Home Generator The plan-abstract classes on the surrounding world (the average group) on the topic: The summary of the joint activities of children and the teacher to form a holistic picture of the world "Acquaintance with the types of transport" in the middle group. Air transport Plan-abstract classes (surroundings

The plan-abstract classes on the surrounding world (the average group) on the topic: The summary of the joint activities of children and the teacher to form a holistic picture of the world "Acquaintance with the types of transport" in the middle group. Air transport Plan-abstract classes (surroundings

Anna Sveznyna
Abstract Classes B. medium group By familiarization with the outside world using ICT "Transport"


- to form an idea of \u200b\u200btransport and its kinds;

Give information about the history of appearance transportation;

Explain the rules of behavior in public transport;

Develop the ability to allocate distinctive features of objects and

combine them in groups by essential features;

Educating the desire to take care of green plantings.

A type classes: Studying a new material.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation.

Travel course:


Tell me guys, do you love to travel? (children's responses)

And who will tell me where you were? (children's responses)

How did you get there, is it very far? (Answers children: by car, by train, etc.)

And how in a word you can call the items that helped you get into the right place? (transport)

Did you probably take some things with you? After all, you never know what you may need to travel? (children's responses)

For what we need transport? (Transport people, loads)

Well done boys! What else transport you know? (children's responses)

How much! Guys, and you know that transport is divided into types? Here, today, we and we learn what kinds are transportation. But first I will tell you one story. This morning, a bear called me and said: "We go to Masha with Masha Country sweetswhere much is a lot of raspberry. The path there is long and without the help of the guys, we can not cope! "

Help, Masha and Bear guys? (children's responses)

Then let's start. So Masha and the Bear went on a journey. For a long time they walked, and here in front of them a dense forest, trees so often grow, like a wall. (Slide 2)

What to do? What transport will help them? (helicopter, plane and balloon). Right, and helicopter, airplane and balloon, what kind transportation? (air) (Slide 3,4,5)

Masha and the Bear moved through the forest and continued their journey. As suddenly, in front of them, they saw a big lake. The lake turned out to be wide and very deep. (Slide 6)

What to do? How to move across the lake? (Swip on) Well done! What is this ID transportation? (water) (Slide 7,8,9)

So the lake remains behind. Masha and the Bear continued their journey. But suddenly the cave arose before them. (Slide 10)

How to pass through it? What can help our heroes? (Metro) What kind of type it transportation? (underground) (Slide 11,12,13,14)

Masha and the bear overcame the cave, and in front of them the wide field spread. (Slide 15)

How to be? What to go? (children's responses) And what kind of type transportation? (terrestrial) (Slides 16-21)

Here Masha and Misha got to Countries of sweets. What transport helped them in the way? (Slide 22)

2. Fizkultminutka "Aircraft"

Guys, stand up from our places, we will break out a little.

Airplanes tucked

(rotation in front of the breasts bent in the elbows hands)

Airplanes flew

(Hands to the sides, alternately slopes to the sides)

At the glade quietly sat down

(sit down, hands to the knees)

Yes, and again flew.

(Hands on the sides with inclons to the sides)

3. History transportation(Slide 23-28)

Very, very long ago, the person moved only on foot, and all he needed to move, all the goods - he wore on himself. What do you think it was easy for him to wear all gravity on myself? Yes, it was very hard. Time passed, and to help a person came (horses, donkeys) That's right, guys, pets. And in hot countries Even camels and elephants. Animals greatly facilitated the lives of people. Then a person began to build boats from a tree, and with the invention of sails and ships, use wind power, inflating sails. The man was able to swim along the rivers, seas and even across the oceans. Then, a steam locomotive appeared, he could carry huge loads and a large number of people at huge distances.

But rails can not be laid everywhere. And the inventors came up with the first car, they removed the rails and the locomotive drove on the wheels. Since transportation constantly improved. The cars became more powerful and faster, thanks to the engine that worked on gasoline. Then the first appeared aircraft: Inventors put a gasoline engine on a glider, and then submarines, metro, rockets and many more different types appeared transportation.

