Home Engine Cleaning the cabin of the car at home - Is it worth it? Preparation of the car for sale: how to clean the car interior than washing the cabin auto

Cleaning the cabin of the car at home - Is it worth it? Preparation of the car for sale: how to clean the car interior than washing the cabin auto

The main hero of the new article is the beige Audi Q7 of the 2009 year of release. Our permanent client, novel, came to the "cream" on the complete dry cleaning of the car. On the example of "Audi" I will tell you how to care for the leather interior. You will learn how to clean the seats, steering wheel, trim, ceiling, floor, trunk and seat belts. This instruction will be enough to cope with dry cleaning yourself.

Signs of unclean salon

First check the car interior. Here is a list of signs, according to the presence of which it is clear that it is time to do dry cleaning. Read them carefully.

  • You recently bought a used car
  • In the cabin nasty smell
  • Leather seats shine
  • The ceiling became gray
  • On the floor there were divorces from salt
  • Around the pedals - traces of dirt
  • Steering sticky and felling

These seven signs are basic. If you found everything, it's time to urgently do dry cleaning. Come on the car wash, in the children's studio or try cleaning the salon yourself.

Why do dry cleaning more often than once every 10 years

It is better to clean the car interior once a year. Even if you wash the floor of the house every day, you still make general cleaning. So with the car. Wet cleaning will not replace dry cleaning.

Do dry cleaning more often, go to pure car. Dusty dirty salon harms adults and children health. During dry cleaning, pay attention to the composition of cleaning products. Buy autocosmetics safe proven brands.

Often clean the interior is more profitable. Cheaper to make several lung dry cleaning than one serious. Sometimes perennial pollution does not exit delete completely. Because of this, skin spoys. Seats look negrimsy.

If you do not clean the floor, dirt and salt deeply penetrate the Watch Carpet. It will not be able to clean. On the material will remain divorces, the floor will lose its appearance. Machine with such an untidy salon is difficult to sell.

How to do dry cleaning


Remove sand and dirt not only from the surface of the skin, but also from the seams. Sand particles easily fall back to the seat. When contacting clothes, they scratch paint and varnish. Because of this, the skin is rapidly wear out. Use the purge gun, with compressed air you can easily remove the dirt from hard-to-reach places. If you arrived at the sink to clean the salon, ask the washers to blow the seams.

See how many contaminants in the seats junctions.

In fact, the skin is the base of the seat material. It is covered with paint and a layer of polyurethane varnish. Guys, in fact, we sit on the skin, but on paint and varnish.

In order to clean the skin, we use the letech brush and the Leather Ultra Clean cleaner. Apply a means on the brush, circular movements Clean the skin and after wiping dry microfiber. Clean surface cover with thin layer of protective cream Leather Protection Cream. I prefer the funds of the English firm Furniture Clinic. They have a safe composition.

Consider, the clean part of the seat does not shine. The skin is light and matte.

Varnish and paint on the seats "Audi" changed the color - they painted from clothes. Raw skin defenseless, dye from clothes and jeans without obstacles penetrates into varnish. If the skin was treated in advance with protective cream, this would not happen.

So the driver's seat looks like after cleaning. Paint from clothes was punished the back of the seat. Now it will not even save the stain remover. Friends, handle the skin with protective cream.


Clean the steering wheel need like skin. From the hand of the driver, the steering wheel becomes shiny and sticky. Sweat, salt and fat regularly fall on it. This reduces skin service life. I often see the steering, the skin on which it is time to change only after 2-3 years of operation of the car.

Two different receptions can be used to clean the skin of the steering wheel.

First - Take advantage of the chassis and cleaner Leather Ultra Clean. The brush is too big for the steering wheel, but the brush is just right. Brushes small size can be bought at any construction store. It costs 50 rubles. Friends, apply the cleaner to the brush, and not on the steering wheel. Remains and dirt collect microfiber.

Second Reception - toothpick. It will be needed for cars with impressive mileage. Normal wooden toothpick will help remove dirt from the handlers.

Work with toothpick carefully, it is easy to scratch the skin.


Use the vacuum cleaner and detergent for textiles to brush the carpet in the trunk. Purifiers are released in aerosol cylinders and conventional bottles. A year ago, the magazine "Driving" conducted a test of dry cleaning tools. If you doubt what composition to choose ,.

Thoroughly speaking carpet. Equally apply the detergent to the surface, carefully collect its microfiber. Before applying the composition, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer. Suddenly there is important information.

Machines from the auto shop will not suit such cases as "Audi". There were many spots and old mud on the carpet. We picked up a serious German car cosmetics - Koch Chemie MEHR ZWECK REINIRER Cleaner and Koch Chemie Flecken Wasser Waiter. We also needed a Tornador and extractor. Ternador helped knock off the sand from the carpet, and the extractor is to wash the remnants of the detergent and dirt.

Buy a rubber mat to save the trunk finish. The rug will protect the carpet from dirt and spots. If you do not like how it looks, take advantage of the second option - Put the plaid into the car. Before you transport dirty things, bed of it on carpet. Agree, it's easier to wash the plaid than to dry the trunk dry cleaning.

Carefully carry the tires. They can easily scratch texture plastic in the trunk. Such material cannot be polled or recover. Also rubber leaves black stripes on tissue racks. They are difficult to remove. Racks will have to be cleaned entirely and use stains. It is long and expensive.

Note. If transport winter tires, Protect not only the floor, but also side trim. Use tight material. Suitable the usual bedspread.

Floor surface close a dense rug. Choose a large rubber rug with a high side. Thanks to him, the dirt misses the carpet even in winter.

On theAudi. there was a small fabric rug. Dirt drained around the edges, place underpedals Strike hard.

Immediately remove the rug from the car if dirt flows from it. Clean it and dry it. Check not a wet floor in the cabin. If the carpet is wet, come to the sink and ask the washer to collect water with a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, it will not dry, and the smell of dampness will appear in the cabin.

Paul Brush as carpet in the trunk. If the contamination is not strong, you can easily cope with yourself. You can use any cleaner from the auto shop and the usual vacuum cleaner. To achieve a normal result, Andrei cleaned the floor "Audi" several times.

