Home Transmission How to replace the side mirror with your own hands? How to replace the side glass in the car do it yourself how to replace the side mirror

How to replace the side mirror with your own hands? How to replace the side glass in the car do it yourself how to replace the side mirror

»How to replace the side glass in the car do it yourself

Replace the side glass requires not as often as the windshield.

But sometimes there are unpleasant situations, after which it is necessary to change it. The glass may suffer, for example, because of the attackers, put an eye on something in the car, and the owner himself can break it, for example, when it turns out to be in a hopeless situation, having shuting randomly keys in the cabin.

As a result, the choice will be small: go to a service station and lay out a decent amount for an hopeless work in general or replace the glass yourself. This repair does not require special skills and a long time for execution and will save the budget from unnecessary spending. So how to replace the side glass on the passenger car?

Preparatory work on the replacement of lateral glass

Because it will have to deal with fragments, you need to get elementary tools for protection. The rubberized gloves on a textile basis are suitable. The main thing is that they be dense enough and could protect your fingers from the cuts.

After large glass fragments are collected, the car's salon is worth spending to remove all the fine battle and glass dust, which can also deliver trouble in the process.

Tools and materials for replacement

For such a repair, you do not need to have complex equipment. Most likely, everything is found in the house or garage. For work you will need:

  • - a set of wrench keys (it is desirable that the objects are also included, and the cape keys, if there is a ratchet with a set of shift heads, then it will also come in handy);
  • - a set of crusades and conventional screwdrivers;
  • - scissors or knife;
  • - Brush to remove dirt.

In addition, additional materials will be required, which will be useful when replacing the old glass to the new:

  • - a piece of raw rubber size of approximately 30x10 cm;
  • - sealant;
  • - Plastic locks in the amount of 10 pcs.

Dismantling Side Door

To get to the fastening of the glass and the mechanism of the windows, you need to remove the trim from the car door. To do this, first remove the handle and the door armrest. A screwdriver carefully not to leave damage, and decorative plugs hiding the fastening bolts are commemorated. Bolts are unscrewed using a crosst screwdriver, after which the door handle is easily removed.

Then the door of unlocking the door is removed and removed, the handle of the window is removed and the staggels of the lock lock are removed.

After that, the bolts holding the cover panel are unscrewed. As a rule, it is additionally held by plastic locks. To remove it from the frame of the door, the trim will have to pry in the corner of a flat screwdriver and pull on yourself with a little effort, at the same time pressing the beaches of plastic locks. So they make it easier to come out of the grooves. Once the panel is removed, access to the lock and windows mechanism will open, as well as to the fastening of the glass. Most likely, at this stage, it will be possible to use a brush and vacuum cleaner again to remove fragments from the door. After that, you can proceed to the replacement of the glass itself.

To replace, disassemble the entire mechanism of the windows do not have to. It will be enough to get a metal bracket holding the glass. To do this, the windows handle is installed again in place, and with its help the fastening mechanism is lowered to the lower position. This is done in order to gain access to fastening bolts. Using wrench keys, the bolts are twisted, and the bracket is easily removed.

If the replaceable side glass has already been purchased with fastening installed on it, it is installed in such a set to the place of the old and further assembly is carried out in the reverse order. But if there is no such bracket on it, you can use removed. For this, its size is cut off the raw rubber strip, which will serve as a seal. Inside the bracket poured a small amount of sealant. To the bottom of the glass in the place where the mount will be, the carved rubber strip is glued. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to one detail. On the adhesive side of the rubber there is a protective film that the adhesive will need to be removed.

Then the glass is installed in the bracket with the bottom side with the seal. In this process, it is important not to confuse the front and inner side, as well as correctly calculate the place where the bracket will be on the glass, as otherwise it will not work out on the windows. All excess sealants, extruded, need to be removed.

After the new glass in the assembly with the mount is installed in place and fixed on the mechanism of the window switching. Before tightening the bolts tighten, you should check, exactly all the elements were installed. For this, the mechanism rises to the upper position. If there is a skew when landing parts, it must be eliminated. After that, the window lifter is lowered to the lower position, the fastening bolts are tightened. Before installing the upholstery back on the door, the handle of the window can be removed.

Then all broken plastic locks are changing on the panel, the upholstery snaps into the grooves and is fixed with bolts. All removed plugs, handles and spiing plans are installed in place. Glass returns to the upper position. In this position it should be until the sealant is free.

