Home Locks Parking near the bus stop. Stopping and parking according to traffic rules: what is the difference between two road signs? The zone of action of the road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"

Parking near the bus stop. Stopping and parking according to traffic rules: what is the difference between two road signs? The zone of action of the road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"

Like any Law, the Rules begin any section of it with general principles , and they are necessarily followed by those dictated by life exceptions.

First general principle.

First of all, the Rules required drivers to park only on the right side of the road . Moreover, if there is a roadside, stopping and parking are allowed. only on the sidelines (stopping on the carriageway in the presence of a shoulder is a violation of the Rules).

On any roadoutside the settlementthis requirement is categorical and does not contain any exceptions.

And there are such questions in the Tickets:

1. Only car B.

2. Cars B and C.

3. All cars.

Task comment

Drivers of cars B and C violate. If there is a roadside, stopping is allowed only on the roadside!

Note. Here I must remind you that on high-quality roads, the shoulder is covered with the same asphalt as the carriageway, and is separated from the carriageway by a wide continuous line of markings. And this continuous line is not just possible, but must be crossed if the driver intends to park.

In the Rules, this general principle is formulated as follows:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles are allowedon the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence -on the roadwayat its edge.

It follows that if the shoulder is narrow, it is possible to park partially on the carriageway.

If there is no curb at all, then we park completely on the carriageway, but only exactly at the edge of the carriageway. There are no questions about this in the Tickets, but the practical driving test always ends with the same thing - the inspector invites you to stop. And if, stopping, hit the curb of the sidewalk - this is a mistake. And if you stop more than 30 cm from the curb, this is also a mistake - you are not stopping at the edge of the carriageway!

So, outside settlements, always and everywhere, stopping is allowed. just on the right side of the road!

As for the settlements, here the Rules were forced to make two whole exceptions.

Exception # 1 (valid only in localities).

In order for the left side to become the right, you need to turn around.

But on one-way roads, a U-turn is not possible!

Such an act is qualified as driving into an oncoming lane. in violation of the Rules and is punishable by deprivation of rights for up to six months!

Naturally, the Rules allowed parking on such roads both on the right side and on the left. And now none of the drivers violates the Rules, stopping on different sides of the one-way road.

Exception # 2 (valid only in localities).

U-turns are not prohibited on two-way roads. But if there are only two lanes (one in each direction), then on such a road it is sometimes difficult to make a U-turn due to the cramped conditions.

The rules decided that on such a road, for safety reasons, it would be better to allow drivers to park on either side.

So now on this road no one breaks the Rules either.

It should be remembered that such a democratic order is established by the Rules only in settlements and only on two-lane roads, and only without tram lines in the middle.

The Rules say about this in the same clause 12.1:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1, second paragraph. Stopping and parking are permitted on the left side of the road in settlements on roads with one lane for each direction without tram lines in the middle and on one-way roads.

And they will definitely ask about this on the exam:

In what place and direction are you allowed to stop?

1. Only in.

2. Only B and C.

3. In any of the above.

Task comment

On a two-lane road without tram lines and with a discontinuous center line in a settlement, it is allowed to park on either side and in any direction.

Second general principle.

Parking is allowed everywhere and everywhere only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

In the Rules, it looks like this:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

This requirement of the Rules applies to all cases. And in the settlement (even in the "pocket"), and outside the settlement (even if the shoulder is wide), parking is allowed only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the roadway.

And about this, there is one problem in Tickets:

Is it possible for the driver to park the car in the specified way?

1. Can.

2. It is possible if this does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

3. It is forbidden.

I would especially like to draw your attention! - even in the "pocket" (local widening of the carriageway) it is necessary to park only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

But this, of course, is not all. Then again there are exceptions.

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, second paragraph. The way the vehicle is parked (parking) is determined by sign 6.4 and road marking lines, sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines or without them.

In fact, to begin with, they once again reminded the drivers - even in the "pockets", if there are no additional instructions, it is allowed to park the vehicle only parallel to the edge of the carriageway!

However, if there is a sign, then the requirement of the sign must be fulfilled.

If there is a markup, then the markup requirement must be met.

And even more so, it is necessary to follow the instructions given by both the plate and the markup.

It would seem that complete order has been restored, and you can calm down on this. But the authors of the Rules considered it necessary to include one more requirement in clause 12.2:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, third paragraph. The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as with road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be parked at an angle to the edge of the carriageway if the configuration (local widening) of the carriageway allows such an arrangement.

Table 8.6.4 - 8.6.9 is this:

As you can see on these plates, in all cases, it is proposed to park the car strictly perpendicular the edge of the carriageway. And the tablets « at an angle to the edge of the carriageway " in the Rules no. How to be? How to organize parking " at an angle to the edge of the carriageway ". It remains only to call for the help of the markup, which the Rules did.

Parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is allowed only if the following mandatory conditions are met:

a). There is a sign 6.4 "Parking";

b). There is one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9;

v). There is a "oblique" markup.

If the markup is straight ...

... or there are no markings at all, then parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is a violation of the Rules.

In both latter cases, the car can be evacuated!

But that's not all. The rules went for one more exception to the general principles. Moreover, the exception is cardinal - allowed parking on the sidewalk!

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, fourth paragraph. Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in the places indicated by sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 - 8.6.9.

Here are these signs:

Table 8.4.7 is called "Vehicle type", that is, parking is allowed only bicycles.

The other six tablets are called "Method of parking a vehicle."

How should this be understood? The rules made an exception - allowed to stand in whole or in part on the sidewalk.

But at the same time, severe restrictions were introduced. First, they showed (using the example of a car) how to park vehicles. Only this way and nothing else!

And, secondly, not everyone was allowed to stand like this, but only passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles.

And we have already talked about this in topic 3.8 "Signs of additional information (plates)". The overwhelming majority of the requirements of the Rules equally apply to all representatives of category "B", both for cars and small and medium trucks (no more than 3.5 tons).

But not parking on the sidewalk!

Not a single truck, with any permissible maximum weight,

not by a single wheel, not under any signs

has no right to stand on the sidewalk!

And this must be remembered both in life and on the exam:

Until now, it has only been about parking lot . What about stop ? Is it really necessary to pile up on the sidewalk to disembark a passenger?

