Home Wheels E Bay all at Nissan Almer Tuning. Mega Tuning Nissan Almers (73 photos). Software tuning engine

E Bay all at Nissan Almer Tuning. Mega Tuning Nissan Almers (73 photos). Software tuning engine

To improve technical qualities, modernization of the car "Nissan Almera" is being modernized. Tuning includes multiple changes in constructive here: replacement of body parts, salon, suspension and engine. This operation is aimed at improving the power and quality characteristics of the car.

Outdoor tuning

The first stage of modernization becomes the alteration of the body of the Nissan Almer car. Outdoor tuning is changes in the design of the machine with the addition of parts that enhance the specifications. So, improves aerodynamic qualities and streamlord of the oncoming air flow.

External tuning "Nissan Almer H16" implies the installation of modified spare parts:

  • Front and rear bumper.
  • Trunk lid.
  • Threshold lining.
  • Air intakes hood and roofs.
  • Glass deflectors.
  • Radiator grille.
  • Air output grilles on the front wings.

There are many ways to manufacture parts, but fiberglass remains the most common. It keeps the form well, has light weight and sufficient strength, so as not to break at the pressure of the oncoming air flow.

Interior modification

The second stage of improvement becomes the change in the interior of such a vehicle as "Nissan Almera". Salon tuning is the finalization of the inner world of the car, which can carry practical benefit, serve as decoration and express personality. Full interior change is carried out in several stages:

1. Full salon disassembly implies:

  • Dismantling seats. To do this, you will need a head on 14, which will be disfunned by the ski fastening bolts. It is worth noting that you first need to unscrew the front fasteners, and then rear. If you do vice versa, it will be enough to get enough to the rest.
  • Remove the instrument panel. 16 mounting screws should be unscrewed, which are hidden in different places under plastic plugs. Before removing it is necessary to dismantle the multimedia system, steering wheel, heater control panel, light controllers, measuring panel and glove box. You will also have to disconnect all the wires that are connected to the instrument panel.
  • Disassembling lining of racks and ceiling is carried out using a screwdriver. You will need to carefully remove all the plugs and locks, and then remove the items.
  • After the interior is disassembled, you can remove the carpet.

2. Preparation of parts and installation:

  • Seat replacement. They can be purchased in specialized stores. The most common trading points from Spark Company, as they have standard mounts and are easy to mounted.
  • Drawing the instrument panel. First you need to decide which fabric will be pissed to a regular plastic case. Many motorists choose Alcantar or skin. It is easily installed and serves longer than the rest.
  • Modification of racks and ceiling is carried out with the same material as the instrument panel. At the same time, the color gamma of the material selection is quite wide, and any owner of the car will be able to choose what is like. The pasting is made using a special glue that can be bought where the material is sold, and the rubber spatula, which the surface is spilled and the air is removed.
  • The floor lies with noisibro-insulation, which is hidden under carpet.

You can also set acoustic speakers in door cards. It is done easily with screws. Installation is made on regular seats. Those who want to stand out are offered ready-made door cards under the cloak of material with convex at the bottom of the round holes under the column.

Software tuning engine

Chip tuning "Nissan Almera" is a firmware of the car on-board computer to increase the power and movement dynamics. To make this operation, you will need a laptop, a PC connection cable and auto, software, firmware of the corresponding version.

The ideal option for the firmware of the motor is the version of the core 28 for the "Nissan Almer". Engine tuning in this case is carried out in such a sequence:

  • The laptop connects to the car, and the ECU recognition program is launched.
  • Old firmware is erased completely.
  • With the help of software, its new version is poured.
  • Ignition turns on. At the same time, the side PC should show about 20 errors.
  • Reset settings, and everything works.

On 28 firmware core included features that increase the performance of the car, namely:

  • Fuel injection is carried out earlier than 0.25 seconds.
  • The flow of incoming air through the throttle is increased by 17%.
  • The amount of fuel injected increased by 22%.

Physical tuning engine

In order to increase the engine power at Nissan Almera, the tuning should be done by replacing some parts to improved. At the same time, you will have to install the following spare parts:

  • Lightweight valve Japan Power 070022.
  • Pistons and jrw rods, which are easier than standard by 38 grams.
  • Throttle AWD.
  • WRR camshaft.

All these spare parts will make it easier for the weight of the engine and increase the power characteristics by adding another 45 horsepower to the car.