4. Fastening the material studied.

The game "Boarding Sloves"

Won't go without gasoline

No bus nor. (a car)

It goes on two wheels,

Not raging on the slopes

And there is no gasoline in the tank - this is mine. (bicycle) (Slide 29)

Feed me with gasoline,

On kopytsy give rubber,

And then, raising dust,

Runs. (car) (Slide 30)

Without overclocking, it takes off,

Dragonfly reminds.

Departed in flight

Thinking. (helicopter) (Slide 31)

In this house silence,

Many windows, one door.

The house flies under the heavens.

Behind the window everything country.

the house went to the flight.

So it. (plane) (Slide 32)

There is no breakup on the horizon,

But revealed in the sky an umbrella.

In a few minutes

Got down. (parachute) (Slide 33)

Conversation on issues.

All named funds Movement serve one goal. What? (Transportation)

What are they transported? (Loads, people)

So, depending on what or who is transported transport It can be divided into groups. What? (Passenger and cargo)

And if divided vehicles for species, depending on where he used: on earth, on water, underground, in the air. How are these species called? (Air, water, terrestrial and underground)

What do you think what transport is most safe actor? Why?

How to avoid dangerous situations related to transport?

Sometime the main horses served by transport? Now they are completely replaced by cars. People, of course, won from such a replacement. And nature?

How do we like to be? After all, we can not refuse modern transportation?

5. Behavior of the results classes

Guys, today we helped Masha and Bear to get to Country sweets and met from various species transportation. With cars, trains and ships you are already familiar, but a little later you get acquainted with other vehicles. But you must remember that you need to keep care on any roads and in any form transportation and follow the rules road.

Children's age:medium group.

Location: Group.

Purpose of classes: Continue to acquaint children with the emergence of various types of transport.

Software content: Secure knowledge of the driver's profession, about the need to comply with the rules of the road.

Exercise in the ability to classify transport by type.

Secure the ability to work with paper and glue, create a holistic composition from the elements.

Develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, shallow motorcy, speech.

Reliable respect for the driver's profession.


Intensification of the dictionary: Develop the speech of children with the names of vehicles, professions of people manageing these vehicles.

Enrichment of the dictionary: Chauffeur, driver, passenger, balloon, engine, steam locomotive, glider, land transport, air transport, water transport.

Equipment: Pictures depicting a variety of vehicles, roads, sea pier, railway, airfield or sky with clouds, sail napkins for respiratory gymnastics, appliqué equipment.

Preliminary work: Transport observation.

Consider subject and plot pictures on the topic "Transport".

Coloring paintings-color depicting vehicles.

Conversation, didactic game or lesson on the rules of the road.

Travel course: I have grown year,

There will be seventeen.

Where to work me then

What to do?

A person came up with many different and interesting professions. Each of you, when a little grow up, will choose what to do and what profession to stop your choice.

Today we will talk about people today who help us get from one place to another, whose task to transport people and cargo at different distances.

Riddle: All the roads are familiar to me,

I'm in the cockpit like at home.

I'm flashing traffic lights,

He knows that I am ... (children's responses).

Yes, these are chasters. Chauffeur or, as it is also called, the driver. What do you think, what qualities should a good driver or driver be posted? What should he know and be able to? (Children's responses).

(The educator corrects children and focuses on such qualities as responsible, attentiveness, conscientiousness, discipline, diligence, politeness).

But the most important thing - the driver must be very good to know the rules of the road, because the safety and passengers depends on this, and pedestrians on the roads. To know the rules of the road, not only the chaffins, but also pedestrians, and not only know, but always fulfill the requirements of these rules. It is very important!

Reading a poem "Shofira"

Reading a child: rustle on the roads

Merry tires

We hurry on the roads

Machines, cars ...

And in the body - important

Urgent cargo:

Brick and iron,

Firewood and watermelons.

Work of the chauffeurs

Difficult and difficult

But how do she

Everywhere needed. Kurban Choliev

Story about the types of transport.

Let's find out in which sequence the types of transport appeared.

At first, the person moved independently and all the goods wore on himself. What do you think it was easy to wear gravity? It was very hard. But here the help of a person came ... Yes, pets. Horses, donkeys, and in hot countries and elephants, camels. Man got the opportunity to travel and transporting small cargo.

Then the person invented the boat and the sail, began to build ships from the tree and use the wind strength, inflating sails, he got the opportunity to swim along the rivers, seas, and then the oceans. This opened distant and mysterious lands before people.

