Home Transmission Tuned nissan almera classic. How tuning is done for a Nissan Almeria classic. Chipping Almera with RS Chip - will the "miracle device" help with the upgrade?

Tuned nissan almera classic. How tuning is done for a Nissan Almeria classic. Chipping Almera with RS Chip - will the "miracle device" help with the upgrade?

Retrofitting of serial vehicles is usually divided into two main types: useful tuning and styling. In our car market ObvesMag we offer to choose and buy accessories for Nissan Almera Classic 2006-2013, which will make the car even more stylish. All car owners will be very pleased not so much to stand out from the rest as to install add-ons that are useful in daily operation. Buy tuning from major Russian and foreign brands, and your eye will be able to enjoy the original and bright appearance of this car any day.

There is now an impressive variety of tuning products for the Almera Classic 2008-2012, and many people often ask the question: what to do in the beginning? Our store can offer to start with considering something without which the use of your vehicle will not be so easy and convenient. In the interior of any car, you need to buy rugs that retain moisture, which will help prevent dampness. In the car, there is not only the possibility of corrosion, but also damage to the electrical wiring, which is much worse.

The second type of important improvements is the installation of deflectors for the windows and hood. This tuning will protect the 2010-2011 Nissan Almera Classic from winds and chips. In our online store, there are deflectors of all types and sizes for sale. For example, vents with chrome moldings: these accessories have an excellent appearance.

Installation of body kit in Moscow

The main tuning style for the Nissan Almera Classic B10, which our store is known for, is the installation of a steel body kit and aluminum sills. These footpegs help with boarding and make the crossover more comfortable to operate. It can be impossible for small children and older people to keep their clothes clean without thresholds; it is more convenient with them to clean the roof from snow or fix the luggage box.

A practical and stylish stainless steel body kit allows you to save bumpers and fenders of a car from collisions with upstream neighbors and from other troubles. Many minor collisions will pass you by thanks to the robust construction and stainless steel. Such tuning for Almera Classic is vital when driving on poor-quality roads or a cramped modern large city with a large number of cars.

We also have on sale a huge variety of accessories for tuning the interior and exterior of cars. Various covers for radiator grilles, spare wheel housings and bonnet stops. Each such accessory will make the look of a modern car more respectable and attractive. All tuning you have the opportunity to install yourself or in our service center upon purchase. We deliver any accessories in Moscow by courier or to any city in Russia with logistics companies: it's quick and easy.

Owners of modern cars often want to increase protection and improve the appearance of their cars. This is due to objective factors. Automakers are focusing on the functionality and reliability of components and assemblies and are taking steps to increase the body's resistance to corrosion. However, any scratch in certain situations will lead to rust. Therefore, tuning and accessories for Nissan Almera 2015-2016 are aimed at protecting against scratches. Door sills made of stainless steel protect the lower parts of the door openings of the body from damage by shoes during boarding or disembarking from the passenger compartment.

In winter, the roads are covered with anti-icing agents that cannot harm car paint, but corrode paint and metal. Another type of tuning accessories for the 2014-2017 Nissan Almera is stainless steel radiator grilles. On the roads, there are often situations when a stone flying out from under the wheels of another car breaks through the plastic radiator grill and damages the cooling system. In our store you can buy such an accessory for tuning your Nissan Almera as a stainless steel radiator grill. Due to its high strength, it can withstand impacts and effectively protect the cooling system.

Revision of stock cars is usually divided into two main types: useful tuning and exterior styling. In the supermarket ObvesMag you can see and purchase accessories for Almera G15, this will make the car as modern as possible. Any driver will be pleased not so much to stand out in the stream as to get convenient-to-use improvements. Choose tuning from leading Russian and foreign brands, and you will admire the amazing and striking appearance of this car every day.

