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Aquarius's luck in the year

2016 has prepared many pleasant surprises for Aquarius. In the year of the red fiery Monkey, it is imperative to forget about all old grievances and only then will fate be able to give new adventures to these people.

Aquarius must put things in order in their life and prepare for a successful start to their career. The horoscope says that you should not start a new love relationship until mid-spring.

In business and finance, all Aquarius undertakings will be successful. The time has come when management will pay attention to the enterprising Aquarius, who is completely devoted to his work. Work will bring happiness, and there will be no problems with finances all year.

The Aquarius horoscope for 2016 can please every person who was born under this sign. You also need to pay attention to such zodiac signs as Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. This year you should not deal with those people who were born under the auspices of this sign.

Horoscope for 2016 for Aquarius woman

What awaits these people in 2016? The Aquarius woman will be in a whirlpool of adventure. It is possible that there will be some obstacles along the way, but if you pay attention to them in time, you can avoid all undesirable consequences.

In addition, the astrological forecast suggests that women should not be afraid to make mistakes. They will not be able to radically change the position of Aquarius, they will only make him stronger.

Horoscope for 2016 for Aquarius man

But the Aquarius man will feel like a breadwinner and protector this year. It's time to become a reliable support for your loved ones and help them solve problems. The astrological forecast says that this year it is important to think through your every action and make a schedule. If possible, it is better to avoid noisy celebrations.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Aquarius in the Year of the Rat: Characteristics

This year expects great things from the Rats. Your career will go well, there will be no problems. The year for these people will pass with family. You should devote as much time as possible to your friends, who will need the help and support of the Rats.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Aquarius in the year of the Ox: Characteristics

What are the predictions for the Bulls for 2016? in fact, at this time you should not be in a hurry; haste has never brought success to anyone. We must act wisely.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Aquarius in the year of the Tiger: Characteristics

What will 2016 be like for Tiger? This year everything will go as the representative of this sign needs. In terms of love, you should not wait until the person the Tigers like is conquered by someone else. Confidently gain his trust and success is guaranteed.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Aquarius in the Year of the Rabbit: Characteristics

The family horoscope says that in 2016 Rabbits will not be bored. You should often spend time with your family, relax, have heart-to-heart conversations, and go on trips.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Aquarius in the Year of the Dragon: Characteristics

What does the Year of the Monkey promise for the Dragon? The oracle claims that those people who have already found their loved one will be able to relive their old feelings. And lonely Dragons will find their soul mate and will be able to build strong relationships that will last for many years.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Aquarius in the Year of the Snake: Characteristics

Some Snakes have forgotten what a happy life is. It's time to wake up from such a nightmare! You should not be afraid to take on new things that may seem overwhelming. In fact, Snakes have enough strength and ability to do any task, even the most difficult ones.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Aquarius in the Year of the Horse: Characteristics

What will bring happiness to the Horse this year? Most likely, favorable days will not keep you waiting long in 2016. It is important to be active, to be the center of attention, and not to withdraw into yourself. The horse has many different talents. It's time to show them, let the whole world know about them!

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Aquarius in the Year of the Goat: Characteristics

It's time to listen to the opinions of others. Don't be selfish, it's time to take care of your loved ones. In 2016, you can achieve a promotion at work; it is important to make every effort.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Aquarius in the Year of the Monkey: Characteristics

During 2016, there will be many chances to prove yourself. In addition, you can gain respect in society. To do this, you should devote some time to solving public problems.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Aquarius in the Year of the Rooster: Characteristics

Finally the opportunity to live beautifully has come! Roosters can find a profitable job, thanks to which many pressing issues will be resolved. But do not forget that you need to make every effort and show responsibility.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Aquarius in the Year of the Dog: Characteristics

It is important for dogs to think about their personal project. Let it seem impracticable, unprofitable and uninteresting to society. In fact, this is just the subjective opinion of Dogs. There's no need to waste time, it's time to get down to business.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Aquarius in the year of the Pig: Characteristics

In the pursuit of wealth, one should not forget that no one person can earn absolutely all the money. It is worth saving your energy and strength. This year will be very successful in terms of love.