No, nothing like that! Rules about stop in the area of ​​action of the signs "Method of placing the vehicle in the parking lot" they did not say anything at all. And what is not forbidden is allowed! That is, in the area of ​​action of any of these signs stop possible at the edge of the carriageway (following the general principle), and stop can anyone.

They also ask about this on the exam, however, only once:

Is the truck driver allowed to stop at this location?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if the permissible maximum vehicle weight is not more than 3.5 tons.

3. Forbidden.

Task comment

Reread the question carefully - they are not asking you about the parking lot, but about the stop! And the Rules did not say anything about stopping in the zone of action of these signs, and therefore you can stop here. And they can stop any vehicles .

What is not prohibited is permitted.

That, in fact, is all about the general principles and exceptions to them. Although guilty, there is one more general principle left:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.3. Parking for the purpose of long-term rest, overnight stay, etc. outside the settlement is permitted only at designated sites or off the road.

The rules did not give any guidance on what kind of rest is considered LONG. But by and large, this is not required. Common sense tells any driver that you can have a snack on the side of the road while sitting in the car. But if you are going to seriously “cover the clearing” and lie on the grass, then the car, of course, must be removed out of the road. And if you are going to sleep (no matter how much), then it is in your best interest to stop at a specially provided area for this.

Now about where stopping is prohibited.

First of all, stopping can be prohibited by signs or markings.

I remind you that such a yellow solid line drawn along the edge of the carriageway (or right along the curb) prohibits stopping vehicles along its entire length.

It is forbidden to stop here from the sign to the nearest intersection.

I hope you haven't forgotten yet - the sign is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed.

In addition, the Rules contain a whole list of places where stopping is prohibited by the Rules.

Simply prohibited (no signs or markings).

1. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them if it interferes with the movement of trams.

In this situation, the driver stopped not on the tram tracks, but so close to them that he definitely interferes with the movement of trams.

And, therefore, stopping at this place is prohibited!

In this situation, the driver has every reason to believe that he does not interfere with the movement of trams.

And, therefore, it is allowed to stop like this.

2. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat level crossings and in tunnels.

I do not think that any of you will have a desire to park in a tunnel or, even more so, at a railway crossing. So let's leave this provision of the Rules without comment.

3. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for movement in this direction) and under them.

You already know that on all bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them, turning, reversing and overtaking are strictly prohibited. As for the stop, here the Rules made a clarification:

- if the bridge, overpass, overpass are narrow (one or two lanes in this direction), stopping is prohibited;

- if the bridge, overpass, overpass are wide (in this direction there are three or more lanes), stopping is allowed.

And you need to know this - it will come in handy in life, and on the exam you will need:

Are you allowed to stop at the specified place on the bridge?

1. Allowed.

2. Allowed only for disembarking passengers.

3. Forbidden.

Task comment

If the bridge is wide (three lanes or more in a given direction), stopping at such a bridge is not prohibited. You can just stop and even stand as long as you like, the Rules do not mind.

4. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 meters in front of them.

A car, even a passenger car, having stopped in this way, closes the view of the pedestrian crossing. And this, as you know, is unsafe.

But this is a completely different matter - now drivers have the opportunity to timely see a pedestrian on the roadway.

Note! - the car standing immediately behind the crossing does not in any way interfere with the control of the situation. Therefore, the Rules contain the following requirement:

Stopping is prohibited at the pedestrian crossing itself and closer than 5 meters to it!

Directly after the stop is not prohibited at the pedestrian crossing!

Now let's remember that on a two-lane road, you can park on either side. And which of them is now standing before, who after pedestrian crossing?

To the one who parked on the left side, it seems that he is standing after pedestrian crossing. But this does not seem to the driver of an oncoming car at all - the view of the pedestrian crossing is closed! And the situation is brewing extremely dangerous.

From the point of view of the Rules, now both white cars are standing front pedestrian crossing (and no 5 meters!) and, therefore, both are in violation.

But now both are standing after pedestrian crossing, and therefore do not violate the rules.

And pay attention - how clearly the pedestrian crossing is visible to drivers of both directions!

It only remains to remind you that on one-way roads it is also allowed to park on either side.

It is clear that now everyone is moving only in this direction, and, therefore, it is impossible to park like this.

If you stop front pedestrian crossing, then no closer than 5 meters.

And this is how you can. And you can immediately after pedestrian crossing.

There are a couple of tasks on this topic in the collection of the traffic police. I hope that with this knowledge you will not make mistakes here. Although the tasks, frankly, are not easy:

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car B.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars B and C.

4. All the vehicles listed.

Task comment

This is a settlement and this is a one-way road (see the sign?). Cars A and B stopped directly front pedestrian crossing (no 5 meters) and therefore violate the Rules.

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car A.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars A and B.

4. All cars.

Task comment

A two-way road. But only two-lane and no tram tracks in the middle. On such a road (in a settlement), you can stop on either side. It remains only to deal with the pedestrian crossing.

Cars A and B are standing before there is no pedestrian crossing and 5 meters, therefore they violate it.

5. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibited in places wherewherethe distance between the solid marking line and the stopped vehicle is less than 3 meters.

The rules rightly believe that if the distance L less than 3 meters, then a stopped vehicle will block movement.

In this situation, in order to go around the obstacle, you have to go to the oncoming lane in violation of the Rules, crossing the solid line of the marking!

If the center line is interrupted, then there is no need to take care of 3 meters. In this case, the drivers will drive around the obstacle without any problems.

So stand still, you are not breaking anything.

And now you can calmly stop and stand. These markings also allow drivers to drive around you without breaking.

And now there is a solid line to your left, and there is clearly no three meters to it. So stopping at this place is prohibited!

And no sign prohibiting stopping is required in this situation. Stopping at this place is prohibited by the Rules, namely clause 12.4.

And they ask about this at the exam.

True, they are not asking about the stop, but about the parking lot. Well, well, include some basic logic:

- if left solid the line and there are no three meters to it, it is forbidden to stop, and, especially, parking;

- if left intermittent line, then nothing is prohibited here.

Has the truck driver violated the parking rules?

1. I violated.

2. Violated if the permissible maximum vehicle weight is more than 2.5 tons.

3. Didn't break it.

Task comment

It doesn't matter what its maximum allowed mass is. No truck, with any permissible gross vehicle weight or wheel, should be parked on the sidewalk.

