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Lease of fixed assets. Accounting for current lease Property lease accounting

· Maintenance;

· Medium repair;

· Major repairs.

The main task of maintenance is prevention. Routine repairs are carried out systematically, for example, once a quarter, this helps to protect the property from premature wear and tear.

The nature of the work carried out is associated with the change of individual parts and assemblies without disassembling the entire fixed asset, adjusting its individual parts and mechanisms, cleaning and lubricating them, which ensures the constant readiness of the fixed asset for operation.

In terms of complexity, medium repairs are approaching major repairs, since during medium repairs it becomes necessary to completely restore or replace individual parts of the fixed asset by partially disassembling it. Medium repairs are carried out much less frequently than routine repairs, usually once a year.

Overhaul is the most difficult of all types of fixed asset repairs. Frequency overhaul depends on how intensively the fixed asset is used. As a rule, major repairs are carried out no more than once every several years and, in most cases, it is quite lengthy in time.

When carrying out a major overhaul, a complete disassembly of the fixed asset is carried out, worn parts and mechanisms are replaced with new and more modern ones. Overhaul in most cases is carried out by contractors, as it requires higher professional skills of the performers.

Repair expenses in accordance with paragraph 18 of PBU 10/99 are recognized in the reporting period in which they occurred, regardless of the time of actual payment Money.

The costs of repairs by the organization are reflected on account 23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production costs" and the like. The cost of repairs consists of the cost of materials, spare parts, components, wages of workers involved in the repair, the amounts of the unified social tax, insurance premiums, the amount of depreciation of fixed assets and other expenses directly related to the repair.

Suppose that the repair of the fixed asset was carried out by the forces of auxiliary production, and consider general scheme accounting entries when carrying out repairs in a household way:

Correspondence of invoices



Reflected the cost of purchased spare parts

The debt to the supplier has been repaid

Written off the cost of materials released for repairs

Accrued wages for workers engaged in repairs

Taxes charged on the amount of wages

Very often an organization, by virtue of different reasons, does not have the ability to carry out repairs on its own. In this case, third-party organizations are involved in the repair or individuals... Repairs can also be carried out by the tenant, but in this case the landlord must reimburse him for the repair costs or set off the amount of the costs incurred. rent.

For the purpose of taxation of profits in accordance with the Tax Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the RF Tax Code) costs of maintenance and operation, repair and Maintenance fixed assets and other property, as well as to maintain them in good condition, are included in the cost of production and sale.

Expenses for the repair of fixed assets incurred by the taxpayer, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are considered as other expenses and are recognized for tax purposes in the reporting period in which they were incurred in the amount of actual costs. It should be borne in mind that taxpayers applying the accrual method recognize expenses for the repair of fixed assets as expenses in the period in which they were incurred, regardless of their payment.

Taxpayers using the cash method, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, recognize repair costs only after their actual payment.

This option for writing off expenses for the repair of fixed assets is used in cases where the repair of fixed assets is carried out unevenly throughout the year, and also when it becomes necessary to carry out a large amount of unforeseen renovation works, for example, in case of accidents. The costs associated with such repairs, it is advisable to reflect in the accounting for the debit of account 97 "Deferred expenses".

To substantiate the amounts of costs attributed to or debited from the account, it is advisable to draw up an estimate or plan for the production of repair work in monetary terms. These documents must be approved by the head of the organization.

If the repair is carried out by third-party organizations, then according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of VAT presented by the contractor and paid by the customer is subject to deduction in full after registration of the work performed. Confirmation that the work on the repair of the object of fixed assets has been completed can be an act of work performed.

Example 1.

The organization carried out a major overhaul of the leased fixed assets object in an economic way. Material costs amounted to 580,000 rubles, wages of employees - 30,000 rubles, the amount of UST - 7,800 rubles. The creation of a reserve for the repair of fixed assets is not provided for by the accounting policy of the organization. In order to evenly distribute the costs, it was decided to write them off monthly in equal installments for 2 years.

Correspondence of invoices

Amount, rubles



Reflected the cost of material assets released for repairs

The amount of accrued wages is reflected

Reflected the amount of taxes charged on payroll

Attributed to the expenses of the reporting period the amount of expenses for repairs in the amount of 1/24 part

End of the example.

Example 2.

The organization repaired the leased fixed assets object. The repair was carried out by a third party. The cost of the work was 129,800 rubles, including VAT - 19,800 rubles. Repairs will be charged to manufacturing costs over 12 months.

Correspondence of invoices

Amount, rubles



Reflected the cost of the repair carried out on the basis of the certificate of completion

Reflected the amount of VAT on the cost of repair work performed

The funds were transferred for the performed repairs

The amount of VAT actually paid is accepted for deduction

Attributed to the costs of the reporting period are expenses for the repair of an object of fixed assets in the amount of 1/12 of a part

End of the example.