The 2016 horoscope promises Aquarius a great start. Starting in January, Aquarians will be able to enjoy communication with those they care about most of the year. A stable position at work will allow you to take a short time out to devote more time to your personal life, home improvement, hobbies, and travel.

If you neglect the opportunity to relax a little and enjoy the idyll and harmony, you will have to pay with your well-being. The previous busy schedule makes itself felt, the body needs to restore strength. The immune system is the most vulnerable; it needs to be strengthened to avoid various infectious diseases. This is perhaps the only factor that can darken 2016 for Aquarius, whose symbol is the Fire Monkey.

The horoscope for 2016 recommends that Aquarius get back into work no earlier than the second half of the year. This period is rich in new ideas and motivations. Luck will smile on those Aquarians who are able to set priorities correctly. At the end of 2016, the opportunity to relax will again present itself, only this time the horoscope mentions active recreation, for example, traveling in a pleasant company to unfamiliar places.

Relationships and family

The horoscope for 2016 promises that the variety in your personal life will only be enviable. The position of the planets favors both new novels and existing relationships. Mutual attraction will again arise between spouses with family experience.

The love of Aquarius in 2016 is overflowing. The horoscope advises family representatives of the sign to be careful with affairs on the side: there is a risk of destroying the family due to a fleeting hobby.

The horoscope for 2016 provides for another scenario. Some Aquarians will finally decide to break off hopeless relationships for the sake of true love. The Fire Monkey gives all Aquarians a chance to taste passion and poetry and meet their destiny.

According to the horoscope forecast, in 2016 Aquarius will create many eccentric couples. Such unions will turn out to be surprisingly strong and durable.

Money and career

The financial horoscope for 2016 recommends Aquarius not to strive in several directions, but to focus on the most promising business. True, there is a danger of making the wrong bet. The horoscope connects the financial situation in 2016 with the ability to set priorities.

The horoscope promises a fairly prosperous period for most representatives of the sign. Aquarians will have the opportunity to open their own business or reach a new professional level, study for a promotion or a more prestigious and paid job, to which they can devote the second half of the year without regrets.

The horoscope for 2016 Aquarius warns that favorable changes may be preceded by negative, disturbing circumstances that will literally knock you out of your usual rut. It is possible that these events will become a trigger in the career growth of Aquarius.

It is better to refrain from investing in dubious projects. Despite the fact that the Fire Monkey will constantly provoke you to get involved in all sorts of adventures, promising quick enrichment, you should continue to follow the intended path. Trying to sit on two chairs at once can result in a hard fall. It makes sense to save savings until more reliable times come. If you put in the extra effort, it's possible to make the purchase of your dreams in 2016.

2016 is favorable for cooperation and joint projects. It is for this reason that special attention should be paid to the team and the relationships within it. The situation will tell you which strategy is best to choose: lead it or win over the current leadership. If the first attempt in mid-2016 is unsuccessful, by the end of 2016 it will certainly be possible to take revenge. The heights achieved will exceed even the wildest expectations.


January will delight you with excellent health, regardless of your general health. This will be facilitated by positive events, the attention of the opposite time, and the sympathy of others. There will be no need to work hard, and your financial situation will improve. With such a favorable set of circumstances, one should only be wary of overeating. This habit is fraught with obesity and other ailments.

It is advisable to devote more time to walks and outdoor games. An active lifestyle will serve as an excellent recharge for work achievements.

In more serious cases, for example, in the presence of chronic diseases, health problems cannot be neglected. If the body gives alarm signals, it means it really needs medical help. The immune system is under threat, so it is recommended to take preventive measures: take vitamins, do not overload the body unnecessarily. The horoscope considers unpleasant symptoms to be signs of fatigue.

The creative approach characteristic of Aquarius in everything will find its way out in 2016. The talents of the sign’s representative will not only develop rapidly, they will also be in demand. In 2016, Aquarians will be able to put their creativity in the right direction and get very good results from it. There will be failures, but you need to understand that failures push you forward - you shouldn’t give up after an unsuccessful attempt. If Aquarians are tireless, success will come to them.

January may promise an unexpected meeting with a person who was left in the past, but haunted the present. There will be an opportunity to clarify the relationship: it will be possible either to resume the previous relationship, or to finally leave this person behind the threshold of your life.