Alternative optics

Tuning headlights "Nissan Almera" can even be ordered via the Internet. The main well-known manufacturers for this model are StandFree, Light Fire and SRS-LIGHT. All these companies represent Japan and specialize in tuning headlights of Japanese cars.

Tuning do it yourself

Many motorists make the "Nissan Almer" tuning with their own hands. So, the development, design and manufacture of the following details are carried out:

  • Outdoor collaps.
  • Replacing the interior of the car by tapping the parts of the cabin.
  • Tinted glass.
  • Painting and aerography.
  • Installing discs.
  • Installation of acoustic multimedia systems.

All this motorists can do themselves without contacting the expensive tuning studio. It is much cheaper, but takes enough time and effort.

Creating outdoor tuning parts

Creating modified spare parts requires some experience. The bulk of the details is made of fiberglass. For the "Nissan Almera", tuning does not rush to do with her own hands.

The technological process of the production of outdoor collaps:

  • As the basis is taken which is measured.
  • The computer simulates the future item with all measurements and the calculations of aerodynamics and streamlining.
  • After the drawings are ready, with fiberglass pieces with a hardener, a spare part is made. It should take into account all attachments that will be needed when installed, because if the fiberglass freezes, it will not be possible to fix something.
  • The item is painted, pre-passing the steps of shtlocking and priming.

Thus, you can get the finished item that will be installed on the car.

Montage with your own hands

Montage do it yourself should be done in slower. The factory details, as a rule, are fully attached and are installed on standard seats. In the case of the manufacture of a spare part on its own, the motorist must calculate this moment and foreseen. Of course, in some cases you will need to make additional holes and install fasteners that are not factory. Then it should be considered to think about the processing of such places by an anticorrosive or other protective agent.

The owners of modern cars often wish to increase protection and improve the appearance of their cars. This is caused by objective factors. Automakers focus on the functionality and reliability of nodes and aggregates and take measures to increase the durability of the body to corrosion. However, any scratch in certain situations will lead to the appearance of rust. Therefore, tuning and accessories for Nissan Almera 2015-2016 are aimed at defencing scratches. Pads on stainless steel thresholds protect the lower parts of the body opening of the body from damage to shoes during landing or disembarking from the driver's cabin and passengers.

In winter, the roads are covered with anti-core reagents that cannot harm the car lacquer, but corrupt paint and metal. Another type of accessories for tuning Nissan Almera 2014-2017 releases - lattices of stainless steel radiators. On the roads of the situation, when the stone flew out from under the wheels, the stone punches the plastic grille and damages the cooling system. In our store you can buy such an accessory for tuning Nissan Almera, like a stainless steel radiator grille. Due to high strength, it is withstanding the blows and effectively protects the cooling system.

The improvement of stock cars is usually made to divide into two main types: useful tuning and external styling. In the supermarket, the owner can see and purchase accessories for Almer G15, it will make the car as modern as possible. Any driver will be pleased to even stand out in a stream, how to get comfortable in the use of refinement. Choose tuning from leading Russian and foreign brands, and you will admire the amazing and bright look of this car every day.

Installation of body kit in Moscow

Russia has an impressive variety of accessories for Nissan Almera, and constantly people ask: why start? The owner store may offer to begin to consider it, without which the operation of the modern car will not be so pleasant and comfortable. On the floor of each car is extremely important to purchase mats that will help to avoid dampness and moisture penetration. In a modern car, not only there is a risk of corrosion, but also possible damage to the electrics, and this is an even more threatening perspective.

The following type of useful changes is to acquire windwatch windows and hoods. Such tuning will defend Nissan Almera 2013-2018 from wind and dirt. In our store there are on sale deflectors of individual shapes and sizes. For example, deflectors with stainless moldings: similar accessories look very beautiful.

The priority type of tuning Nissan Almera G15, which is known for our store, is the sale of stainless steel thresholds. Comfortable steps can help when landing and performing crossovers as comfortable as possible. Without thresholds, children and disabled are impossible not to stain clothes and shoes, without them it is inconvenient to clean the roof of snow or install the trunk.

Durable body kit allows you to save plastic and wings of a car from a collision with a parking neighbors and from other troubles. Many small accidents will pass by using high-quality assembly and stainless steel. This tuning for Almer G15 is recommended when driving on poor roads or a close large city with huge road traffic.

In our store we collected a huge number of accessories for tuning salon and outdoor type of car. Here you can order various overlays on Radiator grilles, Spare Wheel Boxes and Spoilers. Each similar accessory will make the appearance of your car more stylish and dynamic. All our products and tuning you have the opportunity to install yourself or in our service station when buying. We deliver goods for tuning in Moscow by their courier service or in any city of Russia transport company: it is fast, convenient and reliably.