Outlets of doors

Doors trim often seem clean. However, they are quickly dirty. The dirt falls into the texture of the plastic, it is difficult to remove the microfiber. Plastic needs to be brushed.

Can be used special brush For skin or buy a conventional shoe brush in the supermarket. Plastic cleaning agent is sold in any auto shop. Price - from 150 rubles.

Friends, do not buy funds 2 in 1 - at the same time the cleaner and air conditioning for plastic. Take just a cleaner. Funds 2 in 1 smear dirt and give shine. It is better to clean plastic and only then apply air conditioning.

Plastic on Audi Andrew cleared the Koch Chemie Mehr Zweck Reiniger and LETECH brush. Using such a brush, you can easily clean the speaker grids from dirt, sand and dust. It can be ordered in any children's store. It costs 350 rubles.


The ceiling is the only part of the cabin that we do not recommend cleaning yourself. In the "cream" often come car enthusiasts who tried to clean the ceiling themselves. At best, the result of such cleaning is divorces and dirty leaks. At worst - spoiled ceiling.

The ceiling material is easy to damage, especially if you rub it with a cloth. The pile is quickly rolled, rollers appear on the surface. Such a ceiling can not be saved. Therefore, it is better to contact professionals.

Seat belts

In the instructions for the car it is written that the belts cannot be cleaned by aggressive chemistry. It does not affect the strength of the material. We are not risking customer security and clean belts with economic soap.

If the belts are unclean, use Ternador. Such a tool forms twist in the air and pulls the dirt outward. With the help of a taper, it is easy to remove the main pollution.

Collect the remnants of dirt and soap can be an extractor. The German vacuum cleaner serves clean water and instantly sucks it back together with sand and soap particles.

Tornador and extractor - expensive professional equipment. Tornador costs 5 thousand rubles, extractor - 40-50. For Ternador, you need to buy a compressor for about 30 thousand rubles. In this case, it is easier to refer to specialists. You do not have to buy equipment or take it for rent.

The car's salon is a place in which the driver and passengers should feel comfortable. That is why it is important to carry out a timely cleaning in it and clean the seats from possible pollution and dust. How and what to clean the car's salon do it yourself? Is it possible to use folk remedies for this? Let's deal with.

Cleaning leather salon

If the leather interior of the car is contaminated, it is necessary to clean it in such a way as to maintain its original appearance. If you do it wrong, layers and cracks may appear on the leather upholstery.

Such material like skin needs delicate care. If the question arises of what to clean the leather car with your own hands to keep the upholstery safe and safety, the selected remedy must first be distributed on a small area that is hidden from the eyes.

The skin itself is a material that differs in the type of oak. Its strength characteristics can also be different. Moreover, it can provide a protective coating. It is this option that finishes can often be found in the salons of modern brands.

If there is no protective coating, an air conditioner should be applied to the material, which has a positive effect on it - after applying the skin becomes softer and more elastic, acquires a pleasant smell and aesthetic look.

As a rule, the method of applying a leather interior cleaning agent is indicated on the packaging of the composition. It is recommended to apply the product on a soft cloth and after that, wipe the skin. This will help prevent the harmful effects of chemical reagents on the material.

As for the selection of the composition, then often automakers give their own recommendations regarding the care of the leather interior vehicle of a car of a particular brand.

However, when choosing a tool, it is worth focusing on the variety of skin, its quality and period of operation of the car. In the auto shops today presents a wide range of seats care products. They can have cream or liquid consistency. You can also cover the skin with a sample cream, which will make it color more saturated.

Before cleaning the outskirts of the cabin with their own hands, it needs to be pressed and only after that it is to distribute the cream agent. It is necessary to do it with a sponge or suede tissue. You need to rub the tool until it is completely absorbed. Excess the composition needs to be eliminated with a dry napkin and wait for a complete drying of the applied product.

Cleaning velor salon

Velur is a fabric that is also often used when the car seat is trimmed. This material is made by weaving five threads, four of which form the upper and lower base, and the fifth is intended to create a pile.

How to clean the velor interior of the car with your own hands and what will required for this? Since the material in the form of velor keeps the dust well, it is worth using a powerful vacuum cleaner with soft nozzles.

If a stain appeared on velor tissue, it is possible to eliminate it with a soft napkin moistened in the soap solution. Replace the soap base with any other composition in which there are no alkalis and bleaching substances.

All actions during cleaning should be very delicate. It is undesirable to apply effort when cleaning, pressing on the cloth, pull the pile. All this can harm velor fabric. It is also desirable to also get a brush or sticky roller and periodically collect them from the surface of the hair, wool.

Cleaning tissue upholstery

Another frequent question among the owners of the car: "What to clean the car's salon with your own hands: folk remedies or ready-made shop? " In fact, both options are suitable for the care of the upholstery, but if it is not possible to purchase a cleaning liquid, you can prepare it yourself.

To do this, we need a liquid for washing dishes and water to be taken in an equal ratio. The resulting mixture should be placed in the bottle with the sprinkler. Spray the remedy is needed over the upholstery, keeping the bottle at a distance of 15 cm from it. You can also take a toothbrush for cleaning upholstery.

What to clean the fabric interior of the car do it yourself, if there are persistent contaminants on the upholstery? The second way to prepare the means implies the use of soap, boos and hot water.

Soap must be grate and mixed 6 tbsp. l. chips with 2 tablespoons of borants. Pour the mixture hot water. To give a light unobtrusive flavor to the medium, you can pour 10 drops of lavender ether. The resulting liquid needs to be cooled and cut a little with a whin. Apply the foam on the stains is necessary with a brush or sponge. After the remedy is a little absorbed into the fabric, it must be washed with water and clean cloth.

Upholstery cleaning steam cleaner

If there are deep contaminants on the upholstery, it is possible to put an interior with a steam cleaner. The device sprays hot water, which is immediately suused back together with mud. Use a steam cleaner according to the instructions. A store remedy is suitable for a cleaning solution or a liquid based on vinegar and water, which can be prepared independently.

We need to change water in a steam cleaner as often as possible so that the salon is cleaned with a clean composition.

