water, which can be prepared independently.

We need to change water in a steam cleaner as often as possible so that the salon is cleaned with a clean composition.

Can I use to clean the upholstery "Vanish"?

One of the most common tools for cleaning the upholstery is "Vanish". This product is really characterized by high efficiency. He perfectly picks up dirt from carpets, and hence it can be used for car seats.

"Vanish" is a powder agent white color. The main purpose of its purpose is cleaning carpets, sofas and chairs from dirt. Clean the car's salon with your own hands with "Vanish" is also possible. To do this, it needs to be divorced in water until the foam is obtained, apply to contaminated areas and wait for drying. After the stains disappear, the composition must be washed with water.

Preparation of the salon to dry cleaning at home

Before applying any means to the upholstery, in particular "Vanish", you need to prepare a salon for such a procedure. To prevent the system closure, the car must be drowning. It is also necessary to unload the car - empty the luggage compartment, remove the seat.

Already after everything is cleaned, you can proceed to cleaning seats. Deciding which means to clean the car's salon with your own hands, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.

In order for the seats to find the initial look, they need to distribute the selected tool. It can also be applied to armrests and headrests.

After washing, you can proceed to clean the trunk, gender and other parts that are covered with cloth.

Cleaning the vinyl salon

Vinyl upholstery is cleaned without any problems. It is enough just to apply a means for cleaning windows and wipe with a soft cloth. Thus, you need to clean each site. What to clean the cabin with your own hands, if it has vinyl upholstery and pollution very much? To do this, you can take soda and water in equal parts and polish the surface.

Components are mixed to the pasty state and only after that are distributed on the upholstery. Next, the mixture must be washed with soapy and wipe dry with a rag.

It is advisable from oil-based cleaners, since the vinyl upholstery can harden.

Toothbrush is suitable for cleaning seams. In these places there is a cluster of dust dust, eliminate which is not for the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, the toothbrush, moistened in the cleansing fluid, must cope with the task.

Cleaning salon vacuum cleaner

What to clean the car's salon with your own hands, if there are no explicit contaminants, but is there a large accumulation of dust? For this purpose, vacuum cleaners are suitable for wet and dry cleaning. As a rule, they have a long hose and a long cord, due to which the process of cleaning the cabin is facilitated.

If there is no such device in everyday life, you can use it on a car wash. Of course, for the use of this technique will have to pay. But as for mini-portable vacuum cleaners, their power is not always enough to fully clean the cabin.

Those that are made of plastic are suitable as nozzles. Metal options should not be used because they can scratch or break the upholstery, especially if it is from leather or vinyl.

Dry cleaning ceiling

What to clean the upholstery of the car's salon with your own hands, we figured out. But as for the ceiling, it is desirable to use the means-sprayers. It is advisable to divide the ceiling on the zones and clean each of them separately. For each region, it is necessary to apply cleaning foam. The response time is always indicated on the package. After that, the tool is removed with a clean napkin.
All movements need to be carried out in one direction. It is necessary to start cleaning from the windshield aside luggage compartment. As a rule, it is a soft material that can lose its original appearance if it is cleaned incorrectly.


So, what to clean the car's interior with your own hands, you know. The main thing is to choose the right tool, focusing on the type of upholstery and the nature of pollution, and spend all actions very delicately.

If maintaining external view The car is quite simple to achieve, regularly hanging on the sink or performing this work with your own hands, then caring for the interior of the car requires much longer. Of course, it is possible to charge the process of restoring the purity and the neat appearance of the car's salon to professionals for a hundred, but this service is not discharge cheap. At the same time, it is easy enough to carry out their own hands. For those who are going to do this for the first time, and information is intended in this article.

Each work requires preliminary preparation, especially if it is performed for the first time. And the cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands is the more. First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of its holding and the time of the year. Why is that? One of the first and important stages preparatory work When cleaning the cabin car is a thorough getting rid of it from dust and dirt. And for this you will need a vacuum cleaner. And the more powerful, the better. Consequently, it is necessary to have electricity to include this vacuum cleaner.

Unfortunately, auto parks that are connected to on-board network Car, do not have enough power to provide high-quality cleaning. After all, remove dust and dirt preferably from all the slots and hard-to-reach places of the car. Therefore, it is desirable to stock up with a variety of nozzles on the vacuum cleaner, as well as cotton wand and toothpicks for plastic care dashboard. Then no Sorink will be ignored.