Installation of body kit in Moscow

An impressive variety of accessories for Nissan Almera is produced in Russia, and people constantly ask: where to start? The Obvesmag store can offer to begin with considering something without which the operation of a modern car will not be so pleasant and convenient. It is extremely important to purchase floor mats on the floor of each car, which will help to avoid dampness and moisture penetration. In a modern car, not only is there a danger of corrosion, but electrical damage is also possible, and this is an even more threatening prospect.

The next type of useful changes is the purchase of window and hood visors. This tuning will protect the 2013-2018 Nissan Almera from wind and dirt. Deflectors of individual shapes and sizes are on sale in our store. For example, deflectors with stainless steel moldings: these accessories look very nice.

The priority type of tuning for Nissan Almera G15, which our store is known for, is the implementation of a body kit and stainless steel sills. Comfortable footpegs can help with landing and make the crossover as comfortable as possible. Without thresholds, it is impossible for children and disabled people not to stain clothes and shoes, without them it is inconvenient to clean the roof from snow or install a trunk.

A durable body kit made of steel allows you to save the plastic and fenders of the car from collisions with neighbors in the parking lot and from other troubles. Many minor accidents will pass by with quality workmanship and stainless steel. This tuning for Almera G15 is recommended when driving on bad roads or a tight large city with huge car traffic.

In our store, we have collected a huge number of accessories for tuning the interior and exterior of the car. Here you can order various grille covers, spare wheel housings and spoilers. Each such accessory will make your car look more stylish and dynamic. All our products and tuning you have the opportunity to install yourself or in our car service upon purchase. We will deliver goods for tuning in Moscow by our courier service or to any city in Russia by a transport company: it is fast, convenient and reliable.

On May 11, my family and I gathered to go home and after 50 km, picking up speed within 150 km / h, my engine explodes. I was driving in the extreme left lane and when I heard an explosion and a roar, I quickly turned on the emergency vehicle and went to the right to the side of the road ... I thought by the sound and sensations that the body kit had been torn off, but after a couple of seconds the brake pedal became wooden and the steering wheel too ... smoke poured down on the hood .... I opened the hood, I saw the engine was on, quickly took a fire extinguisher and put out the fire .. Piston outward. I realized that I had arrived ...

Let me remind you that the engine was installed quite recently, it was bought after a major overhaul and a bulkhead according to the seller, a person I know, he won’t lie, so it was decided to take the engine from him ...

When the engine was installed on the car in winter, after I started it, I noticed that the valves were knocking. But it doesn't seem like much, so I decided to wait until the engine warms up. It seems like the knocking has disappeared, but no ... it knocks at idle, but on the move with a gear of any kind and does not knock. Traveled, run in. I drove off 2 stages in the rally and 1 training session and that's it, then there was a breakdown in the body, a spar break, which I could not fix for a very long time and the car was practically parked in the garage. But as soon as the snow melted, I began to try to disperse the wheelbarrow to the Moscow Ring Road. 3 trips on almost bald winter tires made it possible to ride only 160 km / h. Then the car could no longer be dispersed ... I changed the tires for the summer, 1 exit along the Moscow Ring Road 140 km / h and a trip to the village, which ended unfavorably.

So that's about the autopsy. Today, May 16, 2014, disassembled half of the engine. He took off the cylinder head and was horrified by what he saw. First, oil gushed out from the second pot when I took out the ignition coil. And then, having removed the cylinder head, I saw the main thing ... The piston group is so worn out that it is surprising that the car generally went on this engine. I immediately found the reason for the knock. It turned out that the valves on the inlet in the first pot were knocking, as evidenced by the distinct scars from the valves on the piston ... We go further through the pots. The second pot the piston itself is badly burnt out, but not full of holes. The third pot is good, and the fourth surprised the most. The piston in it is burned out to the rings along the upper edge closer to the intake valves. So much for a major overhaul or engine bulkhead by service station professionals. When contacting the services, it is better to always be close to your favorite machine ... It is a pity that I did not immediately measure the compression in this engine, it was my mistake ...