Is it possible to use to clean the upholstery "Vanish"?

One of the most common means for cleaning the upholstery is "Vanish". This product is really characterized by high efficiency. He perfectly picks up dirt from carpets, which means that it can be used for car seats.

"Vanish" is a powder white color. The main purpose of its purpose is cleaning carpets, sofas and chairs from dirt. Clean the car's salon with your own hands with Vanish is also possible. To do this, it needs to be divorced in water until the foam is obtained, apply to contaminated areas and wait for drying. After the stains disappear, the composition must be washed with water.

Preparation of the salon to dry cleaning at home

Before applied to the upholstery, any means, in particular "Vanish", you need to prepare a salon for such a procedure. To prevent the system closure, the car must be drowning. It is also necessary to unload the car - empty the luggage compartment, remove the seat.

Already after everything is cleaned, you can proceed to cleaning seats. Deciding which means to clean the car's salon with your own hands, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.

In order for the seats to find the initial look, they need to distribute the selected tool. It can also be applied to armrests and headrests.

After washing, you can proceed to clean the trunk, gender and other parts that are covered with cloth.

Cleaning the vinyl salon

Vinyl upholstery is cleaned without any problems. It is enough just to apply a means for cleaning windows and wipe with a soft cloth. Thus, you need to clean each site. What to clean the cabin with your own hands, if it has vinyl upholstery and pollution very much? To do this, you can take soda and water in equal parts and polish the surface.

Components are mixed to the pasty state and only after that are distributed on the upholstery. Next, the mixture must be washed with soapy and wipe dry with a rag.

It is advisable from oil-based cleaners, since the vinyl upholstery can harden.

Toothbrush is suitable for cleaning seams. In these places there is a cluster of dust dust, eliminate which is not for the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, the toothbrush, moistened in the cleansing fluid, must cope with the task.

Cleaning salon vacuum cleaner

What to clean the car's salon with your own hands, if there are no explicit contaminants, but is there a large accumulation of dust? For this purpose, vacuum cleaners are suitable for wet and dry cleaning. As a rule, they have a long hose and a long cord, due to which the process of cleaning the cabin is facilitated.

If there is no such device in everyday life, you can use it on a car wash. Of course, for the use of this technique will have to pay. But as for mini-portable vacuum cleaners, their power is not always enough to fully clean the cabin.

Those that are made of plastic are suitable as nozzles. Metal options should not be used because they can scratch or break the upholstery, especially if it is from leather or vinyl.

Dry cleaning ceiling

What to clean the upholstery of the car's salon with your own hands, we figured out. But as for the ceiling, it is desirable to use the means-sprayers. It is advisable to divide the ceiling on the zones and clean each of them separately. For each region, it is necessary to apply cleaning foam. The response time is always indicated on the package. After that, the tool is removed with a clean napkin.
All movements need to be carried out in one direction. You need to start cleaning from windshield in the direction of the luggage compartment. Ceiling coatings are usually a soft material that may lose its original form if it is cleaned incorrectly.


So, what to clean the car's interior with your own hands, you know. The main thing is to choose the right tool, focusing on the type of upholstery and the nature of pollution, and spend all actions very delicately.

The desire to save on cleaning the seats of the car is justified and is due to the fact that we are often so much and quite simply, and dry cleaning services on car washes and in specialized salons are not for everyone for pocket.

The use of the grandfathers, for which many go, in order to cleanse the seat of the car and its salon on their own, most often lead either to the absence of the result, or, even worse, to the destruction of the seat material.

You should not try to use strong chemicals whose intended purpose does not coincide with your tasks.

For example, you should not rub a strong pollution of fabric or skin to the neutralization of glue or bitumen. Such experiments will definitely lead to irreversible consequences.

We will not invent the bike and experiment, and consider expert opinions on the cleaning of automotive seats. Thus, we can avoid ridiculous misses and save time on unnecessary experiments.

Minimum set of tools and tools for cleaning any car seats

It makes no sense to acquire such things as a steam generator or ionizer for domestic use, as well as it makes no sense to buy industrial vacuum cleaners. We describe the minimum set that will be enough to dry clean the seats of your car yourself.

  • A vacuum cleaner. The more powerful - the better. The vacuum cleaner should be without a bag for collecting dust. In principle, such now are used at home. Do not worry, you will not spoil it, it will be needed only for collecting foam.
  • Sponge. Any suitable, but better choose the larger and denser, it will be more convenient to work.
  • Brush. It must be selected individually, just focus on the upholstery material of your salon. Do not overdo it with rigidity.
  • Bucket and rubber gloves. Here on your taste and color.
  • Hot water. It is hot, and not warm.
  • Well, the most important component of the process - tool for cleaning.

Let us dwell on the issue of choosing chemistry to clean the cabin car. We will not focus on brands and manufacturers. We will analyze the qualities and characteristics that this chemistry should possess.

  • Concentrate, with high foaming rates. You should not take a foam in a spraying spraying. It will be expensive to cost you and hardly lead to the desired result.
  • Chemistry should not contain aggressive solvents.
  • It is preferable to use chemistry with a neutral pH.

Do not look for such chemistry in auto shops, it is rarely possible to find it. You can buy it in any city in which there are car wash.

Just use the Internet and enter something like: "Buy chemistry for car washes in the city n." Managers will not refuse you in acquiring goods from them and may even organize you delivery with the forwarder.

Do not take the most expensive. You can purchase good chemistry within 400-600 rubles per liter, which you will not have enough for one cleaning of the seats of your car.

How to clean the seats in the car?

Disassemble and remove the seats of your car is not necessary. If you manage to get to a polluted place, you can do without unnecessary manipulations.

Cleaning is necessary in such a place where you will have access to electricity and hot water.

After you have purchased everything you need, you can proceed to work. The oddness of actions is as follows.

