Home Wheels Modernization of UAZ 3303 do it yourself. What can be done with a car to ensure passability

Modernization of UAZ 3303 do it yourself. What can be done with a car to ensure passability

High-quality and competently thought out Tuning UAZ-3303 allows you to transform the working and non-sustainable technique into a luxurious and comfortable wheeled all-terrain vehicle, not inferior to expensive foreign counterparts. "Golovastic", as it is called in the people, has a solid foundation, a fairly spacious body and a cabin to accommodate there a lot of useful options. Making changes will increase the functionality, permeability and reliability of a small side truck, make it comfortable and representative.

Technical tuning

The improvement of UAZ-3303 should begin with the modification of the frame. In the process of conducting tuning, a variety of different options is installed on the machine, which leads to an increase in the load on the frame. In order to prevent its breakdown, one-piece pipes or metal plates are welded over the factory seams. If possible, the amplification is carried out from all sides of the joints. Protecting the basis, you can move to the further improvement of the car.

Wheel part

Installation of wheels with cast discs improves vehicle exterior. The width and diameter of rubber are selected based on the conditions in which it is planned to be operated. If the car is reworked into the all-terrain vehicle and fishing, it is advisable to establish wide wheels with the possibility of adjusting the pressure from the cab.

Installation of wheels with an increased diameter is associated with cutting the arches, lifting work on building a steering column, transfer box and gearbox. But nested forces and funds are justified - the car acquires increased permeability.

It is possible to improve the vehicle all-time quality by installing on the rear axle of tracked blocks. For their manufacture, caterpillars and gears from snowmobiles are used.


Since the car is converted to off-road driving, the engine and gearbox should be protected from mechanical exposure. For this, an aluminum or titanium centimeter stove is attached under the power plant.

If the springs are in a satisfactory condition, then they can be left, clearing from dirt and rust. Worn products are advisable to replace. Hydraulic shock absorbers with height adjustment are placed on both bridges. This will change the clearance of the machine for driving along the highway or off-road. Increases the lifelosity of the self-locking differential on the rear semi-axis.

See » How to make an external and inner tuning car uaz farmer

Fuel tank

The fuel container is practically not protected from external influence. When moved over the impassable terrain or bad roads, there is always a risk not only to break through the reservoir, but also to lose it completely upon contact with a stone, a tree trunk or thick mud.

There are such fuel tank protection options:

  1. Replacing standard mounts on powerful steel holders with a thick steel plate based on.
  2. Transfer of the tank in the body or into space between the cab and cargo compartment.

Both options are simple from the technical side and do not require harmonization from the traffic police.

Designer tuning

The external modernization of the car is carried out in order to allocate it from the general monotony, to make a prominent and catchy, attract the attention of others. The correct tuning allows not only to visually improve the type of machine, but also make it more comfortable and functional. Ethrenal modernization leads to accelerated wear of nodes and mechanisms, reducing the resource of the vehicle.

Salon finish

As for the UAZ-3303, the cabin tuning is a practically unlimited field of activity. It should be started outside.

You can make the following:

  • put toned glasses, equip the doors with electric lifts;
  • renovating old optics by inserting new LED lamps into it;
  • separated by plastic fairings;
  • paint in color corresponding to the purpose of the machine;
  • make stylish steps.

Options for interior enhancement:

  • safe and multifunctional dashboard;
  • ergonomic steering wheel with a configurable column;
  • climate control system;
  • armchairs with pneumatic suspension, armrests and position regulators;
  • on-board computer with navigator;
  • sheathing surfaces with sound and thermal insulation materials;
  • light plastic furniture with sliding doors.

On the lid of the motor compartment, you can install a removable console.

Before you begin tuning, the "Golovastic" tuning, it is necessary to determine the specific objectives of its use to understand what kind of rework: full or partial. Partial tuning will be more suitable for those drivers who do not intend to ride a serious off-road. As a result, the car enthusiast can easily leave the mushrooms to the nearest forest, move along the risky rural roads.

This kind of tuning does not make significant changes in the design of the car. As a rule, it includes the installation of special rubber for dirt of 31 inches, as well as a winch and power body kit. To enhance the comfort, you can get up for Tuning Salon UAZ 3303.

