Home Wheels Spiral for heating the oil in the engine. Methods for heating oil in the engine pallet. What are the electrical heaters exist

Spiral for heating the oil in the engine. Methods for heating oil in the engine pallet. What are the electrical heaters exist

If you live in the northern regions of our country, then surely came across the problem of the engine launched in winter. Scrolling efficiency crankshaft Determined by two main factors - a powerful battery and fluid oil oil. In the case of the battery, everything is clear - if the machine has not started due to the lack of power, it needs to be replaced. But what to do if the reason for the non-working state lies in the frozen lubricant? For these purposes was created special Property To warm the engine oil in the engine vehicle. How does it work, is it safe to use and what are the alternative methods of defrosting technical fluids? Let's talk about everything in order.

  • Why does the engine oil freezes and how to avoid it?

    Viscosity of motor oils at a temperature - 20 degrees

    The main reason why oil acquires a crystallized state, lies in its wrong selection. The car enthusiast must be selected lubricant Not only for the tolerances of the engine manufacturer, but also by SAE classification. This classification gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich weather conditions you can use certain petroleum products. SAE shares fluids into three types: summer, winter and universal.

    The marking of summer oils includes only a digital indicator - 20, 30. Pour under the hood such lubricant in the winter is categorically prohibited. It will not be able to return to her, no oil heater. More precisely, he will be able to restore its fluidity, but for a short period of time. At the same time, it will be impossible to defrost it in the channel channels.

    Winter (with a digit and letter W in marking - 5W, 10W) \u200b\u200band universal (combining designations of the two previous lubricants - 5W-30, 10W-40) are less prone to crystallization, but if they are elected, it is important to take into account the limit of low-temperature capabilities. Lubricants with marking 0W are withstanding up to -40 degrees, 5W - up to -35, 10W - up to -25. Based on this information, it is not difficult to choose a fuel admission for the area in which the car is operated.

    The second reason that causes hardening of the engine oil is its low quality. Low quality technical lubrication is characteristic either for cheap petroleum products or for counterfeit. In order to protect your car from an inappropriate fluid, only branded shops should be visited, and also carefully examine the containers before purchasing them.

    The weak place of falsification is appearance Packaging. Squares, cracks in the canister, unreadable labels and a needed fixing ring - all these are signs of dubious products.

    When choosing an oil is also very important to pay attention to its chemical basis. Natural ingredients under the influence of low and high temperatures change their structure, so they cannot withstand harsh weather conditions for a long time. In contrast to natural, artificial substances retain stability throughout the service life. That is why in the winter it is recommended to give preference to synthetic or semi-synthetic oils.

    If the technical lubricant was chosen correctly, the temperature outside the window fell below the oil capabilities, then the car can be reanimated in several ways.

    How to warm engine oil?

    All methods of returning the former fluidity with lubricant material can be divided into mechanical and aggregate.

    Mechanical method

    The most mad, dangerous but really effective method Oil defrost is the use of a fire. It is divorced under the car crankcase and for 10-15 minutes heats the oil mixture. It is impossible to leave unattended this heater, because in case of depressurization of the motor system, the vehicle may occur. In addition to the fire hazardous situation, he has another flaw: an open fire disrupts the integrity of the sealing elements. As a result, the next heating of the crankcase will cause oil leakage, reducing its pressure in the engine and the impossibility of re-starting the car.

    Particularly inventive drivers use no fires in winter, but gas burners. Guiding fire exclusively on system channels, the driver reduces the risk of damage rubber seals. Nevertheless, the way is more difficult - after all, he forces the car owner to climb under the car.

    Truckers went further and came up with a semi-masonry mixture of the car, warm it in a bucket over the bone or next to heating devices, and then pour oil back into the engine. You can turn this method only if the lubricant is still capable of flowing from the motor system.

    Aggregate method

    There are several types of devices used for oil heating. All of them require from autowares of marginal attention and compliance with elementary safety equipment. Among the varieties can be found stationary heaters, which are embedded in the car's motor system - thesters, and mobiles that are used only before starting the machine.

    If the fans suggest a professional installation for their safe operation, portable heaters can even use newcomers. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions before applying.

    To heat the oil in the car engine, it is convenient to use a special probe, which goes down to the bottom of the crankcase and heats up technical fluid around yourself. In contrast to the method involving the use of open fire, the dipstick seals the design elements of the structure and does not destroy them.