  1. It is necessary to dilute in hot water you purchased chemistry. In the instructions for use will be described, in what the ratio to mix water with the means. Well, stir chemistry with water (you can some stick) and make sure that the bucket is at least 70% of the volume takes foam, and the rest of the water.
  2. Apply foam sponge on a stain or contaminated surface So that her fabric is soaked through (if the seat is leather, then simply put the foam to the surface). It is desirable to clean the entire element so that there is no single pure spot on the seat, it looks no better dirty divorce.
  3. Wait until the chemical will start interacting with mud. It will take about 3-5 minutes of time.
  4. Use a brush or sponge for grouting the seat surface. Do not overdo it. It is better to repeat the procedure a couple of times if the stain was very much in the material than to rub and spoil the upholstery.
  5. Collect dirty foam From the material using the vacuum cleaner and several napkins.
  6. Carry out the salon.The chair of your car will be wet, so if there is an opportunity, leave a few hours a few hours, then it is better to take advantage of this chance so that the car is fresh without smell of dampness.

Use household gloves throughout the cleaning cycle. After completing the work, do not forget to wash your palms with soap. Do not make chemistry in your eyes.

This method of cleaning is perfect for any upholstery, regardless of the problem you need to solve. Clear car chairs at home with the help of markets and inexpensive professional chemistry easily. The remedy you will get, you can stretch several cleaning of automotive seats.

If you have a baby in the family, then this method will be indispensable, since in a similar way you can get rid of the smell of urine that has entered the salon, and other unpleasant "flavors", as well as almost from any stains that are often put little leisure.

When cleaning the appended stains you can repeat the procedure several times. If you correctly selected the tool, it will not negatively affect the upholstery of the car seat.

If the interior of the car is required to clean from an unpleasant smell, then you can clean all the upholstery by this method, and not just separate stains. Also, this procedure will help quickly wash the car's salon from the beer or kvass spilled in it and get rid of an unpleasant black smell.

If you need to wash the slots at the joints of the panel elements, then apply foam on them, let it stand a little and remove it with a vacuum cleaner. In the same way, you can extort from the stains and other plastic elements of your car at home, without using additional funds.

Cleaning the ceiling is carried out in the same way. But to clean its surface, it is desirable to protect the eyes from possible splashes when working with foam.

If you need to clean the seats of the car and its interior from the stains of blood, it is recommended to use cold instead of hot water. The process may be a bit more complicated, but cold water will not allow blood to turn on the fabric.

If the car is punched, it is recommended to use additional flavoring agents. In addition, stains on the ceiling are formed in the salons of smokers. Getting rid of such stains, do not overcome with rubbing, the ceiling is hardened the most difficult.

Approximate estimate of self-dry cleaning

So, we reviewed the option of dry cleaning of the cabin of your vehicle at home. Of supplies Used in this method of cleaning the following positions:

  • chemistry - 500 rubles;
  • large and tight sponge - 200 rubles;
  • brush - 100 rubles.

Total expenses for the entire material used will be about 800 rubles. These materials should be enough for one to two full dry-cleaners of the cabin, including elements made of plastic, ceiling and carpet.

It is expensive or affordable - judge only to you. But, according to experts, this is one of the few ways to carry dry cleaning independently and without unnecessary risks for the salon materials.

The method is quite simple and does not require certain skills and resources.

You can clean the salon in the garage, on the covered parking, and in the summer, even in the yard of your house, if there is a long carrying of electrical power supply.

The main thing, do not forget about the elementary means of protection and take care of the eyes from entering them a chemical agent.

Alcohol, household soap, vodka, as well as compositions for cleaning carpets - all these means are suitable for those who are going to clean the interior of the car, not overpaying and penny. This or another Council appears due to the positive experience. And negative, that is, negative feedback on the use of "folk remedies" is rarely published. In fact, even the options specified here are not so bad. Just from the rules there are exceptions. It is about them, about these exceptions, it will be on.

Easy to get along with Alcantar

Conducting a cleaning procedure for artificial suede (Alcantara), better adhere to the rules:

  • The usual foam sponge is suitable for performing dry cleaning. In other cases, use a special brush;
  • It is better to give preference to the corporate agent intended for cleaning not suede, namely Alcantara. Foam is often proposed in aerosol packaging. The foam is applied, dried 2-3 minutes, erase from the surface with non-bubble cloth.

But a list of common "folk councils": instead of special vehicles, you can buy a foam for carpet cleaning (Vanish), and in general it is easier to use the ammonia alcohol. Note that "ammonia" is part of any brand name. It turns out, the benefit of its application will be one - financial.

Alcantara brush resembles a shoe

In theory, the means for cleaning Alcantara sell and the car dealers themselves. Why not take advantage of this? Select the owner.

Another opinion is common: the stain on Alcantare can be removed by gasoline purchased at the gas station. But if gasoline leaves footprints on paper, it will also be similar to the result obtained with another material. Make conclusions.

Generally accepted folk remedies

An ideal chemical helps to clean and fabric, and plastic is a household soap. By dissolving it in hot water, you need to get a liquid foam, which is applied with a brush after cooling. The result looks like this:

Clean soap all parts of the cabin

The remains of the soap are removed with a brush dipped in water. And at the final stage, a wet fabric is used.

Any soap in its pure form is an aggressive solvent. By cleaning the brush, it is impossible not to disrupt the structure of the threads. Conclusion: the fabric will survive only a few "soap cleaning". And then it will have to change it.

For tissues resembling velvet, the Council on the use of economic soap is not suitable. The chemical itself for them will be harmless, but it is impossible to say about the use of this brush. So you have to find suitable specialists.

We list a few more common advice. They also belong to the interior processing:

  • Plastic, with the exception of glossy, can be cleaned with napkins for monitors;
  • The leatherette is perfectly cleaned with dishes;
  • Stains remaining on plastic or fabrics are erased by vodka;
  • Any means for cleaning carpets will help clean the fabric.

Perhaps it is possible to refer to all these advice, except for the latter. Carpet cleaner can leave divorces, and there is no rules here: divorces appear on dark, and sometimes on light fabric. Check on a small area of \u200b\u200bupholstery to find out whether the latest recommendation applies in reality.