To evenly include the forthcoming expenses for the repair of fixed assets in the expenses of the reporting period, the organization in accordance with clause 72 of the Regulations for the maintenance accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998, No. 34n, can create a reserve for expenses for the repair of fixed assets.

Account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" is intended as a chart of accounts and instructions for its use to summarize information on the availability and movement of amounts reserved for the repair of fixed assets. The creation of the reserve is reflected in the credit of the account and the debit of the accounts for accounting for production costs.

If the repair of fixed assets is carried out by the forces of auxiliary production, the use of the reserve amounts is reflected in the debit of the account in correspondence with the credit of the account "Auxiliary production". If specialists from third-party organizations are involved in the repair, account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is credited.

At the end of the reporting period, an inventory of the reserve for the repair of fixed assets is carried out. Unused amounts of the provision at the end of the year are reversed.

High-quality repair of many fixed assets requires a fairly long period of time, which is not limited to one reporting period. If the completion of the repairs occurs in the following year, the balance of the provision for the repair of fixed assets is not reversed. After the completion of the repair work, the excess accrued amount of the reserve should be charged to the financial results of the reporting period.

A situation may arise when the created reserve is not enough to carry out the repair of fixed assets, that is, the actual repair costs exceed the amount of the created reserve. In this case, at the end of the reporting period, the excess of actual costs is written off to expenses.

Example 3.

To carry out the repair of fixed assets, the organization decided to create a reserve for repairs in the amount of 180,000 rubles. The monthly amount of deductions to the reserve for future expenses amounted to 15,000 rubles. (180,000 rubles / 12 months). Actual expenses for repairs made by the organization's efforts in the reporting year amounted to 162,000 rubles.

Correspondence of invoices

Amount, rubles



From January to December of the reporting year, the following entries will be made in accounting every month:

Accrued the amount of the reserve for future expenses in the amount of 1/12 part

At the time of the repair

Reflected expenses for the repair of fixed assets

Year-end accounting records


Reflected unused reserve amount

End of the example.

According to clause 5.5.3 of the Methodological Recommendations for the Application of Chapter 25 "Corporate Profit Tax" of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2002 No. BG-3-02 / 729, if it decides to form this reserve, then actually incurred expenses for the repair of fixed assets are not included in the current period expenses. Only at the end of the tax period, the amount of excess of actually incurred expenses over the created reserve is included in other expenses.

In order to correctly form a reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets, it is necessary to ensure that the following data are recorded:

· The initial cost of depreciable fixed assets at the beginning of the tax period;

· The actual amount of repair costs for the previous three years and the quotient of this amount when divided by three;

· The schedule of repairs, including those falling on the current tax period;

· Estimated cost of the specified repairs;

A list of fixed assets for which especially complex and expensive species overhaul;

· The schedule of the repair of the specified fixed assets, which indicates the period of the repair work and their estimated cost.

Contributions to the provision for future expenses are calculated based on the total cost of fixed assets and deduction standards.

The total cost of fixed assets is determined as the sum of the initial cost of all depreciable fixed assets put into operation at the beginning of the tax period, in which a reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets is created. Thus, if the reserve is created for 2005, then the value of fixed assets acquired during this year will not be included in the total aggregate value of fixed assets calculated to determine the deductions to the created reserve.

If the organization has members that were put into operation before January 1, 2002, in relation to them, it is accepted replacement cost, determined in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Taxpayers should be aware that the ceiling for future fixed asset repair costs cannot exceed the average actual repair costs over the past three years.

If an organization is accumulating funds to carry out particularly expensive and complex types of capital repairs, it can increase the ceiling for deductions to the reserve for future expenses. The maximum amount of deductions is increased by the amount of deductions for financing repairs attributable to the tax period in accordance with the repair schedule, provided that similar repairs were not performed in previous tax periods.

The organization sets the standards for deductions to the reserve independently when developing accounting policies for tax purposes. The amount of deductions depends on following factors:

· The frequency of the repair of the object of fixed assets;

· Frequency of replacement of elements of fixed assets (in particular, assemblies, parts, structures);

· Estimated cost of repair.

Example 4.

In 2005, the organization plans to repair fixed assets, the costs of which, according to preliminary estimates, will amount to 76,000 rubles.

The accounting policy of the enterprise provides for the creation of a reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets.

As of January 1, 2005, the aggregate value of property, plant and equipment is 830,000 rubles. Over the past three years, the actual expenses for the repair of fixed assets amounted to:

in 2002 - 36,500 rubles.

in 2003 - 65,300 rubles.

in 2004 - 72,500 rubles.

The organization pays advance payments for income tax on a quarterly basis. Suppose that the repairs planned by the organization will be carried out in September 2005, the actual expenses for the repairs will be 68,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the average actual repair costs over the past three years:

(36,500 rubles + 65,300 rubles + 72,500 rubles): 3 = 58,100 rubles.