But now this is not even the main thing. On this section of the road, stopping is generally prohibited for all vehicles. Stopping on the carriageway is prohibited because there will not be 3 meters to the solid one, and even a bicycle can be parked on the sidewalk only if there is a permit sign.

Which driver violated the parking rules?

1. Both.

2. Car driver only.

3. Motorcycle rider only.

4. Nobody broke.

Task comment

Only the driver of the car violated - parking at the edge of the sidewalk can be allowed by appropriate signs, but they are not here.

And, most importantly, there was no need to climb onto the sidewalk, I could calmly stop and stand at the edge of the roadway. The centerline is not a solid line, but combined.

Such markings allow you to bypass it without any violation.

6. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed carriageway.

We are talking about these corners at intersections. The rules quite naturally require that drivers leave these five-meter zones free when parking.

Draw your attention! - the Rules do not say that stopping is prohibited at the crossroads. The Rules say that stopping is prohibited and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

And this is fundamentally important! And that's why:

Where should you park your car on the right side of the road?

1. Immediately before the intersection of carriageways.

2. Immediately after crossing carriageways.

3. Not closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

Task comment

Leaving the courtyard according to the Rules is not considered an intersection. But nowhere in the Rules does it say that this is not an intersection of carriageways.

And since this is an intersection of carriageways, then when parking, it is necessary to fulfill the requirement of paragraph 12.4 of the Rules, namely:

Stopping is prohibited at the intersection of carriagewaysand closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

Are you allowed to stay at the indicated place?

1. Allowed.

2. It is allowed if the car is no closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

3. It is prohibited.

Task comment

And once again I draw your attention! - clause 12.4 does not say that stopping is prohibited at the crossroads .

It is said that stopping is prohibited at the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

So, if you come across this problem on the exam, keep in mind - at the crossroads You can park in a roundabout (the rules do not prohibit), you just need to drive away from the edge of the intersected carriageway by 5 m.

When is the driver allowed to park the car at the specified location?

1. Only if the distance to the solid marking line is at least 3 meters.

2. Only if the distance to the edge of the intersected carriageway is at least 5 meters.

3. Subject to both of the above conditions.

Every year the traffic in megalopolises became more intensive, because the number of cars is steadily growing. When purchasing a new car, many do not even think about where they will park it, being sure that it is enough to leave it in the yard.

But this is an extremely important issue not only from the point of view of dissatisfied neighbors, but also from the point of view of the law. We often answer questions from car enthusiasts about how to legally park in the yard and what to avoid to avoid being punished fairly.

○ Parking rules in courtyards.

One should start by defining what this "courtyard territory" is. Immediately, we note that the Rules of the Road give an undesirable clear concept. At the same time, section 17, dedicated to traffic in residential areas, applies to courtyard areas, which is directly stated in paragraph 17.4:

  • "The requirements of this section also apply to courtyard areas."

Therefore, it remains only to be content with the general legal definition of the courtyard territory, as a space bounded by buildings along the perimeter, inside which, as a rule, playgrounds, places for recreation, green spaces, local thoroughfares to houses, schools, kindergartens, etc. are located. But there is one a significant difference - it is not indicated by signs 5.21 (residential area) and 5.22 (end of the residential area), and therefore the driver needs to be careful and understand that otherwise all the rules of traffic and parking of vehicles in the residential area apply here.

So clause 17.2 of the SDA clearly says:

  • "In the residential area, through traffic, training driving, parking with a running engine, as well as parking of trucks with a permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons outside of specially designated and marked with signs and (or) markings are prohibited."

That is, the main and most frequent violation on this point is truck parking and parking with a running engine. The latter is especially important in the cold season for those who like to “warm up the engine”, polluting the environment and interfering with the sleep of residents of adjacent houses.

It is worth paying attention to a few more important points regarding parking, which are relevant in courtyards. Clause 1.2 of the SDA defines a stop and a parking lot, which is very important because clause 17.2 speaks specifically about parking:

  • "" Stop "- a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for a period of up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if it is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.
    "Parking" - a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading of the vehicle. "

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has established additional parking bans, which also apply to courtyards. Usually, the passages here are narrow, and therefore those who parked manage to interfere not only with the passage of other cars, but also with ordinary pedestrians and mothers with strollers, let alone technical services. However, part 8 of Art. 20 .4 of the Administrative Code establishes a verticality for violation of fire safety rules. That is, if the abandoned car interferes with the passage of firefighters, one can prepare to pay a fine.

○ Fines for improper parking in the yard.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also does not define the courtyard territory, but establishes responsibility for violation of traffic rules in a residential area in Art. 12.28 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

  • "1. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, with the exception of the case provided for in part 2 of this article, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles... 2. The violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in the city of federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles

That is, if your car is found by a traffic police inspector, parked in violation of the above rules, you can prepare to pay a fine of 1000 rubles, and in capital cities and all 3000... Exactly the same will be punished for parking on the sidewalk in the yard, because often because of parked cars it is simply impossible to transport a baby carriage.

But the matter may not be limited to this. It must be admitted that the traffic police do not often patrol courtyards, especially in small towns, but if something happened, the dangerous situation will be more serious. For example, in the event of a fire and the inability of a company car to pass through to a fire, a negligent motorist can apply Part 8 of Art. 20.4 Administrative Code:

  • “Violation of fire safety requirements on the provision of passages, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and structures - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. "

But this is possible only if the fire inspection records the violation, it will easily impose a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.

The yards are often equipped with green spaces, including lawns. Traffic rules or Code of Administrative Offenses do not contain a definition of a lawn or a fine for parking on it. These issues are decided by local authorities, determining the amount of the fine for such violations. In most cities, this amount is fixed, so in St. Petersburg an ordinary car owner will pay from 3000 to 5000 fine. In other regions, such as in Samara, they will be forced to pay for the damage to the plantation. In any case, you shouldn't do that.

Another aspect of the problem is through traffic through the residential area. Officially, it is prohibited by clause 17.2 of the SDA. But few of the drivers have ever tried to drive around the "traffic jam" through the nearest courtyard. The rules prohibit only through passage, and the movement itself at a speed of 20 km per hour is allowed in Section 10.2 of the SDA:

  • "In settlements, the movement of vehicles at a speed of no more than 60 km / h is allowed, and in residential areas and in courtyards no more than 20 km / h."