Respiratory gymnastics "Wind inflates sails"

Children are offered to pour on a napkin - the wind is inflated by sails. Suggest try different wind strength - breathing.

Many years old pets and wind served man. But the needs of people grew all the time and no horses could not raise the severity that it was necessary to transfer people to long distances. And then the man realized that it was necessary to invent vehicles. So there were other types of transport, the first of which was ... Balloon.

The balloon could raise a person or useful load and transfer to a large distance. Alas, it was almost impossible to manage a balloon - he flew only there, where the wind carried him. Therefore, people had to be invented on. After a while, the person invented the engine - the heart of any car. The first engines worked on the corner and firewood, they perfectly smoked and smoked, but they helped inventors to build the first train - steam locomotive.

The steam locomotive could transport very large severity and people for distant distances and was very useful. But it turned out that the rails for which the train moved, it is not possible to pave everywhere. How to be? And then the inventors put the steam locomotive on the wheels and removed the rails - the first car turned out.

Since then, the types of transport are constantly improved. After appearance gasoline engine Machines have become faster and more powerful. This engine was very useful not only for cars - putting such powerful engine On the glider, the man built the first aircraft.

And then rockets, submarines, metro and many other types of transport appeared.

Didactic game"All professions are important"

The educator invites children to consider the types of transport and try to remember who is managed by what kind of transport. It is advisable to encourage children on answers in an expanded form using epithets (the aircraft is a brave pilot, a ship is a bold captain, etc.). The following types of transport are offered: car, aircraft, ship, rocket, bike, motorcycle, train.

The educator shows the children all previously viewed pictures.

How can you call in one word everything is depicted on these pictures?

(Children's responses).

That's right, transport. There are different types of transport - some fly in the sky (air), others - travel along the roads (ground), third - swim around the seas and oceans (water).

Well, we learned today with different types of transport. You are already familiar with cars, trains and ships, and a little later you will get acquainted with other vehicles. But you must remember that you need to be careful on any roads and in any way of transport and follow the rules of the road.

Didactic game "Rides, floats, flies"

Children choose a picture of a picture of some vehicle and should attribute it to where the place is depicted corresponding to this type of transport (road, maritime berth, railway, airfield or sky with clouds).

Applique "Ship"

Children pass to the tables. Display teacher how to make a boat with sails. On a white cardboard sheet to smear the glue to the bottom edge. Then sprinkle the semolina painted in blue colour - this is the Sea. Rectangle from colored paper Bend in half, cut off the corner of the angle. Expand - the boat housing turned out. Then, on a predetermined vertical line, smeared with glue and attach a triangle from the napkin. This is a sail. Glue it onto a sheet. Make a job with multi-colored crumpled napkins (sun, clouds, etc.).

Outcome. Ready works Place on the stand, make an exhibition for parents and educators.

The duration of the occupation is 20-25 minutes.

Education area: Cognitive development

Kind of activity: directly educational activities

Age group: average

Topic: "Ground Transport"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with the outside world, with a variety of modes of transport;

Consolidate the ability of children to guess riddles, the development of logical thinking, intelligence;

Correctional and developing: develop a coherent speech, the ability to answer questions, to activate the vocabulary on the topic "Transport";

Develop in children logical and associative thinking, attention, memory, smell and speech activity

Correctional and educational purposes: to form cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative;

Education of interest in vehicles;


postal envelope with a letter from Masha and Bear's house, illustrations with modes of transport, 2 cars - cargo and passenger, split cards on the topic "Transport"

Preliminary work.

Consider photos, paintings, albums about transport


Modern TSO: Tape recorder

Dominant areas: knowledge, speech development.

Move node

The tutor conducts work, the purpose of which is to establish contact with the children necessary for further interaction with children.Sounds of calm music.

Educator: Hello, guys! Look at how much guests came to us. Let's say hello to them and smile. Guests smile to you in response. From our smiles, brighter and warmer became immediately.

There is a knock at the door. The teacher brings a big envelope with a letter.

Rem: Guys, a letter came to us today, let's read everything together.

"Hello guys! Writes a bear. Masha started building new house and asked me to deliver everything necessary materials by mail. I did not work on the bike. My familiar wolves said that there are some vehicles that fly through the air and float along the rivers. Tell us about it, help us figure out what transport happens and why it is intended. Waiting for an answer. Bear".