As a result, after an explosion in the engine, the connecting rods in three pots, 1, 2 and 4. The third pot was intact, the rest failed ... The connecting rods from the torn engine were lost on the way ...) The pallet was torn apart. So I am slowly dismantling and removing all the attachments, the burned-out wiring and the dead engine ...

Now there are plans to completely clean the engine compartment, put it in complete order and plant a NEW heart for my dear and beloved Nissan WOLF.

Refinement of the Nissan Almera Classic is often hampered by the lack of details that are needed for work. However, you can use those modernization methods that do not require searching for original elements. These methods include chip tuning and external modifications to the car. Let's take a look at how to reflash an Almera engine ECU using the Classic, g15, n15, n16 and h16 models from 2014 as an example.

1 Chipping Almera with RS Chip - Will the Miracle Device Help Upgrade?

There are two common ways to improve Nissan's performance today. The first is the installation of the so-called "miracle box" RS Chip, and the second is the replacement of software in the car engine ECU. Comparing these two methods of chip tuning, most experts are more inclined towards the second option. It is the flashing that has shown itself in practice as the most effective way to increase the power and dynamics of the 2014 models. However, don't underestimate the RS Chip and here's why.

Nissan almera

Nowadays, chip tuning by installing RS Chip is quite popular among the owners of expensive premium cars. As for the drivers of the g15, n15, n16 and Classic models from Nissan, the opinions of motorists differ greatly. Some say that such a method of improvement does not give any result, while others strongly disagree with this. In fact, both are right. The thing is that RS Chip is not suitable for chip-tuning all cars in general and the Nissan model range in particular.

In practice, installing the RS Chip will have more effect on the n15 and n16 modifications released by Nissan in 2014. This is due to the design of the control units of these models. So, the Bosch units that these Nissan modifications are supplied with do not have enough RAM. This significantly prevents car owners from performing chip tuning by replacing software. There remains only RS Chip, which helps to improve the characteristics of the car without damage to the memory of the main unit.

The device must be mounted on a motor that is in perfect condition. To do this, n16 or n15 must undergo a full motor diagnostics, replacement of filters, gaskets, and replacement of engine oil. Only after that you can proceed directly to the chip tuning. To connect the RS Chip, you need to open the trunk of the car and find the engine ECU under the wiper blades. On the panel located closer to the Almera engine, you need to find the OBD II connector, to which the device will be connected.

RS Chip for connection

After you have connected the RS Chip, you need to check the motor. It's easy enough to understand that Almera's systems have improved. The first sign is the sound of the 2014 car engine. In both n15 and n16, the motor will run more aggressively and louder. This is especially audible in high gears. The way Nissan's exhaust system works will also change - the car will emit much more recycled gases. Another pleasant surprise - there will be no failures when switching from second to third gear, which often bothered the owners of the n16 model.

In total, the power of the n15 engine after chip tuning will increase by 25%. In n16, this figure will reach almost 32%. The torque will increase by about 15% and 20% at n15 and n16, respectively. All these changes will allow Nissan to accelerate 2-3 seconds faster and move to the second hundred without twitching. Do not forget about improving the response of the gas pedal and stabilizing the suspension. Now your Almera will be much more confident in cornering and small obstacles. The accelerator pedal will transmit your commands to the motor more clearly and faster. Another welcome change is the reduction in fuel consumption. N15 drivers will be able to save up to 1.5 liters of gasoline for every 100 km, and n16 drivers - up to 1 liter.


If the RS Chip is ideal for chip tuning the n15 and n16 models, then it will be completely useless for other Almera modifications. So, the Classic and g15 models, released in 2014, are best improved by the usual method, that is, by replacing the standard software of the motor control unit. The reason for this is all in the same RAM. These modifications are equipped with an ECU from Suzuki, which supplies its units with 512 MB of RAM. They are more than enough to ensure stable operation of even a unit that has been flashed several times.