So you just need to get rid of the concept of "through". It is enough to stop for a few seconds and behold, you are already a respectable driver who has not violated anything. But the stop, of course, must be done taking into account the described rules.

In the absence of the car owner in any of the above cases, the car can be evacuated, especially if it interferes with the travel or the work of the cleaning or fire trucks, which means that you will have to pay for the stay at the impound station.

In addition, violators are often sure that if they are not caught by a traffic police officer, they will certainly go unpunished, but Part 4 of Art. 28.1 Administrative Code:

  • “The reasons for initiating an administrative offense case are:
    4. Fixation of an administrative offense in the field of road traffic or an administrative offense in the field of landscaping, provided for by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, committed with the use of a vehicle or by the owner or other owner of a land plot or other real estate object, operating in automatic mode with special technical means that have functions photography and filming, video recording, or by means of photography and filming, video recording. "

Now there are even sites where you can upload photos and videos of evidence of the violation.

That is why the neighbors' threats to complain about the car owner, who warms up the car for half an hour in the morning, are quite real.

"Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are."
The truth you can't argue with.
But knowledgeable people say that you can get to know a person better by how he parks.

Where is parking allowed and where is it prohibited? Crib.

Parking rules

You can parkCan't park
5 meters before the pedestrian crossing Closer than 5 meters to the pedestrian crossing
5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway In those places where a stop or parking will block traffic signals for other drivers
15 meters from public transport stops Closer than 15 meters from public transport stops
50 meters from the railway crossing Closer than 50 meters from a railway crossing
One row parallel to the edge of the carriageway At level crossings and tunnels
Long-term parking in those places that are indicated by signs 7.10 and 7.11 In those places that are indicated by signs 3.27 and 3.28
Parking at the edge of the sidewalk with sign 6.4 and one of the special signs On the carriageway if visibility is limited
At the very edge of the carriageway or on the side of the road, if there are no prohibition signs At the intersection of carriageways
In two rows at the edge of the carriageway if you have a two-wheeled vehicle On tram tracks
On even and odd days of the month if there are corresponding road signs 3.29 and 3.30 On even and odd days of the month in the presence of prohibitory road signs 3.29 or 3.30
Outside settlements in those areas that are marked with sign 2.1

In general, parking issues are very popular for Russia, because sometimes driving a car is not much cheaper than parking it. But seriously, parking a car at first glance seems like a trifle, but everything is a little more complicated. Firstly, the parking of a vehicle is clearly regulated by the Rules of the Road. Secondly, different cities and regions may have their own parking nuances. And, thirdly, there are unspoken rules, not to follow which means not to respect either yourself, or fellow motorists, or pedestrians, or law enforcement officers, or even the cat who is used to bask in the place under which the heating main is laid.

Incorrect parking fines

Article Penalty for regionsPenalty for Moscow and St. Petersburg
12.19 h. 1 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking the vehicle, except for the cases provided for in part 1 of article 12.10 of the Administrative Code and parts 2 - 6 of this article Warning or fine 500 rubles. RUB 2500
12.19 h. 2 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle in places designated for stopping or parking a vehicle for disabled persons from 3000 to 5000 rubles
12.19 h. 3 Stopping or parking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, except for a forced stop and the case provided for in part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in part 6 of this article RUB 1000 RUB 3000
12.19 h. 3.1 Stopping or parking of the vehicle at the stopping places of route vehicles or closer than 15 meters from the stopping places of route vehicles, with the exception of stopping for embarking or disembarking passengers, a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article RUB 1000 RUB 3000
12.19 h 3.2 Stopping or parking a vehicle on tram tracks or stopping or parking a vehicle further than the first row from the edge of the carriageway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article RUB 1,500 RUB 3000
12.19 h. 4 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the carriageway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in part 6 of this article 2000 RUB RUB 3000
vehicle arrest
12.19 h. 5 Violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg RUB 2500
12.19 h. 6 Violations provided for in parts 3 - 4 of this article, committed in a federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg RUB 3000

Alas, Moscow cannot boast of such a parking procedure.

Photo masterok.livejournal.com

Remember a simple axiom - only a tank driver is not required to be able to park his vehicle. For everyone else, parking rules are spelled out in the traffic rules.

Stopping or parking?

Obeying the fashion for Western terminology and the ubiquitous Anglicisms, we will not abandon such a concept as "parking". But in our legislative framework, another term appears - "parking"... And if the drivers have long figured out the difference between "inspection" and "inspection" of a vehicle, then they often have difficulties with the definition of "parking" and "stopping".

A stop is a pause in the course, a stop is a stop for 5 or more minutes.

Photo mashinapro.ru

So, a stop is, in simple terms, a cessation of movement lasting no more than 5 minutes.
However, the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes if this time is not enough for them to disembark / pick up passengers or load / unload. But if a vehicle costs more than 5 minutes, and this has nothing to do with either passengers or cargo, then this is already a parking lot.

Parking rules for one and all

First, let's figure out why you should park correctly. Quite often, novice drivers and seasoned steering wheel drivers feel that it doesn't really matter where the car is parked. But, having properly parked your vehicle, you, firstly, will reduce your chances of meeting and communicating with all of our beloved traffic police inspectors and such troubles as a fine.

Someone parks as they want ...

Photo huffpost.com

Secondly, competent parking will protect your car from troubles, such as a traffic accident without movement or mechanical damage caused by particularly disgruntled pedestrians who are defending their rights using radical methods.

And some - as they can.

Photo drive2.ru

By the way, about the accident.

If your car was not parked according to the rules and became a participant in a traffic accident, then all the fault and administrative responsibility inevitably and automatically falls on you.

Where can I park?

The current Traffic Regulations say where you can park and where you can not. From clause 12.1, you can learn that parking can be arranged on the side of the road to the right of the road or at the edge of the carriageway. If you still want to park on the left, then this can only be done on roads with one lane in each direction and without tram lines.

It is the violation of the parking rules that is the reason for the difficulties with parking in Moscow.

Photo auto.vesti.ru

But the union of a parked car and a sidewalk is discussed in section 12.2. If you travel by bicycle, moped, motorcycle and car, then you have every right to park your vehicle in the places that are marked with a parking sign ...