Refinement of Nissan Almera Classic is quite often difficult to be lack of parts that are needed for work. However, you can take advantage of the methods of upgrades that do not require the search for original items. Such methods include chip tuning and external auto refinement. Let's look at how to reflash the ECU of the Almera engine on the example of Classic, G15, N15, N16 and H16 models, released in 2014.

1 Almera chip with RS Chip - will it help in the modernization of the "miracle device"?

To date, there are two most common ways to improve Nissan performance. The first is the installation of the so-called "miracle box" RS CHIP, and the second is to replace the software in the motor motor ECU. Comparing the two of these methods of chip tuning, most of the specialists are more inclined to the second option. It was the flashing in practice that showed itself as the most effective way to increase the capacity and dynamics of models of 2014 in. However, you should not underestimate RS Chip, and now we will tell why.

Nissan Almera

Nowadays, chip tuning by mounting RS Chip is quite high in the circles of owners of expensive premium cars. As for the drivers of models G15, N15, N16 and CLASSIC from Nissan, here the views of motorists differ greatly. Some say that this method of improvement does not give any result, the second - categorically disagree with it. In fact, those and others are right. The thing is that RS Chip is not suitable for chip tuning all cars in the general and model range of Nissan in particular.

In practice, the installation of RS CHIP will give more effect to modifications N15 and N16, issued by the Nissan concern in 2014. This is due to the feature of the design of the control units of these models. So, Bosch blocks that are supplied with these modifications Nissan have not enough RAM. It essentially interferes with car owners to perform chip tuning by replacing software. It remains only RS CHIP, which helps to improve the characteristics of the car without the memory damage of the main unit.

Installation of the device must be performed on the engine, which is in perfect condition. For this, N16 or N15 must complete the full diagnosis of the motor, the replacement of filters, gaskets, and the replacement of engine oil. Only after that you can proceed directly to chip tuning. To connect RS Chip, you must open the trunk of the car and find under the wiper blades of the motor ECU. On the panel, located closer to the Almera Motor, you need to find the OBD II connector to which the device will be connected.

RS CHIP for connecting

After you have connected RS Chip, you need to check the motor. To understand that the work of Almera systems has improved, simple enough. The first sign is the sound of the engine of 2014 in. As in N15, so in N16, the motor will work more aggressive and louder.Especially good is heard at high gears. The work of the Nissan exhaust system will also change - the car will throw much more recycled gases. Another pleasant surprise - the failures will disappear when switching from the second to third transmission, which often bothered the owners of the N16 model.

In total, the engine power N15 after chip tuning will grow by 25%. In N16, this indicator will reach almost 32%. The torque will increase by about 15 and 20% in N15 and N16, respectively. All these changes will allow Nissan to accelerate for 2-3 seconds faster and without twitching to move onto the second hundred. Do not forget about improving the reaction of gas pedal and stabilizing the work of the suspension. Now your Almera will be much more confident to pass twists and small obstacles. The gas pedal will be clearer and faster to transfer your Motor teams. Another pleasant change is to reduce fuel consumption. The drivers N15 will be able to save up to 1.5 liters of gasoline for every 100 km, and owners N16 - up to 1 liter.


If RS Chip is ideal for chip-tuning models N15 and N16, then its use will be absolutely useless for other almera modifications. Thus, the Classic and G15 models released in 2014 are best to improve the usual method, that is, replacing the standard on the motor control unit. The reason for this lies everything in the same RAM. These modifications are equipped with SUZUKI ECU, which supplies its blocks 512 MB of OP. They are more than enough to ensure stable operation even several times of the rebelled block.

Ecu Nissan Almera

In order to have passed successfully, it will take a little tinker with the search for the desired firmware. The main requirement is to download it only from the official site of Suzuki, and not from other sites. First, so you do not pay anything, as the utilities are in free access. Secondly, the firm guarantees the quality and reliability of all its firmware. The second important nuance is the name of the utility. For the Classic model released in 2014, you need to search for programs, in the title of which there is an OSM end, and for the G15 chip-tuning models you will need to download the program with the end of Omnk. The third important factor is the firmware must be in the form of a zip archive. So it will be easier to install.