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How to change mirror element on the mirror rear view Vaz- 2110

Some sources by car VAZ 2110 This is quite difficult, and there is a possibility of damage when it is replaced. The owner of the tensor can prove the opposite

All this garbage. Everything changes in 3 minutes! I scored an hour when I was in a hurry, I waited until the car was warm up and caught up, the mirror completely shot. At the same time, from the inside the triangle under the mirror,

Photo 1. On the left. Explosive item on the right. New for 35 UAH in the nearest auto shop

Photo 2. From the inside to unscrew the handle of the lever of the mirror regulator.

Photo 3. From the inside we see such a picture.

Replacing the side mirror of the rear view VAZ 2110, 2111 and 2112

Video Replacement Example side Outdoor rearview mirrors on VAZ 2110., 2111 and 2112 do it yourself.

Replacing the side mirrors of the rear view on the VAZ 2110

replacement side Mirror on vAZ 2110. , 2111,2112 and so on.

Photo 4. The factory even took care. clung to a piece of noise!

Photo 5. Well, this is the procedure.

Photo 6. This white regulator plate.

Photo 2. (One bolt under the fork), then remove the plastic case (theoretically, it is attached to three "pistons", but after I took off the lever, immediately retired!) And unscrew the three bolts of direct mirror mounting.

Photo 3. glue-noise, pour under the seal of the side window (the holes can be pierced with a screwdriver, "noise does not interfere with the installation")

Photo 5. Scare from the complexity, but everything is simple for pain: We push the finger until you stop the point to the point "1", and then omit the finger at the point "3", pulling slightly, mirror element Easy is removed. Do not pull out mirror. And that's it. Everything is shot without prejudice and chop.

Photo 6. Remove mirror element In the middle of the middle slightly press it with a fist (or something else on the area more than 5x5 cm) until it clicks.

Everything else is collected and screwed up in reverse order. And if you do not reach him, itself mirror It should be very tightened, it will vibrate on blows and will not be able to resist even with the weakest attack of Vandala!
And for quality do not scold. I do not wear my digital with me always.)))
Good luck and even roads!


Change the timing belt on Chevrolet Cruise On its own, the gas distribution mechanism of the vehicle is a fundamental node in the works of the car. If the passage of the vehicle breakdowns the machine will be impracticable. You should attempt to pay attention to the performance of the mechanism. Such a material will help figure out how the process of changing the timing strap timber ...

Change side mirror simply. Need to squeeze and remove the angular plastic lining with the studs with inner Doors, disconnect the terminal by pressing the plastic focus along the terminal, unscrew the 3 nuts fixing the mirror bracket. Repeat everything with a new mirror in reverse sequence. From nuances:

1. The plastic corner pad is better to start pressing from above, while leaking a flat screwdriver over the projection of the upper heel. When it is tempered by 3-4 mm, do the same with the bottom. And she will easily go away.

2. Nuts are better to boo in a cylindrical head by 10 mm. On the last turns you need to be careful not to drop the nut inside the door.

3. The gasket on the new mirror before installing, you need to fade along the back side so that the bolts come out on the other side to the same distance.

4. Tighten the nuts in a circle of 1-2-3 sequentially 1-2 turns so that the land laying is uniformly. Landing is visible because tightening tightly screw 1, after a broach 2 and 3 in 1 again there is a free course.

Trigger of Trigger by back side Lining:

View after lining:

Unscrew the nuts do not carefully, so that the door did not fall.

Through the square hole removed the mirror connector.

The mirror is removed with a large triangle.

That's how I was broken by the mirror:

After installing the mirror:

Thermofilm on the back of the mirror:

Frame of fastening of a mirror element:

If you remove the element itself, then it is necessary to rotate the glass of the mirror so that the gap between the case and the mirror element itself appears. It is better to warm the hair dryer, and then the latches are tight.

Selling view:

Motors electric drive.

Mirror in analysis

Disassembled "on the bones" the old mirror. It became clear how everything works and where the source of the grain ratio at high speed ("clap" the discharge zone on the back of the case). If short, then the situation is as follows. The node from the housing to the mirror canvase is assembled sequentially, and the plastic plate itself with glued glass is riveted at the very end.

At the same time, apparently, back it to decline in general the form is very problematic! It is necessary to put pressure from the grooves, and they are under the glass! If you broke - there are no problems, with a decent effort it will populate, but to disassemble without damaging and then snap back .... unlikely.

And the cause of the beating is simple. There, the plate with a mirror is attached to the moving roller, which on one side is fixed to the side of the ring with a spherical base and is held with a small pin, inserted into the hole in this side, and on the other - to the gear brackets, which, when rotating the axis 2 parallel engines, pushed out the axis Kulisa Kanaba or the opposite is drawn inside.