... and one of the signs below (here's the answer to the frequently asked question - is it possible to park on the sidewalk).

In all other cases, you will have to park at your own peril and risk. And, of course, conscience.

Where you can't park

No matter how we treat prohibitive signs, ignoring them is often more expensive for us.
Parking is prohibited if the following sign looms on the horizon.

The action of the “No parking” sign extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements in the absence of an intersection - to the end of the settlement.

At the same time, variations of this sign can be observed on the streets of Russian cities.

Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month

No parking on even days of the month

But there are also more general rules.
For example, under no circumstances will you be able to legally park your car on the sidewalk if it is a truck. In addition, parking is prohibited in those places where stopping is not allowed, which is quite logical.

It is also prohibited to park a vehicle on the roadway outside the settlement, which is marked with the sign "Main road".

Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to organize parking closer than 50 meters from railway crossings.


The sign "Pedestrian path" prohibits traffic for cars, but nothing is said about parking on the path for pedestrians and cyclists. Yes, a fine of 2 thousand rubles. you will have to pay, because it is impossible to get into the forbidden territory without traffic. However, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the traffic police have no right to evacuate your car to the penalty area from the pedestrian path. Many Muscovites, those who have more money, take advantage of this flaw in the Code, and habitually park their four-wheeled "horses" on the tracks intended for "two-legged".

How much does illegal parking cost?

Municipal authorities are constantly increasing parking penalties where parking is prohibited. At the same time, there is a certain gradation of fines depending on the region or city. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the penalties are higher than in other Russian cities.

Yard parking rules: it's good where we are not

It should be recognized that the rules for parking in courtyards and in adjoining territories have not yet been unambiguously defined at the legislative level. And it would be worth it, because, for example, Moscow courtyards more and more resemble a zone of high voltage that arises between residents. However, there is a set of general rules that any driver must follow.

It is strictly forbidden to park the car on the lawns. The regulation on "green zones" is not spelled out in the traffic rules, but such parking violates another set of rules - the rules for the improvement of the city. In addition, you must not block the passage that impedes the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians. Sidewalks in the courtyards are also a taboo zone for car owners.

Sometimes there is a "parking lot" in the courtyards

Photo zyalt.livejournal.com

If we talk about some clear instructions, then parking the car is prohibited closer than 10 meters from the doors, be it the doors of a store or an entrance, and also no closer than 5 meters from garbage containers.

In London, a car owner can buy a parking right near the house or in the yard for £ 100 a year. For all other parking spaces, Londoners pay £ 4 per hour and can stay in this place for a maximum of four hours.

With regard to other prohibitions, a car with a running engine cannot be parked in courtyards. Remember - no more than 4 minutes 59 seconds. This rule is worth considering for motorists who warm up the engine before leaving during the winter months.

And, of course, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are completely discriminated against in the yard.

Parking rules in Moscow

A city can be considered the one that has reached the highest level of motorization if there are 300 to 400 cars per 1,000 inhabitants. In 2013 Moscow in the list of the most motorized cities took second place- 380 cars per “killer” of the population. Hence, you get 127 hours a year, which a Moscow driver spends on fighting traffic jams.

Free parking is a luxury for Moscow

Photo auto.mail.ru

So that's it. As soon as the city reaches a high level of motorization, it automatically waives the "free parking" regulation. This is the answer to the question why parking in Moscow has become paid. We must not forget about the convenience of pedestrians, the priority of public transport and moving vehicles. Parked cars that simply take up public space are at the very bottom of the priority table. In other words, if you want to stand, pay. This is exactly what is said on the pages of the project, which is designed to cope with the problem of "chaotic parking" on the capital's streets.

Parking rules in the center of Moscow are simple to the point of banality - the car can be left wherever it is not prohibited by the rules or the corresponding road signs. If you do not follow this norm, then be sure to fill up the statistics of evacuees for improper parking of a car - about 1300 rubles per day.

You can pay for parking through the parking meter

Photo torange.ru

Most shopping centers in Moscow provide free parking spaces, but there are also those (they are located within the Third Transport Ring), where only the first hours of parking are free. There are also small parking tricks: you can leave your car in the parking lot of the Moscow Hotel if you buy at least something in one of the many local boutiques.

Subtleties of the question

You under no circumstances have the right to trample the grass on the lawn with the tires of your car. Here, however, the amount of the administrative fine for this is different everywhere, because these fines are established by local authorities.

If you have parked your car, but at the same time only drove a little on a curbstone, then law enforcement officers will unequivocally regard this as a full-fledged parking on the sidewalk. For the convenience of one wheel - a fine and evacuation of the "steel horse" to the "penalty stable".

Imagine leaving your car on the sidewalk. According to current legislation, you can be fined two minimum wages for violating the rules of parking or stopping on the sidewalk, which resulted in the creation of obstacles to the movement of pedestrians. But the fact of creating obstacles still needs to be proved. And there is no fact, there is no corpus delicti. However, obedience to the law should be at the forefront of all such situations.

Today, traffic cops use devices called "Parkon", which independently identify and record violations of parking rules. After that, the drivers receive “letters of happiness”. So do not rely on chance and beware of the newfangled gadgets that law enforcement officers are armed with.

If you want to know what kind of person - look how he parks the car!

Photo fedpress.ru

In order not to lose money (fines, payment for evacuation and storage in the parking lot), time and nerve cells, try to get along with this capricious lady, whose name is "Parking". Remember the patience of the legendary Noah, who searched for parking on his ark full of passengers until he found it near the majestic Ararat. Respect the law, pedestrians and your fellow drivers, and you will always find a parking spot in the sun.


12.1. Stopping and parking vehicles are allowedon the right side roadson the sidelines , and in its absence -on the roadway at its edge (fig. 120) and in the cases established by clause 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

On the left side roads stopping and parking are allowed in settlements on the roads with one stripe movements for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on the roads one way(trucks with an MPW of more than 3.5 t on the left side of a one-way road are only allowed to stop for loading or unloading).

Rice. 120. Stop on the sidelines
or at the edge of the carriageway

Before starting to consider this topic, it does not hurt to return to section 1 of the SDA and once again read about the terms "stop" and "parking".

