Home Lighting Kalina Grant or Priora What to choose. What is better than Priora or Grant Liftbek. Comparative characteristics. In general, price ratio

Kalina Grant or Priora What to choose. What is better than Priora or Grant Liftbek. Comparative characteristics. In general, price ratio

Currently, motor vehicles produced by Lada are very popular among the population of the Russian Federation. This is a domestic company. She produces a considerable number of car models, in connection with which people who have decided to give preference to the company's products often asked about the "grant" or "prior" - what is better.


Conducted the choice of our compatriots with a number of parameters. The first and, it seems, the most important thing is, of course, the price of the car. Compared to foreign cars, the products "Lada" have not so high worth. Yes, and components, car spare parts on the market can be found much easier. They will also go cheaper than for car foreign production. It is worth noting that in all this variety of the models sold a special niche, those two vehicles about which we actually will talk throughout the article. These two vehicles, according to statistics, have become the best-selling copies among all models. It is possible that you as decided to acquire the "Lada". And here, logical, the buyer arises the question. "Grant" or "Priora" - what is better? There is nothing strange in this, and we will try to deal with each of the cars in detail, find out its advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of common in these two models. Interestingly, they are in fairly different price categories. And this clearly does not play a hand in case of choosing between two cars. So the only method that will help us answer the question about the "grant" or "prior" - which is better, will be a detailed analysis with carrying out all comparisons for similar types of car characteristics.

Comparison of external and inner species

In the very first stages of a detailed comparison of two cars (and we are not only about solving the issue of "Lada Grant" or "Priora" - what is better) you must first of all pay attention to their interior and exterior. Perhaps someone will not agree with this, but this is not a personal opinion, but simply the statement of the fact obtained on the basis of surveys of motorists.

So, if we took the basis of one of these models and tried to compare each of them with foreign-made cars, then, most likely, both models would be defeated. Here, of course, much depends on the foreign "opponent." But again, based on foreign standards, we can safely declare that in its appearance "grant" is significantly closer to the conditional bar than the "prior".

Thus, we are already starting to form prerequisites for the answer to the question of what is better: "Priora" or "Grant-Liftbek". Indeed, the latter looks quite pretty compared to the other model. Although the "prior" is not a mistake, but still something in the struggle in the "grant" is missing. Previously, some experts were compared to three models at once. They tried to answer the question about what is better: "Kalina", "grant" or "prior". The results were very expected. But the topic of our article is somewhat different, so we will not become distracted by the question of the question of three models.

First conclusions

So, the "grant" has a more modern, more beautiful design than "prior". It is worth noting the fact that both models have a certain basic configuration. And such a complete set at the first car is much less than the second. It is already clear here to say that in its appearance "Priora" (although they say that it looks terrible, it is simply impossible) still inferior to the "grant". It seems to be a bowl of scales at this moment should be bowed in favor of the last model, but nothing like this happens. The fact is that in terms of the seats "Priora" will be much more comfortable. Take into account the quality of the material from which they are made. Thus, the "Lada Priora" equalizes the account. And then we will continue to consider the characteristics of these two cars to find out what is better: "Priora" or "Grant-Sport".

Analysis of technical equipment

Probably, no one will argue with the fact that many people when choosing a car pay special attention to the study of the so-called "fuel efficiency". That is, attention is drawn to how much fuel consumes a car engine. These two models are equipped with almost alone and the same engines. The manufacturers of the concern decided to such an interesting move.

If you take both cars in the same configuration, then in terms of technical characteristics, we hardly note the special differences between models. However, it is worth saying a few words about the gearbox, which has "Lada Granta". She is definitely better than the "Priors". The fact is that today a new version of the mechanical gearbox is built in this vehicle. It exceeds the previous one if not in all parameters, then according to the overwhelming number of them certainly. It has not been more convenient to switch between the transmissions. Vibration almost completely disappeared somewhere.


If you take two identical configurations, then in terms of fuel consumption, these models of cars will not differ practically. If you feel about car enthusiasts that are more like an automatic transmission, then, most likely, like many of your like-minded people, give your voice in favor of "Lada Grant." Let's not forget that in the "Prior" there is no automatic switching box. And plus it or minus - no longer we understand. Breast of both models can be the fact that they have a fairly reliable, high-quality suspension. But, as far as reliable, it is, the "Lada grants" it will be all the same, since the model itself came out in the market later "Priors". So, the suspension was developed by designers and engineers improved. So, summarize. A "grant" has a certain advantage in terms of technical characteristics. But in general, the models differ insignificantly. Therefore, the advantage can be written not as a whole point, but only half. Next, we will look at how the cost of cars in different configurations correlates, to then answer the question about what is better to take: "grant" or "prior".