Since the maximum amount of the reserve cannot exceed the average amount of actual expenses for the repair of fixed assets that have developed over the past three years, the amount of the reserve cannot exceed 58,100 rubles, despite the fact that the organization plans to spend 76,000 rubles on repairs

Let's calculate the annual rate of deductions to the reserve:

(58,100 rubles: 830,000 rubles) = 7.0%.

If the organization pays advance payments for income tax on a monthly basis, it is necessary to calculate the monthly norm of deductions to the reserve:

7%: 12 months = 0.583%.

In our example, the organization pays advance payments for income tax on a quarterly basis, so it is necessary to calculate the quarterly reserve deduction rate:

7%: 4 quarters = 1.75%.

Quarterly allocations to the reserve will be:

830,000 rubles x 1.75% = 14,525 rubles.

Let's determine the amount of the reserve accumulated at the time of the repair:

14,525 rubles x 3 quarters = 43,575 rubles.

The accumulated reserve amounted to 43,575 rubles, the actual expenses for repairs amounted to 68,000 rubles. The amount of excess of actual expenses over the amount of the accumulated reserve is 24,425 rubles.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if the amount of actual expenses for the repair of fixed assets in the reporting period exceeds the amount of the created reserve, the balance of expenses for tax purposes is included in other expenses at the end of the tax period.

Thus, in the third quarter, for the purpose of taxation of profit, the amount of expenses for repairs in the amount of the accumulated reserve, that is, 43,575 rubles, will be taken into account as expenses. In the 4th quarter (December 31, 2005) the remaining amount of the provision - 14,525 rubles will be recognized for profit tax purposes.

The amount of the reserve for future expenses for 2005 is 58,100 rubles.

Actual expenses for repairs - 68,000 rubles.

As of December 31, 2005, the amount of excess of actual expenses for the repair of fixed assets over the amount of the created reserve of 9,900 rubles will be revealed. This amount will be included in other expenses as at 31 December 2005.

End of the example.

If the terms of the lease stipulate that the costs of repairs are borne by the lessee, the costs of the repairs made by the lessee are not reflected in the lessor's accounting records.

If the lessor still bears the costs of repairing the leased property, he cannot include them in the cost of renting out the property.

If the lessor does not fulfill his obligations under the contract for the repair and the repair costs are borne by the lessor, in this case, either the lessee must reimburse the lessor for the costs incurred by him, or the lessor carries out these costs at his own expense, as not reducing taxable profit.

The costs of repairing property accounted for on account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" are accounted for in the same manner as the costs of repairing fixed assets.

For more details on the issues related to lease, you can get acquainted in the book of JSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit" "Rent".

Lease of fixed assets is the transfer of an object for temporary use. The lessor transfers the fixed asset to the lessee under a lease agreement. The lease term can be any: less than a year - short-term lease, more than a year - long-term lease.

The lease agreement may provide for the transfer of ownership of the leased fixed asset.

How is the accounting of the lease of fixed assets from the lessor and the lessee, which transactions should reflect both parties. How are the expenses for the renovation and reconstruction of the rented object taken into account?

Renting out fixed assets can be a regular activity of the organization, or it can be a one-time operation. At the same time, the account for accounting for income and expenses from rental operations is different.

If the process of transferring the lease of fixed assets is a normal activity of the enterprise, then it is used.

All expenses associated with the transfer of an item of fixed assets for lease are collected on the debit of cost accounting accounts (20, 23, 26, 44). After that, at the end of the month, they are debited in one amount to the debit account. 90 by posting D90 / 2 K20, 23, 26, 44. The expenses can be depreciation, which the lessor continues to accrue every month, or expenses for repairs, if it is carried out by the lessor.

All income related to the lease of the object is reflected in the credit of the account. 90, in particular, these are incoming lease payments, posting D76 K90 / 1.

At the end of the reporting period on the account. 90 is determined by the financial result, profit or loss, which is reflected in the account. 99.

If the transfer of fixed assets to lease is a one-time transaction, then account 91 "Other income and expenses" is used to reflect lease transactions, which is analyzed in detail.

Expenses for leased items are reflected in the debit of account. 91, income in the form of lease payments on the loan account. 91.

Lease payments must include VAT, so the lessor must charge VAT on the payments received (posting D91 / 2 (90/2) K68) and pay it to the budget.

The transactions that are made in the lessor's accounting:

Lessee's accounting

The lessee accepts the fixed asset under the lease agreement for, reflects on the debit of this account the value of the object specified in the lease agreement.

The organization does not charge depreciation on leased fixed assets.

Lease payments that the organization pays are written off to the accounts of expenses for ordinary activities by posting D20 (44) K76.