Stopping in modern conditions of heavy traffic and high speeds is a very responsible business. It is necessary to stop not just anyhow, but carefully choosing a safe place, otherwise the consequences of even a seemingly harmless short-term stop for boarding and disembarking passengers can become tragic.

To avoid trouble, you should think not only about cars passing by, but also about those who will try to bypass your car, leaving, for example, from a parking lot.

Stopping and parking on the left side of the road is a separate topic (fig. 121).

Rice. 121. Stop on the left side of the road

To get to the left side on a two-way road (fig. 121 a), first you need to skip all oncoming cars. At the end of the parking (stop), you must return back to your right side. At the same time, before starting the movement, you must make sure that you do not interfere with either oncoming or passing traffic.

The meaning of allowing stopping and parking on the left side of a two-way road is very simple. What difference does it make if you stop on a road with two lanes to the right or to the left, a certain obstacle to traffic will still be created.

As for the "left" stop on a one-way road, it is logical and should not cause bewilderment (Fig. 121 b).

And in fig. 121 v shows situations when stopping and parking on the left side of the road is prohibited.

12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge carriageway, except for those places, configuration ( local widening carriageway) which allows a different arrangement of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

Parking at the edge of the sidewalk, bordering with carriageway, allowed only for cars cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in the places indicated by sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

Three important points need to be highlighted.

1. The vehicle may be parked at an angle to the carriageway only in those places where it is determined by signs, markings or the configuration of the road (in the so-called pockets).

2. Using the sidewalk for stopping and parking may only cars (as well as motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles), and only if the parking place is indicated by the signs specified in clause 12.2, which determine the specific way of positioning on the sidewalk. In other places, driving on the sidewalk for stopping and parking is completely or partially prohibited!

3. Trucks, buses and the like, regardless of the permitted maximum weight, passenger capacity and dimensions, must not be parked either partially or completely on the sidewalk!

12.3. Parking for the purpose of long rest, overnight stay and the like outside the settlement is only permitted on designated sites or off the road.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

- on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate proximity from them, if it interferes the movement of trams;

- at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in this direction) and under them;

- in places where distance between the solid line her markings (except for the edge of the carriageway), dividing strip or opposite edge carriageway and stopped vehicle less than 3 m;

- at pedestrian crossings and closer 5 m in front them;

Paragraph 12.4 is very long, so we'll break it down into separate paragraphs. Now the conversation will go only about the two previous paragraphs (3 m before the solid line and 5 m before the pedestrian crossing).

Let's deal with the traffic offenders shown in Fig. 122.

Rice. 122. Stop near the pedestrian

The driver of car "1" stopped in front of the pedestrian crossing at a distance of more than 5 m. This is good. But the distance from the solid marking line to the side of his car turned out to be less than 3 m.

Such a stop will force the other driver to break the rules by crossing the solid lane. When stopping in similar conditions, you should ask yourself the question: "Will a large truck fit between my car and a solid line?"

The driver of car "2" is twice wrong. First, he violated the requirement of the rule just discussed. And secondly, his car is closer than 5 m in front of the pedestrian crossing. Thus, it does not allow pedestrians and drivers of approaching vehicles from behind to see each other.

I don't even want to talk about the driver of car "3".

But the fourth driver does not violate anything. It is enough just to cross the pedestrian crossing, and there you will no longer interfere with pedestrians, and the marking line becomes discontinuous again.

- on the roadway close to dangerous turns and convex fractures longitudinal profile of the road in sight roads less than 100 m in at least one direction;

If from the place where you decide to stop, the road is visible for less than 100 m at least one way, then stop on the roadway you are prohibited.

It turns out that on a steep bend of the road you can stop on the sidelines! This phrase will help you pass exams at the traffic police, but after the exam it is better to forget it! The likelihood of an accident is too great when a stationary car opens up suddenly, even if it is on the side of the road.

- at the intersection of carriageways and closer 5 m from the edge of the intersected carriageway, with the exception of the side opposite to the side passage of three-way intersections (intersections) that have a solid marking line or a dividing strip;

Crossroads need to be dealt with in detail.

In fig. 123 shows areas where stopping is prohibited. If you stop at any of the places marked in red, then the traffic through the intersection will be either paralyzed or very difficult.

Rice. 123. Stop at the crossroads

If there is a dashed line (or its complete absence) at the T-shaped intersection (Fig. 124), the driver of car "3" can turn right and left, and the driver of car "4" can make a U-turn. Such an intersection is considered as a normal intersection with many permissible maneuvers. Stopping the driver of car "1" in this place is of course prohibited.

Rice. 124. Stop at the T-shaped
crossroads prohibited

In fig. 125 the solid line prohibits the driver of car "3" from turning to the left, and the driver of car "4" from turning. Therefore, the side of the intersection opposite the side passage can be mistaken for a section of an ordinary road. It only remains to take into account other stopping rules. This is the distance to the solid marking line, and the proximity of the road turn, etc.

Rice. 125. Stop at the T-shaped
crossroads allowed

Is it possible to stop at an intersection, say for disembarking a passenger, in the situation shown in Fig. 126?

"Of course not!" - you say.

Not guessing. Can!

Rice. 126. Stop at an intersection

Studying traffic rules, one should delve into the meaning of words and expressions of each item. It is forbidden to stop at crossing carriageways , not on crossroads. Of course, such a stop requires from the driver a sober assessment of the situation and knowledge of not only one traffic rules point, but sometimes this is the only possible option for stopping for the next hundreds of meters without breaking the rules.

Closer than 15 meters from the stop points of route vehicles, indicated by the marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the indicator of the stop point of route vehicles (except for a stop for picking up or disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of route vehicles);

Ordinary cars are allowed to stop at the designated stops of route vehicles only for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers. Moreover, this is permissible only in the absence of an approaching bus or trolleybus (Fig. 127). Otherwise, to board and disembark your passenger, you must move at least 15 m away from the stop.

Rice. 127. Route Stops

- in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic signals, road signs, or make it impossible to move ( entry or exit) other vehicles, or create hindrances to movement pedestrians;

At this point, you are called upon once again to behave wisely on the road. When you stop the car in one place or another, you should think about other road users: "Will I prevent someone with my stop?" This is a good question. If every driver asks himself more often, then life on the road will become much calmer.