The next stage of comparison

Of course, a review of technical specifications, as well as their phased comparison - a great move that makes preliminary conclusions in some case, prepare the preliminary result of the entire comparison. But relying on the opinion only about them will not be completely correct. Therefore, at the very beginning of the article, the topic of the external and inner species of cars was affected, and now we will try to answer the question of "Lada Grant-Liftbek" or "Priora" - what is better, on the basis of including information about the equipment of cars presented on market.

In general, price ratio

So, the cheapest option "priors" will cost approximately the same amount as "grant" presented in the luxury configuration. If someone has not yet understood what we are talking about, let's try to explain a bit more accessible and more. If we take the above-mentioned set of "grants", then it will present an electric power steering, air conditioning (which has recently been very important in the summer, especially in the south of Russia, where the temperature of the day jumps up to 50 degrees). Also in the "grant" will be built in the airbag. But if we take to compare "prior" for the same money, all these elements in it you will simply not see, because there are no them. With similar "addicts" "Priora" will cost much more.

"Priora": advantages and disadvantages

If we were analyzing the models separately, then the latter could be allocated, of course, several strengths. It is enough to remember that "Lada Priora" has ergonomics. Evaluating it on a five-point scale, you can give four. And confident, strong. Among our youth, this model takes noticeable demand. Production of it, as you know, started a few years ago, in 2007.

But the car racks is a real minus model. Considering what in our country there are unreliable roads, racks are simply collapsed. If you make a verdict based on some common parameters, it should be noted that in this plan "Lada Priora" is not bad. Many customers at the model and now. "Priora" comes to the market in two configurations. This is "normal" and "suite." The first includes front windows, on-board computer, airbag, headlight corrector. The second has the same elements, but air conditioning is added to them, as well as ABC, EBD. It is noticeable to break between the trim and in the appearance of cars. The luxury model has fog lamps, cast discs, parking sensors.

Grant: Advantages and Disadvantages

And "Lada Granta" is equipped with an engine that produces significantly less noise. This is achieved through the use of modern noise insulation modules in the design. The Lada Grant line is represented by three modifications, the power of the engines of which is, respectively, 80, 90 and 98 horsepower.

Car salon is performed, you can say in the European style. It features its characteristics, namely the high level of silence and comfort when driving. The production of the model started not so long ago, only in 2011. The basis served the device of the previous car - "Lada Kalina". Already next year, three configurations called "Suite", "Standard" and "Norma" appeared on the car market.

The trunk of the "grants" is more compatible than the "priors". Its volume is equal to 5 hundred liters. But the model has its drawbacks, like each car. Having passed several thousand kilometers on this car, all drivers face that the transport starts tritely cracking. The sensor, which shows which temperature does the engine have, is not provided.

Who is suitable "grant"?

But in terms of safety, the car complies with absolutely all standards and requirements. Enter the turn by moving at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, hard. People often acquire a car from 30 to 59 years. But if you again answer the question about what is better: "Priora 2" or "grant", based on the averaged characteristics and facts, then the answer is obvious here: "Grant". The model turned out to be very successful, you can't argue with it.

What is better: "Grant" or "Priora"? Ownership reviews

Almost all owners note that the technical equipment of the "grants" will be better than its rival. Very often there are "Priors" problems with POMPE. Since the "grant" was developed later, it is not amazing the fact that the car is improved in technical terms. Many drivers who have used as a car "Kalina" have moved to the "grant", motivating it by its advantages.

Attracts their new buyers, first of all, low cost and inexpensive service. It so happened that AvtoVAZ cars are famous for the reputation of proven workers who will correctly serve as a benefit of the family and small businesses. Products of the Volga Automobile Plant and the Service in State Structures are in demand.

Approximately one niche among Lada cars are two models: Priora and relatively fresh Granta model. Not each of the fans of these models will be able to answer the question about what is better:. Therefore, in order to arrange accents about each car and identify certain positive advantages of both models, it is necessary to study them in detail.

Starting positions, characteristics

I would like to remind you that Lada Priora, a family car model, is already produced long enough. More precisely, the prior came to the market in 2007. It appeared after leaving the production of its predecessor - VAZ 2110 models. Lada Priora survived in 2013 and gained a whole line of machines with various types of body.

  1. Sedan model produced since 2007
  2. The car with the body of the hatchback went to the series in 2008
  3. Priora with the body of the Universal was released in mid-2009
  4. Priora with body coupe, which appeared in 2010, is very popular.

If we talk about the age of the car, then one significant advantage appears here. The car on the caution of his life on the conveyor appears in front of the future owner in the already mature age. If you compare a fresh model with a car that is located on the conveyor for more than 5-6 years, then "old-timer" probably does not have a large number of "children's" sores.