Lease payments include VAT, so the lessee has the right to allocate VAT and send it to deduction (entries D19 K76 and D68.VAT K19).

Payment of lease payments to the lessor is reflected by entry D76 K51.

When the leased property is returned, it is removed from the off-balance sheet account 001 (K001).

Postings for accounting for leased fixed assets from the lessee:

Redemption by a lessee of a leased fixed asset

If the organization decides to buy out the leased fixed asset, then it must pay the surrender value to the lessor (posting D76 K51).

As usual, when the fixed asset is received on the balance sheet of the enterprise, all costs associated with its receipt are collected on account 08. So it is in this case.

The surrender value that the entity paid to the lessor for previously leased property, plant and equipment relates to capital investments to this fixed asset and is reflected on account 08 (posting D08 K76).

Previously paid lease payments also refer to investments in fixed assets and are also reflected on account 08. These payments will be considered as accrued depreciation on the object, the posting has the form D08 K02.

After that, the object is put into operation by wiring D01 K08.

Leased asset purchase transactions:

Renovated OS repair

  1. Renovation at the expense of the tenant

Routine repairs can be carried out by the tenant himself at his own expense, then all repair costs are written off to the cost accounting accounts for ordinary activities. Costs can be spent materials (posting D20 (44) K10), salaries of employees of the organization involved in repairs (posting D20 (44) K70), third-party services (posting D20 (44) K76).

Postings for posting repair costs at the tenant:

In a period of rapidly changing economic situation in the market, many business entities seek to reduce the risks of doing business. One of the ways to easily change the place or type of activity, to diversify the business, is to rent property. The features of this service, methods of reflection in accounting and lease transactions will be considered in the article.

Relations associated with the paid use of the property of third parties, called lease, are governed by Ch. 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. As well as general provisions the code establishes the specifics of the use of certain types of property: vehicles, buildings, structures, financial lease. The most common rental objects are office premises, non-residential premises for production needs, cars, equipment and other fixed assets:

The account of the rented property and the amount of rent must be kept by the lessor and the lessee. The amount of rent is a calculation unit that depends on the terms of the contract. In particular, essential conditions in determining the rent may be:

  • Who pays the running costs of maintaining the property;
  • What is the lease term and is the contract subject to state registration;
  • Is it possible to buy out the leased object;
  • Is it possible to transfer the object to sublease;
  • Does the rental include vehicle crew services.

The basis for the transfer of the object for lease is the agreement and the act of acceptance and transfer of the leased object.

Rent: reflected in the accounting

Reflection in accounting lease relations usually does not cause difficulties for the accountant of a company for which the paid use of the property of third parties is regular. If lease agreements for a company are a rare case, then questions may arise.

Rent Charge - Landlord Postings

Lease agreements can be a core business for a business or a one-off transaction.

In the first case, the collection of costs for ordinary activities is carried out on account 20 (23,25,26,29,44), and the proceeds are reflected in account 90 "Sales":

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Dt CT Description of wiring Document
62 90.1 Reflected revenue from rental services Agreement, act of acceptance and transfer, act of services rendered
20 (23,25,26,29,44) 02 Reflected the amount of depreciation for the leased object Accounting information
90.2 20 (23,25,26,29,44) Depreciation and other lease expenses written off Consignment notes of suppliers, acts of services rendered, etc., accounting information
90.3 68.2 Reflected VAT on rent Invoice issued

If the lease of property is a one-time transaction for the lessor, then the amount of the rent is included in other income, and the costs of transferring the object are included in other expenses:

In the case of automated accounting, it is more convenient to keep records of leased property with the lessor on the subaccount of account 01 "Fixed assets", depreciation on them - on a separate subaccount of account 02.

Rent accrual - tenant transactions

The tenant, upon receipt of the property according to the acceptance certificate, must reflect it behind the balance sheet with the following entries:

Dt CT Description Document
001 Accepted rental object Acceptance certificate, contract
20 (23,25,26,29,44) 76A Accrued rent wiring Agreement, act of services rendered
19 76A Reflected VAT Invoice received
68.2 19 Accepted for deduction of VAT
76A 51 Paid rental amount Payment order
001 The object has been returned to the landlord Acceptance certificate

The accounting of property received under a lease agreement is carried out in the same way.

If the terms of the finance lease provide subsequent redemption object by the tenant, then the accountant will reflect it like this:

Dt CT Description Document
76 51 Redemption payment paid Agreement, payment order
08 76 Capitalized OS object Agreement, act of the OS-1 form
19 76 Reflected VAT Invoice received
01 08 Commissioning of the facility Order of the head
68 19 Accepted for deduction of VAT

We repair rented property

Overhaul of the facility can be carried out at the expense of one of the parties, which is necessarily reflected in the contract.

