Home Rack How to cover the car for the winter. Reliable car body protection in winter. Purchase required equipment for cars

How to cover the car for the winter. Reliable car body protection in winter. Purchase required equipment for cars

During the operation of the car and its maintenanceSurely every motorist faced with such a concept as a car body wave. It can be said that not all owners of cars themselves were engaged in such a procedure, but they are always offered such a service on car wash. Therefore, the material is further designed for those car owners who are interested in issues that such an awesome body, for which the body is covered with wax and in general, how to independently do this operation?

What is a car body waiter?

Car body wave is an application of a polyroli that has a wax in its composition on a pre-washed car body. As can be seen from the definition, the wax is not in the literal sense of waxing, as practically this operation does not work. Therefore, a multitude of polyterols have developed in their composition of natural or synthetic origin in their composition. Accordingly, what kind of origin wax, such and the price of the polyrolol as a whole.

Why is it necessary to wait for the car body?

Many drivers mistakenly think that they are waiting for the body to impart a brilliance with a car, but in the cause of the waist there is a deep meaning. First of all, in order to give an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand what wax is. Wax is a mixture with esters of fatty higher acids, which in water do not dissolve. Accordingly, the most important assignment of the wave is the protection of the paint coating of the body of the car from water. But it is important to understand that the film formed after applying the polyrolol on the body protects not only from water, but also from other external influences on the body, namely:

- from alkalis, acids (acid rains) or salts, as the wax is not affected by these chemical compounds;
- from substances of natural and natural origin, for example, from bird litter or resin of trees;
- from sunlight, since after applying and polishing the body surface has a mirror effect, which is in turn the reflection of sun rays and protection LCP car;
- from small stones, dirt and dry grass or small branches, which, after exposure, contribute to the development of body corrosion foci;
- From the burnout of paint, since any LCP has water in its composition, which over time evaporates and the color of the paint changes accordingly. The wax layer, respectively, prevents this process. In addition, paint in the absence of water becomes fragile, which also serves as the appearance of microcracks;

In addition to the protection, the wave is carried out in aesthetic purposes, since the paint coating after applying looks like a new one.

Car Body Types Wax

Conditionally, you can select two types of car body processing wax. This processing is hot wax or cold. What is the difference? It is important to understand that the difference is not that something or another wave is carried out depending on climatic conditions, but that each type of processing the effect and destination will be different. Namely:

- Treatment of car body with hot wax is designed to protect against previously listed factors. Those. From sunlight, water, dirt, alkalis and other external factors of exposure.

- body treatment with cold wax is designed to some extent to protect against external influences, but the main cause of cold wax treatment is to remove LCP defects (scratches, cracks, etc.).

Each type of processing has its own nuances. Treatment with hot wax is a more difficult job, and accordingly costly. For processing hot wax, you need hot water, as well as experience and skills of work, to implement a fast processing operation. An important advantage in this type is the greatest and durable effect.

When processing with cold wax, work is simpler, respectively, this type of processing is not as expensive as the treatment of hot wax.

Wax types for body wax

To date, it is possible to distinguish two types of wax. Namely:
As of:

- solid wax;
- liquid wax;
- in the form of spray.

According to the composition:

- composition based on natural wax with the addition of synthetic impurities;
- Composition based on synthetic wax, without adding natural.

If we talk about waxes, differing in the composition, the advantage is the composition based on natural wax, but this does not mean that based on the synthetic wax, the composition is bad "works". If we talk about the advantages of wax as a state, then everyone has its advantages and cons. For example, liquid wax has the advantage that it can penetrate into microcracks and processing with liquid composition is faster. The processing of solid composition takes time more, but the plus is that under the action of the effort of the hand when rubbing the layer is stable. In addition, there are currently special equipment for the "drivening" of wax in solid.

Do I need to wait for the car body in winter?

Of course. As above it was listed, the wax protects not only from water and dirt, as well as from other external influences, such as mixes that roads are sprinkled in winter time, avian litter and others.

The main thing must be remembered that in winter the storage conditions and work with wax will differ. Moreover, it must be considered, in the case of an independent beam in the winter time. It is important to prevent the thermal impact of the paintwork, which in this case will receive many microcracks, contributing to the rapid development of corrosion of the body.

How to independently stick the body of the car?

1. To wait for the car, you need to choose suitable weather without strong busting winds to prevent the abrasive substances from entering the car body surface.

2. First of all, before any type of body processing, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the car with the use of detergents. Then wipe. In no case cannot be applied wax and polyroli with wax on a dirty car, in order not to harm the paint coating of the machine.

3. Then it is necessary to degrease the body. This is done to remove body fat spots of plant and animal origin for a more thorough "sticking" layer of wax to paint and varnish.