Technically, the machine in the process of its release is undergoing modernization, certain modifications. Therefore, the probability to buy a vehicle that will cause problems in the technical plan is almost minimized. In addition, the car will not lag from time from the position of equipping various options or security systems. In this regard, the prior or any other car is also upgraded over time.

Lada Grant entered the market as an alternative to the outdated "Zhigulevskaya" classics - VAZ-2105 and 2107 models. In 2011, a car appeared, which made a fresh stream into AvtoVAZ line. The car during the release received several types of bodies at once:

  1. In early 2011, a version of the car with a sedan body appeared.
  2. In mid-2012, the first car with the body of hatchback was released, more precisely - Liftbek.

The updated appearance and the popularity of the model in a successful body type (elefbeck) allow you to make your choice more confidently to potential owners. At the same time, the most budget versions of the machine are not in great demand, since it looks robust.

Comparative Test Drive Lada

To fully compare these two cars and see what can oppose the fresh grant against the car Lada Priora, you need to compare them in all positions. Among the main - you can call such parameters as the length, wheelbase and width of the car. Here, the explicit favorite performs the Lada Priora, which, with a total length of 4350 mm, has a wheelbase in 2492 mm. Against priors, the grant model exhibits the following - 4260 mm, and the wheelbase - 2476.

It can be noted that with a smaller length of Lada Grant is ready to provide its rear passengers with a free space with the older model. Given the more modern architectural construction, the car has more opportunities and for the carriage of goods. The car with the body of the sedan can offer 480 liters of the luggage compartment against 430 liters of priors. Similarly, the situation looks like cars with a 5-door body hatchback, taking into account the fact that the wheelbase did not change:

  • length - 4210 mm;
  • the luggage compartment is 360 liters.
  • length - 4246 mm;
  • luggage compartment - 440mm.

Thus, if we take into account the technical indicators in the field of geometric parameters, then in the dispute "that better" a more modern car Lada Grant for the main consumer indicators beat opponent. Taking into account the more original appearance, the likelihood of buying a grant sedan or grant with a body of Liftbek even more increases.

However, Lada Priora does not fall so simple. In her arsenal there is just an indisputable trump card in the form of a car with a body wagon. The volume of the trunk here may vary between the indicator of 444 liters for the usual state and increase to 777 liters with folded rear seats. His buyer who is concerned about the carriage of overall cargo often makes trips to the country, fishing or just travels, the prior wagon will not miss.

The car with a body of a 3-door hatback (or coupe), thanks to an attractive appearance, has its own target audience, for example, active youth, which will not buy a car, based on the trunk capacity. Such a car usually choose a heart.

Power aspect and aesthetic component

Recently, AvtoVAZ motor line has been significantly updated. It is difficult to say that in the equipping of various models, the company has a wide variety. It can be noted that for equipping the grant model, a line of gasoline engines in a volume of 1.6 liters, which have 2 and 4 valves per cylinder, and power varies from 81 to 120 liters. from. Hatchback is deprived of the most powerful version of the motor. To work in a pair with a motor, not only mechanical transmission is offered, but also an automatic transmission.

The accelerating dynamics of the car is in the range from 9.5 s per "hundred", up to 13.5 seconds for the motor, the power of which is 81 liters. from. Unlike grants, a heavier prior was not so long ago received another motor. The more powerful unit in 1, 8 liters can accelerate the 5-door hatchback or wagon up to 100 km / h in 10 seconds. In this case, the motor has a sufficiently solid indicator for a torque - 165 nm, which allows the 123-strong engine of the loaded machine not to lose its suquestness. It is the small stock of traction a car lacked sometimes on a protracted rise or when performing overtaking.

You can agree that the car is chosen on the basis of a holistic perception. And here you can rely on both your own feeling and numerous reviews of automotive experts.

Still, it looks slightly rude. For the most part, this applies to the stern, where the trunk looks somewhat foreign. But Grant Liftback is a real beauty. Taking into account the modern design of the cabin, as well as subject to the selection of a rich version of the equipment, the car can boldly argue with any foreign car.

As for the interior, then after the modernization of the older model of large discrepancies on the functionality and ergonomics of the driver's seat, the quality of finishing materials, the safety of the driver and passengers is not available. Therefore, it is clear to say that it is better: prior or Lada Grant, it is impossible here. If the Salon has a younger model still looks somewhat modern, then older - can oppose better noise insulation.

At the same time, the universal and hatchback of the prior can be attributed to those cars, the appearance of which is always relevant. The concept of "beautiful wagon" does not exist in such a categorical form as for other modifications. Therefore, the car can be safely choosing for its practicality. And three-door hatchback can be taken as a cute first car or a second car for the family.