The complete alteration of the "Golovastic" expectant to make serious changes in his body and the onboard part. It is for this reason that it takes much more time and consists of several major stages. Upon completion of such refinement, the "Golovastik" can easily be able to force the shallow rivers and the real off-road.

The main stages of complete tuning WAZ-3303 Golovastic

Step number 1. Change of kers

To overcome serious off-road, it is necessary to put a special mud rubber with a minimum size of 33-35 inches.

Step number 2. Raise suspension, body UAZ 3303

This is necessary to eliminate the hide on the turns of the arches. In addition, the cargo of the car in crossed terrain, abundant stumps, boulders increase. All this is achieved by installing between the body and the frame of special spacer and cutting the wheels. Raising the suspension is performed by adding additional sheets to the springs and installing shock absorbers having a longer working stroke.

Step number 3. Montage winch

On UAZ 3303, you can attach a hydraulic or electric winch. It is worth considering that the electrical models are easy to install, they can work autonomously. True, such winchs are distinguished by an increased energy intensive, which adversely affects the service life of the AKB. The hydraulic type is considered a more reliable, powerful unit, but it works much slower, and it takes a headed engine for its operation, pumping pressure in the system.

Stock Foto Tuning UAZ-3303 Golovastic

After passing these basic stages, you can try to conquer off-road. And if there is a sufficient amount of funds, you can, for example, also replace the gasoline engine to diesel, characterized by a large torque, which is necessary for movement in heavy road conditions. In addition, it is also worth strengthening the body strength by installing power supply.

The USSR produced a fairly large number of cars intended for transportation of goods by terrain with bad permeability. An example is called UAZ 3303, which was produced from 1966 to 1985. Despite the fact that the release of the model was completed several decades ago, the car is still in active operation. In order to give the second life with this car you can spend tuning UAZ 3303 with your own hands. In this material we consider work related to the increase in car's passability.

What can be done with a car to ensure passability?

To increase the passability of the car, it is necessary to install the wheels of greater width and diameter. According to the recommendations of experts, the maximum diameter should not exceed 24 inches, since otherwise the resistance of the car is lost on the road. It is possible to replace the wheels as follows:

  • To begin with a car lift to provide access to the chassis. Special attention should be paid to the fixation of the car to ensure the safety of the work.
  • The next step is to cut the wings. In order to be able to install the tires with a large tread and the diameter will have to increase the space under the wheel arches.
  • The replacement of standard bridges on Barzovsky, which have a large width should also be replaced.
  • You can increase the permeability by replacing the differential. When installing a more advanced design, it is possible to achieve an effect in which the wheels will not be able to buck in almost any weather conditions. In addition, with improving the efficiency of this item, the transmission service life is significantly increasing.
  • It is possible to replace both the springs on the rear axle and the shock absorbers in the front. It should be borne in mind that native springs have a relatively small length. Due to this, load capacity and depreciation qualities are significantly reduced. Native shock absorbers will not last long, and they have worse operational qualities. Therefore, it is recommended to install imported.
  • The increase in the road lumen negatively affects the resistance of the car. That is why it should be provided for the installation of additional elements in the form of stabilizers. They are installed on the sides and allow you to maintain the required equilibrium with it in turn.
  • An electric winch is installed, which will allow you to get out of difficult areas. In addition, it is necessary to install a more powerful battery that will allow you to make a car even in a strong frost.
  • Completed other discs with tires. Due to the installation of larger diameter wheels, the road lumen is significantly increasing. However, for this you will have to change the wheeled arches slightly, cutting them to the desired indicator.
  • With an increase in the magnitude of the road lumen, the resistance of the car is lost on turns. As a result, when entering a high speed, the likelihood of overturning is large. To increase the patency, an additional stabilization elements are carried out.
  • The body can also be upgraded. A common method of changing the design can be called the installation of a system that will raise the body to unload the cargo. Of course, for this you will have to install the hydraulic system.

The above work will significantly increase the vehicle's passability.

Preparation of the body to operate in harsh conditions

In addition to the above work, it is also possible to carry out work on changing the body. Tuning may be as follows:

  • Works are associated with design restoration. Quite often, in order to give a car, the proper form should be restored by the body and other structural elements.
  • Some changes can be made, fasteners are created for an additional body kit.
  • Perform work on painting.

The car under consideration is no longer produced over the years. Therefore, there are practically no proposals in good condition. Repair work on the restoration of the body is inevitable.