Rem: Guys, are you ready to help Masha and Bear and tell them everything you know about vehicles?

(Yes, ready)

Rem: But in order to help them, we must first tune in to work and wake our body. Let's, at first, wake our fingers.(Appendix No. 1)

And now, let's wake our eyes.(Appendix No. 2)

Well, here we woke up and ready to remember and tell Masha and a bear all that we know about vehicles.

Rest: Let's remember the types of transport.

Guys, what is the name of the transport that floats on the water? (Water).

What is the name of the transport that moves along the ground? (Ground).

What is the name of the transport that moves through the air? (Air).

Rest: Well done boys! And now let's rest with you. We will be drivers now, make a fizminutka, which is called "We-Chauffeys" (Appendix No. 3)

Rest: Well done, right. Stand up, please in the circle.

Let's play the game: "Say on the contrary"

I throw the ball and ask the question, and you, catching the ball, answer and throw me the ball back. Be careful.

Game with the ball "Tell the opposite"

Large truck, and bicycle-little

The train is long, and the bus ....

Tram heavy, bike ......

Bus high, car ... ..

Motorcycle rides quickly, bicycle ...

The bus rides slowly, the train ... ..

Bike lightweight, tram ......

Bus Short, train ... ..

Rem: Is it possible to carry cargo on bicycles? What can you carry on? (by car) And what are the cars for the carriage of goods? (freight)

The teacher demonstrates children two cars and asks to call which cargo. Shows another car - and what is it? (Passenger) for what does it serve? (for the transport of people). What are called people who are transported in transport (passengers). Let's see - what are the difference between cars:

The cargo wheel has more than passenger car;

In cargo transport loads - sand, construction Materials, logs, and in passenger people;

The cargo has a body and a cabin, the passenger has passenger salon;

Who is managed vehicle? (chauffeur);

Call the place of movement of this transport? (on earth);

On which machine the bear is lucky cargo? (on cargo).

Rem: Well done boys!!! Let's make Masha and the Bear will make a surprise and send pictures with the image of the transport so that they remember which transport is easier to carry cargo.

Children go to their places. Sounds of calm music.

Rem: - Guys, tell me what the bear will bring building materials to your house in your house?(on truck, dump truck).

Children fold everything they have prepared for Masha and a bear in an envelope.

Rest : - Guys, you liked collect information about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport?(That's all you can carry cargo and people on earth, water and by air). And how transport is distinguished at the place of movement: ground, water, air.

Well done! You coped perfectly with the task. Today I will go home and go to the mail and send a letter to the forest house, and Masha and the Bear will be pleased when they find out how to deliver building materials to them for a new house

Emoticons with an image of a sad and cheerful face

Rem: Tell me, what did you like most in our today's work?

If you like it and was not hard, then take a cheerful smiley, and if you didn't like something or it was difficult, then take a sad smiley. Children say that they most liked the most on occupation and choose a picture of themselves.

Rem: Guys, you are great, I am very pleased, so I prepared a surprise for you for your correct answers, children get coloring with transport for the right answers.

Abstract Node according to knowledge in the middle group, the topic "Transport"