Cost of modifications

Before summing up some results in an attempt to determine which model to give preference: Lade of prior or grant, you should pay attention to such an indicator as the cost of the car.

1. Lada Priora. As a workhorse, you can buy a car at the next price for different types of body:

  • hatchback - from 350 thousand rubles;
  • sedan - from 335 thousand rubles;
  • universal - from 375 thousand rubles.

Accordingly, cars in rich versions will cost - 452, 447 and 458 thousand rubles.

2. Grant, more modern class B class, is estimated:

  • budget version with a motor 1.6 liters (82 liters. p.) - 289 thousand rubles;
  • the variant of the car in the top package costs about 420 thousand rubles;
  • the sports version is estimated at 482 thousand rubles.

It can be assumed that many choose in the quality of the family car. There are no difference in the working machine, and, as practice shows, grant and prior wagon use in great demand. If you evaluate what is better to purchase for the soul, then here it is unlikely to prior with a coupe can oppose many weighty arguments of the sports version of Grant Liftbek.

You can recognize that the Russian automotive industry not only raised the bar of its cars. Machines have become more modern: from the beginning of the creation of the platform to technical equipment, externally attractive appearance. AvtoVAZ learned to make cars for different target audiences. And the buyer has the right to choose the machine according to its functional purpose, given its financial capabilities.

For those who are looking for an inexpensive and new car, the first thing comes the creations of AvtoVAZ. Although the domestic automotive concern is gradually moving to the release of more comfortable and expensive models that can make decent competition to foreign cars, the choice of budget options is still wide. In principle, it is quite reasonable - the price of them is low, there are no problems with spare parts either, the technical characteristics are generally at the level, they do not too much in comparison with Chinese cars, and even exceed them.

However, there is often a dilemma between two models. So what is better - a grant or prior? With this question and you need to figure it out.


Of course, a little strange to argue about it in the light of such a comparison, however, it is necessary to admit that in the medium of young people (especially guys) the prior is marked much higher than the grant. She even earned the status of a certain "Patzanskaya" car. Still, Lada Grant is oriented, first of all, for the older generation, whose representatives do not pay special. This means that in this round, the victory remains behind the prior.

Video: 2013 Lada Grant Lux. Overview (Interior, Exterior, Engine)

Body gamma and dimensions

And in this regard, Granta is a clear favorite, because it can be chosen both as a sedan, and like Liftbek, while the buyer of Priora will have to be content with a non-alternative 5-door sedan.

If you compare the parameters of competitors, it is noticeable that the prior is superior to their poses in length, but the grant is played in width and height. The wheelbase in priors is more, however, the front and rear gauges are already, and the trunk is noticeably less. Visually comparing the parameters is presented in the table:

Dimensions / model Lada Priora (Sedan) LADA GRANTA (Sedan)
Length 4 350 mm 4 260 mm
Height 1 420 mm 1 500 mm
Width 1,680 mm 1 700 mm
Wheelbase 2,492 mm 2 476 mm
King of front wheels 1 410 mm 1 430 mm
Pitch rear wheels 1 380 mm 1,414 mm
Clearance 165 mm 160 (145) mm
Volume of trunk 430 L. 520 L.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the ground clearance. At first glance, cars are almost equal, because the difference is only 5 mm in favor of priors. However, this is true only when comparing both rivals with mechanical gearboxes and a robot. If the grant is equipped with a classic automatic transmission, it sends it noticeably, since its clearance decreases only to 145 mm. In the light of this, it can be recognized that there is a combat draw in terms of dimensions.


Here all subjectively. It is noticeable that the prior was created in the first decade of the XXI century, when the Lancer IX, Kia Ceed, and others were taken as an example. This imposed her mark.

Priors have convex optics of the head light, a massive sloping hood and an imperious bumper. In the front of the front, decorated with tiny round fog and a trapezoid radiator grille with chrome edging.

The profile is immediately noticeable by large doors and long skes of the body, and the glazing area is impressive. In addition, the entire sidewall crosses the long line of the submarine. But there are no plastic moldings. Non bad feed - smooth bumper, high feet, massive trunk lid with shiny lining. Not too long, but there is nothing screaming either.

Lada Grant is made in a more modern style, but her appearance is frankly boring. It is noticeable that the designers set forth the goal of creating a kind of "universal" model. It is highlighted in front of large headlights, radiator grille and air intake, which, in fact, and occupy the entire FAS. And the composition of the big hood and round fog will be completed.

On the side there are similar sinks of the body, and also plastic linings on the doors, painted in black. Yes, and side windows are no less than that of priors. Behind the eyes rushes a huge trunk lid with a pair of "clawing" submarines. And the fact that the license plate is installed in the rear bumper, only enhances the impression.