An example on video

All motorists know that new car It has its own unique smell and this smell, worries the soul of the car enthusiast and fills it with a real joy. But, time goes quietly and a new car becomes no longer so new. This unique flavor disappears and the car begins to live their usual life on our roads. Over time, the car's salon becomes not so clean, and various stains and divorces begin to appear. All this is quite solved dry cleaning. Most do it. But this procedure is not cheap. Therefore, someone thinks about cleaning the car's cabin on their own, that is, with their own hands. It is also quite realistic to do if you know how to clean, and comply with some rules.

Cleaning the upholstery of the cabin. Highlights

Today, materials that are used to upholstery car salons, rather durable. But still, if you do not follow the upholstery, then no qualitative material can hold out for a long time. Small children very often leave various traces on the seats and other "insides" of the car. All those sweets they eat or other food, you will probably find on the seats. In addition, our streets do not differ in purity and the dirt that we enter the salon can be not only on the mats, but also on the other surfaces. That is why monitor the upholstery of the salon you need constantly, if, of course, you want it to look at you attractive.

If you shed some kind of drink, then the stains from it need to be immediately removed. Do not wait for it to uphound. Then he will bring it from there much more difficult. Therefore, in your car must be wet wipes, any cloth or paper towels. All these things will help you withdraw a stain if you were shed in the cabin.

Food stains (and many in the car eat very love) you also need to immediately output. Everything for the same reason - the old spot is much harder.

Always regularly use a vacuum cleaner. If dirt and dust you will not be regularly removed using a vacuum cleaner, it can deeply climb into the upholstery of the car, and its attractive appearance It is no longer possible to restore without serious dry cleaning.

Those who have children use children's car chairs. It is put on the back seat. At the same time, pay attention to you do not stand at the same place. Change periodically its placement from behind. So you can save upholstery longer rear seat car. The position itself of such a chair, too, if possible, should be changed. In addition, dust and dirt under the children's chair do not forget to clean up also regularly.

It is better not to eat any "color" drinks in the cabin. So the likelihood of its pollution will be minimal, and, therefore, the purity of the upholstery you save much longer. If you eat and drink in the car you love very much, then without stains on the upholstery of the salon you will definitely leave. Of course, if there is a lot of free time, then the salon can be cleaned constantly. But here, if you do not have this time, then everything is better to introduce food in the cabin to a minimum.

How to remove stains in the car's cabin?

Pollution in the car does not happen almost never. Spearly there are spots that are very striking. They need to withdraw quickly, because, even if the stain is small, then with time, it will still become great. So it is better not to wait for this moment, and delete it spot now.

Spots of dirt

Such stains are most common in our cars. Dirt or particle of the Earth is strongly rubbed into the upholstery and lead it to a very unsightly state. You need to enter such stains only if the upholstery in this place is dry. To begin with a stain of dirt just should be lost with a brush. This will remove you excess this dirt, which in the upholstery have not yet absorbed, and are outside. Next, already, with the help of a soft nozzle of the vacuum cleaner (the one that is used for furniture) will need to spend this stain. So, you can already remove most of the dry dirt from the upholstery itself. If the stain is already withdrawn, then there is no wet processing here. It is better to lose it a little wetted cloth, or take advantage of the washing vacuum cleaner. But in any case, the water does not need to pour. So the spot is only stronger in the upholstery, and this is not necessary for us.

Coffee spots in the cabin

The second type of stains in popularity is coffee. After all, many, especially those who go far, love to drink a cup of coffee in the cabin. Therefore, such stains are far from uncommon. Sometimes drivers simply forget to remove the cup with coffee, which was put on the panel. The car was drowned, and the coffee was converted accordingly. In any case, coffee is not absorbed immediately to the upholstery, so if you were shed, then immediately blot the spilled liquid with the same paper towel. It will help you to remove the flooded coffee at the maximum. The liquid is simply quickly absorbed into such a towel than in a dense outcome of the cabin. Well, if you have water in the cabin. Then just pour it on the fresh coffee stain and again collect all this with a soft towel. Already later, on a stain from coffee, you will need to apply a tool that is used when cleaning carpets. And later the stain will still need to spend pressure.

Vomit spots

Cleaning the car's salon from spots of vomiting, after all, not so often occur. But, nevertheless, this is also quite possible. It often happens that children or animals when driving simply indicates, as a result, similar stains arise. Such stains rub quite not easy. And again, for successful struggle with them, everything needs to be done quickly. To begin with, you must open the windows in the car or the door is entirely. This is done not only to come out an unpleasant smell, but also the air circulation is more. So the salon will be better ventilated and the stain after its cleaning will faster. A common part of such pollution needs to be quickly removed. This can be done with any cloth or the same paper towels or soft things like them.

Next, it is already necessary to clean soda (1/4 of a glass) and water. All this soda is dragging in a glass of warm water. Then just a clean cloth (or the same napkin) simply wet neatly the spot itself, it should not be rubbed. Next, the place of pollution is rinsed, we rinse and once again it will be necessary to get into the cleaning composition. The cloth itself will need to be periodically allocated in clean waterbecause at once the cleanliness will not succeed. If the soda solution becomes too turbid, then it is better to cook another one. When you manage to completely remove from the upholstery, it will be necessary to fall asleep soda and rubbing it into this area. The smell, soda kills very well, that in this case it is very important. Let the soda snack on the spot, then it can be removed simply with a vacuum cleaner.

If small residues still remain, then a clean cloth (first moisten it in water) can be removed. And moisture, which can still stay on the spot, just blocked until the stain will not be almost dry. And the final stage is to spend this spot again, if there is a need.

Also in the cabin after such stains may remain unpleasant odor. It can be displayed using a feline toilet. His granules simply put in the female stocking or tights. The smell of a feline filler absorbs excellent.

Blood stains in the car

Such stains need to be displayed. If everything is postponed for later, then it will be much more difficult to clean up the insane salon. Here it is best to use only water cold. If the water is warm, or very hot, then the stains are only more entrusted to the upholstery. Again, cleaning such spots begins with a simple napkin. Your task, as usual, get into the spot and remove a large part of it. Terminated the pollution here should not be. You need to use here a soft cloth moistened only in cold water.