How to perform the restoration of the body?

Special attention will be paid to how to recover the body. Recommendations for this work are as follows:

1. For the start should be dismantled by all body elements. It is under them that rust can hide and other defects. Disassembly works will not require a large amount of free time.

2. The next step is to clean the paint coating. Note that during the damage of individual sites and their recovery will have to repaint the entire body. Purification of the paintwork can pass when using a wide variety of tools and special chemicals. From how qualitatively the surface will be cleared depend on the efficiency of further work.

3. Deliveries work on pruning the areas affected by corrosion: some will have to cut, others simply brew - it all depends on the degree of lesion. You need to pay attention to where the metal will be cut: some body elements must withstand the load and their change should not be carried out.

4.After pruning the affected areas, work is performed on the preparation of the body to further cooking. To do this, stripping the edges and the removal of burrs.

5. For cooking work, you need a special welding machine, as well as experience in carrying out similar works. The formation of large seams should be avoided, which will then be difficult then to hide the paint and varnish coating.

6.After brewing formed holes should be sweeping seams. It is also necessary to perform degreasing the surface in order to ensure the best conditions for laying the primer layer.

7. Fight attention is paid to the preparation of the body to carry out painting works. For all the rules, paint should pass in the closed box in order to exclude various garbage.

8. Painted paintwork with the surface of the surface of the primer is carried out. It gives the body a streamlined and smooth shape.

Important! The paint is applied in two layers, which makes it possible to achieve a better result. At the same time, the first layer is first applied, after its complete drying of the second. Special paint products are used to apply paint, only when they are used, you can put paint with a smooth layer.

Maxim. If you need a truck for transportation of various goods, then you can consider the possibility of upgrading UAZ 3303. It is small, has high permeability, the body is suitable for transporting small cargo. However, this car is significantly inferior to modern technically. Therefore, without tuning can not do.

Vitaly The cargo car is almost indispensable on the countryside. However, not everyone can afford the purchase of another truck. Therefore, it is possible to solve the problem by tuning UAZ 3303. After insignificant modernization, the car will become suitable for the transport of various goods.

Tuning UAZ 3303.

Transformation of "loaves" in "Golobovy"

The refinement of a personal car, its cabins and power units, in the process of which the factory characteristics are improved, called tuning. What does it give?

  1. Increases the power and efficiency of the engine.
  2. The reliability of the brakes is ensured.
  3. The suspension is strengthened.
  4. The cabin becomes comfortable for the driver and passengers.

A good platform of the machine at an affordable price creates the ability to experiment, improving the level of cargo of auto and strengthening its running quality. UAZ 3303 "Golovastik" (so called people in the peculiar form) is easy to tuning.

Improve UAZ 3303 with your own hands. Tuning is very easy to perform in its own garage. Of course, we need certain knowledge of the design of the car. You can spend tuning of the running parts, appearance and at your own will improve the Salon UAZ 3303.

Start with a wheelbase

It is recommended to strengthen the suspension so that the off-road can be ride, without fear that the car falls apart. Change tires for similar but possess more reliable rubber with an increased diameter (up to 25 inches), which are specifically made to overcome mud barriers. Lift the car body, it is necessary to accurately plant the wheels. Install the stands between the designs, and if necessary, cut the wings of the arch. Protection of the cabin with a vengery is the necessary part of the tuning machine, which allows to protect the lighting devices and glass UAZ 3303 from all sorts of damage.

The preparedness of the car to full off-road is determined by the mandatory winch. It is strengthened in front or back of the car. It is preferable to electrical or hydraulic. The advantage of the last option is its power, the work is carried out at the expense of the engine, which is inserted pressure. The electrical analog is running from the battery, and the latter life is reduced.

Excellent car for countryside

When it comes to UAZ "Golovastik", tuning is most often exposed to its chassis and a salon, and not an appearance, although no one forbids changing the body design.

Modernization will allow the car to compete with a powerful SUV. To do this, it is necessary to change the factory bridges on Barzovsky, which are more in width, and also replace and install high-friction differential.

This procedure gives two advantages:

  • when passing off the road into strong rains, the wheels will not slip,
  • the transmission will be less exhausted.