The most suitable place to clean the car cleaning can be a garage, cottage or other, well ventilated, a place where there is an electrical network. Cleaning work is best done in warm and dry time Year: Spring, Summer, Early Autumn. This has its own objective reason. Upon completion of all work, the car dryer will need. And for this you need to open all the doors and trunk for better ventilation.

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, brushes are also needed, microfiber wipes and a car interior cleaning agent. Now more about the necessary accessories. It is desirable to have a set of brushes that will have a pile of different rigidity. Brushes Rightest will be needed for flooring, which usually has strong pollution. To clean the upholstery of the cabin car, the pile of brushes must be softer, and for the upholstery of the ceiling - even softer.

If the upholstery of the car is leather, then the rigidity of the brush will depend on the quality of the skin and the presence of the protective coating on this upholstery. It is desirable that the pile is natural. This ensures that it will not lift and does not scratch the upholstery surface.

As for napkins, it is desirable to purchase a set of napkins from microfiber. This material does not leave the villion on the surface of the surface. Another plus of such napkins is a good absorbent ability.

You can do and conventional rags. Then they should be made of natural material (cotton, flax). Preferably white. In this case, they are guaranteed not to lift from the action of cleaning products, and they will not spoil the upholstery.

And, of course, do not do without a set of means for cleaning the car's interior. To clean the leather upholstery, some facilities are used for leather upholstery, and for plastic - third. What a means it is better to take advantage to clean the car with your own hands, we will consider below.

Review of funds

The upholstery of the car can be made of different materials. It can be a mater, for example, velor or leather. In addition, the upholstery of the ceiling of the car can be different, compared to the upholstery of the seats or doors. For each type of material, you should choose your cleaning agent. When performing the work with your own hands it is recommended to use auto chemistry in aerosol packaging (cylinders). They are convenient to use and reviews of motorists are optimal decision. In this case, you will receive a ready-to-use active foam, which will simply be sprayed to the clean surface.

Care products can also be in liquid form (in bottles or bottles). But in this case, their preliminary preparation and special devices that are used in a hundred are required.

Leather car salons require special care tools. Unlike the mothers, it is necessary to use in this case a special air conditioner for the skin, which gives it softness and elasticity. Its regular use, except for a good appearance of the skin, will extend its service life, will relieve cracking.

We must not forget about the care of plastic. To care, it has sufficiently diverse tools that give plastic a new appearance and prevent dust sticking. At the same time, the quality of plastic on different models Cars can be different. Therefore, the most appropriate means for its cleaning is determined by the experimental way or according to the reviews of familiar motorists.

For glasses, you can use the most common means used in everyday life. However, the following should be taken into account. If there is a toning with a film, these drugs must be without ammonia.

Cleaning process

If you do it yourself, then you should begin with careful cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. If you can remove the seat without any problems, you should be removed. This will make care of cleaning in the most hard-to-reach places. We must not forget about the trunk. It should be removed from it too much and produce thorough cleaning.

The ceiling is better not to vacuum. Upholstery ceiling material is based on the basis with glue. If the vacuum cleaner is quite powerful, then it can be pulled off. And this will require the ceiling halters, which is quite laborious work.


The ceiling is the first thing that is recommended to start cleaning. It should be divided into small sections to which foam is sequentially applied. Waving a certain time, which is specified in the instructions for use, the foam is removed using napkins from microfiber or rag vet.
Movements should be carried out in one direction. This will help avoid divorces.

To make sure how the selected drug is suitable for your car, apply it first to a small small ceiling section. If the result satisfies you, boldly apply it further.

If there are stains on the ceiling, it is desirable to rub a soft brush. If necessary, if the stain was not completely deleted, the process can be repeated. Make sure that the napkins and the rags are dry. With their wets, they require replacement.

Floor, seats, rugs

The procedure for gender, seats and rugs is similar to the described procedure for the ceiling. Rugs need to be removed and clean outside the car. To remove spots from the floor, you can use a brush with the toughest pile. According to the same method, order in the trunk.

Leather seats need to be treated with air conditioning after the main cleaning. It is first applied to the napkin or the applicator and rubs on the skin. After a certain time, according to the instructions, its surplus is removed.