February will require tremendous work from Aquarius - they will need to create a foundation for their endeavors. Creative and impetuous Aquarians sometimes find it difficult to focus on the mundane, but this will need to be done. Things require basics.

New romances started in February can lead to bitter consequences - it’s worth pacifying your feelings this month.

March for representatives of the sign will be full of interesting and sometimes completely unexpected moments. Personal life and work - all this will undergo changes. The life of Aquarius will not be turned upside down, but a lot of things will change in it. New acquaintances will be made - they may not lead to love, but they will be a good help for business relationships. Perhaps Aquarius will want to show altruism in March - and they can either simply help a passerby on the street or adopt a child.

All initiatives at work will be highly appreciated, so don't be afraid to express your creative ideas. Active representatives of the sign can even begin a new round in their career. Creativity will amaze the bosses, and Aquarius will find great success.

In April, you should not close yourself off from the outside world and ignore everything that happens - this month will be full of signs that will help Aquarius decide on his future activities. The sign's representative will also be able to clear his social circle of dangerous and unpleasant people.

The last month of spring will be the best time for spending time together with loved ones: every hour will leave memories. Any joint outing will significantly strengthen the relationship.

In June, Aquarius should not hide their feelings - at this time, words will reach people just as well as actions. A representative of the sign should prove himself both in his personal life and at work. Self-confidence and defending your point of view will not show Aquarius from the worst side - they will only show a knowledgeable person, a true professional. And professionals have the right to receive promotions.

After June, it will be necessary to take care of the house - any repairs will go well. The second half of summer 2016 is a great time to replace plumbing fixtures, change wallpaper, or even improve your summer cottage. You should not borrow money during this period - the financial hole will heal. It’s better to buy all the necessary and desirable things with your savings, and if you don’t have enough savings, it’s worth accumulating them.

In September, Aquarius will have a lot of work to do, but there is no need to despair. The initiative will produce results, and all problems will be resolved as efficiently as possible. The things done will be beneficial in the future, leaving the representative of the sign with a lot of experience. A fateful meeting is possible, so it’s better not to withdraw into yourself, but to take a closer look at the people around you.

The end of September will be the best time to educate yourself and gain new skills. Aquarians will find inspiration and material to study everywhere. All knowledge will be learned and soon put into practice, so there is no need to shirk.

In November, there will be a period of strengthening relationships in a couple. Walks, long gatherings over tea, conversations - all this will not happen just like that. Relationships will become much stronger, and the level of trust will increase many times over. The result will be complete harmony in the relationship, which will appear in December and will accompany the couple for a long time.

Horoscope for Aquarius man for 2016

In 2016, all opportunities for active and fruitful work will appear, which will allow representatives of the sign to significantly strengthen their financial position. From the very beginning of the year, it will be necessary to draw up an action plan and begin to implement it, thereby moving towards well-being. Management should take the initiative - it will be noticed.

In the whirlwind of work, you cannot forget about your relatives - frequent meetings will please not only them, but also Aquarius himself. Holidays should not be spent alone - it is better to gather in large groups.

The state of health will require attention - the signs of the body should not be ignored. Physician services may be required. If you need help, it is better to seek it right away.

The eloquence of Aquarius will have the desired effect: representatives of the sign will have no end to love adventures. Any love can grow into something more.

In the summer, during the season of vacations and general laziness, Aquarius will have to work. This will be the best solution - while most people will fall out of the business system, Aquarius will significantly strengthen its position.

In the fall, you will need to pay attention not only to your health, but also to your appearance. A complete examination of the body will be very accurate and timely. It might be worth reconsidering your diet.

Any course will be learned easily - don’t miss the opportunity to learn something new.

With the beginning of winter, you will want to rest and relax - you will have to slow down your work rhythm, but you should not stop developing.

Horoscope for Aquarius woman for 2015

2016 for Aquarius women will be associated with self-knowledge. Difficult adventures that will be overcome are not excluded. A representative of the sign will be able to cope with any problems and gain new experience.

In winter, your health will require close attention; a visit to a specialist is not excluded. It is recommended to improve your health by all possible methods. Your legs will require special attention - you will need to listen to the sensations. The best solution that will protect you from foot diseases for a long time is to give up high heels and switch to proper nutrition. Radical, but you need to let changes smoothly into your life.