It is recommended to use Rancho 5000 shock absorbers. This will allow the machine to become higher, but a strong roll will arise on turns, especially on off-road. A similar problem is eliminated by installing on the front and rear axle stabilizer with transverse stability. Tuning UAZ 3303 with their own hands will allow you to completely update the car, and you can boldly call it an SUV.

Make brakes reliable

For such roads, it is important to have a reliable chassis

UAZ 3303 requires tuning chassis to ensure safety when driving. Install disc brake systems that contribute to uniformly erasing the pads and increasing the effect of braking. Strengthen the frame, for this a subframe and a special amplifier will fit. For convenience, prepare noise insulation, cutting the salon from the inside again.

If the factory seats are not satisfied with you, an alternative is offered - "Ford Escort", it is only necessary to modify them slightly. Cut all the details by leaving a soft part and iron construction that keeps it. Photo clearly demonstrate the need for tuning machine.

At the bottom of the seats are welded 2 corners. Drill holes in them to attach the parts with bolts to the floor in the cabin. Now, when driving you will be soft and comfortable. You can leave the factory trim on the seats or attach an additional part to them for lumbar support. If you want to turn the steering wheel and not strain your hands, install the hydraulicel, it is recommended to choose ZF. Even painting and installing wheels with cast discs will change the appearance of the UAZ 3303 for the better.

Change the bumper to reinforced. If you are not able to perform this work yourself, buy in the reef store. They are designed for UAZ. The power threshold will retain the cabling of the cab for a long time, and the crankcase will protect the engine. Buy UAZ 3303 onboard still wants many rural residents in view of its performance characteristics. This model is the most reliable. It is her who prefers most of the off-road lovers.

These works tuning UAZ 3303 does not end. Protect fuel tank, steering thrust, motor compartment. Cabin mount can be equipped with a kenguryatnik. The design of the protective arc will work. If the machine eats into a tree or other barrier. It is advisable to install the Elmo clutch, it is especially in demand with constant movement on asphalt. Make the engine air intake on the roof. This is very important when you have to cross small reservoirs and roads with impassive mud.

Placing spotlights over the cab is useful in the dark. At the last stage, a trunk is installed on UAZ 3303, which is a certain decoration. It is indispensable for the transport of volumetric items. Improve the instrument panel and put the stove.

Modernization includes machine equipment machine multimedia. In this case, better contact a specialized company. There are services that are engaged in setting sound on Cars UAZ 3303.

UAZ 3303.referred to as the people " golovastik"For the characteristic appearance, children's swelling" faces "and naively operated" eyes "- a car work, a worker. Created for transporting thousands of three hundred kilograms of cargo, UAZ "Golovastik" Changes with large loads. Unassuming to the quality of the road, cargo UAZ It is often used to raise supplies in hunting borrowings and fishing hut.

Slightly upgraded side UAZ He overcomes the summer heat, the autumn dismotection, landscaped carries and even a full off-road much better than the standard truck. Different variants tuning UAZ 3303. Allow it to be replaced by an inexpensive domestic machine Jaocaan pickups, advanced all-terrain vehicles, bulky houses on wheels.

Tuning UAZ 3303 Beginning from improving the frame

Rarely when tuning onboard UAZ 3303. leads to a decrease in the load on the carrier structures of the car. As a rule, the tuning increases the mass, loading capacity rises, the off-road quality of the machine is improved. Left without strengthening the full-time frame in the new conditions is experiencing overload, deformed, cracks and eventually breaks.

Strengthen the frame in different ways, but the most efficiently welding over the factory structural structure of the elements made from the solid pipe of the rectangular cross section.

Tuning Rama UAZ 3303. We also need when converting a truck into a specialized technique. The machine serves country construction or a small farm? Having become a dump truck, she will bring even more benefit!

True, the traffic police not welcomed to self-appointed reconstruction of vehicles. Nevertheless, deep tuning UAZ 3303 do it yourself It is not forbidden - especially when applying nodes and guaranteed quality items.

Tuning chassis UAZ 3303

Wheel base - the second stage of alterations. You better know, in what conditions will have to work " golovastic"- It became, no one better than you will choose new wheels for UAZA!

The use of the wheels of an increased diameter, justified when driving through a strongly rough terrain, will require lifting operations with mandatory refinement of the spring and replacing the shock absorbers.

The principles of lifting are covered in the article on the page.

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