Video: 2014 Lada Priora Suite. Review (interior, exterior, engine).



Lada Priora boasts a pair of motors, whereas it is visited by 3 engines. In many ways, these power units are similar - they have an atmospheric design, an injector, a row layout of 4 cylinders and a cross-arrangement in the engine compartment.

Priors and grants list opens an 8-valve gasoline, a volume of 1.6 liters. The capacity is frankly small and is 87 liters. With., which are achieved at a mark of 5,100 revolutions. However, it helps a good torque that is not only equal to 140 nm, but also is already 3,800 revolutions. Consumption of models is identical and quite acceptable - 9.0 / 7.0 / 5.8 liters. With such characteristics of the prior accelerates to hundreds for quite worthy of 12.5 seconds, issuing a maximum of 176 km / h. The maximum speed of grants is noticeably less (167 km / h), but the dynamics are a little better - 12.2 seconds.

There is another common motor. They already become a 16-valve engine, also with a volume of 1.6 liters. It has a lot of power and reaches 106 horses by 5,800 revolutions, but the thrust grew slightly, stopping at 148 "Newtons" for 4,200 revolutions. Fuel consumption is almost the same. At the priory, it is 8.9 / 6.8 / 5.6, while grants - 8.6 / 6.7 / 5.6. Regarding the dynamics, the prior corresponds to a hundred for 11.5 seconds, reaching the maximum speed of 183 km / h. Grants Results - 10.9 seconds. and 183 km / h. However, this is true for versions with MCPP5. From AMT5 GrantA indicators worse - 12.3 sec. and 180 km / h, supplemented with an appetite in 9.0 / 6.6 / 5.2 liters.

But the round remains behind the grant, since she has "in the honeycomb" there is another unit - 1.6-liter, 98-strong 16-valve. His peak is 5,600 revolutions, and a maximum of 145 nm is achieved by 4,000 revolutions. However, due to aggregation exclusively with AT4, the results are average - 13.3 sec. Until hundreds, maximum speed of 173 km / h and appetite at 9.9 / 7.6 / 6.1 liters.

Boxes gear

There is a complete victory of grants. After all, the prior can offer only a 5-speed "mechanics", which is also in the opponent. In general, the box is not bad. However, during the ride, many note discomfort - the lever vibrates, the transfers are far from always turn on clearly, until the fact that their PPC handle has to literally drive into the groove. Yes, and speed departures, sometimes, happen.

However, in addition to the "knobs", Lada Granta also has a classic 4-range from Jatco (JF414E model) for a 98-strong motor, and another 5-speed Robot of AMT 2182 domestic production. Of course, with such transmissions and the dynamics are a little worse, and the consumption is higher, however, these gearboxes are quite at the level of competitors sold by about the same price, and most importantly, it is possible to forget about permanent shifts that in megalopolis more than relevant.


The layout layout in the models is the same. This is standard, as for such a segment, a semi-dependent scheme, with a torsion beam on the rear axle and MacPherson racks on the front. Front disk, and behind drums. Of course, the suspension of both models cannot be called driver, but its energy intensity is at the height, which, coupled with a good clearance (like some crossovers), makes both machines ideal for countryholes (and not only) roads.


Of course, the interior design is subjective, however, the majority in favor of priors. After the restyling, the Sedan's salon was noticeably smoothed. It is performed in a classic style with sportiness notes.

A warm-up 3-spoke steering wheel towers before the driver, followed by an elegant dashboard with convenient scales recessed into small wells. On the rectangular central console, all the options for control options are concentrated, although they are frankly low, especially the disc regulators of temperature and air flow. However, this is a consequence of a large display and blowing deflectors who occupied hardly half of the entire space. The whole torpedo is worked out of monophonic dark plastic.

The seats are not bad, but the side support is clearly lacking, because of what the car is not easy in steep turns. Review at the level, although wide front racks limit the sector. Behind the spot is quite enough, and the trunk is not the smallest.

In the grant, everything is a little different. The dashboard is perfectly read, but it looks much easier, and the central console is not so good at the bottom, but at the top of the torpedo is placed, like a rocket nozzle, incremental blowing deflectors. On the other hand, the ergonomics on it is thought out better and the lower bodies of the controls do not overlap by the lever of the CAT, as in the prior. Over glove box spacious niche. The steering wheel is almost the same as the priors, and the black finishing plastic too.

With visibility, things are approximately the same as with the seats. Rear is quite comfortable, but the trunk grants is significantly more - by 90 liters.