    In a short period of time - 10-15 minutes - oil acquires fluidity and contributes to a successful scrolling of the crankshaft. However, the use of such an oil probe implies compliance with some conditions:

    • do not turn on the instrument outdoors. This can be done only for short-term verification of the workability of the probe;
    • do not run the engine while using the immersion heater;
    • do not leave the device unattended. After the oil is warm up, the dipstick must be disconnected from the nutrition and pull out of the neck;
    • use it no more than 15 minutes.

    And most importantly! Do not embed the device into the car engine. On the Internet, you can meet the desperate car owners who decided how it seems to them, the problem of frozen oil. They connect the heating probe to rechargeable battery, It is placed inside the engine and install a sensor that includes heating when the temperature becomes critical.

    If you are roads a car, you should not hold such experiments. First, the uncontrolled operation of the electric probe will lead to a quick discharge of the battery. Secondly, due to frequent heating, the oil will very soon lose operational properties. Well, finally, you are unlikely to want to look at your burning vehicle.

    Despite the fact that the probe can bring a mass of trouble with improper handling, heated oil in the engine with it - optimal for the northern regions of the measure, allowing you to quickly return the car in feeling.

    The price tag for probe varies from 100 to 700 rubles. A driver with any income level can purchase it. Of course, this is not a bonfire, which can be milked for free, but the use of such an electrical appliance greatly facilitates the engine preparing.

    What is the dipstick and how to use it?

    The probe for heating the oil consists of four main parts - a long wire with a clip that is connected to a power source (12 V), a short wire connected to a mass, central part and heater itself. On the central part of the probe there is a dive limiter and a red line - a label that must be below the oil level.

    Procedure for working with heating dipstick:

    • Before heating, you need to move the limiter in such a way as to ensure the immersion of the red tag below the oil level. Because The hole in the engine is too narrow and limits the view, correctly measure this distance will help usual oil Prope. It should not be less than the distance between the probe head and the marking of the real oil level in the engine.
    • Immerse the device into the hole for the probe.
    • Connect the heater clamps to the power source.
    • Leave the device on 10-15 minutes.
    • Disconnect and remove the probe.

    After using the device, it is necessary to wipe it with a clean rag, to remove the residues of the lubricant. Such a measure will save the engine from entering it the remains of the old oil.

    And finally

    Despite the presence of a large number of ways of heating engine oil, the use of probe is the most gentle. First, it is impossible to damage seals and gum through the probe. Secondly, it does not overheat lubricants. Thirdly, its dimensions allow to fold the device at least into the lady's handbag.

    Despite the effectiveness of this method of warming up, it is constantly harmful to use the device. Frequent impact of the heat appliance even on synthetic molecules destroys their structure. Oil quickly loses its operational qualities. You can not mention the natural oil products here - their unstable state will only increase from the exposure of the probe.

Almost every driver, in the winter time, came across the problem of the difficult launch of the car engine in conditions of severe frost. One of the reasons for this is the increased viscosity of the engine oil in a crankcase, which makes the rotation of the crankshaft and prevents the engine launch. In addition, in such conditions, the engine lubricant, in the first minutes after its launch, is ineffective, which leads to increased wear of the piston group, as well as a crank-connecting mechanism. It is possible to partially solve this problem by providing pre-heating of the crankcase, in order to eliminate excessive viscosity of the engine oil.

The need to heal oil and its ways

Many drivers are mistaken, believing that the main problem during the cold start of the engine is the insufficient battery power due to its loafing in the cold. A much more important and significant disadvantage is the inefficiency of the lubrication system. Viscous in frost motor oilIt does not enter nodes and aggregates in the necessary quantities, and the friction force with their work "on dry" increases. And, as a result, the wear of the engine itself is significantly enhanced and its resource decreases.

Facilitating the engine launch in frost weather and reduce its wear, it is possible to achieve by heating the lubricant system (in particular, oil in the crankcase). Exist various methods Achieve this effect. But they can all be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • mechanical (or external);
  • aggregate (or internal).

Mechanical methods

Mechanical (or external) Ways of heating oil in the crankcase include a cycle of works that are not related to interference in the design of the vehicle by installing additional equipment. These are so-called, ancient methods.

The most common type of such work, ensuring the heating of the crankcase, is the use of open fire. A bonfire, divorced under the car at the placement of the crankcase, the soldering lamp and other devices will allow to warm the oil and achieve the engine start.