Renovation at the expense of the tenant

The lessee has the right to charge the costs of repairs related to remuneration of employees, costs of spare parts, services of service organizations to expenses for ordinary (main) activities, if the leased property is used in accordance with its intended purpose. The amount spent on repairs is written off by wiring: Dt 20 (44) Kt 10 (70.76).

Renovation at the expense of the lessor

This option is not often used in practice, the amount of expenses is reflected by the lessee against future payments for the lease with the following entry: Dt 76 Kt 20 (44).

Current repairs are usually carried out by the lessee in the course of the operation of the property, attributed to expenses for ordinary (Dt 20.44) or other (Dt 91.2) types of activities, which depends on the purpose and method of use of the leased object.

A comment

From January 1, 2018, institutions of all types in accounting (budgetary) accounting and reporting apply the federal standard "Rent", approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2016 No. 258n (hereinafter - SGS "Arenda", Standard). Methodological recommendations for the use of the SGS "Arenda" were brought up by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2017 No. 02-07-07 / 83464 (hereinafter referred to as Methodological Recommendations). Corresponding changes in connection with the introduction of the Standard have been made in the accounting instructions for public sector institutions.

Provisions of the SGS "Rent" and the federal standard "Conceptual foundations of accounting and reporting of public sector organizations", approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2016 No. 256n (hereinafter referred to as the SGS "Conceptual Foundations"), are applied simultaneously.

Scope of application

The SGS "Rent" is applied when recording the receipt (provision) for temporary possession and use or for temporary use of tangible assets under contracts:

  • lease (property lease);
  • free use.

Relationships under a lease agreement, incl. financial lease (leasing), the contract for gratuitous use are governed by Ch. 34, 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, respectively. Features of a financial lease agreement (lease agreement), to which the state or municipal institution, established by the Federal Law of October 29, 1998 No. 164-FZ.

For application of the GHS"Lease" matters which of the parties to the contract will fulfill the obligations for the maintenance of the property. The provisions of the Standard should be followed only if such obligations are imposed on the user of the property. Also, the user must comply with other conditions agreed upon when transferring objects.

The fact that the user (tenant, borrower) fulfills obligations for the maintenance of the property can be said if he:

  • concludes agreements (contracts) for the maintenance of property, carries out expenses independently;
  • reimburses the transferring party (lessor, lender) for the cost of maintaining the property.

The provisions of the SGS "Rent" are not applied when securing state (municipal) property on the basis of the right of operational management for institutions in order to fulfill the assigned powers (clause 10 of the Standard).

Also, you should not apply the GHS "Rent" if the institution transfers objects of non-financial assets to other institutions (authorities) to perform functions (powers), but the responsibility for maintaining the property remains with the transferring party. In other words, if the institution was created by the owner of the property for the purpose of organizational and technical support of other institutions and authorities, the classification of objects of lease accounting is not carried out. The transfer of such property is reflected in the order that was in force before the application of the SGS "Rent" (before January 1, 2018):

  • by the transferring party - on the corresponding analytical accounts of account 101 00 "Fixed assets", at the same time on the off-balance sheet account 26 "Property transferred for free use";
  • the receiving party - on account 01 "Property received for use".

The standard does not apply when reflecting in accounting objects that arise when providing:

  • subsoil plots - for the purpose of geological study of subsoil, exploration and (or) production of minerals (oil, natural gas, other similar non-renewable resources);
  • biological assets - for temporary possession and use or for temporary use;
  • tangible media in which the results of intellectual activity or means of individualization are expressed (in terms of registering intangible assets) - for temporary use.

The right to use software products does not apply to material assets. The transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity is regulated by part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The provisions on lease or gratuitous use contracts do not apply in this case. Consequently, the requirements of the GHS "Rent" do not apply to the granting (obtaining) of the rights to use intangible assets.

In the instructions, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.12.2010 No. 157n (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 157n), no changes were made in accounting for intangible assets received for use by the institution (licensee). According to clause 66 of Instruction No. 157n, such objects are still accounted for on off-balance sheet account 01 at a cost determined based on the amount of remuneration established in the contract.

Classification of items - operating or finance lease

SGS "Arenda" provides for two types of lease - operating and financial (non-operating). The classification of the lease object is within the scope of professional judgment of the accountant.

The classification of accounting objects depends on:

  • from the estimated period of use of the property in relation to the remaining period useful use;
  • lease payments in relation to the fair value of the property;
  • compliance with other conditions provided for in paragraphs. 12 - 16 SGS "Rent".

The table presents Comparative characteristics the conditions under which the objects qualify as objects of operating or financial (non-operating) leases.