The dashboard (torpedo) is usually manufactured from plastic that is exposed to sunlight through the windshield. Because of this, he can dump and lose its original color. In addition, plastic attracts dust that accumulates on it with a thick layer. Therefore, it requires constant attention. You can clean plastic, applying a drug for cleaning, and then, having won the right time (according to the instructions), thoroughly rub with a napkin.

Preparations for plastic are on silicone basis and unused. According to the reviews of motorists, the second is preferable, since they give the dashboard a pleasant matte tint and better repulse dust.


The final stage is drying. By time, she may take half a day depending on the weather. All doors and trunk open for this, which leads to the luminescence of the lamps inside the cabin and the trunk lamps. To avoid the discharge of the battery, it is recommended to disable it at this time.

Despite drying, the chemical smell will be felt a few more days.

Video " Dry Cleaning Salon Auto "

On the record a man tells about the types of dry-cleaners of the car's interior. Looking at the video, you will learn what and how to clean it.

Useful advice

Most drivers know how important it is to keep the car clean, especially the car's salon.

But there is no time and there is no time to call for car wash, well, if you don't even want your car to clean with all sorts of chemicals, even more so.

There are methods of natural cleaning of the car's interior, and these methods are not only useful for health, but also for your wallet.

How to clean the car interior

1. If you want to clean the mats and the upholstered fabric of the car, you can mix in the same proportions of food soda and white vinegar.

* Apply the resulting paste on polluted places and use an old toothbrush to clean the fabric.

* After that, use the vacuum cleaner to clean everything completely.

See also: 20 methods of applying an old toothbrush

2. Use a foam brush to clean the ventilation holes in the machine.

* For greater purity, go through the same vacuum cleaner.

3. Instead of using hazardous chemicals, which can be found in various sprays for cleaning leather chairs, use several drops of olive oil.

* Apply a pair of droplets on a clean rag and start rubbing.

* Olive oil can also be cleaned and plastic parts of the cabin.

4. To get rid of wool your favorite animals, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but it is even better to use a scraper for washing windows and a container with a sprayer filled with water.

* Apply some water to the seat and use a scraper for washing windows to shit wool.

5. Air fresheners for the interior of the car contain toxic substances.

* Instead, you can create a mixture of 5 drops of essential oils that you like more (lavender, tea tree, etc.)and 3/4 cup of food soda.

* Take a small jar, make a few holes in the lid, pour your natural mixture inside, and put a jar into the cup holder.

* You can also use coffee or coffee beans. Instead of a jar, you can use a package with holes or a small bag.

Clean the car

6. You have dirty stripes on lobby glass from wipers?

* So that the wipers were, Like new, just wipe their alcohol. It will also prevent further contamination.

7. If you have a drum or dirty stripes on the windows of a car, pour into a bottle with a sprayer vinegar and give a little broken.

* After that, apply vinegar on the windows and wipe the glass with a newspaper.

How to clean the car

8. In order for your chrome disks to glimpse as new, make a mixture of water and vinegar (in the same proportions) and fill it with a sprayer container.

* Apply a mixture on the discs and thoroughly wipe with a rag.

Often, the leather and vinyl upholstery are cleaned much easier, rather than woven. It is enough to use a suitable cleaning agent that will remove stains, odors and bacteria.

How to clean leather upholstery

If you have a leather interior in your car, his cleaning will be a little different. Despite the strength of the leather upholstery, it is also exposed to staining and easily dirty. On the other hand, the leather interior allows you to wipe any spilled liquid immediately, without leaving traces. However, the stain must be wiped immediately. Use the detergent made specifically for the skin to maintain the purity of the leather upholstery and protect the car's salon from spots.

How to clean Vinyl

For regular cleaning, mix 3-4 drops for washing dishes in a plate of warm water. Use clean tissue to wipe the vinyl in the car, and then wipe dry with another clean cloth.

If after wet cleaning remained any stains:

Use a mixture of 1/4 glasses of ammonia to one glass of water. Wipe with a soft wet cloth and with a brush with a soft bristle, carefully spend the affected area until the stain is coming down. Dry pollution space and apply a protective layer on plastic using appropriate means.

No matter what kind of upholstery in the car, it is important to protect it in a timely manner to save the interior vehicle Fresh and pure forever. Choose the means that will push the stains and refresh the fabric to achieve the best results.

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