The configuration of the models is approximately the same. The difference is only that in the basic configuration, the standard of grants has only one airbag, EBD, ABS and BAS systems, DRS, and audio preparation. Priora in the Standard version additionally has a speaker, an on-board computer, armrest, an electric power steering and handles painted into a kelner of the body. And the price is almost no different - the grant costs 383 900 rubles, and the prior is given for 389,000 rubles. Such equipment like Priora (a little better) in a grant can only be obtained in the norm / classic version, which for 419,600 rubles.

With the growth of cost, technical indicators increase, and the equipment becomes richer - air conditioning appears, heated seats, heated mirrors and electrically regulating, armrest in the rear sofa and other options.

In the top price of the prior reaches 491,000 rubles., Whereas for the grant it is 541 400 rubles. However, the difference of 50,000 rubles, given the approximately the same technical data, is quite justified, since Lada Granta has no available for a competitor with a multimedia complex with a 7-inch touchscreen type display, Bluetooth, parking sensors, a pillow for passenger, light sensors, rain and other options.

As can be seen, the choice between Lada Priora and Lada Grant is not so simple, but not too complicated. Given the almost identical characteristics of the motors (except 98-strong), only a transmission question remains, since fans of automata will have to choose only a grant. Its price is a bit higher, however, given the availability of automatic transmission, robot and more generous equipment, the difference is quite justified.

Recently, more and more car owners prefer the Lada machines. The leading positions on sales of this concern occupy. Moreover, those who plan to acquire a domestic car long cannot stop their choice on a specific model. Priora or grant, what is still purchased?

Answer definitely on this question is difficult, at least two of these "braes" of the Lada and in different price categories, but have a lot of common features and characteristics, and this makes the choice even more difficult.

Many are surprised than such love for the Russian automotive industry is caused. But here just everything is simple, it is associated with a low price of "iron horses" and accessible components on them. More and more people prefer to enjoy a new car, albeit domestic production than a B / y foreign car. Why this happens, explain easy. Buy good quality hard. Basically, all cars are repaired after strong accidents, and to take reluctance to anyone in a bag.

But how to identify the winner in the battle of prior vs grant? To do this, it is necessary to produce a comparative analysis of cars in all positions, such an approach will help to determine when purchasing.

Grant against Priors: Compare External and Inside

The first thing we draw attention to the purchase of a car is its external and inner view. And if, for example, compare a model with import vehicles, then the interior and exterior of domestic cars will plungely lose, look poorer and more boring.

If we abstract from foreign cars and talk about each car specifically, the grant has a more modern body and an attractive design, rather than her rival Lada Priora. Moreover, the prior in the basic configuration is much more expensive than its rival. Therefore, in the struggle of prior against grants in appearance and inner design wins the second. And one more plus in favor of grants - In 2014, the car began to produce in the body of Liftbek (before that there was only a sedan). This version of the car looks very presentable and modern. If you do not see the Lada nameplate, then Grant Liftbek may well get together for the "foreigner". Priora is produced in the body of the sedan, wagon and hatchback, but cars do not look so spectacular like a grant liftbek.

The appearance of the body is the first to pay the buyer

In 2014, Lada Priora has undergone restyling. True, the body has changed not radically. Lada Priora 2014 differs from the previous version with an updated bumper, radiator grille and modified headlights. Also, the car supplemented with new LED stop signals and rear dimensions.

But inside the Lada Priora 2014 was changed straight. The front panel attracts the updated design, and in expensive tributes, you can observe cruise control and modern.

The tilt mechanism of the back in Lada Priora 2014 was also finalized, it now functions smoothly and clearly, as in the grant. The heating system of seats Priors became a trink. Under the seats appeared plastic lining closing free space. In general, inside the prior was very transformed, outside - so-so. And here only you decide whether you agree to overpay for the interior of the salon a very decent amount.

Compare specifications

In addition to an attractive appearance and inexpensive price, each car owner draws attention to various engine characteristics. If you return to the confrontation of a grant or prior, both machines are equipped with almost identical motors. The difference will vary slightly from the selected configuration. According to experts, the gearbox in grants is better than its competitor priors. Currently, the grant is produced with an updated manual transmission, which is many times better than the previous one. Switching speed is now much more convenient, and the vibration that was present earlier, there was no.

The amount of gasoline that consumes the one and another car with the same specifications is not particularly different. Since 2014, the prior is manufactured with a robotic gearbox, like a grant. True, the cost of priors with such a box will be about 500 thousand rubles, but it is not about it now.

The quality of the suspension of the Grand and the updated prior was practically equal to

Both "braes" of the Lada concern can boast a reliable suspension. And if first in the duel between the machines in terms of driving quality clearly won the grant, then after 2014, when the prior has undergone a number of changes, they almost equalized.