P / p No.Operating leaseFinance (non-operating) lease
1 The period of use of the property is shorter and incomparable with the remaining useful life The useful life of the property is comparable to the remaining useful life
2 The total amount of rent (payment for the use of the property for the entire period of use), the redemption price is lower and not comparable with the fair value of the property The sum of all lease payments (expected economic benefits to the lessor) is comparable to the fair value of the property
3 Rent payments are only payments for the use of property (rent) Transfer of ownership of the property to the lessee upon the expiration of the lease term or before its expiration, subject to the payment by the lessee of the entire redemption price
4 Transfer for use land plots(other non-produced assets) Transfer of specialized property that only the user (lessee) can use without significant changes (reconstructions, modifications)
5 The obligation of the user of the property to return the object upon completion of the right to use in a state that allows the copyright holder (owner) to use it in the future The transferred property cannot be replaced by other property without additional financial costs
6 The tenant's priority right to extend the lease agreement for an additional period while maintaining the same level of lease payments or rent, incl. below market
7 Losses (gains) from changes in the fair value of the transferred property during the term of the contract are attributed to the user of the property
8 Installment for payment of rental payments (rent and (or) redemption value of the property)

If, in the presence of one or more symptoms operating lease other conditions for the use of property correspond to the characteristics of financial (non-operating) lease, objects of non-operating (financial) lease are recognized in the accounting.

The useful life of a leased item is the period during which the entity plans to use the item for the purposes for which it was obtained. When comparing the period of use of the property according to the contract and the remaining useful life, it is necessary to proceed from the user's obligation to return the object at the end of the contract in a state that allows the rightholder (owner) to use it in the future.

The purpose of amortization is to accumulate funds for which, after complete depreciation of objects, new assets are acquired (clause 84 of Instruction No. 157n). The useful life of the object may be longer than the depreciation period, therefore, it is incorrect to compare it with the remaining depreciation period of the transferred property for the purpose of applying the Fixed Assets GHS.

The transfer of state (municipal) property, which constitutes the treasury, by the management body of this property is classified for the purposes of the Standard as lease accounting items. An exception is the consolidation of state (municipal) property on the basis of the right of operational management for institutions (clause 10 of the SGS "Rent").

An analysis of the signs of operating and finance leases shows that in most cases, institutions have operating leases. The finance lease most often refers to the leasing of fixed assets.

If, under the agreement, premises are provided for use for an hour, such an agreement will still be considered a lease agreement. The definition of the type of contract depends on its essential terms. For a lease agreement, an essential condition is the subject of the agreement - provision for use for a fee. Also, an essential condition is an object - property that is provided for rent. At the same time, the period for which the property is leased to the lessee is not an essential condition and does not affect the definition of the essence of the contract.

In our opinion, when transferring property for use for any period, it is necessary to be guided by the SGS "Arenda". At the same time, the accounting of transactions must meet the criterion of rationality (paragraph 74 of the GHS "Conceptual framework"). It means that the cost of presenting information in the accounting (financial) statements should not exceed its usefulness and benefits from its use. A similar provision contains clause 3 of Instruction No. 157n.

Reporting costs include:

  • costs of collection, registration, confirmation, disclosure of used assumptions and methodology of formation;
  • the cost of presenting to users.

When recording certain operations, the institution must compare the labor costs of obtaining information and its value to users. In the accounting policy, it is advisable to fix which objects of accounting for operating leases are recorded by the institution in the accounting accounts, and which are not.

Operating lease accounting items

For the transferor (lessor), the main objects of accounting for an operating lease are:

  • settlements on lease payments with the user of the property - account 0 205 21 000 "Settlements on income from operating lease";
  • information on the objects of property transferred for use - off-balance sheet account 25 "Property transferred for paid use (lease)";
  • expected income from rent payments for the entire period of using the property as of the date of the conclusion of the contract - account 0 401 40 121;
  • income (settlements) on contingent lease payments arising at the date of their determination (usually monthly) - accounts 0 205 35 000 "Settlements on contingent lease payments", 0 401 10 135 "Income of the current fiscal year from contingent lease payments". Conditional lease payments are considered to be the amount of compensation for utility, operating costs that are paid by the tenant in excess of the rent.

On the main measures for the lessor's identification and assessment of operating lease objects during the first application of the Standard, as well as on the formation of opening balances for lease accounting items, as revised by No. 2 "1C: BGU 8" read.

When leasing real estate objects, the question often arises of whether to transfer such objects to investment real estate to account 101 13. When deciding this issue, one should be guided by the following provisions.

According to Methodical recommendations(brought up by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 15, 2017 No. 02-07-07 / 84237) investment property refers to the received (created, acquired) property for the purpose of leasing it (subleasing). The right of an institution to provide state (municipal) property for rent should be provided for by the constituent documents as the main type of activity.

Thus, investment property does not include all objects that are leased out, but only those that are specially received (purchased) for these purposes. It can be assumed that only a limited number of specialized institutions will have the Investment Property group.