However, this method has significant disadvantages:

  1. infrastructure difficulties in preliminary and direct work (overalls, uncomfortable location of the Carter, etc.);
  2. the need for additional equipment and materials (heat sources);
  3. insecalation of work performed (probability of ignition).

The second mechanical method is the use of special removable electrical equipment, which contributes to the heating of the entire engine. For example, a special tape equipped with electric heating elements operating from the standard electrical network. But this heating is not deprived of the shortcomings in the need to have such equipment and complexity of the procedure for placing it around the engine (with mandatory subsequent dismantling).

Finally, very effective wayproviding oil heating is the movement of the car into a warm heated garage. But, by virtue of banality and costs (both a resource and temporary) such algorithm for solving the problem, we will refuse its detailed consideration.

Aggregate method

Recently, an aggregate method is becoming increasingly distributed, which is to install additional equipment that allows the engine warming under standard conditions. In other words, it does not have to resort to some significant additional manipulations to achieve the goal.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of devices in order to heat the oil. However, despite independent technical solutions, they all have one general principle of operation and a single device, which consisting in the use of electrical energy and a special heating element mounted in the engine crankcase.

The heating element (TEN) is located in the crankcase in such a way as to be constantly immersed in the engine oil. Otherwise, the TEN will quickly fail. If necessary (decrease in temperature), before the immediate start of the engine, a constant or alternating electric current (12, 24 or 220 V) is supplied to the heating element, which contributes to the heating of oil and normal launch Engine.

As a rule, heating elements have one disadvantage associated with the uncontrollability of the heating process. The oil temperature in the crank can reach the critical mark, and it will boil. You can avoid this using a special thermostat that is used in conjunction with a Tan to shut down when the required temperature is reached. Some modern heating elements have a self-regulating work algorithm, eliminating the need to apply a thermostat.

Basics of security when warming Carter

When using any way of heating the engine, it is important to remember the safety technique. The fact is that the design of the car initially does not imply a system of preheating oil in the crankcase (if such is not provided technical characteristics). Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of elementary safety.

The main thing is to carry out permanent monitoring of the process. Even if the technical documentation for the heating element indicates the automatic mode of operation of the unit, this should not be the basis for the uncontrolled application of the heating system.

Safety measures will never be superfluous: they will allow and extend the operation of the car engine, and provide the most secure oil warm-up in abnormally frosty Russian winter.

Each driver is familiar with the problem of starting the engine in the winter. The fact is that heavy frost extremely negatively affects the oil in the crankcase. In many cases, the only way out of this situation is heated.

Important! Under the influence of low temperatures, the oil in the engine crankcase becomes too viscous. To return the car to work, you need to warm it.

Big oil viscosity makes it difficult to rotate the crankshaft. This is exactly the engine launch. Due to the low air temperature, lubricant loses its effectiveness. As a result of everything groups of nodes wear out several times faster.

The biggest damage is applied piston group details. The crank-rod mechanism also suffers greatly. Preliminary heating of the oil in the crankcase helps to significantly reduce the damage applied to the details. Read about the principle of system operation can be.

Phantom battery problems

Many drivers still believe that the main problem, due to which the engine does not start under negative temperatures is the insufficient battery charge. But it is not so.

Indeed, in some situations the reason that the car does not start, there may be an insufficient charge.Such a situation is most often associated with an old battery or an incorrect choice of oil.

You probably know that the oil for car engines May be such types:

  • summer
  • winter
  • universal.

The composition of each type of oil differs from another degree of viscosity and the addition of additional additives. Simply put, if you fill for the winter summer oil, The ability of the battery to keep the charge can fall by 50 percent.

Important! It is enough to carry out periodic service work and use the oil appropriate season so that with the battery it was all right.

The inefficiency of the lubrication system with high viscosity of the oil

Insufficient heating of oil in the crankcase causes the most tangible damage to the whole car. Substance inside the system under the action of frost becomes viscous. Because of this, his passage to all nodes is hampered.

The oil does not enter the desired quantity. As the result, the details begin to work almost without lubricant. It greatly increases their wear. In addition, all the nodes begin to heat up much more.

How to facilitate the launch of a car in frosty weather

Heated oil in the crankcase allows you to reduce engine wear. Nevertheless, there are a number of ways to achieve such a result. For more convenience, it is better to divide them into two groups:

  • mechanical
  • aggregate.