The scene and the support ring are rigidly connected, and the ring after the scene is freely moving forward-back turning the mirror. And he cuts all this (and in theory should prevent vibrations) Hollow rubber ring (in the photo on the left):

But it is with thin walls and very soft. I think in the cotton air at the rate of its elasticity becomes not enough. The solution is like a simple - to increase the elasticity of the rubber ring (for example, inserting the foam ribbon inside it).

But, I repeat, get there and disseminate from the stops mirror without damaging the glass is unlikely to succeed! So IMHO is easier not to risk and not tortured to disassemble the mirror, but, as the VID offers, adjust the position and pour the edge of the glass with a rubber band inserted in the neck between the glass and the case.

A few more pictures without comment:

Quite often, during the coincidence, as well as during an inaccier driving, there is damage to the side elements of the car. At the same time, the side mirrors of the rear view often suffer. There are several reasons here.

First, the side mirrors are an oversized element, and the exposure to their lateral damage is very large.

Secondly, drivers of other cars, incorrectly appreciating the dimensions (at dusk or at night), can cause damage and tear off the side mirror. Also, on the track it is possible to enter small foreign objects, leading to negative consequences in the form of cracks and chips. The fault of the side mirror is a violation of the rules roadFor which an irresponsible motorist can be fined to a large amount of money. As well as intentional emergency creation on the road, leading to a decrease in people's safety.

But after all, the emergency situation happened to you. The side mirror turned out to be damaged. To begin with, do not panic, but think well. Any mirror can be replaced in a short time. And the main issue here is your budget.

How much is the side mirror?

If there is a desire to replace the mirror official dealer, you will have to pay a large enough amount. For example, the simplest mirror of the budget foreign car will cost 6 - 7 thousand rubles. But usually dealers do not change separately the mirror - they work with modular structures. It will be necessary to replace the mirror housing, adjustment drive, heater and glass. Together with the work of the staff, it will cost more than 16 thousand rubles. Of course, it is imperative to be repaired by the official dealer - this is the optimal version of the time and quality of work. But if the hands of the motorist grow from where it is necessary, and the money under the pillow is not added at night, then everything can be done on their own. No gods burn the pots.

How to disassemble lateral mirrors?

First you need to decide on the brand of car and its constructive device of the mirror. Then to inspect the visible damage, and read the repair instruction. At about half of the cases, the side mirror malfunctions are to break the casing and broken glass. Despite the fact that different cars A different approach to replacing the mirror is required, one for them is similar. If the mirror cracked, it is necessary to pull out from the holding hinge bracket, providing mobility, a bundle with a mirror, and then replaced with a new one. The main thing when installing do not overdo it! The mirror is very fragile, so the procedure is better done at positive temperatures; In winter in a heated garage or service.

How to replace the side mirror?

For lovers save and work with their own hands, the mirror replacement can be carried out in the range from 500 to 1000 rubles. In order not to order a buckle with a mirror from an official dealer for a large amount of money (up to 5000 rubles), we find a high-quality non-original from China. Online stores of spare parts for you to help.

We remove the glass holder from the hinge of the protective casing, and then with the help of a thin chisel or a flat screwdriver, we take off the remnants of the previous one, the native mirror. The surface, if necessary, is leveled with a skin and degreases with alcohol or acetone. Now the new mirror must be glued. Optimal option The glue is pixipol, and silver - as it keeps a lot better than transparent. Gently apply glue into the fastener shape of the burdock, and it is necessary to start from the center, and to finish without reaching about one centimeter to the edge - to eliminate the possibility of clearing the glue, and its ottes. We are waiting for a while, while glue is polymerized. The final stage - gently insert the bundle with the mirror in the hinge fastening.

How to set up a side mirror?

Good visibility in the car is simply necessary to ensure ride safety. Car owners who believe that the car feel well, and are able to ride without mirrors - greatly exaggerate their capabilities. In our country, cars with broken mirrors often become victims of scammers, and then it is very difficult to prove to their right point. Therefore, in addition to the mirrors must be, they should still be configured correctly.

The view from the driver's chair should allow an overview in all directions. Ask comrade bypass around the car for the trunk. At the moment of disappearance from one side mirror, a person must immediately appear on average, and then in another side. There should be no dead zones. Side mirrors are configured on a flat empty road.

When the driver sits in an optimal position for himself, he should without turning his head, only with his eyes to see the back wing of the car not more than a fifth verical part of the side mirrors. Line of the end smooth expensive There must be three mirrors in equal shares - lower and top. Such a review is optimal both when driving in a dense stream with frequent rebuilding and in parking actions. It would be very useful to purchase additional glass, fastened to the side glass, and allowing to see rear wheel. It is very convenient to control borders with parallel parking and motion reverse In the urban area.

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