The property occupied by the institution is not investment property. The real estate objects occupied by the institution, among other things, include buildings, structures, individual premises that are provided for use by other rightholders within the framework of operational lease relations for the performance of state (municipal) powers (functions) assigned to the institution, activities for the performance of work, the provision of services or for management needs.

Consequently, in most cases, the leased property does not need to be transferred to investment property. Read more.

Accounting under a lease agreement with a government agency

In the accounting of the state institution - the lessor, the following entries must be made:

P / p No.Contents of operationAccounting entryClause of Instruction No. 162nNote
debit of an accountcredit account
1 KRB 1 101 3X 310
(analytics - MOL of the tenant)
KRB 1 101 3X 310
2 Assessed by the administrator of budget revenues: KDB 1 205 21 560 KDB 1 401 40 121 ,
3 Reflected by the administrator of budget revenues planned (forecast) assignments of the current year for income from operating lease KDB 1 507 10 121 KDB 1 504 10 121
4 Reflected by the administrator of budget revenues planned (forecast) assignments of the year following the current, by income from operating lease KDB 1 507 20 121 KDB 1 504 20 121
5 KDB 1 401 40 121 KDB 1 401 10 121 In the amount of lease payments
6 KRB 1 401 20 XXX KRB 1 302 XX 730
KRB 1 105 XX 440
KRB 1 104 XX 420
KRB 1 401 50 226
7 Monetary obligations were accepted in the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the transferred property KRB 1 502 11 XXX KRB 1 502 12 XXX , Subject to further presentation to the tenant
Upon the presentation to the lessee of claims for reimbursement of costs for the maintenance of the transferred property
8 Recognized by the administrator of budget revenues income from contingent lease payments KDB 1 205 35 560 KDB 1 401 10 135 , Based on a document containing the amount of compensation (invoice, act, etc.)
9 Reflected the planned (forecast) assignments of the current year for income from contingent lease payments KDB 1 507 10 135 KDB 1 504 10 135 Since monetary obligations are accepted in the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the transferred property, we consider it necessary to reflect the tenant's obligations to reimburse the maintenance costs of the property in the planned income assignments. The transaction can be reflected at the time of the conclusion of the contract with the subsequent adjustment of indicators
At the date of early termination of the contractual relationship
10 Property, plant and equipment returned by the lessee KRB 1 101 3X 310
(analytics - MOL of the lessor)
KRB 1 101 3X 310
(analytics - MOL of the tenant)
11 The balance of forthcoming income was reversed to reduce the receivables for lease payments KDB 1 205 21 560 KDB 1 401 40 121 f. 0504833)
12 Reduced planned (forecast) assignments for income from operating lease in the amount of unearned income KDB 1 504 X0 121 KDB 1 507 X0 121 Based on the accounting certificate (f. 0504833)

The accounting procedure for the transfer of land plots for lease, as well as their reflection in "1C: BGU 8" see.

Accounting under a lease agreement with a budgetary (autonomous) institution

In the accounting of a budgetary (autonomous) institution - the lessor, the following entries must be made:

P / p No.Contents of operationAccounting entryClause of Instruction No. 174nClause of Instruction No. 183nNote
debit of an accountcredit account
At the date of the lease object classification
1 The object of fixed assets was transferred to the lessee KRB X 101 XX 310
(analytics - MOL of the tenant)
KRB X 101 XX 310
(analytics - MOL of the lessor)
In the amount of the book value of the transferred property
2 Assessed by the institution:
  • receivables from the lessee;
  • future proceeds from the right to use an asset
KDB 2 205 21 560 KDB 2 401 40 121 , , In the amount of lease payments for the entire period of use of the object
3 Reflected the planned (forecast) assignments of the current year for income from operating leases KDB 2 507 10 121 KDB 2 504 10 121 , , In the amount of the lessee's obligations to be fulfilled in the current year
4 Reflected the planned (forecast) assignments of the year following the current, by income from operating leases KDB 2 507 20 121 KDB 2 504 20 121 , , In the amount of the lessee's obligations to be fulfilled in the year following the current
Uniformly (monthly) or according to the schedule of receiving rent payments
5 Recognized as income of the current financial year future income from the right to use the asset KDB 2 401 40 121 KDB 2 401 10 121 , , In the amount of lease payments
6 VAT charged on rent KDB 2 401 10 121 KDB 2 303 04 730 , , At the time of accrual of income of the current year
As of the date of expenses for the maintenance of property
7 The costs of maintaining the transferred property are recognized (operating and utility costs, maintenance, current repairs) KRB 2 401 20 XXX KRB 2 302 XX 730
KRB 2 105 XX 440
KRB 2 104 XX 420
KRB 2 401 50 226
, KDB 2 504 X0 121 KDB 2 507 X0 121 , Based on the accounting certificate (f. 0504833)

Leasing a part of the object

1 If the income of the current year from the grant of the right to use the asset is recognized in accordance with the schedule for receiving lease payments, the difference between the credit indicator (balance) on account 0 401 40 121 and the debit indicator (balance) on account 0 205 21 000 reflects:

  • if the value is negative, the lessee's receivable for payments due due according to the schedule;
  • a positive value is the amount of preliminary (advance) payments received earlier in the schedule.