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

- in places where stopping is prohibited;

- outside settlements on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1;

- closer than 50 m from railway crossings.

A level crossing is a very dangerous place (see fig. 26). Therefore, you should not complicate the approach to it with a parking lot. In the same time stay before and after moving possible (but preferably not for all 5 minutes) .

12.6. In case of a forced stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places.

12.7. Do not open doors vehicle, if it interferes other road users.

12.8. The driver can leave your place or leave vehicle, if it has taken the necessary measures to exclude spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.

Stopping a vehicle is a maneuver that will take no more than five minutes in order to load and unload any items and (or) disembark and disembark passengers.

Parking or parking is a longer-term maneuver, over five minutes, and is intended for purposes other than stopping.

In order for any chauffeur to understand whether it is allowed to stop or park his car in this particular place, you need to do two things:

  • clearly define the purpose and time of your planned maneuver;
  • assess the presence of prohibitory road signs 3.28, 3.27, markings on this section of the road, as well as generally assess the location of your car relative to those places where parking and stopping are prohibited by general traffic rules. At the same time, you need to remember about the permissible distances between a standing car and a pedestrian zebra crossing, public transport stops, railway crossings, turns and intersections, the edge of the carriageway.

Rules for parking and stopping vehicles: remember that the most correct stop will be at the places marked with the "P" sign - parking:

If you plan to park your car outside the parking sign, you can do so on the side of the right side of the road. And in the event that there is simply no roadside, then you can leave your car on the roadway, placing it as close to the edge as possible. Motor vehicles on four wheels can fit only in one row, and on two wheels - in one or two rows parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

Within settlements, on roads with one lane in one direction (no tram tracks in the middle) and one-way roads, you can stop on the left side of the road. And outside settlements, you can make a long stop (parking) only outside the road, and best of all in special guarded parking lots (so as not to become a victim of robbers).

Road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"

The very first acquaintance with road signs for each driver begins at a driving school. And the largest amount of time is devoted to prohibiting signs. This is partly due to human psychology: he needs to know exactly what is forbidden, so that as few variations as possible arise on the theme: what is not forbidden is allowed!

It should be noted that there are only 4 signs that prohibit parking and stopping, according to traffic rules:

  • 27, which prohibits stopping and parking (parking) cars;
  • 28, which prohibits only parking (parking) of cars;
  • 29, prohibiting parking (parking) of cars on odd days of the month;
  • 30, prohibiting parking (parking) of cars on even days of the month;

Appearance of signs

The appearance of all prohibition signs is united by a round shape with a red rim. However, for signs prohibiting stopping and parking, not a white background is used, as for everyone else, but a bright blue (to attract attention).

The “STOP PROHIBITED” sign is indicated by two crossed red stripes on a blue background. This appearance was designed to associate a prohibition that a person can show with his hands by crossing them and holding them in front of him. From a psychological point of view, this gesture means a prohibition, categorical, danger.

The NO PARKING sign is a circle with one red stripe on a blue background. This presentation of information warns of a part of the prohibition. It prohibits only a long parking maneuver. This sign is not as categorical as the previous one.

The sign "PARKING FORBIDDEN ON ODD NUMBERS OF THE MONTH" looks like the sign "PARKING FORBIDDEN", ​​supplemented by the Roman numeral "I", which means odd days of the month.

The sign "PARKING IS FORBIDDEN BY EVEN NUMBERS OF THE MONTH" is made in the same way, but supplemented by the Roman two "II", which means even days of any month.

Rules for the use of signs

Sign 3.27 "STOPPING FORBIDDEN" does not allow all vehicles, except for route vehicles, to stop on this section of the road, even for such a short time interval as 5 minutes. Accordingly, if you cannot stop, then you cannot park the car for a longer time. Therefore, this sign prohibits stopping and parking. This sign is valid only on the side of the road where it is installed. It can be duplicated by a yellow solid line of the marking.

Sign 3.28 "PARKING FORBIDDEN" prohibits vehicles from parking (parking), but at the same time does not prohibit a short stop of the vehicle for the purpose of unloading, loading, disembarking and disembarking passengers (up to 5 minutes). This sign is valid only on the side of the road where it is installed. It can be duplicated by a yellow dashed line marking applied to the curb or the edge of the carriageway. As an exception, post cars, cars driven by disabled people (1-2 gr.) Or transporting disabled people, including minors, as well as a licensed taxi with a taximeter turned on, can park within the validity of this sign.

Sign 3.29 “PARKING FORBIDDEN ON ODD NUMBERS OF THE MONTH” and sign 3.30 “PARKING FORBIDDEN ON ODD NUMBERS OF THE MONTH” indicate that parking is prohibited on odd and even days of the month, respectively. However, it does not prohibit making short stops, no more than five minutes. These signs are valid only on the side of the road where they are installed. Exceptions when parking within the validity of these signs can be cars of the Russian Post, (1-2 gr.), Which can drive them independently or intended for their transportation, including disabled children, as well as taxi cars with a taximeter turned on.

If these two signs are installed at the same time, it means that on both sides of the road it is possible to stop (park) all vehicles from 19-00 to 21-00. And from 21-00 the sign of another day (even or odd) begins to operate.

Signs with additional plates

All four road signs that regulate the fulfillment of parking and stopping requirements can be installed in conjunction with signs 8.2.3 and 8.2.4. If you see sign 8.2.4 together with one of the prohibition signs regulating stopping and parking, be aware that you and your vehicle are within its coverage area. And plate 8.2.3 indicates that the end of the prohibition zone has come.

In addition, the signs "PARKING FORBIDDEN" and "STOPPING FORBIDDEN" can stand on certain sections of the road together with signs 8.4.1 - 8.4.8, which indicate the type of transport that falls under the influence of these signs.

The black and white drawings clearly show that we are talking about a specific type of vehicle:

  • 4.1: trucks with or without a trailer, weighing more than 3.5 tons;
  • 4.2: trucks and tractors with trailers and semi-trailers, and all vehicles involved in the towing process;
  • 4.3: all vehicles of category "B", that is, cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • 4.4: route vehicles only;
  • 4.5: agricultural, road machinery and tractors;
  • 4.6: scooters (speed up to 50 km / h or engine capacity up to 50 cm3), tricycles, quads, motorcycles with and without a side trailer;
  • 4.7: all types of bicycles, including hybrid bicycles;
  • 4.8: all vehicles with informative signs "Dangerous goods".