In addition to the new program, you need to purchase a K-Line adapter, 2 USB adapter and the CHIPLOADER program. The flashing should be held on a laptop with installed Windows XP. The work algorithm looks like this:

  1. open the hood of the car and pull out the unit of the ECU without turning off the wiring;
  2. connect one end k-line adapter to a laptop, and the second to the OBD connector of the block;
  3. install the Chiploader and go to the data folder about the machine block;
  4. we find a file with extension.pdf;
  5. open a new firmware through the zip-archiver;
  6. indicate the final folder with the factory firmware;
  7. customize the work of the car through the CHIPLOADER program;
  8. we look at the intended result in the "Visualization" window;
  9. we click "OK", agree with the warnings of the program;
  10. at the end of the firmware, we turn off the K-Line adapter from the block and put the ECU to the place.

The chip-tuning made by us will definitely change Almera. First, the motor power under the hood Classic will grow by 33%, and in the G15 model - by 35%. It will have a positive effect on the dynamics - the car will quickly gain speed and better keep it on a straight road. The Nissan suspension also yields to change - Almera will smoothly enter turns, and the side slope will become much smaller. The work of the 2014 electric appliances will change a little - now your Classic or G15 will not slander when the air conditioner is turned on. Also, subject to the use of the original K-Line adapter, the Almera engine will warm up faster in the cold and cool much longer.


Many drivers of Almer cars issued by Nissan in 2014 are complaining of poor noise insulation in the back of the machine's interior. Moreover, this applies not only to budget CLASSIC, but also more expensive G15, N15 and N16, which came out in 2014, why such a flaw was allowed to find out. It is better to consider an independent replacement of regular noise insulation in the Almera trunk on the example of the classic model. Before proceeding to replacing noise insulation, you need to decide on the material and purchase it. Many Nissan owners prefer to buy modern materials made from chemical components.

Noise insulation Auto Salon

Their main disadvantage can be called high cost and a short period of operation. It is better to give preference to the usual felt, which is much more reliable and cheaper.

After buying a material, you can start disassembling the Almera trunk. There are several nuances that depend on the model. For example, Classic and G15 modifications, released in 2014, are equipped with an additional shelf, which you need to be extremely neat. Models N15 and N16 have spare pockets on the sides of the trunk. To establish noise insulation, you need to cut it with these pockets. After that, we completely dismantle the full firmware of your Nissan. As a result, you should stand only naked metal. Further, if you have a classic model, it is necessary to clean the surface of the metal from the anti-corrosion coating. We process the body with a solvent and wait for it drying.

At the next stage, we need to make the necessary frozen frozen frozen and transfer them to felt. Try not to do too many felt pieces, better if you cut 3-5 middle parts. Next, we set them to the salon Almera. So that the material is glued, you must apply a thin metal sealant on dry metal. Without waiting for its drying, carefully put the material. First, felt felt at the top of the trunk classic. Hold felt 30 seconds, then let go. We look, whether the material with the body completely grabbed. Where the silent slices remained, you can put some more sealant. Next, we set the material on the sides of the trunk. Installation algorithm is the same. In the end, it will remain caught the lower part of the trunk classic.

After you have installed felt, you need to press it to the body. In the lower part of the trunk, you can put heavy items, and at the top tightly glue a few stripes of painting tape so that it bite and the material and the body of the almera. The same thing is done on the sides of the Baghtik Nissan. In such a position, the car should remain about a day until the felt completely grabbed the body. Next, you can install shelves and other accessories and continue the operation of the machine.

Nissan Almera Classic is a high-quality budget car, which, although it looks beautiful and restrained, outstanding style is no different. It would seem that the design of the car looks neat and nice - what else is needed for happiness for such a price? However, some high-style lovers prefer to produce various types of tuning, which may be unrecognizable to change the usual appearance of a popular Japanese car.

Tuning options

Transform the vehicle as outside and inside is quite simple. Tuning Nissan Almera Classic is a frequent phenomenon among the owners of this car, therefore, there is a great variety of options. The sedan received a pretty simple structure, is not endowed with any excesses: to convert the machine's appearance, the manufacturer suggested the best conditions. It also concerns the body, and the cabin. What is most importantly, you can do everything yourself, the main thing, to have a desire.

The most common version of tuning is considered to change the body design. The auto parts market offers an infinite set of details for almers, ranging from front optics and ending with rear bumper. The second most popular is the creation of a new lapse of the cabin, in which you can also replace a variety of elements: the upholstery of the seats, the dashboard and the central panel, the steering wheel. Pretty many enthusiasts resorts to replacing the suspension or its transformation. If you have a comprehensive tuning, then the car can not find out in the photo or live.