ECU Nissan Almera

In order for it to be successful, you need to tinker a little with the search for the desired firmware. The main requirement is that it must be downloaded only from the official site of Suzuki, and not from other sites. Firstly, you pay nothing in this way, since the utilities are freely available. Secondly, the company guarantees the quality and reliability of all its firmware. The second important nuance is the name of the utility. For the Classic model, released in 2014, you need to look for programs with the end of OSM in the name, and for chip tuning of g15 models, you need to download a program with the end of OMNK. The third important factor is that the firmware must be in the form of a zip archive. This will make it easier to install.

In addition to the new program, for work you need to purchase a K-Line adapter, 2 USB adapters and the Chiploader program. The flashing should take place on a laptop with Windows XP installed. The algorithm for performing the work looks like this:

  1. open the hood of the car and take out the ECU unit without disconnecting the wiring;
  2. we connect one end of the K-Line adapter to the laptop, and the other to the OBD connector of the unit;
  3. install Chiploader and go to the folder with the data on the machine block;
  4. find a file with the extension .pdf;
  5. open a new firmware via a zip archiver;
  6. specify the final folder with the factory firmware;
  7. we set up the work of the car through the Chiploader program;
  8. look at the expected result in the "Visualization" window;
  9. click "Ok", we agree with the program warnings;
  10. at the end of the firmware, disconnect the K-Line adapter from the unit and put the ECU in place.

The chip tuning we've done will change the Almera quite a bit. Firstly, the engine power under the hood of the Classic will increase by 33%, while in the g15 - by 35%. This will have a positive effect on the dynamics - the car will pick up speed faster and better keep it on a straight road. Nissan's suspension will also lend itself to changes - the Almera will enter corners more smoothly, and the side tilt will be significantly less. The operation of electrical appliances of the 2014 car will also change a little - now your Classic or g15 will not stall when the air conditioner is on. Also, provided that the original K-Line adapter is used, the Almera engine will warm up faster in the cold and cool down much longer.


Many drivers of Nissan Almera cars in 2014 complain about poor sound insulation in the rear of the car. Moreover, this applies not only to the budget Classic, but also to the more expensive g15, n15 and n16, released in 2014. Why such a flaw was made - we will not find out. It is better to consider an independent replacement of the standard noise insulation in the Almera trunk using the Classic model as an example. Before proceeding with the replacement of sound insulation, you need to decide on the material and purchase it. Many Nissan owners choose to buy modern materials made from chemical components.

Car interior noise insulation

Their main disadvantage is their high cost and short service life. It is better to give preference to ordinary felt, which is much more reliable and at the same time cheaper.

After purchasing the material, you can start disassembling the Almera trunk. There are several nuances here that depend on the model. For example, the Classic and g15 modifications, released in 2014, are equipped with an additional shelf, which must be removed very carefully. Models n15 and n16 have spare pockets on the sides of the boot. To install soundproofing, you need to cut it out with these pockets in mind. After that, we completely dismantle the stock firmware of your Nissan. As a result, only bare metal should be in front of you. Further, if you have a Classic model, you need to clean the metal surface from the anti-corrosion coating. We treat the body with a solvent and wait for it to dry.

At the next stage, we need to make the necessary measurements of the Nissan trunk and transfer them to felt. Try not to make too many pieces of felt, preferably if you cut 3-5 middle pieces. Next, we install them in the Almera salon. In order for the material to adhere, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of sealant to the dry metal. Without waiting for it to dry, carefully place the material. First, attach the felt to the top of the Classic trunk. Hold the felt for 30 seconds, then release it. See if the material has completely grabbed with the body. Where there are any hanging pieces, you can apply some more sealant. Next, we install the material on the sides of the trunk. The installation algorithm is the same. In the end, it remains to paste over the lower part of the Classic trunk.

After you have installed the felt, you need to press it against the body. In the lower part of the trunk, you can put heavy objects, and at the top, stick several strips of masking tape tightly so that it grabs both the material and the body of the Almera. We do the same on the sides of the Nissan trunk. The car should remain in this position for about a day until the felt completely grabs the body. Then you can install shelves and other accessories and continue to use the machine.

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