Sign 3.27 "NO STOPPING", the only one of the four above signs, can be installed with sign 8.18 (it is called "Except for the disabled"), which says that cars for disabled people can stop (park) in the area of ​​the sign. We are talking about vehicles that can be driven by a disabled person himself, or intended for the transport of persons with disabilities, including minors.

Area of ​​validity of signs

In the rules of traffic rules there is such a concept as the zone of action of signs. Unless otherwise specified, prohibitory signs 3.27-3.30 extend to the nearest intersection in the direction of travel.

By other it is necessary to understand:

  • signs that inform about the beginning of settlements (5.23.1, 5.23.2, 5.25);
  • signs that inform about the end of settlements (5.24.1, 5.24.2, 5.26);
  • sign 3.31 "End of all restrictions";
  • sign 8.2.2 "Coverage area". This sign is used exclusively with our 3.27-3.30 signs in order to reduce their coverage.

The difference between parking and stopping a car

"What is the difference between a parking lot and a stop?" - the drivers are interested.

The difference between parking and stopping lies in two essential points:

  1. During the maneuver:
  • if you are going to stop the car for a short time up to 5 minutes, then this is a stop;
  • any actions for a time exceeding 5 minutes will be considered parking (parking).
  1. For the purpose of the maneuver:
  • if the purpose of stopping your vehicle is unloading and loading of any things, objects, objects and (or) getting into the car or disembarking passengers from it, then this is a stop;
  • if your actions after stopping the car engine differ from loading-unloading, disembarking-landing, then this is a parking lot (parking).

For a clear definition of the concept of "Stop", both points must coincide, both the goal and the time. Everything else is treated as a parking lot. That is, if you stopped for up to 5 minutes, but sit in the car (do not load things and you do not have passengers who enter (exit) into or out of the car), then you are in the parking lot. If you are engaged in unloading and loading operations or picking up and disembarking people for more than 5 minutes, this is also a parking lot.

Where is parking prohibited by traffic rules?

Parking is strictly prohibited in places that are specially designed for vehicles of persons who have received the status of a disabled person for health reasons (groups 1-2, disabled minors), both for independent movement and for their transportation (transportation).

And the rest of the prohibitions on parking cars apply equally to parking and stopping. Since PARKING (PARKING) IS FORBIDDEN WHERE STOPPING IS FORBIDDEN. Indeed, if it is forbidden to stop even for a very short period (5 minutes), then all the more it is impossible to stop the car for a longer time.


  • you must not leave the car in the lane that is intended for cyclists;
  • it is forbidden to stop and park the car on a pedestrian zebra crossing and closer than 5 m on both sides of it;
  • it is prohibited to park on tram lines and nearby (this may interfere with their following);
  • at railway crossings and closer than 50 m from them;
  • on bridges, overpasses, tunnels, overpasses that have less than 3 lanes in one direction and under them;
  • at official stops of public and route transport, taxi ranks marked with special signs and closer than 15 meters on both sides of them;
  • you must not park your car at intersections (except for T-shaped intersections) and 5 meters from the edge of the intersected roadway;
  • the car must not be parked in such a way that the visibility of traffic lights, road signs is blocked, thereby interfering with the passage (arrival, departure) of other vehicles and the passage of pedestrians;
  • do not park in places where a standing car will not be visible on the road from a distance of less than 100 meters (sharp turns of the road, specific features of the landscape);
  • if a standing car is parked in such a way that less than 3 m remains between it and the continuous (dividing) lane, then it is impossible to stop.

Where is it prohibited to stop according to traffic rules?

The main points of prohibitions on stopping are described in the previous paragraph, according to the rule: "If stopping is prohibited, then parking is also prohibited."

Road markings prohibiting parking or stopping

Sign 3.27 can be duplicated by road markings: a solid yellow line drawn on the edge of the carriageway.

Sign 3.28 can be duplicated by road markings: a dashed yellow line drawn on the curb or edge of the carriageway.

Driver's responsibility for violation of parking and stopping rules

Violations of the parking and stopping rules, in accordance with the requirements of signs 3.27-3.30, are punishable by a fine of 500 rubles.

However, in addition to this, there are other penalties for the following violations of parking (parking) rules, namely:

  • warming up a car in the winter season under the windows of a residential apartment building for more than 5 minutes, as well as parking a car with a running engine within a residential area, are punishable by a fine of 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles. (depends on city laws);
  • a parked truck of category "C" near a residential building (in a parking pocket) can bring its owner a fine from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles. (depends on city laws). "Large trucks" can be parked only at special parking lots;
  • left your car near a residential building, next to garbage containers (closer than 5 m from them)? You can earn a fine from 2 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • parking on lawns is a serious offense. A fine for private car owners up to 5 thousand rubles, for officials in the capital and St. Petersburg from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and organizations from 150 to 500 thousand rubles;
  • have you arbitrarily equipped your own parking space in your own backyard? This is fraught with a monetary fine of 5 tr. and an order to dismantle the structure from the city authorities;
  • parking in courtyards and on roads with access to the sidewalk (curb) can cost 1 tr, and the offending car can be evacuated;
  • parking on places for people with disabilities (disabled people) is punished with a monetary fine of 5 thousand rubles;
  • parking a car in violation of traffic rules within stops, on a zebra crossing, on highways or railway crossings, is punishable by 1 tr. for one violation;
  • parking on tram tracks and in tunnels, on bridges, overpasses and under them, and in the case of parking beyond the first row, as well as at the edge of the road (in such a way that a section of the road remains less than 3 m and thereby interferes with the movement of other road users traffic) will cost violators 2 tr.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that the most important traffic rules, stopping and parking, are the most used by every driver. And it does not matter whether an experienced driver or just a beginner, urban or rural, every single one of them is faced with the rules of stopping and parking on a daily basis. Compliance with these rules guarantees the absence of fines from the traffic police and the relative safety of your car. If it is properly parked, then the chances of finding a loss, due to evacuation or illegal actions of angry third parties, are reduced to zero.

Lawyers advise replacing in colloquial speech the word "parking" with the word "parking", after which there will be much less confusion between parking and a stop, due to the lack of consonance.

(5 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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