4. After preparing the vehicle to the vehicle, it is necessary to apply evenly on the surface of the body of the wax layer. It is important to know what to apply circular movements In the case of polishing with solid wax. Next should be waited for 10-15 minutes and start to polish and remove wax divorces also with circular motions. It is necessary to do this or microfiber or just a fur rag.

Video on the topic: " How to apply wax on the car »

In conclusion, we can say that the waist of the car's body is simply necessary. The main thing to approach this process with full responsibility, in the case of an independent excretion or entrust your car to professionals in reputable car wash.

Car waving from A to Z Was Last Modified: May 3, 2017 by Administrator.

Have you seen cars that are covered in a kind of "gradient" from the dirt, for which the color is barely distinguishable? Who goes on them: "Economists" or Table Adherents "Protective Film" from salt and dirt? We understand how to save LCP in winter so as not to recalculate the "beetles" in the spring.

Cleaning snow

It would seem that a difficult thing here? There is nothing difficult in fact, but the main thing is not to rearrange. It is enough to knock off the loose layer of snow that closes the review and so beautifully "blown away" while driving on the thread neighbors. But it's not worth handing off the ice crust from the body - it will fall off myself. Equally, how not to water it with hot water.

Another a lot important moment - Brush. The softer the bristles, the better, the less chance to leave the microarpane on the body. After cleaning the snow, just do not forget to shook water and snow from the brush itself so that it does not measure in the trunk or did not bring an extra moisture to the salon.

In recent years, combined brush and scraper have been distributed. When choosing such a tool, it is better to pay attention to the one whose working elements are at different ends. A tool with a scraper, located immediately after the brush, not only loses in the convenience, but also with inaccurate circulation is capable of damaging the body.


Wash the car in the winter you need a fact. And with no less frequency than in summer, making exceptions only for the strongest frosts. Salt, reagents, dirt literally stick to the body, filling themselves all damage to the LCP. And they are on any car! About how salt acts on the body, we will not tell.

Another question is how to qualitatively wash the car in the winter when the thoughts go outside without hats do not even arise. Make it in the "yard" conditions problematic: the body is covered with ice, knocked down the puffed layer of dirt and salt is difficult. You can refresh the car, but you won't call it a full sink. The most desperate "economists" practice washing with hot water from under the tap, but these are extreme measures. The council of dentists do not alternate hot and cold to fully apply to cars, and the holders of the caries do not treat themselves. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals.

Although the problem of temperature drop in some extent is relevant and on professional sinks. Finding from the street into a warm box, the LCP car also becomes vulnerable. Because it is necessary to make sure that the car is not watered with frankly hot water, or give a car to stand in boxing at least some time so that the metal temperature comes with a bit environmental.

Each type of washing has a manual, contactless and tunnel - there are supporters. Those who prefer manual car wash are confident of its quality - this is an indisputable fact. But the quality directly depends on the moorman itself.

The contactless car wash is performed using an active foam that works instead of a washcloth. After a few minutes, the foam washed off on the body, carrying out all the dirt.

Perhaps the most controversial way is the tunnel washing. Quickly, quite efficiently, but also to some extent risky. The risk is precisely in brushes-rollers that require timely replacement. If the periodicity of the replacement is not respected, after such a wash on the body, you can find new micro, and then the macrospace, which do not add beauty and do not extend the service life of the LCP. Is that in entertainment portal sinks won: the observation of the process from the inside is almost meditation. And do not forget to check, whether "Rooms" is!

After the sink itself, it is desirable to take care of the applied wax on the body. With him, the salt porridge will stick much worse, and we only need it. Not that the coating of wax is a panacea, but its regular application will help keep the LCP. In the case of self-sink car for these purposes, shampoos will rise, which contains wax.

Another way to preservate body is the use of polyroli. Not one that is abrasive, and protective, with Teflon in the composition. The meaning and purpose is essentially the same as the wax covering, but the polyrolol holds (and applied) longer. In the case of polishing the car problems with this, it does not occur on the sink. If the choice is made in favor of leaving your own hands, then you need to do it in advance or search warm garage or parking.

The final stage of any winter washing is drying and rubbing. Operactions of doors and windows, seals, locks - these elements are simply obliged to be dry if you want to get into the car. And do not forget about other places where water accumulates, - to study them better in the summer.

Here's what they say on one of the sinks: "It is important to have" my "sink to which confidence has been working out. The motorists have one or two favorite places where they completely trust their car. If the washing is unfamiliar, then when you first visit it, you need to look at it. Some washers can "cheals" when the water removal is purged - in the cold season, these "little things" can play a cruel joke. Although even regular customers are sometimes asked to blow certain places, knowing where water accumulates, but employees change and cannot always remember preferences. customers. "

But the opinions of the Malyarov about the care of the body were divided. So, one insists on regular washes and careful drying, active use of wax or polyrolla, as well as on a compulsory wicker of the car before entering the garage for the night. Opinion of the second is the opposite: if the car is painted normally, shaking her once again Do not, in the extreme case on the most problem places, thresholds and arches, stick a protective film.