External tuning

The appearance of Nissan Almer Classic, as mentioned above, has a rather strict and discreet design. Some drivers do not like this alignment. Someone wants to see her car more stylish, someone seeks to stand out on the road, so there is only one way out the output - tuning. The Japanese sedan is well amenable to various kinds of changes, so you can implement all your ideas on your own.

The most popular ideas are the replacement of the front and rear bumpers and hoods, as well as side fairings. Specializing in spare parts for almers stores offer many details of various shapes and sizes, so there will be no problems with the choice. As a rule, new fog, as well as DRL, radiator grille are acquired with them.

It is difficult to imagine a tunned car without new headlights and spoilers. To make a "look" of the car irresistible, car enthusiasts, of course, change the front lights. They can be LED and xenon, with various forms of lenses and lamps. There are many combinations. To the rear frames, as a rule, there is no close attention, so the only thing that changes in them is an external pattern.

No less popular is the mounting of the spoiler to the trunk lid.

It is worth noting that this item not only adorns the vehicle, but also improves its aerodynamic properties.

A peculiar feud of the external tuning is the improvement of the suspension. An option in this case is only two: a change in old or installing a new one. The transformation of the existing system is to cut the springs. This uncomplicated procedure, as you know, entails a decrease in the landing of the car (here, the main thing, not to overdo it). The overwhelming majority of drivers who decide to fully replace, prefers a pneumatic suspension, which looks outwardly as well as at the first variant. However, in practice, it allows you to move much more comfortable.

Internal tuning

Tuning Salon Nissan Almera Classic is an infinite space for designer thought. Start standing with the fact that the driver can change absolutely everything here. The transformation begins most often with the new cabin upholstery. For example, an unusual and very stylish solution is the use of basically light tones in contrast with dark inserts. Moreover, it is possible to completely replace all the furniture and the lounge of the cabin, radically changing the interior of the car.

The dashboard is also changing. It is expressed in replacing dials, backlight, arrows and limiters. Special attention is paid to the console, as it occupies a central place in the front of the car. You can change the style of the gearbox lever, audio systems, and even each of the switches.

An excellent idea will be the creation of a kind of composition built on a harmonious combination of shades.


Tuning Nissan Almera Classic allows you to convert the classic exterior and interior design, create your own car image. Virtually any detail can be improved or decorate both with their own hands and with the help of specialists, the desire and fantasy of the owner of the car are important.

Redevelopment of serial vehicles is customary to divide into two main types: useful tuning and styling. In our automaroc, we offer to choose and buy accessories for Nissan Almera Classic 2006-2013, which will make the car even more stylish. All car owners will be very pleasant not even so much to stand out among the rest, how to install useful in the daily operation of the supplement. Buy tuning from major Russian and foreign brands, and your eyes can rejoice at the original and bright appearance of this car.

Now an impressive variety of goods for tuning Almer Classic 2008-2012 is available, and often many ask a question: what to do at the beginning? Our store can offer to begin to consider it, without which the use of your vehicles will not be so easy and convenient. In the cabin of any car you need to buy mats holding moisture, which will help prevent dampness. In the car, not only there is a chance of corrosion, but it is possible to damage the wiring, which is very worse.

The second type of important refinement is the installation of deflectors for windows and hood. Such tuning will defend Nissan Almera Classic 2010-2011 from winds and chips. In our online store there are on sale deflectors of any species and sizes. For example, deflectors with chrome moldings: similar accessories have an excellent appearance.

Installation of body kit in Moscow

The main style of tuning Nissan Almera Classic B10, which is known for our store, is the installation of steel bonding and aluminum thresholds. Such steps help when landing into the salon and make the exploitation of crossovers more comfortable. Without thresholds to small children and older people, it is impossible to keep clothes clean, it is more convenient to clean the roof from snow or fix the luggage box.

The practical and stylish stainless steel kit allows you to save the bumpers and the wings of the car from the collision with the streams in the flow and from other troubles. Many small clashes will pass by you thanks to the reliable construction and stainless steel. Similar tuning for Almer Classic is vital when moving on poor-quality roads or close modern large city with a large number of cars.

Also, our sale has a huge variety of accessories for tuning salon and outdoor type of cars. Different overlays on radiator grilles, spare wheel boxes and hood stops. Each such an accessory will make the appearance of a modern car more respectable and attractive. All tuning you have the opportunity to install yourself or in our service center when buying. We deliver any accessories in Moscow by courier or in any city of Russia logistics companies: it is quick and easy.

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