As a general rule, when transferring property for lease, it continues to be recorded on the lessor's balance sheet, except in cases of enterprise lease and financial lease.

The organization can lease both property temporarily not used for production and non-production purposes, and property specially acquired for lease in order to generate income.

An organization that leases temporarily unused property must ensure its separate accounting.

In accordance with the Chart of Accounts for the financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (hereinafter the Chart of Accounts and instructions for its use) for summarizing information on the availability and movement of fixed assets account 01 "Fixed assets" is intended for operation, stock, conservation, lease and trust management.

To account for the transfer of fixed assets for lease, you can open the subaccount "Fixed assets transferred for lease".

Analytical accounting must be organized in such a way as to ensure the possibility of obtaining data on the types of fixed assets, their locations, tenants, and the like. The transfer of property to the lessee will be reflected in the lessor's accounting as follows:

To summarize information on the presence and movement of the organization's investments in material assets provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use or possession and use, in order to generate income, the Chart of Accounts and instructions for its application are intended for account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets".

Analytical accounting on the account should also be kept by type of material assets, tenants and individual objects of material assets.

In general, when transferring property to lease, the lessor continues to account for it as part of his own property. If the object of the lease is, for example, fixed assets, then after their transfer to the lessee, they continue to be accounted for by the lessor on account 01 "Fixed assets". Fixed assets are included in the taxable base for property tax and, since the property itself continues to be listed on the lessor's balance sheet, it is he who will be the payer of property tax. When setting the amount of rent, the landlord should take this fact into account and establish such an amount of rent that will cover these costs and profit from renting out the property.

Recently, a new point of view has appeared on the taxation of leased property (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-06-01-04 / 38 of September 24, 2004, No. 03-06-01-04 / 36 of September 22, 2004, Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow No. 23-10 / 1/74871 dated September 22, 2004), but this point of view contradicts the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since the object is determined based on accounting standards, and not reporting “The object of taxation for Russian organizations is movable and real estate (including property transferred in a temporary possession, use, disposition or trust entered into joint activities), recorded on the balance sheet as items of fixed assets in accordance with with the established order of accounting»And its use contains a significant risk:

Taking into account the above, as well as the requirement of Chapter 30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation that the objects for calculating property tax are objects that are accounted for by the organization according to the accounting rules as fixed assets, we believe that the property recorded by the organization as profitable investments in material values, can not be considered an object of property tax. "

“The Department of Tax and Customs and Tariff Policy has considered the letter and on the issue of whether the property accounted for according to the accounting rules on the account“ Profitable investments in material assets ”is subject to the tax on the property of organizations, reports the following.

According to the requirements normative documents for accounting, an organization in the event of initially accepting for accounting objects of property intended not for their use directly in the production of products, performance of work, provision of services by the organization, but for provision by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income , considers these objects as profitable investments in tangible assets. The specified assets of the organization are assets that are qualitatively different from the non-current assets accounted for by the organization as fixed assets.

Taking into account the above, as well as the requirement of Chapter 30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation that the objects for calculating property tax are objects that are accounted for by the organization according to the accounting rules as fixed assets, we believe that the property recorded by the organization as profitable investments in material values, cannot be considered as an object for calculating property tax. "

“The Moscow Office of the Federal Tax Service reports the following.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the object of taxation of this tax for Russian organizations is movable and immovable property (including property transferred into temporary possession, use, disposal or trust, entered into joint activities), recorded on the balance sheet as fixed assets in in accordance with the established accounting procedure.

The main subject of a lease agreement, as follows from Article 2 of Federal Law of October 29, 98 N 164-FZ "On Financial Lease (Leasing)" and Article 665 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is the provision of the leased asset to the lessee for temporary possession and use for business purposes.

According to clause 1 of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 164-FZ, the leased asset transferred to the lessee under the lease agreement is recorded on the balance sheet of the lessor or lessee by mutual agreement.

The procedure for reflecting operations under a lease agreement in the accounting records is regulated by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 17, 1997 N 15 "On the reflection in accounting of operations under a lease agreement" (hereinafter - Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 15).

The subject of leasing, accounted for on the balance sheet as part of the fixed assets account in accordance with the accounting rules, including the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 15, is subject to taxation of the property tax of organizations in accordance with the generally established procedure.

As for the fixed assets of the leasing company, the procedure for their taxation with the property tax of organizations does not differ from the generally established one. "

For more details on the issues related to lease, you can get acquainted in the book of JSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit" "Rent".

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