Typical Winter Problems: As soon as the frost mounts, the glassy liquid in the tank freezes, corrosion "checks" the body of the car for strength, rubber bands of the seals tightly stick to the doors of the machine. Plus to all that, on the windows of the car is formed to go out, alloy wheels Touch the touch and spoil from the effects of salt, the locks periodically arrive and freeze ...
How to reanimate a car with the arrival of frost and secure a comfortable movement throughout the winter period? Note 10 Soviets for the selection of correct winter autocostectors.

1. Pour the non-freezing fluid in advance

Standard Winter Situation: With the arrival of the first frosts, the liquid in the tank freezes, may even block the hoses and break the connecting fittings. As a result of these faults, it is possible to easily remain without the winding system, if you do not replace the liquid in the washer tank on a high-quality non-freeze.

Fill in a glasswater washer tank made on the basis of nanotechnology. Its competitive advantage is an exceptional cleansing ability in economical use. Thus, for high-quality cleansing, glass requires less glass flower and, accordingly, less cycles of janitor's work. After applying non-freezers, an invisible protective film on the glass improves further cleansing due to the fact that road dirt ceases to adhere to it.

2. Protect body

The body of your car in winter conditions is more often corrosion. The most inexpensive anti-corrosion coating is wax. It should be simply applied to the surface of the body after washing and drying. For better effect we offer to use. The ease of application, the perfect brilliance of the body, the hydrophobic effect and the long period of protection (up to 6 months) is beneficially distinguished from competitors.

3. Overlook clear

For best Review Check that you need to handle the glass from the inside: when the temperature drops, they practically do not fade, which has a positive effect on the safety of the ride. Unlike similar products of competitors, anti-Sonax does not have a negative effect on transparent plastic glasses, it does not clutter them.

4. Take care of the defrost

Art.331200 and Art.331241 will allow you to quickly, easily and efficiently remove flooding on the glasses and deal with its subsequent formation. It is enough before the long-term parking glass to the glass composition, and it will protect them from the next frost.

5. Save time

Even before the onset of the first frosts, we bask liquid for art.331541. It will come in hand enderacted to you to open the locks in the crackle of frost and serve as prevention from their freezing. Unlike cheaper defrostors, Sonax works more effectively in castles, lubricating them, thereby preventing further freezing.

6. Save the rubber

Use special art.499100 and art.340200. Apply these formulations on the rubber bands of doors, trunk and wipers - the composition will give them elasticity and will protect against the metal. Even after washing in a strong frost, the gum does not come with the body and in any weather will provide access to the car.

7. Move discs

Alloy wheels can be covered with a raid and deteriorate from the effects of salt and other anti-icing chemistry. Therefore, alloy wheels are preferably to process the hodges with art.236100. An invisible film will prevent contamination and deposits on disks. In the process of washing, discs treated with this composition are better cleaned.

8. Help the glass fluid

It is probably worth starting with the preparation and protection of one of the most important parts of the car - the paint coating of the body. IN winter A large number of antifungal chemical reagents are applied on the road, which adversely affect LCPs. They negatively affect the safety of both the appearance of the car and the body itself and contacts with the road crushed, sand and outland. The paint coating of the car begins to fill up, is covered with a chemical bloom, a large number of chips and scratches are formed. But what is the worst - foci of corrosion appear on the body.

To protect the paintwork from chemical reagents and the loss of appearance, there are special protective compounds. They, as a rule, are applied to the finest layer on the entire surface of the car and prevent LCP contact with the environment. These products differ both by the complexity of applying the car and duration of the car. The easiest of the method of applying is a protective wax, but it is the most short-term service life. Any car enthusiast can apply wax without special training After washing the car in a warm and clean room. But you need to remember that the service life of the protective wax is from one to several milesAnd the application procedure will need to be repeated.

The second type of products is "Ceramic" protective coatingswith the content of silicon compounds, which allows these products to ensure a very high degree of body protection. These compositions will last much longer last protective waxes. The service life can be from several months to six months.. But applying the compositions must be a specially trained wizard in the room equipped for these purposes.

Protection Body

Frequently occurring LCP damage in the winter season - mechanical. They can occur in the process of cleaning the body of the car from snow and nondes and from a large amount of gravel and sand on the roads, which crashes from under the wheels of cars.

The front elements of the car are most susceptible to such defects - bumper, hood, wings, as well as parts near door handles, front and central racks. To prevent the formation of mechanical damage to the LCP, there is a special polyurethane anti-growing film. It prevents the paint coating contact with the brush during the cleaning of the body from snow and icing, and also saves the formation of paint chips while driving on the road from flying crushed stone and sand, taking the entire blow to herself.