Take the spacing and pour into its container a dishwashing liquid (teaspoon) and a glass of cold water. Next, the tank is tightly shake and can spray it on the spot itself. Then again the spot will need to get intoxicate, and do it you need to start only from the edge of the spot and then to the middle. From one procedure, you can hardly remove the spot, so it should be repeated "to a victorious end!".

Cleaning the car interior by simple tool

This tool will suit not only for the cabin of your car, but also to clean the upholstery of the sofa. Cooking it we will be of one cup of any liquid soap, plus a cup of vinegar and here we will add another cup of mineral water. It is better to take "Borjomi", "Arkhyz" or "Esentuki". We will work again with a bottle with a pulverizer and a brush.

First of all, the very surface of the upholstery will need to be cleaned of dust and from any garbage. All ingredients of our cleaner need a well mix right in the bottle itself. And then you can already apply this composition with a pulverizer to the upholstery of the cabin. We leave it all minutes for 5 or 10. After that, we already take a brush and dirty places three brush, and we work with a circular movement. Most small and fresh spots are well laundered in this way. But, if the old spots immediately output will not work, you can repeat the procedure and repeat. The second processing will have to withdraw the solar stains.

Clean the skin and vinyl in the cabin

These materials are cleaned much easier than tissue upholstery. For them, special means are sold to help you bring these materials in order and besides this will also bring the smell.

Although of course, the skin, you need to clean is also very careful, because it is painted quite easily, and you can also blur. But, the advantage of the skin is that the liquid that you have been shed at it, can be removed immediately almost without loss, and there will be no traces on the skin. All this needs to be done not slowly and better than the cleaning agents that are designed for the skin. If you have a leather salon, then such funds you have to be at hand.

Vinyl salon should be cleaned regularly. This is done by a simple agent of 3-4 drops of any means for dishes, which are bred in a plate with warm water. You need to wipe this composition with a clean cloth, and after it, we do the most dry cloth. If it did not help and any stains remained, then use the ammonia (1/4 of the glass), which is divorced in the glass of water. With this composition, again, we proceed with a soft cloth, and if it is quite persistent, it is still a soft brush. Next, the place of cleaning is dry and applied to the vinyl appropriate protective agent.

Of course, behind the car's salon you need to monitor constantly, no matter how his surface you have not had. So his upholstery will always be fine and the emergency dry cleaner does not need.

But in this video you will be told about some methods that will help you clean the car's salon at home. We look.

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We all regularly use the services of car washes and self-service miles. I think you will agree that no one likes to ride on a dirty and covered with dust car. Some motorists acquire special mini-sinks in order to save money and this is their right, but the external car wash is much less compared to cleaning the interior of the car.

What to clean the car's salon?

Car salon requires careful and regular care. Some car owners use the services of the respective autochimcruits, others - take this thing into their own hands and often, not knowing all the nuances, they cause irreparable harm to the upholstery of their beloved car. To do this not happen to you, let's see, as well as with what you can clean the car's salon at home.

Cleaning the interior salon of the car can occur with the following means: a foam cleaner of the cabin (auto-chemistry), a steam cleaner, a vacuum cleaner for a car, washing vacuum cleaner.

I already wrote about steam cleaners earlier in the heading "Everything for the House", I will add only that it is better to purchase manual patterns of steam cleaners with a boiler pressure of at least 3-5 bar. With such a steam cleaner, you can remove the ferry even the most solar pollution. A steam cleaner can maintain refueling with chemical solutions, and then you get two in one: chemical cleaning of the cabin and cleaning the cabin steam.

The vacuum cleaner for the car is also simply indispensable, because the largest amount of dirt, garbage and dust accumulates on the floor under the driver's and passenger seat. Before you begin to chemical cleaning the cabin, dirt and garbage should be removed from the salon with a vacuum cleaner or special brushes for cleaning the car.

Clean the car's interior alone

Now let's get started directly to the cleaning of the car's interior. We will do it step by step:

Step one: Removal of garbage with a vacuum cleaner or a special brush. Vacuum will need to be twice, before the chemical cleaning of the entire cabin and after the end of the removal of pollution.

Step second: It should be started to clean up the upholstery with cleaning the ceiling of the car. Conditionally divide the ceiling into several zones, alternately treating each solution, rubbing the foam foam (not wet) sponge, waiting for a few minutes, then treating the purified surface in advance prepared by a dry napkin.

Step Three: Next, you should proceed to clean the seats. It will be better to do in the unfounded state, in this case you will be easier to get to the junctions, where many dirt almost always accumulates. As a rule, the most polluted came the ends of the seats. Cleaning the seat using chemistry should be similar to cleaning the ceiling: we remove the dust, we apply a means, rub the sponge foam, wait, wipe the surface with a dry napkin. It is very important to carry out the processing of each zone alternately, and not apply the tool throughout the cabin immediately. If your car's salon is leather, apply the composition on a soft cloth and only then wipe the skin.

Step four: We proceed to clean the floor of the cabin. With the use of chemistry, the methods described above.

Pitch Fifth: We pay attention to cleaning doors. First we clean the card, and then the plastic on the doors and torpedo. Plastic cleaning is best done with universal cleaning agents for plastic and vinyl.

Step Six: The final step will be cleaning the glasses and mirrors. When you look pretty well, you will be surprised where so much dust and dirt come from.

It is necessary to clean the car's salon in this sequence, that's just if you do everything on points, it is not a fact that your occupation is crowned with success. Why? You still need to choose the cleanser correctly.

What chemistry to clean the cabin to choose?

When choosing chemicals for cleaning the car, it should be noted that there are special products with active foam, as well as simple household chemicals. Special foam cleaners for the car are good in that in annotations to each specific means it is indicated, with what types of surface they work. In addition, they require a minimum of water and are simply assembled by a vacuum cleaner or a napkin.

For plastic and vinyl parts it is better to use special polyroli.

When working with any surface, you should first conduct a test for action: apply a little means for a not too prominent section of the upholstery of your salon, in the event of a divorce or damage to the material - refuse to use this cleaning agent.

If you want to use your long enough vehicleYou will have to take care not only about its technical condition, but also about the appearance of the body and clean the cabin. You can resort to the help of professionals and contact the service center, but these services are quite expensive. To save, you can clean the car's salon yourself, using special means.