In the spring, married Aquarius women will need to pay attention to their other half. Free representatives of the sign will be the center of attention of the most attractive and magnetic people. Don't ignore your popularity - romantic encounters will lead to strong feelings.

Summer will be the best time for a long-awaited trip.

In autumn it is worth expressing yourself in work and business connections. Those who are fearless and active will be promoted. You shouldn't give up chances to others.

In winter, the Aquarius woman’s plans will change - the amendments will be pleasant.

Aquarius - love horoscope for 2016

Aquarians will be at a crossroads - a quiet family haven or an abundance of love adventures.

1 Decade

Aquarians born in the first decade (born from January 21 to 31) will plunge into a whirlpool of romance. You should learn more about your chosen ones, you need to spend time with them - and then intense mutual feelings will cover both.
Married Aquarians of the first decade should not fight for the palm of leadership in a couple - the partner may be seriously disappointed. Compromises will lead to harmony.

2 Decade

Aquarians of the second decade (born from February 1 to 10) can get carried away with a family man. Feelings can be strong, but you should act according to your conscience and retreat. It's worth having principles.

Married Aquarians of the second decade will need to show sensitivity and respect for their partner. If the relationship is expensive, there is no need to get into trouble. Give your partner more personal space.

3 Decade

Aquarians of the third decade (born from February 11 to 19) should try to find a partner - even failure will not bring regrets.

In married couples, feelings may cool. To maintain love, you will need to diversify your life.

Business horoscope for 2016 - Aquarius. Finance and career.

In 2016, you must do your best not to succumb to routine - this way you will be able to keep your mind and ideas alive.

1 Decade

Aquarians of the first ten days may have an epiphany. Career ideas can turn your entire activity around and have a positive impact on your earnings. A little persistence and success will come.

2 Decade

The works of Aquarius in the second decade will be noticed by their superiors, but representatives of the sign should not show familiarity. You will need to carefully filter information and ideas, looking for a variety of information. Working together will bring more results than working alone.

3 Decade

Aquarians of the third decade will require patience, which will need to be shown after the work done. Success will come after suggesting all the creative ideas and brainstorming.

Aquarius family horoscope for 2016

Aquarians in 2016 will need to act on their own inspiration.

1 Decade

At the beginning of spring, Aquarians of the first ten days will feel some tension in family relationships. You will need to find a compromise and learn to listen to your partner, as well as your parents.

2 Decade

For Aquarius of the second decade, in the first six months of the year, any purchase of household appliances will be successful. The purchased property will also bring joy. It is possible to receive an inheritance.

The autumn months will require the participation of Aquarius in the life of the family - you will need to visit relatives and pay attention to them.

3 Decade

Aquarians of the third decade will have excellent relationships with all relatives - this will be the result of the work done, but there is no need to slow down.
It is not recommended to go into debt - then things will improve in the fall.

Aquarius - health horoscope for 2016

Staying calm will promote good health.

1 Decade

Aquarians born in the first decade will need to lose all accumulated excess weight - this will be an excellent prevention of many diseases. An excellent time to change your lifestyle.

2 Decade

Aquarius in the second decade is likely to have stomach problems. In cases of concern, you should immediately visit a doctor.
All measures to strengthen the immune system will be very effective.

3 Decade

Representatives of the sign of the third decade do not need to overload themselves with sports - it is better to find an alternative to grueling training. A viral disease may occur - in this case, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

Aquarius. Horoscope for 2016 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

General forecast.

The Year of the Monkey will be very difficult for Aquarius, since the most freedom-loving sign will depend on those around them.

“Don’t be afraid, but you won’t escape your fate.”

Professional sphere.

Aquarius - employees will want to change jobs. The stars categorically do not recommend doing this, since the opportunity to get a new job will not present itself until the end of the year.

The first period of the year is key for resolving organizational issues; you must prepare the basis, the ground for further steps. How you go through March – June (the “darkest” period) will determine your future life.

Aquarius entrepreneurs and managers will have to part with many partners.

Financial sphere.

January – July.

In the financial sector, the same difficult time is the first half of the year, the “black” period from March to June. It is better to refrain from investing and spending. Track your expenses.

July – December.

The situation will more or less stabilize, and income will appear.