But, to the sadness of many car owners, all changes that occurred with the prior in 2014, did not add the power machine, this is not a car. Its potential capacity is 98 and 106 hp But Grant has a modification of the sport, and she has 118 "horses" under the hood. Someone will say that this is also small, but the reviews of the owners say about the opposite. The machine with a sports filling is very sharp.

Lada Grant or Priora: Complete set and price

Of course, everyone wants to have a reliable and modern car equipped with a powerful engine, but also about the cost of the car do not need to forget. So, the cheapest model of priors in the basic configuration, regardless of the body, will cost approximately both (liftbek) in the luxury configuration. Of course, not in the most appointed, but still a suite.

To make it easier to decide, prior or Lada Grant, consider each car separately. So, prior - this model is very ergonomic and on a five-point scale can get a firm four. The car enjoys great love from the younger generation, which with pleasure tuning the prior, alone her "for himself."

The production of this vehicle began in 2007, in 2014 a restyling was held, which, as mentioned, did not particularly change the appearance, but added in the technical characteristics and in the interior. The most important refinement in the camp of 2014 - racks, which in the previous version simply collapsed. It was a huge minus car. In general, the model is very good and uses buyers with good demand. The vehicle is presented in two configurations: the norm and suite, which differ in the presence of additional functions.

Lada Grant began to be produced in 2011. She immediately interested in many buyers with an attractive design and a low price. The machine is equipped with a fairly quiet engine and a modern system of noise insulation. Salon is not different in particular chic, but it is quite comfortable when driving. From the conveyor, the model went in 2011, in addition to the sedan, Liftback was also released. Grant is available in three sets: standard, norm and suite. The cheapest and "empty" car will cost the buyer a little more than 300 thousand rubles.

If we talk about security, then the grant has done to cope with European crash tests. Of course, in the car there are devices, but in general this model can be called successful. And if you compare the very first cars of this model and those that have come from the conveyor in 2014 after a minor restyling, then the quality has increased markedly.

So what car is better

Differences of cars insignificant and winning grants rather associated with the year of her release

Of course, each person chooses a car to his taste and pocket. But considering all the characteristics described above, the grant wins several points at the priors, at least because the first more modern than her rival. Even the fact that the prior was updated in 2014, it does not particularly save it. By the way, there is information that the last year is the latter, when they produce a prior, it should replace the perfect new model.

In addition to the appearance and technical characteristics, grant is cheaper than the rival. This is also connected with the fact that when it is assembling it is used less details.

But the priors have undoubted advantages. This machine perfectly showed itself in operation. Problems and "sores" models have long been known, wait for some surprises, acquiring it, does not have to. A grant is already not so "raw", as a couple of years ago, but it may still be unpleasant to surprise its owner.

Therefore, it is better to decide that a grant or prior is the prerogative of the buyer. Weigh all the pros and cons of each model, sit in them, appreciate the volume of the trunk, salon, specifications. If you listen to the opinion of experts, there is some significant difference between the two vehicles. When choosing, rely on the available means and your own preferences. Successful choice!

What is preferable or what is better - prior or grant?

With regard to these two domestic cars, they are chosen, first of all, for the reason that their cost is much lower than most of the analogues produced abroad. It is already sufficiently given everyone knows that cars of AvtoVAZ are considered good, affordable and high-quality workers, which can be used for small families and business. It is worth highlighting the fact that cars of this production are actively used in the state structures of various kinds.

Approximately in one category there are two domestic production vehicles, and. Not every person, even actively interested in domestic auto industry, will be able to answer the question of which car is better. It is for this reason that in order to make a high-quality, correct and reliable verdict, it is necessary to thoroughly study every component of cars.

Starting positions and characteristics

Lada Priora, by the way, is a family car, which is already produced for a long time. If we speak more accurate numbers, then the car appeared in the domestic market, for another 2007. This model replaced the VAZ 2110 deserved rest. In 2013, the prior was almost completely recycled. Due to this, several cars appeared at once, with various types of bodies.

  1. The very first model was released in the body of the sedan, since 2007.
  2. Then the car was released with the body of the hatchback, which appeared in 2008.
  3. Universal body type, appeared at the priors in 2009.
  4. The body of the coupe, which appeared in 2010, enjoys great popularity, to this day.

If we talk about the age of the model, then in this case one undeniable advantage appears. The fact is that the car is already produced for a long time, and therefore, over these years, a lot has been reworked. The last reissue of the car showed that there are practically no significant flaws in the work.

Russian sedan.

From a technical point of view, the car is constantly undergoing modernization and will be improved in all indicators. It is for this reason that to acquire a new car that would give serious trouble in technical terms, reduced to zero. Moreover, the car establishes all the most modern technologies and systems that do not allow to fall behind him in this regard, from new products. Priora in this plan shows a quite worthy result.