1 Preparation of the machine and choosing tools for cleaning

During the operation of the car, its seat, sheathing, ceiling and other parts of the cabin are gradually contaminated. The accumulated dirt and dust due to the fan are separated by air flows throughout the cabin, they fall through the respiratory tract to the human body and can cause allergies and other diseases. In addition, getting into hard-to-reach places, dirt and dust can cause wiring and appliances.

Dry cleaning of the car's salon will help get rid of stains, dirt and dust, and make it with their own hands is not so difficult. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare - to drown out the motor and for security purposes, turn off all the power supply so that during cleaning you do not hit the current and the electrical equipment is not burned. If you want to work to the music, it is better to use mobile device Or organize musical accompaniment to another way.

To clean the cabin, you need to prepare the following equipment and cleaning equipment:

  • vacuum cleaner (better steam);
  • compressor;
  • brushes of different stiffness;
  • capacitance with heated water;
  • clean rags (better napkins from microfiber);
  • washing sponges or foam rubber.

Fuely to all necessary for dry cleaning. You will need a lot of sponges and rags.

According to GOST, the chemicals that are in contact with open skin of the hands should have a pH level ranging from 4 to 11.5, so cleaning should be carried out in rubber gloves. To protect against dust, you can wear a respirator.

At the next stage you need to unload the salon and the luggage compartment, remove all unnecessary items, mats to make it easier to work. Before chemical cleaning should be carried out dry cleaning with the help of a vacuum cleaner, by collecting all the garbage, putting the hard-to-reach places. Small garbage and dust are well blow out with a compressor even from small slots. For more thorough cleaning, you can remove the seats and spend the floor under them. When the vacuum cleaner is removed the main dust and dirt, you need a damp cloth, and then the dry napkin wipe all the panels.

Now you can proceed to dry cleaning. For this, the following chemicals will be suitable:

  • foam for cleaning fabric;
  • leather cleaning agents;
  • means and polyrolol for plastic elements;
  • purifier for glasses.

You can use household cleaning agents or folk remedies. Before applying a chemical agent, it is recommended to try it on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe upholstery at an invisible place. This will make it possible to check how the tool acts on the fabric and paint. If it effectively removed the spot and did not leave the divorce, it means that you can begin to complete the processing.

2 First Stage - Chemical Ceiling Cleaning

It is better to start cleaning from the ceiling, since foam or cleaning fluid can get on the seat. To do this, it is better to use foam tools, for example, the Profoam series. When choosing a means, you should pay attention to what kind of surface material it is intended.

To completely clean the ceiling, it is necessary to specifically divide it by 4-5 zones. Then, by shaking a balloon well, it is necessary to put a foam to one of the plots, not leaving spaces. We are waiting for a few minutes while the tool absorbs dirt and dust. Then remove the dirty foam with clean dry napkins or rags. For cleaning it is better to use white napkins to eliminate possible tissue linen. Ragged and napkins should be dry if they become wet, they should be replaced.

We remove the foam in progressive movements, making them in one direction, for example, from windshield to the rear, leading a cloth, without breaking down, from beginning to end. Do not make indiscriminate movements, otherwise the pile can ugly lie down and leave stripes. If, removing the foam, you found that stains remain, these places should be processed again until the stain will be removed. You can apply the means to remove stains.

When the foam hit, it immediately needs to be removed with a damp cloth, as chemicals included in the composition may damage the surface of the glass. It is advisable to wash the glass with soap solution before cleaning, which will protect them from chemistry. And it is better to close the glasses with paper or newspapers.

3 How best to clean the armchairs, mats and floor?

Similarly, the ceiling is cleaned with the other elements of the cabin made of fabric. At this stage, it is recommended to use stronger equipment for dry cleaning, as mats, seats and flooring are contaminated to a greater extent than the ceiling. After applying the cleaning agent, the most contaminated areas should be cleaned with a brush, and then erase the foam from the surface.

Clean the armchairs and the floor can be used by the Profoam series. Cleaning with problem areas will help the Walzer cleaner, it effectively removes the heated stains on the seats coated with fabric material. If the upholstery is not strongly contaminated, you can spend dry cleaning of the ferry with the help of a steam vacuum cleaner. It should be noted that such cleaning will not remove the fat stains.

For leather and vinyl coatings are used special compositions or ordinary soap solution. And after processing, you need to apply a special protective air conditioner for the skin. This will protect the leather surface from cracking.

For seats from leatherette and skin, you can also use High Gear cleaners or Step Up. For the processing of the entire cabin, it is enough to purchase two cylinders. These funds are deeply penetrated into the material and literally push out all pollution from it. Before use, we shake the balloon and spray the remedy for the surface. After a few minutes we remove the foam with a dry napkin or rag. Polluted places after applying a cleaner should be processed using a soft brush. It is necessary to act neat so as not to damage the skin. After cleaning the above-mentioned means, the air conditioner is not necessary.

4 glasses, doors and panel - clean to shine

Cleaning doors start with the processing of foam fabric inserts. We apply a foam and remove it in a few minutes with a dry napkin. Plastic elements are processed by the product of Profoam 2000. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttons of the windows, the means are applied using a sponge so that it does not fall on the wiring through the slots.

Glasses clean with a special solution - Fine glass. But you can also use another tool for washing glass. If the glass is tinted, then detergents with ammonia cannot be used. Solutions containing ammonia will discourage the film and cause cracks on its surface. The Fine Glass solution is better to apply not on the glass, but to a napkin from the microfiber and wipe the glass to avoid ugly divorces.

To clean the torpedoes, use plastic care products with an antistatic effect and giving plastic shine. They clean the surface and give it a dust-repellent property. Alternative option - Special napkins for cleansing screens of computers and televisions. Control buttons clean with cotton sticks or soft toothbrush. When cleaning the buttons on the instrument panel, you need to follow in order not to erase the inscriptions under the influence of chemicals.