Trained masters are engaged in the installation of anti-gravial films, as this product requires special work skills and without special training and tool to perform work will be highly difficult.

Also do not forget about the lighting elements of the car, because safety on the road directly depends on the cleanliness and transparency of headlamps, especially in winter when dark time The day comes sooner.

Farm protection

In order for the lighting from the head light of the car as new, it is necessary to monitor the external state of the headlights. If a turbidity is formed on the spotlight, it loses transparency and, as a result, lighting is deteriorating while driving. To restore the transparency of optics and give it an initial appearance, its body can be polished. Modern headlamps are made of polycarbonate, which is perfectly polished and has the ability to restore its transparency. To do this is used abrasive polishing pastesAs a rule, the same as for polishing the paintwork coating, together with foam polishing circles. This operation can be performed independently, but it is necessary to have a special tool - a polishing machine with an adjustable rotation frequency. Recommended turns for this operation - up to 2000 rpm.

After the headlights are polished and restored, they can also be protected by a polyurethane anti-agvine film. This will allow you to save them as much as possible. appearance, as well as prevent re-wear while cleaning headlights from snow and ice.

Protection of glasses

Another element that affects the safe operation of the car is the windshield. As in the case of headlights, in the conditions of a short daylight during the winter period, ensuring its purity and transparency is the most important task of the motorist. To solve it, as well as to reduce icing and simplifying cleaning, it is recommended to treat the front hemisphere (wind and front side glass) Special composition "Anti-Layer". It creates a hydrophobic film on the surface, which can significantly facilitate the cleaning of the glass while driving on the car, as well as reduce the time required for cleaning it after icing.

Protecting the interior trim

After the body of the car is protected, it is worth thinking about protecting the leather and textile interior of the car. In winter, the outerwear and shoes often wet and collect a large number of snow, which is entered into the car and starts to melting in his cabin, absorbing in the seats and mats. Over time, stains and divorces are formed on textile upholstery, and the skin from constant contact with moisture dries and cracks. All this can pour into the need to dry cleaning the cabin and repair of the skin. To prevent and minimize such situations, it is recommended to treat the leather interior air conditioning for leather- repulsive water with a cream composition, allowing to moisturize the skin and protect it from drying, and textile process hydrophobic compositionspreventing the absorption of a large amount of water into the fabric.

It is difficult to imagine that the reagents or simply sand with salt are not used in winter. The weather forecasters promise to cool, it means that ice on the roads, with which only antifungal materials (PGM) can fight, more effective means not yet invented. The result of the work of PGM is immediately visible for pedestrians, in addition to the snow and ice, we get spoiled shoes - the skin is deformed and crackled.

Impact of reagents on car body

It is easy to guess that the body is exposed to even greater reagents. A mixture of snow, PGM, sand, and often the granite crumb is added to these components, it will rather quickly "process" your car. The result of such treatment will be the turbidity of the paintwork, divorces, corrosive spots, deformation plastic detailswho lost the shine moldings on the windows, sweat wheels.

Preparation of the car to the winter period

Wheel arches of the car are susceptible to the greatest chemical and mechanical exposure.

Wheel arches are most susceptible to reagents.

The wheels are spinning at high speed, the sand flies with the same speed, the granite crumb and all this is competed by chemical reagents - the destructive power is huge. Verified method of protection - install the shoes. Choose only a high-quality product, ideally suitable in shape, places for fastening a hide to the body. Treat mastic or other similar means.

In front of the winter, check the body for the presence of chips, scratches. All defects should be tinted or lazy to a special wax pencil.

Scratching with wax pencil

Pencils are produced different colorsYou can buy at any auto parts store. Special attention Hold the bottom of the car, it is enough to drive on off-road and the factory anticorrosive will be erased. When losses are detected on the bottom, treat these areas by anti-corrosion.

Should I wash the car in the winter?

There are two approaches to the car wash in the winter - some car enthusiasts say that the car in winter is better not to wash at all, since the water enters the destroying reaction with the chemical agents, accumulated on the body, other drivers insist on the opposite point of view - the car is better to wash more often to wash flush all chemicals from the body. Who is right from them, you can understand only spending long tests.

If you arrived on the car wash, ask the washer especially thoroughly rinse the wheel arches, the lower edges of the doors with innerthresholds. It will not be superfluous to order the processing of the body of wax. Go from washing on a dry car, the body must be carefully succeeded. The temperature difference is fraught with the formation of microcracks on the paint and varnish coating.

Body processing after washing

Another important point - if your machine is stored in a warm garage, plus temperature speeds up chemical reactions, Including corrosion. Accordingly, the cleaner of the body y, the greater the likelihood that you will overminate without loss.

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