purpose: Acquaintance of children with modes of transport.
- to expand the knowledge of children about the types of transport.
- intensify dictionary: transportation passenger, cargo, passenger, terrestrial, water, air
- develop the ability to classify the types of transport at the place of its movement - ground, air, water; - The ability to reason, draw conclusions.
- to cultivate respectful attitude towards others;
- friendly relationships;
- The desire to support friends, cares about them.
Preliminary work:
- observations of passing transport,
- Movable games "Taxi", "Train", "Airplanes",
- productive activities on this topic
- Scene-role-playing games "We are going, we are going, we are going", "Little chauffeur".
- telegram;
- Four envelopes (1 large; 3 - blue, red, green);
- Toys: Typewriters - cargo, passenger; boats, boats, ships, airplanes, helicopters;
- Pictures with various types of transport.
Travel course:
Educator: Hello guys! I received a telegram today from Lekhanka. He writes that he had a dream that he was floating on the car on the river, and his friends ride on the plane on the road and caring the cargo. He is completely confused. What transport flies through the air and swims on rivers. Tell me about it, help to figure it out - what transport happens and for what it is intended.
Educator: Guys, you are ready to help minted. Is it possible to carry cargo on bicycles? What can you carry on? (by car) And what are the cars for the carriage of goods? (freight). Look at me two cars. One cargo, the other is easily. Why do they serve?
Responses of children: For the transport of people.
Educator: What are called people who are transported in transport.
Responses of children: Passengers.
Educator: Let's see - what are similar and what the cars are different: - the cargo wheel is more than that of the passenger car;
- in freight transport goods - sand, building materials, logs, and in passenger people;
- What place the place of movement of this transport? (on earth);
- What car is Dunno and his friends are lucky cargo? (on cargo).
We are going, we go home (movement imitating steering wheel)
On the car is passenger
Entered the slide: clap, (hands up, cotton over head)
The wheel went down: Stop. (Hands through the parties down, sit down).
Educator: Guys, tell me, what is transport? (These are funds that serve to transport people and cargo). We have already said that this transport moves along the ground, it means that it is called ... ground. And what kind of transport can help minted and his friends twist the river or the sea.
Answers children: Boats, boats, ships.
Educator: Well done I have water types of transport. Everything that moves on the water is called water types of transport. If there are high mountains, then what to do? In what type of transport will be moving on, Dunno and his friends?
Answers children: Helicopters, airplanes.
Educator: Well done, right. This is called air transport. And now, let's collect all the information for a little one letter, agree. On the table, pictures with different types of transport are laid out, and there are three envelopes a red envelope is designed for ground vehicles, a blue envelope for water transport, and green for air transport.
Children fold pictures on envelopes. Children fold all that they have prepared for a dinner in a big envelope and ship by mail.
They poured gasoline, sat on the car, drove on the car, reached the river. Stop. Turn. On the river steamer. The steamer is not lucky, you must take a plane. The plane flies, in it the engine is buzzing: U-U-y.
Educator: Children, you learned a lot about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport?
Responses of children: This is all, on which you can carry loads and people on earth, water and air.
Educator: Well done! You coped perfectly with the task. Today we will go to the post office and send a letter to our dignity and his friends. Now he will know where to drive where to swim where to fly.

Every year more and more attention is paid to children's learning rules. Culture of behavior on the road becomes the necessary skill in the life of the child. Each day accidents occur on the roads whose victims are becoming. What to do so that the child himself thought about his inspection. Education of children road traffic rules are complex and multifaceted process, which should be built in accordance with age characteristics and not limited to simple jagging. To increase the responsibility for compliance with the children of the Rules of Road, the Foming of Sustainable Knowledge and Durable Skills of Cultural Conduct on the Street, special classes and thematic activities are held in pre-school institutions. Starting learning from the very early age using all available forms and methods, children should be not just passive listeners, p actively involved in the development of new knowledge. The role of the teacher in this process to create conditions for knowledge to leave the trace in the minds of children became a natural habit. Many years of experience with children shows that children are drawn to everything new, bright, spectacular, so in planning classes it is necessary to apply all possible creative directions, having gone to them the main role. Only emotionally painted and intement will bring positive results.



Abstract Node for training of children traffic rules (middle group)

Topic: "City public transport»

Software content:

Educational tasks: Secure the concept of "social entry transport", the types and purpose of urban transport, consolidate the knowledge of the main traffic signals (red, green) to introduce signs that determine the locations of public transport stops.

Developing tasks: Continue to develop in children the ability to navigate in space, the ability to listen to the educator, to respond to the questions raised, develop a dialogic speech.

Educational challenges: Teach children by the rules of safe behavior on the road, form motivational_ behavioral culture of the child, as a basis for security in conjunction with expensive and street, to bring up a sense of responsibility for the situation on the road, like a full member of the road traffic (pedestrian) to bring up a sense of mutual assistance, the desire to help the bunny is not get into trouble.

Wordwork: Continue to actively speech the concepts of _ "traffic light", "Pedestrian", "Road Movement", "Machines", "Transport", "Bus", "Tram", "Passenger". Enter the new concept of "Stopping Public Transport"

Methodological techniques: Using a gaming situation, riddles, slides, use of poems. Didactic game "Name in one word", "remove too much", "think and answer", the movable game "Traffic light and pedestrians", using a visual material.