With regard to not less well-known domestic customers of Lada Grant, it came to the market, in order to replace the already substantially outdated VAZ 2105 and VAZ 2107. This car brought into the domestic automotive market, a sip of fresh air. During the existence of this car, it became the owner of two different bodies.

  1. The body of the sedan was the very first, and he appeared in 2011.
  2. After that, a car with a body of Liftbek appeared, in 2012.

Comparative Test Drives

In order to get an accurate answer to the question, which can offer an old prior, much more fresh and updated grant, you need to compare cars in each position. The main parameters have always been indicators of length, widths and height of the car, as well as the size of the wheelbase. In this case, it is expected, forward comes out of the body, in which the body length was 4 meters 35 centimeters, and the size of the wheelbase is 2 meters 49.2 centimeters. In grants, these indicators are much lower. In this case, the length of the vehicle was 4 meters 26 centimeters, and the wheelbase is 2 meters 47.6 centimeters.

Despite the fact that grants are much less than the length of the car, she was able to provide exactly as many spaces for the rear passengers as the priors. Due to the fact that grants have a much more advanced architectural construction, it can transport and small cargo. A grant car with a sedan body, has a luggage compartment at 480 liters, but the prior boasts only 430 liters of free space. In the same way, the situation looks like with five door hatchback, since the wheelbase in this case remained unchanged.

  • Lada Lada Priors - 4 meters 21 centimeter.
  • The luggage compartment is 360 liters.
  • Lada Lada grants - 4 meters 24.6 centimeters.
  • Luggage compartment - 440 liters.

If you judge exclusively on dimensions and spatial features, then in this case, a newer car model looks like much more attractive. Test, grant bypassing the prior, in all indicators. Among other things, the grants have a much more unusual and interesting appearance.

Despite all this, the prior is not even going to give up. After all, this car has one stranded trump card in the sleeve, in the form of a body station wagon, which is simply not in grants. The luggage compartment in this case already has an indicator of 444 liters. In addition, it is possible to fold the rear seats and increase this indicator to 777 liters of free space. It is just an ideal option, for people who need to often carry small cargo freight, which is often driving to the country and in nature. A grant of this suggest your buyer, alas, can not.

With regard to the car coupe on 3 doors, then this option also has its fans and admirers. This is an excellent option, for people who love an unusual style from cars.

Power parameters and aesthetic data

Over the past few years, AvtoVAZ has released several updates at once, for its cars. It cannot be said that in the technical plan there is a straightforward diversity, but the situation in this plan has at least moved from the dead point. Grant uses gasoline engines in 1.6 liters, which have two and four valves on the cylinders. The power of such cars amounted to 81 and 120 horsepower. The hatchback will not be able to use the most powerful engine from all available. It is also possible to pick up a car with a mechanical and automatic transmission.

The car is capable of accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour, for 9.5 seconds, on the most powerful version of the engine, and for 13.5 seconds, by car running at 81 horsepower. Regarding the priors, then relatively recently, it appeared another engine type. A much more powerful analogue of 1.8 liters has the ability to overclock the hatchback up to 100 kilometers per hour, in 10 seconds. The torque in this case is 165 nm. Thanks to this, the engine with a capacity of 123 horsepower, maybe enough to feel on the road. In some situations, there were previously extremely lacked traction for a comfortable ride.

Without a doubt, the car is worth choosing, pushing out the overall indicators. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to weigh all the disadvantages and advantages, each car.

With regard to grants, it looks much more rude and not aesthetic. Most of the complaints were, just the same to the background of the car, where the trunk looks like a completely foreign body. However, the situation has greatly corrected the elefbeck grant. There is already a much more interesting and high-quality salon, and there is also the opportunity to choose several options for equipping.

If we talk about the wagist and hatchback priors, then they look great. This is a fairly practical version of a car that does not have blowing lines and other unusual elements. It can be said that this is a powerful classic.

Price policy

Before making final conclusions, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with this component.

  1. Priora can be used as a work vehicle, it exists in a variety of modifications and is sold at a given price:
  • Hatchback - 350 thousand rubles.
  • Sedan - 335 thousand rubles.
  • Universal - 375 thousand rubles.

Ricor versions of cars will cost much more cost.

  1. Grant is a much more modern model of the class B car, worth so much:
  • The cheapest version of the car with a 1.6 liter engine and 82 horsepower will cost 289 thousand rubles.
  • Top equipment - 420 thousand rubles.
  • Sports option - 482 thousand rubles.

Those people who are looking for a car for family trips will definitely choose a prior. However, if you need to get more comfort while driving, then pay attention to the grant. In any case, these two cars look quite well.

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