The first group of methods includes all methods for heating oil in a crankcase, based on external effects. Only those techniques that affect the substance state and the system from the inside were included in the second group.

Mechanical methods

There are a number of oil heating methods in a crankcase, including external influence. In fact, this is a cycle of work that are not related to direct interference in the design of the car.

Important! When using mechanical methods for heating oil in the crankcase, additional devices are not installed.

For mechanical methods of heating, many decades have been used and during this time they have repeatedly proved their effectiveness. Although it is worth recognizing that the aggregate group of techniques is highly convenient for the driver.

The easiest way to mechanically heat the oil in the engine crankcase is to use the usual fire. It needs to be divorced under the car in the place where Carter is. You will also need a soldering lamp to carry out high-quality heating.

Unfortunately, the use of open fire has a number of weighty flaws, here are the main of them:

  • uncomfortable location of Carter,
  • high probability of fire,
  • need to B. additional source Heat.

The second mechanical method is much more reliable and safe. But for its implementation you will need special electrical equipment. Ideal for this task, a tape is suitable with electric heating elements. Since they can work from the usual electrical network by 220 V, there should be no difficulties with the connection.

Another efficient mechanical method for restoring normal oil viscosity is to move the machine into a well-heated garage. Unfortunately, this is not available to everyone. Moreover, it takes a lot of time.

Aggregate methods

For its convenience, in recent times, more and more motorists choose exactly the aggregate method of heating oil in the crankcase. This is not surprising, because in fact, one device ensures the safety of each vehicle of the car without any additional mechanical manipulations from the driver.

Attention! When using an aggregate method, the system is introduced optional equipmentwhich will produce heating substance.

Nowadays car manufacturers They offer a lot of devices to choose from the driver, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. Despite this, the devices have a similar principle of operation. The unit uses electrical energy to heat the oil in the engine crankcase.The process itself is carried out using a special heating element.

The heating element is called Tan. It is located in the Carter itself. At the same time, the device must be constantly immersed in the substance. Otherwise, his work will not be effective.

Attention! The incomplete immersion of Tan threatens the fact that the item is premature to fail.

TEN works as follows. Immediately before running the engine, the current is supplied to it. It is he who activates heated oil to normal temperature. Due to this, the whole system works without any failures.

Unfortunately, without flaws, the developers could not do. The heating element does not control the heating process.Simply put, the heating temperature at least favorable circumstances can achieve a critical indicator. As a result, boiling will happen.

Attention! The thermostat installed in the system allows you to avoid boiling.

As soon as the oil in the crank reaches the desired temperature - the TEN is turned off. Some heating elements are operating according to a built-in algorithm that self-regulates depending on the circumstances. Thanks to this, the need to use the thermostat disappears.

Design of the preheater made by hand

Few people know that the device for heating oil in the crankcase can be collected with their own hands. Traditionally, the heater consists of a cylinder body. The top and bottom cups are connected by screws M5. Between the two elements is set to a gasket that guarantees tightness designs.

Attention! As a gasket for a device, which will ensure heating most often use sheet pile.

The element responsible for heating the oil in the crankcase is placed in the asbestos. It is best to use a part of the volcanizer with a capacity of 12 V as a heating element.

The element for heating is fixed on several racks. It is output through the lower part of the crankcase. When installing the Carter will have to modify a little, namely remove some lower cooling ribs. You will also need to drill holes with a diameter of 9 millimeters.

The device responsible for heating is structurally consisting of such parts:

  1. top cup
  2. lower cup
  3. sleeves and washers,
  4. material for sealing
  5. screw M5,
  6. asbestos
  7. contact racks
  8. carter's bottom,
  9. heating element
  10. nuts with the size of M6.

All these elements make it possible to heighten the oil. The device itself is installed at an altitude of 10 centimeters from the bottom. Most often, such aggregates are equipped with cars like Muscovite-412.

Attention! Installation of a device responsible for heating can be combined with oil change.


Heated oil in the engine is carried out using mechanical and aggregate methods. The first exclude internal intervention. To heal, you will have to use special devices, ignite the fire or put a car into the garage for a while.

Aggregate methods imply installation inside system additional devicesresponsible for heating. This is more convenient, since the driver does not have to do anything else in order to heat the oil in the engine crankcase.

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