Equipment: Visual material: toy "hare", slide or picture with a tram, trolley buses, bus, layout of a two-color traffic light or a slide with its image, road signs Defining buses and tram stops.

Preliminary work: Classes conducted according to the annual work plan, conversation about the meaning of the flower flower for pedestrians, reading fiction On this topic, painting pictures, appliqué, monitoring the movement of transport.

Travel course:

The educator invites children to approach him:

"You know, guys, a forest resident promised to visit us today.

Guess, cat is:

What kind of beast of the forest

Stressed as a pine column.

And it is among the grass, the ears have more heads. " (Hare)

Responses of children.

Educator: Right! And here he, pass, Zainka, do not be shy.

Hare: "Hello guys! How long did I get to you. We are good in the forest, quietly, birds sing. And I came running to the city there everything buzzes, noise, rides on wheels. So frightened, barely got to you. A bit of me was not crushed. What was it? "

Responses of children (cars, cars, transport).

Educator: "And now, a bunny, I will make riddles, and guys guess them. And you listen carefully and if you can, help. The game with riddles is called "if you know_ answer."

  1. If you know answer

On rails moving ... (tram).

  1. Love to ride everything, everything, everything

On the big ...... (bus).

  1. I rush, holding the wires,

I never will be broken (trolleybus)

(On the right answer, the educator shows slides or pictures)

Educator: "Guys, how can all this be called in one word?".

(At the same time, the pictures are displayed or slide).

Responses of children. (Machines, transport).

Educator: "You see, Zainka, what our children are well done! They know everything.

And now, tell me a bunny, why do we need cars, transport? ".

Responses of children. (To ride in kindergarten, visit to move faster, etc.).

Educator: "And who drives in transport, in urban public transport?"

Responses of children. (Pope, Moms, Children, Passengers).

Educator: "That's right! In transport, passengers drive. And buses, trolley buses and trams are called urban public transport for the transport of passengers. "

D / Game "Elecess too much."

Educator: "Buses, trolley buses and trams move around the city quickly, dwell only in specially designated places. Think and tell me how they are called? "

Responses of children. (Stop)

Educator: "And how to determine the location of the stop?".

Answers and reasoning children.

Educator: "Stop_ is a specially designated place, where public transport stops that passengers can get out of the bus or to sit in it. At each stop there is a special sign, see how it looks (signs)

Look and tell me what form do these signs have?

Responses of children.

Educator: What color are they? What is drawn on them? ".

Responses of children.

Educator: "That's right - this is blue rectangles. Within which the white square is located with the image of the bus or tram. "

Hare: "That's how great! Now I am, and the guys will be accurate, know where you can expect landing on the bus or tram.

Educator: But now we will check it. Let's play the game "Think and answer."

Hare: So many different machines. They are rushing somewhere somewhere, ride in different directions. I do not understand how soon they do not face each other? "

Educator: "And for this there are special rules that know all drivers and pedestrians and they obey them. And the chief assistant to cars and people in road traffic is a traffic light. "

Hare: "What is a traffic light?".

Child: "He is polite and strict

He is famous for the whole world

He is wide on the street

The most important commander. "

Baby: "I am glazing blinkers

Tireless day and night

I help all people

And you want to help. "

(on the breast of the child a plane image of the traffic light)

Educator: "You know, a bunny, traffic lights gives us different light signals, and our guys already know well what to do with different traffic signals."

Baby: If the light is lit red, then it is dangerous to move!

Baby: Green Light says: "Pass the way is open!".

(Show slide with traffic lights or traffic light layout)

Educator: "And now that the bunny is better remembered by the signals of the traffic light, play a game that is called" traffic light and pedestrians. " (Play).

Educator: "You see, a bunny, how much you learned about today. Tell all forest residents, about the traffic light, about the rules of the road, about city transport, so that they know and not afraid to visit us.

Bunny: You know, I understood

Movement Rules, all without exception

Known must be a hare and lisyat,

Bumbers and bears, smart kids.

Educator: "And on the farewell, the children prepared you a gift. Children give a bunny of their work performed on the eve, in the application for appliqués, on the topic "Bus." Well done!

Movable game "Traffic light and pedestrians".

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