Plastic parts are well cleaned with a steam vacuum cleaner. In this case, cleaning is carried out without the use of chemistry. The steam vacuum cleaner effectively removes pollution and does not leave divorces. After cleansing plastic from contaminants, we apply a polyrolol, which will give the salon shine and beauty. The technology of using the polyterol is simple: apply tool, lose and wipe out a dry cloth. Posted by plastic The initial species of the polyrol can not be refreshing the appearance and disguises small scratches. After applying polishing agents, the black panel becomes darker and shiny.

Floor processing means intended for cleaning fabric sheat. Since pollution on the floor is significant, we produce cleaning several times, changing the napkins as needed. If the seats do not shoot, under them you also need to clean the floor with a foam. Luggage compartment It is similar to the floor in the cabin.

After dry cleaning, it is necessary to dry the interior. This procedure can take from 7 to 14 hours. Drying time depends on weather conditions used and the degree of pollution of the salon. For better drying, you need to open all the doors, windows, trunk, so that the air flows ventilate the salon space.

You can speed up the drying process by installing a canofer or with a hair dryer. After drying, the specific smell of the chemicals used may deteriorate completely. For elimination unpleasant odors You can use air fresheners with various flavors. The smell from the means usually disappears in a few days.

5 Independent dry cleaning: pros and cons

About self-cleaning there are different opinions, there are adherents, and opponents. Ultimately, it all depends on financial and physical abilities. Among the advantages of dry cleaning, you can select the following:

  1. Saving financial resources on a specialized salon visit.
  2. Opportunity independent choice Chemicals.
  3. Cleaning the car can be carried out at any convenient location and at any time.
  4. Each driver knows about polluted places in the cabin.

But also has its own shortcomings:

  1. Large time costs.
  2. Insufficient professionalism compared to specialized salons.
  3. Lack of experience. True, it will appear after several detecting dry cleaning.
  4. The risk is mistaken with the choice of funds.
  5. Lack of specially equipped space for work.

Weighing everything for and against, each driver itself decides, cleaning the car itself or contact the salon. Naturally, professional cleaning is better and more efficient. If finance allow, it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

Today, advertising articles literally die photos up / after cleaning the car, and of course you want everyone to get such a tangible result on your car. Especially modern technologies allow you to care for various materials Maximum safely, effectively and relatively inexpensive.

But it is worth noting that the same dry-cleaner of the cabin of your car from a specialist can cost far from one thousand rubles. And if you can afford to spend some time and money, it is quite possible to do without your own.

In the article we will look at how to remove your "swallow" in the salon, without resorting to the services of specialists and find out what materials we need for this.

Dry cleaning cabin auto at home

Initially, decide on: for example, if you need to superficially remove several contaminants, it is quite enough for several hours of time and a special cleaning agent. But if there is a desire to return the car factory purity, you will need to hold a complete dismantling of the chairs to get to hard-to-reach places.

The second - it will be necessary to spend some time on the search for a suitable detergent that is suitable for your salon and upholstery. Since the means suitable for the tissue lounge is categorically not recommended for leather.

Also, the necessary equipment for cleaning will require vacuum cleaner and special nozzles for seats and hard-to-reach places.

What to clean the cabin car?

Everything is not so difficult here, because there are only two types of funds for such a job: professional "chemistry" and remedies. If you have already managed to pay attention to the auto shops, the shelves are literally overflowed by goods to clean the cabin: from polyteroli for plastic to solutions for deep seats cleaning.

The following: Liqui Moly, High Gear, Sonax and others can be added to the list of the best and most popular funds in high-quality dry cleaning.

Is it possible to use vanish for upholstery?

If your car's fabric interior has not too deep and old pollution, it is recommended to use a special vanish tool for carpet products. It will help not only perfectly clean the surface from unwanted spots of various origin, but also give a pleasant fragrance.

Adhere to the next algorithm when using this product:

  1. Carefully read the Vanish dilution recommendations, connect with water according to the scheme and stir carefully.
  2. Apply the resulting foam evenly with the help of a brush to the upholstery and squeeze neatly circular motions throughout the tissue of the cabin.
  3. After complete drying of the foam, take the vacuum cleaner and carefully pass the brush throughout the coating, removing the remnants of the means.

Remember that Vanish is not suitable for cleaning the leather interior, but in this case The tool perfectly cope with carpeted floors.

Cleaning car salon by homemade ways

If for one reason or another it is not possible to purchase special tool For home dry cleaning, you can try to use the remedies existing in almost every home:

  • A vinegar solution (1 teaspoon on a glass of water) perfectly cope with alcohol spots or will remove biological spots.
  • 90 percent alcohol will be able to help remove complex stains from ink or cosmetics.
  • Pharmacy ammonia with easily remove traces of coffee trails.

Step-by-step inspection of salon cleaning at home

If you have not had experience in this area, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the consistent tactics of cleaning and cleaning the car's salon with your own hands. If you follow the logic, you first need to get to wash the ceiling, since dripping dirty water can be stained previously squeezed seats and gender.

Naturally, first, it is necessary to drown out the engine and remove the key to avoid possible electrical closures during a wet processing. Remember the need to free the trunk from extra packages and tools.

We start cleaning the ceiling, gently removing a soft bristly brush dirt and garbage with rubber seals, lighting devices, doorways, etc. It is easy to guess that this garbage will fly in all directions, so in the absence of the need to remove the seats simply cover them with polyethylene or packages to avoid excess pollution.

After cleaning the ceiling, you can proceed to the chairs and the floor. If you need to cleaned only a few stains or refresh the oversight of the seats, treat the desired area with special needs, which was mentioned above.

When cleaning the floor, we remove all the rubber mats and carefully vacuuming the coating, if necessary, remove the stains, use the previously described method with Vanish. The final effect of salon cleaning will be a wet wet of plastic parts: dashboard, door panels, etc.

The final stage is drying salon. This is a fairly important process that depends directly on environmental conditions. For example, in the summer, the car can be completely dry in a couple of hours at open doors and trunk.


We briefly described the most important aspects of home dry cleaning of the cabin of your car. As you can see, with the right use of special services and thanks to the constructed action plan, you can achieve an excellent result, without overpaying the extra money for professional cleaning.

At the same time, you will not be limited in temporary and spatial framework.

Photo instruction how to clean the car interior

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