The sphere of relationships, family, love.

January – July.

The “black” period will also affect the sphere of relationships. Aquarius wants a deep and sincere relationship, but the partner is not sure what he wants and will need patience to maintain the relationship.

And the stars will be on the side of Aquarius; if a separation does occur, they will send you a new meeting.

July – December.

Aquarians, I can perk up, change is already on your doorstep. They will bring a change of place of residence and all the hassle associated with it: repairs, arrangement, restoration of comfort and order. Financial costs can be critical. Be careful and prudent.

If you are thinking about moving to another city, it is feasible, but next year.

Energy sector, health.

Such difficult periods are not in vain, and the energy sector needs to be restored. Make time for rest and walks. Don't give in to emotions, be calm and focused. And remember:

“If you don’t catch a crucian carp, you’ll catch a pike.”

Aquarius. Horoscope for Aquarius for 2016

In 2016 Aquarius will be tuned to positive personal changes - you will actively change, and at the same time life around you will begin to actively change.
IN Year of the Fire Monkey Representatives of the sign will be characterized by vivid premonitions regarding loved ones and immediate surroundings. Your participation in the fate of your neighbor will greatly exceed the average: you will be able not only to listen and empathize, but also to actively help people overcome suffering.
You will have a very strong desire to act and express yourself. Your activity and desire to move forward and grow above yourself will not go unnoticed by the Universe. She will generously reward you for your determination - new meetings, bright events, loyal associates.

Career and finances of Aquarius in 2016
In January 2016, in the career field, Aquarius will understand what will be most important this year. Perhaps you will have a brilliant idea about how to achieve success, what needs to be changed in plans and projects, and which partners should enter into an agreement.
In February 2016 try not to miss important information and try not to lose trust with your partners. This month you will have the feeling that old values ​​have changed, and it’s time to start taking action to achieve new ones.
In March 2016, Aquarians may feel the blows of fate. In many matters, it is necessary to be flexible and learn from any situation. If you can overcome your vulnerability and touchiness, nothing will be insurmountable for you.
In April – May 2016, there is no need to force events. Work as usual, honestly and conscientiously.
In June 2016 You need to pay attention to every detail, bring projects to perfection.
July 2016- good time for vacation.
In August 2016 there will be many obstacles to overcome. Listen to your intuition. Be extremely careful. If you lose your self-control and speak unkindly, you will suffer from bouts of remorse later.
In September 2016, Aquarius we will have to look for alternative solutions to some issues. It will be quite hard, but you can do it.
October 2016 will proceed as usual.
In November 2016 you will begin to create. An excellent period to implement your plans.
In December 2016 Aquarius They will begin to organize their affairs and take stock of the year.
Regarding finances in the year of the Fire Monkey Aquarius will not exercise excessive caution and economy, so they may suffer from crises and surprises. Some representatives of the sign will be able to achieve financial success, and the source of money will be unusual or completely unexpected.

Personal life of Aquarius in 2016
In 2016 will most likely become for Aquarius a period of renewal and favorable changes in personal life. True, changes await you only if you dream about them yourself. IN Year of the Fire Monkey you will begin to devote much more time to love and romance than before, and therefore, if you already have a loved one, you will be able to strengthen your relationship, but if you are single, new romantic acquaintances will not be long in coming.
In 2016 All the unusualness of your nature will appear: a mixture of intense feelings - and an independent spirit. Sometimes your actions will seem like a challenge. In the year of the Fire Monkey Aquarius can go to extremes: either high love or cold reasoning. But if your partner is successful, you will be able to devote all your feelings and mind to him, especially since you have the ability to “anticipate” the future and will help develop the abilities of your chosen one.
The strongest connection will be one that involves more friendship than love: independence is more valuable to you than the pleasures of love.

Aquarius health in 2016
In the year of the Fire Monkey Aquarius may suffer from diseases of the nervous system; in addition, the upper stomach, liver and gall bladder are at risk. Representatives of the sign will be inclined to buy well-advertised new medical products, ignoring doctors, preferring fast-acting drugs. This contains some kind of health hazard.
Aquarians may suffer from poor circulation, anemia, chills, and headaches.
Elderly representatives of the sign should beware of injuries - sprained ankles, fractures.

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